Why Global Marketing - 21.8.13

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Name: Pratik Parekh Roll No: 09 Sem- V Date: 21/08/2013 Why global marketing eman ! a !"e#ial !et o$ !kill!

Global marketing is an altogether richer cocktail now, however, driven in large part by the increasing sophistication and buying power of those markets. %y &rant D'n#an Global marketing is not a new phenomenon. In the post-war years, as international and cultural barriers came down and the flows of global commerce increased, brands (in particular Western ones) fanned out across the world. With them went a vanguard of global marketing e ecutives carrying suitcases filled with pre-mi ed campaigns and guidelines. !ome were true pioneers" others were simply messengers or career-enders. Global marketing is an altogether richer cocktail now, however, driven in large part by the increasing sophistication and buying power of those markets once tagged #$hird World# or #developing#. $o simply impose a ready-made strategy on these markets is to seriously underestimate them. %onetheless, the economic logic of the global brand has to be maintained. &nter the new breed of international marketer. Global e ecutive-search firm !pencer !tuart's latest study has confirmed that this dynamic needs a different kind of e ecutive one who is passionate about genuine multiculturalism, committed to living and breathing a wide range of international e periences, and sees this as a career-enhancing stage on the

(ourney, rather than a cul-de-sac. &lobal $oot"rint )ompanies seeking to develop their global footprint and e ploit opportunities for their brands in growth markets are increasingly reliant on outstanding marketing leaders who can build teams with the right balance of skills and e perience. )reating effective global marketing operations capable of driving brand growth means finding and developing people with cultural savvy and intellectual agility, both at the centre and out in local markets. $oday, there's a huge likelihood of new and e citing things coming out of developing economies and feeding the global brand platform. )onsumers are becoming part of a sophisticated global community, thanks in part to the impact of social media, and there is widespread acceptance of global brands. *et consumers retain a strong sense of pride in their local culture. )+,s have to make clear, informed decisions about the control that can and should be e erted from the centre without (eopardising the potential opportunity in any market. $hese forces are turning brand internationalisation into a more comple discipline. -s brands cross frontiers, marketers must address cultural nuances and deliver campaigns that reflect how local consumers interact with their brands. )+,s have to make clear, informed decisions about the control that can and should be e erted from the centre without (eopardising the potential opportunity in any market. $hey must ensure that everyone shares a common understanding and respect for the brand's core values, while translating high-.uality consumer insight into agile and effective e ecution. )ompanies have e perimented with a range of organisational models to achieve this. $he pendulum has swung from centralisation to decentralisation and back again, driven by the forces of standardisation and adaption. Internationalising a brand re.uires a clear understanding between those in the centre and those in the regions as to which elements of the brand are fi ed and which can be adapted. Global-brand, local-e ecution )+,s must adopt organisational structures that will allow for the creation of global brand teams as well as centres of e cellence that incorporate the right mi of functional skills. &stablishing and communicating a clear framework that everyone involved in the marketing of brands understands and buys into is critical. $he main difficulty in formulating a coherent, consistent international branding strategy lies in finding a true insight that is applicable across all countries. +ost )+,s now recognise that achieving a unified brand e pression usually involves a fle ible approach in which some elements remain fi ed, while others are adapted to local conditions. ,nce the brand characteristics and values have been clearly articulated, countries should be allowed to e ecute campaigns that connect with people locally. /nderstanding of local behaviours and entrepreneurship are key to making the brand relevant. $o e ploit their brands to best effect internationally, )+,s need a first-rate network of

trustworthy marketing professionals in distant geographies capable of reconciling the demands of a global brand - the #non-negotiables# -with the commercial realities and cultural nuances of each local market.

(ommon goal! $here is a growing preference for developing and deploying local talent with the skills and market knowledge to manage and grow businesses in local markets. 0owever, this is not always possible, so )+,s need to be good at identifying, developing and retaining people in those markets who share a common goal with those at the centre, and combine intellectual agility, cultural sensitivity and international e perience with sharp commercial instinct. 1inding people with the right skill sets and personal .ualities to handle international assignments is not easy. +istakes can be costly. & ecutives who have had international e posure from an early stage tend to have an advantage over their peers when it comes to developing a global mindset, but that is not to say that others cannot develop one. -side from strong technical skills, we have identified five essential characteristics that any marketer must possess if they hope to make a success of an international assignment (see bo ). 0umility (low ego and a willingness to learn), sensitivity to cultural nuance, intellectual curiosity (appreciating the broader cultural conte t), agility (intellectual, cultural, social and emotional) and communication skills (articulating and inspiring) will make all the difference in a global role. 0ave you got what it takes to go global2 )'mility #What I went with was real humility to learn the local market and to understand cultural differences. I think I was very accepted by that team, probably for that attitude as much as anything.# 3 0elen !ouness, general manager, +arketplaces, &nvato Sen!iti*ity #$here are a lot of ways to do business. *ou need to have the sensitivity, the willingness and the fascination to get under the skin of the local culture and to scan the differences and similarities.# 30anneke Willenborg, vice-president,g lobal brand development, dishwash, /nilever 0ome )are )ategory

+ntelle#t'al #'rio!ity #$he true marketer is constantly wired in to what's happening - from technology and pop culture to shifts in shopper behaviour. $he people who are naturally interested in and opinionated about the dynamics of the changing world around them are normally the ones who will e cel in a marketing career#. - )arlos 4icardo, global director of marketing, advertising and sponsorships, 556(+adrid)

,gility #+arketers are having to deal with much shorter cycles, so they have to be more fle ible and learn on the fly. *ou need people who can step back and understand things in the abstract and yet get into the detail when it comes to local implementation.# 3 7ohn 8ennedy, vice-president, corporate marketing, I5+ (omm'ni#ation !kill! #$he most important thing for a topclass international marketer is the ability to find new ways to adapt the communication to a changing environment.# 3 +atthias 5ecker, former )+,, +c9onald's Germany Why go global:) 9evelop a fresh perspective that challenges your company's and your own preconceptions. ;) 9ifferentiate yourself from your peers. <) It is a healthy way to break habits and set patterns of behaviour. =) -ppreciate the difficulty faced by local teams. >) 9evelop an #outside-in# mindset. ?) @earn to bring the voice of the consumer alive inside the organisation. A) @earn to get into the depths of e ecution with limited resources. B) 5ecome better-e.uipped to design relevant programmes when you're back at head.uarters.

C) $est your adaptability, agility and ability to survive outside your comfort Done. :E) 5ecome fit for purpose in an increasingly globalised world.

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