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In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful

Created by Osman E.A. Gabr. From lecturer: Ateeg

Operating system:Operating system is a mediator system between computer and user.


Computer #ardware C6! :/-

O/SOperating system (mediator !ser Operating system

.- "#is type o, operating system is use ,or single computer &- t#e ,ollowing are t#e des$top operating system : -os *indows /01/2 3 %e

4etwor$ O/S
.- t#is type o, operating system is use in t#e networ$ &- t#e ,ollowing are t#e networ$ operating system : *indows 4." ser+er. *indows &''' pro,essional. *indows &''' ser+er. *indows &''( ser+er. *indows 56 6ro,essional. SCO-!475 Solaris 8!475

"#e operating system w#ic# can be pac$age as well as %CSE &''' or %CSE &''(: %CSE &''':
) *indows &''' ser+er. ) *indows &''' pro,essional.

%CSE &''(:
) *indows &''( ser+er.
%CSE &''( &

) *indows 56 pro,essional.

Fla+ors o, windows &''(

"#is operating system use at ser+er side. "#is type o, operating system is use on small and medium companies. "#is operating system is use ,or web ser+er. 7t $eeps t#e web site o, t#e companies. "#is operating system is use in big companies. "#is operating system is use in big companies. "#is operating system is use at ser+er side.

.- *indows &''( standard edition:

&- *indows &''( *eb edition:

(- *indows &''( Enterprise edition:

*indows &''( ser+er:

%CSE &''(

Acti+e directory

-omain controller Administrator O9 8A4 admin O9 super user.

*indows 56 6ro,essional :ub or switc#

Cat-0 cable or !"6 cable or uns#eald tusted pare

Client computer Client computer

Ordinary user 9<-;0 <ac$ 8A4 =ig 9<-.. <ac$ Small telep#ony

8A4 Card Et#ernet card 4etwor$ card 47C card

.- 4etwor$ or domain: A collection o, computer w#ic# is p#ysically and logically connected is called networ$ or domain.

&- Administrator : A person w#o set on domain controller and controls t#e networ$ is called administrator.

(- -omain controller: "#e computer w#ic# is #a+ing windows &''( ser+er and acti+e directory ser+er is called domain controller.

;- Client computer: "#e computer w#ic# is p#ysically and logically connected to domain controller is called client computer.

0- Ordinary user: A person w#o use client computer is called ordinary user.

%CSE &''(

%.C.S.E (%icroso,t Certi,ied System Engineer :

.- Administering windows &''( operating system. &- 7nstalling and con,iguring windows &''( O/S. (- 7nstalling and con,iguring windows &''( networ$ in,rastructure ser+ice. ;- 7mplementing and con,iguring windows&''( Acti+e directory ser+ices. 0- -esigning windows &''( networ$ in,rastructure ser+ice. >- -esigning windows &''( security ser+ice. ?- -esigning windows &''( E@c#ange ser+er.

E@ams:?papers %.C.S.E
%CSE &''( 0

Any ( papers %.C.6 First ; papers %.C.S.A First ; papers are called core paper. 9emaining ( papers are called electi+e papers.

7 6aper:Administrating windows &''( operating system: C#aptersA

1234Introduction to windows 2003 operating system. Creating user account. Creating group account. Shared folders.
%CSE &''( >

5- emote administrating of user account. !- emote administrating of shared folder. "- #ermissions. $- #rofiles. %- &ata management. 10-'ac( up and restore.

1- Introduction to windows2003 operating system)

Administrating windows &''( operating system:8oc$ computer:
"#e option is use to loc$ t#e computer. Ot#er user will not get c#ange to use t#e computer. !nsa+ed data will not lose. "#is option will use more power supply.

8og o,,: "#is option allows ot#er user to use t#e computer. !nsa+ed data will be losing. "#is option will use less power supply w#en you loc$ t#e computer.

S#ut down: "#is option will slop supplying power to t#e computer. 7, t#e user learning t#e computer. !nsa+ed data will lose. "#is option will use less power supply w#en to loc$ t#e computer.

C#ange password: "#is option is using to c#ange password o, current user log in.

"as$ manager:%CSE &''( ?

"#is option is use to close any windows ,rom dis$ top Duic$ly.

E=asic commandsE F76CO4F7GG

"#is command is use to c#ec$ t#e 76-Address o, t#e computer.

.- Steps to c#ec$ 76-Address :( at any side

Start 9!4 C%- (E4"E9 C:H76CO4F7G (E4"E9

76-A--9ESS S!=4E" %ASC

.'.'.'.. &00.'.'.'

&- Steps to c#ange 76-A--9ESS o, t#e computer :( at any side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my networ$ places 6roperties select 3 rig#t clic$ on local area connection 6roperties "C6/76 6roperties
B use ,ollowing 76 address 76-A--9ESS .'.'.'.. S!=4E" %ASC &00.'.'.'


(- Steps to c#ec$ computer name (#ost name :( at any side

%CSE &''( 2

Start 9!4 C%- (E4"E9

C:H:ostname (E4"E9 ;- Steps to c#ange computer name (#ost name

(at any side-&''( only

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer 6roperties Computer 4ame Clic$ on (C#ange Computer 4ame OCOCIES OSMAN
Iou #a+e to restart your computer do you want to restart now: (IES

0- Steps to c#ec$ t#e connecti+ity between computers :( at any side

.'.'.'.. .'.'.'.&


Start9!4C%- (E4"E9
C:H674G .'.'.'.&(E4"E9 9eply .'.'.'.& 9eply .'.'.'.& Connecti+ity is O4 9eply .'.'.'.& 9eply .'.'.'.&

O9 you will recei+e 9eDuest timed out 4o connecti+ity

%CSE &''(

&- Creating user account)) Complete in,ormation about t#e user is called user account. "#ere are Tow types of user account user account

8ocal user account

"#is type o, users account is created in member ser+er 3 windows 56 6ro,essional. "#is user can log on ,rom same computer w#ere t#e account is created only. "#is user o, one computer can not log on ,rom anot#er computer.

-omain user account

"#is type o, user is created in domain controller only. "#is user can log on ,rom any computer in t#e networ$. "#is user can be control by administrator ,rom domain controller.

%CSE &''(


.-Creating local user account: - (at client side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer. %angee@pands local user 3 groups. Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user new user CreateClose.

&-Creating -omain user account: - (at ser+er side

StartprogramAdministrator "ools Acti+e -irectory user 3computers Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user new user

%CSE &''( ..

Finis#. .- !ser must c#ange password at ne@t logon. 7, t#is option is selected t#en t#e user must c#ange #is password w#en #e is beginning on t#e ,irst time ,rom any client computer in t#e networ$. &- !ser can not c#ange password. 7, t#is option is selected t#en t#e user con not c#anges #is password at all e@cept t#e administrator. (- 6assword ne+er e@pires. "#is option will we e@plain it in >t# paper. ;- Account is disabling. 7, t#is option is selected1 t#en t#e user con not logon ,rom any client computer.

3-Creating group accounts)Group: A collection o, related users are called group. Group ma$es administration easier.

"#ere are tow types o, groups t#ey are :-

GROUP =uilt-in group %anually created group

"#e group w#ic# created by operating system called built-in group. "#is type o, group is more power,ul w#en compare to manually created group. "#is type o, group are use ,or gi+ing e@tra permission "#ere are ( types o, built-in group : Account%CSE operator group. &''( =ac$ up operator group. Administrator group.

"#e group w#ic# is created manually called manually group. "#is type o, groups less power,ul w#en compare to built-in groups. "#ese types o, group are use ,or gi+ing permission and securities. *e can create t#is group by any name.

7, you recei+ed t#is message be sure you are butting

.- 8etters c#aracters. &- Special c#aracters. (- 4umbers.

*ypes of group accounts).- Account operator group:7, t#e user is added in t#is group t#en1
:e can logon on domain controller. :e can create manage and delete user and group. :e will get &0J power on t#e networ$. :e can not c#ange 76 address and time o, t#e computer (ser+er .

Steps to add user (Osman in account operator group (at ser+er side
Start programsAdministrator "ools Acti+e directory user 3 computeruser Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman Clic$ on add to group account operator group Clic$ on c#ange name OCOC.

Steps to c#ec$ user (Osman bellowing w#ic# group (at ser+er side
Start programsAdministrator "ools Acti+e directory user 3 computeruser Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman properties Clic$ on member o, Account operator group.

&- =ac$ up operator group :7, t#e user is added in t#is group t#en1
:e can logon on domain controller.
%CSE &''(


:e can ta$e data bac$ up ,rom any computer in t#e networ$. :e can not create mange and delete user and group. :e will get &0J power on t#e networ$. :e can not c#ange 76 address and time o, t#e computer (ser+er .

(- Administrator group:7, t#e user is added in t#is group t#en1

"#e user is will be li$e same as administrator. "#e user will #a+e .''J power on t#e networ$.

ACreating group accounts:Steps to create a group by name as sales-dept (At ser+er side Start programs administrator tools Acti+e directory user 3 computer Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user new Group Group name: Sales-dept: OC Steps to add user (Osman in sales-dept Group (At ser+er Side Start6rogramadministrator tools Acti+e directory users 3 computersselect users Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman clic$ on add to group Enter t#e obKect name: Salesclic$ on c#ec$ nameOC Steps to c#ec$ user (Osman belongs to w#ic# group (at ser+er side Start programadministrator toolsActi+e directory Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman 6ropertiesclic$ on member o, sales-dept

%CSE &''(


Group scope:.- -omain local group 7tLs a big group. 7t contains user 3 global group. &- Global group. 7tLs a small group. *e can add t#is global group in domain local but cannot add domain local group in global group 7t contains only users. Group type:.- security: 7, t#is option selected t#en we can apply security 3 permission on t#is group. &- -istribution group: 7tLs a group w#ic# is use ,or only distributing E-mail.

%CSE &''(


On t#is type o, group we can not apply security 3 permissions.

-omain local group


Global group

4esting:Add a small group in big group is called as nesting.

Shared folder)S#aring: Somet#ing w#ic# is use by more t#an one person is called s#aring. 7n t#e networ$ we can s#are t#e ,ollowing t#ings:.&(;0Folders. C--9om. 6rinter / scanner. Floppy. 6artition.

Steps to s#are ,older (Oracle A (At ser+er side Open my computer. Open any partition Create a ,older by name as (Oracle Select 3 rig#t clic$ on (Oracle ,older Clic$ on s#aring 3 security S#are t#is ,older S#are name: Oracle

%CSE &''(


Apply OC "#ere are ( ways to access t#e (Oracle s#ared ,older o, ser+er ,rom client computer.

.- 9!4:-

7tLs t#e s#ortest way access t#e s#ared ,older o, ser+er ,rom t#e client. Steps to access (Oracle s#ared ,older o, ser+er (at client side Start 9!4 //.'.'.'.. (Enter (76 o, t#e se+er

&- %y networ$ place:-

7tLs t#e longest way to access t#e s#ared o, ,older o, ser+er ,rom client computer. Steps to access (Oracle S#ared ,older o, ser+er (At client side -ouble clic$ on my networ$ places Entire networ$ %icroso,t windows networ$ -omain ( Ser+er #ost name (== Open (Oracle ,older.

(- %y computer: 7tLs a best way to access t#e s#ared ,older. Steps to access t#e s#ared ,older o, ser+er (At client side 9ig#t clic$ on my computer %ap networ$ dri+e Finis# Steps to ma$e #idden s#ared ,older (At ser+er side
Open my computer select 3rig#t clic$ on (Oracle ,olderclic$ on s#aring 3 security.


%CSE &''(


Steps to access #idden s#ared ,older (at client side Start9!4

Steps to rename #idden s#ared ,older name (At ser+er side

Open my computer select 3rig#t clic$ on (Oracle FolderClic$ on s#aring 3security

Apply OC

5- emote administrating of user account).- 8ogon #ours:) !sing t#is option we can allow t#e user to logon in t#e networ$ on particular time. Steps to set logon #ours to user (Osman (At ser+er side Start 6rogram Administrator toolsActi+e directory user 3 computer select 3rig#t clic$ on user (Osman properties clic$ on accountsclic$ on logon #ours

%CSE &''(


OCApply OC

OCApply OC &-8ogon "o:) !sing t#is option we can allow t#e user to logon in t#e networ$ on particular computer. Steps to set logon to computer to user (Osman (At ser+er side Start 6rograms Administrator tools Acti+e directory user 3 computers Select 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman 6roperties Clic$ in account clic$ on logon to

Steps at client side "ry to logon user (Osman :e can not able to logon

%CSE &''(


;-:ome ,older:) :ome ,older permission to allow t#e user to create ,iles and ,olders at ser+er ,rom client computer. Steps to gi+e #ome ,older permission to user (Osman (at se+er side Open my computer Open any partition Create a ,older by name as #ome and s#are it Open #ome ,older Create a sub-,older by user name (Osman Start 6rogram administrator tools Acti+e directory user 3computersSelect 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman properties Clic$ on pro,ile

Steps at client side
8ogon as user (Osman Open my computer Open :ome ,older Create some ,iles.

!- emote administrating of share folder

.- %essage
message can be send by tow ways on t#e networ$


C.8.!.7 ) C.8.!.7 stands ,or C#aracter 8ine !ser 7nter,ace

G.!.7 ) G.!.7 stands ,or Grap#ical !ser 7nter,ace.

(,rom one to one

Steps to send to send message ,rom C.8.!.7 (At any side Start 9!4 C%%CSE &''(


Steps to send message ,rom one to one1 !sing G.!.7 (at any side Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer mangeselect 3 rig#t clic$ on s#ared ,older clic$ on all tas$s Send console message Add 9ecipient

%essage OC
:ello1 :ow are youM

"ype remote computer 76-Address

Steps to send massage ,rom one to many using C.8.!.7 (At ser+er side Start 9un C%- (E4"E9 C:H4et send ) :ello (E4"E9 Steps to create user using C.8.!.7 (At ser+er side

Start 9!4 C%C:H4et user Osman a#med-. /Add (E4"E9 Steps to create group using C.8.!.7 Start 9!4 C%- (E4"E9 C:H4et group sales-dept /Add (E4"E9

%CSE &''(


&- S#ares :-

!sing t#is option we can list or see only t#e s#ared ,olders o, t#e computer. !sing t#is option we can stop s#aring ,older. !sing t#is option we can ma$e s#aring ,older. !sing t#is option we can create new ,older.

Steps to c#ec$ or see only all t#e s#ared ,older o, t#e computer
ser+er side


Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer %ange E@pand s#ared ,older select s#ares
Steps to create ,older by name as (oracle
%CSE &''( (At ser+er side


Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer %ange E@pand s#ared ,older Select 3 rig#t clic$ on s#ares 4ew s#are .=rowse. Select any partition Clic$ on ma$e new ,older Gi+e ,older name as (Oracle OC Clic$ on (Oracle
Steps to s#are ,older by name as oracle (At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer %ange E@pand s#ared ,older Select 3 rig#t clic$ on s#ares 4ew s#ares 4ew s#ares Folder 6at# C:HOracle 4e@t s#are name Oracle 4e@t Finis# close
Steps to stop s#aring ,older by name as oracle (At ser+er

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer mange E@pand s#ared ,older select s#ares Select 3 rig#t clic$ on (Oracle ,older Clic$ on stop s#aring yes

(- sessions: !sing t#is option we can c#ec$ or see w#ic# user using w#ic# computer ,orm t#e networ$.
Steps to c#ec$ w#ic# user is using w#ic# computer (At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer mange E@pand s#ared ,older select session Osman SS

;- Open ,iles: !sing t#is option we can c#ec$ or see w#ic# user is using t#e s#ared ,older o, ser+er.
Steps to c#ec$ w#ic# user is using s#ared ,older o, ser+er
side (At ser+er

%CSE &''(


Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer mange E@pand s#ared ,older select open ,iles C:HOracle Osman

"- #ermission) A set o, rules w#ic# are gi+en on ,iles and ,olders w#ic# is =- 9emote permission applied on user. "#e permission w#ic# are "#e permission is gi+en on one gi+en 6ermission are tow types t#ey are:on one computer and computer and w#ic# is applied applied ,rom same computer is Permissions remotely is called remote called local permission. permissions. 8ocal permission is more 9emote permission is also called power,ul w#en compare to as s#are permissions. remote permissions. "#e ,ollowing are t#e remote "#e ,ollowing are t#e local permissions:permissions:.- 9ead.

A- 8ocal permission


9ead. *rite 8ist ,older contains. 9ead e@ecute. %CSE &''( %odi,ied. Full control.

&- C#ange. (- Full control.

9emote permission is depending on local permission.


A- 8ocal permission:.- 9ead permission: 7, t#e user is #a+ing read permission t#en1 :e can read contains o, main ,older and read t#e data o, ,ile. :e can create1 delete and rename ,iles and ,olders. :e can not add/delete data o, ,iles. :e can not c#ange permission o, ,iles.

&- *rite permission: *rite permission will wor$ along wit# read permission. :e can create new ,iles and ,olders. :e can add/delete data o, ,iles. :e can not delete and rename ,iles and ,olders name.
%CSE &''( &0

:e can not modi,ied or c#ange permission.

(- 9ead 3 E@ecute: :e can read contains o, main ,older and ,iles. :e can e@ecute ,iles. :e can not create1 delete1 and rename ,iles and ,older name. :e not modi,ied or c#ange permission. :e can not add or delete data inside ,iles.

;- %odi,ied:-

:e can create1 delete and rename ,iles and ,olders. :e can add or delete data ,rom ,iles. :e can not modi,y c#ange permission.

0- Full control:"#e user w#o is #a+ing ,ull control permission t#en1 :e will be #a+ing .''J power on ,olders.

Steps to gi+e read permission on (Oracle ,older to user (Osman

ser+er side


Open my computer Open any partition Create some ,older and ,iles in (Oracle ,older. Select 3 rig#t clic$ on (oracle Security Clic$ on ad+ance. 9emo+e tic$ mar$ ,rom bo@ allow in#eritable permission OC Ies Add Administrator Gi+e ,ull control permission add user (Osman Gi+e read ApplyOC

%CSE &''(


Steps at ser+er side:8ogon as user (Osman try to create ,iles and ,olders.

=- 9emote permission:.- 9ead permission. &- C#ange permission. (- Full control. Steps to gi+e remote permission as read and c#ange on (Oracle ,older to user (Osman (at ser+er side

Open my computer select 3 rig#t clic$ on (Oracle ,older properties s#aring permission Clic$ on remo+e clic$ on add add administrator OC

%CSE &''(


Gi+e ,ull control permission add user (Osman OC Gi+e 9ead 3 c#ange apply O$ 4ote:Gi+e local permission also to apply remote permission. Steps at client side:Start 9!4 HH.'.'.'.. (Enter Open (Oracle ,older try to rename ,iles name.

$- #rofiles)6ro,ile: Gi+en des$top setting permission to t#e user is called pro,ile. "#ere are ( types o, pro,ile permission. "#is type o, pro,ile is con,igured by de,ault by operating system to e+ery user. 7n local pro,ile t#e c#anges made by t#e user on t#e des$top o, one computer will not come on t#e des$top o, ot#er computer.

1- Local profile:-

2- Roaming profile:%CSE &''( &2

"#is type o, pro,ile is con,igured by administrator to t#e user. 7n roaming pro,ile t#e c#anges made by t#e user on t#e des$top o, one computer will come on t#e des$top o, ot#er computer. "#is type o, pro,ile is con,igured by administrator to t#e user1 i, t#e user is #a+ing roaming pro,ile permission. 7n mandatory pro,ile t#e c#anges made by t#e user on t#e des$top o, one computer will not be sa+e on same computer and will not come on t#e ot#er computer also. Steps to gi+e roaming pro,ile permissions

3- mandatory profile:

(At ser+er side

Open my computer Open any partitionCreate ,older by name as (Osman Select 3 rig#t clic$ on pro,ile ,older Gi+e security permission (%odi,y and s#are permission (C#ange-9ead Start administrator Acti+e directory select 3 rig#t clic$ on user (Osman 6roperties 6ro,ile

Apply OC

Steps to gi+e mandatory pro,ile permission to user (Osman

(At ser+er side

+,*-) the user ho is ha!ing roaming profile:

6ermission we can gi+e mandatory pro,ile permission to t#at user only. Once mandatory pro,ile permission is gi+e to user can not be c#ange bac$ to roaming pro,ile permission.

*he steps)Open my computer open pro,ile ,older open (Osman ,older select 3 rig#t clic$ on 4"!SE9.-A" Clic$ on rename rename as 4"!SE9.%A4
%CSE &''( &/

Steps to c#ec$ w#ic# user is #a+ing w#ic# type o, pro,ile

(At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer 6roperties Ad+ance

%- &ata .anagement)1- "ompress: "#is option supports 4"FS partition only. "#is option is use to compress ,iles 3 ,olders to sa+e dis$ space.

Steps to compress ,iles and ,olders (At se+er side

Open my computer select and rig#t clic$ on documents 3 settings ,older 6roperties Ad+ance OC Apply
%CSE &''( ('

Compress main ,older along wit# sub-,older OCOC

+ote)"#e compress ,iles 3,older will be displayed in de,erent color by de,ault.

2- #ncryption:-

"#is option support 4"FS partition only. "#is option will encrypt contains to secure data ,rom ot#er user.

Steps to encryption (A=C ,ile (At ser+er side

Open my computer. Open any partition Create a ,ile by name as (A=C and write some data Sa+e it select 3 rig#t clic$ on (A=C ,ile 6roperties

Ad+ance Apply OC


Steps at ser+er side:8ogon as user (Osman Open my computer "ry to open (A=C ,ile.


7, t#e administrator ma$es encryption to t#e ,ile t#en ot#er user can not see t#e data o, t#e encrypt ,ile. =ut administrator can see data o, t#e encrypt ,iles o, t#e user.

3- $uotas: 8imiting t#e dis$ space to t#e user to use it is called as Duota. Nuota option support in 4"FS partition only.

Steps to set Duotas permission to user (Osman

(At ser+er side


Open my computer Select 3 rig#t clic$ on partition 6roperties

%CSE &''(


Nuota entries Clic$ on Duota Clic$ on new Duota entry enter t#e obKect: Osman Clic$ c#ec$ name OC OC Close Ies OC

%- &is' defragmenter: "#is option is use to arrange t#e ,iles 3 ,older in one place 3 ,ree space in one location. -e,ragmention can be done on 4"FS 3 FA" partition.

Steps to ma$e dis$ de,rag mention (At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer mange Select dis$ de,rag mention Select t#e partition Clic$ on de,ragment O$

.'-'ac( up and restore (ac' up: Copying t#e data ,rom #ard dis$ to tap dri+e is called bac$ up.


Copying t#e data ,rom tap dri+e to #ard dis$ is called restore.
%CSE &''( (&

*e can ta$e bac$ up in t#e ,ollowing t#ings:.&(;06artition (4ot recommended Folder (4ot recommended . Floppy (4ot recommended . C- (4ot recommended . "A6 dri+e (recommended

7t is a de+ice w#ic# is used ,rom ta$ing bac$ up and restore. "#ere are tow types o, "A6 de+ice:-

)*P de!ice:-

"A6 de+ice

7nternal "A6 de+ice

"#is type o, "A6 de+ice is connected inside t#e system to 7-E ;' 674S 6ort.

E@ternal "A6 de+ice

"#is type o, "A6 de+ice is connected out side t#e system to parallel or serial port.

)*P dri!e: 7t is a de+ice w#ic# store bac$ up data. 7t can be use wit# t#e #elp o, "A6 de+ice. 7t can store 2' G= data bac$ up. 7t is a re-writeable de+ice.

"A6 -ri+e

Steps to ta$e bac$ up o, (Oracle ,older

(At ser+er side

Start 6rogram accessoriesSystem tools =ac$ up 4e@t 9estore ,iles 3 settings 4e@t 8et me c#oose4e@t select oracle ,older 4e@t C#oose t#e place to sa+e your bac$ up: C:H "ype a name ,or t#e bac$ up: Oracle 4e@t Finis# Close

%CSE &''(


-elete Oracle ,older ,rom t#e partition

Steps to restore oracle ,older

(At ser+er side

Start 6rogram accessoriesSystem tools =ac$ up 4e@t 9estore ,iles 3 settings 4e@t E@pand ,iles E@pand oracle.b$, E: 4e@t Finis# Close

+chedule ,o-s: *e can set t#e time sc#edule Kobs to ta$e bac$ up to ,iles 3 ,olders.
(At ser+er side

Steps to ta$e bac$ up o, O= ,older using sc#edule Kobs option

Start 6rogram accessoriesSystem tools =ac$ up remo+e tic$ mar$ Always start in wiPard mode Cancel Start 6rogram accessoriesSystem tools =ac$ up clic$ on sc#edule Kobsadd Kob

4e@t select my computer Select O= ,older 4e@t c#oose t#e place to sa+e bac$ up ,ile 4e@t 4e@t 4e@t Clic$ on set sc#edule



+ote)A,ter ta$ing bac$ up on time t#en delete t#e O= ,older. Steps to restore O= ,older (At ser+er side

+ote)9estore can be done manually by administrator same steps to restore as abo+e restore steps ,or oracle ,older.

%CSE &''(


77 6aper:7nstalling and con,iguring windows &''( O/S: C#aptersA

1- #re-installation of windows 2003 o/s. 2- +ormal installation of windows 2003 ,/S. 3- &ump installation. 4- +etwor( installation. 5- Sys prep installation. !- 0n-attended installation. "- &is( management and partition. $- Installing and configuring &1S ser2er. %- Installing and configuring printers. 103dministrating windows 2003 printers.

1- #re -installation of windows 2003 ,/S)

6re-installation: "#e Kob w#ic# is per,ormed be,ore t#e installation is called preinstallation tas$.

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Standard edition windows &''( O/S

Enterprise edition windows &''( O/S

*eb edition windows &''( O/S

C6! 9A% :ard dis$ 8A4 Card



.(( %:Q ..? G= .&2 %= &0> %= 2'' %= . G=

.(( %:Q &.; G= .&2 %= &0> %= . G= & G=

.(( %:Q ..? G= .&2 %= &0> %= 2'' %= . G=


O p t i o n a l

2- +ormal installation of windows 2003 ,/S)

Steps to install windows &''( O/S (at any side 7nsert windows &''( O/S C- in C--9om. C#ange t#e =ios setting as C--9O% ,irst boot de+ice.
%CSE &''( (>

E@it and sa+e c#angesM Ies (t#e system will reboot A,ter booting you #a+e to press any $ey to boot ,rom C"#en t#e setup will c#ec$ your de+ices. 6ress Enter to continue 6ress F2 to agree Select unpartition space 6ress C (to create new partition Enter space &''' %= 6ress Enter 4e@t 4ame: OrganiPation: 4e@t enter C- Cey 4e@t 4e@t Computer name: 4e@tyes typical setting ne@t ne@t "#en t#e computer will restart

3- &ump installation)-ump:Copying contains ,rom C- to #ard dis$ is called dump.

-ump installation:%CSE &''( (?

"#e installation w#ic# is done wit# t#e #elp o, dump is called dump installation. Steps to ma$e dump ,rom C- to #ard dis$ (at ser+er side
7nsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9om Open C: / 6artition Create a ,older by name as &''(-ser Open C--9om copy 7(2> ,older paste it in &''(-ser ,older Steps ,or -ump installation (At ser+er side Start 9!4 =rowse select &''(-ser ,older 7(2> (winnt(&.e@e OC 4e@t C- Cey A,ter t#is same steps as normal installation.

4- +etwor( installation)
"#e installation w#ic# is done ,rom ser+er using ser+er C--9om on client computer o+er t#e networ$ is called networ$ installation. Steps ,or networ$ installation (at ser+er side
7nsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9oom and s#are it. Steps at client side Start 9!4=rowse select my networ$ place entire networ$ %icroso,t windows networ$ -omain name ( se+er #ost name C--9om dri+e letter 7(2> winnt.(&.e@e OC 4e@t A,ter t#ese steps same steps as normal installation.

4etwor$ installation:-

5- Sys-prep installation)
Sys-prep installation: Sys-prep stand ,or system preparation. "#is type o, installation can be done in less t#an 0minute
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"#is type o, installation can be done on wor$ing o/s only. "#is type o, installation a +oids to corrupt e@isting o/s. 7tLs li$e ser+ice to e@isting o/s.

Steps to run sys-prep installation (at client side

7nsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9om Open any partition Create a ,older by name (Osman Open my computer. Open C--9om. Support ,older tools -eploy select all ,iles and rig#t clic$ clic$ on e@tract select (Osman ,older. 6ress on E@tract Open (Osman ,older clic$ on sys-prep ,ile OCclic$ on ,actory 9estart manually.

!- unattended installation )
"#e installation w#ic# is done wit#out attending is called unattended installation. "#is type o, installation can be done wit# t#e #elp o, answer ,ile. "#is type o, installation can be done on wor$ing computer only.

Steps ,or creating answer ,ile (At ser+er side

7nsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9om Open any partition and create a ,older by name as (Osman Open my computeropen C--9om support tools -eploy Select all ,iles and rig#t clic$ E@tract Select (Osman OC Open (Osman ,older (Setupmgr ,ile 4e@t crate a new ne@t !nattended setup 4e@t *indows &''( standard 4e@t ,ull automatically 4e@t 4ame: Osman OrganiPation: 4e@t 4e@t 4e@t C- Cey 4e@t 4e@t Computer name: Osman 4e@t (.& "imes Finis# OCCancel

Steps ,or unattended installation (At se+er side

7nsert windows &''( se+er C- in C--9om Start 9!4 =rowse Select C--9om (winnt(&.e@e -:H7(2>Hwinnt(&.e@e /unattend :C:HCo$eHunattend.t@t (Enter

?- &is( management)
.- 6artition:%CSE &''( (/

File system: File system enable t#e partition to store data. "#ere are & types o, ,ile system t#ey are:-

.ile system
FA" ,ile system
.&(;FA" stands ,or File Allocation "able. 4o ad+antage o, FA" ,iles system. FA" partition does not support t#e ,ollowing t#ings:Compress. Encryption. Nuotas. 9emote permission only.

4"FS ,ile system

.&(;0>4"FS stands ,or new tec#nology ,ile system. 4"FS is #a+ing many ad+antages. 4"FS partition support t#e ,ollowing t#ings:Compress. Encryption. Nuotas. 8ocal security permissions. 9emote s#are permission. 4"FS partition is use in networ$s.

Steps to create a new partition (At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computermange Select des$ management select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,ree space new logical dri+e ne@t logical dri+e ne@t .'''' %Gne@t assign t#e ,ollowing letter #: 4e@t ,ile system 4"FS per,orm Duic$ ,ormatne@t ,inis#

Steps to ,ormat partition (At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computermange Select des$ management select 3 rig#t clic$ on partition clic$ on c#ange dri+e letter 3 pat# clic$ on c#ange assign t#e ,ollowing dri+e letter 6: OCyes

Steps to delete partition (At ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computermange Select des$ management select 3 rig#t clic$ on partition clic$ on delete logical di+e Ies

Con+ert: *e can con+ert FA" partition to 4"FS partition only.

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Con+ersion will not delete t#e data o, t#e partition. *e can not con+ert 4"FS to FA" partition. Formatting can be done ,rom FA" to 4"FS and ,rom 4"FS to FA" =ut ,ormatting will delete t#e data o, t#e partition.

4ote:Steps to con+ert FA" partition to 4"FS partition (At se+er side

First create a FA" partition Open t#e partition Create some ,iles in FA" partition Start 9!4C%- (Enter

C:Hcon+ert #:/s,:4"FS (Enter

Enter t#e +olume name

%ount: Attac#ing a ,older to t#e partition is called mount. 7, we create ,iles and ,older in mount partition t#en automatically will create t#e same ,ile on mount ,older. 7, we create ,iles and ,older in mount ,older t#en automatically will create t#e same ,ile on mount partition. *e can delete ,iles and ,olders in partition t#en it will be deleted ,rom mount ,older also. *e can not delete ,iles and ,olders ,rom mount ,older. Steps to ma$e mount to (Osman ,older wit# c:H partition: Open any partition create a ,older by name as (Osman Select and rig#t clic$ on my computer %anage select dis$ management select 3 rig#t clic$ on partition C:H clic$ on c#ange dri+e letter 3 pat# 4e@t clic$ on Add Clic$ on browse select (Osman ,older OC Steps un-mount t#e (Osman ,older ,rom partition C:H Select and rig#t clic$ on my computer mange select dis$ management Select 3 rig#t clic$ on partition C:H Clic$ on c#ange dri+e letter and pat# ne@t select (Osman ,older Clic$ on remo+e Ies

$- Installing 4 configuring &1S ser2er)

%CSE &''( ;.

-FS ser+er: -FS stands ,or -istributed File System. 7tLs use in t#e networ$ to distribute ,iles in t#e networ$. 7t pro+ides ,ault-to 8aurence o, data. 7t pro+ides networ$ load balancing.

-FS root ,older:7tLs a ,older w#ic# $eeps t#e records o, multiple lin$ ,olders ,rom multiple computers. -FS ser+ice is installed by de,ault wit# operating system.

Steps to con,igure -FS root ,older (At ser+er side

Open my computeropen any partitioncreate a ,older by name as so,tware 3 s#are it. Start programs administrati+e tools -FS Select 3 rig#t clic$ on -FS 4ew root ne@t Create domain root ne@t -omain name: ne@t ser+er name: root name: so,tware 4e@t browse select so,tware ,older OC ne@t ,inis#

Steps to con,igure lin$. ,older (At ser+er side

Open my computeropen any partition create ,older by name as oracle and s#are it. Start programsadministrati+e tools -FS Select 3 rig#t clic$ on -FS root ,older (So,tware Create new lin$lin$ name: Oracleclic$ on browseselect oracle ,olderOCO$

Steps at member ser+er side

Open any partition. Create a ,older by name as oracle 3 s#are it.

Steps at ser+er side

Start programsadministrati+e tools -FS Select 3 rig#t clic$ on -FS root ,older (so,tware Clic$ on new lin$ lin$ name: oracle. clic$ on browse select Oracle. ,older O$ o$

Steps to ma$e replication between oracle ,olders to oracle. ,older (At

ser+er side Start 6rogramsadministrati+e tools -FS Select 3 rig#t clic$ on oracle ,older clic$ on new target clic$ on browse Select Oracle. ,older OCOCIES ne@t select Oracle ,older ne@t "opology: :ub 3 Spo$e ne@t ,inis#

%- Installing and configuring printers)

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)here are 3 types of printers:

.- 8ocal printer:"#e printer w#ic# is connected directly to t#e computer is called local printer.use by singl user 8ocal printer con,iguration must be done on domain controller.

&- 4etwor$ printer:"#e printer w#ic# is connected directly on domain controller and t#e printer is access by all t#e computers ,rom t#e networ$ is called networ$ printer. 4etwor$ printer con,iguration must be done on client computer.

(- Special networ$ printer:"#is type o, printer will #a+e special built-in 8A4 card. "#is type o, printer is connected directly to #ub or switc#.

Steps to install local printer (At ser+er side

Start settingsprinters clic$ add printer ne@t 8ocal printer Automatically detected ne@t ne@t %anu,acture: :6 printer :6&'''c 4e@t printer name: :6&'''c 4e@t location: ;t# ,loor comments: optional ne@t O4 4e@t ,inis#

Steps to install networ$ printer (at client side

Start setting printers clic$ on add printer ne@t networ$ printer ne@t Connect to t#e: Optional 4e@t double clic$ on domain name ( -ouble clic$ on (SS (ser+er #ostname Select printer name (:6&'''c ne@t ,inis#

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10- 3dministrating windows 2003 printer)

6rintersL permissions:
"#ere are ( types o, printer permission:-

.- mange printer permission:7, t#e user is #a+ing mange printer permission t#en #e can install or remo+e dri+er o, printer

&- print permission::e can gi+e print ,iles. 6rint permission will wor$ along wit# mange print permission.

(- manage documents permission::e can not install print. :e can not gi+e print Kobs. :e can delete print Kobs o, ot#er users.

Steps to gi+e mange print permission to user (Osman

(At ser+er side Start settings printers select and rig#t clic$ on printer properties Clic$ on security remo+e all user add user (administrator and gi+e %anage printer. %anage document 6rint add user (Osman Gi+e manage print apply OC

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777 6aper:7nstalling o, con,iguring windows &''( networ$ in,rastructure ser+ices: C#aptersA

1- Installing 4 configuring &+S ser2er as acti2e directory integrated. 2- Installing 4 configuring &+S ser2er as stu5 6one. 3- Installing 4 configuring &+S ser2er as standard secondary. 4- Installing 4 configuring 7I+S ser2er. 5- Installing 4 configuring &8C# ser2er. !- Installing 4 configuring &8C# reser2ation. "- Installing 4 configuring we5 ser2er. $- Installing 4 configuring 2irtual we5 ser2er. %- Installing 4 configuring terminal ser2er 10Installing 4 configuring 1*# ser2er.

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1- Installing 4 configuring &+S ser2er as acti2e directory integrated)

&/+ ser!er: -4S stand ,or -omain 4ame System. 7, -4S ser+er is not t#ere t#en we can not ma$e domain model networ$. 7, -4S ser+er is remo+ed ,rom networ$ will become slow. -4S ser+er is also called bac$ bone o, networ$. -4S ser+er can be installed by administrator in ser+er only. -4S ser+er can be con,igured by ; types:
.&(;Acti+e directory integrated -4S ser+er. Standard primary -4S ser+er. Standard secondary -4S ser+er. Stub Pone -4S ser+er.

Steps to install -4S ser+ice (At ser+er side

Start settings control panel add/remo+e programs Add/components

4e@tinsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9omOC 4e@t ,inis#

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Steps to c#ec$ -4S is con,igured per,ectly or not per,ectly (At any side Start 9!4 C%- (Enter C :HR 4S8OOC!6 (Enter -e,ault ser+er: SS.7=%.CO% 76-Address: .'.'.'.. R.'.'.'.&(Enter Ser+er: SS.7=%.CO% 76 : .'.'.'.. 4ame: CC.7=%.CO% 76 : .'.'.'.& Rco$e (Enter Ser+er: SS.7=%.CO% 76 : .'.'.'.. 4ame: co$e.7=%.CO% 76 : .'.'.'.(

Steps to con,igure -4S as standard primary

(At ser+er side

Start programs administrati+e tools -4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,orward loo$ up Pone new Pone ne@t

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Steps to update -4S database (At ser+er side

Start 6rogramsadministrati+e tools -4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on new #ost (A A

Clic$ on add #ost -one

Standard primary: 7, t#e -4S is con,igured as standard primary t#en1 t#e administrator #as to manually update -4S database. *e can $eep standard secondary -4S ser+er in t#e networ$ i, we #a+e standard primary -4S ser+er in t#e networ$. Forward loo$ up Pone must be con,iguring wit# domain name ( . "#e ,unction o, ,orward loo$ up Pone is to con+ert #ostname to 76-Address. 9e+erse loo$ up Pone must be con,iguring wit# networ$-7-. "#e ,unction o, re+erse loo$ up Pone is to con+ert 76-Address to #ostname. 7, t#e -4S ser+er is con,igured as acti+e directory integrated -4S t#en1 t#e -4S database update automatically. "#is acti+e directory integrated option a+ailable only on domain controller. "#ere is no manually updating in acti+e directory integrated. "a$ing t#e #ostnames o, 76-Address o, all computers ,rom t#e networ$ and $eeps update in -4S ser+er is called -4S database updating.

Forward loo$ up Pone:

9e+erse loo$ up Pone:Acti+e directory integrated -4S:-

-4S database updating:-

%CSE &''(


Steps to con,igure -4S ser+er as acti+e directory integrated (At ser+er


Start programs administrati+e tools -4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,orward loo$up Pone Clic$ on new Pone ne@t

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2- Installing 4 configuring stu5 6one &+S ser2er)

Stub Pone -4S ser+er: Stub Pone -4S ser+er $eeps t#e record o, main -4S ser+er. 7, any client is reDuesting t#e main -4S ser+er t#en t#e reDuest will come to stub Pone and stub Pone will ,orward t#e reDuest o, client to main -4S ser+er.



Stub Qone



Steps to con,igure stub Pone -4S ser+er (At member ser+er

First install -4S ser+ice. Start programs administrati+e tools -4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone Select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,orward loo$ up Pone Clic$ on new Pone ne@t

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E@pand re+erse loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,orward loo$ up Pone clic$ on new Pone ne@t

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(- 7nstalling and con,iguring secondary -4S ser+er:Secondary -4S ser+er: 7tLs also called as bac$ up -4S ser+er. 7t pro+ides ,ault to 8aurence. 7t $eeps all t#e records o, main -4S ser+er automatically. *e can not ma$e -4S database update manually. *e can con,igure secondary -4S ser+er in member ser+er.

Steps to con,igure secondary -4S ser+er 4ote: "o con,igure secondary -4S ser+er we need main -4S ser+er.

Steps at main -4S ser+er side:

Startprogramsadministrati+e tools-4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Ponee@pand domain name ( Select 3 rig#t clic$ on ( propertiesclic$ on Pone trans,er

%CSE &''(


E@pand re+erse loo$ up Pone E@pand networ$-7Select 3 rig#t clic$ on .'.'.'.5 properties Clic$ on Pone trans,er

Steps at member ser+er side:

First install -4S ser+ice. Start 6rogramsadministrati+e tools-4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,orward loo$ up Pone Clic$ on new Ponene@t

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E@pand re+erse loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on re+erse loo$ up Pone 4ew Pone ne@t

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4ote:7, new entry is added in main -4S ser+er t#en1

Steps at main -4S ser+er side

Open -4S select 3 rig#t clic$ on Clic$ on update ser+er data ,ile E@pand re+erse loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on .'.'.'.5 subnet Clic$ on update ser+er data ,ile

Steps at secondary -4S ser+er side

Open -4S select 3 rig#t clic$ on Clic$ on trans,er ,rom master E@pand re+erse loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on .'.'.'.5 subnet Clic$ on trans,er ,rom master

%CSE &''(


4- Installing 4 configuring 7I+S ser2er)

*74S ser+er: *74S stand ,or *indows 7nternet 4ame Ser+ice. *74S ser+er #elp to ma$e domain model networ$ i, t#ere is no -4S ser+er. "#e ,unction o, *74S ser+er is to con+ert or resol+e #ostname to 76-Address only. 7, t#ere is no *74S ser+er or no -4S in networ$ t#en t#ere is no domain model networ$. Steps to install *74S ser+ice (At ser+er side Start Sittings Control paneladd/remo+e programsadd/remo+e components Select networ$ ser+ices clic$ on details put tic$ mar$ on *74S OC 4e@t insert windows &''( C- in C--9om OCFinis# Steps to con,igure *74S ser+er (At ser+er side Start programs administrati+e tools *74S E@pand ser+er name Select 3 rig#t clic$ on acti+e registration

%CSE &''(


Steps to resol+e or con+ert #ostname to 76-Address (At ser+er side

Start 6rograms administrati+e tools *74S e@pand ser+er #ost name Select 3 rig#t clic$ on acti+e registration clic$ on display records

Clic$ on Find 4ow

%CSE &''(


5- Installing and configuring &8C# ser2er)

&8C# ser2er) -:C6 stand ,or -ynamic :ost Con,iguration 6rotocol. !sing -:C6 ser+er we can assign 76-Address to all t#e computers in t#e networ$ automatically. -:C6 ser+er assigns 76-Address to t#e computers in t#e networ$ automatically. *e can assign 76-Address to t#e computer by tow ways: "#e 76 w#ic# is assign by administrator to t#e computer manually is called static 76Address. Static 76-Address more power,ul w#en compare to dynamic 76-Address. "#e 76-Address w#ic# is assign by -:C6 ser+er to all computers automatically is called dynamic 76-Address. -ynamic 76 is less power,ul w#en compare to static 76-Address.

A- Static 76-Address:

=- -ynamic 76-Address:

Steps to install -:C6 ser+ice (at ser+er side

Start setting control panel add/remo+e programs Add/remo+e components select networ$ ser+ices Clic$ on details OC 4e@t Finis#

Steps to con,igure -:C6 ser+er (At ser+er side

Start programs administrati+e tools -:C6 E@pand #ostname (SS Select 3 rig#t clic$ on #ostname (SS 4ew scope 4e@t


4E5" 4E5" -4S ser+er setting put t#e domain name ( and ser+er name (SS clic$ on resol+e t#en Add 4e@t *74S ser+er settings put t#e ser+er name (SS t#en Add 4e@t 4e@t Finis# Select 3 rig#t clic$ on ser+er #ostname (SS clic$ on aut#oriPe.

%CSE &''(


!- Installing 4 configuring &8C# reser2ation)

&8C# reser2ation) !sing -:C6 reser+ation option we can reser+e particular 76-Address to particular computer. -:C6 reser+ation option can be done wit# t#e #elp o, %AC-Address or p#ysical address. 7tLs an address w#ic# is built-in on 8A4 card. 7t comes along wit# 8A4 card. E+ery 8A4 card will #a+e a uniDue %AC-Address. E@.A.-N/-="-5(-9: (At any side Start 9!4C%- (Enter


Steps to c#ec$ %AC-Address o, t#e 8A4 card o, local system 76CO4F7G/A88 ("o see all in,ormation about t#e system

Steps to c#ec$ %AC-Address o, t#e 8A4 card o, remote system (At

any side

Start 9!4 C%- (Enter

%CSE &''(


Steps ma$e -:C6 reser+ation (At ser+er side

Start 6rograms Administrati+e tools -:C6 E@pand scope E@pand reser+ation Select 3 rig#t clic$ on reser+ationnew reser+ation

Clic$ Add Steps At client side

Start 9!4 C%- (Enter

C:HR76CO4F7G/9E8EASE ("o remo+e t#e old -:C6 Address C:HR76CO4F7G/9E4E* ("o bring t#e new -:C6 Address C:HR76CO4F7G/A88 ("o see all in,ormation about t#e system

%CSE &''(


"- Installing 4 configuring we5 ser2er)

7e5 ser2er) "#e computer w#ic# is #a+ing windows &''( ser+er O/S wit# web site is called web ser+er. *eb site can be created wit# t#e #elp o, :"%8 program 3 76-Address. *eb sites are use to get in,ormation about any companies. :"%8 can be created by :"%8 programmer. *indows &''( ser+er O/S. 77S (7nternet 7n,ormation ser+ice ser+ice. 76-Address. :"%8 program.

7e5 site) .&(;-

8*.9 program)Re0uirement to configure e- site:

Steps to install 77S ser+ice (At ser+er side

Start setting control panel add/remo+e programs Add/remo+e components select application ser+er Clic$ on details select 77S ser+iceclic$ on details Select *orld *ide *eb ser+iceOCOCne@t 7nsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9omo$

Steps to con,igure web site (At ser+er side Steps to searc# :"%8 program ,rom O/S (At ser+er side
Start searc# ,or ,iles 3 ,olders name:).#tml Clic$ on searc#. Select 3 copy any :"%8 program Create a ,older by name as web in any partitionpaste it Start programs administrati+e tools 7nternet 7n,ormation ser+iceE@pand #ostname e@pand web site ,older Select 3 rig#t clic$ on web sitenew web site 4e@t description: ne@t enter t#e 76: .'.'.'.. 4e@t Clic$ on browse. Select t#e ,older (web OC 4e@t tic$ mar$ on browse ne@t ,inis# Select 3 rig#t clic$ on ibm.comproperties clic$ on documents Clic$ on Add de,ault contain page: %CSE.#tml OC Apply OC

Steps to connect web site (at ser+er side

-ouble clic$ on 7nternet E@plorer. Address: #ttp://.'.'.'.. (Enter

Steps to update -4S database to access web site wit# domain name
(At ser+er side

%CSE &''(


Start 6rogramsadministrati+e tools -4S E@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone select 3 rig#t clic$ on 4ew #ost name: www 76-Address: .'.'.'.. Clic$ on Add #ost close.

$- Installing 4 configuring 2irtual we5 ser2er)

:irtual we5 ser2er) "#e computer w#ic# is #a+ing windows &''( ser+er O/S wit# more t#an one web site is called +irtual web ser+er.

Re0uirement for !irtual e- site:

.- *indows &''( ser+er O/S. &- Second :"%8 program. (- Second 76-Address. 4ote: - *e can get second :"%8 program ,rom searc# option.

Steps to gi+e second 76-Address to t#e computer (at ser+er side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my networ$ place properties Select 3 rig#t clic$ on local area connection properties Clic$ on ad+ance clic$ on Add 76-address: .'.'.'..0' Subnet mas$ &00.'.'.' AddOCOCclose.

Steps to con,igure second web site name as (At ser+er

Open 77SE@pand web site ,olderselect 3 rig#t clic$ on web site ,older new web site ne@t description: 4e@t Enter 76-address: .'.'.'..0'4e@t Clic$ on browse select second web& ,older w#ic# contains second :"%8 ,ile. 4e@t browse ne@t ,inis# Select 3 rig#t clic$ on properties Clic$ on documents clic$ on add -e,ault contain page: 9eadme.#tml Add applyO$

Steps to connect second web site (At client

-ouble clic$ on internet e@plorer Address: #ttp://.'.'.'..0'

Steps to update -4S database ,or second website (At ser+er side
Open -4S e@pand ,orward loo$ up Pone Select 3 rig#t clic$ on ,orward loo$ up Pone new Pone 4e@t ne@t ne@t Pone name: Osman.comne@tne@t Finis# Select 3 rig#t clic$ on new #ost

%CSE &''(


4ame: www 76-Address: .'.'.'.. Create associate pointer Clic$ on -one.

%- Installing 4 configuring terminal ser2ice)

)erminal ser!ice: !sing terminal ser+ice we can get t#e des$top o, ser+er at client computer 3 we can do complete administrator using ser+er des$top ,rom client computer.

Steps to install terminal ser+ice (At ser+er side Start setting control panel Add/remo+e programs Add/remo+e windows components select terminal ser+ice Ies ne@t ne@t,ull security. 4e@t insert t#e C- o, widowsL &''( OC ,inis# Steps to install terminal client ser+ice (at ser+er C#ec$ partition in w#ic# O/S is installed open t#e partition Open windows ,older system(& select 3 s#aring client ,older. Steps at member ser+er side Start 9!4 HH.'.'.'.. (Enter Client ("SC87E4" (*74(& setup ne@t 7 accept user name: administrator ne@t install ,inis# Steps to connect terminal ser+er (At client side Start 6rogram Accessories ----communication----- 9emote -es$top connection

%CSE &''(




Installing 4 configuring 1*# ser2er)

.)P ser!er:F"6 stand ,or File "rans,er 6rotocol. F"6 ser+er is use ,or downloading 3 uploading ,iles.

Steps to install F"6 ser+ice (At ser+er side

Start setting control panel add/remo+e programs Add/remo+e components select application ser+er Clic$ on details selecting internet in,ormation ser+ice (77S ser+ice clic$ on details Select F"6 ser+ice OC OCOC4e@t 7nsert windows &''( ser+er C- in C--9om OC Finis#

Steps con,igure F"6 ser+er wit#out isolate users (At ser+er side
Open any partition create a ,older by name as F"6 Open F"6 ,older create some ,iles 3 sa+e it. Start programs administrati+e tools 7nternet in,ormation ser+ice e@pand #ost name (CC Select 3 rig#t clic$ on F"6 ,older new F"6 site

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Steps to downloading ,iles ,rom F"6 ser+er (At client side

Start 9!4 C%- (Enter C:HR%- 66 (Enter (ma$e directory as pp C:HRC- 66 (Enter C:HR66RF"6 .'.'.'.. (Enter !ser name: administrator 6assword: (Enter R-79 (Enter Get CC.t@t (Enter ($$ :#ost name "rans,er completed %CSE &''( ??

R%GE" ) (Enter 99.t@t: y (Enter "".t@t n (Enter

(%GE" ) ,or more t#an one ,older

Steps to uploading ,iles in F"6 ser+er (At Client side

Start 9!4 C%- (Enter C:HRC- 66 (Enter C:HR66RCopy con %.t@t #ello #ow are you press Ctrl S Q (Enter C:HR66RF"6 .'.'.'.. (Enter !ser name: administrator 6assword: (Enter F"6R-79 F"6R6!" %.t@t (Enter ( to upload one ,ile F"6R%6!" ) (Enter ( to upload multiple ,iles

Steps to con,igure F"6 ser+er wit# 7solate userLs option (At ser+er side :
Open my computer.Open any partition Create a ,older by name as F"6 open F"6 ,older create a sub-,older as 7=% Open 7=% ,older create a sub-,older as Ali (user name Start programs administrati+e tools 77S select 3 rig#t clic$ on F"6 sites 4ew F"6 site ne@t description: 7=%.CO% ne@t Enter 76-Address: .'.'.'.. ne@t

4e@t browse select F"6 ,older O$ ne@t tic$ mar$ on read 3 write 4e@t ,inis#

Start 9!4 C%- (Enter

%CSE &''(


Steps to connect F"6 ser+er (At client side -ouble clic$ on internet e@plorer Address: #ttp://.'.'.'.. (Enter !ser name: Ali
6assword: )))))))

Steps to con,igure F"6 ser+er wit# 7solate users using acti+e directory
Steps at client side
Open my computer open any partition create a ,older by name as CC 3 s#are it. Open CC ,older create a sub-,older by name as SS

Steps at ser+er side

Start administrati+e tools 77S Select 3 rig#t clic$ on F"6 site new F"6 site 4e@t description: 7=%.CO% ne@t enter 76-Address: .'.'.'.. 4e@t



"ype t#e password again

%CSE &''(


OC tic$ mar$ on read 3 write ne@t ,inis#

Steps at ser+er side

Start9!4 C%- (Enter

c:HR iis,tp/setadprop $$ ,tproot client


(mm: #ost name ,or

c:HR iis,tp/setadprop $$ ,tpdir $$

%CSE &''(


7O 6aper:7mplementing1 con,iguring 3 managing acti+e directory ser+ice: C#aptersA

1- Introduction to windows 2003 acti2e directory ser2ice. 2- Installing 4 configuring acti2e directory ser2ices. 3- Installing 4 configuring additional domain controller. 4- Installing 4 configuring child domain. 5- Installing 4 configuring forest domain. !- Customi6ation of des(top setting using group policy. "- &eploying acti2e directory ser2ices using group policy. $- &elegate control. %- Configuring domain model networ(. 10'ac( up 4 restore of acti2e directory.

%CSE &''(


.- Introduction to windows 2003 acti2e directory ser2ice)

*cti!e directory ser!ices:
7tLs a centraliPed database o, users1 groups1 computers 3 organiPation units. "#e computer w#ic# is #a+ing acti+e directory ser+ices is called domain controller. *it#out acti+e directory we can not ma$e domain model networ$. 7, t#e computer is not connected p#ysically wit# ot#er computer t#en we can not install acti+e directory. 7, t#e 8A4 card is disabling t#en we can not use acti+e directory. -uring installation o, acti+e directory ser+ice we can install 3 con,igure -4S ser+er. "#is acti+e directory stored in O/S partition in windows ,older in 4"-S ,older (4ew "ec#nology -irectory Ser+ice

Re0uirements for acti!e directory ser!ice installation:

.&(;*indows &''( ser+er O/S in 4"FS partition. 76-Address connected wit# ot#er computer. &0' %= ,ree space in partition. -4S (Optional .

%CSE &''(


2-Installing 4 configuring acti2e directory ser2ices)

Steps to install acti+e directory ser+ice (at ser+er :
Start 9!4 -C6O%O (Enter 4e@t ne@t domain controller ,or a new domain 4e@t domain in new ,orest ne@t ,ull -4S name: ne@t -omain net =ios name: 7=% ne@t database ,older log ,older Folder location. 4e@t. 7nstall 3 con,igure t#e -4S ser+er on t#is computer. 4e@tpermission compatible wit# pre-windows &'''ne@tpassword and con,irm it 4e@t ne@t ,inis# Clic$ on restart now

3-Installing 4 configuring additional domain controller)

*dditional domain controller: Additional domain controller is also called as A-C (Additional -omain Controller . 7t pro+ides ,ault to 8aurence o, acti+e directory. 7t pro+ides networ$ load balancing in t#e networ$. 7t $eeps t#e copy o, main ser+ersL acti+e directory. 7, main ser+er (6-C is corrupted t#e second ser+er (A-C controls t#e networ$.

Steps to con,igure additional domain controller (At member ser+er side

Start 9!4 -C69O%O (Enter 4e@t ne@t username: administrator. 6assword: ))))))) domain: 7=% 4e@t ne@t ne@t password and con,irm ,or acti+e directory (Optional 4e@t4e@t Finis#. 9estart now

%CSE &''(


4- installing 4 configuring child domain)

C#ild domain con,iguration allows t#e user o, main o,,ice to logon in branc# o,,ice 3 t#e user o, branc# o,,ice can logon ,rom main o,,ice.

Steps to con,igure c#ild domain controller (at member ser+er side :

Start 9!4 -C69O%O (Enter 4e@t ne@t domain controller ,or a new domain ne@t C#ild domain in an e@isting domain ne@t !ser name: Administrator password: )))))))) domain: 4e@t parent domain: C#ild domain: A=C. Complete -4S name: 4e@t net =ios name: A=C 4e@t 4e@t 4e@t permission compatible wit# pre-windows &''' 4e@t 6assword: ))))))) con,irm password: ))))))))))

Steps to remo+e c#ild acti+e directory

Start 9!4 -C69O%O /Forceremo+al (no space a,ter ,orce

"o c#ec$ w#ic# acti+e directory we are using:

Start 9!4 C%- (Enter C:HR4et accounts (Enter

4-Installing 4 configuring forest domain)

.orest domain:
Forest domain con,iguration allows t#e users o, one domain to logon ,rom ant#er domain 3 t#e user o, one domain can use t#e source o, ot#er domain.

Steps to con,igure ,orest domain (at member side

Start 9!4 -C69O%O (Enter 4e@t ne@t domain controller ,or a new domain ne@t -omain tree in an e@isting ,orest ne@t username: Administrator 6assword: -omain: 4e@t ,ull -4S name: A=C.comne@t net =ios name: 4e@t ne@t ne@t ne@t install 3 con,igure -4S on t#is computer 4e@t permission compatible wit# pre-windows &''' ne@t password 3 con,irm 4e@t ne@t ,inis#

%CSE &''(


5- Customi6ation of des(top sitting using group policy)

For e@ample: *e can remo+e my networ$ places1 run1 my computer 3 many t#ings to user to stop accessing.

!sing group policy we can stop t#e user to use des$top icon 3 we can stop t#e user to use start menu items.

Steps to remo+e my networ$ places icon ,rom des$top to user Ali (at
ser+er side Open acti+e directory users 3 computers select 3 rig#t clic$ on (domain name new organiPation unit name: O! OC Create a user by name as Ali in O! select 3 rig#t clic$ on O! properties Group policy new Edit select des$top select 3 rig#t clic$ on my networ$ places 6roperties Enable apply O$ Close

Steps at client
8ogon as user Ali user will not get networ$ places icon on t#e des$top.

!- &eploying acti2e directory using group policy)

!sing group policy we can deploy acti+e directory on client computer to particular user.

Steps to deploy acti+e directory using group policy (At ser+er side
Open my computer open any partition create a ,older by name as co$e 3 s#are it C#ec$ t#e partition in w#ic# ser+er O/S is installed open O/S partition windows System(& copy (A-%746AC ,ile paste it in co$e ,older open acti+e users 3 computers create a new O! create a user by name as Ali in O!properties select 3 rig#t clic$ on O! properties group policy new Edit select users con,iguration e@pand so,tware settings select 3 rig#t clic$ on so,tware install new 6ac$age select my networ$ places entire networ$ Entire contains %icroso,t windows networ$ domain name ( Ser+er #ost name (:: double clic$ on co$e ,older assign OCcloseclose

Steps at client side

8ogon as user Ali Start programs administrati+e tools acti+e directory users 3 computers

%CSE &''(


"- &elegate control)

&elegate control:
!sing t#is option we can gi+e permission to user (Ali to create1 delete 3 manage users 3 groups in particular O.!

Steps to gi+e delegate control permission to user (Ali on O.!:

(At ser+er side Open acti+e directory users 3 computers create a new organiPation unit Create a user by name as (Ali inside O.! Select 3 rig#t clic$ on O.! group policy deploy acti+e directory on O.! Select 3 rig#t clic$ on O.! -elegate control 4e@t AddEnter t#e obKect name: Ali clic$ on c#ec$ name O$ 4e@t Select any Kob w#ic# you wantM 4e@t Finis#

Steps at client side

8ogon as Ali Open acti+e directory users 3 computers Select 3 rig#t clic$ on O.! 4ew user

%CSE &''(


$-Configuring domain model networ()

4etwor$ are o, two types1 t#ey are:


*or$group %odel 4etwor$

*or$group model networ$ is also called as peer-to-peer networ$. 4o aut#entication. 4ot more security. E@ample ,or wor$group model networ$:- 7 *ay

-omain model networ$

-omain model networ$ is also called as ser+er 3 client based networ$. Aut#entication. %ore security. E@ample ,or domain networ$ T

*in&''( Ser+er

*in 56 6ro,essional


*indows &''( ser+er. 76-Address. -4S con,igure. Acti+e directory. 6re,erred -4S address.


*indows 56 6ro,essional. 76-Address. Connecti+ity wit# ser+er. 6re,erred -4S address. 8ogically connecti+ity.

Steps to ma$e logically connecti+ity (at client side

Select 3 rig#t clic$ on my computer properties Computer name clic$ on c#ange -omain name: OC username: Administrator password: OC.OC. OC. Close. 9estart computer.

%CSE &''(


%-'ac( up 4 restore acti2e directory)

Steps to ta$e bac$ up o, acti+e directory (At ser+er side
Start 6rograms Accessories system tools bac$ up remo+e tic$ mar$ ,rom t#e bo@: always start in wiPard mode clic$ on ad+ance mode Clic$ on bac$ up wiPard ne@t only bac$ up t#e system states data 4e@t Clic$ on browse select partition to sa+e bac$ up OC C#oose a place to sa+e t#e bac$ up: -:H "ype name ,or bac$ up ,ile: Acti+e directory 4e@t ,inis# close. Open acti+e directory users 3 computers -elete some users.

Steps to restore acti+e directory (At ser+er side

9eboot t#e system 6ress F2 to go in sa+e mode select directory ser+ice restore mode Enter OC Start 6rograms Accessories system tools bac$ up Clic$ on restore wiPard ne@t e@pand ,ile select system states bac$ up 4e@t Finis# close restart Open acti+e directory users 3 computers !sers will be bac$.

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O 6aper:7mplementing1 con,iguring 3 managing acti+e directory ser+ice: C#aptersA

1- Introduction

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