Newtwork of South American Cities

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The South American Cities Network (REDCISUR), founded in 2012, focuses on three principal thematic axes: Environment and Climate Change, Urbanism and Planning, and Security and Co-existence - themes that are directly related to the mission of this organization of capital cities. Therefore, government authorities will actively participate in World Urban Forum 7, which is certain to be at the center of the world's attention as regards the challenging issues posed by our cities. As part of its mission, REDCISUR also promotes its participation on the Latin American stages of regional integration through the adherence of new local governments, identifying and developing themes and stages for the exchange of urban management experiences, and proposing political agendas for the region. Thus, WUF 7 is an exceptional setting for exchanging good practices and consolidating local political actions with regional and global impacts. Advancing the outcome of the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on sustainable development is the principal objective of the Seventh World Urban Forum, UN-Habitat. Our proactive involvement with the city networks, and in general terms on all international stages for local government participation - where the defense of democracy and the autonomy of municipal authorities is a priority for achieving Post-2015 goals and for advancing toward Habitat III - means that now is the time for our organization to assume the leading role to which it is rightfully entitled, given that this region is the most highly urbanized, the most vulnerable to climate change, and the most unequal in the world. All REDCISUR member cities have assumed irrevocable commitments to urban resilience, citizen integration and security, and mitigation of climate change, with development plans and governance proposals in which the human being is placed at the center of public action. Our organization will therefore have a pivotal role in this international gathering in which we will be the spokespeople for a new kind of public management from the local level, embracing cross-cutting policies that render us more human, more democratic and more sustainable, and thus better able to tackle the challenges of the 21st century with optimum political responsibility.

What is the World Urban Forum? The World Urban Forum (WUF) established by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) takes place every two years with the participation of national and local governments, specialists, experts, and scientists, among others. Medellin was selected on September 5, 2012 as host city of the 7th World Urban Forum, as a "means of supporting Colombia in its effort to achieve peace", in the words of its Director, Joan Clos.

In this context, more than twelve different kinds of activities will be held over one week, including dialogs, round-tables, special sessions, assemblies, network events, side events, training events, urban talks, parallel events, etc. The central theme of this seventh edition is "Urban Equity in Development - Cities for Life". What is the main objective of the WUF? The main objective of the Forum is to further advance the outcome of the Rio+20 UN conference on sustainable development. The most pressing environmental, social and political issues for the world's future will be debated over the six days that make up what is one of the biggest gatherings on the planet.

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