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UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Advanced Infantry Training Company School of Infantry Training Command Camp Lejeune, NC 285





A(($')*+ D*#e LESSON TITLE, Com%at &eport' TOTAL LESSON TIME, #("" REFERENCES, #( )* +!8 Infantry &ifle ,latoon and S-uad 2( )*)* 2!2 Amphi%iou' &econnai''ance .( )*)* ##!# Nuclear, Chemical, and /efen'ive 0iological 1peration'( ( )*)* $!8 Supporting Arm' 1%'erver, Spotter and Controller 5( )*)* $!2# Tactical )undamental' of 2elicopter %orn 1peration'( INSTRUCTOR PREPARATION, #( A primary in'tructor and a''i'tant in'tructor 3ill %e a''igned and teach thi' period of in'truction in accordance 3ith the current *a'ter Le''on )ile( 2( The primary 3ill en'ure the media i' 'et up in the appropriate cla''room fifteen minute' prior to %eginning hi' lecture( *edia con'i't' of po3er point pre'entation'( .( All 'tudent' 3ill %e 'eated 3ith their 'tudent handout' and note ta4ing material per the time li'ted on the training 'chedule( ,rimary and a''i'tant in'tructor 3ill %egin and conclude in'truction per the time li'ted on the training 'chedule( SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, #( 5n'ure compliance 3ith 0a'e, School S1,, and regulation' at all time'( 2( 5n'ure that the e6ten'ion cord i' not a trip ha7ard( INTRODUCTION LECTURE (1 -$)

1. /AIN ATTENTION, 8our '-uad ju't o%'erved an enemy '-uad coming to3ard your 1,( 8ou reported it to your higher( Second '-uad ju't o%'erved another po''i%le enemy '-uad( They al'o call and told higher( 0oth '-uad' reported that a enemy '-uad 3a' coming to3ard their po'ition' %ut that 3a' all the information that 3a' pa''ed( The company a' 3ell a' S!2 doe'n9t 4no3 if it:' the 'ame '-uad or if it i' really t3o different unit' po''i%ly doing an infiltration( 2i'torically accurate reporting ha' contri%uted to the 'ucce'' of many %attle'( Inaccurate reporting ha' %een the cau'e of many lo't %attle'(

0. O1ER1IEW, ;ood morning<afternoon cla'', my name i' ======== and I 3ill %e the primary in'tructor for thi' period of in'truction on Com%at &eport'( The purpo'e of thi' cla'' i' to give the 'tudent the 4no3ledge to properly prepare and 'end the correct report' to higher 3hen the 'ituation ari'e'( INSTRUCTOR NOTE Re*3 #he Le*$!i!4 O56e&#i)e(") *+'%3 *!3 e7(+*i! #he '56e&#i)e" #' #he "#%3e!#". Che&8 '$ %!3e$"#*!3i!49 *" !e&e""*$:.



#( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a helicopter!landing 7one %rief, per )*)* $!2# Appendi6 I, ?".##("$("5@ 2( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a 'ituation report, per )* +!8 page 5!##( ?".##("$("$@ .( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a po'ition report, per )*)* $!8, page #!. and #!5( ?".##("$("+@ ( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a ca'ualty report, per )* +!8, page 5!##( ?".##("$("8@ 5( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a N0C!# report, per )*)* ##!#, page' .+$!.++(?".##("$("A@ $( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a SALBT5 report, per )*)* 2!2, page #25!#2+( ?".##("$(#.@ +( >ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a S25LL report, per )*)* $!8, page 0!22( ?".##("$(#5@ %( ENABLIN/ LEARNIN/ OB2ECTI1ES( N1N5

4. MET-OD/MEDIA, Thi' cla'' 3ill %e taught u'ing the lecture, demon'tration, and practical application method'( I 3ill %e aided %y the u'e of a computer and computer generated graphic'( INSTRUCTOR NOTE, E7(+*i! #' #he "#%3e!#" #he ($'&e3%$e '$ &';(+e#i!4 #he I!"#$%&#i'!*+ R*#i!4 F'$;" (IFR). I! '$; "#%3e!#" #h*# #he IFR" <i++ !'# 5e &'++e&#e3 %!#i+ #he e!#i$e (e$i'3 ' . i!"#$%&#i'!9 i!&+%3i!4 #he *""'&i*#e3 e7*;i!*#i'! i" &';(+e#e3.

=. E1ALUATION, 8ou 3ill not %e te'ted %y 3ritten e6amination, ho3ever you 3ill have a performance e6amination( At the conclu'ion of the period of in'truction, 3hen given a tactical 'cenario you 3ill properly fill out each report( The 'econd performance evaluation 3ill %e conducted during the )5C( >here 3hen ta'4ed 3ith a mi''ion you 3ill have to 'end all report' that pertain to your mi''ion to higher( TRANSITION, No3 that 3e 4no3 3ho I am, 3hat 3e are a%out to %e taught and ho3 3e are going to %e taught( If there are no -ue'tion' the let' %egin %y fir't di'cu''ing (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 1 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 0 ON) BODY #( ;5N5&AL( (?0 MIN) (= MIN)

5verything an infantryman 'ee' or hear' on the %attlefield can %e u'ed %y the S!2( Thi' i' 3hy 3e have Com%at &eport'( The report' li'ted are not all inclu'ive and format' may vary from unit to unit( The u'e of 'tandardi7ed report' 'peed' information flo3 and facilitate' 'upport re-ue't'( ,roper communication procedure', including encryption of 'en'itive information, mu't %e follo3ed in 'u%mitting all report'( (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 0 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 3 ON) a( INT5L C8CL5D The proce'' of collecting information for intelligence purpo'e'( #( /irectionD 2igher ta'4' a unit 3ith a NAI or other 'pecific o%jective( 2( CollectionD The unit ta'4 3ith the mi''ion doe' the collection, %y reporting, '4etche' or picture'( .( ,roce''ingD 1nce the report' filter in to the S!2 the annali't' proce'' all the information and ma4e intelligence out of it(

( /i''eminationD 1nce S!2 ha' made Intel from the information collected it i' their jo% to pa'' the Intel out to the unit' to act on it( TRANSITION, Are there -ue'tion' on the Intel CycleE If not the fir't report I:ll tal4 a%out i' the helicopter!landing 7one %rief( (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 3 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 4 ON) 2( Landing Fone 0rief ?LF 0rief@(0311.0?.0=) (= MIN)

The Landing Fone 0rief i' given to incoming helicopter' a' 'oon a' you are a%le to get communication 3ith the helicopter( The format i'D a( %( c( d( e( f( g( h( i( j( 4( l( m( n( LocationD ;rid cord Si7e of the LFD )eet LF *ar4ingD >ind /irection and velocityD 5levation of 7oneD )eet 1%'tacle'D )riendly ,o'ition'D 5nemy ,o'ition'D La't fire receivedD Time and Type /irection of fire<di'tanceD Clearance to fireD /irection</i'tance Approach<&etirementD &ecommended ,er'onnel<5-uipmentD 1therD Slope, >hiteout, etc(

(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 4 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> = ON) EXAMPLE, a( %( c( d( e( f( g( h( *; #2. 5$ 2""6#"" 1&AN;5 AI& ,AN5L )&1* T25 N1&T2 AT 5 GN1TS 25"" N1N5 2"" *5T5&S T1 T25 S1BT2 8"" *5T5&S T1 T25 >5ST

i( j( 4( l( m( n( JB5STI1ND ANS>5&D JB5STI1ND ANS>5&D

N1N5 N1N5 CL5A&5/ T1 )I&5 T1 T25 >5ST A,,&1AC2 )&1* T25 5AST L5AH5 T1 T25 N1&T2 5AST ## *5N >IT2 ,ACGS 5I SL1,5 >hat information i' provided on line /E

>ind /irection and velocity >hat information i' provided on line 2E 5nemy ,o'ition'

(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> = OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> ? ON) TRANSITION, Are there any -ue'tion' on the LF %riefE If not then the ne6t thing 3e 3ill tal4 a%out i' the 'ituation report( .( Situation &eport ?Sit &ep@ (0311.0?.0?) (10 MIN)

The Situation &eport i' u'ed a' a 3ay to let higher 4no3 your current 'ituation( It 'hould %e 'ent to your higher every $ hour' or 3henever higher re-ue't' one( The format to u'e i'D (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> ? OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> @ ON) a( %( c( d( e( f( g( h( I( j( 4( BNIT L1CATI1ND SB**A&8 1) LAST $ 21B&SD 5N5*8 C1NTACT and C11&/INAT5SD SI;NI)ICANT 5H5NTSD ,LANS )1& N5CT $ 21B&SD CASBALTI5S ,AST $ 21B&SD )&I5N/L8 GIAD )&I5N/L8 >IAD 5N5*8 GIAD 5N5*8 >IAD 5N5*8 5,>D


(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> A ON) EXAMPLED a( %( c( d( *; #2. 5$ INS5&T5/ AT ,&I LF, 5STA0LIS25/ ,AT&1L 0AS5( *5/5HAC of #'t SJ/ L/&( &5SB,,L8 1N >AT5&, S5N/ A*0BS2 ,AT&1L 1BT(

JB5STI1ND 2o3 often 'hould you 'end the 'ituation report to your higherE ANS>5&D 5very 'i6 hour'(

JB5STI1ND >hat information i' provided on the fir't line of the 'ituation reportE ANS>5&D Bnit location(

(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> A OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> B ON) TRANSITION, Are there any -ue'tion' on the Sit &epE If not then let' move on and tal4 a%out the ,o'ition &eport or ,1S rep( ( ,o'ition &eport( ?,o' &ep@(0311.0?.0@) (= MIN)

The ,o'ition &eport i' 'ent to higher normally every $ hour' or a' re-ue'ted %y higher to report your current ,o'ition( a( ;rid coordinate'D #2. 5$+8 (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> B OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 10 ON) TRANSITION, If there are no -ue'tion' on the ,o'ition &eport( The ne6t report 3e:ll di'cu'' i' the Ca'ualty &eport. 5( Ca'ualty &eport ?*edivac &5,@(0311.0?.0A) (10 MIN)

The Ca'ualty &eport i' u'ed to report any ca'ualtie' you have received during your operation( It let' higher 4no3 3hat the 'tatu' i' of any injured *arine' you may have( (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 10 OFF)

(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 11 ON) a( SSN( %( c( d( /T; of IncidentD ;rid LocationD Type >oundD #!;BNS21T 2!S2&A,N5L .!1T25& ?S,5CI)8@ ,ortion of 0ody AffectedD /i'po'itionD #!S5&I1BS 2!N1N!S5&I1BS .!/5A/ 5vac &e-uiredD #!85S or N1 Activity Ca'ualty >a' 5ngaged InD #!,AT&1L 2!1))5NSIH5 1,5&ATI1N .!/5)5NSIH5 1,5&ATI1N !1T25& ?S,5CI)8@ >ound cau'ed %yD #!SNI,5& 2!;&5NA/5 .!*IN5 !01108 T&A, 5!IN/I&5CT )I&5 $!1T25& ?S,5CI)8@ *edivac Num%erD Initial of La't Name and La't of

e( f(

g( h(


(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 11 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 10 ON) EXAMPLE, a( %( c( d( e( f( g( h( i( / #2. #.#A."F *; #2. 5$ # L5; # 85S # $ SJ/ L/& ACCI/5NTAL /ISC2A&;5


>hat information 3ould you provide on line /E Type of 3ound(

JB5STI1ND >hat information i' provided on line IE ANS>5&D >hat cau'ed the 3ound, ho3 it occurred(

(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 10 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 13 ON) TRANSITION, Are there any -ue'tion' on the Ca'ualty &eportE If not then the ne6t report 3e are going to di'cu'' i' the N0C!# &eport( $( Nuclear, 0iological, Chemical !# report ?N0C &ep@ ?".##("$("A@ (10 MIN)

The N0C!# report i' u'ed 3hen you are or you thin4 you are e6po'ed to a chemical, %iological, or nuclear attac4( Several of the line' are only for one 4ind of report( The format to u'e i' a' follo3'( (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 13 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 14 ON) a( Stri4e Serial KD A''igned %y &eporting unit %( ,o'ition of 1%'erverD ;rid cord( c( A7imuth of Attac4 from o%'erverD State grid or magnetic, State mil' or grid d( /ate and Time of Attac4D Fulu or local e( Illumination timeD f( Location of attac4D Actual or e'timated ?'tate 3hich@ g( *ean' of deliveryD h( Type of %ur'tD Air, Surface or un4no3n i( Num%er of 'hell' or munition'D j( )la'h to %ang timeD 4( Crater pre'ent or a%'entD NBC 0I1<C25* L L L L L




/iameter of crater if 4no3n L L l( 0ur't cloud 3idth at NM5 minD m( Cloud top angle and <or cloud %ottom angle at NM#" minD n( &emar4'D Type of agent( EXAMPLE, Chem, )LAS2, )LAS2, )LAS2 A 2 thi' i' >8) CLASSI)I5/ N0C!# ?1H5&@ a( $""# %( *; #2.5$+ c( "5" degree' magnetic d( 2+#2""Local e( 2+#2#"Local f( *; #8+ 8" 5'timated g( Spray 2 *I; 2.:' h( Bn4no3n >hat information i' provided on line )E Location of the attac4( >hat information i' provided on line IE Num%er of 'hell' or munition'(


(SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 14 OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 1= ON) TRANSITION, Are there any -ue'tion' on the N0C!# reportE The ne6t report i' the mo't 3ell 4no3n report' 3hich i' the SALBT5 report( +( SALBT5 &eport( (0311.0?.13) (10 MIN)

The SALBT5 report i' u'ed 3hen you have 'een 5nemy activity( B'e a' much detail in the report a' you can 3ithout ma4ing a me'' of it( The format you 3ill u'e i'( a( SIF5D Tell the 'i7e of the enemy force you have 'een( B'e num%er' not unit'( i(e(( 8 men not '-uad 'i7e( %( ACTIHIT8D Tell 3hat you 'ee the enemy doing i(e(( 0uilding a %un4er(



c( L1CATI1ND ;ive an accurate 8 digit grid of 3here you o%'erved the enemy( i(e(( *; +$5A.2$

d( BNITD &eport the enemy:' unit on thi' line( If you don:t 4no3 3hat unit it i' de'cri%e 3hat uniform the enemy i' 3earing to include patche' and cover'( i(e(( Solid green fatigue' 3ith a gold diamond on left 'houlder and camouflage 'oft cover'( e( TI*5D The time and date of 3hen you 'een the enemy, not 3hen you reported it( i(e(( AA###5 #. 57 f( 5JBI,*5NTD Tell 3hat gear the enemy 3a' 3earing or had at hi' location( i(e(( 5 AG! +:', 2 &,G *achine ;un', # &,;! +, 2 ALIC5 type pac4', and 'hovel'( (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 1= OFF) (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 1? ON) EXAMPLE, A( 0( C( /( 5( )( 8 *5N 0BIL/IN; A &5IN)1&C5/ 0BNG5& *; +$5A.2$ .&/ 5AST &BSSIAN IN)ANT&8 0&I;A/5 #5#. 5F # ;, T5NT AG! +:' $ S21H5LS ?1H5&@

JB5STI1ND >hen giving activity 3het information do you 3ant to giveE ANS>5&D Tell 3hat you 'ee the enemy doing(

JB5STI1ND >hen giving the unit, if you do not 4no3 the unit 3hat 'hould you giveE ANS>5&D If you don:t 4no3 3hat unit it i' de'cri%e 3hat uniform the enemy i' 3earing to include patche' and cover'( (SUPPORTIN/ PAPER> 1? OFF) TRANSITION, Are there any -ue'tion' on the SALBT5 report, or anything 3e have covered up to no3E OPPORTUNITY FOR QUESTIONSD (4 ;i!)


#( &e'pond to -ue'tion' from the cla''( 2( ,rompt *arine' 3ith -ue'tion' to the cla''( INSTRUCTOR NOTE P$')i3e #he "#%3e!#" <i#h i!"#$%&#i'!" $e4*$3i!4 <h*# #' 3' *!3 <he$e #' '$; i! ($e(*$*#i'! '$ #he !e7# #$*i!i!4 e)e!#. PRACTICAL APPLICATION, (?0 ;i!)

The primary in'tructor 3ill di'play a 'cenario on the computer u'ing computer aided graphic' or tran'parencie' on the 'creen provided in the ISLC cla''room( The 'tudent 3ill then fill out the appropriate format for each 'cenario( Cla'' 3ill go over all the format' together( SUMMARY, (1 ;i!)

/uring thi' period of in'truction 3e have covered the 'i6 'tandard Com%at &eport' u'ed throughout the *arine Corp'( Tho'e of you 3ith I&):' plea'e fill them out at thi' time, 3hen they are completed give the to the cla'' commander( Cla'' commander you are to collect them then have the primary in'tructor( 1nce he ha' fini'hed them you 3ill add them into the cla'' folder( 5veryone el'e ta4e a #" min %rea4(

COMBAT REPORTIN/ Performance Evaluation Sheet


8ou:re the '-uad leader for #'t S-uad, 2nd platoon( 8ou have ju't e6ited friendly line' heading 5a't on a magnetic a7imuth of A" degree'( 8our rate of movement i' a%out one clic4 ?#""" meter@ an hour( The '-uad ju't arrived at chec4point K#( 8ou are re-uired to 4eep higher informed of your location( 1nce you have notified higher, the '-uad head' northea't on a magnetic a7imuth of 85 degree' for a%out "" meter' 3hen 'uddenly the '-uad come' under fire from an un4no3n location( ,)C None' Tolo3'4y i' hit and do3n 3ith a che't 3ound that:' %leeding profu'ely( A 'niper i' 'potted, at ;CD "2$A#+ and the appropriate IA drill i' conducted 'o that you can move your '-uad to a 'ecured area( The corp'man i' called to the center of the .$" and he inform' you that the ,)C 3ill die if he doe'n:t get the proper medical attention immediately( 2i' dog tag' have the follo3ing informationD None' Tolo3'4y, N(,( 2."!.5!"A+2 0 ,o' BS*C *ed 0apti't( It i' #5""F, Nun AA( Landing Fone ?LF@ Nay%ird i' the neare't LF and located at grid #2. 5$+8, 3hich i' 'outh of your current po'ition( It' dimen'ion' are 2""m 6 2""m 3ith a 'mall hut located on the 3e't 'ide( The LF i' made out of light 'and 3ith an elevation of #" meter'( The 3ind i' out of the north at a%out #" 4not'( After conducting the appropriate action', the '-uad head' 'outh 3hen the point man %egin' to cough heavily 3hile holding hi' che't( At a%out the 'ame time a mem%er of the '-uad notice' a large amount of dead %ug' on the ground( The hand! and!arm 'ignal i' given to put on the field protective ma'4'( The '-uad immediately depart' the area %ut not %efore noticing a cani'ter on the ground covered 3ith a 3hite po3der 'u%'tance( B'ing the *25$ detection 4it, it i' determined to %e a nerve agent( The time i' no3 #8"", Nun AA ;CD".$A#.( The la't report ha' %een called in 'o you %egin moving out on your route 3here you 'ee three men in the 3ood', a%out 2"" meter' 'hort of chec4 point K5( The men loo4 ju't li4e you %ut are carrying AG +:' and have no gear on( They do not appear to %e ho'tile, %ut you are un'ure( 8ou are in a no fire area ?N)A@( 8ou %elieve they are 3ith the ;/C( The time i' no3 #A.$, Nun AA( At the 'ame time A5) 3ant' to 4no3 3hat:' happening( 8ou mu't provide the re-uired information to higher(


The provided information i' a' follo3'D C*++ Si4!"D Co C, ,lt 2J #'t S-d 2nd S-d .rd S-d th S-d $"mm 8#mm Co%ra *edevac ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A5) 5+2 5#A 520 5.C 5 / 12L &.2 2a34 2elpful B$e)i#: C'3e"D 56iting )riendly Line' Initial &ally ,oint Chec4 ,oint K# Chec4 ,oint K2 Chec4 ,oint K. Chec4 ,oint K Chec4 ,oint K5 &eenter )riendly Line' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5agle Ne't Apple ,each ,ear 1range Coc4tail 5gg

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