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Diculty level indicated by stars ( easy, hard, harder than exam) For air (unless otherwise stated): Cp = 1.006 kJ/kg K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg K, = 1.4.

Problem 2A A block of copper weighting 0.25 kg initially at 150 C is gently placed into a heated tank of water containing 5.0 kg at 15 C. The tank is also made from copper and has a mass of 0.5 kg. If perfect insulation is assumed, calculate: i) The nal temperature ii) The enthalpy change for the copper block. iii) The enthalpy change for the water. iv) The enthalpy change for the complete system. For copper, cp = 0.384 kJ/kgK . For water cp = 4.10 kJ/kgK . If the block is dropped into the water tank from a height of 30 m what would be the resultant enthalpy change for the water Problem 2B The collector panels of a solar boiler receive radiation energy at the rate of 3400 kJ/m2 h during daylight. For a small desert power plant of 10 kW output, determine the required collector area if the electrical output is only 8 % of the incident radiation. ANS: 132.5 m2 Problem 2C Two identical pistons in cylinder arrangements are each lled with steam at 350 kN/m2 and are of initial volume 0.05 m3 . Sucient heat transfer is eected to raise the internal energy in each cylinder by 50 kJ. In one cylinder the piston is held xed, and in the other the piston in moved slowly to maintain the pressure constant. Each piston is of area of 0.1 m2 , and the piston travel for the second piston is 0.15 m. Find the magnitude of the heat transfer for each cylinder. Problem 2D A uid contained by frictionless leakproof piston in a horizontal cylinder is agitated by a stirrer. The diameter of the cylinder is 0.5 m. After 10 minutes stirring the piston has moved slowly out by a distance of 0.7 m against an ambient pressure of 0.1013 1

MN/m2 . The net increase in internal energy of the gas is 50 kJ. Find the required shaft power of the stirrer and the torque in the driving shaft for a stirrer speed of 800 rev/min. (Assume that the cylinder is insulated. ) Problem 2E In a frictionless cylinder and piston device, the piston is forced against a gas by a spring, which exerts a force directly proportional to the change in gas volume. In addition the atmospheric pressure of 0.1013 MN/m2 acts on the outer face of the piston. When the spring is in its natural length position, the volume of the gas is 0.05 m3 . Considering the gas as the system, calculate the work for the process from an initial state of 0.20 MN/m2, 0.1 m3 to a final volume of 0.3 m3. If the spring is taken as a system, find the work for the same process, and account for the differing work terms in different systems. Problem 2F A large container has at one end a vertical cylinder containing a frictionless leakproof piston of 0.1 m2 area. The pressure of the contained uid is 0.2 m of water gauge and the local atmosphere pressure is 0.1013 MN/m2 . After a body weight 5 N is placed suddenly on the piston, the resulting oscillations are damped out by the uid and the new resting piston is 0.25 m lower than the initial one. Assuming constant pressure from the atmosphere, calculate the work done for each of the following systems: i) The weight ii) The piston iii) The atmosphere iv) The contained uid Problem 2G A gas bottle with a volume of 0.1 m3 contains 0.4 kg of a gas at a pressure of 7 MN/m2 and a temperature of 150C. For this gas cp = 10.54 kJ/kg K. Calculate the changes in internal energy and enthalpy when the temperature is raised to 500 K. Problem 2H Air in a container at a pressure of 7 MN/m2 and a temperature of 16 C is heated by exposure to the sun to a temperature of 30 C. If the container volume is xed at 0.01 m3 , determine the heat transferred to the air, and its enthalpy change. Problem 2I A cylinder of oxygen of volume 0.06 m3 , at 3.5 MN/m2 and 15 C is heated until the pressure is 5.6 MN/m2 . = 1.4 for oxygen. Calculate the mass of oxygen, the amount of heat transferred, the enthalpy change, and the work.

Problem 2J Air at 3.5 MN/m2 , 320C expands reversibly to 0.15 MN/m2 obeying the law pv 1.2 = const . Calculate the change in specic internal energy. If a steady stream of air at 0.35MN/m2 and 25 C is passed through a small air turbine and the exit conditions are 0.1013 MN/m2 , 4 C, determine the change in specic enthalpy. Problem 2K An air compressor working under steady conditions takes in air at 101.3 kN/m2 , 0.8 m3 /kg , 7 m/s and delivers it at 700 kN/m2 , 0.15 m3 /kg and 5 m/s. The ow rate is 25 kg/min and the internal energy change for the compressed air on a specic basis is +80 kJ/kg. Heat is rejected at the rate of 3300 kJ/min to the cooling water in the cylinder jacket. Calculate for the plant the required shaft power input and the diameter of the piping at inlet and delivery. Problem 2L Steam ows through a nozzle at the rate of 1000 kg/h with an inlet velocity of 70 m/s, pressure 1500 kN/m2 , and specic enthalpy of 3000 kJ/kg. The state of the steam at the exit from the nozzle is 70 kN/m2 , specic volume 1.98 m3/kg and specic internal energy 2500 kJ/kg. For adiabatic ow, calculate the exit velocity of the steam. Neglect potential energy changes. Problem 2M For steady adiabatic throttling of steam from the initial states given below, nd the nal temperature and dryness fraction. Neglect kinetic and potential energy changes. Initial conditions p = 2MN/m2 , x = 0.95 p = 0.5 MN/m2 , T = 175 C p = 0.12 MN/m2 , dry saturated p = 10 MN/m2 , wet saturated Problem 2N An axial ow compressor takes in air at 0.06 MN/m2 and -18 C and discharges the air at 0.17 MN/m2 . Due to friction and other irreversibilities the rise in specic enthalpy is 10% greater than for the equivalent reversible adiabatic process. The compressor is adiabatic and the inlet and delivery velocities are the same. Calculate the specic work and the area ratio of the inlet and delivery pipes. 3 Final pressure MN/m2 0.05 0.1 0.05 4.0

Problem 2O A small air turbine used to drive a grinder in a machine shop is supplied with air from the factory air supply main where the conditions are 0.5 MN/m2 and 32 C through an adiabatic throttle valve which reduces the pressure to 0.25 MN/m2 and does not change the temperature. In the turbine the air expands further adiabatically to atmospheric pressure of 0.1013 MN/m2 and -12C. Calculate the required air ow to produce a power output of 0.9 kW.

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