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Writing an Effective

Speaker: Sohaib Waheed
A workshop by ACM GIKI Student
Workshop Topics
Resume and its Sections.
Common Resume problems.
Submitting E-Resumes.
Cover letters.
Related Topics.
Your resume is a tool that helps you to
SELL YOURSELF through pertinent, unique
details that STAND OUT
RELATE YOUR SKILLS and achievements
to the job
Resume Sections
Career objective
Work Experience
Special Projects/ Courses
Awards and Activities
Resume Sections- cont.
Resumes generally use your full name.
1) Dates you will be at college and permanent addresses
2) Telephone number at each address
3) Active email address
Resume Sections- cont.
Career Objective
Relate this section directly to the job you want
and make sure you tie in the skills you have
acquired from particular jobs, outside
activities, or your education.
Resume Sections- Career obj.
A position involving the development of management
information systems on mini- or microcomputers, leading
to responsibilities as a systems analyst.
A summer internship with a construction company that
requires skills in field engineering, cost controlling,
planning, scheduling, and estimating.
A position as a systems analyst, stressing technical,
communication, and supervisory skills.
Resume Sections- Education
This is a major section for most of us.
1) name of college;
2) degree and graduate date;
3) major/minor;
4) grade point average (optional).
Resume Sections- Education
What aspect do you want to emphasize:
a) your degree?
b) your college?
c) your GPA?
XYZ University
Bachelor of Science, May 1999
Major: Electronics; GPA: 3.0/4.0
Bachelor of Science in Electronics, May 1999
XYZ University, GPA: 3.0/4.0
Resume Sections- Work Exp.
Work Experience
-List job titles, places worked, and dates.
-Use action verbs to describe the work you did.
Break the job into short descriptive sentences that begin
with action verbs e.g. supervised, analyzed, researched,
designed. Use them to help the employer picture you as
an active person on the job.
Resume Sections- Work Exp.
Research Analyst
J on Dear, Inc.; Waterloo, Iowa; Summer 1978.
- Supervised 13 assistants gathering information on
cows' eating habits
- Researched most recent information on cows'
nutritional needs
- Analyzed data to determine how to reduce number of
feeding hours while maintaining nutritional quality
Resume Sections-
Special Projects/Courses
List the courses which are different from the
ones everyone must take in your major or are
high-level courses that are really important.
Describe major/related projects briefly, giving
the most important facts.
Remember the recruiter already knows the basic courses taken in your
major. Let these sections show the special courses or skills you have to offer.
Resume Sections- Skills
Group your skills under 2-3 basic skills
categories that relate to the job you are
seeking and use these as skill headings.
Prog. Languages, Development Softwares ,
Tools etc.
Resume Sections-
Awards and Activities
This section points out your leadership,
sociability and energy level as shown in
your different activities. You should:
-list organizations in order of importance.
-add any official position you have had.
-choose activities that support your job
Resume Sections- References
References: available upon request.
This sentences allows you to be selective as to
who gets your list of references.
Common Resume Problems
Little or no Work Experience.
Expand your definition of experience to
include paid, non-paid , volunteer ,tutoring,
sports, and mosque activities.
Common Resume Problems
Wrong Kind of Experience
Highlight skills learnt that might be applicable
to the new job. Use language of the targeted
Common Resume Problems
Wrong kind of degree
- Omit major
- Mention related Courses
- Example:
GIK Institute Bachelor of Science, 2001
Coursework included:
Industrial Management
Statistics & Statistical Analysis
Project Management
Don't include your resume as an attachment
Do include your resume as part of an e-mail.
Write a cover letter.
Don't forget to make your e-mail address and
phone number visible.
Do format your resume for the Web.
Use ASCII format
Limit each line in your resume to 72
Take your e-resume out for a test drive.
Make a Keyword Resume.
-Examples of keywords include: Microsoft, product management, SQL Server,
HR, human resources, communications skills, MBA etc.
Use Appropriate terminology.
Cover letters
A cover letter serves two important functions-
It introduces and sells you.
Keep it short
State the position
Explain why you want the job
Clearly describe ways you will contribute
Keep the tone and content professional
Related Topics- How to start
Start by making a full length resume.
Review the job description
Present the tangible results of your
Highlight relevant skills
Related Topics
Table Resume

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