Pakistan's Special Forces Did It: Antony

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RNI No. TNENG/1970/49945 ISSN 0971 - 751X Vol. 44 No. 190 City Edition 34 Pages Rs. 4.00







Printed at Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Madurai, Noida, Visakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Vijayawada, Mangalore, Tiruchirapalli, Kolkata, Hubli, Mohali, Allahabad, Malappuram and Lucknow



Drop in revenue from BBMP markets irks Mayor

Pakistans special forces did it: Antony

Defence Ministers fresh statement calms situation; Sharif expresses regret PARLIAMENT IMBROGLIO

Aarti Dhar and Sandeep Dikshit

NEW DELHI: Even as Defence

108 ambulance staff to resume work today

Special Correspondent
BANGALORE: The services of

Minors father arrested after she gives birth to baby

Staff Reporter
BANGALORE: A 42-year-old

2 3


Labour Ministry puts BMRCL on notice


No, we never changed our version: Army sources

Special Correspondent
SRINAGAR: Highly placed sources in the Armys

SC claries its order in Taj case
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court claried on Thursday that its judgment in respect of the former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Mayawati, was only in the Taj Corridor case and it did not go into other aspects, including the allegation that she amassed assets disproportionate to the known sources of her income.

4 Pages

10 Pages

Minister A.K. Antony amended his statement on the killing of ve Indian soldiers on the Line of Control (LoC) after vociferous protests by the Bharatiya Janata Party, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed sadness over the bloodletting on the border but did not respond to the Indian charge of active involvement by the Pakistan Army. The Defence Ministers revised statement helped bring the temperature down, facilitating resumption of Parliament as was evident in the remarks that followed by the Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj. The BJP, which in the last two days has been publicly demanding that the government should not have any engagement with Islamabad at any level, toned down its stridency. Ms. Swaraj tweeted: I am happy with today's statement of the Defence Minister. Let us deal with the terror rst. We will talk later. Signicantly, after a meeting with his Foreign Ministry officials in Islamabad, Mr. Sharif was very clear that he was looking forward to his meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New York later next

Northern Command headquarters insisted there was never any change in the forces version of the LoC killings. In our preliminary report to New Delhi on Tuesday, we made it unambiguously clear that the assault had been carried out by the specially trained regular army commandos of Border Action Team. We emphasised that it was a completely professional strike, not possible from irregular non-State actors. On Wednesday, we maintained the same before the visiting Army chief. On Thursday, we said the same, one of the senior Army officials told The Hindu on condition of anonymity. We have no idea of the political or bureaucratic interventions in New Delhi, he asserted. We did not tell the Army chief anything different from what we had reported on day one. We were never under any illusion with regard to such attacks. He said heads would have rolled in the event of such a goof-up. Interestingly, the sources said the Army chiefs meeting took place with the eld commanders as per schedule. It had been xed at Rajouri. Later, it was convened at Akhnoor, informed sources said.

month. In what is to be the rst formal contact after taking over as Prime Minister, Mr. Sharif expected that the meeting would help discuss steps to further build trust and consolidate the relationship. Besides, expressing sadness over recurring bouts of violence on the LoC, Mr. Sharif felt it was imperative to take effective steps to ensure and restore ceasere on the LoC. Emphasising the full utilisation of existing military to military channels to prevent misunderstanding that could escalate into an unmanageable situation, he expressed Pakistans read-

iness to discuss further steps for strengthening the existing mechanisms at political as well as military levels. In Parliament, Mr. Antony was more preoccupied with correcting the political damage from his Wednesdays statement that appeared to have let Pakistan Army off the hook. Warning that...

108 ambulances will be normal from Friday. The management of GVKEMRI, which operates the 108 ambulance service, and representatives of its drivers and nurses, reached a temporary agreement to end the strike in larger public interest after the Karnataka High Court intervened. While the management agreed to take back all the employees who were given the sack after their participated in the strike, representatives of employees agreed to report for duty on Friday morning. Meanwhile, the High Court said those employees who are staying in far-away places and cannot report for duty by Friday morning, should resume work by Saturday morning. However, this interim measure would be subject to the outcome of the meeting convened by the Minister for Health on August 14 to discuss the issues with the management and the representatives of employees. Both the parties led a joint memo before a Division Bench, comprising Justice K.L. Manjunath and Justice Ravi Malimath, during the hearing of a public interest

Temporary pact reached after High Court intervention

litigation (PIL) petition led by Kodur Venkatesh of the Arise India Foundation. Earlier, during the hearing the Bench told the counsel of both the GVK-EMRI as well as the employees that it would be better for them to settle the matter mutually before the High Court as it may take years for settlement of their wage-related issues before the labour court. Also, the Bench said that it was more concerned about the need of ambulance service for the people, particularly in rural areas, while emphasizing the need for resuming the ambulance services through its regular staff. At one stage of the arguments, the Bench was about to pass the order asking the government to effectively continue the alternative arrangements made to operate the ambulance services as the counsel for employees was insisting on certain technicalities. However, the Bench disposed of the petition after both the parties nally agreed to walk through conciliatory path as a temporary measure in public interest.

tal after she complained of severe pain. The doctors then told her mother that she was in labour. The mother said that pregnancy did not show since her daughter was hefty. She told us that her father had been abusing her, she added. According to the mother, a garment factory worker, the minor (youngest of three children) had even attended college on Wednesday. While her elder sister is married, her brother is a daily wage labourer. The Byatrayanapura police registered a case of rape Mother unaware under section 376 of IPC Speaking to reporters, the and arrested the father on girls mother said: I was un- Thursday after the girl aware that she was preg- stated in the complaint that nant. Over the last three her father had been sexually months, she had been con- abusing her. However, he stantly complaining of denied the allegation, the stomach ache. However, police said. when we took her to a few Deputy Commissioner of hospitals, including ESI Police (West) C. Rajappa hospital, the doctors told us said that they were questhat it was due to gastric tioning the father. problems and prescribed Meanwhile, doctors at the some medicines. Vani Vilas Hospital said that On Wednesday night, the the girl was doing well after girl was rushed to the hospi- the delivery.

autorickshaw driver has been arrested for allegedly sexually abusing his teenage daughter, who was delivered of a baby girl at Vani Vilas Hospital here on Thursday. The alleged abuse by the father came to light only after the girl, who gave birth to the baby, told her mother about the repeated abuse by the father. The 16-year-old is a rstyear pre-university student in a private college in the city. While the Bytarayanapura police arrested the father, based on the teenagers complaint, the mother refused to conrm or deny the alleged sexual abuse by her husband.

The 16-year-old says her father sexually abused her

Union Cabinet okays Opposition amendments to land Bill

Nitin Sethi
NEW DELHI: The Union Cabi-

net on Thursday cleared amendments to the Land Acquisition Bill to accommodate Opposition views. The Rural Development Ministry moved three changes to accommodate what it believed were the key points that emerged from an all-party meeting held earlier. The Cabinet approved amending the Bill to ensure that in cases where compulsory acquisition has not been completed by the time of its passage the process would lapse and would have to be restarted under the new law. This has been done to ensure that States do not go for compulsory acquisitions under the existing easy norms in anticipation of the new Bill being passed by Parliament.

Retrospective clause
This retrospective clause has been brought back after the meeting. The proceedings under the previous law will lapse if an award under Section 11 of the Law Acquisition Act, 1894, has not been granted or land possession not taken. THE HINDU greets its readers on the occasion of ID-UL-FITR

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