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EMC Education Services

Information Storage and Management Book

Exercise - Chapter 13

Chapter 13
1. What are the essential characteristics of cloud computing?
On demand service: consumer can access services anytime without human help. Broad network access: capabilities available on network for various thin or thick platforms. Resource pooling: this is applied by using multitenant model which resources that provide for consumer with different physical and virtual resources located in different places that is hard to be known by the customers, . ustomers can only specify the higher level, location such as country. Rapid elasticity: !lasticity is defined as the ability to scale resources both up and down as needed. Measured service: as noted above means that all variables of resource consumption are tracked in capacity that users can be automatically billed for their consumption.


"ow does cloud computing bring a business agility?

loud computing help capture potential market opportunities and rapid changes to e#isting applications to allow them to respond more $uickly. Businesses need solutions to be able to scale up or down depending on the success of a particular offering or campaign, all of this compile to increase business agility standards.


Research %ervice Oriented &rchitecture and its application in cloud computing.

& service'oriented architecture (%O&) is the underlying structure supporting communications between services. SOA architectures are: The Application Architecture. *his is the business facing solution which consumes services from one or more providers and integrates them into the business processes. The Service Architecture. *his provides a bridge between the implementations and the consuming applications, creating a logical view of sets of services which are available for use, invoked by a common interface and management architecture. The Component Architecture. *his describes the various environments supporting the implemented applications, the business ob+ects and their implementations.

%imple Ob+ect &ccess ,rotocol (%O&,)'based Web services are becoming the most common implementation of %O&. "owever, there are non'Web services implementations of %O& that provide similar benefits.


Research cloud orchestration.


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EMC Education Services

Information Storage and Management Book

Exercise - Chapter 13

& cloud orchestrator is software that manages the interconnections and interactions among cloud'based and on'premises business units. loud orchestrator products use workflows to connect various automated processes and associated resources. *he products usually include a management portal. Cloud orchestrator. (n.d.). Retrieved from'orchestrator


Research various considerations for selecting a public cloud service provider.

%ecurity measures have been taken. *hese security measures should include intrusion detection and prevention systems. "igher $uality public cloud servers will also offer application'consistent backup in the event of a data loss. . ompliance re$uirements: *here are a number of protocols that certain companies, such as those based in the financial, government or health industries, must follow when transitioning to a cloud. /ot every public cloud provider can provide full compliance with the protocols. osts: %maller companies may want to choose a public cloud provider over a private cloud provider due to the fact that a pubic cloud is more affordable. %calability: ,ublic cloud hosts provide companies with an infinitely scalable platform. . (n.d.). Retrieved from ,ublic or ,rivate? onsiderations in the loud

What are the costs that should be evaluated to determine the financial advantage of cloud? 0t
should compare between total cost of owner ship (tco) and return on investment RO0 in cloud and non'cloud environment. &lso you should calculate both the capital e#penditure ( &,!1) and operation e#penditure (O,!1). & capital e#penditure ( ape#) is money invested by a company to ac$uire or upgrade fi#ed, physical, non' consumable assets, such as buildings and e$uipment or a new business. While an operational e#penditure (Ope#) is the money a company spends on an ongoing, day'to'day basis in order to run a business or system


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