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Topic: Should Homosexual marriage be legalized?

Principles of writing

Student: Katherine Sorrosa Morn

Teacher: Mr. Kelly Faulkner

Period: Spring I

Year: 2014

Should Homosexual marriage be legalized? Introduction Nowadays, we see gay couples more common in streets and media demanding their rights to marriage, but we dont think about consequences about their dreams to get married. One of the main reasons for opposing gay marriage is disobedience to Gods orders, because in the Bible we can clearly read that when God created a partner for Adam, he created Eve, not another Adam (Edmiston, 1997). It means that the normal marriage is between a man and a woman. One of the first reported cases of gay marriage was in 1970 when two students of University of Minnesota applied for a marriage license, but the court denied it because they both were men (Nelson, 2012). Since this day, the court decided to think about the request because that wasnt the only one. And then, 25 years later, they legalized it (Nelson, 2012). Gay marriage isnt good because it would imply many changes for history and the kind of life of everybody. Changes like: it could allow potentially nontraditional relationships, it will lead to the polygamy and mostly, it offends God. We know that we all have the same rights and we could be happy with anybody we have chosen, but we have to do that in the correct way, that is in a normal relationship. It becomes clear that marriage is just a place-holder for a series of value judgments where the laws could be making and unmaking because of the social and legal pressures (Homer, 1994). We call something marriage but it doesnt mean it is a real marriage. Marriage has always been between two people, a member of each sex. The union between two men or two women denies the primary purpose of marriage: to take care of a child. The normal marriage and the same-sex marriage cant be considering the same thing (Student Action). Gay marriage doesnt create a natural family because it creates a sterile union, if they want to have their own kid they have to choose for many costly and artificial ways, circumventing nature (Student Action). Therefore, we cant call a same sex-marriage a truly marriage if they dont comply with the nature laws (Student Action). People that agree with the same sex-marriage always say that they are equal under the law and for that reason they can get married. It is true; we all are equal under the law, but this truth is juridical, not biological. It means that the gay couple cant produce children together because

the conjugal act is related to normal marriage a man and a woman (Student Action, TFP Student Action, 2009). This kind of marriage will lead to polygamy, because since the gay marriage was legalized in many countries, other people have said that if it could be legal, marriage in groups could be legal, too (Dobson, 2004). Anything linked to civil rights will be doable if it would be legalized around the world. Every legal base of marriage will be destroyed (Dobson, 2004). Parents will be required to accept that their children to be homosexual and we know that the maleness is still alive. That means that many parents would be disagree with their children and it would bring so many abuses for them. Many homosexual activists say that the church allows sterile people to marry, so, for that reason it should allow gay marriage. The both comments have nothing in common, because there isnt comparison between the nature sterility and the unnatural sterility in a homosexual union (Student Action, TFP Student Action, 2009). The main disagree comes from the church, because all began from the Bible. If the homosexual marriage would be legalized, it will change all the history, all our principles and the way that the children have been growing because obviously we need a mother and a father (McLanahan & Sanderful, 1994). It happens because each member of the family contribute with any needed of their children. Needs like: the mother is more carefully about their children and the father contributes for the defense of themselves (McLanahan & Sanderful, 1994). We cant say that a normal marriage and a homosexual marriage is the same. Since the existence of the first man in the earth, the couple was between a man and a woman. If a gay couple want to get married, they cant have their own family like a marriage propose is. The law doesnt exclude gays, but it excludes gay marriage because it is the opposite of the normal family. They could adopt any child, but it is not the same like if they produce their own babies. The world cant change just for a little part of the population, the history has made like nowadays we know, the history should be the same until the last day. Orphans children shouldnt pay for the consequences of their irresponsible parents and be adopted by a different kind of family, this is that will happen to the orphans who will be adopted because the homosexual marriage would be the only unfit to conceive their own children.

Bibliography Dobson, J. (2004). Marriage Under Fire. Multnomah Publishers. Edmiston, J. (1997). ChristianAnswers. Retrieved from Homer, S. K. (1994). Heinonline. Retrieved from page= McLanahan, S., & Sanderful, G. (1994). Family Research Council. Retrieved from Nelson, T. (2012, October 25). Minnesota Public Radio. Retrieved from Student Action, T. (2009, June 1). TFP Student Action. Retrieved from Student Action, T. (n.d.). TFP student action. Retrieved from

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