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Barbecue in the Park

Last Sunday, my friend and I went to the park, because Davids family invited us to a barbecue party in the park. We lived nearby so we just walked there. When we o to the park, there were not many people. Davids family was already there. !hey arrived there early to et the best picnic spot with an electronic barbecue rill nearby. When we arrived, they were cleanin the barbecue. "fter makin sure the barbecue was clean, they turned the barbecue on by pushin the button. !he electric stove turned on and the metal plate became hot. Davids mother put some cookin oil on the metal plate, and after that she put some sausa es, beef steaks, and some onions on the barbecue. #eanwhile, Davids father was preparin the bread, butter, and the drinks. While waitin for the meat to cook, David and I joined other boys playin football. When we ot tired, we stopped and enjoyed the sausa es, steaks, and some cold soft drinks. !he food was delicious. I think Davids mother is one of the best cooks in the world. "nswer !he $uestion below% &. Who invited the writer to the barbecue party' (. )ow did the writer o to the park' *. Why did Davids family arrive there early' +. When did David and the writer playin football' ,. When the barbecue party was held' -. What is Davids family did when the writer arrived at the park' .. Who cooked the meat for them' /. What is Davids mother put on the barbecue' 0. What is the writer think about Davids mother' &1. Who is preparin the bread, butter, and the drinks' !he answer &. Davids family (. 2ust walked *. !o et the best picnic spot with an electronic barbecue rill nearby +. While waitin for the meat to cook ,. Las Sunday -. !hey were cleanin the barbecue .. Davids mother /. Some sausa es, beef steaks, and some onions 0. Davids mother is one of the best cooks in the world. &1. Davids father 3uyina "dina 4da 5+ 6 **

Barbecue in the Park

Last Sunday, my friend and I went to the park because Davids family invited us to a barbecue party in the park. We lived nearby so we just walked there. When we o to the park, there were not many people. Davids family was already there. !hey arrived there early to et the best picnic spot with an electronic barbecue rill nearby. When we arrived, they were cleanin the barbecue. "fter makin sure the barbecue was clean, they turned the barbecue on by pushin the button. !he electric stove turned on and the metal plate became hot. Davids mother put some cookin oil on the metal plate, and after that she put some sausa es, beef steaks, and some onions on the barbecue. #eanwhile, Davids father was preparin the bread, butter, and the drinks. While waitin for the meat to cook, David and I joined other boys playin football. When we ot tired, we stopped and enjoyed the sausa es, steaks, and some cold soft drinks. !he food was delicious. I think Davids mother is one of the best cooks in the world.

"nswer !he $uestion below% &. Who invited the writer to the barbecue party' (. )ow did the writer o to the park' *. Why did Davids family arrive there early' +. When did David and the writer play football' ,. When was the barbecue party held' -. What did Davids family do when the writer arrived at the park' .. Who cooked the meat for them' /. What did Davids mother put on the barbecue' 0. What did the writer think about Davids mother' &1.Who prepared the bread, butter, and the drinks'
Source7 8Lets !alk9 book for :III rade 2unior )i h School 3uyina "dina 4da 5+ 6 **

!he answer &. Davids family (. 2ust walked *. !o et the best picnic spot with an electronic barbecue rill nearby +. While waitin for the meat to cook ,. Last Sunday -. !hey were cleanin the barbecue .. Davids mother /. Some sausa es, beef steaks, and some onions 0. Davids mother is one of the best cooks in the world. &1.Davids father
3uyina "dina 4da 5+ 6 **

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