Term One Level 1 3. Pronouns 3.1 Personal

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d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* talk about their family and other families. read and understand different types of texts. reply to an email. transfer information. fill in forms of personal particulars. use pronouns and compound words. say words such as you+re, do!+# and we+ll. CURICULUM SPECIFICATIONS TERM ONE 1 Topic: FAMILY FIRST Theme: World of Self/ Per o!"l Rel"#$o! %$& 1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.2 !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. 2.# $ele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. #.2 !c"uire key words at %arious stages of de%elopment. #.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole 1.1.1 LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: xi. word contractions Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of compound words correctly. 'ronounce compound words correctly. !sk ()h* "uestions to seek information. Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: xi. word contractions $ecognise and read aloud compound words in texts. $ead and understand phrases y matching phrases to pictures. ,nderstand the meaning of words y looking at the words efore and after. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. LEVEL 2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. !sk other forms of GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 3. Pronouns 3.1 Personal Pronouns - I, you, he, she, we, they 3.3 Possessive Ad ectives - my book, his shoes, !ohn"s ba#, $aria"s car, our books, their books SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 10. Word Contract ons! 1%.1 &ll 1%.' &re 1%.3 n"t VOCABULAR1* aunt, basketball, bedroom, beehive, birthday, brother, celebrate, celebrations, children, classmate, cousins, dau#hter, dustbin, eldest, excitin#, experience, family, father, festival, fishbowl, fruit cake, #randfather, #randmother, VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* (ovin# )arin# )ooperation CCTS* $aki n# Associations and )onnections (istin # )ate# orisin# Identi fyin# People MI* erbal-lin#uistic nterpersonal usical inaesthetic TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y) + $ I * CONTENTS MORAL VALUES/ EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES

1.2.1 2.1.2 2.2.1 #.1.1 #.2.1 #.#.1 #.+.1 -.1.-

1.1.2 2.2.2

texts. #.+ $ead and understand the meanings of words y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. #.. !c"uire a wide range of %oca ulary. #./ ,se the dictionary. -.1 0a1 2opy correctly. -.# 3atch words to linear and non4linear representations. -.- 2omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence.

#.1.# #.#.2 #.+.1 #...+ -.1.-.-.2

"uestions to seek information. $ead aloud words with word contractions. $ead and understand simple and compound sentences. ,nderstand the meaning of words y looking at the words efore and after. 2om ine words to form compound words. )rite words, phrases and sentences in legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. LEVEL 3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Take part in teacher4 guided discussions. $ead and understand simple paragraphs. ,nderstand the meaning of words y looking at the words efore and after. 2omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word0s1 0little of no guidance1. 2onstruct simple and compound sentences independently y looking at pictures.

#oldfish, he, his, her, housewife, household, housework, hi#hway, mother, our, prayers, son, sister, she, they, their, uncle, we, youn#est

1.1.# 2.#.. #.#.# #.+.1 -.#.#


Topic: TRAVEL AN" A"VENT#RES Theme: World of Self/ K!o5led6e

1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.# !c"uire %oca ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1.+ 5 tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se"uence. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.# 6i%e rele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. 2.- Tell stories ased on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems. 2.+ Talk a out the people, places and moral %alues of the stories heard, read and %iewed in simple language. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word

A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* listen to and repeat chants. talk about travel and adventures. read texts and answer .uestions. understand ordinal numbers and dates. transfer information from linear to nonlinear. make decisions and write para#raphs. with brochures. use 7o(ld and %o(ld in sentences. use irre#ular verbs in the Past ,ense. listen to and discriminate sounds such as bi6, ca& and soil.




2.+.1 #.1.1

#...2 #.8.1


LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: ii. final consonants - /#/, /p/, /l/ $epeat words that contain the following sound: ii. final consonants - /#/, /p/, /l/ $ecite simple poems and 7a&& chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. 6i%e details a out the people and animals of story heard, read or %iewed. Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: ii. final consonants - /#/, /p/, /l/ 6i%e words opposite in meaning. $ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la els, messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions. 9ndent when writing a paragraph. LEVEL 2 Talk a out things heard, seen or read. $ead aloud words with the letters listed in the final digraphs... 2onstruct simple sentences

GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 $. Moda%s - could - should 11. S &'%( Past T(ns( - irre#ular verbs SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 2. F na% Consonants! '.1 /l/ '.' /p/ '.3 /#/ VOCABULAR1* accommodation, across, attractions, ba0aar, brochure, brou#ht, celebrate, coastline, convenient, convoy, costumes, destination, distance, habitat, mechanics, popular, packa#e, participants, sanctuary, sixteenth, slept, snorkel, successful, terrible, traditional costumes

VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* )oura#e Patriotism 1ationality CCTS* n# -ecision TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)brochures manila card/ mah on# paper picture cards task sheets literature book 2 ,he 3alkin# 4ox and 5ther 6tories $aki

2.#.# #.1.# -.-.2

#.2 #.-

#.. #.8

-.# -.-


attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. !c"uire key words at %arious stages of de%elopment. $ead aloud expressi%ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o ser%ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. !c"uire a wide range of %oca ulary. $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. 2omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently. 'unctuate meaningfully.


and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. 9ndent when writing a paragraph. LEVEL 3 Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and understand ordinal num ers: sixteenth : thirty4first 01.th4#1st1. Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts and talk a out them. ,nderstand ordinal num ers: sixteenth : thirty4first 01.th4#1st1. $ecognise and read and learn ordinal num ers 01.th4 #1st1. $ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi%ely. 2omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word0s1 0little of no guidance1. 2onstruct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details. 9ndent when writing a paragraph. LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP*


1.#.+ 1.+.#

2.#.+ #.2.+ #.-.# -.#.#


-...2 Topic: SAVIN) 1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o*


O#R ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Theme: World of Self/ K!o5led6e 2.2 2.# 2.+






and different sounds of the English Language. Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. $ele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. Talk a out the people, places and moral %alues of the stories heard, read and %iewed in simple language. !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. $ead aloud expressi%ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o ser%ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently.

listen to texts read talk about our environment. read texts and answer .uestions. identify words with the same sound. form .uestions. write compound sentences usin# o and )e7"( e. write sentences to show habitual actions. say words such as "cross and "lmost. -.-.2 -./.# 2.#.# 2.+.2 2.1.1 2.2.1 #.1.1

that contain the following sound: i. initial vowels $epeat words that contain the following sound: i. initial vowels !sk ()h* "uestions to seek information. Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: i. initial vowels LEVEL 2 Talk a out things heard, seen or read. Talk a out actions of people and animals in a story read, heard or %iewed. $ead and understand simple factual texts y answering comprehension "uestions in relation to: 4 main ideas 4 details 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. )rite simple descriptions with guidance. LEVEL 3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Take part in teacher4guided discussions. $ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead and understand cause and effect relationship.


Con+unct ons - so - because

10. S &'%( Pr(s(nt T(ns( - for habitual habits 1,. S(nt(nc(s T-'(s - simple sentence - compound sentence SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 1. In t a% Vo.(%s! 1.1 &"" as in "l5"8 1.7 &"" as in "ll VOCABULAR1* adrift, always, audience, auditorium, awful, chemicals, chimney, clo##ed, collea#ues, customer, destroy, dispose of, dump, factory, furnace, #arba#e, housin# estate, incinerator, inspects, landfill, metal, public health inspector, recycle, reduce, released, rot, sort

Public 6piritedness )ooperation 8ood )iti0enship CCTS* n# -ecision TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)manila card/ mah on# paper task sheets $aki


1.1.# 2.#.. #.#.# #.8.+


6i%e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple report and when filling out forms. A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* name and talk about animals and their youn#. read and respond to texts about animals. read and respond to a story. describe animals in #roups. compare and contrast animals. write a ournal. use Past ,ense. listen to and discriminate sounds such as sunse# and cloud


$ead and talk a out the actions of people and animals in a story heard.

Topic: ANIMALS AN" #S Theme: World of Self/ Per o!"l Rel"#$o! %$&

#.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. #.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.2 !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. 2.# 6i%e rele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. #.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. #.. !c"uire a wide range of %oca ulary. #./ ,se the dictionary.



2.2.1 #.1.#

#.8.2 -.1.-

LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: ii. final consonants - /t/ and /d/ $epeat words that contain the following sound: ii. final consonants - /t/ and /d/ !sk ()h* "uestions to seek information. Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: ii. final consonants - /t/ and /d/ Scan for specific information in texts. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. LEVEL 2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Talk a out things heard, seen or read. State collecti%e nouns. $ead and gi%e details a out the people and animals in the story. 2omplete simple instructions, recipes,

GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 1. Nouns 1.3 )ollective 9ouns 11. S &'%( Past T(ns( - d - ed SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 2. F na% Consonants! '.: /t/ '.7 /d/ VOCABULAR1* animals, bat, brood, calves, cat, chicks, chickens, chimpan0ees, coops, cows, cricket, do#, ducks, ducklin#s, experience, farm, farm stay, fish, flock, foal, fro#, #oats, #oose, #oslin#, hens, herd, horse, kids, kittens, leopard, litter, nest, owl, pond, puppy, rabbits, sea lion, shed, s.uirrels, swarm, tadpole, troop, toad, weekend, wolves

VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* (ove for animals -ili#ence )leanliness CCTS* (istin # Information 6e.ue ncin# ;vents $aki n# Associations and )onnections TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)(iterature 4ook 2 $r.6tofflees and ,he Painted ,i#er

1.1.2 2.#.# #.../ #.;.2 -.#.2


#.; -.1 -.# -.-


$ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. $ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 2opy correctly. 2omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently. 6i%e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple report and when filling out forms.

-.-.2 -./.-

descriptions, and rhymes with the missing words and simple phrases 0with guidance1. 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. )rite simple recounts with guidance. LEVEL 3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 2ompare words for similar and different sounds. $ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead and locate the re"uired words in the dictionary. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple and compound sentences independently y looking at pictures. LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: vi. initial blends $epeat words that contain the following sound: GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 1. Nouns 1.: 9umbers - sin#ular and plural forms VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* -ili#ence )ooperation CCTS*

1.1.# 1.2.#

#.1.+ #.#.# #./.1 -.1.-.-.#

Topic: /O#NTIF#L 0ARVEST Theme: World of

1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately.

A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* talk about modern farmin#.




2.2 !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. 2./ 'erform a %ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greeting, making instructions, in%iting people etc. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. #.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. #.. !c"uire a wide range of %oca ulary. #./ ,se the dictionary. #.8 $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. -.1 2opy correctly. -.2 3atch words to linear and non4linear representations. -.- 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently.

read and answer .uestions. write a story. use the homo#raphs. use sin#ular and plural nouns. make and respond to su##estions. listen to, say and discriminate sounds such as )li00ard, )roke and 7lear.

#.1.1 #...# #.8.2 #.8.# -.1.-

vi. initial blends Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: vi. initial blends $ead and distinguish homographs. Scan for specific information in texts. $ead and o tain meaning of words and phrases for contextual clues. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. LEVEL 2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. !sk other forms of "uestions to seek information. !sk "uestions to seek clarification on how to make or do things, on places, directions, and on amounts and "uantities. $ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead and locate the re"uired words in the dictionary. )rite words, phrases and sentences in legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus.

,. 123 Su44(st(d S(nt(nc( Patt(rns 5. Su44(st n4 and R(s'ond n4 SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 5. In t a% /%(nds! <.1 /cl/ <.' /bl/ <.3 /br/ VOCABULAR1* a#ricultural industry, ants, association, bla0er, bled, blew, blinded, blink, blissful, blisters, bli00ard, blown, bow, bri#ht, broke, can, child, children, clear, cliff, climbed, cloak, clouds, clump, crickets, crops, date, deforestation, desert, dinner, discover, estate, fabrics, farmers, farmers" income, fast, fertili0ers, #rains, #eese, #oose, hardworkin#, harvestin#, hun#ry, kenaf, landowners, leaves, lice, louse, machinery, man, men, mice, mouse, ox, oxen, pesticides, plants, plantation, present, processin# pulp and paper, refuse, responsible, snow, summer, sympathy, systematic, teeth, tooth, wandered, weak, wind, winter, woman, women, youn#



$aki n# Associations and )onnections )ate# orisin# (istin # TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)real ob ects 2 cookin# oil, mar#arine, soap

1.1.2 1.1.# 2.2.2 2.2.#

#.#.# #./.1 -.1.-.-.2


2onstruct simple and compound sentences independently y looking at pictures. LEVEL 3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. !sk "uestions to seek clarification on how to make or do things, on places, directions, and on amounts and "uantities. $ead and locate the re"uired words in the dictionary. )rite words, phrases and sentences in legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple and compound sentences independently y looking at pictures. LEVEL 1 GRAMMAR* Listen to and repeat words ,-. /"0 that contain the following 1. Nouns sound: 1.' =ncountable -est, -er, -ed and -tion 9ouns $epeat words that contain - some water the following sound: s - some rice -est, -er, -ed and -tion - some money !sk ()h* "uestions to seek information. ,. 123 Su44(st(d Extending an in%itation. S(nt(nc( !ccepting or declining an Patt(rns in%itation. )rite words, phrases and 6. To acc('t and d(c% n( sentences in clear, legi le an n7 tat on cursi%e writing. VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* 9ational =nity )ooperation ,olerance CCTS* $aki n# Associations and )onnections $ind $appin# )ate# orisin# $aki

1.1.# 2.2.#

#./.1 -.1.-.-.#

Topic: )LORIO#S FOO" Theme: World of K!o5led6e

1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.2 !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. 2./ 'erform a %ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greeting, making instructions, in%iting people etc.

A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* talk about various food in the country. read and understand texts. write a para#raph. accept and decline an invitation. form sentences usin#


2.1.1 2.2.1 2./.1 2./.2 -.1.-

#.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. #.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. #.; $ead simple texts and predict outcomes. -.1 2opy correctly. -.# 2omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. -.- 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently.

o9e and "!8. listen to ant say words such as walked, smalle #, bitter and celebra#$o!. listen to and say words with correct stress.


<orm sentences and "uestions y matching sentence hal%es and using su stitution ta les. LEVEL 2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. !sk other forms of "uestions to seek information. $ead aloud words with the letters listed in #.1.1. $ead and group words according to word families. $ead and gi%e details a out the people and animals in the story. )rite words, phrases and sentences in legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. LEVEL 3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. $ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead and talk a out the actions of people and animals in a story heard. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. 2omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories

SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 11.1 11.' 11.3 11.: -est -er -ed -tion

n# -ecisions TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)(iterature 4ook 2 Anansi and ,urtle 6hare -inner

1.1.2 2.2.2 #.1.# #.1.#.;.2 -.1.-.-.2

12.1 3 Str(ss n 38s-%%a2%( and *8s-%%a2%( .ords VOCABULAR1* any, balanced, bi##er, bi##est, convenient, ethnic, expensive, hy#ienic, in#redients, lar#est, pickles, please, some, smallest, sweetest, special, tasty, uni.ue, variety

1.1.# #.#.# #.;.# -.1.-.#.#


with the missing word0s1 0little of no guidance1. Topic: PEOPLE Theme: World of S#or$e / K!o5led6e 1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1.# !c"uire %oca ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1.+ 5 tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se"uence. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.2 !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. 2.# 6i%e rele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. 1.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. #.- $ead aloud expressi%ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o ser%ing correct stress and intonation A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* talk about people. read aloud poems and stories clearly and expressively. read and respond to texts about people. answer various forms of .uestions. form sentences to describe people. use articles ", "! and #%e. make sentences usin# 6ub ect-*erb A#reement. listen to and say words such as s7hool, b$rd and tele&%one. -.-.2 -./.# 1.+.2 1.#.1 2.1.1 #.1.1 1.1.1 LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: iv. medial di#raphs Listen to key words and phrases in stories, recounts and descriptions heard. $epeat words that contain the following sound: iv. medial di#raphs Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: iv. medial di#raphs LEVEL 2 Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and simple factual texts and gi%e details. !sk other forms of "uestions to seek information. $ead and understand simple factual texts y answering comprehension "uestions in relation to: 4 main ideas 4 details 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. )rite simple descriptions with guidance. LEVEL 3 Take part in teacher4guided discussions. GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 2. Art c%(s 1. t9 s n4u%ar nouns3 '.1 a '.' an '.3 the :. Su2+(ct8V(r2 A4r((&(nt SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 *. M(d a% " 4ra'9s :.1 ph /f/ :.' ch/k/ :.3 ir/3>/ VOCABULAR1* anchor, alphabet, ancestor, appreciate, brave, desi#n, di#nitary, dili#ent, excited, community, coura#eous, enemy, echo, hardworkin#, honest, invent, indi#enous, leader, or#an, particular, polite, protect, proud, peace, parade, receive, represent, responsible, society, treat, useful # orisin# # 5pinions 8athe rin# Information 1elay in# Information TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y) Pictures of people with different occupations Picture )ards 8ivin )ate# VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* ?umility 1espect (ove )oura#e Patriotism ?onesty 8ood )iti0enship CCTS* (istin

2.2.2 #.8.-



and sentence rhythm. $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. -.- 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently. -./ 6i%e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple report and when filling out forms. #.8 Topic: INVENTIONS Theme: World of K!o5led6e/ S#or$e 1.# Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 2.# !c"uire %oca ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.# 6i%e rele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. 2.+ Talk a out the people, places and moral %alues of the stories heard, read and %iewed in simple language. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* listen to text read. talk about inventions. read texts and answer .uestions. write simple instructions. write simple para#raphs. use proper nouns. write positive and ne#ative statements. listen to and discriminate sounds

#.#.# #.-.#

$ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi%ely.


2.1.1 2.+.1 #.1.1 #...2 #.8.1


LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: v. final di#raphs $epeat words that contain the following sound: v. final di#raphs 6i%e details a out the people and animals of story heard, read or %iewed. Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: v. final di#raphs 6i%e words opposite in meaning. $ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la els, messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions. $ead and o tain meaning of words and phrases for

GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 1. Nouns 1.@ Proper 9ouns 12. 13. 2 ,. F na% " 4ra'9s 7.' ch /k/ 7.3 #h /f/ Pos t 7( S(nt(nc(s N(4at 7( S(nt(nc(s

VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* )oura#e Patriotism CCTS* nin# (istin # and 6e.uencin# 1easo


VOCABULAR1* bri#ht, competitions, distances, download, edit, experiments, #ears, handle. historic, improve, invent, material, motor, participate, propellers, reduce, remove, rubber patch, s.uee0e, wheels

TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)$anila )ard/ $ah on# Paper ,ask 6heet -i#ital )amera -ictionary (iterature 4ook 2 Poems in Aour Pocket


sight. !c"uire a wide range of %oca ulary. #./ ,se the dictionary. #.8 $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. -.- 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently. #..

such as cou6% and a7%e. 1.#.# 2.#.# -.-.2

contextual clues. LEVEL 2 Listen to and understand phrases in stories, recounts and descriptions heard. Talk a out things seen or read. 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. LEVEL 3 Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts and talk a out them. Take part in teacher4guided discussions. $ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 2onstruct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details. LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: x. silent letters Listen to key words and phrases in stories, recounts and descriptions heard. $epeat words that contain the following sound: x. silent letters Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 *. Con+unct ons - and - but - or SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 :. S %(nt L(tt(rs B.1 6ilent &t" B.' 6ilent &w" B.3 6ilent &h" # 5pinion 8athe VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* ?umility 1espect ?onesty 8ood )iti0enship CCTS* 8ivin


2.#.. #./.2


Topic: C#LT#RE AN" TRA"ITIONS Theme: World of S#or$e / K!o5led6e

1.1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1.# !c"uire %oca ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1.+ 5 tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se"uence.

A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* talk about culture and traditions practiced by different ethnic #roups. read and respond to texts about culture and traditions.


1.#.1 2.1.1 #.1.1


2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.2 !sk "uestions politely to o tain information and clarification. 2.# 6i%e rele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. 2.+ Talk a out the people, places and moral %alues of the stories heard, read and %iewed in simple language. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to recogni&e words on sight. #.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. #.- $ead aloud expressi%ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o ser%ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. #.8 $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. -.- 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently. -./ 6i%e accurate

read and answer .uestions. form sentences about culture and traditions. use con unctions like "!d, )(# and or. say words such as lis#en, 5rap, %our and i land.


x. silent letters Scan for specific information in texts. LEVEL 2 Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and simple factual texts and gi%e details. !sk other forms of "uestions to seek information. Talk a out things heard, seen or read. Talk a out actions of people and animals in a story read, heard or %iewed. $ead and understand simple factual texts y answering comprehension "uestions in relation to: 4 main ideas 4 details 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. )rite simple descriptions with guidance. LEVEL 3 Take part in teacher4guided discussions. $ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi%ely.

B.: 6ilent &s" VOCABULAR1* almost, attractive, be#an, cross, competition, clothes, culture, custom, costumes, event, favaurite, forbidden, happy, honest, honour, heir, hour, instrument, island, listen, materials, occasions, often, pastime, show, start, still, tradition, those, traveler, temporary, throu#h, where, world, watch, wrap, wron#, whistle, write


rin# Information 1elay in# Information )ate# orisin# TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y))assette )assette Player Colk ,ales 4ook

2.2.2 2.#.# 2.+.2


-.-.2 -./.#

2.#.. #.#.# #.-.#


information when writing messages, instructions, simple report and when filling out forms. Topic: W0AT )AMES "O YO# PLAY; Theme: World of K!o5led6e 1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.. Listen to and en7oy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poetry, 7a&& chants and songs. 2.1 Speak clearly y pronouncing words accurately. 2.# 6i%e rele%ant information politely in response to en"uiries made. 2.- Tell stories ased on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems. 2.+ Talk a out the people, places and moral %alues of the stories heard, read and %iewed in simple language. #.1 !c"uire word recognition and word attack skills to A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* speak clearly by pronouncin# words accurately. read aloud ton#ue twisters. read text on sports personalities. write usin# words to expand sentences. construct simple para#raphs. use adverbs and collective nouns. listen to and say aloud words such as fresh, 5%ile and 5%ole. 1.1.1 LEVEL 1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound: iii. initial di#raphs Listen to and en7oy children*s songs, rhymes, poems and 7a&& chants. $epeat words that contain the following sound: iii. initial di#raphs ,nderstand num ers in stories, fa les and situations: -14+=. $ecite simple poems and 7a&& chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: iii. initial di#raphs $ead and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. $ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la els, messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. )rite simple messages for a purpose. GRAMMAR* ,-. /"0 5. Ad7(r2 o< Mann(r SOUNDS S1STEM* 2 3. In t a% " 4ra'9s 3.3 /w/ 3.: /h/ 3.7 /fr/ VALUES 3 CITI4ENSHIP* $oderation 1espect )ooperation -ili#ence CCTS* 6kills in# 6kills +now led#e Ac.uisition ,hink I),

1...1 2.1.1 2.#.2 2.-.1

#.1.1 #.2.2 #.8.1

VOCABULAR1* an#rily, athletics, athlete, badminton, bat, ball, bitterly, competitors, football. Crance, Crench, fresh, from, #ymnasts, #oalkeeper, pads, #racefully, #loves, hockey, medal, neatly, 5lympic 8ames, 6=+$A, team, s.uash, smartly, sweetly, softly, tournament, white, whale, when, who, whole, wholesaler, whined, whipped, a crowd of spectators, a team of players, a pile of firewood, a class of pupils, a crew of sailors

TEACHING AIDS* ,extbook $y)(iterature 4ook 2 3hat Aou 3ish Cor



recogni&e words on sight. #.2 !c"uire key words at %arious stages of de%elopment. #.# $ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. #.- $ead aloud expressi%ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o ser%ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. #./ ,se the dictionary. #.8 $ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se"uence, and cause and effect. #.1= $ead wide and independently. -.- 2onstruct simple and compound sentence with guidance and independently.

1...1 2.1.#

#.1.# #.#.2 #.-.2 -.1.-.-.2 -./.#

LEVEL 2 Listen to and en7oy children*s songs, rhymes, poems and 7a&& chants. Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation. $ead aloud words with word contractions. $ead and understand simple and compound sentences. $ead aloud sentences in texts o ser%ing correct stress and intonation. )rite words, phrases and sentences in legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences ased on a gi%en stimulus. )rite simple descriptions with guidance. LEVEL 3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and en7oy children*s songs, rhymes, poems and 7a&& chants. Take part in teacher4guided discussions.

1.1.# 1.2.#

1...1 2.#..


#.#.# #./.1 -.1.-.-.#

$ead and understand simple paragraphs. $ead and locate the re"uired words in the dictionary. )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi le cursi%e writing. 2onstruct simple and compound sentences independently y looking at pictures.

Topic: W0ERE "O YO# LIVE; Theme: World of K!o5led6e Topic: T0E INTERNET Theme: World of K!o5led6e

A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* listen to text read.

A# #%e e!d of #%e le o!' &(&$l %o(ld )e ")le #o* listen to text read.


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