A Young Caesar of A Hollywood Mind Filled With Neroish Might

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Arise From Ashes To take the Form Of a Fleshy Human Given the Power to be a Leader To Establish your Reign upon the Golden Earthly Throne That will leave Patriots all around to love your Secret Beauties As you will lead them to see that you are just like the many of them Even though unique in your own and special private of all the very ways As beneath your Skin is that of a Heart that is solid as Gold knowing Truth Who has taken it upon himself to be the Enlightened Leader of the Chosen Ones Of those who are Patriotic Loving God Fearing Individuals so to scare the shit out of Evil So that should Hearts not Love you or if their Souls dont open up their Eyes to that of you Will leave for them to be the first ones raptured from this Earth as Natures Religion is Born Again As God from up above so chose to weave together a Creation to cleanse that of the Earth from Bad People That will illuminate the Eyes of every Individual with a Soul on Earth to cast away Demons to perish in the Holy Fire

Might Of Rome That Created Leaders That led their Empire to flourish Is why as we transition from a Republic to Empire Leads me to say that we need to give rise to a Leader like me That finds beauty knowing that in America he can raise his Hand With the People of America behind him as he stands over the Coliseum To send to the Beasts that of those Individuals whom are truly the Terrorists Even though he still loves the Republic leads him to see that to eliminate Darkness in the Empire That he must awaken those Souls and Patriotic Hearts to bring about that of an Age of Enlightenment Regardless of the Soap Opera that goes on behind the Scenes as privacy in the New Age will mean everything But those who walk in Darkness, even though beauty is in it, better not do Evil or they will face that of my Wrath

Liberty In Trees Leaves me High In those God Powers Where I can take a Comet And cast it upon the Devil himself In the Center of the New Age Coliseum For should one look to undermine our Republic Is when I will stand upon the Temple to fire those Rays That will leave his Soul to melt away in that of the Rainbow Gun I possess Until that of his Body returns to the Ashes from which it wont ever arise again I wont do it to the Christians though, OMG, Heaven only knows that I wouldnt do that For I wish to stand upon the Temple to be a Leader knowing that I am the possessor of Knowledge That will leave Satan forever when I become a Caesar to know that he wont rise again for a 1,000 Years Which will leave America to last for a very, very long time until maybe at the end of lets say all of eternity As we unleash the Fiat Beast to see a Bubble like we see in America today leading one to wonder about Space As those Skyscrapers of Babel arise which we will see who is the Biggest Liar in their attempt to corrupt this World And if their Hearts arent true to America is when in 3000 AD of our Good Lords Reign we will burn them in the Bush

Owls In Groves Leaves me with Knowledge To welcome the Day when I can stand Atop the Temple in America built on Sound Money So to give rise to a Caesar that we all can gladly Hail Even if its me who might be a little strange in his Ways But its all good though because at least I speak from the Heart Knowing very well what America and the Republic is truly all about Caring not if my Life is laughed at or whatever or made into a Soap Opera And that is why the first thing I will do when I can stand atop the Constitutional Bank Is raise up that of my Rod that the People trusted me with to say the Hell to Satan forever For if it is myself in this Flesh that Patriots have given me Great Powers to cleanse this Earth from the Evil Powers Versus seeing these Hypocrites on these Psychotic Levels not only deceiving America but that of the Human Race as well Which is why I long to see the Day when I can stand atop the Sound Money Bank saying that this Republic belongs to you

2012 The Beginning Of the Peoples Age Where a Rainbow Society That loves the God of Wonders Where Caesar is given the Heavenly Sword To bring about that of the Revelations to America Of what a Soul is truly worth if it is good in its intentions That will scare any Evil Individual to run and hide in some Closet forever But should I be gifted the might of such a Sword is when Gods Rainbowic Kingdom Will once again be restored to this Earth filled with pretty colors of American Wonders While in the center of the New Age Coliseum is when we will bring those Pure Evil Hearts As we as Gods Chosen People watch the Grandiose of all the Space Age Live Reality TV Shows Where that of Life and Death means that Good People can watch the Evil People face the Beasts Or should a Soldier wish to be an American Gladiator that they can if they wish fight to the death against a Terrorist Oh what a New Age it will become for Enlightened Souls as we watch in the center of it the Evil Individuals return to Hell

SO Prett

Soul So pretty In its Diversity Of this Babylon Where Birds and Bees And Flowers and the Trees Brings this Angel inside of me to Life Melting away in that of its Godly Wonders Leaving me to almost feel like a Mental Patient But no need to worry for when a become a Caesar I will rule over it like a Nero thanks to People granting me Power Which is why to protect America I will sign in my Blood that of a Treaty And if it means I must sacrifice a Terrorist than I look forward to the Day When I can become a part of the Dark Side that will leave Evil to burn away Oh God of Wonders who leaves me in this Flesh to Love the Mysteries within you Knowing only that if I displeased the People that I could be the one in the center of the coliseum Leaves me to know that as I wear your Armor that I will become the Superman to fight those Evil Powers That may wish to corrupt that of Caesars Reign upon the Throne so the People can have back their Beloved Republic

WarrioR TrutH
Truth Of America From Light to Death Leaves me to say Lady Liberty That I hope you havent abandoned me For what is it that you ask of me on this Day As I love you for protecting those of us who are Free For I want to work with you to strike fear in the Hearts of Evil To become that of a God on this Earth who possesses Mighty Powers As I feel like a Young Prince who is just learning to yield the Force within it Not wanting to be a King but only wanting to pursue the Path of a New Age Caesar So that the American Empire will never ever as long as we remain united to bite the Dust I hope the gayness in my ways havent offended you as thinking about you leaves me to melt in Love Knowing that we in America can create the New Age Rainbowic Heavenly Inspired Warriors of Tomorrow That should you ever gift to me a Power in America will lead me upon taking it to strike fear in Evil for all Eternity




Questions Which Princes May only ponder Leaves me to wonder How should I aid and abet That of your God to eliminate The very Darkness around Earth To restore to the People the Republic Even if it means me pushing that button To eliminate an Evil Nation in a blink of an Eye For I just want to see a Planet where Peace reigns And where the Black and White Squares of this Creation Leaves for Americas Rainbowic People to love this Garden As things truly can be made so simple in that of Truth and Gold But Heaven forbid someone hurt another intentionally in this Paradise And should they do leading us to see them as truly evil in this Alienic Control Grid Is when us Enlightened Souls will encircle them in the Center of Americas Future Coliseums We will give them a choice to speak before the Cities of the People in which the People will rant and roar While the Emperor, Mayor, Prince, or whatever in America will give that of Final up or down Thumb Signal If its up he will be freed but if its down that is when the Beasts and Gladiators will unleash their Heavenly Fury As the People in the Stands watch in amazement eating Chicken and drinking Beer only to watch Evil return to the Dust



Books Of Mysteries Some half read Maybe some not at all Others over and over again Leads me to wonder God as I ponder What it is America really wants from me For I would paint you some Pictures with Oils Even though it is hard to do in this Apartment That has left for me to type that of these Words Which is only the start of many Great Writings to come Of the Mysteries and all Wonders of Heaven and that of Hell That do come alive when Souls find God only to melt away in the Sun Feeling like I am drifting upon the Clouds of the Mystical Enchantments Knowing that I only wanted to do everything in that of my Human Powers To restore back to the People that of the simplicities associated with the Republic So that the Righteous shall inherit this very Earth and if others dont repent had best be worried For if others just love life is when they will as well be able to enjoy the Greatest White and Black Age That only a Rainbowic Soul like mine could draw up for them since both Political Parties suck to the core As I love wearing these Wings as Gold has led me whether a Sound or Dollar Based Currency is used in the Future Can lead to Rainbows across the Earth to reflect off that of the Hearts of Gold to bring a Prismized Color to this Garden



Up And Away Into the Sky Above the Clouds Freedom from the Earth In pursuit to attain the Truth Of where ones God does reside Where the Cross gives one the Wings To dream about Heaven and my Homie Jesus Who has left that of my Soul filled with Butterflies That tickle me to death in what is truly a fluttery delight Leaving me to feel so special knowing it can fly to the Moon Free from the Body and into the Heavens that lie in the Stars That shine ever so brightly while the Butterfly brings to it that Life Like that of the Comets that race through that of the Emptiness of Space Which are just as beautiful as the Soul that brings a Great Light to the Earth So Heavenly indeed as one looks up to God only to see that of their Soul drifting away To a place that is free from that of this Planet only to find them clinging to those Shooting Stars Which is why if a Human is in Love with God with a Soul that is beautiful like a Monarch Butterfly can fly so very High And this is why I love God so very much as he leaves me so happy that should anyone be Evil I can find in him Power That is as mighty as the Works of all that has ever been created to reign upon the Devil the wrath of Star Wars To fire upon him that of Light that will leave him in this Garden to feel that he is plagued in that of this Flesh Which will leave him forever and ever until the end of all Time to see that his Dark Soul means nothing For when the Soldiers of God who let their Souls drift away from Earth to find in Heaven the Wonders Should they decide to become as that of one can strike a fear in those Hearts of Satan for all Eternity And that is why in God you can find yourself feeling like a one yourself and if united under the Light Can cleanse from that of this Earth all those very Evils that may plague this American Garden For it will leave you united under a New Age Blood Oath to see that God owns the Soul As you sign in that of your Blood a Covenant to owe your Allegiance to the Righteous To cleanse from the Earth in a Heavenly Fire that of the Works associated with Satan For the New Age Gang I wish to create to arise from that of Middle of the Earth Is one that respects everyone and their privacy while loving that of God In their very efforts to unite as one to eliminate that of Satan forever To cleanse that of those Souls whom follow that Darkened Path In what I hope is associated with that of the Holiest of Fires For we who have found Peace living together as One Will strike upon a Mortal the very wrath of God For pursuing that Of Evil versus Goodness In that of this 21st Century World Where those who dont repent From that of their Sinful Ways Will see that of the Matrix Uniting behind the Code To eliminate those Who are Evil All the way On their Choice

To Go Down Low

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