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Name: _______________________________________.Feb 2009. Ed Romero. (English teacher).


He as tal!ing on the "hone when # arri$ed. When she called% he had alread& eaten lunch. # ashed the dishes when m& daughter 'ell aslee". (e)ll go to lunch when &ou come to $isit. (e ill 'inish before he arri$es. /he (had) le't before # tele"honed.

'When' means )at that moment% at that time% etc.* Notice the di''erent tenses used in relationshi" to the clause beginning ith hen. #t is im"ortant to remember that 'when' ta!es either the sim"le "ast +R the "resent , the de"endent clause changes tense in relation to the ) hen) clause.

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'Before' means )be'ore that moment). #t is im"ortant to remember that )be'ore) ta!es either the sim"le "ast +R the "resent.

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'After' means )a'ter that moment). #t is (e ill 'inish after he comes. im"ortant to remember that )a'ter) ta!es the "resent 'or 'uture e$ents and /he ate after # the "ast +R "ast "er'ect 'or "ast e$ents. (had) le't. )(hile) and )as) mean )during that time). /he began coo!ing hile # )(hile) and )as) are both usuall& used as 'inishing m& ith the "ast continuous because the meaning o' )during that time) hich home or!. indicates an action in "rogress. -s # as 'inishing m& home or!% she began coo!ing. 2& the time he 'inished% # had coo!ed dinner. (e ill ha$e 'inished our home or! b& the time the& )2& the time) e3"resses the idea that one e$ent has been com"leted be'ore another. #t is im"ortant to notice the use o' the "ast "er'ect 'or "ast e$ents and 'uture "er'ect 'or 'uture e$ents in the main clause. 4his is because o' the idea o' something ha""ening u" to another "oint in time.

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arri$e. Unt !" &t !! (e aited until )5ntil) and )till) e3"ress )u" to that time). he 'inished his (e use either the sim"le "resent or sim"le "ast ith )until) and )till). )4ill) is home or!. usuall& onl& used in s"o!en English. #)ll ait till &ou 'inish. # ha$e "la&ed tennis since # as a &oung bo&. He ill let us !no as soon as he decides (or as soon as he has decided). )/ince) means )'rom that time). (e use the "resent "er'ect (continuous) ith )since). )/ince) can also be used ith a s"eci'ic "oint in time. )-s soon as) means ) hen something ha""ens , immediatel& a'ter ards). )-s soon as) is $er& similar to ) hen) it em"hasi6es that the e$ent ill occur immediatel& a'ter the other. (e usuall& use the sim"le "resent 'or 'uture e$ents% although "resent "er'ect can also be used.

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Whene(er" e(er$ t %e

(hene$er he )(hene$er) and )e$er& time) mean )each comes% e go to time something ha""ens). (e use the sim"le "resent (or the sim"le "ast in ha$e lunch at the "ast) because ) hene$er) and )e$er& 70ic!)s7. time) e3"ress habitual action. (e ta!e a hi!e e$er& time he $isits. 4he 'irst time # ent to Ne 8or!% # as intimidated b& the cit&. # sa 9ac! the last time # ent to /an Francisco. 4he second time # "la&ed tennis% # began to ha$e 'un. 4he 'irst% second% third% 'ourth etc.% ne3t% last time means )that s"eci'ic time). (e can use these 'orms to be more s"eci'ic about hich time o' a number o' times something ha""ened.

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