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Relay Selection and Power Allocation Strategies for Amplify and Forward Relaying System

S.Arunmozhi1 Research scholar in SCSVMV University Kancheepuram, India

Abstract Power allocation strategies are developed for two way amplify-and-forward relaying system in flat fading channels. Optimal Power Allocation is done with the help of multi-user amplify and forward wireless relay networks, where multiple source-destination pairs are assisted by a set of relays. Relay Selection and Power allocation problems for two way Amplify and-Forward is investigated. Asymptotic Overall Symbol Error probability (AOSEPs) under two analyses is first derived for different modulation schemes. In order to achieve full diversity order, alternative power allocation and relay selection methods are replaced by the instantaneous one instead of statistical channel information. The diversity order of the instantaneous based power allocation is verified by deriving the upper and lower bounds of the corresponding Asymptotic Overall Outage Probability.

Dr. G. Nagarajan2, Professor and Head, ECE, Pondicherry Engineering College. Puducherry, India (
systems [2]. Under the working assumption that subscribers will not be willing to pay the same amount per data bit as for voice bits, a drastic increase in the number of base stations does not seem economically justifiable. Relays do not have a wired connection to the backhaul. Instead, they store the data received wirelessly from the BS and forward to the user terminals, and vice versa [3] [4]. Thus, the costs of the backplane that serves as the interface between the BS and the wired backhaul network can be eliminated for a relay. Due to the half-duplex restriction at each node, complete one-way relaying for one symbol sent from the source to reach the destination needs two phases. To simultaneously exchange information between the source and destination (which can be viewed as another source), two way relaying schemes were investigated in [4][5], where the relays receive the sum of signals from both sources.

Index Terms - Amplify and Forward; Asymptotic Overall Symbol Error probability; Power Allocation; Relay Selection; Signal to noise ratio; Diversity order..


II. RELATED WORK An analysis is done for a two-way AF relaying system that includes two sources say S1 and S2. A set of N available relays (Ri, i = 1, . . .,N) is considered. The transmission strategy is a two-phase transmission; Phase I of the transmission is called as multiple-access phase, and Phase II is called as broadcasting phase. In addition, in each twophase transmission, only one relay is used to join in cooperation with the two sources. Therefore, hi and gi denote the instantaneous channel gains between source 1 to relay and source 2 to relay. The gains hi and gi are assumed to be independent and distributed complex Gaussian random variables (CGRVs) with zero-mean and variances and (i.e., hi ~ CN(0, )and gi ~ CN(0, ) ), respectively. It is also assumed that all of the channels are flat-fading and quasistatic and the relay operate in the half-duplex manner. In Phase I, S1 and S2 transmit the messages m1 and m2 simultaneously to the ith relay (Ri), which is cooperating with the two sources, where i = {1,2,...,N}. The received signal at Ri can be denoted as (1)

Cooperative communication has received great attention in recent years because it enlarges signal coverage and/or leads to a higher spatial diversity order by introducing relays. Due to the half-duplex restrictions at each node, a complete one-way relaying for one symbol, sent from the source to reach the destination is carried out using two phases. The very high data rates envisioned for fourth generation (4G) wireless systems for a large area do not appear to be feasible with the conventional cellular architectures. The two basic reasons are given. First, the transmission rates envisioned for 4G systems are two orders of magnitude higher than those of 3G systems. This demand creates serious power concerns since it is well known that for a given transmit power level, the symbol (and thus bit) energy decreases linearly with the increasing transmission rate. Second, the spectrum that will be released for 4G systems will almost certainly be located well above the 2 GHz band used by the 3G systems. The radio propagation in these bands is significantly more vulnerable to non line-of-sight conditions, which is the typical mode of operation in todays urban cellular communications. The brute force solution to these two problems is to significantly increase the density of base stations, resulting in considerably higher deployment costs that would only be feasible if the number of subscribers also increased at the same rate[1]. This seems unlikely, with the penetration of cellular phones already high in developed countries. On the other hand, the same number of subscribers will have a much higher demand in transmission rates, making the aggregate throughput rate the bottleneck in future wireless

where E[ 2] = E[ 2] = 1, ~CN(0, 2), and P1 and P2 denote the transmit power from S1 and S2., respectively. The re-transmission signal from Ri can be written as , (2)

where a is the normalized factor at Ri and denotes the transmit power of Ri. During Phase II, the Ri broadcasts the signal x Ri to S1 and S2 such that the received signals of S1 and S2can be represented as (3) (4) respectively. Both n1 and n2 follows CN(0, 2). Asymptotic overall symbol error probability (AOSEP) of the system with M-PSK and M-QAM modulation schemes based on the equations below:
*( ) *( ) + +

scheme). Therefore, the statistics-based relay selection scheme can be defined as ( ) (10)

The standard deviation trms are generally related to the distance parameters. It is given as and , where and are the Euclidean distance between S1 to Ri and S2 to Ri respectively and denotes the propagation loss component. We can rewrite the equation 10 as ( ) (11)


Therefore, the knowledge of the distance information between the two sources to all the relays the optimal relay is being selected. In addition, considering the case of N = 1, we assume that S1, S2 and R (Ri is replaced by R) are located in a two dimensional x-y plane, and that the coordinates of S1, S2 and R are set as (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (xR, yR), respectively. A complex optimization is proposed in [7] and a feasible solution is obtained. It is found that minimizing AOSEP requires balancing the channel effects of S1 and S2 to R. it is found that P1 = P2 = PT/4 and PR = PT/2. IV. COMBINED STATISTICS BASED POWER ALLOCATION AND


In high-SNR regimes, the results in (5) and (6) can be asymptotically approximated, respectively, as
*( *( ) + + )

(7) (8)

We first analyze the asymptotic symbol error probability (ASEP) of S1 with M-QAM and M-PSK modulation schemes, and then, based on an analysis similar to that we observed from S1, the ASEP of S2 with M-QAM and MPSK modulation schemes also is obtained. III. POWER ALLOCATION AND RELAY SELECTION UNDER STATISTICAL CHANNEL INFORMATION Power Allocation An optimum power allocation (OPA) scheme (under statistical channel information power allocation scheme) is being proposed for P1, P2, and PRi in terms of statistical channel information to minimize the AOSEP. The optimal overall probability of error of the system is represented as ( ) (9) A.


An optimal AOSEP can be obtained using the two statistical methods of relay selection and power allocation schemes. The modified form of equation 9 is obtained as, ( ) (12)

The combined method does not require to update of channel state Information and obviously it can improve the throughput. The diversity order is still inferior to that of a relay system taking care of instantaneous power allocation schemes. V. SIMULATION RESULTS A computer simulation of the theoretical analysis was done. Figure 1 depicts the overall symbol error probability in the entire communication period for different modulation schemes. Figure 2, gives a picture of the various relays present between a source and destination as a function of varying distance parameter. It is found that the relay 4 gives an optimal performance for a 64 PSK modulation scheme, where the distance was considered to be minimum. Figure 3 depicts the average latency as a function of time for single hop scenario. The delay is less in Equal Power Allocation(EPA) and maximum number of packets is being delivered. The performance of the proposed Optimal Power allocation scheme is near to the EPA scheme. Figure 4 compares the modulation schemes and shows their OSEP performance. Simulation Parameters

where SNRT = PT /2 denotes the transmit SNR. Eq (9) is obviously proportional to the ratio of ( ).

To efficiently use one relay selected from all the relays, we aim to find the relay that has the minimum value of ( ) in all two-way links. Based on the above

observations, a selection scheme is developed using the statistical channel information as follows. B. Relay Selection According to equation 9, a relay selection scheme is established for searching one relay with the minimum AOSEP among all of the relays (i.e., statistics-based relay selection

P1 = P2 = PR = 1 PT = 3

Fig. 1. OSEP versus SNR(db)

Fig. 3 Average Latency as a function of Time

Fig. 2 Signal to Noise ratio for modulation scheme

Fig. 4. OSEP versus SNR(db)

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VI. CONCLUSION An asymptotic overall symbol error probabilities of a two-way AF relaying system for both M-QAM and M-PSK according to the second-order channel statistics for the case of one relay cooperating with two sources, along with the corresponding optimum power allocation and relay selection schemes to minimize the error probabilities. Further the performance of the relaying system taking into account the Instantaneous Power into consideration may give a better performance. REFERENCES
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