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Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Accruals Adjusting Entries Administrative Expenses Advertising Expenses Aging of Accounts Receivable Assets Auditing Authorized Stock Average Cost ethod !

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!ad "ebts Expense !alance Sheets !ank Accounts !ank Service Charge !ank Statements !earer !onds !ond Certificates !ond #ndenture !onding$ Employee !onds Payable !onus !ook %alue !ookkeeping !reak&even Point !udget !uildings !y&la's Calendar (ear Call Price

Callable !onds Canceled Check Capital Capital )eases Carrying %alue Cash Cash&basis Accounting Cash E*uivalents Cash Receipts Chart of Accounts Charter for Corporations Check Register Checks Closing Entries Collection Common Stock Compound #nterest Consigned +oods Consolidated ,inancial Statements Contigent )iabilities Contribution Controllers Controlling #nterest Convertible !onds Copyrights Cost Accounting Cash ,lo' Collateral Cost of Capital Cost of +oods Sold Cost&volume&profit Analysis -C%P. Credit Cards Crediting argin

J7 LMNO$P + +Q 1=> ; R ;S>E ;T UV FGH $PW? $P ! XY* Z [ E \ ] ^ _` a*^ FG7 .+ ;bc def +.+ .+ .+ cZ!g h

Creditors Cross&footing Cumulative "ividend Current Assets Current )iabilities "ebenture !onds "ebiting "eclaration "ate "eferred Revenue "eficit "epletion "eposits in /ransit "epreciation "irect )abor "iscount "ividends "ouble&entry System "ra'ings Earnings Effective&interest Employees E*uipment E*uity Expenses ,ace %alue ,actory 0verhead ,air %alue ,ederal 1nemployment /axes ,#CA -,ederal #nsurance Contribution Acts./axes ,inancial Accounting Standards !oard -,AS!. ,inancial Statements ,inancing Activities ,inished +oods ethod

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,irst&in$ ,irst&out ,iscal (ear ,ixed Assets ,ooting ,raud ,reight Costs ,ringe !enefits +ains +eneral 2ournal +eneral )edgers

ethod -,#,0.

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+enerally Accepted Accounting Principles -+AAP. +oing Concern +ood'ill +ross Profit #mprest System #ncome Statements #ncome /axes #ntangible Assets #nterest #nternal Control #nternal Rate of Return #nventory #nvestment 2ournals )abor )ast&in$ ,irst&out )iabilities )icenses )imited )iability Companies )imited Partners )i*uidation )i*uidity Ratios )ong&term )iabilities ethod -)#,0.

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)osses on #nvestments )o'er of Cost or anagement anufacturing 0perations arket %alue arketing atching Principle aturity "ate edicare erchandise #nventory ortgage utual ,unds 3AS"A4 -3ational Association of Security "ealers5Automation 4uotations. 3et #ncome 3et )oss 3et Present %alue 3e' (ork Stock Exchange -3(SE. 3ot&for&profit 0rganizations 3otes Payable 3otes Receivable 3S, Check 0bsolescence 0perating Activities 0perating Expenses 0perating )eases 0pportunity Cost 0utstanding Checks 0verhead 0'ner5s Capital Paid&in Capital Parent Company Partnerships arket -)C .

M.+]> R >K $ &'r :R f1 de ; - 7j > .

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Patents Payee Payroll Pension ,unds Percentage&of&completion Periodic #nventory Systems Permanent Accounts Perpetual #nventory Systems Petty Cash Plant Assets Posting Preferred Stock Premium6 on !onds Prepaid Expenses Price&Earnings -P&E. Ratio Process Cost Systems Profit argin ethod

Z i |6 ;; |!/ '1R - 1R ; | * 7> @ !.+R Z +P E| !g *PiWr' J>K > .^ J T

Promissory 3otes Property$ Plant$ and E*uipment -PPE. Proprietorships Ratio Analysis Ra' aterials

Real Estate Record "ate Redemption Price Research and "evelopment -R7". Costs Residual %alue Retailers Retained Earnings Return on #nvestment -R0#. Revenues Salaries Sales

Sales /ax Salvage %alue Securities Selling Expenses Serial !onds Shareholder5s E*uity Short&term #nvestments Sinking ,unds Social Security /axes State 1nemployment /axes Stock Certificates Stock Splits Straight&line Amortization Subsidiary Company Sunk Cost Suppliers Supply Chain /emporary Accounts /erm !onds /ime %alue of /rademarks /ransactions /reasurer /reasury Stock /rial !alance /rustee 1nearned Revenue 1nit Production Costs 1nlimited )iability 1seful )ife of Assets %ariable Costs %ouchers 8ages Payable oney ethod

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8eighted&average 8holesalers 8ork in Process 8ork Sheet 8orking Capital


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