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User Guide

Register Repertoire

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User Guide

Register Repertoire

Who is this guide for?

This document is a detailed user guide on registering new recordings or products through myPPL. This guide is for PPL rights holder members and not for performer members, who should continue to submit claims in the usual way. Additionally, this document does not apply to rights holder members who choose to (and meet the relevant technical criteria) submit recordings and products via electronic file transfer.

Why and how should I use this service?

Register Repertoire allows you to register your recordings and products directly with the PPL Repertoire Database. Register Repertoire is accessible through an online myPPL account. Just click Repertoire Registrations from anywhere within myPPL. There is also a brief quick-start guide that can be downloaded from the PPL website

Where can I get further help?

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Registration, Claims and Queries Team by emailing us at or calling 020 7534 1234.

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Register Repertoire

Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Security and myPPL ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Optimising your Experience ........................................................................................................................................................................7 Administering Multiple Rights Holders .........................................................................................................................................................8 Your Register Repertoire Homepage ..........................................................................................................................................................9 Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Step 1 > Recording / Product Defaults ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Step 2 > Performer Line-up Defaults ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Step 3 > Registering Recordings and Videos ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Re-mastered Recordings, Medleys, and Samples ...................................... 20 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Contributions (registering performer information)........................................ 22 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Repertoire Ownership ................................................................................. 26 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Rights Holders ............................................................................................ 28 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Publishers ................................................................................................... 31 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Adding a Publisher ...................................................................................... 32 Registering Recordings and Videos >> Saving Your Recording ............................................................................... 33

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Step 4 > Register a Product ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Register Product >> Entering Product Details ........................................................................................................... 35 Register Product >> MCPS Details ........................................................................................................................... 37 Register Product >> Tracks ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Register Product >> Saving and Submitting your Product ........................................................................................ 41 Fix Invalid Registrations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 42 Fix Invalid Registrations >> Step 1 - View Summary ................................................................................................ 43 Fix Invalid Registrations >> Step 2 - Filter Your Results ........................................................................................... 44 Fix Invalid Registrations >> Step 3 Fix ................................................................................................................... 44 Amending Existing Registrations already in the PPL Repertoire Database............................................................................................... 45 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

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Register Repertoire

Register Repertoire gives you a number of options to make sure that you are able to register and maintain your repertoire as easily as possible.
Save time by setting your Recording / Product Defaults: We recommend that each time you access Register Repertoire, you begin by setting or checking your recording / product defaults. Your defaults apply to any recordings or products you register and will allow many fields to be populated automatically, taking away much of the manual input and saving you time. Maintain your Performer Line-up Defaults: Default line-ups are a really quick and useful way to add multiple performers to recordings you are registering. You can save a line-up and then add that line-up to as many recordings as you wish. Registering your Recordings: Register Repertoire provides an easy to use, intuitive interface for registering your recordings. Default settings and pre-defined line-ups make the process even more quick and simple. Registering your Products: Registering products is easy, with defaults for product details and the ability to add any track within the PPL Repertoire Database. We will always notify your product details to MCPS. You also have the option to submit enhanced information to MCPS via Register Repertoire if you wish. Correcting your Invalid Recordings: Fix Invalid Registrations allows you to correct your existing invalid registrations to ensure they comply with the PPL Data Policy. Invalid registrations made after 2010 are not automatically paid, so please update your invalids as soon as you are able to. This will ensure you receive the maximum possible revenue.

Login to myPPL

Select the Repertoire Registrations tab

Define your Recording / Product Defaults

Maintain your Performer Lineup Defaults

Register your Recordings

Register your Products Register Products

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Security and myPPL
myPPL has a number of security features to help maintain the security and integrity of your data. One of these features is the auto-logout function, which will log you out of our system automatically after a period of 20 minutes.
You should log out of your online myPPL account by clicking the Logout link displayed at the top of each page. If you remain logged into myPPL and are inactive for more than 20 minutes, you will be automatically logged out. If you move away from your computer mid-way through a submitting a recording or product, please use the Save button to return to your submission later. This will prevent any potential loss of information you may have entered. If you have been logged out of myPPL automatically, the symbol on the right will be displayed at the topright of your screen. Return to the homepage and login again to continue.

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Optimising your Experience
To get the best experience of Register Repertoire (and myPPL in general), its important that you use the correct browser. While we have worked hard to ensure our website works with all major browsers, there are significant benefits to be obtained from using the latest version of Firefox or Chrome to access myPPL.
If you are using an out of date or less optimal browser, you will not be getting the best performance from myPPL.

Register Repertoire

You can upgrade to the latest version of Firefox or Chrome from the following links:

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Administering Multiple Rights Holders
The Source screen is only displayed to users who submit repertoire on behalf of multiple rights holders. If you only ever submit recordings or products for one rights holder, then please skip this page and proceed to the next section.

Register Repertoire

Source: Select the Rights Holder you wish to submit Repertoire or Products on behalf of using the dropdown menu.

If you submit on behalf of multiple rights holders, then when you click the Repertoire Registrations tab, you will be prompted to select the rights holder you wish to submit the registration on behalf of. Note: A rights holder is the company / party that holds the rights to the recording this is distinct from the label. One rights holder may administer multiple labels, and this information is supplied by you later on in the process.

If you administer a single Rights Holder (you administer one company, with either one or multiple Labels), this page is not applicable. Please proceed to the next page.

Select the correct option from the drop-down, and you will be automatically taken to the Register Repertoire homepage.

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Your Register Repertoire Homepage
The homepage shows you how many recordings and products you have submitted or are in progress. It is also the place you can access all the other areas of the service.
The blue buttons at the top of the screen give you access to all areas of Register Repertoire.
Start at the left by ensuring your Recording / Product Defaults are defined correctly. Proceed to add or maintain your Performer Line-up Defaults. Youre now ready to add your recordings and videos to our database. After adding your recordings, you can then register a product if you need to.

Register Repertoire

Upon completing each action, you will be returned to the Register Repertoire homepage.

Submitted Recordings and Products will disappear from your Submitted list when they are added to the PPL Repertoire Database. This process typically takes twentyfour hours.

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Getting Started
The top of the Register Repertoire homepage allows you a choice of options. Every time you submit recording and product information, work through the options in order from left to right.

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Register Repertoire

Step 1 > Recording / Product Defaults

The Recording / Product Defaults option allows you to specify particular fields you would like automatically completed whenever you begin registering a brand new recording or product.
You can choose to complete as many or as few of the recording / product detail fields as you wish. Anything you enter in this section will automatically be completed for you when registering a new recording or product. Dont forget: You can still override any default entries directly from the recording / product details screens. Help on the fields available in this section is given on the next page.
Click the Back to exit without saving Click Save to save your defaults, and return to the Home Page
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Set your Recording Details defaults here

Set your Product Details defaults here

Add a Publisher default here

Add your Rights Holder Defaults here

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Register Repertoire

Recording / Product Defaults >> Field Descriptions

Weve included the below helpful guide to each of the fields in the Recording/Product Defaults section.

Recording Details
ISRC Stem Band / Artist Name

ISRC is the International Standard Recording Code. The first part of an ISRC for any rights holder is always the same. You can enter this Stem (or prefix) here. For more information on the ISRC, please see or call 020 7534 1234. This will be the group, individual or collaboration that is known to the music-buying public, e.g. Madonna; The Beatles; Elton John feat Kiki Dee; London Symphony Orchestra etc. Click on Add to search the entry from the database or enter a name for the first time. This will be the name of the original copyright owner of the recorded music track as of the (P) Date. The (P) date is the year in which this version of the recording/video was first released. Please select audio, video or multimedia. This will be the country in which the performance was recorded. If the recording was performed in multiple countries, please indicate the country in which the majority of recording took place. Select the appropriate country from the drop-down list. This will be the country in which the original copyright owner (the party that made the recording) is principally based. This will be the genre of the recording/video (e.g. folk, pop etc). Select the appropriate genre from the drop down list. Please note that you can only add one genre to each recording. For a vocal recording, this is the principle language used.

(P) Name (P) Date Content Type Country of Recording Country of Commissioning Genre Language

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Product Details
Field Band / Artist Name

Register Repertoire

Description This will be the group, individual or collaboration that is known to the music-buying public, e.g. Madonna; The Beatles; Elton John feat Kiki Dee; London Symphony Orchestra etc. Click on Add to search the entry from the database or enter a name for the first time. Please select the correct option from the drop-down list - album, single, box set or video. Please select the correct option from the drop-down list e.g. CD. Please note that if your release is available in more than one format, you should create a new product for each format (each one with a new catalogue number and barcode). Click Add to search for the entry from the database or enter a label name for the first time. The label is the name of the marketing label releasing the product as it would appear on the artwork. Please tick this box if you wish to provide additional information needed by MCPS. This refers to the protection notice for the product and is the text that appears after the (P) symbol on the artwork for your product. This will be the year of first release followed by the name of the company/party that owns the copyright for the sound recording compilation on the product (e.g. 2009 PPL Records). The (P) date is the year in which this product was first released. You will only need to type in the year (e.g. 1984) we do not need the full date. This will be the genre of the product (e.g. folk, pop etc). Select the appropriate genre from the drop-down list. Please note that you can only add one genre to each product. For products containing vocal recordings, this is the principle language used (e.g. English). This refers to the copyright notice for the product and is the text that appears after the on the artwork for your product. This will be the year of first release followed by the name of the company/party that owns the copyright for the product (e.g 2009 PPL Records). The copyright itself refers to the product itself (i.e. manufacturing, artwork etc) not the copyright of the recording.

Release Type Format Type

Marketing Label

MCPS Specific Data PLine

PDate Genre Language Line

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Publisher Details
Field Publisher Name Description

Register Repertoire

This will be the company/party name of the publisher of the musical work performed on the recording (this is the company that the composer or songwriter is signed to e.g. Cupcake Publishing Ltd). Click Add to search the database for the company name, or to enter a new name.

Rights Holder Details

Field Rights Holder Description This will be the company/party name (e.g. Cupcake Records). Click Add to search a company from your approved rights holders list Please note that you can only select a confirmed PPL membership name that is linked to your myPPL login account. This defines the category of the company. Original copyright owner: If your company/party has paid for the sound recording to be made, you should select original copyright owner. Successor in title: If the ownership of the copyright in the recording has been passed to you rather than you being the owner of the copyright upon creation, please select this option. Exclusive licensee: If your company holds an exclusive licence to the rights in this recording used by PPL, please select this option (please see the Registering Recordings and Videos section of this document for more details). You will also need to supply a begin and end date for the licence period. If you need to split the percentage in this field for any reason, you must enter whole numbers. For example, if you are dividing 100% between three people, you will need to round numbers up or down to make the total 100% (e.g. 34%, 33% and 33%). This is the date when the rights to this recording started. You do not have to enter a begin date if your company is the original copyright holder. This is the date that your exclusive license agreement ends. You do not have to enter an end date if your company is the original copyright holder or successor in title.

Rights Ownership Type


Begin Date End Date

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Step 2 > Performer Line-up Defaults
Performer Line-up Defaults enables you to group together the performers in bands who you frequently work with so they can be added to recordings quickly. This will save you time in the future.
The Performer Line-up Defaults screen displays your existing default performer line-ups, allowing you to create new line-ups and edit existing line-up (eg when a new person leaves the band or joins) To create a new performer line-up, click Add Lineup. Full instructions are given on the next page. To edit an existing default line-up, select Edit in the Action column. To permanently delete an existing default line-up, select Delete in the Action column. Default line-ups make the process of adding performers to new or amended recordings easier. Editing or deleting a default line-up will not change any of your previously registered recordings.

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Performer Line-up Defaults >> Adding a New Default Performer Line-up
Add a new default performer line-up by clicking Add Line-up from the Performer Line-up Defaults screen. You will be prompted to add a name for your line-up (example right). This will usually be the band name. Enter the line-up name and click Add. You will return to the previous page, where your newly added line-up will be shown in the list. Click Edit in the Action column, then click Add Performer on the next page. If your performer is not on our database already, after searching, you will have the option to add them. Use the Create New button to add a new entry. Click Add to add a performer name, select the performers contributor category and role from the drop-downs. Click Add to return to the saved lineup. Contributor category option explained on the next page. descriptions are

Register Repertoire

Repeat this procedure until all your performers have been added. Click Save on the Saved Line-up screen to complete your line-up, then click Back to return to the homepage.

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Register Repertoire

Performer Line-up Defaults >> Contributor Categories Option Descriptions

Option Contracted Artist Featured

Description A contracted featured artist is a performer who is bound by an exclusive agreement with the relevant record company to perform on the recorded music track. This does not include agreements to do session work, or producer/remixer agreements. An other featured artist is a performer who contributes an audible performance to the recorded music track and is: A lead vocalist not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record company; A performer not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record company but whose personal or professional name appears with or is linked to the name of the contracted featured artist on the track; or A performer who is entitled under the terms of a contract with the contracted featured artist to receive royalties from sales of the recording. A non-featured artist is a performer who is not a contracted featured artist or an other featured artist. Examples of non-featured artists include session musicians and backing singers. Studio personnel should also be listed as a non-featured artist if they make an audible contribution to the recording or if they conduct or provide a similar musical direction to another performers live performance as it is being recorded. This is the writer of the musical content. This automatically includes the author and arranger unless otherwise specified. This is the author of the lyrical content. This is the arranger of the work. Please note this is a non-payable role. Examples of non-performing studio personnel may include producers, engineers, mixers etc.

Category payable by PPL?

Other Featured Artist

Non-Featured Artist

Composer (musical content) Author (lyrical content) Arranger Studio Personnel NonPerforming

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Step 3 > Registering Recordings and Videos
Register Repertoire provides an easy to use, intuitive interface for registering your recordings. Default settings and pre-defined line-ups make the process even more quick and simple.
There are five sections on the Register Recording page. You should work through these in order. Recording details Contributions Repertoire ownership Rights holders Publishers If you have defined your recording / product defaults, an information pop-up will confirm that your default settings have been applied when you first access Register Recording. Those fields highlighted with an asterisk are mandatory fields. You cannot submit the registration without these fields being complete. Please note that we do not require you to attach the actual audio file when registering repertoire with us.

Register Repertoire

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Register Repertoire

Registering Recordings and Videos >> Recording Details Field Descriptions

Field ISRC Band / Artist Name Recording Title Alternative Title Duration (P) Name (P) Date Content Type This is a third party recording that I do not control any rights to Country of Recording Country of Commissioning Genre Recording Date Recording Venue Language Is Remaster? Description The ISRC is the unique International Standard Recording Code assigned to an individual recording. For more information on the ISRC, please see or call 020 7534 1234. This is the group, individual or collaboration that is known to the music-buying public, e.g. Madonna; The Beatles; Elton John feat. Kiki Dee; London Symphony Orchestra etc. Click on Add to search the entry from the database or enter a name for the first time. This is the full title by which the recording/video is known. If there is a mix name, please put this in brackets after the main title, e.g. Angels (Radio Edit). This will be any alternative title that the recording/video may have, e.g. Theme from The Deerhunter. This will be the duration of the recording/video in minutes and seconds. This will be the name of the original copyright owner of the recording as of the (P) Date. The (P) date is the year in which this version of the recording/video was first released. Please select audio, video or multimedia. Tick this box if you do not control any rights to this recording and do not expect to be paid for any usage. You will not be required to add any rights holder if you select this option. This will be the country in which the performance was recorded. If the recording was performed in multiple countries, please indicate the country in which the majority of recording took place. Select the appropriate country from the drop-down list. This will be the country in which the original copyright owner of the recorded music or video track is principally based. This will be the genre of the recording/video (e.g. folk, pop etc). Select the appropriate genre from the drop down list. Please note that you can only add one genre to each recording. This is the date that the recording took place. Where recording takes place over multiple days, please specify the last date. This is the name of the principle venue (e.g. studio or live venue) where the recording was made. For a vocal recording, this is the principle language used. Tick this box if your recording is a re-mastered version of a recording we already have on our database. Please note that you may have to add the original recording to the registration if it is not already registered with PPL correctly. In the Re-mastered Recording section that appears, click Add Recording to retrieve it from our database or add it from your recording list. Tick this box if your recording is a medley (i.e. features more than one component musical composition). Please note that you will need to add each medley component to the registration in the Medley Associated Recordings section (this only appears once the box is ticked). Tick this box if your recording contains a sample. Please note that you will have to add each sample component to the registration in the Sample Associated Recordings section (this only appears once the box is ticked).

Is Medley?

Contains Sample?

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Register Repertoire

Registering Recordings and Videos >> Re-mastered Recordings, Medleys, and Samples When registering Re-masters, Medleys, or Samples, you will need to provide full details of the associated recordings. When you tell us your recording falls into one of these categories (by clicking the checkbox in the recording details section of the form), an additional section will appear at the bottom of the Register Recording screen.
Click Add Recording to add the associated recording details. A pop-up will appear (as shown, right). Enter your search criteria and click Search. Your results will be displayed in a pageable list. Click Add to add each required recording, and use the Back button to return to the Register Recording screen. Descriptions of the information you need to provide in the Associated Recordings section of the form are shown in the table on the right.
Recording Type Re-mastered Recording Medley Associated Recording Information For a re-mastered recording, we require the original (i.e. non-remastered recording) to be associated to the re-master you are currently registering. A remaster will only ever have one associated recording. For a medley, we require a list of all component recordings (i.e. the original recordings that together make up the recording you are registering) where this is applicable. For a sampled recording, each component recording (i.e. the original recordings that have a portion sampled in the recording you are registering) must be added to the list of associated recordings


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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Re-mastered Recordings, Medleys, and Samples - Duration and Sequence Information
The duration of associated recordings can be entered in the Duration column (this is the time in minutes and seconds that the track appears in the recording you are currently registering). The sequence number can be edited by clicking the orange arrow icons in the Seq No column. The tracks will automatically arrange themselves in ascending order.

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Register Repertoire

Registering Recordings and Videos >> Contributions (registering performer information) PPL pays royalties to both the record company that owns the recorded music track and the performers that appear on that track. Registering the correct performer line-up for each song is the legal responsibility of the recording rights holder. It ensures correct performer payments and aids us in matching your repertoire to incoming information.
The Contributions section is the place within Repertoire Registrations to supply information about performer line-ups. To add a performer select Add Contributors. You will then be prompted to search for an existing performer or to create a new performer name. It is the responsibility of rights holders to ensure accurate line-up data is submitted to the PPL Repertoire Database. If you add the wrong performer/s in this section, this will result in an incorrect payment being made.

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Registering Recordings and Videos >>Adding Contributors The contribution information determines the share of the royalty allocation for performers.
To add a contributor, select either Performer Name or PPLID from the drop-down. Enter your search criteria and click Search. Your results will be displayed in a pageable list. Is your performer not listed in our database? Enter the performer name in the field at the bottom of the form and click Create. Your performer will be added to our database automatically.

Register Repertoire

Composers and authors are not paid by PPL but the information will aid us in the identification of the recording and is required by MCPS. If you do add a writer role to your recording and that writer has also performed on the recording, please ensure that they are also added in a performer role so that they can receive their fair share of royalties.

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Adding the Contribution Details The contribution details help us determine the correct share of the royalty allocation for each contributor.
You will need to select a contributor category and a contributor role for each performer. Please note that every performing artist should be listed individually for example, if the recording was by The Beatles, there should be Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon each separately listed by name with a contributor category and a contributor role.

Register Repertoire

More about contributor categories: On the next page, weve provided a helpful list of definitions you may find useful when deciding the correct contributor category to use.

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Register Repertoire

Registering Recordings and Videos >> Contributor Categories Field Descriptions

Option Contracted Featured Artist Other Featured Artist

Non-Featured Artist

Composer (musical content) Author (lyrical content) Arranger Studio Personnel NonPerforming

Description A contracted featured artist is a performer who is bound by an exclusive agreement with the relevant record company, to perform on the sound recording. This does not include agreements to do session work, or producer/remixer agreements. An other featured artist is a performer who contributes an audible performance to the recorded music track and is: A lead vocalist not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record company; A performer not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record company but whose personal or professional name appears with or is linked to the name of the contracted featured artist on the track; or A performer who is entitled under the terms of a contract with the contracted featured artist to receive royalties from sales of the recording. A non-featured artist is a performer who is not a contracted featured artist or an other featured artist. Examples of nonfeatured artists include session musicians and backing singers. Studio personnel should also be listed as a non-featured artist if they make an audible contribution to the recording or if they conduct or provide a similar musical direction to another performers live performance as it is being recorded. This is the writer of the musical content. This automatically includes the author and arranger unless otherwise specified. This is the author of the lyrical content. This is the arranger of the work. Please note this is a non-payable role. Examples of non-performing studio personnel are producers, engineers, mixers etc.

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Repertoire Ownership The repertoire owner is the original copyright owner of the recorded music track (normally the same as the (P) name). While this information is not mandatory, it will aid PPL in the identification of the recording or video.
From the Register Recording page, click Add Repertoire Owner to begin.

Register Repertoire

Note: The repertoire owner field aids us in the identification of the recorded music track. Any payments due are always paid by PPL to the current rights holders (which may or may not be the same as the repertoire owner). Rights holders are defined in the next section.

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Adding a Repertoire Owner
After clicking Add Repertoire Owner, the pop-up on the right will be shown. Click Add next to the Repertoire Owner field to search the database for the correct company name. A full description of the fields displayed is given below. When you are finished, click Add at the lower right of the pop-up to return to Register Recording.

Register Repertoire

Field Repertoire Owner Repertoire Ownership Type

Begin Date Percentage

Description This will be the company/party name. Click Add to search the database for the company name, or to enter a new name. Original copyright owner: If your company/party has paid for the recorded music track to be made, you should select original copyright owner. Successor in title: If the ownership of the copyright in the recorded music track has been passed to you rather than you being the owner of the copyright upon creation please select this option. This is the date when the rights to this recorded music track started. Please note that you do not have to put in a begin-date if your company is the original copyright owner. Repertoire ownership must total 100% - if you need to split a category, please give each entry 50% (or whatever the correct percentage is). PPL normally accounts to one company, paying that entity all 100% of the record company royalties any further splits are usually carried out in-house by the record label. You must enter whole numbers in this field. For example, if you are dividing 100% between three people, you will need to round numbers up or down to make the total 100% (e.g. 34%, 33% and 33%).

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Rights Holders The rights holder is the party that currently owns the sound recording rights for the recording or video. This could be the original copyright owner of the recorded music track, a successor in title or an exclusive licensee. This is the party that will be paid by PPL.

Register Repertoire

Definitions for each of these terms are shown on the next page.
The rights holder section is where you enter the details of the PPL member that owns the sound recording rights. This determines which company PPL pays any royalties to. Click Add Rights Holders to begin.

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Adding a Rights Holder
After clicking Add Rights Holder, the pop-up on the right will be shown. Just click the Add button next to the name of the rights holder.

Register Repertoire

Note: You may only add rights holders where you are authorised to submit repertoire on their behalf. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Registration, Claims and Queries Team by emailing us at or calling 020 7534 1234.

You will be prompted to populate a number of fields. Descriptions of these fields are shown on the next page.

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Register Repertoire

Registering Recordings and Videos >> Adding a Rights Holder Field Descriptions

Field Rights Holder Rights Ownership Type

Begin Date End Date Percentage

Description This will be the company/party name. Click Add to search the database for the company name, or to enter a new name. Original copyright owner: If your company/party has paid for the recorded music track to be made, you should select original copyright owner. Successor in title: If the ownership of the copyright in the recorded music track has been passed to you rather than you being the owner of the copyright upon creation please select this option. Exclusive licensee: If your company holds an exclusive licence to the rights in this recording used by PPL, please select this option (please see the Registering Recordings and Videos section of this document for more details). You will also need to supply a begin and end date for the licence period. This is the date when the rights to this recorded music track started. Please note that you do not have to put in a begin date if your company is the original copyright owner. This is the date when your exclusive license agreement ends. Please note that you do not have to put in an end date if your company is the original copyright owner or the successor in title. Repertoire ownership must total 100% - if you need to split a category, please give each entry 50% (or whatever the correct percentage is). PPL normally accounts to one company, paying that entity all 100% of the record company royalties any further splits are usually carried out in-house by the record label. You must enter whole numbers in this field. For example, if you are dividing 100% between three people, you will need to round numbers up or down to make the total 100% (e.g. 34%, 33% and 33%).

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Registering Publishers Recordings and Videos >>

Register Repertoire

The publisher is the party that holds the rights to the musical work performed on the recording you are registering (this is the company that the composer or songwriter is signed to).
From the Register Recording page, click Add Publisher to begin. MCPS do not distribute mechanical royalties solely based on information supplied by PPL. If necessary, they will contact you separately to confirm how much of the publishing rights each party owns.

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Adding a Publisher
After clicking Add Publisher, the pop-up on the right will be shown. Click the Add button next to the Publisher field to search the database for the correct company name. A full description of the fields displayed is given below. When you are finished, click the Add button at the lower right of the pop-up to return to Register Recording.

Register Repertoire

Field Publisher Name Percentage

Description This will be the company/party name. Click Add to search the database for the company name, or to enter a new name Publishing percentage must total 100% - if you need to split a category, please give each entry 50% (or whatever the correct percentage is). Please note that if you do need to split the percentage for any reason, you must put whole numbers in. For example, if you are dividing 100% between three people, you will need to round numbers up or down to make the total 100% (e.g. 34%, 33% and 33%).

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Registering Recordings and Videos >> Saving Your Recording
Once you have completed inputting all the information required, you have three options:
Click Submit This will send the completed recording to the PPL Repertoire Database. The recording will be visible in the Submitted (but not yet processed) area of the Repertoire Registrations homepage until the data is loaded into the PPL Repertoire Database. This usually happens within 24 hours. After this time the recording will be available from the main search screen, accessed via Repertoire within your online myPPL account. Click Save This will save the recording in your myPPL account but not submit it to PPL. Please use this option if you wish to save an incomplete recording you will see a pop-up warning that the recording is not finished. You cannot send any incomplete recordings to the PPL database. Click Back This will return you to the Repertoire Registrations homepage without saving. Please only use this option if you do not wish to save any data or amendments. Submitted recordings will appear in the Submitted (but not yet processed) area of your Register Repertoire homepage. Saved recordings will appear in the In Progress area of your Register Repertoire homepage. Please see the Your Register Repertoire Homepage section of this document for further details.

Register Repertoire

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Step 4 > Register Product
A product is a single unit of goods made available by a company. It will contain at least one recorded music track e.g. an album (physical or digital), a single, a compilation DVD of music videos, etc.
Please ensure that all of the recordings that are on the product have been registered before continuing. You will not need to complete this section if you are registering a promotional video. You will see that there are two sections Register Product and Track Listings. You should work through these in order. If you have defined recording / product defaults, upon clicking on Register Product an information box will pop up confirming that your default settings have been applied. Those fields with an asterisk beside them are mandatory fields. You cannot finish the registration without these fields being complete.

Register Repertoire

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Register Product >> Entering Product Details

Register Repertoire

A useful guide to the fields available in the product details section of this page is shown below. Field
Band / Artist Name

This will be the group, individual or collaboration that is known to the music-buying public, e.g. Madonna; The Beatles; Elton John feat Kiki Dee; London Symphony Orchestra etc. Click on Add to search the entry from the database or enter a name for the first time. This is the release title for the product. Please select the correct option from the drop-down list - album, single, box set or video. Please select the correct option from the drop-down list, e.g. CD. Please note that if your release is available in more than one format, you should create a new product for each format (each one with a new catalogue number and barcode). The catalogue number is allocated by the releasing record company and is different for each of the formats the product is released on. It normally includes the record company name (or an abbreviation of that name) in the catalogue number itself. For example, if you are ABC Records and releasing your first CD single, the catalogue number could be ABC01CD (a digital version of the same release could then be ABC01D and the vinyl could be ABC01Vetc). Please note the format of the catalogue number is entirely up to the record company but should not include hyphens, spaces or punctuation and should not exceed 50 characters. A barcode is a unique 13 digit number specific to this product. If your barcode is only 12 digits long, please add a zero to the front of it. To obtain a barcode, you will need to contact GS1, the BPI or your distributor. It is not possible for PPL to allocate a barcode to your release. Please see for more information. All formats should have a different barcode - please note that all digital products that contain more than one recorded music track need a barcode to be chart eligible. Please note that this field will not accept an invalid barcode if you do not have a barcode, you can enter 13 zeros (i.e. 0000000000000). Click on the Add button to search the entry from the database or enter a label name for the first time. The label is the name of the marketing label releasing the product as would appear on the artwork.

Product Title Release Type Format Type

Catalogue Number


Marketing Label

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MCPS Specific Data PLine

Register Repertoire
Please tick this box if you wish to provide additional information needed by MCPS This refers to the protection notice for the product and is the text that appears after the (P) symbol on the artwork for your product. This will be the year of first release followed by the name of the company/party that owns the copyright for the recorded music compilation on the product (e.g. 2009 PPL Records). The (P) date is the year in which this product was first released. You will only need to type in the year (i.e. four digits) we do not need the full date. This will be the date that the record company intends to release the product this date can be in the past if the release is already commercially available. If the release date is unknown, you should make an approximate guess that is as accurate as possible. The number of items refers to the number of parts to the release. A normal CD would be one item; a double album would be two; a triple album would be three, etc. Please note that all digital download formats will only have one item. This refers to the copyright notice for the product and is the text that appears after the on the artwork for your product. This will be the year of first release followed by the name of the company/party that owns the copyright for the product (e.g 2009 PPL Records). The copyright itself refers to the product itself (i.e. manufacturing, artwork etc) not the copyright in the recorded music. This will be the genre of the product (e.g. folk, pop etc). Select the appropriate genre from the drop-down list. Please note that you can only add one genre to each product For products containing vocal recordings, this is the principle language used.

PDate Intended Release Date

Volume Count Line

Genre Language

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Register Product >> MCPS Details Click the MCPS Specific Data checkbox on the Register Product screen to access this section of the form. PPL will forward your product information onto MCPS, who will then either invoice you or contact you for further information.

Register Repertoire

A mechanical licence is required from MCPS whenever music is reproduced onto any physical product or reproduced as a digital download. The form shown above can be used to provide the data needed by MCPS to issue a licence to reproduce music onto audioonly products (e.g. CDs). Alternatively you can choose to supply this information to MCPS directly. Once MCPS are informed of the production of physical music products they will be in touch to confirm your licence application. For more information on what information you should be entering here (or for any further MCPS related queries related to the AP2/AP1 license etc), please contact MCPS directly by calling 020 8378 7500 or visiting

Please note that you will need to ensure your recordings have composer and publisher information to ensure this process is efficient but also note that by submitting information to PPL for forwarding to MCPS, you are NOT registering your works with PRS for Music. You will need to do this separately by contacting PRS for Music directly.

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Register Product >> Tracks The Tracks section is the final part of registering a product.
When you have completed the product details section of the page, click Add Track to begin adding tracks to your product.

Register Repertoire

A d d T ra c k : C lick h e re to b e g in a d d in g T ra cks to y o u r P ro d u ct

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Register Product >> Adding Tracks
After clicking Add Track, the pop-up on the right will be shown. You can add a track to your product by searching by the band/artist name, recording title or ISRC. The search can return results from both recordings set up by you in Repertoire Registrations or recordings already registered in the PPL Repertoire Database. Enter the necessary details and click Search.

Register Repertoire

Search: Use this button to search the entire PPL Repertoire Database

Recent Registrations: Use this button to view a list of your recently added registrations so you can add these quickly and easily to your Product

The list of recordings will be shown in a pageable list (right). Click Add next to the required entry/entries to add the recording to your product. When you are finished click Back.

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Register Product >> Arranging your Track Listing
Once you have added your tracks, you can alter the running order by clicking on the small orange arrows shown next to Volume, Side and Track Number. All tracks are automatically added onto Volume One Side One, so you will need to manually move some tracks to Side Two etc if you are registering a vinyl format or, in the case of a box set, to a different volume number. To remove a recording from the track listing, select Delete in the Action column.

Register Repertoire

Volume Count: If your product has multiple volumes, you must ensure this is specified here before attempting to arrange your track listing.

Use the orange arrows to change the Volume, Side, and Track Number for each of your tracks. Each track will be rearranged in the list to reflect the new order.

Tracks are always shown in order of Volume, Side, and Track Number. Use the up arrows to move the track up the page, and the down arrows to move the track down the page.

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Register Product >> Saving and Submitting your Product
Once you have completed inputting all the information required, you have three options: Click Submit This will send the completed product to the PPL Repertoire Database. The product will be visible in the Submitted (but not yet processed) area of the Repertoire Registrations homepage until the data is loaded into the PPL Repertoire Database. This usually happens within 24 hours. After this time the product will be available on the main search screens, accessed via the Repertoire section.

Register Repertoire

Click Save This will save the product in your myPPL account but not submit it to PPL. Please use this option if you wish to save an incomplete product you will see a pop-up warning that the product is not finished and you cannot send any incomplete recordings to the PPL database. Click Back This will return you to the Repertoire Registrations homepage without saving. Please only use this option if you do not wish to save any data or amendments.

Once you have clicked Submit, the information you have input will move into Submitted (but not yet processed) on the Repertoire Registrations homepage. Data takes approximately 24 hours to load onto the PPL Repertoire Database. At this time your data will disappear from Submitted (but not yet processed) and will be viewable in the main Repertoire Search available within myPPL.

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Fix Invalid Registrations
Fix Invalid Registrations is where you can correct existing invalid registrations to ensure they comply with the PPL Data Policy. From 2010 revenue earned by recordings which are invalid will not be paid, so please update your invalids as soon as you are able to. This will ensure you receive the maximum possible revenue.
Click Fix Invalid Registrations on the main menu to get started. To see which types of errors are on your recordings, click Display Summary Count of Errors. This will display a pop-up summary of the areas where mandatory information is missing from the recording. You will then be able to search on the correct error type and sub-type to display and fix your invalid recordings. Each step is explained in more detail on the following pages.

Register Repertoire

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Fix Invalid Registrations >> Step 1 - View Summary You may view an overall summary of the errors on your repertoire by clicking the Display Summary Count of Errors link at the top right of the screen.

Register Repertoire

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Fix Invalid Registrations >> Step 2 - Filter Your Results You may view an overall summary of the errors on your repertoire by clicking the Display Summary Count of Errors link at the top right of the screen.
Data is displayed on the Fix Invalid Registrations page in descending value order of the recording, based on the Error Type and Sub Error Type as selected at the top of the screen.

Register Repertoire

Fix Invalid Registrations >> Step 3 Fix

To fix an invalid registration, select Edit in the Action column against the recording or product you wish to fix. This takes you to the Recording Registration page with the invalid fields highlighted in orange. Once the necessary corrections have been made, the status of the recordings will become Valid.

For more information on editing a recording, please see the Registering Recordings and Videos section of this document.

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Register Repertoire

Amending Existing Registrations already in the PPL Repertoire Database

To amend an existing registration already in the PPL Repertoire Database, simply search for the recording by clicking the Repertoire section and searching in the usual way. Click Edit Repertoire in the recording details screen. The Register Recording screen will appear, where you can make the necessary changes.

As with new registrations, your amendments will appear in the PPL Repertoire Database usually within 24 hours.

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Register Repertoire

If you experience any issues or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Registration, Queries and Claims Team by emailing us at or calling 020 7534 1234.

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Register Repertoire

Weve listed the key terms and fields used throughout Register Repertoire below for your convenience.
Alternative Title Arranger Author (lyrical content) Band / Artist Name

This will be any alternative title that the recording/video may have, e.g. Theme from The Deerhunter. This is the arranger of the work. This is the author of the lyrical content. This is the group, individual or collaboration that is known to the music-buying public, e.g. Madonna; The Beatles; Elton John feat Kiki Dee; London Symphony Orchestra etc. Click on Add to search the entry from the database or enter a name for the first time. A barcode is a unique 13 digit number specific to this product. If your barcode is only 12 digits long, please add a zero to the front of it. To obtain a barcode, you will need to contact GS1, the BPI or your distributor. It is not possible for PPL to allocate your release a barcode. Please see for more information. All formats should have a different barcode. Please note that all digital products that contain more than one recorded music track need a barcode to be chart eligible. Please note that this field will not accept an invalid barcode if you do not have a barcode, you can enter 13 zeros (i.e. 0000000000000). This is the date when the rights to this recording started. You do not have to enter a begin date if your company is the original copyright holder. This refers to the copyright notice for the product and is the text that appears after the on the artwork for your product. This will be the year of first release followed by the name of the company/party that owns the copyright for the product (e.g 2009 PPL Records). The copyright itself refers to the product itself (i.e. manufacturing, artwork etc) not the copyright in the recorded music track. The catalogue number is allocated by the releasing record company and is different for each of the formats the product is released on. It normally includes the record company name (or an abbreviation of that name) in the catalogue number itself. For example, if you are ABC Records and releasing your first CD single, the catalogue number could be ABC01CD (a digital version of the same release could then be ABC01D and the vinyl could be ABC01Vetc). Please note the format of the catalogue number is entirely up to the record company, but should not include hyphens, spaces or punctuation and should not exceed 50 characters. This is the writer of the musical content. This automatically includes the author and arranger unless otherwise specified. Tick this box if your recording contains a sample. Please note that you will have to add each sample component to the registration in the Sample Associated Recordings section (this only appears once the box is ticked).


Begin Date Line

Catalogue Number

Composer (musical content) Contains Sample?

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Content Type Country of Commissioning Country of Recording Duration End Date Format Type Genre Intended Release Date

Register Repertoire
Please select audio, video or multimedia. This will be the country in which the original copyright owner of the recorded music or video is principally based. This will be the country in which the performance was recorded. If the recording was performed in multiple countries, please indicate the country in which the majority of recording took place. Select the appropriate country from the drop-down list. This will be the duration of the recording/video in minutes and seconds. This is the date when your exclusive license agreement ends. Please note that you do not have to put in an end-date if your company is the original copyright owner or the successor in title. Please select the correct option from the drop-down list e.g. CD. Please note that if your release is available in more than one format, you should create a new product for each format (each one with a new catalogue number and barcode). This will be the genre of the recording/video/product (e.g. folk, pop etc). Select the appropriate genre from the drop-down list. Please note that you can only add one genre to each recording or product. This will be the date that the record company intends to release the product this date can be in the past if the release is already commercially available. If the release date is unknown, you should make an approximate guess that is as accurate as possible. Tick this box if your recording is a medley (i.e. features more than one component musical composition). Please note that you will need to add each medley component to the registration in the Medley Associated Recordings section (this only appears once the box is ticked). Tick this box if your recording is a remastered version of a recording we already have on our database. Please note that you may have to add the original recording to the registration if it is not already registered with PPL correctly. In the Re-mastered Recording section that appears, click Add Recording to retrieve it from our database or add it from your recording list. ISRC is the International Standard Recording Code. The first part of an ISRC for any rights holder is always the same. You can enter this Stem (or prefix) here. For more information on the ISRC, please see or call 020 7534 1234. For a vocal recording, or products containing vocal recordings, this is the principle language used. Click Add to search for the entry from the database or enter a label name for the first time. The label is the name of the marketing label releasing the product as it would appear on the artwork. Click on the Add button to search the entry from the database or enter a label name for the first time. The label is the name of the marketing label releasing the product as would appear on the artwork. Please tick this box if you wish to provide additional information needed by MCPS. A non-featured artist is a performer who is not a contracted featured artist or an other featured artist. Examples of nonfeatured artists include session musicians and backing singers. Studio personnel should also be listed as a non-featured artist if they make an audible contribution to the recording or if they conduct or provide a similar musical direction to another

Is Medley?

Is Re-master?


Language Marketing Label Marketing Label MCPS Specific Data Non-Featured Artist

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Other Featured Artist

Register Repertoire
performers live performance as it is being recorded. An other featured artist is a performer who contributes an audible performance to the recorded music track and is: A lead vocalist not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record company; A performer not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record company but whose personal or professional name appears with or is linked to the name of the contracted featured artist on the track; or A performer who is entitled under the terms of a contract with the contracted featured artist to receive royalties from sales of the recording. The (P) date is the year in which this version of the recording/video was first released This will be the name of the original copyright owner of the recorded music track as of the (P) Date. This refers to the protection notice for the product and is the text that appears after the (P) symbol on the artwork for your product. This will be the year of first release followed by the name of the company/party that owns the copyright for the sound recording compilation on the product (e.g. 2009 PPL Records). This is the release title for the product. This will be the company/party name of the publisher of the musical work performed on the recording (this is the company that the composer or songwriter is signed to e.g. Cupcake Publishing Ltd). Click Add to search the database for the company name, or to enter a new name. This will be the company/party name. Click Add to search the database for the company name or to enter a new name This is the date that the recording took place. Where recording takes place over multiple days, please specify the last date. This is the full title by which the recording/video is known. If there is a mix name, please put this in brackets after the main title, e.g. Angels (Radio Edit). This is the name of the principle venue (e.g. studio or live venue) where the recording was made. Please select the correct option from the drop-down list - album, single, box set or video. Original copyright owner: If your company/party has paid for the recording to be made, you should select original copyright owner. Successor in title: If the ownership of the copyright in the recording has been passed to you rather than you being the owner of the copyright upon creation please select this option.

(P) Date (P) Name PLine

Product Title Publisher Name

Publisher Name Recording Date Recording Title Recording Venue Release Type Repertoire Ownership Type

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Rights Ownership Type

Register Repertoire
Original copyright owner: If your company/party has paid for the recording to be made, you should select original copyright owner. Successor in title: If the ownership of the copyright in the recording has been passed to you rather than you being the owner of the copyright upon creation please select this option. Exclusive licensee: If your company holds an exclusive licence to the rights in this recording used by PPL, please select this option (please see the Registering Recordings and Videos section of this document for more details). You will also need to supply a begin and end date for the licence period. Please note this is a non-payable role. Examples of non-performing studio personnel are producers, engineers, mixers etc. Tick this box if you do not control any rights to this recording and do not expect to be paid for any usage. You will not be required to add any rights holder if you select this option. The number of items refers to the number of parts to the release. A normal CD would be one item; a double album would be two; a triple album would be three, etc. Please note that all digital download formats only have one item.

Studio Personnel NonPerforming This is a third party recording that I do not control any rights to Volume Count

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