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Roger Zelazny.

The Monster and the Maiden _____________________________________________________________________ A great unrest was among the people, for the time of decision was again at hand. The Elders voted upon the candidates and the sacrifice was affirmed over the o !ections of Rylli", the oldest. #$t is wrong to capitulate thus,# he argued. %ut they did not answer him, and the young virgin was ta"en to the grotto of smo"es and fed the leaves of drowsiness. Rylli" watched with disapproval. #$t should not e so,# he stated. #$t is wrong.# #$t has always een so,# said the others, #in the spring of the year, and in the fall. $t has always een so.# And they cast worried glances down the trail to where the sun was pouring morning upon the world. The god was already traveling through the great&leafed forest. #'et us go now,# they said. #(id you ever thin" of staying) *f watching to see what the monster god does)# as"ed Rylli" itterly. #Enough of your lasphemies+ ,ome along+# Rylli" followed them. #-e grow fewer every year,# he said. #*ne day we shall no longer have any sacrifices left to offer.# #Then that day we die,# said the others. #.o why prolong it)# he as"ed. #'et us fight them&&now, efore we are no more+# %ut the others shoo" their heads, a summary of that resignation Rylli" had watched grow as the centuries passed. They all respected Rylli"/s age, ut they did not approve of his thoughts. They cast one last loo" ac", !ust as the sun caught the clan"ing god upon his gilt&caparisoned mount, his death&lance slung at his side. -ithin the place where the smo"es were orn the maiden thrashed her tail from side to side, rolling wild eyes eneath her youthful rowplates. .he sensed the divine presence and egan to ellow. They turned away and lum ered across the plains.

As they neared the forest Rylli" paused and raised a scaly forelim , groping after a thought. 0inally, he spo"e. #$ seem to have memory,# said he, #of a time when things were different.# _____________________________________________________________________

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