Norway - Outdoor Preschool PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - 6.30am and The Children Are Woken Up by Their

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VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD NORWAY OUTDOOR PRESCHOOL PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - 6.30am and the children are wo en !" #$ their "arent%.

. &he "arent% then hel" the children 'et dre%%ed and read$ (or )re*%chool carr$in' their own #ac "ac . &he children %lide down the 'ra%% hill+ wal ed on wet roc % with #oot% and coat% on+ #!c etin' water while canoein'+ #an'in' ha""il$ with #!c et% and %"ade% and wal alon' netted ro"e%. &he children "la$ and e,"lore a #oat on land with ed!cator+ #an'in' ha""il$ with #!c et% and %"ade%+ wal in' alon' netted ro"e+ were clim#in' and %win'in' on tree%. -hildren %at on lo'% %in'in' doin' rol$ "ol$ and %tom"in' their (eet. &he Ed!cator ha% a child cro!ched down on a mat o!t%ide while the other children and the ed!cator held hand%+ %an' and .!m"ed in a circle aro!nd the #o$ cro!ched. /hen the #o$ .!m"% !" he cha%e% the children and ed!cator. -hildren wal aro!nd %in'in' and ma in' di((erent %o!nd% and %it on lo'. &hi% ma$ #e a re'!lar %"ot where the$ all meet a% a 'ro!". It %eem% to come !" a (ew time%. /hile the children are "la$in' at thi% %ite one o( the ed!cator% %it% down to tal a#o!t toda$0% acti1itie% the children are to de%i'n+ ma e and te%t an o#.ect 2#oat3 &he ed!cator %how% and demon %trai'ht0% to the children ad!lt %i4e tool%+ hammer+ %aw+ %trin'+ ta"e and wood to ma e a #oat. &he ed!cator ta e% 3 o( the older children (or a wal alon' the roc % the children are holdin' wood while the ed!cator hold% all the tool% etc that the children need to ma e their #oat%. &he ed!cator watche% the children !%e the tool%+ %ha"in' wood with a ni(e+ nailin' wood+ !%in' ta"e (or mea%!rin' and hel"in' children c!t wood with the %aw. -hildren then %trin' their #oat% and (loat them in the ri1er. &he children and ed!cator then e,"lorin' their %!rro!ndin'% (indin' a roc co1ered in %eaweed the ed!cator t!rned o1er the roc to (ind a creat!re that the children handled. -arr$in' a %"ade the ed!cator ta e% a 'ro!" o( children one carr$in' a #!c et to do %ome 'ardenin'+ "!llin' o!t "otato 1ine% to collect and "ic "otatoe%. &he child holdin' the #!c et tilt% it to ma e it ea%ier (or the other children to throw the "otatoe% in. &he children are now in the ti"i "re"arin' (ood in (oil wra" to 'o with the "otatoe%. An ed!cator i% on hand i( needed. One o( the children 25an%3 i% 'oin' to li'ht the o"en (ire o!t%ide which i% %!rro!nded #$ roc % to coo the "otatoe%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% to 5an% he need% to lean (orward and tr$ to 'et clo%e to li'ht the (ire the ed!cator hel"% %hield the %tron' north wind. 5an% o"en% the match#o, ta e% o!t a match and clo%e% the match#o,. 5an% trie% %e1eral more time% to li'ht the (ire the ed!cator then hel"0% 5an0% li'ht the (ire+ the other children loo on. -hildren "la$in' o!t%ide interactin' with ed!cator% a% the$ were clim#in' and %win'in' on tree%+ 'ra##in' and c!ddlin' "la$(!ll$+ #ein' a((ectionate+ "la$in' #all 'ame% etc.

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD 6ome children wal aro!nd %in'in' and ma in' di((erent %o!nd%+ %it on lo'% while the ed!cator tal % a#o!t the da$0% acti1itie% the children are to de%i'n+ ma e and te%t an o#.ect 2#oat3 &he ed!cator introd!cin' and demon %trai'ht% to the children %ome ad!lt %i4e tool%+ hammer+ %aw+ %trin'+ ta"e and wood to ma e a #oat. &he ed!cator ta e% 3 o( the older children (or a wal on roc % holdin' wood while the ed!cator hold% all the tool% etc Once the 'ro!" came to (lat 'ro!nd the ed!cator laid the tool% on the 'ro!nd. Now the children learn how to !%e the tool% to create their #oat%. &he ed!cator enco!ra'ed a% %he watche% the children !%e the tool%+ %ha"in' wood with a ni(e+ nailin' wood+ !%in' ta"e (or mea%!rin' and hel"in' children c!t wood with the %aw. -hildren then %trin' their #oat% and (loat them in the ri1er. One o( the children wal % too (ar into the ri1er and hi% #oot% (ill with water. &he child %ho!t% to the ed!cator 7I0m all %oa in' wet8 &he child re"eat% it and the ed!cator la!'h% and hel"% the child em"t$ the water o!t o( hi% #oot%. &he ed!cator and children then e,"lore their %!rro!ndin'% (indin' a roc co1ered in %eaweed the ed!cator t!rned o1er the roc to (ind a creat!re that the children handled. &he ed!cator o"en% the %hell with a ni(e and %how% the m!%%el to the children. &he 3 children and ed!cator tal a#o!t what the$ (o!nd and what to do with it. &he 9 di%ced to ta e it #ac with them. &he ed!cator e,"lain% $o! can onl$ eat %ome %hell (i%h not all*.!%t li e m!%hroom%+ a% the ed!cator tal % %he wi"ed dirt o(( one child0% (ace. A 'ro!" o( older children are ta en mo!ntain clim#in'. &he$ carr$ their own #ac "ac with acce%%orie% !" a 9:0 meter+ 6 lm wal in' in the cold on wet loo%e roc %+ o1er %tream%+ %tee" terrain and !ne1en 'ro!nd 6ome children hold hand% while .!m"in' o1er %tream%. A% the children 'et clo%er to the to" the$ "!t down their #ac "ac % and with e,citement %ome children r!n or wal ;!ic er to reach the to". It0% 'ettin' 1er$ wind$ now and the$ !%e the wind to "la$ a 'ame the children "retend to #e ite% in the wind. &he mo!ntain 'et% %tee"er and roc er the ed!cator enco!ra'e% the children to ee" 'oin'. &he leadin' child %ho!t% with .o$ a% he reache% the to" 7were at the to" e1er$one*come on<8 A(ter the children all recei1e their "ri4e %ome children and ed!cator% .!m" !"+ rai%e their arm% and %ho!t hoora$ %e1eral time%. A% the 'ro!" wal #ac down the mo!ntain the$ %in' holdin' hand% with other children and ed!cator. IDEN&I&=

Children have a s r!n" sense !# iden i $ %&%

B!ild %ec!re attachment with one and then more (amiliar ed!cator% E%ta#li%h and maintain re%"ect(!l+ tr!%tin' relation%hi"% with other children and ed!cator%


Children devel!' heir e(er"in" a) !n!($* in er-de'enden+e* resilien+e and sense !# a"en+$ %&,
Are o"en to new challen'e% and ma e new di%co1erie% Increa%in'l$ coo"erate and wor colla#orati1el$ with other% )er%i%t when (aced with challen'er% and when (ir%t attem"t% are not %!cce%%(!l

Children devel!' -n!.led"ea/le and +!n#iden sel#-iden i ies %&0

Feel reco'ni%ed and re%"ected (or who the$ are Reach o!t and comm!nicate (or com(ort+ a%%i%tance and com"anion%hi" -ele#rate and %hare their contri#!tion% and achie1ement% with other%.

Children learn ! in era+ in rela i!n ! ! hers .i h +are* e('a h$ and res'e+ %&1
6how intere%t in other children and #ein' "art o( a 'ro!" En'a'e in and contri#!te to %hared "la$ e,"erience% -OMM>NI&=

Children devel!' a sense !# /el!n"in" ! "r!)'s and +!(()ni ies and an )nders andin" !# he re+i'r!+al ri"h s and res'!nsi/ili ies ne+essar$ #!r a+ ive +ivi+ 'ar i+i'a i!n ,&%
-oo"erate with other% and ne'otiate role% and relation%hi"% in "la$ e"i%ode% and 'ro!" e,"erience% Broaden their !nder%tandin' o( the world in which the$ li1e E,"re%% an o"inion in matter% that a((ect them >nder%tand di((erent wa$% o( contri#!tin' thro!'h "la$ and "ro.ect Demon%trate a %en%e o #elon'in' and com(ort in their en1ironment% Are "la$(!l and re%"ond "o%iti1el$ to other%+ reachin' o!t (or com"an$ and (riend%hi"

Children res'!nd ! diversi $ .i h res'e+ ,&,

Li%ten to other%0 idea% and re%"ect di((erent wa$% o( #ein' and doin' Notice and react in "o%iti1e wa$% to %imilaritie% and di((erence% amon' "eo"le

Children /e+!(e a.are !# #airness ,&0

Di%co1er and e,"lore %ome connection% amon'%t "eo"le Are em"owered to ma e choice% and "ro#lem*%ol1e to meet their need% in "artic!lar conte,t%

Children /e+!(e s!+iall$ res'!nsi/le and sh!. res'e+ #!r he envir!n(en ,&1
Demon%trate an increa%in' nowled'e o( and re%"ect (or nat!ral and con%tr!cted en1ironment% E,"lore+ in(er+ "redict and h$"othe%i%e in order to de1elo" an increa%ed !nder%tandin' o( the interde"endence #etween land+ "eo"le "lant% and animal%


Children /e+!(e s r!n" in heir s!+ial* e(! i!nal and s'iri )al .ell/ein" 0&%
Demon%trate tr!%t and con(idence Remain acce%%i#le to other% at time% o( di%tre%%+ con(!%ion and (r!%tration Ma e choice%+ acce"t challen'e%+ ta e con%idered ri% %+ mana'e chan'e and co"e with (r!%tration% and the !ne,"ected

Children a-e in+reasin" res'!nsi/ili $ #!r heir !.n heal h and 'h$si+al .ell/ein" 0&,
Are ha""$+ health$+ %a(e and are connected to other% En'a'e in increa%in'l$ com"le, %en%or$*motor % ill% and mo1ement "attern% >%e their %en%or$ ca"a#ilitie% and di%"o%ition% with increa%in' inte'ration+ % ill and "!r"o%e to e,"lore and re%"ond to their world LEARNING

Children devel!' dis'!si i!ns #!r learnin" s)+h as +)ri!si $* +!!'era i!n* +!n#iden+es* +rea ivi $* +!((i (en * en h)sias(* 'ersis en+e* i(a"ina i!n and re#le2ivi $ 1&%
E,"re%% wonder and intere%t in their en1ironment% Initiate and contri#!te to "la$ e,"erience% emer'in' (rom their own idea% )er%e1ere and e,"erience the %ati%(action o( achie1ement )er%i%t e1en when the$ (ind a ta% di((ic!lt.

Children devel!' a ran"e !# s-ills and 'r!+esses s)+h as 'r!/le( s!lvin"* in3)ir$* e2'eri(en a i!n* h$'! hesisin"* resear+hin" and inves i"a in" 1&,
Ma e "rediction% and 'enerali%ation% a#o!t their dail$ acti1itie%+ a%"ect% o( the nat!ral world and en1ironment%+ !%in' "attern% the$ 'enerate or identi($ and comm!nicate the%e !%in' mathematical lan'!a'e and %$m#ol% E,"lore the en1ironment Mani"!late o#.ect% and e,"eriment with ca!%e and e((ect+ trial and error+ and motion

Children rans#er and ada' .ha he$ have learn #r!( !ne +!n e2 ! an! her 1&0
En'a'e with and co*con%tr!ct learnin' Ma e connection% #etween e,"erience%+ conce"t% and "roce%%e%

Children res!)r+e heir !.n learnin" hr!)"h +!nne+ in" .i h 'e!'le* 'la+e* e+hn!l!"ies and na )ral and 'r!+essed (a erials 1&1
En'a'e in learnin' relation%hi"% E,"lore the "!r"o%e and (!nction o( a ran'e o( tool%+ media+ %o!nd% and 'ra"hic%


Children in era+ ver/all$ and n!n-ver/all$ .i h ! hers #!r a ran"e !# ')r'!ses 4&%
En'a'e in en.o$a#le reci"rocal interaction !%in' 1er#al and non*1er#al lan'!a'e Re%"ond 1er#all$ and non*1er#all$ to what the$ %ee+ hear+ to!ch+ (eel and ta%te -ontri#!te their idea% and e,"erience% in "la$+ %mall and lar'e 'ro!" di%c!%%ion

Children en"a"e .i h a ran"e !# e2 s and "e (eanin" #r!( hese e2 s 4&,

Li%ten and re%"ond to %o!nd% and "attern% in %"eech+ %torie% and rh$me% in conte,t 6in' chant rh$me%+ .in'le% and %on'% Acti1el$ !%e+ en'a'e with and %hare the en.o$ment o( lan'!a'e and te,t% in a ran'e o( wa$

Children e2'ress ideas and (a-e (eanin" )sin" a ran"e !# (edia 4&0
>%e lan'!a'e and en'a'e in %$m#olic "la$ to ima'ine and create role%+ %cri"t% and idea%

Children /e"in ! )nders and h!. s$(/!ls and 'a ern s$s e(s .!r4&1
Be'in to ma e connection% #etween+ and %ee "attern% in+ their (eelin'%+ idea%+ word% and action%+ and tho%e o( other% Be'in to %ort+ cate'ori%e+ order and com"are collection% and e1ent% and attri#!te% o( o#.ect% and material% in their %ocial and nat!ral world%

Children )se in#!r(a i!n and +!(()ni+a i!n e+hn!l!"ies ! a++ess in#!r(a i!n* inves i"a e ideas and re'resen heir hin-in" 4&4
Not a""lica#le Birth to #i' %chool ? d!rin' the "reo"erational %ta'e o( de1elo"ment critical co'niti1e % ill% are de1elo"ed which lat the (o!ndation (or a#%tract+ lo'ical tho!'ht. D!rin' thi% "eriod thin in' i% %till 1er$ m!ch "erce"tion*#a%ed and "re%chooler% contin!e to rel$ hea1il$ on their %en%e% to hel" inter"ret and ma e %en%e o( the world. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT &wo children %lide down the 'ra%% hill+ wal ed on wet roc %+ #!c etin' water while canoein'+ #an'in' ha""il$ with #!c et% and %"ade%+ wal in' alon' netted ro"e+ were clim#in' and %win'in' on tree%. -hildren %at on lo'% %in'in' doin' rol$ "ol$ and %tom"in' their (eet. 6.30am and the children are wo en !" #$ their "arent% and hel"ed to 'et dre%%ed and read$ (or )re*%chool. :@ children in all are at the )re*%chool a% the$ 'et older %"end le%% time in the #!ildin'% and more time o!tdoor. /hen the weather 'et0% to cold the children re%t in the ti"i. Ed!cator ha% AB children (rom 3*@$ear% old. -hildren "la$ and e,"lore a #oat on the 'ra%% with ed!cator. 3 other children rela, in a ti"i+ l$in' down in %lee"in' #a'% the children tal to each other+ eat+ drin and %hare a #oo .


O!t%ide the ed!cator hel"ed and "rai%ed a child while "!ttin' on a decreti1e crown that loo % li e the child had made with the child0% name 2EIR3 and a'e 2@3. A child cro!che% down on a mat o!t%ide while the ed!cator and other children held hand% %an' and .!m"ed in a circle aro!nd the #o$ that0% cro!ched. /hen the #o$ .!m"% !" he cha%e% the children and ed!cator. At other %ome children wal aro!nd %in'in' and ma in' di((erent %o!nd% and %ome %at on lo'%. &hi% mi'ht ha1e #een a meetin' "lace a% the$ %eem to meet there a% a 'ro!". &he ed!cator arri1e% and tal % a#o!t the da$0% acti1itie%. &he children are to de%i'n+ ma e and te%t an o#.ect 2#oat3. &he ed!cator introd!cer% and demon %trai'ht% to the children %ome ad!lt %i4e tool%+ hammer+ %aw+ %trin'+ ta"e and wood to ma e a #oat. &he ed!cator ta e% 3 o( the older children (or a wal on roc % holdin' wood while the ed!cator hold% all the tool%. Once the 'ro!" came to (lat 'ro!nd the ed!cator laid the tool% on the 'ro!nd. Now the children learn how to !%e the tool% to create their #oat%. &he ed!cator enco!ra'ed a% %he watche% the children !%e the tool%+ %ha"in' wood with a ni(e+ nailin' wood+ !%in' ta"e (or mea%!rin' and hel"in' children c!t wood with the %aw. -hildren then %trin' their #oat% and (loat them in the ri1er. One o( the children wal % too (ar into the ri1er and hi% #oot% (ill with water. &he child %ho!t% to the ed!cator 7I0m all %oa in' wet8 &he child re"eat% it and the ed!cator la!'h% and hel"% the child em"t$ the water o!t o( hi% #oot% and "!t them on a'ain. &he children and ed!cator then e,"lore their %!rro!ndin'% (indin' a roc co1ered in %eaweed the ed!cator t!rned o1er the roc to (ind a creat!re that one o( the children let% the creat!re crawl !" and aro!nd their hand. &he ed!cator "!ll% a %hell (rom the roc which %he o"en% with a ni(e and %aid 7Let0% %ee i( we can o"en thi%8 the ed!cator %how% the children the o"en m!%%el and %aid 76hell we ha1e it (or l!nch. &he children %eemed e,cited to (ind the %hell(i%h. One o( the children %a$% * 7=e% it loo % 'ood<8 Another %aid * 7what i% it<8 Ed!cator *7Man$ "eo"le eat it.8 Other children * 7/hat0% in%ide the %hell8 7=o! now whatC I01e had that #e(ore+ in a %tew.8 &he ed!cator e,"lain% $o! can onl$ eat %ome %hell (i%h not all .!%t li e m!%hroom%+ a% the ed!cator tal % %he wi"ed dirt o(( one child0% (ace. &he$ were %o a#%or#ed in e,"lorin' that the$ were 'oin' to #e late 'ettin' #ac (or l!nch. &he ed!cator wa% more in1ol1ed a#o!t children learnin' #$ doin' rather than 'ettin' #ac in time (or l!nch. &he ed!cator carr$in' a %"ade ta e% a 'ro!" o( children one child carr$in' a #!c et the children did 'ardenin' and "!lled o!t "otatoe% 1ine% to (ind "otato0% the$ tal a#o!t the di((erent %ha"e%+ colo!r+ %i4e and how man$ "otatoe% the had "ic ed. &he$ al%o learn where "otatoe% are 'rown and how to 'row them witho!t chemical%. -hildren were "ic in' and throwin' "otato0% in the #!c et while the child holdin' the #!c et tillited it to ma e it ea%ier (or the other children.

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD &he children are now in the ti"i "re"arin' (ood in (oil wra" to 'o with the "otato0% the$ "ic ed. &he ed!cator wa% there to hel" i( needed. A(ter that the children wal ed o!t%ide to a "ile o( wood 2 indlin'3 one o( the children 25an0%3 wa% 'oin' to li'ht the o"en (ire %!rro!nded #$ roc % to coo the "otato0%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% to 5an0% 7need to lean (orward and tr$ to li'ht it in%ide I0ll hel" %hield the wind.8 &he other children watch on. 5an% wa% not holdin' the match the ri'ht wa$ and wa% a#o!t to #!rn hi% (in'er%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% and %how% 5an0% how to hold and li'ht the match then 'a1e the match#o, #ac to 5an0% to tr$ li'ht the (ire a'ain. 5an0% tried %e1eral more time% to li'ht the (ire. &he ed!cator then hel"ed 5an0% to li'ht the (ire. &he ed!cator "rai%ed 5an0% (or li'htin' the (ire in the wind. 5an0% %eemed "lea%ed. /hen the "otato0% were coo ed the ed!cator% #ro!'ht the "ot o( "otato0% to the area were the child and other ed!cator% were %ittin' on lo'% waitin' to eat. &he children ate the "otatoe% and the other (ood the$ "re"ared earlier in the (oil wra" with "la%tic %"oon%. &he ed!cator% 'et to'ether and di%c!%% how the$ can #etter "re"are (or the dar winterD%now month% comin' and the concern o( the tra((ic clo%e #$. On a lar'e %win' ed!cator% interact with the children+ "la$in' #all 'ame%+ "la$'ro!nd e;!i"ment+ -hildren c!ddle and 'ra# one o( the ed!cator% while one child "la$(!ll$ ta e% o(( ed!cator% ca" and "!t% it on a'ain. A 'ro!" o( older children are ta en mo!ntain clim#in' the terrain wa% wet+ cold+ roc $+ harde%t+ lon'e%t and %tee"e%t the children ha1e e1er done. &he$ 'et to the %ite #$ car% and carr$ their own #ac "ac with acce%%orie% !" a 9:0 meter+ 6 lm wal in' in the cold on wet loo%e roc %+ o1er %tream%+ %tee" terrain and !ne1en 'ro!nd 6ome children hold hand% while .!m"in' o1er %tream%. &he ed!cator %how% the children a ma" and "ointed to where the$ "ar ed the car% #$ the la e+ cro%%ed the road and !" the %lo"e to where the$ are now. -hildren li%tened and loo ed intentl$ a% the ed!cator %"o e to the children. &he ed!cator "oint% and tell% the children to loo !" at the B crow% cha%in' an ea'le< Ed!cator * 7&he ea'le mi'ht want o!r %a!%a'e%.8 -hild * 7I don0t want the ea'le to it mine.8 Ed!cator *7don0t worr$ we want let him.8 A% the clim# 'et% %tee"er the children !%e their hand% and (eet to hel" them reach the to" o( the mo!ntain. One o( the children %tarted cr$in' the ed!cator enco!ra'e% the child to ee" 'oin' and 'i1e% all the children an incenti1e to ee" 'oin'. >%in' a wooden container a child drin % (rom the %tream. A% the children 'et clo%er to the to" the$ "!t down their #ac "ac % and with e,citement %ome children r!n or wal ;!ic er to reach the to". It0% 'ettin' 1er$ wind$ now and the$ !%e the wind to "la$ a 'ame the children "retend to #e ite% in the wind. &he mo!ntain 'et% %tee"er and roc er the ed!cator enco!ra'e% the children to ee" 'oin'. &he leadin' child %ho!t% with .o$ a% he reache% the to" 7were at the to" e1er$one*come on<8 and (ind% a container #ehind a lar'e roc . -hildren all %it to'ether waitin' (or their

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD %"ecial reward. Ed!cator come% aro!nd the lar'e roc %in'in' and carr$in' ri##on% with medal% on her arm. Ed!cator call% the children0% name% one #$ one a% each child recei1e their "ri4e the other children and ed!cator% cla" and cheer. A(ter all the children 'et their "ri4e %ome o( the 'ro!" .!m" !" and the$ all rai%e their arm% and %ho!t hoora$ %e1eral time%. A% the$ clim# down the mo!ntain the children %an' and held hand% with other children and ed!cator%. A(ter the children all recei1e their "ri4e %ome children and ed!cator% .!m" !"+ rai%e their arm% and %ho!ted hoora$ %e1eral time%. A% the 'ro!" wal #ac down the mo!ntain the$ %in' holdin' hand% with other children and ed!cator. IDEN&I&=

Children have a s r!n" sense !# iden i $ %&%

-omm!nicate their need% (or com(ort and a%%i%tance -on(identl$ e,"lore and en'a'e with %ocial and "h$%ical en1ironment% thro!'h relation%hi"% and "la$ E,"lore a%"ect% o( identit$ thro!'h role*"la$

Children devel!' heir e(er"in" a) !n!($* in er-de'enden+e* resilien+e and sense !# a"en+$ %&,
Are o"en to new challen'e% and ma e new di%co1erie% Increa%in'l$ coo"erate and wor colla#orati1el$ with other% )er%i%t when (aced with challen'er% and when (ir%t attem"t% are not %!cce%%(!l

Children devel!' -n!.led"ea/le and +!n#iden sel#-iden i ies %&0

Feel reco'ni%ed and re%"ected (or who the$ are >%e their home lan'!a'e to con%tr!ct meanin' Reach o!t and comm!nicate (or com(ort+ a%%i%tance and com"anion%hi" -ele#rate and %hare their contri#!tion% and achie1ement% with other%.

Children learn ! in era+ in rela i!n ! ! hers .i h +are* e('a h$ and res'e+ %&1
E,"re%% a wide ran'e o( emotion%+ tho!'ht% and 1iew% con%tr!cti1el$ Di%"la$ awarene%% o( and re%"ect (or other%0 "er%"ecti1e% -OMM>NI&=

Children devel!' a sense !# /el!n"in" ! "r!)'s and +!(()ni ies and an )nders andin" !# he re+i'r!+al ri"h s and res'!nsi/ili ies ne+essar$ #!r a+ ive +ivi+ 'ar i+i'a i!n ,&%
-oo"erate with other% and ne'otiate role% and relation%hi"% in "la$ e"i%ode% and 'ro!" e,"erience%

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD Broaden their !nder%tandin' o( the world in which the$ li1e E,"re%% an o"inion in matter% that a((ect them Demon%trate a %en%e o( #elon'in' and com(ort in their en1ironment%

Children res'!nd ! diversi $ .i h res'e+ ,&,

Li%ten to other%0 idea% and re%"ect di((erent wa$% o( #ein' and doin' )racti%e incl!%i1e wa$% o( achie1in' coe,i%tence

Children /e+!(e a.are !# #airness ,&0

Di%co1er and e,"lore %ome connection% amon'%t "eo"le Are em"owered to ma e choice% and "ro#lem*%ol1e to meet their need% in "artic!lar conte,t% Be'in to thin criticall$ a#o!t (air and !n(air #eha1io!r

Children /e+!(e s!+iall$ res'!nsi/le and sh!. res'e+ #!r he envir!n(en ,&1
>%e "la$ to in1e%ti'ate+ "ro.ect and e,"lore new idea% )artici"ate with other% to %ol1e "ro#lem% and contri#!te to 'ro!" o!tcome% E,"lore relation%hi"% with other li1in' and non*li1in' thin'% and o#%er1e+ notice and re%"ond to chan'e /ELLBEING

Children /e+!(e s r!n" in heir s!+ial* e(! i!nal and s'iri )al .ell/ein" 0&%
6hare h!mo!r+ ha""ine%% and %ati%(action 6ee o!t and acce"t new challen'e%+ ma e new di%co1erie% and cele#rate their own e((ort% and achie1ement% and tho%e o( other% Increa%in'l$ coo"erate and wor colla#orati1el$ with other% Reco'ni%e their indi1id!al achie1ement%

Children a-e in+reasin" res'!nsi/ili $ #!r heir !.n heal h and 'h$si+al .ell/ein" 0&,
Demon%trate %"atial awarene%% and orient them%el1e%+ mo1in' aro!nd and thro!'h their en1ironment% con(identl$ and %a(el$ >%e their %en%or$ ca"a#ilitie% and di%"o%ition% with increa%in' inte'ration+ % ill and "!r"o%e to e,"lore and re%"ond to their world



Children devel!' dis'!si i!ns #!r learnin" s)+h as +)ri!si $* +!!'era i!n* +!n#iden+es* +rea ivi $* +!((i (en * en h)sias(* 'ersis en+e* i(a"ina i!n and re#le2ivi $ 1&%
Are c!rio!% and enth!%ia%tic "artici"ant% in their learnin' >%e "la$ to in1e%ti'ate+ ima'ine and e,"lore idea%

Children devel!' a ran"e !# s-ills and 'r!+esses s)+h as 'r!/le( s!lvin"* in3)ir$* e2'eri(en a i!n* h$'! hesisin"* resear+hin" and inves i"a in" 1&,
Mani"!late o#.ect% and e,"eriment with ca!%e and e((ect+ trial and error and motion >%e re(lecti1e thin in' to con%ider wh$ thin'% ha""en and what can #e learnt (rom the%e e,"erience%.

Children rans#er and ada' .ha he$ have learn #r!( !ne +!n e2 ! an! her 1&0
En'a'e with and co*con%tr!ct learnin' >%e the "roce%%e% o( "la$+ re(lection and in1e%ti'ation to "ro#lem*%ol1e

Children res!)r+e heir !.n learnin" hr!)"h +!nne+ in" .i h 'e!'le* 'la+e* e+hn!l!"ies and na )ral and 'r!+essed (a erials 1&1
Mani"!late re%o!rce% to in1e%ti'ate+ ta e a"art+ a%%em#le+ in1ent and con%tr!ct E,"lore idea% and theorie% !%in' ima'ination+ creati1it$ and "la$ -OMM>NI-A&ION

Children in era+ ver/all$ and n!n-ver/all$ .i h ! hers #!r a ran"e !# ')r'!ses 4&%
Interact with other% to e,"lore idea% and conce"t%+ clari($ and challen'e thin in' ne'otiate and %hare new !nder%tandin'% 6how increa%in' nowled'e+ !nder%tandin' and % ill in con1e$in' meanin'

Children en"a"e .i h a ran"e !# e2 s and "e (eanin" #r!( hese e2 s 4&,

Acti1el$ !%e+ en'a'e with and %hare the en.o$ment o( lan'!a'e and te,t% in a ran'e o( wa$% Reco'ni%e and en'a'e with written and oral c!lt!rall$ con%tr!cted te,t%.

Children e2'ress ideas and (a-e (eanin" )sin" a ran"e !# (edia 4&0
>%e lan'!a'e and en'a'e in %$m#olic "la$ to ima'ine and create role%+ %cri"t% and idea% Be'in to !%e ima'e% and a""ro,imation% o( letter% and word% to con1e$ meanin'


Children /e"in ! )nders and h!. s$(/!ls and 'a ern s$s e(s .!r4&1
>%e %$m#ol% in "la$ to re"re%ent and ma e meanin' Be'in to ma e connection% #etween+ and %ee "attern% in+ their (eelin'%+ idea%+ word% and action%+ and tho%e o( other% Draw on their e,"erience% in con%tr!ctin' meanin' !%in' %$m#ol%

Children )se in#!r(a i!n and +!(()ni+a i!n e+hn!l!"ies ! a++ess in#!r(a i!n* inves i"a e ideas and re'resen heir hin-in" 4&4
Not a""lica#le Birth to #i' %chool * "'EF Vi%!al "erce"tion i% the a#ilit$ to ma e %en%e and meanin' o!t o( what $o! %ee. A!ditor$ "erce"tion i% the "roce%% o( ma in' %en%e o!t o( what $o! hear. Vi%!al and a!ditor$ "erce"t!al % ill% are nece%%ar$ (or learnin' to read and write Birth to #i' %chool ? "'F0 a% the %mall m!%cle% in the hand% and (in'er% %tren'then+ co* ordination and (in'er de,terit$ im"ro1e and children can mani"!late %maller o#.ect% with more control. A% hand*e$e co*ordination % ill% contin!e to de1elo"+ children can do ta% that re;!ire the !%e o( #oth hand% EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ? Norwa$ )re*%chool allow% children to ha1e (ree time 3 children decided to 'o into a ti"i. L$in' down rela,in' in %lee"in' #a'% the children eat+ drin and %hare a #oo . &he children are awo en #$ their "arent% at 6.30am. &he children then 'et read$ and dre%% (or )re%chool accordin' to weather o!t%ide which %ometime% i% a#o1e (ree4in' or rainin' and north wind #lowin'. &here are :@ children at the centre a'ed 3*@$ear% old+ a% children 'et older %"end le%% time in #!ildin'% at the centre and more time o!tdoor%. /hile one o( the children wa% rowin' a canoe the other B children were "o!rin' #!c et% o( water o!t o( the canoe %o it did not %in . 6ome children 'ot on a mat and %lide down a 'ra%% %lo"e+ other% #an'ed with #!c et% and %"ade% and %ome wal ed alon' netted ro"e%+ other% where la!'hin' a% the$ were on a lar'e %win' with one o( the male ed!cator% 'i1in' hi'h (i1e%. &he ratio in Norwa$ (or Ed!cator% i% B0G male% in thi% "artic!lar centre wor in' alon' %ide the (emale% there were 3 male% all wor in' to'ether or'ani4in' acti1itie%+ "la$in' with the children and hel"in' with the coo in' etc. 5a1in' #oth 'ender%+ 'i1e children o( %in'le "arent (amil$ an o""ort!nit$ to connect and learn (rom all ad!lt%. Ed!cator hel"% and "rai%e% a child while% "!ttin' on a crown that the child had made. &he child %mile% and %eem% 1er$ ha""$. &he ed!cator carr$in' a %"ade ta e% a 'ro!" o( children 'ardenin'. One child (rom the 'ro!" i% carr$in' a #!c et the children did 'ardenin' and "!lled o!t "otatoe% 1ine% to (ind "otato0% the$ tal a#o!t the di((erent %ha"e%+ colo!r+ %i4e and how man$ "otatoe% the$ had "ic ed. &he children al%o learn where "otatoe% are 'rown and how to 'row them witho!t chemical%. -hildren were "ic in' and throwin' "otatoe% in the #!c et while the

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD child holdin' the #!c et tilted it to ma e it ea%ier (or the other children to "!t the "otatoe% in the #!c et. &he children are now in the ti"i "re"arin' (ood in (oil wra" to 'o with the "otato0% the$ "ic ed. &he ed!cator wa% there to hel" i( needed. A(ter that the children wal ed o!t%ide to a "ile o( wood 2 indlin'3 one o( the children 25an0%3 wa% 'oin' to li'ht the o"en (ire %!rro!nded #$ roc % to coo the "otato0%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% to 5an0% 7need to lean (orward and tr$ to li'ht it in%ide I0ll hel" %hield the wind.8 &he other children watch on. 5an% wa% not holdin' the match the ri'ht wa$ and wa% a#o!t to #!rn hi% (in'er%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% and %how% 5an0% how to hold and li'ht the matche% then 'a1e the match#o, #ac to 5an0% to tr$ li'ht the (ire a'ain. 5an0% tried %e1eral more time% to li'ht the (ire. &he ed!cator then hel"ed 5an0% to li'ht the (ire. &he ed!cator "rai%ed 5an0% (or li'htin' the (ire in the wind. 5an0% %eemed "lea%ed. /hen the "otato0% were coo ed the ed!cator% #ro!'ht the "ot o( "otato0% to the area were the child and other ed!cator% were %ittin' on lo'% waitin' to eat. &he children ate the "otatoe% and the other (ood the$ "re"ared earlier in the (oil wra" with "la%tic %"oon%. &he ed!cator ha% a child cro!ched down on a mat o!t%ide while the other children and the ed!cator held hand%+ %an' and .!m"ed in a circle aro!nd the #o$ cro!ched. /hen the #o$ .!m"% !" he 'rowl% and cha%e% the children and ed!cator a% the$ r!n awa$ %creamin' 6ome children wal aro!nd %in'in' and ma in' di((erent %o!nd%+ %it on lo'% while the ed!cator tal % a#o!t the da$0% acti1itie% the children are to de%i'n+ ma e and te%t an o#.ect 2#oat3. &he ed!cator introd!ce% and demon %trai'ht% to the children+ %ome ad!lt %i4e tool%+ hammer+ %aw+ %trin'+ ta"e and wood to ma e a #oat. &he ed!cator ta e% 3 o( the older children (or a wal on roc % holdin' wood while the ed!cator hold% all the tool% etc Once the 'ro!" came to (lat 'ro!nd the ed!cator laid the tool% on the 'ro!nd. Now the children learn how to !%e the tool% to create their #oat%. &he ed!cator enco!ra'ed a% %he watche% the children !%e the tool%+ %ha"in' wood with a ni(e+ nailin' wood+ !%in' ta"e (or mea%!rin' and hel"in' children c!t wood with the %aw. -hildren then %trin' their #oat% and (loat them in the ri1er. One o( the children wal % too (ar into the ri1er and hi% #oot% (ill with water. &he child %ho!t% to the ed!cator 7I0m all %oa in' wet8 &he child re"eat% it and the ed!cator la!'h% and hel"% the child em"t$ the water o!t o( hi% #oot%. &he children and ed!cator then e,"lore their %!rro!ndin'% (indin' a roc co1ered in %eaweed the ed!cator t!rned o1er the roc to (ind a creat!re that the children handled. &he ed!cator "!ll% o(( a %hell (rom the roc % which %he o"en% with a ni(e and %aid 7Let0% %ee i( we can o"en thi%8 the ed!cator %how% the children the o"en m!%%el and %aid 76hell we ha1e it (or l!nch. &he children %eemed "ro!d to (ind the %hell(i%h. One o( the children %aid 7=e% it loo % 'ood<8 Another %aid 7what i% it<8 Ed!cator 7Man$ "eo"le eat it.8 Another child 7/hat0% in%ide the %hell8 7=o! now whatC I01e had that #e(ore+ in a %tew.8 &he ed!cator e,"lain% $o! can onl$ eat %ome %hell (i%h not all*.!%t li e m!%hroom%+ a% the ed!cator tal % %he wi"ed dirt o(( one child0% (ace.

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD &he$ were %o a#%or#ed in e,"lorin' that the$ were 'oin' to #e late 'ettin' #ac (or l!nch. &he ed!cator wa% more in1ol1ed a#o!t children learnin' #$ doin' rather than 'ettin' #ac in time (or l!nch. &he ed!cator% ta e %ome o( the older children mo!ntain clim#in' carr$ their own #ac "ac with acce%%orie% !" a 9:0 meter+ 6 lm wal in' in the cold on wet loo%e roc %+ o1er %tream%+ %tee" terrain and !ne1en 'ro!nd. 6ome children hold hand% while .!m"in' o1er %tream%. &he ed!cator %how% the children a ma" and "ointed to where the$ "ar ed the car% #$ the la e+ cro%%ed the road and !" the %lo"e. -hildren li%tened and loo ed intentl$ a% the ed!cator %"o e to the children &he ed!cator "oint% and tell% the children to loo !" at the B crow% cha%in' an ea'le< Ed!cator 7&he ea'le mi'ht want o!r %a!%a'e%.8 -hild 7I don0t want the ea'le to it mine.8 Ed!cator 7don0t worr$ we wont let him.8 -hildren clim# %tee" roc $ mo!ntain !%in' hand% and (eet to clim#. One o( the children %tarted cr$in' the ed!cator enco!ra'e% the child to ee" 'oin' and 'i1e% all the children an incenti1e to ee" 'oin'. >%in' a wooden container a child drin % (rom the %tream. 6ome children (o!nd clim#in' the mo!ntain di((ic!lt one o( the children wa% cr$in' the ed!cator 'a1e him word% o( enco!ra'ement and wal ed alon' with the child (or awhile. &he children were 'i1en an incenti1e to ee" 'oin' the ed!cator told the children 7there wa% %omethin' %"ecial when the$ reach the to" o( the mo!ntain8. A% the children 'et clo%er to the to" the$ "!t down their #ac "ac % and with e,citement %ome children r!n and %ome children wal ed ;!ic l$ to reach the to". It0% 'ettin' 1er$ wind$ now and the children !%e the wind to "la$ a 'ame. &he children "retend to #e ite% in the wind a% the$ ee" clim#in'. &he mo!ntain 'et% %tee"er and roc er the ed!cator enco!ra'e% the children to ee" 'oin'. &he leadin' child %ho!t% with .o$ a% he reache% the to" 7were at the to" e1er$one*come on<8 and (ind% a container #ehind a lar'e roc . -hildren all %it to'ether waitin' (or their %"ecial reward. Ed!cator come% aro!nd the lar'e roc %in'in' and carr$in' ri##on% with medal% on her arm. Ed!cator call% the children0% name% one #$ one a% each child recei1e their "ri4e the other children and ed!cator% cla" and cheer. A(ter all the children recei1e their "ri4e %ome o( the 'ro!" .!m" !" and the$ all rai%e their arm% and %ho!t hoora$ %e1eral time%. A% the$ clim# down the mo!ntain the children %an' and held hand% with other children and ed!cator%. A(ter the children all recei1e their "ri4e %ome children and ed!cator% .!m" !"+ rai%e their arm% and %ho!t hoora$ %e1eral time%. A% the 'ro!" wal #ac down the mo!ntain the$ wo!ld %in' holdin' hand% with other ed!cator% and children. IDEN&I&=

Children have a s r!n" sense !# iden i $ %&%

-on(identl$ e,"lore and en'a'e with %ocial and "h$%ical en1ironment% thro!'h relation%hi"% and "la$

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD E,"lore a%"ect% o( identit$ thro!'h role*"la$

Children devel!' heir e(er"in" a) !n!($* in er-de'enden+e* resilien+e and sense !# a"en+$ %&,
&a e con%idered ri% % in their deci%ion*ma in' and co"e with the !ne,"ected Be'in to initiate ne'otiatin' and %harin' #eha1io!r%

Children devel!' -n!.led"ea/le and +!n#iden sel#-iden i ies %&0

>%e their home lan'!a'e to con%tr!ct meanin' Reach o!t and comm!nicate (or com(ort+ a%%i%tance and com"anion%hi"

Children learn ! in era+ in rela i!n ! ! hers .i h +are* e('a h$ and res'e+ %&1
6how intere%t in other children and #ein' "art o( a 'ro!" En'a'e in and contri#!te to %hared "la$ e,"erience% -OMM>NI&=

Children devel!' a sense !# /el!n"in" ! "r!)'s and +!(()ni ies and an )nders andin" !# he re+i'r!+al ri"h s and res'!nsi/ili ies ne+essar$ #!r a+ ive +ivi+ 'ar i+i'a i!n ,&%
-oo"erate with other% and ne'otiate role% and relation%hi"% in "la$ e"i%ode% and 'ro!" e,"erience% >nder%tand di((erent wa$% o( contri#!tin' thro!'h "la$ and "ro.ect%

Children res'!nd ! diversi $ .i h res'e+ ,&,

Li%ten to other%0 idea% and re%"ect di((erent wa$% o( #ein' and doin' )racti%e incl!%i1e wa$% o( achie1in' coe,i%tence

Children /e+!(e a.are !# #airness ,&0

Di%co1er and e,"lore %ome connection% amon'%t "eo"le Are em"owered to ma e choice% and "ro#lem*%ol1e to meet their need% in "artic!lar conte,t%

Children /e+!(e s!+iall$ res'!nsi/le and sh!. res'e+ #!r he envir!n(en ,&1
>%e "la$ to in1e%ti'ate+ "ro.ect and e,"lore new idea% )artici"ate with other% to %ol1e "ro#lem% and contri#!te to 'ro!" o!tcome% Demon%trate an increa%in' nowled'e o( and re%"ect (or nat!ral and con%tr!cted en1ironment% /ELLBEING

Children /e+!(e s r!n" in heir s!+ial* e(! i!nal and s'iri )al .ell/ein" 0&%

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD A%%ert their ca"a#ilitie% and inde"endence while demon%tratin' increa%in' awarene%% o( the need% and ri'ht% o( other% Reco'ni%e the contri#!tion% the$ made to %hared "ro.ect% and e,"erience%

Children a-e in+reasin" res'!nsi/ili $ #!r heir !.n heal h and 'h$si+al .ell/ein" 0&,
Are ha""$+ health$+ %a(e and are connected to other% En'a'e in increa%in'l$ com"le, %en%or$*motor % ill% and mo1ement "attern% LEARNING

Children devel!' dis'!si i!ns #!r learnin" s)+h as +)ri!si $* +!!'era i!n* +!n#iden+es* +rea ivi $* +!((i (en * en h)sias(* 'ersis en+e* i(a"ina i!n and re#le2ivi $ 1&%
Follow and e,tend their own intere%t% with enth!%ia%m+ ener'$ and concentration )artici"ate in a 1ariet$ o( rich and meanin'(!l in;!ir$*#a%ed e,"erience%

Children devel!' a ran"e !# s-ills and 'r!+esses s)+h as 'r!/le( s!lvin"* in3)ir$* e2'eri(en a i!n* h$'! hesisin"* resear+hin" and inves i"a in" 1&,
Mani"!late o#.ect% and e,"eriment with ca!%e and e((ect+ trial and error+ and motion >%e re(lecti1e thin in' to con%ider wh$ thin'% ha""en and what can #e learnt (rom the%e e,"erience%.

Children rans#er and ada' .ha he$ have learn #r!( !ne +!n e2 ! an! her 1&0
>%e the "roce%%e% o( "la$+ re(lection and in1e%ti'ation to "ro#lem*%ol1e &ran%(er nowled'e (rom one %ettin' to another

Children res!)r+e heir !.n learnin" hr!)"h +!nne+ in" .i h 'e!'le* 'la+e* e+hn!l!"ies and na )ral and 'r!+essed (a erials 1&1
E,"erience the #ene(it% and "lea%!re% o( %hared learnin' e,"loration E,"lore idea% and theorie% !%in' ima'ination+ creati1it$ and "la$ -OMM>MI-A&ION

Children in era+ ver/all$ and n!n-ver/all$ .i h ! hers #!r a ran"e !# ')r'!ses 4&%
>%e lan'!a'e and re"re%entation% (rom "la$+ m!%ic and art to %hare and "ro.ect meanin' 6how increa%in' nowled'e+ !nder%tandin' and % ill in con1e$in' meanin'.

Children en"a"e .i h a ran"e !# e2 s and "e (eanin" #r!( hese e2 s 4&,

View and li%ten to "rinted+ 1i%!al and m!ltimedia te,t% and re%"ond with rele1ant 'e%t!re%+ action%+ comment% andDor ;!e%tion%

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD Acti1el$ !%e+ en'a'e with and %hare the en.o$ment o( lan'!a'e and te,t% in a ran'e o( wa$%

Children e2'ress ideas and (a-e (eanin" )sin" a ran"e !# (edia 4&0
>%e the creati1e art%+ %!ch a% drawin'+ "aintin'+ %c!l"t!re+ drama+ dance+ mo1ement+ m!%ic and %tor$*tellin'+ to e,"re%% idea% and ma e meanin'.

Children /e"in ! )nders and h!. s$(/!ls and 'a ern s$s e(s .!r4&1
Be'in to #e aware o( the relation%hi"% #etween oral+ written and 1i%!al re"re%entation% Li%ten and re%"ond to %o!nd% and "attern% in %"eech+ %torie% and rh$me

Children )se in#!r(a i!n and +!(()ni+a i!n e+hn!l!"ies ! a++ess in#!r(a i!n* inves i"a e ideas and re'resen heir hin-in" 4&4
Not a""lica#le CO5NITIVE DEVELOPMENT ? 6.30am and the children are wo en !" #$ their "arent%. &he "arent% then hel" the children 'et dre%%ed and read$ (or )re*%chool carr$in' their own #ac "ac . At )re%chool two children %lide down the 'ra%% hill to'ether while other children watched and waited (or their t!rn. Another 'ro!" o( children wal ed on wet roc %+ %ome children were #!c etin' water while canoein'+ other% #an'in' ha""il$ with #!c et% and %"ade% while %ome wal ed alon' netted ro"e% etc. &he children "la$ed with ed!cator on a #oat that wa% on land+ %ome #an'in' ha""il$ with #!c et% and %"ade% or wal ed alon' netted ro"e%+ were clim#in' and %win'in' on tree%. -hildren %at on lo'% %in'in' doin' rol$ "ol$ and %tom"in' their (eet. &he ed!cator "lace% a mat o!t%ide one o( the children cro!che% down on a mat while the ed!cator and children hold hand%+ %in' and .!m"ed in a circle aro!nd the #o$ cro!ched down. /hen the #o$ .!m"% !" he cha%e% the children and ed!cator that r!n awa$ %creamin'. On another occa%ion children wal in' aro!nd and %in'in' and ma in' di((erent %o!nd%+ %it on lo'% while the ed!cator tal % a#o!t toda$ acti1itie% the children are to de%i'n+ ma e and te%t an o#.ect 2#oat3 &he ed!cator %how% and demon*%trai'ht% to the children+ ad!lt %i4e tool%+ hammer+ %aw+ %trin'+ ta"e and wood to ma e the #oat%. &he ed!cator ta e% 3 o( the older children (or a wal on roc % holdin' wood while the ed!cator hold% all the tool% that the children will need to ma e their #oat%. &he ed!cator watche% the children !%e the tool%+ %ha"in' wood with a ni(e+ nailin' wood+ !%in' ta"e (or mea%!rin' and hel"in' children c!t wood with the %aw. -hildren then %trin' their #oat% and (loat them in the ri1er. One o( the children wal % too (ar into the ri1er and hi% #oot% (ill with water. &he child %ho!t% to the ed!cator 7I0m all %oa in' wet8 &he child re"eat% it and the ed!cator la!'h% and hel"% the child em"t$ the water o!t o( hi% #oot%.

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD &he children and ed!cator then e,"lore their %!rro!ndin'%+ (indin' a roc co1ered in %eaweed the ed!cator t!rned o1er the roc to (ind a creat!re. One o( the children "la$ed care(!ll$ with the creat!re watchin' it clim# o1er and aro!nd their hand. &he ed!cator "!ll% o(( a %hell (rom the roc % which %he o"en% with a ni(e and %aid 7Let0% %ee i( we can o"en thi%8 the ed!cator %how% the children the o"en m!%%el and %aid 76hell we ha1e it (or l!nch. &he children %eemed "ro!d to (ind the %hell(i%h. One o( the children %aid 7=e% it loo % 'ood<8 Another %aid 7what i% it<8 Ed!cator 7Man$ "eo"le eat it.8 Another child 7/hat0% in%ide the %hell8 7=o! now whatC I01e had that #e(ore+ in a %tew.8 &he ed!cator e,"lain% $o! can onl$ eat %ome %hell (i%h not all*.!%t li e m!%hroom%+ a% the ed!cator tal % %he wi"ed dirt o(( one child0% (ace. &he$ were %o a#%or#ed in e,"lorin' that the$ were 'oin' to #e late 'ettin' #ac (or l!nch. &he ed!cator wa% more in1ol1ed a#o!t children learnin' #$ doin' rather than 'ettin' #ac in time (or l!nch. &he ed!cator carr$in' a %"ade ta e% a 'ro!" o( children 'ardenin'. One child (rom the 'ro!" i% carr$in' a #!c et the children di' o!t "otatoe% 1ine% to (ind "otato0% the$ tal a#o!t the di((erent %ha"e%+ colo!r+ %i4e and how man$ "otatoe% the$ had "ic ed. &he children al%o learn where "otatoe% are 'rown and how to 'row them witho!t chemical%. -hildren were "ic in' and throwin' "otatoe% in the #!c et while the child holdin' the #!c et tilted it to ma e it ea%ier (or the other children to "!t the "otatoe% in the #!c et. &he children are now in the ti"i "re"arin' (ood in (oil wra" to 'o with the "otato0% the$ "ic ed. &he ed!cator wa% there to hel" i( needed. A(terward% the children wal ed o!t%ide to a "ile o( wood 2 indlin'3 one o( the children 25an0%3 wa% 'oin' to li'ht the o"en (ire %!rro!nded #$ roc % to coo the "otato0%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% to 5an0% 7need to lean (orward and tr$ to li'ht it in%ide I0ll hel" %hield the wind.8 &he other children watch on. 5an% wa% not holdin' the match the ri'ht wa$ and wa% a#o!t to #!rn hi% (in'er%. &he ed!cator e,"lain% and %how% 5an0% how to hold and li'ht the match then 'a1e the match#o, #ac to 5an0% to tr$ and li'ht the (ire a'ain. 5an0% tried %e1eral more time% to li'ht the (ire each time ta in' one match o!t at a time and clo%in' the match#o, lea1in' the !%ed match %tic in the indlin'. &he ed!cator then hel"ed 5an0% to li'ht the (ire. &he ed!cator "rai%ed 5an0% (or li'htin' the (ire in the wind. 5an0% %eemed "lea%ed. /hen the "otato0% were coo ed the ed!cator% #ro!'ht the "ot o( "otato0% to the 'ro!" area o!t%ide were the children and other ed!cator% were %ittin' on lo'% waitin' to eat. &he children ate the "otatoe% and the other (ood the$ "re"ared earlier in the (oil wra" with "la%tic %"oon%. 6ome ed!cator% and %ome o( the older children arri1e #$ car to 'o mo!ntain clim#in' carr$ their own #ac "ac with acce%%orie% !" a 9:0 meter+ 6 lm wal in' in the cold on wet loo%e roc %+ o1er %tream%+ %tee" terrain and !ne1en 'ro!nd. 6ome children hold hand% while .!m"in' o1er %tream%. &he ed!cator %how% the children a ma" and "ointed to where the$ "ar ed the car% #$ the la e+ cro%%ed the road and !" the %lo"e. -hildren li%tened and loo ed intentl$ a% the ed!cator %"o e to the children &he ed!cator "oint% and tell% the children to loo !" at the B crow% cha%in' an ea'le< Ed!cator 7&he ea'le mi'ht want o!r %a!%a'e%.8 -hild 7I don0t want the ea'le to it mine.8 Ed!cator 7don0t worr$ we wont let him.8

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD -hildren clim# %tee" roc $ mo!ntain !%in' hand% and (eet to clim#. >%in' a wooden container a child drin % (rom the %tream. 6ome children (o!nd clim#in' the mo!ntain di((ic!lt one o( the children wa% cr$in' the ed!cator 'a1e him word% o( enco!ra'ement and wal ed alon' with the child (or awhile. &he children were 'i1en an incenti1e to ee" 'oin' the ed!cator told the children 7there wa% %omethin' %"ecial when the$ reach the to" o( the mo!ntain8. &he Ed!cator wo!ld %how the children a ma" and wo!ld "oint and e,"lain to them which wa$ and how (ar the$ ha1e come. &he children e,"erience wild li(e and dran (rom the (lowin' %tream+ when the wind #low !" the children !%e the clothe% the$ had on a% a h!man ite. Once the$ arri1ed on to" o( the mo!ntain the children recei1ed medal% and "rai%ed (or their e((ort%. Ed!cator% and other children cla""ed and cheered. A(ter all the children recei1ed their medal% the ed!cator% and children .!m"ed !"+ throw the arm% !" to the air and cheered. A% the 'ro!" wal #ac down the mo!ntain the$ %an' holdin' hand% with other children and ed!cator. IDEN&I&=

Children have a s r!n" sense !# iden i $ %&%

O"enl$ e,"re%% their (eelin'% and idea% in their interaction% with other% Initiate interaction% and con1er%ation% with tr!%ted ed!cator%

Children devel!' heir e(er"in" a) !n!($* in er-de'enden+e* resilien+e and sense !# a"en+$ %&,
Are o"en to new challen'e% and ma e new di%co1erie% Reco'ni%e their indi1id!al achie1ement% and the achie1ement% o( other%

Children devel!' -n!.led"ea/le and +!n#iden sel#-iden i ies %&0

Feelin' reco'ni%ed and re%"ected (or who the$ are -ele#rate and %hare their contri#!tion% and achie1ement% with other%

Children learn ! in era+ in rela i!n ! ! hers .i h +are* e('a h$ and res'e+ %&1
E,"re%% a wide ran'e o( emotion%+ tho!'ht% and 1iew% con%tr!cti1el$ Di%"la$ awarene%% o( and re%"ect (or other%0 "er%"ecti1e% -OMM>NI&=

Children devel!' a sense !# /el!n"in" ! "r!)'s and +!(()ni ies and an )nders andin" !# he re+i'r!+al ri"h s and res'!nsi/ili ies ne+essar$ #!r a+ ive +ivi+ 'ar i+i'a i!n ,&%
Demon%trate a %en%e o( #elon'in' and com(ort in their en1ironment% -ontri#!te to democratic deci%ion*ma in' a#o!t matter% that a((ect them


Children res'!nd ! diversi $ .i h res'e+ ,&,

Li%ten to other%0 idea% and re%"ect di((erent wa$% o( #ein' and doin' )racti%e incl!%i1e wa$% o( achie1in' coe,i%tence

Children /e+!(e a.are !# #airness ,&0

Di%co1er and e,"lore %ome connection% amon'%t "eo"le Are em"owered to ma e choice% and "ro#lem*%ol1e to meet their need% in "artic!lar conte,t%

Children /e+!(e s!+iall$ res'!nsi/le and sh!. res'e+ #!r he envir!n(en ,&1
6how 'rowin' a""reciation and care (or nat!ral and con%tr!cted en1ironment% E,"lore relation%hi"% with other li1in' and non*li1in' thin'% and o#%er1e+ notice and re%"ond to chan'e /ELLBEING

Children /e+!(e s r!n" in heir s!+ial* e(! i!nal and s'iri )al .ell/ein" 0&%
Ma e choice%+ acce"t challen'e%+ ta e con%idered ri% %+ mana'e chan'e and co"e with (r!%tration% and the !ne,"ected Reco'ni%e the contri#!tion% the$ ma e to %hared "ro.ect% and e,"erience%

Children a-e in+reasin" res'!nsi/ili $ #!r heir !.n heal h and 'h$si+al .ell/ein" 0&,
Mani"!late e;!i"ment and mana'e tool% with increa%in' com"etence and % ill 6how an increa%in' awarene%% o( health$ li(e%t$le% and 'ood n!trition

Children devel!' dis'!si i!ns #!r learnin" s)+h as +)ri!si $* +!!'era i!n* +!n#iden+es* +rea ivi $* +!((i (en * en h)sias(* 'ersis en+e* i(a"ina i!n and re#le2ivi $ 1&%
)artici"ate in a 1ariet$ o( rich and meanin'(!l in;!ir$*#a%ed e,"erience% Follow and e,tend their own intere%t% with enth!%ia%m+ ener'$ and concentration

Children devel!' a ran"e !# s-ills and 'r!+esses s)+h as 'r!/le( s!lvin"* in3)ir$* e2'eri(en a i!n* h$'! hesisin"* resear+hin" and inves i"a in" 1&,
Mani"!late o#.ect% and e,"eriment with ca!%e and e((ect+ trial and error+ and motion >%e re(lecti1e thin in' to con%ider wh$ thin'% ha""en and what can #e learnt (rom the%e e,"erience%.

Children rans#er and ada' .ha he$ have learn #r!( !ne +!n e2 ! an! her 1&0
&r$ o!t %trate'ie% that were e((ecti1e to %ol1e "ro#lem% in one %it!ation in a new conte,t &ran%(er nowled'e (rom one %ettin' to another.


Children res!)r+e heir !.n learnin" hr!)"h +!nne+ in" .i h 'e!'le* 'la+e* e+hn!l!"ies and na )ral and 'r!+essed (a erials 1&1
En'a'e in learnin' relation%hi"% >%e (eed#ac (rom them%el1e% and other% to re1i%e and #!ild on an idea -OMM>MI-A&ION

Children in era+ ver/all$ and n!n-ver/all$ .i h ! hers #!r a ran"e !# ')r'!ses 4&%
E,chan'e idea%+ (eelin'% and !nder%tandin'% !%in' lan'!a'e and re"re%entation in "la$ E,"re%% idea% and (eelin'% and !nder%tand and re%"ect the "er%"ecti1e% o( other%

Children en"a"e .i h a ran"e !# e2 s and "e (eanin" #r!( hese e2 s 4&,

View and li%ten to "rinted+ 1i%!al and m!ltimedia te,t% and re%"ond with rele1ant

Children e2'ress ideas and (a-e (eanin" )sin" a ran"e !# (edia 4&0
>%e the creati1e art%+ %!ch a% drawin'+ "aintin'+ %c!l"t!re+ drama+ dance+ mo1ement+ m!%ic and %tor$*tellin'+ to e,"re%% idea% and ma e meanin'.

Children /e"in ! )nders and h!. s$(/!ls and 'a ern s$s e(s .!r4&1
Notice and "redict the "attern% o( re'!lar ro!tine% and the "a%%in' o( time Draw on memor$ o( a %e;!ence to com"lete a ta%

Children )se in#!r(a i!n and +!(()ni+a i!n e+hn!l!"ies ! a++ess in#!r(a i!n* inves i"a e ideas and re'resen heir hin-in" 4&4
Not a""lica#le Birth to #i' %chool ? d!rin' the "reo"erational %ta'e o( de1elo"ment critical co'niti1e % ill% are de1elo"ed which lat the (o!ndation (or a#%tract+ lo'ical tho!'ht. D!rin' thi% "eriod thin in' i% %till 1er$ m!ch "erce"tion*#a%ed and "re%chooler% contin!e to rel$ hea1il$ on their %en%e% to hel" inter"ret and ma e %en%e o( the world. LAN5UA5E DEVELOPMENT -hildren were la!'hin' while 'oin' down the 'ra%% %lo"e -hildren %at on lo'% %in'in' doin' rol$ "ol$ and %tom"in' their (eet. &he ed!cator %"o e o( the im"ortance o( moti1atin' the children and not "la$in' with electronic 'ame%. 5ow to em#race rather than com"lain a#o!t the cold weather+ #e creati1e+ !%e the weather a% a "o%iti1e thin'+ teachin' children to #e o!t in nat!re and orient them%el1e% in !n(amiliar "lace% the$ learn to 'o !ne1en terrain+ c!rr$ their own #ac "ac % and loo a(ter each other. 5i e witho!t a toilet and all the homeD%chool com(ort%+ al%o the ed!cator tal % a#o!t the im"ortance o( dealin' and mana'in' dan'ero!% thin'% rather then eliminatin' them 'i1e children the % ill% to ada"t.

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD Accident% will ha""en #!t the ed!cator did not thin there centre had a hi'her rate than other centre%. &he ed!cator% wo!ld ha1e a meetin' to di%c!%% how the$ can #e #etter "re"ared (or the dar winterD%now and tra((ic clo%e #$. 5a1in' the centre ro!tinel$ were re(lecti1e 1e%t% and headlam"% Al%o #rin' to$% in a% the ne,t da$ the to$% co!ld #e #!ried !nder the %now. 5el"in' a child "!t on a crown that the child 2EIR3 a'e 2@3 the ed!cator %"ec % to Eir and the child %eem% ha""$. /hen the children went to "ic the "otatoe% the$ notice and remar ed on the %ha"e%. &he children tal ed when the$ were in the ti"i "re"arin' their l!nch. -hildren tal ed while %harin' a #oo 5an% which wa% one o( the children attem"tin' to li'ht the (ire in the wind made a n!m#er o( attem"t% (inall$ the Ed!cator %aid 7I will hel" $o! and $o! can do it on $o!r own ne,t time8. /hile the children were hammerin'+ %licin' with a ni(e+ %awin' and nailin' the wood+ the ed!cator %"o e to them and the children ac nowled'e the ed!cator and re%"onded. &he 'ro!" went down to the water to (loat their #oat% and e,"lore their %!rro!ndin'% At the water the child called o!t that he 'ot hi% %oc wet and re"eated the call !ntil the ed!cator ac nowled'ed him &he ed!cator "!ll% o(( a %hell (rom the roc % which %he o"en% with a ni(e and %aid 7Let0% %ee i( we can o"en thi%8 the ed!cator %how% the children the o"en m!%%el and %aid 76hell we ha1e it (or l!nch. &he children %eemed "ro!d to (ind the %hell(i%h. One o( the children %aid 7=e% it loo % 'ood<8 Another %aid 7what i% it<8 Ed!cator 7Man$ "eo"le eat it.8 Another child 7/hat0% in%ide the %hell8 7=o! now whatC I01e had that #e(ore+ in a %tew8. -hildren li%tened and loo ed intentl$ a% the ed!cator %"o e to the children &he ed!cator "oint% and tell% the children to loo !" at the B crow% cha%in' an ea'le< Ed!cator 7&he ea'le mi'ht want o!r %a!%a'e%.8 -hild 7I don0t want the ea'le to it mine.8 Ed!cator 7don0t worr$ we wont let him.8 &he ed!cator %how% the children a ma" and "ointed to where the$ "ar ed the car% #$ the la e+ cro%%ed the road and !" the %lo"e. -hildren li%tened and loo ed intentl$ a% the ed!cator %"o e to the children 6ome children (o!nd clim#in' the mo!ntain di((ic!lt one o( the children wa% cr$in' the ed!cator 'a1e him word% o( enco!ra'ement and wal ed alon' with the child (or awhile. &he children were 'i1en an incenti1e to ee" 'oin' the ed!cator told the children 7there wa% %omethin' %"ecial when the$ reach the to" o( the mo!ntain8. &he leadin' child %ho!t% with .o$ a% he reache% the to" 7were at the to" e1er$one*come on<8 A(ter the children all recei1e their "ri4e %ome children and ed!cator% .!m" !"+ rai%e their arm% and %ho!t hoora$ %e1eral time% &he$ %an' comin' #ac down the mo!ntain.


Children have a s r!n" sense !# iden i $ %&%

-on(identl$ e,"lore and en'a'e with %ocial and "h$%ical en1ironment% thro!'h relation%hi"% and "la$ O"enl$ e,"re%% their (eelin'% and idea% in their interaction% with other%

Children devel!' heir e(er"in" a) !n!($* in er-de'enden+e* resilien+e and sense !# a"en+$ %&,
A""roach new %a(e %it!ation% with con(idence &a e con%idered ri% % in their deci%ion*ma in' and co"e with the !ne,"ected

Children devel!' -n!.led"ea/le and +!n#iden sel#-iden i ies %&0

De1elo" their %ocial and c!lt!ral herita'e thro!'h en'a'ement with Elder% and comm!nit$ mem#er% Reach o!t and comm!nicate (or com(ort+ a%%i%tance and com"anion%hi"

Children learn ! in era+ in rela i!n ! ! hers .i h +are* e('a h$ and res'e+ %&1
E,"re%% a wide ran'e o( emotion%+ tho!'ht% and 1iew% con%tr!cti1el$ Di%"la$ awarene%% o( and re%"ect (or other%0 "er%"ecti1e% -OMM>NI&=

Children devel!' a sense !# /el!n"in" ! "r!)'s and +!(()ni ies and an )nders andin" !# he re+i'r!+al ri"h s and res'!nsi/ili ies ne+essar$ #!r a+ ive +ivi+ 'ar i+i'a i!n ,&%
)artici"ate in reci"rocal relation%hi"% >nder%tandin' di((erent wa$% o( contri#!tin' thro!'h "la$ and "ro.ect%

Children res'!nd ! diversi $ .i h res'e+ ,&,

Li%ten to other%0 idea% and re%"ect di((erent wa$% o( #ein' and doin' )racti%e incl!%i1e wa$% o( achie1in' coe,i%tence

Children /e+!(e a.are !# #airness ,&0

Di%co1er and e,"lore %ome connection% amon'%t "eo"le Are em"owered to ma e choice% and "ro#lem*%ol1e to meet their need% in "artic!lar conte,t%

Children /e+!(e s!+iall$ res'!nsi/le and sh!. res'e+ #!r he envir!n(en ,&1
De1elo" and awarene%% o( the im"act o( h!man acti1it$ on en1ironment% and the interde"endence o( li1in' thin'% /ELLBEING

Children /e+!(e s r!n" in heir s!+ial* e(! i!nal and s'iri )al .ell/ein" 0&%

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD Ac nowled'e and acce"t a((irmation A%%ert their ca"a#ilitie% and inde"endence while demon%tratin' increa%in' awarene%% o( the need% and ri'ht% o( other%

Children a-e in+reasin" res'!nsi/ili $ #!r heir !.n heal h and 'h$si+al .ell/ein" 0&,
6how enth!%ia%m (or "artici"atin' in "h$%ical "la$ and ne'otiate "la$ %"ace% to en%!re the %a(et$ and well#ein' o( them%el1e% and other%.

Children devel!' dis'!si i!ns #!r learnin" s)+h as +)ri!si $* +!!'era i!n* +!n#iden+es* +rea ivi $* +!((i (en * en h)sias(* 'ersis en+e* i(a"ina i!n and re#le2ivi $ 1&%
Are c!rio!% and enth!%ia%tic "artici"ant% in their learnin' )er%i%t e1en when the$ (ind a ta% di((ic!lt.

Children devel!' a ran"e !# s-ills and 'r!+esses s)+h as 'r!/le( s!lvin"* in3)ir$* e2'eri(en a i!n* h$'! hesisin"* resear+hin" and inves i"a in" 1&,
Mani"!late o#.ect% and e,"eriment with ca!%e and e((ect+ trial and error+ and motion >%e re(lecti1e thin in' to con%ider wh$ thin'% ha""en and what can #e learnt (rom the%e e,"erience%.

Children rans#er and ada' .ha he$ have learn #r!( !ne +!n e2 ! an! her 1&0
De1elo" an a#ilit$ to mirror+ re"eat and "racti%e the act$ion% o( other%+ either immediatel$ o( later

Children res!)r+e heir !.n learnin" hr!)"h +!nne+ in" .i h 'e!'le* 'la+e* e+hn!l!"ies and na )ral and 'r!+essed (a erials 1&1
Mani"!late re%o!rce% to in1e%ti'ate+ ta e a"art+ a%%em#le+ in1ent and con%tr!ct E,"lore idea% and theorie% !%in' ima'ination+ creati1it$ and "la$ -OMM>MI-A&ION

Children in era+ ver/all$ and n!n-ver/all$ .i h ! hers #!r a ran"e !# ')r'!ses 4&%
>%e lan'!a'e and re"re%entation% (rom "la$+ m!%ic and art to %hare and "ro.ect meanin' 6how increa%in' nowled'e+ !nder%tandin' and % ill in con1e$in' meanin'.

Children en"a"e .i h a ran"e !# e2 s and "e (eanin" #r!( hese e2 s 4&,

View and li%ten to "rinted+ 1i%!al and m!ltimedia te,t% and re%"ond with rele1ant E,"lore te,t% (rom a ran'e o( di((erent "er%"ecti1e% and #e'in to anal$%e the meanin'%


Children e2'ress ideas and (a-e (eanin" )sin" a ran"e !# (edia 4&0
>%e lan'!a'e and en'a'e in %$m#olic "la$ to ima'ine and create role%+ %cri"t% and idea%

Children /e"in ! )nders and h!. s$(/!ls and 'a ern s$s e(s .!r4&1
Draw on memor$ o( a %e;!ence to com"lete a ta% Be'in to reco'ni%e "attern% and relation%hi"% and the connection% #etween them

Children )se in#!r(a i!n and +!(()ni+a i!n e+hn!l!"ies ! a++ess in#!r(a i!n* inves i"a e ideas and re'resen heir hin-in" 4&4
Not a""lica#le It wa% intere%tin' what the "atent% had to %a$ and wh$ the$ %ent their children to that "re%chool. More o!tdoor "la$ rather than indoor a% children are %ometime% o1erl$ "rotected. -hildren rarel$ 'ot ill e1en tho! the$ %"end a lot o( time o!tdoor /hen it rain% hea1il$ children don0t care the$ are not 'r!m"$ I li e it. I %"ent a lot o( time o!tdoor% when I wa% $o!n' and want m$ child to do the %ame Mia %"ent her (ir%t $ear in -hina and wa%n0t !%e to #ein' o!tdoor% at all. 6he wa% !%ed to "a1ement%C %he wa% %cared to %te" on 'ra%% or 'ra1el. /hen Mia 'ot o1er that %he wa% .!%t %o ha""$ to #e o!t%ide. In thi% 1ideo the children were 1er$ in(l!ence #$ their en1ironment a% the weather wa% cold mo%t o( the $ear and in%tead o( ne'ati1it$ the Ed!cator em#raced the cold and %how the children the "o%iti1e %ide #$ "la$in' o!tdoor% a% m!ch a% "o%%i#le. &he children learnt %ha"e%+ to wor to'ether+ %hare+ comm!nicate+ co!nt and .oin into acti1itie% #$ de%i'nin' and ma in' o#.ect% 2#oat3+ 'rowin' and coo in' "otatoe%+ 'oin' on hi e% and learnin' a#o!t the element% 2their %!rro!ndin'%3. On the whole what the children learn and what the$ ta e with them i% teachin' the children a %mall "art o( 7li(e %!r1i1al % ill%8 Birth to #i' %chool ? "' AE3 Enco!ra'in' children to colla#orate or wor to'ether and %!""ort each other a%%i%t% in the de1elo"ment o( %el(*e%teem+ "ro#lem*%ol1in' and con(lict re%ol!tion. It al%o hel"% children to de1elo" tolerance and re%"ect (or di((erence% in other% VE=LDF "' A0 * -hildren learn in the conte,t o( their (amilie% and (amilie% are the "rimar$ in(l!ence on children0% learnin' and de1elo"ment. )ro(e%%ional% too+ "la$ a role in ad1ancin' children0% laHearnin' and de1elo"ment. &he%e relation%hi"% "rotect+ re'!late and #!((er children. &he$ "ro1ide a %ec!re #a%e that hel"% children to (eel %a(e and con(ident to tr$ new thin'% and to learn. -hildren hel" ma e their l!nch and %ometime% too a na" in te"ee% Identit$ Learnin'D /ell#ein'DFamil$ 1al!e%

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD . ? Learnin' ? 9.3.9 !%e their "roce%%e% o( "la$+ re(lection and in1e%ti'ation to "ro#lem* %ol1e -omm!nication ? @.A.9 contri#!te their idea% and e,"erience% in "la$ and %mall and lar'e 'ro!" di%c!%%ion @.A.A3 %how increa%in' nowled'e+ !nder%tandin' and % ill in con1e$in' meanin'. Fine motor % ill. ? A.3.9 !%e their home lan'!a'e to con%tr!ct meanin' * *A.9.A %how intere%t in other children and #ein' "art o( a 'ro!". Birth to #i' %chool ? "' A0B -o'niti1e and lan'!a'e de1elo"ment ad1ance ra"idl$ d!rin' earl$ childhood. 6ome o( the ma.or de1elo"ment% that ta e "lace incl!de (e(!r$* sense !# sel#* a/s ra+ h!)"h and (as er$ !# s'!-en lan")a"e& )' A0B 6"o en lan'!a'e i% %till the "rimar$ wa$ in which we comm!nicate with each other. /ord% can #e3 !%ed to con1e$ meanin' #eca!%e the "eo"le who !%e them !nder%tand that the$ re"re%ent a "artic!lar o#.ect+ "er%on+ conce"t+ idea or e1ent. Identit$ A.A.F con(identl$ e,"lore% and en'a'e% with %ocial and "h$%ical en1ironment% thro!'h relation%hi"% and "la$. -omm!nication ? @.B.9 ta e% on role% o( literac$ and n!merac$ !%er% in their "la$ ? Identit$ A.A.F con(identl$ e,"lore% and en'a'e% with %ocial and "h$%ical en1ironment% thro!'h relation%hi"% and "la$. Learnin' 9.A.E "er%i%t e1en when the$ (ind a ta% di((ic!lt. -omm!nit$ B.A.B coo"erate with other% and ne'otiate role% and relation%hi"% in "la$ e"i%ode% and 'ro!" e,"erience%. /ell#ein' 3.A.9 %ee o!t and acce"t new challen'e%+ ma e new di%co1erie%+ and cele#rate their own e((ort% and achie1ement% and tho%e o( other%. -omm!nication@.B.: acti1el$ !%e+ en'a'e with and %hare the en.o$ment o( lan'!a'e and te,t% in a ran'e o( wa$%. Learnin' De1elo"ment% ? 9.B.A a""l$ a wide 1ariet$ o( thin in' %trate'ie% to en'a'e with %it!ation% and %ol1e "ro#lem%+ and ada"t the%e %trate'ie% to new %it!ation% Birth to #i' %chool ? -o'niti1e and lan'!a'e de1elo"ment ad1ance ra"idl$ d!rin' earl$ childhood. 6ome o( the ma.or de1elo"ment% that ta e "lace incl!de theI devel!'(en !# (e(!r$* sense !# sel#* a/s ra+ h!)"h and (as er$ !# s'!-en lan")a"e& ? Identit$ A.A.9 comm!nicate their need% (or com(ort and a%%i%tance )racticin' motor % ill% * -omm!nication ? @.A.A en'a'e in en.o$a#le reci"rocal interaction% !%in' 1er#al and non*1er#al lan'!a'e to what the$ %ee+ hear+ to!ch+ (eel and ta%te. VE=LDF ? "' B@ -hildren learn in the conte,t o( their (amilie% and comm!nit$. &hro!'ho!t the earl$ $ear%+ children ac;!ire nowled'e and % ill% that (orm the (o!ndation% o( their later achie1ement. &he$ learn how to learn and de1elo" di%"o%ition% (or learnin' and a %en%e o( a'enc$+ where children are a#le to ma e deci%ion% and choice%+ to in(l!ence e1ent% and to ha1e an im"act on their world. Birth to #i' %chool ? "' E@ with 'reater "h$%ical control o1er their #od$+ "re%chool children 'ain increa%ed con(idence and mo#ilit$. D!rin' the "eriod #etween three and (i1e $ear%+ children0% %tren'th+ a'ilit$+ (le,i#ilit$+ #alance and co*ordination im"ro1e. "' EE Maintainin' #alance d!rin' locomotion allow% children to r!n aro!nd or .!m" o1er o#%tacle%+ %to" and %tart %moothl$+ and wal alon' a #alance #eam. )racticin' "erce"t!al motor % ill%. * Identit$ A.A.A0 initiate% and .oin% in "la$. A.B.B i% o"en to new challen'e% and ma e% new di%co1erie%. -omm!nication ? @.A.A0

VIRGINIA BLOOMFIELD demon%trate an increa%in' !nder%tandin' o( mea%!rement and n!m#er !%in' 1oca#!lar$ to de%cri#e %i4e+ len'th+ 1ol!me+ ca"acit$ and name% o( n!m#er%. Birth to #i' %chool ? "'F0 a% the %mall m!%cle% in the hand% and (in'er% %tren'then+ co* ordination and (in'er de,terit$ im"ro1e and children can mani"!late %maller o#.ect% with more control. A% hand*e$e co*ordination % ill% contin!e to de1elo"+ children can do ta% that re;!ire the !%e o( #oth hand% It wa% intere%tin' what the "arent% had to %a$ and wh$ the$ %ent their children to that "re%chool. More o!tdoor "la$ rather than indoor a% children are %ometime% o1erl$ "rotected. One child came (rom an oriental co!ntr$ that wa% !%ed to concrete and wa% %cared o( 'ra%% a%. -hildren rarel$ 'ot ill e1en tho! the$ %"end a lot o( time o!tdoor. All children ha1e need% that m!%t #e met i( the$ are to thri1e and de1elo" to their "otential. &he%e need% incl!deI 'h$si+al* 's$+h!l!"i+al* !''!r )ni ies* res'e+ and sel#-es ee(& /hile mat!ration "la$% an im"ortant role in "h$%ical de1elo"ment+ other (actor% "la$ a role in "h$%ical 'rowth and de1elo"ment +)l )re6#a(il$* 'rena al* die * +hildh!!d !/esi $* !''!r )ni ies #!r 'ra+ i+e and e(! i!nal s)''!r & Birth to #i' %chool "'33A? Re%earch contin!e% to in(orm o!r !nder%tandin' o( how children de1elo" and learn. &he mo%t %i'ni(icant re%earch to #e a""lied in the de1elo"ment o( earl$ childhood "ro'ram% i% in the area o( #rain de1elo"ment. /e now ha1e a m!ch #etter !nder%tandin' o( the critical role o( the #rain in all area% o( children0% de1elo"ment and thi% i% an e,cellent e,am"le o( wh$ it i% e%%ential (or earl$ childhood ed!cator% to ee" a#rea%t o( c!rrent child de1elo"ment re%earch.

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