Review of Michael Tsarion's 'Age of Manipulation'

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Michael Tsarion ~ Age of Manipulation Education, Metaphysics/Science, Spirituality by malinalli So they say that all of this is ust some

conspiracy theory bullshit huh! "e can promise you that if you#re inclined to belie$e any of that %this $ideo &ill change your mind' Michael Tsarion highlights the esoteric (or hidden) agenda of those in control of our &orld today' They use symbols and a secret language to achie$e their goal of manipulation and domination of Earth#s population' This control e*tends to e$ery corner of the planet and is so meticulously thought out and e*ecuted that is &ill ma+e you nauseous &hen you become a&are of it' "hat#s e$en more disgusting is that you &ill also reali,e that they hide this information in plain sight' They tell us &hat they#re doing but disguise it in $arious &ays' There are so many le$els and layers to the deception that most of us become thoroughly confused and frustrated and conse-uently don#t e$en care to $enture do&n that rabbit hole' "e#d ust as soon belie$e the lies and deceit' "e belie$e it &hen they tell us that the truth is actually conspiracy bullshit made up to ma+e you -uestion their righteous authority' .o& that#s the bullshit/// 0n this $ideo Michael Tsarion often uses their o&n &ords and &ritten -uotes to pro$e that this is the case and that T1E2E 0S A 3E4056S 78A. 6.3E2"A9 T5 :5.T258 E4E29 AS7E:T 5; 562 804ES' This $ideo brings out that Ed&ard <ernays %nephe& of Sigmund ;reud and often referred to as the father of public relations, combined the ideas of =usta$ 8e<on and "ilfred Trotter on cro&d psychology &ith the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle, Sigmund ;reud' 1e felt this manipulation &as necessary in society, &hich he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of the >herd instinct# that Trotter had described' <ernays is -uoted to ha$e said 0f &e understand the mechanism and the moti$es of the group mind, it is no& possible to control and regiment the masses according to our &ill &ithout them +no&ing it' 1e continues &ith the conscious and intelligent manipulation of organi,ed habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society' Those &ho manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an in$isible go$ernment &hich is the true ruling po&er in our country? "e are go$erned, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men &ho &e ha$e ne$er heard of?'' &e are dominated by a relati$ely small number of persons?'' it is they &ho pull the &ires &hich control the public mind and &ho harness social forces and contri$e ne& &ays to blind and guide the &orld' "T;! 0t#s necessary for some to manipulate and control others! "hy! "hy is it not ust as necessary for all of us to li$e the li$es &e &ere gi$en as &e see fit! "hy don#t &e encourage gro&th, e$olution, +no&ledge and lo$e instead of manipulation and control! "hat is this mindset all about! "hat#s really going on! "e must as+ these and a million other -uestions to get to the bottom of this mess' Michael Tsarion ma+es you thin+' 1e unco$ers and e*poses so much of the hidden agenda of the po&er control force that it &ill at first scare the hell out of you' <ut once the shoc+ has &orn off, many of us are able to see &hat#s going on and begin a life of in$estigation and a -uest for self +no&ledge and truth' "e are no longer able to be pacified &ith the lies and the &eb of deception' "e must &a+e up and be &illing to dig for ans&ers' To borro& a line from The @ ;iles A >the truth is out there'# All &e ha$e to do is to decide to go after it and the uni$erse &ill &or+ the rest out for you' 9ou#ll be tripping o$er ans&ers at e$ery turn' 0 promise you' B%)

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