4-8 Lesson Plan A

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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Use this lesson plan format and include supplementary materials (e.g. activities, handouts, lecture notes). Date: 4-8-14 Title: Segregation Description (1-2 sentences): As opposed to other lessons, this focuses on today Students are al!ays as"ing ho! this #aterial applies to !hat is going on (although not as succinctly), and this lesson pro$ides a %ridge %et!een the late 18&&'s and today

Su%(ect: )istory *nstruction ti#e: +ne ,& #inute period Student's le$el %y grade: -inth Standard(s) to %e addressed: .nderstand the role of go$ern#ent in #a(or areas of do#estic and foreign policy .nderstand patterns of social and cultural continuity in $arious societies .nderstand relationships %et!een and a#ong significant e$ents .nderstand #ultiple $ie!points !ithin and across cultures related to i#portant e$ents, recurring dile##as, and issues .nderstand the role the $alues of specific people in history played in influencing history .nderstand significant historical periods and patterns of change !ithin and across cultures, such as social, econo#ic, and political re$olutions

/nduring .nderstandings0/ssential 1uestions targeted in this lesson (for units created using the .nderstanding %y Design fra#e!or" only): 2o$ern#ents #ay hurt those it needs to help the #ost

3earning +%(ecti$es for this lesson (4ritten using $er%s fro# 5loo#'s Ta6ono#y): Students !ill defend !hy they %elie$e segregation does0not e6ist Students !ill deduce that segregation still e6ists in so#e for# in A#erica Students !ill distinguish %et!een de facto and de (ure segregation Students !ill pro$ide e6a#ples of de facto and de (ure segregation Students !ill identify ho! segregation still e6ists in A#erica *dentified student needs and plans for differentiation: The articles are a lo!er reading le$el to %egin !ith, so no real differentiation is needed there They !ill not %e re7uired to participate in the discussion

Specific resources needed for this lesson: 2reen and red slips of paper for $oting and a %o6 to contain it in 4hite %oard, green and red #ar"ers Articles 8aper *nstructional #ethod(s) used in this lesson: 1uestioning, student led discussion Teacher-led discussion 3esson Se7uence: )oo" ()o! !ill you get students e6cited a%out learning0*ntroduce students to your o%(ecti$es9) 2 #inutes - 5ell ringer, %allot handout, attendance :*dentify t!o pro%le#s caused %y the la! that %lac"s encountered in the late 18&&'s ; :*f conditions in the South !ere so %ad, !hy didn't #ore African A#ericans lea$e the South9;

Direct instruction0<odeling 1& #inutes = $oting acti$ity (call on a fe! students to e6plain !hy they $oted this !ay, tally and ta%ulate results 0 2uided practice > #inutes = sources acti$ity (statistics on school segregation, an article on a segregated high school pro#) , #inutes = Does segregation still actually e6ist9 *n !hat !ay does it see# it #ight still e6ist9 ? #inutes = Students !ill use dictionaries to loo" up the !ords :de facto; and :de (ure; ? #inutes = students !ill discuss ho! these !ords #ight relate to segregation , #inutes = once a consensus has %een reached as to ho! it relates to segregation, e6a#ples of these types of segregation !ill %e solicited fro# the students De (ure !ill re$ol$e around @i# Aro! la!s, !hile de facto #ight %e a struggle That is e6pected *f they struggle !ith de facto, * !ill pro$ide e6a#ples, such as their $ery school and co##unity co#pared to Des <oines schools & , #inutes = e6a#ples of segregation they see today *ndependent practice Ahec"(s) for understanding and scaffolding of student learning ? #inutes = e6it slip :)o! does segregation e6ist today9;

0 Assess#ent of0for learning & 5ell ringer assess yesterday's learning, and e6it slip assesses today's Alosure of the lesson /6it slip 5ridge to ne6t lesson & * !ill let the students "no! !e are done !ith lessons on segregation, and !e !ill #o$e into .S *#perialis# to#orro! There is no test, %ut this !ill %e on the final

)o! !ill you #odify or ad(ust this lesson in the future9 .se articles that the students are #ore engaged %y The pro# article is fine, %ut the statistics article is dry

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