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The story of a newspaper in my city

Adevarul (the Truth) the newspaper of Bucharest write history over 124 years on 15 august 1888 Adeverul appear on the market with a program that contains fifteen points how put accent on the problems in that period of the country. The newspaper was made by Alexandru Beldiman who moved the publication from Iasi to Bucharest, in which initial appeared (1871). This is a new start for Adevarul with a new centre in Bucharest. The Editorial and the administration organization had the headquarters of typography Thiel and Weiss on street Domanei and the beginnings are very difficult. Alexandru Bediman soar in this adventure with no budget and with a small editorial team made only with writers and young students.

A small newspaper and a small editorial

The first team was very reduced in size, it was firstly formed by Grigore Ventura,chief editor, and by his son, Constantin Ventura. His son also signed another newsapaper Un galaean. One year later came in the team I. Hussar, who was dealing with the political issues. The tehnical conditions of Adevrul" in that time were very modest : the pattern is not so good and also the informations are reduced to very little work. On 15 december 1888, after 4 months after recurrence, Adevrul" appears with a larger size and also with a new head of the newspaper. Rounded letters from the title disappear and the newspaper keep this new form of the logo since the publication was prohibited by the Comunism in 1951.

Adevarul is an anti-dynastic publication and its orientation is visible from the first number. Adevarul from the 1872 didnt die, it leaves in the heart of the country, it is more alive because it past 16 years which shows how much right we have when we fight against the stranger

The first obstacles in the path of truth

On 22 february 1889 because of a vehement article written by Beldiman, the newspaper was confiscated. It wasnt confiscated in a sesizable way, it was confiscated with a trick: the sallers are arrested for an alleged theft of a wallet and the newspapers are confiscated. When they found that the sellers are innocent it was to late, they couldt sell their newspapers any more. The next day, Adevarul prostes against the attack on the eve and they reproduce the incriminate article. On 10 may 1889, captain Savapol, the master of the sergeants, buy 50 copies of Adevarul and he shares them to some demonstrators by profession, with the mission to burn them in public.

The two Adevarul newspapers

In 1892 a big hit comes from the interior of newspaper, is come from the administrator of newspaper Toma Basilescu which leaves the newspaper and takes with him all the records of the subscribers, the ads and all the money from the business and is making a new newspaper with the same name and same format. The company Adevarul in that period was not registered in court and a process which show who was the real owner could take a long time and in this time Toma Basilescu could compromise the name of Adevarul. So Beldiman Alexander, the founder, continues to write Adevarul newspaper, his own version of Adevarul and he specifies in the newspaper from 24 march 1892: I decided to

follow the fight with my weak forces, but with my strongest believes, confident in the justice that I defend and also in my readers. Who knows me and share my ideas will encourage me, sustain me and follow me.

Mille and Bacalbasa. The Father of modern romanian journalism and the first interview of the history of the romanian journalism.

In 1893 on the editorial Adevarul new prominent figures have joined, a lot of members from the Social Democratic Party of Workers from Romania, important people like Constantin Mille and the brothers Anton and Ioan Bacalbasa. Mille was considered by his contemporaries as the father of modern romanian journalism inscription which can be found on his grave in the cemetery Bellu. On the other hand, Anton Bacalbasa left his mark on the newspaper Adevarul, he realized in the short time spent in the editorial, the first interview in the history of the romanian journalism.

Arrests and expulsions

On April 5, 1893, the editor of Adevarul, Eduard Dioghenide, was arrested for alleged public provocation force and he is condemned by the Ilfov Tribunal to a year and a half to prison. Subsequently, they gave up the punishment and it turns out that it was only a police frame-up. In April, 1893, are expelled I. Hussar, on that time editorial secretary, and Carol Schulder, worker in the Adevarul administration, because of their work at the newspaper. When they ask about the file of the business to see for what they are accused, the Foreign Minister, Lahovary, answer that the file is formed by the collection of the newspaper Adevarul.

The newspaper, in danger of disappering in 1894

In May 1894, the newspapers editorial is devastated by a group of students, that Adevarul admonished them public because they broke a celebration of the Hungarian students. Among the students, also were a lot of gendarmes, police officers and supportes of the political parties. Everyone was determined to make justice and to make the Beldimans newspaper disappear. Editor windows and doors are broken, packages with newspapers broken, some workers and journalists, including Constantin Mille, were arrested because they wanted to stop the disaster. On May 19, 1894, the newspaper write with small letters abou the Vandalism of Adevarul. Beldiman is determined and hard to defeat: The miserable fight against Adevarul make me younger with ten years. Starting today, I will bend my stamina, I will collect my powers and I will finish my fight for the victory of the democracy

Important dates in the history of the newspaper at the beginning of the twenty century:

1904 The newspaper Adevarul made the first morning edition called Dimineata(Morning). Since 1912 Morning was the first Romanian newspaper in full color, probably the first in the world.

1907 The publication had a circulation of 30,000 copies. Was sold for 5 cents. 1912 The circulation of newspapers Adevarul and Morning exceeded 100,00 copies bringing revenues of 1 million (lei-the Romanian currency). In the first eight months of 1914, the publisher has used 1284 tons of paper

1914-1918 - Adevarul makes a campaign focusing on Transylvania and stirring spirits against the austro-hungarian regime. 1919 Adevarul return on the market and become a high-impact publication on the interwar period and have a trainer role of the popular culture

1920 Mille withdraw from the position of editor and the two newspapers are bought by Arstide Blank 1933 The two dailies exceeding 150,000 copies each day 1937 Adevarul newspaper is suppressed 1946 - Adevarul reappears under the leadership of Branisteanu that promises to continue editorial policy of Constatin Mille 1951 - With the coming to power of the communist ,regime all independent publications are closed. The last edition of Adevarul is on march 31.

After 40 years, in Romania the truth is telling again

In the first days after the 1989 Revolution, the newspaper Scanteia, Journal of the Romanian Communist Party, change its name first to Scanteia Poporului and then to Adevarul. Editorial policy in the years following the revolution, continue the line of Scanteia, the newspaper adopting critical views against the anticommunist opposition in Romania. Also, it has a cultural supplement, Adevarul Literar si Artistic( Literary and Artistic Truth). In 2006, Adevarul was bought by businessman Dinu Patriciu, who establish with this occasion the trust of Adevarul Holding, in which he brought together all the media operations.

Adevarul over the Prut

From December 6 ,2010 newspaper Adevarul was released in Moldova. The newspaper appears on monday to Friday with a big circulation of 7000 copies distributed in all localities of Moldova. Adevarul edition of Moldova, treats local issues social, political,economic and timely distributed newspaper after a structure similar to that of the publication of Romania.Adevarul is the first newspaper in Republic Moldova write by moldovan journalists and also by the romanian journalist.

Adevarul today
The controversial history of CEO of the Adevarul Adevarul has also a controversial history of its CEO. Although the history of Adevarul newspaper begins long before 1989, with an interwar period full of events, real controversy regarding management publications appears after 1898. In just two decades, the newspaper seen a lot of CEO changes and also the editorial policy has been changed with every CEO change. Recently, Dinu Patriciu, the CEO of the Adevarul announced his withdrawal from politics and media. He sells the newspaper to Cristi Burci.

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