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SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 # : Form 2 ___ : __________________

THEME TOPIC Environment nit 4 Earth in !ur "ands Time Day : ________________ Duration : 40 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1$ 2$ #$ 4$ To a%tivate &a%'(round 'no)led(e on environmental issues in Malaysia and around the )orld To tal' a&out *ollution+ (lo&al )armin(+ de,orestation and land,ills$ To identi,y and tal' a&out environmental issues in the *i%ture$ To tal' a&out )ays to resolve the environmental issues see in the *i%ture$

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 What's i th! Tit"!# 1$ -uide all students to tal' a&out the title+ .Earth in !ur "ands.$ 2$ /s' the ,ollo)in( 0uestions: What does the title+ .Earth in !ur "ands. mean to you1 What does it mean )hen )e say that the earth is in our hands1 Activity $ What's Ha%%! i &# 1$ Dra) all students. attention to the environmental issues in the *i%tures$ Eli%it res*onses ,rom the students &y as'in( the ,ollo)in( 0uestions$ What do yo see in the *a(e1 What do you thin' is ha**enin( in the *i%ture1 Why do you thin' this is ha**enin(1 Activity ' H() Ca W! H!"%# 1$ 2ead all students to dis%uss )ays they %an hel* to resolve some o, the environmental issues$ /s' the ,ollo)in( 0uestions: What %an )e do to hel* redu%e *ollution1 What %an )e do to redu%e ru&&ish1 What should *eo*le do )hen they %ut do)n trees1

TEACHING AI*S Chal' 4 55 Com*uter 4 2CD 6ro7e%tor !"6 4 Trans*aren%ies 6rinted materials/"andouts :esour%es: 6a(e 1# 6a(es #4 < #= Charts/6osters 8e)s*a*ers/Ma(a9ines :e,eren%e/Di%tionary Wor'&oo'/Te;t&oo' !thers:

: Stimulus on environmental issues < *ollution+ (lo&al )armin( and land,ills : Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers

MORAL VALUES Dili(en%e Co<o*eration :ationality >usti%e Moderation Cleanliness :es*onsi&ility /**re%iation Sensitivity ?nde*enden%e Cons%ientiousness !*en<mindedness :es*e%t 6u&li%<s*iritedness Civi% a)areness !thers:

REMAR+/RE,ERENCE/MATERIALS Students. "and&oo' Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers



F 22 8/ME 1 2 # 4 3



S?-8/T :E

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 # : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Environment nit 4 Earth in !ur "ands Time Day : ________________ Duration : 40 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1$ 2$ #$ To identi,y and name the environmental issues in the *i%ture To &uild vo%a&ulary To *ronoun%e the tar(eted vo%a&ulary

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 Ea-th I *a &!1$ -et students to loo' at the environmental issues on the *a(e$ 2$ /s' students the ,ollo)in( 0uestions$ What do you see in the *i%tures1 Can you tell me the *ro&lems that mother nature / earth / mother earth is ,a%in(1 Do you thin' the earth is in dan(er1 Why1 Activity $ List! a . Say A"(/. 1$ 6lay the /udio<Dideo DDD to allo) students to listen and *ra%tise sayin( aloud the tar(eted vo%a&ulary related to the to*i% on environmental issues$ 2$ 6ause a,ter ea%h )ord to allo) all students to internalise the tar(eted vo%a&ulary$ #$ Ensure that all students *arti%i*ate a%tively$ :e*lay i, ne%essary$ Activity ' S%!"" M!0 1$ Tell students that they are (oin( to *lay a (ame$ 2$ E;*lain the rules o, the (ame to the students: Ste* 1: Divide the students into (rou*s o, 3$ Ste* 2: Tea%her sele%ts the *i%tures at random$ Ste* #: Ea%h mem&er in (rou* ta'es turn to say the )ords related to the *i%tures and s*ell them %orre%tly$ Ste* 4: Tea%her *lays the audio a,ter ea%h student has made the attem*t to say and s*ell the )ord$ #$ Tea%her re*eats this *ro%ess ,or all the tar(eted )ords$

TEACHING AI*S Chal' 4 55 Com*uter 4 2CD 6ro7e%tor !"6 4 Trans*aren%ies 6rinted materials/"andouts :esour%es: 6a(e 20 6a(es 3# < 34 Charts/6osters 8e)s*a*ers/Ma(a9ines :e,eren%e/Di%tionary Wor'&oo'/Te;t&oo' !thers:

: 5uildin( 5lo%'s EEarth in !ur "andsF : Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers

MORAL VALUES Dili(en%e Co<o*eration :ationality >usti%e Moderation Cleanliness :es*onsi&ility /**re%iation Sensitivity ?nde*enden%e Cons%ientiousness !*en<mindedness :es*e%t 6u&li%<s*iritedness Civi% a)areness !thers:

REMAR+/RE,ERENCE/MATERIALS Students. "and&oo' /udio<Dideo DDD Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers



F 22 8/ME 1 2 # 4 3



S?-8/T :E

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 # : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Environment nit 4 Earth in !ur "ands Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1$ 2$ To learn the senten%e *atterns )ith modals < in the *ast tense E)ould/%ouldF to e;*ress ne%essity+ un%ertainty and a&ility$ To *ra%tise usin( the senten%e *attern learned to tal' a&out environmental issues$

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 Wast! N(t1 Wa t N(t0 1$ Dra) students. attention to the *a(e on 2an(ua(e in /%tion$ 2$ -et all students to *redi%t )hat the video is a&out &y as'in( the ,ollo)in( 0uestions: What do you see on this *a(e1 What do you thin' this video is a&out1 #$ 6lay the audio<video DDD$ -et students to )at%h the video$ Activity $ Pa/s! a . P-actis! 1$ 6lay the audio<video DDD and *ause at the ,ollo)in( senten%e *atterns: 6ara(ra*h 1+ 2ine 2: They would (o out ea%h day to loo' ,or ,ood and share it )ith one another$ 6ara(ra*h #+ 2ines = and A: 2ine = < "e would (ather lar(e 0uantities o, ,ood+ more than he needed ,or the day and )hen he could not ,inish his ,ood+ he )ould sim*ly thro) them a)ay$ 2ine A: Guil )as )orried that they would run out o, ,ood$ 2$ /t every *ause+ tea%her initiates dis%ussion &y as'in( the ,ollo)in( 0uestions and to ma'e students a)are o, the senten%e *atterns used to e;*ress ne%essity+ un%ertainty and a&ility$ What )ould you do to hel* S*i'e and Guil )hen they lost their home1 What advi%e )ould you (ive S*i'e )hen he &e(an to )aste ,ood1 What )ould you do i, you had a ,riend li'e S*i'e1 What %ould ha**en i, Guil did not hel* S*i'e1 #$ -et students to res*ond or retell the situation in the video at the *auses sele%ted )hi%h en%oura(e the use o, the senten%e *atterns$ 4$ Ensure that all students *arti%i*ate a%tively$ :e*lay and *ause i, ne%essary$

TEACHING AI*S Chal' 4 55 Com*uter 4 2CD 6ro7e%tor !"6 4 Trans*aren%ies 6rinted materials/"andouts :esour%es: 6a(e 21 6a(es 33 < 3@ Charts/6osters 8e)s*a*ers/Ma(a9ines :e,eren%e/Di%tionary Wor'&oo'/Te;t&oo' !thers:

: 2an(ua(e in se : Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers

MORAL VALUES Dili(en%e Co<o*eration :ationality >usti%e Moderation Cleanliness :es*onsi&ility /**re%iation Sensitivity ?nde*enden%e Cons%ientiousness !*en<mindedness :es*e%t 6u&li%<s*iritedness Civi% a)areness !thers:

REMAR+/RE,ERENCE/MATERIALS Students. "and&oo' /udio<Dideo DDD Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers



F 22 8/ME 1 2 # 4 3



S?-8/T :E

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 # : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Environment nit 4 Earth in !ur "ands Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1$ 2$ #$ 4$ To share and tal' a&out environmental issues and )ays to resolve the issues To *ra%tise the vo%a&ulary learned To *ra%tise the *ronun%iation o, the vo%a&ulary To *ra%tise senten%e *atterns learned

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 L((2 a . Sha-! 1$ Dra) students. attention to the *i%tures on environmental issues and )ays to resolve the issues$ 2$ se one o, the situations on the *a(e and (et students to dis%uss )ays to resolve the issues$ E;am*le: Situation 1: Environmental issue: Water 6ollution :esolution: -oton( royon( to %lean the river+ &an ille(al dum*in( o, )astes into the river+ ,ine anyone )ho is %au(ht thro)in( ru&&ish into the river $$$ #$ -et students to )or' in *airs$ Students loo' at the *i%tures and share )hat they see in the three situations$ 4$ ?nvite all students to share )ith the %lass on the three situations$ Activity $ Gath!- a . R!%(-t 3B4*L1E15 1$ Tea%her *re*ares 3 stri*s o, *a*er )ith these environmental issues < (lo&al )armin(+ noise *ollution+ air *ollution+ li(ht *ollution+ land *ollution and )ater *ollution$ Tea%her *uts these stri*s o, *a*er into a 7ar$ 2$ Tea%her starts the lesson &y (ettin( students to tal' to their ,riends and (ather in,ormation on environmental issues around them$ #$ -et students to )or' in (rou*s o, # or 4$ Ea%h (rou* *i%'s a stri* o, *a*er ,rom the 7ar$ Dis%uss the issue on the stri* o, *a*er )ith their (rou* mem&ers ,or 13 < 20 minutes$ 4$ ?nvite students to *resent their ,indin(s orally$ 3$ Durin( *resentations+ other (rou* mem&ers are en%oura(ed to as' 0uestions and res*ond &y a(reein( / disa(reein( *olitely$

TEACHING AI*S Chal' 4 55 Com*uter 4 2CD 6ro7e%tor !"6 4 Trans*aren%ies 6rinted materials/"andouts :esour%es: 6a(e 22 6a(es 3A < 3B Charts/6osters 8e)s*a*ers/Ma(a9ines :e,eren%e/Di%tionary Wor'&oo'/Te;t&oo' !thers:

: 2an(ua(e in use EEarth in !ur "andsF : Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers

MORAL VALUES Dili(en%e Co<o*eration :ationality >usti%e Moderation Cleanliness :es*onsi&ility /**re%iation Sensitivity ?nde*enden%e Cons%ientiousness !*en<mindedness :es*e%t 6u&li%<s*iritedness Civi% a)areness !thers:

REMAR+/RE,ERENCE/MATERIALS Students. "and&oo' Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers



F 22 8/ME 1 2 # 4 3



S?-8/T :E

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 # : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Environment nit 4 Earth in !ur "ands Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1$ 2$ #$ 4$ To share and tal' a&out )ays to hel* *rote%t the environment To *ra%tise the vo%a&ulary learned To *ra%tise the *ronun%iation o, the vo%a&ulary To *ra%tise senten%e *atterns used to e;*ress ne%essity+ un%ertainty and a&ility$

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 T-i&&!- 6(/- S! s!s 1$ Dra) students. attention to the *a(e on ."avin( Fun.$ 2$ /s' the ,ollo)in( 0uestions: What %an you see in the *i%ture1 What is the (irl doin(1 #$ 2ead and en%our(e students to ma'e a %hoi%e on the material that they )ant to use ,or their *resentation$ Activity $ Sh() a . T!"" 1$ -et students to sit in a semi<%ir%le and ta'e turns to sho) and tell$ 2$ En%oura(e other students to as' 0uestions durin( the sho) and tell sessions$ EThis is to ensure that all students are a%tively involved durin( the sho) and tell$F

TEACHING AI*S Chal' 4 55 Com*uter 4 2CD 6ro7e%tor !"6 4 Trans*aren%ies 6rinted materials/"andouts :esour%es: 6a(e 1@ 6a(es 44 < 43 Charts/6osters 8e)s*a*ers/Ma(a9ines :e,eren%e/Di%tionary Wor'&oo'/Te;t&oo' !thers:

: "avin( ,un : Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers

MORAL VALUES Dili(en%e Co<o*eration :ationality >usti%e Moderation Cleanliness :es*onsi&ility /**re%iation Sensitivity ?nde*enden%e Cons%ientiousness !*en<mindedness :es*e%t 6u&li%<s*iritedness Civi% a)areness !thers:

REMAR+/RE,ERENCE/MATERIALS Students. "and&oo' Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers Materials &y students



F 22 8/ME 1 2 # 4 3



S?-8/T :E

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

SMK DPHA GAPOR, STAMPIN DAILY LESSON PLAN English Language Form Class Date 1 2 # : Form 2 ___ : __________________ THEME TOPIC Environment nit 4 Earth in !ur "ands Time Day : ________________ Duration : A0 mins : Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat

LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES 1$ 2$ #$ 4$ To a%tively involve all students to use the lan(ua(e learned in this to*i% %on,idently To *ra%tise the vo%a&ulary learned To *ra%tise the *ronun%iation o, the vo%a&ulary To *ra%tise senten%e *atterns used to e;*ress ne%essity+ un%ertainty and a&ility$

ACTIVITIES Activity 1 L!t's *( O/- Pa-t 1$ Dra) students. attention to the *a(e$ 2$ /s' the ,ollo)in( 0uestions: What do you see in the *i%ture1 What are they doin(1 #$ 2ead and en%oura(e students to ma'e *lans on ho) they %an ma'e their s%hool (reen+ e$($ holdin( a %am*ai(n+ %arryin( out a *ro7e%t+ *romotin( a (reen environment+ et%$ 4$ -et students to )or' in (rou*s and *lan their *resentations$ 3$ :emind students that they %annot read ,rom the s%ri*ts )hen they sta(e their *resentations$ Activity $ 1$ 2$ #$ 4$ G( G-!! 0 ?nvite students to *resent and share their ideas )ith the %lass$ -et students to vote on the &est *resentation and (ive reasons ,or their %hoi%e$ Ensure all (rou*s (et the o**ortunity to share their *resentations$ -et students to %arry out the .-o -reen. *ro7e%t in their s%hool$

TEACHING AI*S Chal' 4 55 Com*uter 4 2CD 6ro7e%tor !"6 4 Trans*aren%ies 6rinted materials/"andouts Charts/6osters 8e)s*a*ers/Ma(a9ines :e,eren%e/Di%tionary Wor'&oo'/Te;t&oo' !thers:

:esour%es: 6a(e 1A 6a(es 4= < 4@ = MORAL VALUES Dili(en%e Co<o*eration :ationality >usti%e Moderation

: Fun in sharin( : Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers

Cleanliness :es*onsi&ility /**re%iation Sensitivity ?nde*enden%e

Cons%ientiousness !*en<mindedness :es*e%t 6u&li%<s*iritedness Civi% a)areness


REMAR+/RE,ERENCE/MATERIALS Students. "and&oo' Creative 8otes ,or Tea%hers Materials &y students



F 22 8/ME 1 2 # 4 3



S?-8/T :E

Signa!ure o" Panel Hea#

Signa!ure o" Prin$i%al

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Da!e'

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