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______________________________________ |////////////////////////////////////| |////////////////////////////////////| |//SYNDICATE ZMAGAZINE Issue #102//| |//================================//| |//EDITOR |April 18, 1988 //| |// Ron

Kovacs |Vol 3, No. 3 //| |//================|===============//| |//ASST PUBLISHER |TECHNICAL EDT. //| |// Ken Kirchner | W.K. Whitton //| |//================================//| |////////////////////////////////////| |////////////////////////////////////| |____________________________________| |Syndicate Zmagazine c/o SPC | |Post Office Box 74 | |Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0074 | |____________________________________| |Now online on: CompuServe Atari 8 | | GENie Services | | Delphi | |____________________________________| |Services Address information: | |CompuServe 71777,2140 | |GEnie ST-REPORT | |Delphi RONKOVACS | |The Source BDG793 | |____________________________________| |CONTENTS | |____________________________________| |*|Atari News Update | |*|Light Gun Modification | |*|Newsroom Review | |*|SpitFire 40 Review | |*|FCC Hoax --Reprinted from STR-- | |*|News and Rumours | |*|Zmag Registration Required | |*|Software Compression (Opinion) | |*|User Group Reprint | |*|Terminal Software Comparison | |*|ST-Report Modem Guide | |_|__________________________________| ______________________________________ Atari News Update ______________________________________ ATARI ON MOST ACTIVE LIST OF APRIL 8 ==================================== Stock Sales Last Net Chg. -------------------------------------Lorimar Tel 433,700 15 off 1/4 Wang Lab B 368,900 12 off 1/4 Dome Petrol 352,200 1 unch DWG Corp 338,400 8 1/4 up 1 1/4 Amrcs Scr 313,100 3 3/8 off 3/8 ENSCO 296,700 3 3/8 up 1/8 Amdahl Corp 268,200 35 3/4 up 1 1/8 Cmputr Conso 263,500 7 1/4 up 3/8 BAT Indus 233,100 8 3/8 up 7-16 *Atari Corp* 230,000 6 5/8 off 1/8

ATARI ON MOST ACTIVE WEEK APRIL 9 |================================ *Atari Corp* 785,000 7 6 1/4 6 5/8 off 1/2 ______________________________________ Modification --Light Gun-______________________________________ by Dennis Griffin It seems that in -Atari's Great Marketing Plan- the 8-bit users are to be forgotten again. Atari released a wonderful game, Barnyard Blaster, complete with great graphics and special effects. I can even buy it locally. What's the problem? To play the game you must have a light gun. No problem for the owners for the new XE Game Machine (a redesigned 65XE), for the light gun comes with the unit. However, this light gun is not sold apart from Game Machine. Add to this a house full of kids watching their friends use the Sega and Nintendo light guns. That gave me an idea. Hook up one of the other guns. The Sega Has the same kind of plug so I tried that one. To make it work you must change the pin out. computer joystick port one ___________ \1 2 3 4 5/-----\6 7 8 9/----- | ------| | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | --------| | | | Sega plug | | | | ___________ | | | --\1 2 3 4 5/ | | | \6 7 8 9/------| ------| | | | | --------- --------AS YOU LOOK AT THE COMPUTER AND SEGA PLUG Note: The connection from the computers #9 pin is made to the #8 pin of the Sega plug. I also adapted a light pen program from Analog.

10 REM TARGET 20 REM BY DENNIS GRIFFIN 30 REM XADJ & YADJ IN LINE 40 REM 100 FOR SOFTWARE 50 REM SIGHT ADJUSTMENTS 100 XADJ=10:YADJ=12 110 GRAPHICS 7:POKE 712,14:POKE 708,0:SHOTS=0:POKE 752,1 115 COLOR 3:PLOT 0,80:DRAWTO 0,0:DRAWTO 159,0:DRAWTO 159,80 120 COLOR 2:PLOT 80,20:DRAWTO 80,60:PLOT 60,40:DRAWTO 100,40:COLOR 1 125 PRINT TARGET BY DENNIS GRIFFIN130 IF PEEK(54016)<>255 THEN 130 140 SHOTS=SHOTS+1 150 IF PEEK(54016)=255 THEN 150 160 X=PEEK(564)-XADJ:Y=PEEK(565)-YADJ 170 IF X<25 THEN X=X+228 180 X=X-80:Y=Y-18 190 IF X<0 THEN X=0 200 IF X>159 THEN X=159 210 IF Y<0 THEN Y=0 220 IF Y>79 THEN Y=79 230 PLOT X,Y 240 FOR P=17 TO 25 250 SOUND 0,P,8,(RND(0)*10+5)/(0.1*P) 260 SOUND 1,P+20,8,(RND(0)*10+5)/(0.1*P) 270 NEXT P:SOUND 0,0,0,0:SOUND 1,0,0,0 280 IF SHOTS<10 THEN 130 290 END The Sega/Atari Gun works great and now I have happy kids. I only wish I could get my computer back. ______________________________________ Software Review (The NewsRoom) ______________________________________ reviewed by Bill Pike PAC review copy loaned by IB Computers Springboard Software has ported NEWSROOM to the 8-bit ATARI machines. The program requires 64k of memory (800xl, 65xe, or 130xe computers) A 1050 or ENHANCED DENSITY COMPATIBLE disk drive and a PRINTER, a joystick is optional. By the way you MUST load the program with BASIC enabled (keepa you fingers off the OPTION key) This is a program that has proven very popular on the Apple and Commodore machines. The program is the first desktop publishing released by a major manufacturer for the ATARI 8-bit machine. The cost is $39.95 and it comes in a plastic box containing the program disks, documentation for the program, advertising for other Springboard products, and the warranty card. There is a unlimited lifetime warranty on the software,for a $5.00 charge and proof of purchase.

Now, -the facts Mam, just the facts.-. Newsroom appears to be aimed at the 7-13 year old market. There are several sections to the Newsroom the Banner, the Photo Lab, the Copy Desk, the Layout, and the Press. Newsroom uses a series of 8 plates to construct a 8 1/2- X 11- page (2 across and 4 down) or you can have a Banner (headline) and 6 plates (banner + 2 across and 3 down). You can also print on a legal size sheet with 10 plates. Each plate is one graphics 8 screen. The clip art disk contains rather cutesy line drawings of various aliens, space ships, dogs, cats, birds, and people. There are several maps of various continents some with countries shown. You can take rectangular sections out of any of the clip art files. You can position the artwork anywhere on the plate you are working on. You can erase, re-draw, or fill any of these pieces. There is a magnification option for fine work. However, once you modify the clip art, in any way, you cannot save it back to a clip art disk. You have to save it as a photo. You can create your own clip art but you are not allowed to maneuver the art around or crop it or change it. Once you start to work with the clip art you MUST save it as a photo, you CANNOT save it back to the clip art disk. There are 5 fonts that you are able to print with; Small Serif, Small Sans Serif, Large Serif, Large Sans Serif, and Large English. The cursor is sized to fit one letter, which is nice for text placement. However those are all the fonts you get and you can't get no more. The program will fit text around a icon, artwork, automatically. However you MUST type in each letter, you CANNOT use a text file. This means there is nothing more than simple text editing available. You are unable to use a separate word processor or spelling checker. The printed output of the program looks OK but nothing exceptional, However you can fill in shading on the banner and/or clip art for a better look.

The amount of warnings regarding copywrite are something to see, on the front page of the manual you are told that these disks are copy protected and that trying to copy them can destroy the program and/or your equipment. You are told to send your warranty card, the backup copy order card, your proof of purchase (sales slip)[you are told to make a copy of the sales slip for your files] and include $12 for a backup copy. In the back of the book you are told that you can make one copy of the program for backup purposes but you may only use the program on one computer at a time and that you MAY NOT SELL the program without the consent of Springboard Publishing. In other words YOU BOUGHT IT YOU'RE STUCK WITH IT! You are also told that you have purchased the media, disks and documentation, but Springboard retains all rights to the program or any part there-of. However you are allowed to make unlimited copies of the newsletter output. All in all the program appears to be designed for the elementary classroom. The commands are, for the most part, icon driven and are relatively easy to use. If you wish to pay $40 to allow your kids to put together a newsletter this looks like your best bet. But if you are doing serious desk top publishing on a adult level I would recommend News Station and News Station Companion by Reeve Software or Dot Magic from the Cryptic Wizard. They do much more for a lot less money. ______________________________________ Software Review --SpitFire 40-______________________________________ by Bill Pike PAC Ctsy PAC User Group Review copy loaned by IB Computers Spitfire 40 says that it is a accurate reproduction of both the cockpit and flight characteristics of the late model Spitfire. It appears that these claims are accurate. I am unable to comment on the flight characteristics or panel arrangement as I have never flown a Spitfire of any type.

The simulation takes into account the records in your logbook raising the difficulty in controlling the plane, as well as the skill of your opposition, becomes greater as you get more experience. The price of the program is $24.95 at IB computers and it is distributed by Avalon Hill. You may look at the instrument panel or a forward view thru the windscreen. You also have the option of a map in 3 scales so you can figure out where you are at, maybe. You have control over; gear, flaps, brakes, rpm, rudder, and other various items. You have the keyboard and joystick to control all of these. The joystick controls the aileron and elevator. The use of the trigger button is obvious. Getting down to business. You are given the option of Practice or Game. If you chose game you are given the further options of Fighter or Bomber. I highly recommend Practice to start off with even if you have flown a computer plane before, this one is tricky. The program is very nice in not only telling you that you have -Bought the Farm Old Boy- but also how you did it, Thanks A Lot. I haven't been able to do better than crash land the plane with major damage, but it was at a airport. The ground graphics leave something to be desired. The airports from 2000ft look to be about the same as a real situation of 5-6000ft., in other words a blue dot on the green land. The runway, when you finally find it, appears to be about the same graphic quality of Ace of Aces by Accolade. The flying graphics are pretty good but keep a close watch in the rear view mirror as you will get jumped a lot from behind during Game, during Practice you will not be attacked. You won't be attacked from the side as you have no view there. You have to abide by all the flight rules for all maneuvers regarding power and control settings, or take the risk of a stall and spin. You will then -Buy the Farm Old Boy- and be told what you did wrong in typical British understatement. All in all a pretty good program

however I have been spoiled by Flight Simulator and F-15 Strike Eagle so what can I say? The program does give you a good idea of what actually went on in a WWII dogfight and the problems of the fighter pilots. This program does keep records of your performance and increases in difficulty as you get more experience, which most other programs of this type don't, so you are always challenged. I guess that the newer flight programs are reaching the limits of a 8-bit computer. The program is a good buy, but not a great one. ______________________________________ FCC Hoax ______________________________________ This may be distributed electronically as long as credit is given to the source. Copyright (C) 1988, The Herald Company, Syracuse, New York by Al Fasoldt Sysop-Tecnofile BBS (315) 685-5385 Computer BBS operators have been passing around urgent messages in the last few months warning of what they believe is a government attempt to license BBS operations. These ''sysops,'' as BBS system operators are called, are calling for quick action to keep the government from placing private computer communications in the same category as amateur radio transmissions. The messages being passed from computer to computer say the government may try to license BBS owners the same way it now licenses ham radio operators - and this, they say, would be the first step toward federal regulation of every BBS in the United States. The government is already monitoring BBS operations, according to these warnings. They claim that federal funds are paying for a special BBS in Connecticut that is snooping on other bulletin boards. The sysop of this federal BBS has been quoted as saying it is being run as a test for the government and FCC to determine if bulletin board systems ... should be charged for use.'' A major electronic publication, Info-Mat, picked up on the story and

added its own warning, as did a columnist for the monthly print magazine ''Computer Shopper.'' In both cases, the account was presented as fact. Unfortunately, neither the sysops nor the two publications dug deep enough to uncover the actual origin of the story. It's a hoax, apparently concocted last winter after the Federal Communications Commission began looking into new reports that computer hackers had used their telephone modems to call large business and government computers and destroy files. The FCC inquiry had nothing to do with computer bulletin boards, which are usually run on personal computers to give callers a place to share messages and software. But many of the thousands of sysops around the country apparently became worried enough about government intervention to fall for the story. The hoax centers on a ''government'' bulletin board in Connecticut called the Cyber Foundation BBS. It is an actual BBS (its telephone number is 203-264-5463), but has no connection with the United States government. Whether the hoax originated at the Cyber Foundation BBS or elsewhere isn't certain. However, Info-Mat said one of the magazine's affiliated sysops called the Cyber Foundation and noticed a public bulletin from Chris Regan, who was identified as Cyber's system operator. The Info-Mat account said Regan told callers that Cyber is a ''government supported'' system located in the ''Southbury/Middlebury area'' of Connecticut. ''This is a test,'' Info-Mat quoted Regan as saying, ''to see if Bulletin Boards, their phone lines, and others, should be taxed or have a tariff placed on the information.'' Info-Mat said Regan listed ''the United States Instructional Department'' as the sponsor of the Cyber Foundation BBS. I called both the FCC and the Cyber

Foundation BBS to check out the facts. I logged onto Cyber three times and identified myself as a reporter, but was not - as of last week - allowed to get past the opening message. (The Cyber BBS is set up so that some callers can be barred from every function except logging on, writing a message to the sysop, and logging off.) I left messages for the sysop asking about the ''government'' connection but have not yet received a satisfactory reply. The FCC, however, was quick to respond. ''You must be kidding,'' an FCC spokesman told me when I called Washington. When I quoted the Info-Mat article, another FCC representative came on the line. ''No way,'' the second FCC spokesman said. ''We are doing no such thing. We've never heard of that BBS. And there is no such thing as the United States Instructional Department.'' Calls to a few other agencies gave the same result. However, I did discover that the United States government does in fact operate at least one computer bulletin board. The one that I was able to log onto is the USNO BBS (202 653-1079), in Washington, D.C, run by the United States Naval Observatory. It provides information of interest to amateur and professional astronomers as well as a variety of time-and-date services. One of its most valuable services, if you have an IBM-compatible personal computer, is a program you can download from the USNO BBS that will let your computer automatically call another Navy computer and set its internal clock from the official government clock. You don't need to use the special BASIC language software to get an accurate reading of the time, however. You can have your computer call the Navy's time computer and look at the

seconds ticking off on the screen. That number, at 1200 baud, is 202 653-0351. The Navy computer will automatically log you off after a minute or two. If you call the USNO BBS, be sure to set your telecommunications software to the parameters it requires (they're different from most): 7 data bits, 2 stop bits and even parity. And be prepared to act quickly when you log onto the Navy's BBS. Its computer won't let anyone tarry. You'll see this message if your fingers are fast enough to keep the keyboard busy before the Navy gives you its deepsix: ''Please note that every call is limited to 20 minutes or 14 commands, whichever comes first. This is a protection measure made necessary by some callers who try to use the system for purposes for which it is not intended. The most frequent trouble, however, is failure to follow instructions or inability to hit the right key. In that case typing lessons would be the remedy.'' At least the Navy has a sense of humor. (Readers with computers and modems can read Technofile columns and hundreds of other technology-related texts on the Technofile BBS, at 315 685-5385. By mail, you can reach the Technofile at the Syracuse Newspapers, Box 4915, Syracuse, N.Y. 13221.) ______________________________________ News and Rumours ______________________________________ Compiled by Ron Kovacs Here are a few tidbits of information from around the community. From the April 1988 edition of MAM magazine. (Michigan Atari Magazine). Alan Alda's 5 year contract as Atari spokesman has expired. He will now be found in future IBM commercials with the rest of the M*A*S*H* cast. Other articles appearing this month: Lock and Key For The ST

VOS 1st DOS? Spartados Cont. Set Review Action Programming and many more articles: If you are interested in more info,MAM can be reached via the postal service at: Unicorn Publications 3487 Braeburn Circle Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 or call: Treasure CheST BBS at: 313-973-9137 ______________________________________ Zmag Registration ______________________________________ by Ron Kovacs-Editor All systems carrying ZMagazine and the ST-Report magazine must register for a member number. We need this to be able to list and keep control of our BBS list. This user number you are given, will be used later for any special offers or survey requests. Please call the Syndicate BBS or leave a message on the online services. ______________________________________ Software Compression (A SysOps View) ______________________________________ Opposing points of view are welcome and encouraged. Opinions stated here DO NOT necessarily reflect the magazine ot it's staff. by Kitrick Sonesen The City of Grey (916) 423-3987 300/1200 since 1984 Permission to reprint is granted provided author is credited and the document is not altered in any way. This article MAY NOT be uploaded to Compuserve as I yield not to their claimed 'compilation copyright'. I. DISCLAIMER ============== Let me preface my article with a statement that the views expressed herein are my opinions. Should I claim to state a FACT, I will reference the source of the data. Of late there have been a number of documents posted that contain unsupported claims masquerading as fact.

II. THE SYSOP'S PERSPECTIVE ============================ As a SysOp of The City of Grey, a Sacramento BBS dating back to the dark ages of Atari 8 bit telecommunication, I find the various compression schemes useful for a number of reasons: 1. Compressed files take up less disk space, allowing me to provide more files for the usership. BBS's always need more disk storage space. 2. Users can download more files in less time thereby making the system more available to other users. 3. Related files can be 'linked' with documentation files, source code, and support files. This simplifies the process of software acquisition. III. DOWNLOADER'S PERSPECTIVE ============================== Like most SysOp's, I am always on the lookout for new files to share with my usership. Anyone who frequents online services knows that file transfers can be time-consuming and the meter is ALWAYS it the online service or phone company. A compressed file, by it's nature, is smaller than an uncompressed one, so obviously, there will be savings. A number of users have made the statement that one never knows the contents of a compressed file and therefore one might be downloading software already owned. This is true with respect to disk compression schemes; however, any BBS worth its salt allows a user to 'view' the contents of an ARC'ed file. Some of the more progressive ones even allow downloading of a file buried in the middle of a ARC'ed file. It is also true that none of the online services support either of these features. IV. DISK OR FILE COMPRESSION? ============================== Wild claims have been recently made that one method is superior to another when in fact, both methods have their uses. Some would have us believe that one program or compaction scheme can

be all things to everyone. Well, it just isn't so. Before going much further, I should say that my personal favorite compression programs are as follows: DISK COMPRESSION - DISKCOMM v3.2 FILE COMPRESSION - ARC/ARCX v1.2 You may have noticed that I distinguish between file and disk compressors. This is because there circumstances under which, one method out performs the other. Boot disks, for example, cannot efficiently be ARC'ed - an in between step is required. Small files do not decompress efficiently when compacted by disk compression schemes - a blank or formatted disk is ALWAYS required. For BBS use, I lean toward ARC'ed files because the contents of such files are available for scrutiny by the usership. I am unaware of any existing utility that will display the filenames contained in a file compressed using a disk compression scheme. Given the strengths of whole disk compression relative to boot disks, I don't think such a utility is truly necessary. However, until decompressed, the contents of such a file remain a mystery to the prospective downloader. V. MYDOS CAN BEAT UP YOUR DOS ============================= Of late, a few articles posted on GEnie have made wild accusations and claims boarding on libel regarding the failings of a particular compression scheme. As a software developer, I cannot condone the general slamming of another developer's work. Each author 'sees the elephant' a bit differently and approaches the solution from a different perspective. If that perspective reflects your personal tastes and views, you support his product, be it a DOS, a word processor, or a compression scheme. If not, you keep looking. Attacking a product because you support another is the most immature form of selfgratification known and generally violates the principles of freedom of expression. 'I may not agree with you say, but I will fight for your right

to say it' was the phrase uttered by an obscure American statesman. I can only hope that the developer, whose 'disciple' so rudely and maliciously slammed the efforts of another author for porting over a significant program from the MS DOS world, was unaware of the act. This sort of thing benefits no one, least of all the usership at large. VI IN CLOSING ============== If you care to respond to the opinions expressed in this document, I can be reached at the BBS shown beneath the title or at my GEnie mailing address: K.SONESON (Yes, they misspelled it.) ______________________________________ User Group Reprint 8-Bit Corner ______________________________________ by Bob Fuller This is my first of hopefully many entries for the monthly Solano ACES newsletter. It always seems that the newsletter needs something and I'm glad to contribute. With the a lot of users in the club with or converting to an ST, the 8-bit Ataris seem to have lost their place. Don't get me wrong now, I think the STs are great, but until I get one myself, I'll stick with my 8-bit. To keep the interest in 8-bits up, the newsletter should have an 8-bit section. I mean, what's a non-member to think if he sees the newsletter but has never gone to a meeting? He may see only ST oriented articles and think that the club does not support the 8-bit. That's far from the truth, but we have got to let the people know that we do. Each month, I'll TRY to write on something interesting. Being a student, and someone not very large in the computer community, I may not be able to get really super interveiws with Mr. Tramiel, but I'll do what I can. This month is mostly just an introduction on myself, and one interesting tip that I found out myself. I have always wanted the high speed of a Happy or US Doubler enhanced drive,

but since I own a regular Indus GT, I can get neither of these. The extremely slow data transfer speed of the drive in double density is terrible! There are a few possibilities for me and other Indus users; get an Atari 1050, wait for the XF551( the new Atari 5 1/4 inch drive ), use Synchromesh, or use a Happy formatted disk in my drive. The first two choices are beyond my budget right now, and the Synchromesh option is a skewed sector format similar to the Ultraspeed of a US Doubler that requires DOS XL. As a faithful SpartaDos user, there is no way I'll go back to DOS XL. That leaves me with the last option: the Happy formatted disk. It was just luck that I found this out, but a diskette which was formatted on a Happy drive with SpartaDos reads and writes much faster on my Indus; not faster than the Happy, but much faster than a disk formatted in the Indus. Must have something to do with the way the Happy skews the disk during format. How much faster? Express850 3.0, in double density on an Indus formatted disk, takes 42 seconds to boot. On the other hand, the same program on a Happy formatted disk in the Indus only takes 24 seconds! That's almost a 100% increase in speed. I haven't had the time to try this method on a single density disk, but I'm sure it will work with similar results. If anyone tries this on a standard unenhanced 1050, I'd like to hear the results; they may be just as good. Now the problem, who has a Happy drive to format their Indus bound disk? If you already have both types of drives, you probably wouldn't have any problems, but what if you don't have a Happy 1050? This is where being a member in a club can help. Just ask a friend with a Happy to format you a bunch of blank disks. Formatting 100 disks at one sitting would take a while so just do a few at a time to get you by for a while. That's about it for this month, if anyone has any questions concerning the 8-bit line of computers, ask away. If I don't know the answer, I'm sure I

can find it. Look elsewhere in this newsletter for my article on the Multi I/O and Hardrive setup on the 8-bit. There will be a demo of an MIO/ Hardrive configuration at the upcoming meeting. ______________________________________ Terminal Software Comparison ______________________________________ by J. McCormick Amodem, DeTerm, Express. All very good terminal programs, all share-ware. But which one is the best? This is my comparison of all 3 of these terminal programs, showing you the strong and weak points of each. Amodem is the terminal program made by Trent Dudley. Amodem was one of the first terminal programs ever made for the Atari, and has been with us since the first bulletin boards. Amodem is written in basic, using machine code throughout the program. The version I tested was Amodem 7.5 DeTerm is written by Jim Dillow. This program is unknown for the most part, and it's main feature is a game that you can play while transfering a file, re-dialing boards, or when you are online witha a BBS! The version I used was the 1.00b, beta test copy. Express! is made by Keith Ledbetter. This program is written in ACTION! and seems to be the favorite among most users because it's easy to use. The version I tested version 3. To show the major differences between these terminal program, he is a quick comparison chart: Feature |Amodem|Express|DeTerm| ---------------+------+-------+------+ Type Ahead Bufr|3 line|2 line |3 line| Xmodem Protocal|Yes |Yes |Yes | Xmodem Crc |Yes |Yes |No | Ymodem |Yes |No |No | Ymodem Batch |Yes<1>|No |No | Joystick Input |Yes |No |Yes | Fast Key Repeat|Yes |Yes |No | Word Wrap |Yes |Yes |Yes | Smooth Scrollng|Yes<2>|No |No | Online Game |No |No |Yes<3>| Menu Commands |27 |38 |37 | PCP Support <4>|Good |Little |Exclnt| Smart Macros |Yes |No |No |

BBS List Macros|1 |3 |4 | Timer Clock |Yes |Yes |Yes | Real-Time Clock|Yes |Yes <5>|No | Bootup Time <6>|1:07 |1:05 |1:10 | Sector Length |176 |254 |198 | Buffer Size <7>|4352 |5504 |7168 | Documentation |Exclnt|Exclnt |Averge| Xmodem Send <8>|2:00 |1:58 |2:23 | Xmodem Rcvd <8>|2:06 |1:53 |2:23 | <1> Amodem has Ymodem batch RECEIVE <2> Only with Xe/Xl models <3> A game of pong that can be played anytime on or offline <4> Macro/Program support for P.C. Pursuit by Telenet <5> A real-time clock is available if you use Sparta's TDLINE. <6> Time needed to boot the terminal program using SpartaDos 3.2 in double density with a simple STARTUP.BAT file <7> Size of capture buffer when using SpartaDos 3.2 <8> This is the time taken for the terminal program to receive and send an 85 block file at 1200 baud. The program was stored/sent from a 192K ramdisk with SpartaDos. The terminal did the transfer with a fast hard-drive BBS system. Amodem: Amodem was the terminal I choose as being the best. It has features that the other terminals did not, Ymodem, Ymodem batch receive, smart macros, smooth scrolling for XE/XL computers, good documentation, a fast transfer time, and joystick input. The only real argument I had against Amodem was that you have only 1 macro containing your password for each BBS on your BBS list. That problem dosen't seem to big since you have 10 -smart- macros that are always there. DeTerm: Determ was the clear looser in most areas. It's transfer rate was sluggish (1 block every 1.68 seconds at 1200), which was caused by a long delay in between each block. However, there are two features that make it an excellent terminal. Determ has full P.C. Pursuit support. It will re-dial cities until you reach one, and then it will load the city's phone list for you to dial with! The breakout game was it's other big feature. The game does seem a bit

buggy, but, it actually feels like multi-tasking without any pauses or jerky movement, no matter what you are doing! However, the documentation is only average, and I do not reccomend this program for a beginner. Express: Express had the fastest transfer rate of all of the terminals tested. Downloading at 1200 baud, it averaged one block every 1.33 seconds. It was also very user friendly. My major complaint against Express is the macros, and the lack of Ymodem protocal. The macros are great, in that you may have 3 for each BBS. However, these are -dumbmacros. They will not react to input from the BBS. If you are using P.C. Pursuit, 3 little macros are not going to do much good. Some things I would like to see in all of these terminals are a Ymodem batch send, where you may mark files in your directory to send. Also, for those of us who don't really want to waste the time seeing what we are downloading, how about an option to turn the screen off and to use the extra speed for the transfer? Thats the end of my comparison. If you do not agree with my results, or my conclusions, call up the Syndicate and tell me your opinion! I'd be glad to hear it. ______________________________________ ST-Report Modem Guide ______________________________________ by Tom -Rex- Reade What are -AT- commands??? -AT- commands are the way you tell your modem exactly what you want it to do in all situations of operation. Why do I have dip switches? -Dip Switches are there to set up a foundation for your custom set-up in the -S- register bank. Are Dip Switches neccessary? No, you can do very well without them, however, some of the -Hayes Compatable- types are really difficult to live with......

What is the -AT- for? The -AT- performs a very special purpose 1st, it tells the modem what speed your terminal or program is set at. 2cnd, it tells the modem -ATtention you are about to recieve very important info to remember and use-. .....Throughout this document, I will attempt to explain as much as possible in PLAIN language, if there are any unanswered questions. Drop a note to the sysop here and we will try to help you. SOME TERMINOLOGY DEFINED: ========================= ACK - ACKnowledgement handshake successfull, a data bit ok, a good command or message to the modem etc.... NAK - Negative AcKnowledgment unsuccessfull handshake, retry, abort, etc DCE - Data Communication Equipment (modem) or integral system. DTE - The equipment comprising the Data source, the data receptor or both DTR - Data Terminal Ready..waiting for action source, usually pin 20 (rs232) EIA. DSR - Data Set Ready distant end of connection ready, is all aligned? CTS/RTS X-ON/X-OFF - methods of flow control. Pin 5 for CTS, Pin 4 for RTS.. DIP SWITCHES - CONFIGURATION SWITCHES ===================================== AUTO ANSWER DIAL TYPE RESULT CODE TYPE ECHO DUPLEX QUIET SPEAKER MEMORY BLIND STOP BITS PARITY BAUD DTR COMMAND TYPE DATA RATE DIALER These are most of the switch types you

will encounter, there are more and we would enjoy your input in this area to update this document. I would love to see this doc grow to a point where it will answer all the pertinent questions that may arise. -S- Registers ------------Usually there are 28 S registers to contend with some are direct and others are -Bit Mapped-. -Bit Mapped- registers are set by the keyboard commands to the modem,ie.. -ATA,ATF1,ATM0,etc.... Keyboard Commands: n represents a number 0-9 ========================= AT = Attention A = Answer AAn= autoanswer on/off Bn = Baud Dn = Dial a numb. P = Pulse T = Tone R = Reverse , = pause ; = Command En = Echo on/off Fn = Full/half duplex Hn = hook on/off Mn = speaker adj O = Online Qn = quiet on/off A/ = repeat commmand Sr?= Show register Vn = Verbose on/off Xn = extended on/off Z = ZAP/Reset Srn= Set register number (0-28) All of the above are preceded by an -AT- except the [a/] it can be used just as A/..... Almost all the time the number for the on/off is 0 or 1, 0=off,1=on. DATA RATE CODES --------------The Telephone Companies Worldwide use certain codes to establish Baud Rates between modems. 300 baud bell 103/212a 1200 baud Bell 212a 2400 baud V22 bis 9600 baud CCITT V.32

-S- REGISTER LIST ----------------Reg # Function 0 - # of rings b4 Auto answer 1 - Ring Counter Auto dial 2 - Esc char. code 3 - Carriage RET char. 4 - Line Feed Char. 5 - Back Space char. 6 - Dial tone timer 7 - Carrier wait timer 8 - Pause timer for comma 9 - Valid Carrier timer 10 - No Carrier to Disc. timer 11 - Interdigit Delay 12 - Esc. Guard timer 13 - Bit Mapped 14 - Bit Mapped 15 - Bit Mapped 16 - Bit Mapped 17 - Bit Mapped 18 - Repeat Rate sec. 19 - Repeat Count 20 - OFF flow control 21 - ON flow control 22 - Bit Mapped 23 - Bit Mapped 24 - Bit Mapped 25 - Delay to DTR (sync only) 26 - Delay to CTS/RTS 27 - Bit Mapped Note: some modem manufacturers use certain Bit Mapped S registers for custom code entries for the models they make, consult their manual. COMPLETE HAYES AT COMMAND TABLES ================================ AT... Command line prefix,(ATention code) precedes command lines except {+++ escape code,and {A/ (repeat) commands. A.....Go off hook in answer mode. A/....Repeat last command line (NOT followed by a CR). Bn....Selects operational baud rate and code. Dn....Dial number.. En....Selects Echo or No Echo Fn....Selects Duplex full/half Hn....On/Off hook operation.


I.....Modem self ID. Ln....Speaker Loudness Mn....Speaker interrupt control. O.....Return to online state. Qn....Modem sends result codes ON/OFF. Sr=n..Set register r to value n. Sr?...Show value in given register. Vn....Verbose or Terse result codes. X.....CONNECT result code shown X1....Blind Dial, connect xxxx shown, no busy signal recognition. X2....Wait for Dial tone, connect xxxx shown, no busy signal recognition. X3....Blind Dial, connect xxxx shown, Busy result code shown. X4....Wait for Dial Tone, connect xxxx shown, Busy result code shown. Yn....Long Space Disc. on/off &Cn...DCD forced or sensitive. &D....DTR ignored by modem. &D1...DTR on to off transition, modem enters command mode. &D2...DTR on to off,modem enters command mode and disables auto answer. &F....Load factory configuration. &G....No Guard Tone. &G1...use 550hz g.tone. &G2...use 1800hz g.tone. &Jn...Select type of telephone jack. &Ln...Select dialup or leased line. &Mn...Asynch/Synch. &W....Write this config to non-

volatile memory. Remember, AT goes before all commands except (+++) and (A/). EIA RS232C CIRCUITS and PINOUT for CONNECTORS ================================== PIN # DESCRIPTION CCITT EQUIVALENT -------------------------------------1.... Protective Ground 101 7.... Signal Ground, Common Return 102 2.... Transmitted Data 103 3.... Received Data 104 4.... Request to Send 105 5.... Clear to Send 106 6.... Data Set Ready DSR 107 20.... Data Terminal Ready DTR 108.2 22.... Ring Indicator 125 8.... Received Line Signal Detector DCD 109 21.... Signal Quality Detector 110 23.... Data Signal Rate Detector (DTE) 111 23.... Data Signal Rate Detector (DCE) 112 24.... Transmit Signal Timing (DTE) 113 15.... Transmit Signal Timing (DCE) 114 17.... Receiver Signal Timing (DCE) 115 14.... Secondary Transmitted Data 118 16.... Secondary Received Data 119 19.... Secondary Request to Send 120 13.... Secondary Clear to Send 121 12.... Secondary Received Line Signal Detector 122 25....Busy Out --Note: pins 11, 18, and 25 are unassigned, pins 9, 10, reserved for dataset testing. I sincerely hope this helps all the users get better acquainted with their modems and learn to use them more efficiently.

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