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8.0 SYNOPSIS This topic discusses the types of assessment when teaching stories to young learners: portfolio, aural-oral assessment and written assessment. 8.1 LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this session, you will be able to: identify and recognize suitable materials to be included in different types of portfolios; compile a checklist to assess a portfolio for story telling with young learners in an ESL classroom; design suitable aural-oral and written assessments/evaluation for selected stories read/heard.








8.3 Introduction. When teaching stories to young learners, we need to know at least the following types of assessment: portfolio, aural-oral assessment and written assessment. 8.3.1 Portfolio

A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas of the curriculum. The collection must include the following:

Student participation in selecting contents. Criteria for selection. Criteria for judging merits. Evidence of a student's self-reflection.

It should represent a collection of students' best work or best efforts, student-selected samples of work experiences related to outcomes being assessed, and documents according growth and development toward mastering identified outcomes. a) The benefits and shortcomings of using portfolios as assessment. Portfolio assessment provides a body of student work essentially, a portfoliothat can be used to appraise student performance over time. Portfolio assessment ranges from portfolios that demonstrate the students best work to an expanded student record that holds a full representation of the students work, from math equations to essays on literature. There has been some confusion in the field as to who the portfolio is being kept for. For example, in some cases, student portfolios serve as a replacement for the high school diploma or transcript. The disadvantage of portfolios is that theyre not as quick and easy to evaluate, plus theyre hard to rank, as with a grade or score. Because portfolios are qualitative, many employers find them difficult to use as a determinant of a candidates skills. Often, employers would rather see a quantitative demonstration of a students best skills and work.


LGA3103 STORIES FOR YOUNG LEARNERS Some schools create portfolios that serve as a representative sample of a students work, showing the range of performance and experience. Such records usually hold far more information than employers need. Other schools want to use portfolios as an assessment tool to provide an alternative to standardized or teacher testing.

Portfolios are scarcely a new concept, but renewed interest, fueled by the portfolio's perceived promise for both improving assessment and motivating and involving students in their own learning, has recently increased their visibility and use. The definition of a portfolio varies some, but there seems to be a general consensus that a portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of student achievement or growth. (Portfolios are not folders of all the work a student does.) Within this limited definition there are portfolio systems that: promote student self-assessment and control of learning; support student-led parent conferences; select students into special programs; certify student competence; grant alternative credit; demonstrate to employers certain skills and abilities; build student self-confidence; and evaluate curriculum and instruction. Because there is no single correct way to "do" portfolios, and because they appear to be used for so many things, developing a portfolio system can spell confusion and stress, much coming from not realizing that portfolios are a means to an end and not an end in themselves. More specifically, confusion occurs to the extent there is lack of clarity on: (a) the purpose to be served by the portfolio, and (b) the specific skills to be developed or assessed by the portfolio. It is important to keep in mind that there are really only two basic reasons for doing portfolios--assessment or instruction. Assessment uses relate to keeping track of what students know and can do. Instructional uses relate to promoting learning--students learn something from assembling the portfolio. The perceived benefits for assessment are that the collection of multiple samples of student work over time enables us to (a) (b) (c) (d) get a broader, more in-depth look at what students know and can do; base assessment on more "authentic" work; have a supplement or alternative to report cards and standardized tests; and have a better way to communicate student progress to parents.



Large-scale assessment (assessment outside of and across classrooms) tends to focus on reasons (a) and (b). Teachers tend to like portfolios for reasons (c) and (d). We will look at three common assessment uses of portfolios and then discuss some assessment issues. Assessment uses of portfolios, especially large-scale, high-stakes uses (for example, high school graduation), are not without controversy. Some of these issues are: (1) What is the extent to which we need to "standardize" the portfolio process, content, and performance criteria so that results are comparable?; (2) Is it feasible to accurately and consistently assess student skills through portfolios? Won't this be costly? (Rand Corporation's 1992 study of the Vermont portfolio system provides an intriguing analysis of this issue.); (3) How do we get teacher buy-in? After all, teachers will be responsible for making sure that portfolios get assembled properly; and (4) Will the conclusions we draw about students from their portfolios be valid? The work may not really be the students' best, or may be someone else's entirely. There are, as yet, no definitive answers to these questions, although many fear that high-stakes uses of portfolios will destroy their instructional usefulness. Activity 1 1. List the benefits and shortcomings of using portfolios as assessment in Malaysian primary education.

b) Types of portfolios and their characteristics or contents. There are many different types of portfolios, each of which can serve one or more specific purposes as part of an overall school or classroom assessment program. The following is a list of the types most often cited in the literature:

Documentation Portfolio: This type is also know as the "working" portfolio. Specifically, this approach involves a collection of work over time showing growth and improvement reflecting students' learning of identified outcomes. The documentation portfolio can include everything from brainstorming activities to drafts to finished products. The collection becomes meaningful when specific items are 94


selected out to focus on particular educational experiences or goals. It can include the bet and weakest of student work.

Process Portfolio: This approach documents all facets or phases of the learning process. They are particularly useful in documenting students' overall learning process. It can show how students integrate specific knowledge or skills and progress towards both basic and advanced mastery. Additionally, the process portfolio inevitably emphasizes students' reflection upon their learning process, including the use of reflective journals, think logs, and related forms of metacognitive processing.

Showcase Portfolio: This type of portfolio is best used for summative evaluation of students' mastery of key curriculum outcomes. It should include students' very best work, determined through a combination of student and teacher selection. Only completed work should be included. In addition, this type of portfolio is especially compatible with audio-visual artifact development, including photographs,

videotapes, and electronic records of students' completed work. The showcase portfolio should also include written analysis and reflections by the student upon the decision-making process(es) used to determine which works are included. c) Criteria used in assessing portfolio. According to Paulson, Paulson and Meyer, (1991, p. 63): "Portfolios offer a way of assessing student learning that is different than traditional methods. Portfolio assessment provides the teacher and students an opportunity to observe students in a broader context: taking risks, developing creative solutions, and learning to make judgments about their own performances." In order for thoughtful evaluation to take place, teachers must have multiple scoring strategies to evaluate students' progress. Criteria for a finished portfolio might include several of the following:










comprehension, metacognitive reflection, and productive habits of mind).

Growth and development in relationship to key curriculum expectancies and indicators.

Understanding and application of key processes. 95


Completeness, correctness, and appropriateness of products and processes presented in the portfolio.

Diversity of entries (e.g., use of multiple formats to demonstrate achievement of designated performance standards).

It is especially important for teachers and students to work together to prioritize those criteria that will be used as a basis for assessing and evaluating student progress, both formatively (i.e., throughout an instructional time period) and summartively (i.e., as part of a culminating project, activity, or related assessment to determine the extent to which identified curricular expectancies, indicators, and standards have been achieved). As the school year progresses, students and teacher can work together to identify especially significant or important artifacts and processes to be captured in the portfolio. Additionally, they can work collaboratively to determine grades or scores to be assigned. Rubrics, rules, and scoring keys can be designed for a variety of portfolio components. In addition, letter grades might also be assigned, where appropriate. Finally, some for of oral discussion or investigation should be included as part of the summative evaluation process. This component should involve the student, teacher, and if possible, a panel of reviewers in a thoughtful exploration of the portfolio components, students' decision-making and evaluation processes related to artifact selection, and other relevant issues.

Activity 2 Based on the sample given in Appendix 1, create a set of criteria for evaluating students portfolio.


Aural-oral assessment

Oral assessment, where the student is required to speak in a foreign language, could be replaced or augmented by written assessment. Aural assessment, where the student is required to listen to spoken language and then answer questions, could be done via a lipspeaker, but this may not be suitable for all students. These modifications to oral or aural language assessment may actually alter the purpose of the assessment and this may affect the attainment of learning outcomes. The implications of this should be carefully considered by programme leaders. 96


a) Different techniques in aural-oral assessment. Oral assessment is one of the oldest forms of assessing students. It can take a number of forms, such as an interview, involving questions and answers (ie. a thesis defence), a mock-up of a real-life scenario (ie. a doctor-patient discussion and diagnosis for medical students, or a court defence for law students) or a presentation in front of peers. There are a number of advantages to interspersing oral assessments into your classroom.

It can reflect real world situations that students may have to deal with after graduation, particularly in fields where discussions with friends is common.

The meaning of the questions that are being asked can be clarified to avoid being misconstrued.

It is easier to divine who has read the textbook from who understands the textbook with an in depth questioning. It is more difficult to cheat on these tests or plagiarise from other students.

Of course, no assessment method is perfect. There are a few cautions to keep in mind when considering whether to use oral assessment.

Some students are shy or nervous and have difficulty communicating knowledge coherently in high stress situations, and this effect is often amplified when they must speak directly to the examiner.

For students whose first language is not English, this may be more challenging than a written test, where they have time to carefully consider how to phrase their ideas.

Depending on the size of the class and the length of the assessment, this can be a time consuming process.

Should you decide that oral assessment can enhance your class, there are a few general tips to keep in mind when planning and administering the test.



Prepare students in advance by explaining how the oral examination will work, and if feasible, having practice exams in class so that the students are aware of what is expected of them.

When questioning the students knowledge, the questions must be flexible depending on the students answer. Some students may explain something in the initial response that was part of your follow-up questions, or may not include a relevant concept in their answer. You must use your best judgement and change the questions as necessary to establish the understanding of each student.

Record each assessment as you go through them, so that you can review them later if necessary, and can provide justification for students grades if asked.

Prepare a rubric, or marking guide of some kind in advance. This way, you can do all the initial marking while the student is talking. You can change it later, but it probably will not be necessary. This makes marking quick and simple.

Oral assessment can work well when combined with a written assessment. For example, have students write a paper and then present on it.

Activity 3 1. Create an evaluation form to assess storytelling performance. Present the form to the class. Get feedback from your friends and lecturer and finalize your draft. Keep a copy of the evaluation form- you may need use it in activities in Chapter 9.


Written Assessment

Written assessment can include essays, assignments, reports, dissertations, diaries, portfolios and workbooks. It may take place as course work or in an examination. There are many types of written assessment, below are some of the examples:



a) Assignment An assignment is an exercise carried out in response to a brief with specific guidelines as to what should be included. An assignment is usually of short duration and/or may be carried out over a specified period of time. Assignments may take the form of a practical activity i.e. practical assignment or a research activity/evaluation following investigation of a particular topic, for example, a written assignment. An assignment should reflect a range of learning outcomes. A brief should be devised for each assignment. The assignment brief should be clear and unambiguous. The Assessor should ensure that the assignment brief: reflects a range of learning outcomes as outlined in the Module

Descriptor/Component Specification is clear and unambiguous and contains all instructions required to complete the

assignment indicates the percentage weighting of the assignment takes into account the availability of resources and/or materials required by the

Learner contains clear assessment criteria and associated marks includes information regarding evidence and submission deadlines

A clear marking scheme including assessment criteria should also be devised that highlights how the evidence is to be marked.

b) Portfolio (Collection of Work) A Portfolio (Collection of Work) is a collection and/or selection of pieces of work produced by the Learner over a period of time that demonstrates achievement of a range of learning outcomes.



The Assessor devises guidelines and instructions for the Learner. Using these guidelines provided by the Assessor the Learner compiles a collection of their own work. The collection may be self-generated or may be generated in response to a particular brief or tasks/activities devised by the Assessor. Portfolio (Collection of Work) is particularly suitable for assessment of Learners at Levels 1, 2 and 3. The Assessor should ensure that the Learner is provided with: a clear and unambiguous brief and instructions that reflect the range of learning outcomes being assessed guidelines on the extent and range of evidence a Learner is expected to compile guidelines on format and presentation of the evidence in the collection assessment criteria weighting of the portfolio in the context of the total assessment of the award relevant information on resources and/or materials required A clear marking scheme including assessment criteria should also be devised that indicates how the evidence is to be marked. In deciding the number of pieces of evidence a Learner will produce for inclusion in the Portfolio(Collection of Work) the following should be considered by the Assessor: what is included in the assessment section in the programme validation application form or the module descriptor the level of the award the Learner is hoping to achieve certification in - specific information on the levels of knowledge, the volume of the Major Award - at Level 1 the volume is small compared to the volume of the award at Level 6. The number of pieces of evidence produced by the Learner for assessment purposes should be proportionate to the volume of the award



There may be a large amount of coursework supporting learning (formative assessment) produced by the Learner in the course of the programme. This work will allow the Learner practice what s/he is learning and build confidence in knowledge, skill and competence but will not be used for the purposes of assessment for certification. The range of assessment work to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes from the component specifications or module descriptor, accompanied by briefs and criteria, will typically be much less and will be used for the purposes of achieving certification (summative assessment.

c) Formative assessment: informing learning Formative assessment is part of that ongoing dialogue between Learners and Tutors about the quality of work; it is the part of the learning process where a cycle of feedback results in Learners coming to understand when a piece of work is fit for purpose and good. It informs learning and teaching and is sometimes called assessment for learning. Formative assessment feedback is frequently oral, and is a natural part of ongoing coursework. It provides the groundwork for knowing when a Learner is ready to move on or perhaps undertake a summative assessment task. Sometimes within different programmes Learners and Tutors set aside some time to consider how learning is going and whether Learners are happy with the progress they are making. Formative assessment is not for the purpose of achieving an award. d) Summative assessment- summing up learning Summative assessment judges evidence of learning against the standards for an award; it is carried out at the point where Learners have had sufficient opportunity to learn what is to be assessed. For each piece of summative assessment evidence, there are clearly set out briefs and criteria. It results in evidence that may be judged for the purposes of achieving an award.

Summative assessment activities are always planned. Assessment activities may pull together and reconfigure the learning from a range of pieces of coursework or may directly 101


require a selection of coursework, or may build on previous coursework. However evidence for summative assessment presented as a Portfolio(Collection of Work) is not the same as the compilation of all the work completed by the Learner while participating in the programme. e) Examination An examination provides a means of assessing a Learners ability to recall and apply knowledge, skills and understanding within a set period of time and under clearly specified conditions. Examinations are a form of assessment which normally require a fixed timeframe and a sight unseen question paper and range of questions. The assessment instrument for examinations is the examination paper i.e. questions or tasks devised for the Learner. Examinations may be: practical; assessing specified practical skills demonstrated in a set period of time under restricted conditions interview Style; assessing learning through verbal questioning, one-to-one or in a group aural; assessing listening and interpretation skills theory-based; assessing the Learners ability to recall, apply, recognise and understand concepts and theory. This may require responses to a range of question types, for example, multiple-choice, short answer, structured or essay. These questions may be answered in different media for example in writing or orally When devising an examination the Assessor should ensure that: questions or tasks reflect the learning outcomes as outlined in the component specification/ module descriptor instructions are clear and unambiguous examinations have a cover page outlining details such as; date, duration, choice and number of questions confidentiality is maintained during preparation and handling of examination documents 102

LGA3103 STORIES FOR YOUNG LEARNERS groups of Learners being assessed at different times are provided with different examination questions specific resources or equipment required are available and in good working order the allocation and weighting of marks is clear to the Learner the Learner is aware of the weighting of the examination in relation to the award Learners are given a quiet environment in which to complete the examination A clear marking scheme and outline solution should also be devised that highlights how specific marks are to be allocated. i) Theory Based Examination

Theory based examinations may be used to assess the ability of the Learner to recall, apply and understand specific theory and knowledge. Theory based examinations may comprise a range of question types such as: short answer questions require a response of limited length and may take a number of forms. Some short answer questions may seek specific words or phrases in the response structured questions are divided into a number of related parts and generally require the Learner to demonstrate more in-depth knowledge and

understanding of a topic. Structured questions may also seek evidence of cognitive skills such as ability to discuss, compare, analyse, evaluate, translate or solve an issue, problem or topic essay type questions, like structured questions require the Learner to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of a topic. Essay type questions usually focus on one particular area of knowledge and seek evidence of cognitive skills such as ability to discuss, compare, analyse, evaluate, translate or solve an issue, problem or topic multiple choice questions may be used to test factual knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, problem solving and evaluation. As 103


multiple choice questions are not open-ended, they are not useful in assessing communication skills such as the ability to organise and express information and to write fluently and quickly ii) Practical Examinations

Practical examinations are generally used where a set period of time is allocated to the Learner to demonstrate his/her practical knowledge, skills or competency. To ensure that the Learner is adequately prepared for a practical examination they should be provided with a set of instructions outlining: the location and duration of the exam (the duration will depend on the nature of the task) details of the learning outcomes that will be assessed and/or instructions to carry out the assessment materials and/or equipment that the Learner is required to have or that will be provided allocation of marks iii) Aural Examinations

Aural examinations may be used where listening skills and competencies are being assessed; for example in language modules/components. To ensure that Learners are adequately prepared for an aural examination, they should be provided with a set of instructions, generally in writing outlining: the title, location and duration of the examination details of the learning outcomes being assessed how the examination will proceed, for example Learners may have a set period of time to read text prior to commencement and the tape may be played a set number of times details on dictionaries or other reference materials Learners may use


LGA3103 STORIES FOR YOUNG LEARNERS allocation of marks Preparing an Audiotape When devising a practical examination the Assessor may be required to prepare material for use by the Learner e.g. an Audiotape. When preparing this type of material the Assessor should ensure that: adequate instructions and information is provided for Learners an introduction is included with each task with clear instructions regarding the requirement of the separate elements/tasks individual tasks are clearly identified by number a slight pause is left between each task and clear unambiguous diction, tone and pace is used iv) Interview-Style Examinations

When using an interview-style examination the Assessor should ensure that: the full range of potential questions devised are clear and unambiguous and are based on a range of learning outcomes the Learner is aware of the outcomes being assessed and how marks are allocated open questions that require a detailed answer and provide an opportunity for the Learner to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic(s) are used the interview adheres to a similar format and length for each Learner the answer to a question is not prompted by the question or sequenced in a way that one question provides the answer to the following one supplementary questioning is used to understand why a Learner has done a task in a specific way. This may also be used to ensure reliability of Learner evidence



f) Learner Record A learner record is the Learners self-reported and self-reflective record in which he/she describes specific learning experiences, activities, responses and skills acquired. The record may take a number of forms: it can be a structured logbook, a diary, a selective record of events or experiences over a period of time, a learning journal, a lab notebook or a sketchbook. For example a lab notebook could record specific tasks or activities carried out and the analytical results obtained by the Learner. Sketchbooks may contain Learners original drawings, paintings or sketches and can provide evidence of the process of reaching a finished art, craft or design piece. When using a learner record the Assessor should ensure that: the Learner has a clear brief or set of instructions on the format of the record and is aware of what details should be included the brief is based on a range of learning outcomes the Learner is aware of any requirements on the presentation of the Learner record e.g. format a process for maintaining and updating the record is agreed with the Learner g) Project A project is a response to a brief devised by the Assessor. The project is usually carried out over a period of time specified as part of the brief. Projects may involve research, require investigation of a topic, issue or problem or may involve a process such as a design task, a performance or practical activity or production of an artefact or event. The assessment instrument for a project is the Project brief. This is the specific brief or instruction to the Learner. The brief for the project should reflect a range of learning outcomes.



Projects enable Learners to demonstrate achievement of a range of learning outcomes which includes: understanding and application of concepts, use of research and information, the ability to design and evaluate, the ability to produce or construct. The Assessor should ensure that the project brief: reflects a range of learning outcomes is clear and unambiguous indicates the percentage weighting of the project takes into account availability of resources and/or materials that will be required by Learners such as access to research sources includes notice of agreed deadline for submission of evidence includes relevant information such as; requirements for presentation of the project, guidelines on group or collaborative work A clear marking scheme including assessment criteria should also be devised that highlights how the evidence is to be marked. h) Skills Demonstration A skills demonstration is used to assess a wide range of practical based learning outcomes. An Assessor must devise a brief or set of instructions or tasks for Learners. Sufficient Learner evidence must be made available from the skills demonstration for internal verification and external authentication this may include: product/outcome of the tasks where applicable, for example, computer print out photographic or video evidence of Learner completing the task Learner account of task Assessor verification



A skills demonstration may take place in the workplace, in a live environment or in a simulated environment, as appropriate to the requirement of the module

descriptor/component specification. In some specific cases the demonstration must take place in a real/live environment.

Activity 4 1. Create an evaluation form for a story writing assignment.

Tutorial Task: 1. Discuss how aural-oral and written assessment can be part of a portfolio for storytelling for young learners.


Covington, Michael A. (2004). What Should Grades Means. University of Georgia. Retrieved on July 8 2013 from

Paulson, F.L. Paulson, P.R. and Meyer, CA. (1991, February). "What Makes a Portfolio a Portfolio?" Educational Leadership, pp. 60-63.

Pinter, Annamaria (2006). Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford University Press. Definition of aural-oral. Retrieved on July 8 2013 from

Wickham, Ruth (2013).Types of Assessment. Brighton Education.



Appendix 1


Name:________________________________________________________ Student ID. NO. _____________________ Course:____________Sect:___________Date: ________________________ Title of Short Story _______________________________________________ By: _____________________

CRITERIA 1. time requirements 2. 100 words minimum 3. voice command and control 4. proper posturing 5. eye contact with audience 6. self-confidence 7. proper intonation patterns 8. originality 9. story appropriate for level PROFESSORS COMMENTS Score ___________

OK / N


Prepared by: Rohaida Binti A Rahmat IPG Kampus Kota Bharu. 109

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