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Test expert plus

Finding causes - quick, effective and meaningful


Organ functions Psychological situation Dental problems Lack of vitamins Lack of minerals Intoxication of all kinds Tendency to have allergies Causes of pain


Well thought out method

For decades therapists in virtually all holistic assessement areas have relied on this successful and reliable test method, which is a combination of thousand year-old Chinese healing and the most modern Western technology. The Test expert plus is used via the 30 year old VEGATEST method that has been completely redeveloped from even older electric acupuncture by Dr. Voll. With Test expert plus we delve deep into medical evaluation - you are so as to speak in a direct dialogue with your patients organism. Using a bioimpedance measurement it is possible to measure any reproducible point of skin resistance. The test substances used in the measurement loop are answered by the change in the skin resistance caused by the stimulus (depending on the level of knowledge about the organism). The organism responds with a clear yes or The VEGATEST method has been continually developed since 1978. Researchers and users have time and again searched for solutions to saving information on different media and then calling this up from the memory for test purposes. Testing with the Vega Duplex Ampoules comes close to a revolution in testing. It is almost unbelievable what time savings you can achieve by using the Vega Duplex Memory (VDS). This enables information on organ loads and the causes of illnesses to be discovered quickly and efficiently. Testers who know the basis for testing and filtering can detect the connections between causes and effects. no to these test substances.


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Targeted evaluation

Medical Hotline: Tel.: + 49 - 2 01 - 18 55 68 - 10 E-Mail:

As a result of the new technological options, Test expert plus is a very compact device that provides a number of measurements thanks to its logical structure. Objectives of Test expert plus: Simplification of medical evaluation Effective detection of causes Traceability of analysement for your patients Better patient engagement

You check therapy success: The patients biological age, which was determined in the introductory examination, will improve. Stresses, inflammation and defective areas can no longer be tested after successful treatment. It goes without saying that the clinical tests and lab values will also improve. Test expert plus not only facilitates medical evaluation but also optimises the therapy: The medicine test, which has been practised successfully for years, determines the most compatible and effective prescription for your patient.

Perfect electroacupuncture!
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Functional - Test exper t plus

The device complements practical conventional diagnosis with cause information analysis using holistic recording of the bioenergetic function situation of the human body, its organs and organ systems under normal conditions. The latter option enables a sustainable fine matching of therapies and in particular therapy support using system information therapy (SIT) and electric therapy with pulse flows. Pulse current therapy to locate defective areas using stimulus electricity with rolling electrodes The low frequency pulse current therapy, which has been trusted for many years, with either 10 or 13 Hz for rolling, tightening and blood circulation, is also possible using the Test expert plus. Energy screening: Saves time using probe testing With the fully automatic energy screening, Test expert plus also provides a summary measurement that provides a statement on the energetic situation, regulatory ability and potential areas of inflammation or disorder. The measurement only takes a short amount of time. The measurement is complete within 2 minutes and gives us a brief overview of the patients energy levels divided into 7 segments. The measurements are shown in graphs and numerically. Measurement of current in the mouth using the tooth measurement probe The measurement of galvanic electricity currents is becoming ever more important in assessing the interaction between organs and teeth. Text expert plus measures and shows the values between two teeth or between the tooth and gum in graphics and numerically. To determine the patients long-term loads, a measurement in n-Joules is carried out in line with the research of Dr. med. dent. Kramer.


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Functional - Test exper t plus

Left image: SI-CARD

Metabolism regulation therapy (SRT) Through the use of the SRT program card a targeted functional evaluation of the five element teaching, determination of the metabolism and energy regulation measurement are possible. Using the result, organ-specific metabolism regulation therapy is carried out using homeopathic test and therapy information (SRT). A final short measurement of the energetic situation later shows whether the patient has responded to the previous SRT. Meridian status measurement For the meridian status, defined meridian points (acupuncture points) on the hands and feet are measured and recorded in a predefined order. By comparing the measurement values for the left and right sides, it is possible to find analysis information and therapeutic approaches (meridian axes). SI-CARD Using the integrated system information pulser unit, it is possible to save the individually measured test informa-

tion on an SI-CARD (system information card). This test information can offer support for control measurements or system information therapy (SIT). Treatment with magnetic fields has a firm place in traditional scientific medicine. The biophysical method is implemented with the SI-CARD. The magnetic field is used to carry information from the biological system. In line with the test result the SI-CARD includes information and is worn by the patient on the skin. The duration is to be decided individually. Biological index The biological index refers to the soft, interstitial connective tissue or matrix, which is also referred to as the basic system. The function of the mesenchyme reflects the patients biological age, i.e. their level of deterioration. The biological age is divided into 21 biological age classes whereby the first levels represent good health and level 21 represents the maximum load. Above index 10 there may already be clinical problems. At age levels over 15 clinically manifest diseases are generally already in place.

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Very good - Test exper t plus b a s i c e d i t i o n

The Test expert plus basic edition is the result of 30 years of practical experience. You can start testing at low cost with the device.*  Additional potentization functions for much better differential analysis  VDS memory with 500 therpeutically important ampoules Of which 400 ampoules can be potentiated multiple times without losing any data. SI pulser unit in order to utilise the advantages of the Easy menu navigation: General disorders Microbial level Head foci Metal loads Functional diagnosis Vital teeth Special ampoules

Can be upgraded so that you can easily get the full version Deficiencies



limited additional functions

The additional functions such as dental measurement, stimulus electricity, energy screening or using the VDS 1 card, are not available in this basic edition. These functions can be activated easily at any time using an upgrade.


wegamed - Test expert plus


Competent - we are there for you

Medical hotline: Tel.: + 49 201 - 18 55 68 - 10 E-Mail:

Development Development engineers, medics & therapists at wegamed gmbh develop innovative diagnosis and therapy devices for the health of your patients. In order to guarantee continuous development of the devices, we are in close contact with numerous users of wegamed devices. Customer support, installation and repair wegamed gmbh customer support is offered by the head office as well as a national network of medically qualified specialist advisers. These specially trained employees install the devices on-site and provide personal training for handling the devices. Specially trained service technicians handle the technical, safety checks / servicing and any repairs on your devices. Maintenance In order to avoid downtime in practices, we can offer you special maintenance agreements for all of your wegamed devices. We also carry out technical safety checks (MPBetreibV Sections 5-7) such as the Test expert plus (VEGATEST).

Medical hotline Our team of experts (medics and therapists) are available for medical questions. Guarantee of quality & security All wegamed medical products are developed, registered and produced in Germany. They fulfil the high requirements of the European Medical Product Directive 93/42/ EEC, which is confirmed by the CE mark. Wegamed gmbh is certified to DIN EN ISO 13485. wegamed ACADEMY seminars Interesting, informative and above all practical seminars that not only explain our products but also show you directly how our diagnosis and therapy devices promise success and can be used to benefit your patients. Our seminars have developed into a forum for an exciting exchange of experience. For questions on all aspects of our products, please contact our service hotline. Tel.: + 49 2 01 - 18 55 68 - 10

The new WEGAMED.NET software has arrived!

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Check medical sport Summary evaluation

Advisory analysis after only one measurement: Check medial Sport checks patients in the truest sense of the word from head to toe. The device shows defects in the body, produces a summary evaluation and provides suggestions for therapy.

Test expert plus Cause evaluation

Test expert plus provides detailed information on the causes of illnesses - quickly and effectively. For example, the device senses the causes of allergies and organ loads and finds acute and chronic inflammation foci.


Med matrix Detox therapy

Med Matrix combines several methods of matrix regeneration for thorough basic detoxification. In this the soft connective tissue - matrix - is detoxified and regenerated by being supplied with organ cells. Med select activates the bodys self-healing powers through the bodys own vibrations. The therapy can be applied to a variety of conditions including allergies, skin complaints, circulation problems and pain. Colour and tone therapy with Med audiocolor aims to strengthen the constitution. General physical wellbeing, which can have a significant effect on the immune system, can be strengthened by the harmonising effect of colours and tones.

Med select Vibration therapy

Med audiocolor Color tone therapy

Prefit Bodyscan Fitness check

Prefit Body Scan scans the athletes body and shows its reactions and weaknesses. A constitutional muscle analysis determining the ideal training time and individual fitness and nutritional advice is provided quickly.


The wegamed academy stands for research, information and ongoing training. Scientists and therapists work hand in hand here. Users learn wegameds medical methods and use our diagnosis and therapy devices here.

Competition note: The wegamed diagnosis and therapy methods are assigned to alternative medicine and not scientifically recognised beyond this. wegamed gmbh Document number: P-EN-181011-00-1352

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