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SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 $ : Form 2 ___ : __________________

THEME TOPIC Time Day : ________________ Duration : 40 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

Science and Technology nit ! Food "rom #lants

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1% 2% $% To acti&ate 'ac(ground (no)ledge on di""erent ty*es o" "arming To tal( a'out )here and ho) *lants and &egeta'les are gro)n To identi"y and tal( a'out di""erent ty*es o" "arming

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 What's i th! tit"!# 1% +uide all students to tal( a'out the title, -Food "rom #lants-% 2% .s( students the "ollo)ing /uestions: What does the )ord -"ood- mean0 What does the title, -Food "rom #lants- mean0 1o) can )e get "ood "rom *lants0 What ty*es o" "ood can )e get "rom *lants0 Activity $ %&&' ()&* P"a ts 1% Dra) all students- attention to the stimulus% 2% +et students to tal( a'out the *ictures% .s( the "ollo)ing /uestions: What do you see in the *ictures0 What ty*es o" *lants/&egeta'les can )e gro) using these "arming techni/ues0 Activity + 1% 2% $% 4% Bi ,&+et students to dra) one ty*e o" "ruit and one ty*e o" &egeta'le that they li(e% +et students to mo&e around and "ind $ "riends )ho li(e the same ty*es o" "ruits and &egeta'les and the reasons )hy they li(e them% Students need to sho) the "ruit and &egeta'le dra)n on the *iece o" *a*er and say aloud the names o" the "ruit and &egeta'le% +uide students to as( and ans)er the "ollo)ing /uestions )hen see(ing out their "riends% What "ruit do you li(e0 Why do you li(e this "ruit0 What &egeta'le do you li(e0 Why do you li(e this &egeta'le0 When students ha&e "ound the $ "riends, they shout out, -3ingo-% +et the )inning grou* to share their "indings )ith the class%

2% 4% 2

TEACHING AI.S Chal( 5 33 Com*uter 5 7CD #ro8ector 61# 5 Trans*arencies #rinted materials/1andouts ;esources: #age 4! #ages 114 = 112 Charts/#osters 9e)s*a*ers/Maga:ines ;e"erence/Dictionary Wor('oo(/Te<t'oo( 6thers:

: Student-s 1and'oo( : Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers

MORAL VALUES Diligence Co=o*eration ;ationality >ustice Moderation Cleanliness ;es*onsi'ility .**reciation Sensiti&ity ?nde*endence Conscientiousness 6*en=mindedness ;es*ect #u'lic=s*iritedness Ci&ic a)areness 6thers:

REMAR//RE%ERENCE/MATERIALS Students- 1and'oo( Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers



F 77 9.MB 1 2 $ 4 2



S?+9.T ;B

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 $ : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Time Day : ________________ Duration : 40 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

Science and Technology nit ! Food "rom #lants

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1% 2% $% To identi"y and name di""erent ty*es o" &egeta'les and "ruits To 'uild &oca'ulary To *ronounce the targeted &oca'ulary

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 C&"&0)s1 Sha2!s a ' M&)! 333 1% +et students to loo( at the collage o" *ictures on the *age% 2% .s( the "ollo)ing /uestions: What do you see in *ictures 1 to 140 What are the names o" the "ruits or &egeta'les0 What are the colours o" the "ruits or &egeta'les0 What are the sha*es o" the "ruits or &egeta'les0 Activity $ 1% 2% $% List! a ' Say A"&0' #lay the .udio=Dideo DDD to allo) students to listen to and *ractise saying aloud the names o" the "ruits and &egeta'les% #ause a"ter each *icture to allo) all students to internalise &oca'ulary% Bnsure that all students *artici*ate acti&ely% ;e*lay i" necessary%

Activity + G0!ss th! %&&' 1% Di&ide the class into 4 grou*s to *lay this guessing game% This game re/uires the teacher to gi&e $ *oints "or e&ery correct ans)er a grou* gi&e% 2% 9o), *lay the .udio=Dideo DDD and randomly select the *ictures% $% Bach mem'er o" the grou* ta(es turn to gi&e the correct ans)er "or the *ictures% For a correct ans)er gi&en the "irst time, the grou* gets $ *oints% When the mem'er in the grou* does not (no) the ans)er, another grou* mem'er is allo)ed to hel*% ?" the ans)er gi&en 'y the other grou* mem'er is correct, the grou* gets 1 *oint% 2 TEACHING AI.S Chal( 5 33 Com*uter 5 7CD #ro8ector 61# 5 Trans*arencies #rinted materials/1andouts ;esources: #age 20 #ages 1$2 G 1$4 4 MORAL VALUES Diligence Co=o*eration ;ationality >ustice Moderation Cleanliness ;es*onsi'ility .**reciation Sensiti&ity ?nde*endence Conscientiousness 6*en=mindedness ;es*ect #u'lic=s*iritedness Ci&ic a)areness 6thers: Charts/#osters 9e)s*a*ers/Maga:ines ;e"erence/Dictionary Wor('oo(/Te<t'oo( 6thers:

: 3uilding 3loc(s EFood "rom #lantsF : Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers

REMAR//RE%ERENCE/MATERIALS Students- 1and'oo( .udio=Dideo DDD Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers



F 77 9.MB 1 2 $ 4 2



S?+9.T ;B

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 $ : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

Science and Technology nit ! Food "rom #lants

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1% 2% To learn the sentence *atterns )ith ad8ecti&es to tal( a'out "ruits and &egeta'les% To *ractise using the sentence *atterns to descri'e "ruits and &egeta'les%

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 What's GM%# 1% Dra) students- attention to the *ictures on the *age% 2% +et all students to *redict )hat the &ideo is a'out 'y as(ing the "ollo)ing /uestions: What do you see on this *age0 What do you thin( this &ideo is a'out0 What is +MF0 $% #lay the audio=&ideo DDD% +et students to )atch the &ideo% Activity $ Pa0s! a ' P)actis! 1% #lay the audio=&ideo DDD and *ause at the "ollo)ing sentence *atterns: ?-&e read that genetically modi"ied tomatoes taste as good as natural tomatoes H H are 8ust as firm as H As juicy as ... 2% .t e&ery *ause, teacher initiates discussion% The discussion is to hel* students see and 'e made a)are o" the sentence *atterns% $% +et students to res*ond or retell the situations in the &ideo at the *auses selected to encourage the use o" the sentence *atterns% 4% Bnsure that all students *artici*ate acti&ely% ;e*lay and *ause i" necessary%

TEACHING AI.S Chal( 5 33 Com*uter 5 7CD #ro8ector 61# 5 Trans*arencies #rinted materials/1andouts ;esources: #age 21 #ages 1$4 = 1$@ Charts/#osters 9e)s*a*ers/Maga:ines ;e"erence/Dictionary Wor('oo(/Te<t'oo( 6thers:

: 7anguage in .ction EFood "rom #lantsF : Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers

MORAL VALUES Diligence Co=o*eration ;ationality >ustice Moderation Cleanliness ;es*onsi'ility .**reciation Sensiti&ity ?nde*endence Conscientiousness 6*en=mindedness ;es*ect #u'lic=s*iritedness Ci&ic a)areness 6thers:

REMAR//RE%ERENCE/MATERIALS Students- 1and'oo( .udio=Dideo DDD Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers



F 77 9.MB 1 2 $ 4 2



S?+9.T ;B

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 $ : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

Science and Technology nit ! Food "rom #lants

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1% 2% $% 4% To share and tal( a'out the use o" *lants To *ractise the &oca'ulary learned To *ractise the *ronunciation o" the &oca'ulary To *ractise sentence *atterns learned

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 A* I Us!(0"# 1% Dra) students- attention to the *ictures% 2% .s( the "ollo)ing /uestions: What do you see in #icture .0 Can you tell me the ty*es o" *roducts that come "rom this *lant0 $% +et students to )or( in *airs% Students loo( at the *ictures and share )hat they see in the *ictures% 4% +uide students to as( and ans)er the "ollo)ing /uestions "or #ictures 3, C and D% What do you see in #icture 30 Can you tell me the ty*es o" *roducts that come "rom this *lant0 2% ?n&ite all students to share )ith the class the use"ulness o" *lants 3, C and D% Activity $ 1% 2% $% 4% L!t's I""0st)at!- 4B5.L1E16 +et each *air to decide )hich *lant E3, C or DF they )ould choose as the most use"ul *lant% ?n *airs, they *resent the uses o" the *lant using illustrations% +et students to grou* )ith other *airs o" students and share their &ie)s and o*inions% They must gi&e reasons "or their choice and de"end their &ie)s% +et some students to share their "indings )ith the class%

TEACHING AI.S Chal( 5 33 Com*uter 5 7CD #ro8ector 61# 5 Trans*arencies #rinted materials/1andouts ;esources: #age 22 #ages 1$A G 1$! Charts/#osters 9e)s*a*ers/Maga:ines ;e"erence/Dictionary Wor('oo(/Te<t'oo( 6thers:

: 7anguage in use EFood "rom #lantsF : Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers

MORAL VALUES Diligence Co=o*eration ;ationality >ustice Moderation Cleanliness ;es*onsi'ility .**reciation Sensiti&ity ?nde*endence Conscientiousness 6*en=mindedness ;es*ect #u'lic=s*iritedness Ci&ic a)areness 6thers:

REMAR//RE%ERENCE/MATERIALS Students- 1and'oo( Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers



F 77 9.MB 1 2 $ 4 2



S?+9.T ;B

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 $ : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

Science and Technology nit ! Food "rom #lants

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1% 2% $% 4% To share and tal( a'out "ood "rom *lants To *ractise the &oca'ulary learned To *ractise the *ronunciation o" the &oca'ulary To *ractise sentence *atterns learned

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 T)i,,!) 7&0) S! s!s 1% Dra) students- attention to the *icture on the *age% % 2% .s( the "ollo)ing /uestions: What do you see in the *icture0 What are the students doing0 $% 7ead and encourage students to ma(e a choice on a *lant that they )ant to tal( a'out and *resent in the class% Activity $ Sh&8 a ' T!"" 1% +et students to choose a *lant or "ruit that they )ant to share )ith their "riends% 2% +et students to tal( a'out the *lant or "ruit 'ased on the "ollo)ing: sha*e colour smell taste uses o" the *lant $% Bncourage students to *re*are a chart or 'ring along their *lants or "ruits during the indi&idual *resentation% 4% ?n&ite all students to ta(e turns to sho) and tell in grou*s% +uide students to do the "ollo)ing during their *resentations% +reet the audience ?ntroduce themsel&es ?ntroduce the to*ic Tal( a'out the *lant or "ruit and its uses .ns)er /uestions *osed 'y the grou* mem'ers Than( the audience Example: Good morning, teacher and friends. I have brought a grapefruit. The s in is yello! and the flesh is magenta. The shape of this fruit is round. This fruit is juicy but it tastes sour. It contains a lot of "itamin # and is good for health. Than you. 2% Bnsure that e&ery student is gi&en the o**ortunity to *resent% 4% Bncourage other students to as( /uestions during the sho) and tell sessions% This is to ensure that all students are acti&ely in&ol&ed during the sho) and tell%

TEACHING AI.S Chal( 5 33 Com*uter 5 7CD #ro8ector 61# 5 Trans*arencies #rinted materials/1andouts ;esources: #age 2$ #ages 140 G 141 Charts/#osters 9e)s*a*ers/Maga:ines ;e"erence/Dictionary Wor('oo(/Te<t'oo( 6thers:

: 1a&ing "un EFood "rom #lantsF : Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers

MORAL VALUES Diligence Co=o*eration ;ationality >ustice Moderation Cleanliness ;es*onsi'ility .**reciation Sensiti&ity ?nde*endence Conscientiousness 6*en=mindedness ;es*ect #u'lic=s*iritedness Ci&ic a)areness 6thers:

REMAR//RE%ERENCE/MATERIALS Students- 1and'oo( Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers Materials 'y students



F 77 9.MB 1 2 $ 4 2



S?+9.T ;B

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 $ : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

Science and Technology nit ! Food "rom #lants

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1% 2% $% 4% To acti&ely in&ol&e all students to use the language learned in this to*ic con"idently To *ractise the &oca'ulary learned To *ractise the *ronunciation o" the &oca'ulary To *ractise sentence *atterns learned

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 W&)9 It O0t1% Dra) students- attention to the *icture on the *age% 2% .s( the "ollo)ing /uestions: What do you see in the *icture0 $% Tell students they are going to create a "olio% 4% +et students to )or( in grou*s o" "i&e% 2% Bach grou* chooses one method o" "arming to 'e *resented in the *oster% Example: +enetically Modi"ied Food E+MFF 1ydro*onic "arming 6rganic "arming 9atural "arming 4% +et each grou* to discuss the *rocess in&ol&ed and create a *oster on the selected choice o" "arming% @% +uide students to *resent the "ollo)ing in their *osters% Choice o" "arming techni/ue Ste*s in&ol&ed in the "arming *rocess .d&antages o" this "arming method Ty*es o" *roduce A% ;emind students that e&ery mem'er o" the grou* must 'e acti&ely in&ol&ed in *re*aring the *resentation and each o" them must 'e gi&en the o**ortunity to *resent% Activity $ 1% 2% $% P)!s! t It?n&ite the grou*s to *resent their *osters% +et students to &ote "or the 'est *oster and gi&e reasons "or their choice% Bnsure all grou*s get the o**ortunity to *resent their *osters%

TEACHING AI.S Chal( 5 33 Com*uter 5 7CD #ro8ector 61# 5 Trans*arencies #rinted materials/1andouts ;esources: #age 24 #ages 142 G 14$ Charts/#osters 9e)s*a*ers/Maga:ines ;e"erence/Dictionary Wor('oo(/Te<t'oo( 6thers:

: Fun in sharing EFood "rom #lantsF : Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers

MORAL VALUES Diligence Co=o*eration ;ationality >ustice Moderation Cleanliness ;es*onsi'ility .**reciation Sensiti&ity ?nde*endence Conscientiousness 6*en=mindedness ;es*ect #u'lic=s*iritedness Ci&ic a)areness 6thers:

REMAR//RE%ERENCE/MATERIALS Students- 1and'oo( Creati&e 9otes "or Teachers Materials 'y students



F 77 9.MB 1 2 $ 4 2



S?+9.T ;B

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

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