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______________________________________ |////////////////////////////////////| |////////////////////////////////////| |//SYNDICATE ZMAGAZINE ISSUE #98//| |//--------------------------------//| |//PUBLISHER/EDITOR: RON KOVACS //| |//ASSIT PUBLISHER : KEN

KIRCHNER //| |//MANAGING EDITOR : MR. GOODPROBE //| |////////////////////////////////////| |////////////////////////////////////| | March 21, 1988 (c)1988 SPC/Kovacs | |____________________________________| | Welcome Spring 1988 | |____________________________________| |Contents: | |____________________________________| |*|Editors Desk | |*|SPC Newswire | |*|Special Edition Feature | |_|__________________________________| ______________________________________ Editiors Desk ______________________________________ by Ron Kovacs This week we follow with another BBS software issue. Last week we debuted the release (pre-release) of Express Pro. This week after the news story, we will expand on previous coverge of Carina II BBS system. Please read ST-Report this week for information on the Word Perfect news from last week. Interesting reading for everyone. Thanks again to everyone who has sent email and cards for the baby. It was unexpected and appreciated. Disk mailings are taking place this week to those of you who have sent in disks for Zmagazine reproductions. I am sorry for the long delay, I have been under alot of backlogged paper and am finally begining to see some light. Official Zmag registration details will be listed in an upcoming issue. All Zmag systems carrying our magazines are required to atleast register for a user number. We are setting up a network and want to get systems on the list for mailings and special survey information. This is not a mandatory request. But if you want coverage and mentions in Zmag, you must be registered. ______________________________________

SPC Newswire ______________________________________ From the Associated Press ATARI ACCUSES MICRON TECHNOLOGY OF ILLEGALLY EXPLOITING MEMORY CHIPS SAN JOSE, Calif. (MARCH 15) AP - Atari Corp. of Sunnyvale has charged Micron Technology Inc. of Boise, Idaho, with illegally exploiting a shortage of computer memory chips. The computer and video company on Monday filed suit in U.S. District Court, seeking an order to make the Idaho semiconductor manufacturer pay the California company an unspecified amount of damages. The suit charges breach of contract, bad faith and violation of federal antitrust law. There was no immediate response from Micron Technology. Micron Technology is one of only two U.S.-based companies that make the most common kind of computer memory chip, known as dynamic random access memory chips, or D-RAMs. The other is Texas Instruments Inc. of Dallas. The shortage of the chips has been caused by strong sales of personal computers, the changeover to a new generation of chips, and a 1986 accord between the United States and Japan aimed at ending Japanese ''dumping'' of the chips at unfairly low prices. ATARI ON LIST OF AMEX 10 MOST ACTIVE STOCKS THIS WEEK NEW YORK (MARCH 16) - The 10 most active stocks in American Stock Exchange composite trading Wednesday, March 16. Stock Sales Last Net Chg. ====================================== Lorimar Tel 764,300 14 7/8 off 1/2 Texas Air 368,000 13 up 1/8 Western Digi 291,700 16 up 1 Asamera Inc 285,200 9 5/8 up 1/8 Wang Lab B 285,100 12 7/8 up 1/4 *Atari Corp* 285,100 7 7/8 off 1/2 Ntl Patent Dv 281,900 8 5/8 up 3/4 Dome Petro 271,500 1 unch Alza Corp A 175,600 28 3/4 up 1/8 Fst Aust Prm 173,600 8 7/8 unch

FCC REPORTEDLY TO SCRAP PLAN TO RAISE PHONE RATES FOR COMPUTER USERS WASHINGTON (MARCH 17) AP - The Federal Communications Commission plans to scrap a proposal that would substantially increase telephone charges for business and home computer users, sources said Wednesday. FCC Chairman Dennis R. Patrick has concluded that, based on strong and nearly unanimous opposition to the proposal, the plan should be dropped, according to sources at the commission and on Capitol Hill. Commissioner Patricia Diaz Dennis said Patrick had not spoken with her about a recommendation to drop the plan, but she said she agreed with the idea. 'There's a lot on our plate right now and I don't think I'd miss not seeing that on it,'' she said. The third commissioner, James Quello, could not be reached for comment. Patrick's office had no comment on the reports. The commission was expected to vote in two to three months to drop the proposal. Users of these services flooded the FCC and Capitol Hill with thousands of letters opposing the plan, which would add about $4.50 an hour to the cost of hooking up to information services. They said the increased charges, which would double the hourly hookup price for some information services, would drive many of them off the computer networks and crush a fledgling industry. Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce telecommunications subcommittee, said that in light of the commission's apparent reversal on the proposal he would delay indefinitely introduction of a bill preventing the FCC from imposing the access charges. ______________________________________ CARINA II PREVIEW ______________________________________ Captured by Ron Kovacs

The following capture contains commentary and facts about the Carina II BBS system. Jerry Horanoff took me through the tour which lasted approx 3 hours plus. I have tried to keep the contents flowing and there are parts where I have gone off in the wrong direction. You are invited to take a look at the system yourself. Give the Carina BBS a call. The number is a the end of this review. Now Mr. Horanoff speaks: Before anyone gets too excited, let me first state that you MUST use SpartaDos to run this BBS. No if/ands/or buts about it. It is also HIGHLY recommended that you have atleast a 192k ramdisk (although it is not required) and/or a hard drive. You certainly don't need a hard drive, but if you don't have a ramdisk, it would be MUCH more of a benefit to have one. You can run this system on as little as 500k of storage space (including ramdisk and disk drives), but the more space you have, the more impressive the system will be. Carina II - Main Menu |Read |R|Ctrl-R|Read Messages | |Scan |Q|Ctrl-Q|Scan Msg Headers | |Post |P|Ctrl-P|Post a Message | |Feedback |F|Ctrl-F|Message to SysOp | |Sections |+| +|Section Names | |Go |G|Ctrl-G|Go to New Section| |Sec-Stats|K|Ctrl-K|Section Status | |Topics |T|Ctrl-T|Message Topics | |Games |#| #|Play a Game(s) | |Logoff |L|Ctrl-L|Exit BBS | |Chat |C|Ctrl-C|Chat with SysOp | |Databases|*| *|View Database(s) | |Users |U|Ctrl-U|List of SIG Users| |Status |%| %|Your Statistics | |Settings |S|Ctrl-S|Change Settings | |Vote-Poll|V|Ctrl-V|Voting Poll(s) | |Other BBS|O|Ctrl-O|List of BBSs | |Bulletins|=| =|Section Bulletins| |Menu |?| ?|This Menu | |Help |!| !|Extensive Help | |Directory|D|Ctrl-D|List of D/L Files| |Browse |B|Ctrl-B|File Descriptions| |Download |<| <|Download a File | |Upload |>| >|Upload a File |

Notice that Carina II can now use single letter input now. No need for you (if not an expirenced Carina user to activate a ctrl and letter command. Simple one letter key commands make life a bit easier for you (lazy) people. Hehehe ______________________________________ Carina II supports many different types of terminal emulation. ASCII/ ATASCII, VT-52 monochrome, VT-52 color, line-feeds on/off, etc... Switching from ASCII to ATASCII is as simple as switching your terminal program's translation and hitting RETURN at any command prompt (no sense making things difficult, right?). Switching your other terminal options is done by use of the -Settingscommand: Settings[A] Password > ______ [B] Screen Size > 24 [C] Clear Code > 012 [D] Section Tags [E] Continuous > [ ] [F] Clear Screen> [*] [G] Page Breaks > [ ] [H] 80 Columns > [ ] [I] Line Feeds > [ ] [J] VT-52 Mode > [ ] [K] VT w/Color > [*] [L] Header > [*] [M] '$' Macro > Read All New,Browse All New Enter Choice or Press [RETURN] : D | Section Title |Electronic Mail *|The General Area *|The Carina Universe *|The ST Forum *|The Atari Zone *|The IBM Executives *|The Amiga World *|The Commodore Pub *|The Apple Orchard *|The Tandy Tavern *|The Carina II Files *|The Gamer's Corner *|The ACC/PB Members *|The Debate Room *| V.I.P. Members *|The RoboWar II Area | Key-Word |PRIVATE |GENERAL |CARINA |ST |ATARI |IBM |AMIGA |COMMODORE |APPLE |TANDY |II_FILES |GAMER'S |ACC/PB |DEBATE |VIP |ROBOWAR | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|<- Tags Defining ALL Section to Tag or RETURN:

| Key-Word |

As you can see, there are a lot of different settings that you can personalize to your own needs. Carina II supports 80 columns now, page breaks, continuous read, and others.. The header can be toggled along with the features above. There is also a macro that you can define to be anything you want (the -$- key). This is not a command, it's a string that can contain multiple commands that you use use frequently (just like you would set a macro in your terminal program, you can set a macro on the BBS as well (in case your terminal program doesn't support such things)). It can be up to 30 characters long. Message Bases ______________________________________ Unlike Carina 1, Carina II is devided up into Sections (Special Interest Groups (SIGs for short)). Each section has its own message base, file area, database area, game area, voting poll, and you can even assign it its own SysOp! Each section also has its own bulletin file. Below is a sample of a few areas and the different bulletins and commands available to navigate through the message areas. Here are the different Sections available on this BBS (yours, can, of course, be personalized to your own needs as a SysOp): ______________________________________ Sections If I wanted to switch to, say, the Atari section, I would type: Section > The General Area Minutes > 025 Command : Go atari Switching to The Atari Zone Message Area : File Area : Game Area : Database Area: Yes New: 87 Yes New: 82 No No

Votepoll Area: Yes You are then shown what this section has to offer. This section has a message area and there are 87 new messages. It has a file area and there are 82 new files. This section has no game area or database, but there is a votepoll. Let's take a look at some of the messages. Section > The Atari Zone Minutes > 024 Command : Read Existing Messages > 1-87 Message(s) to Read or Scan? [?]=Help: ? Read/Scan Help ---------------------------------Read or Scan individual messages: 5 or 5- or 5-35 ---------------------------------Read or Scan messages relative to the end of the message base: LAST or: LAST 10 ---------------------------------Read or Scan messages that you have not seen yet: NEW ---------------------------------Messages posted after a certain date: 5/21/87 or even: 5/21/87-6:30:00pm ---------------------------------Messages that you have previously marked: MARKED ---------------------------------Existing Messages > 1-87 Message(s) to Read or Scan? [?]=Help: new Field to Search or [RETURN] [?]=Help: ? Read/Scan Search Help -------------------------------Search for messages posted by a specific user: FROM -------------------------------Search for messages sent to a specific user: TO --------------------------------

Search for a word within a message's title: TITLE -------------------------------Search for a word within a message's text area: TEXT -------------------------------or press RETURN for all. -------------------------------Field to Search or [RETURN] [?]=Help: } Message 1 The Atari Zone Left at 10/29/87 - 12:29:30am Sent to All Sent by 84-WALTER WILLIAMS Topic Electronics... Title Electronics... Replies 1 ______________________________________ Boutique has discontinued all Atari hardware excepting the XF551 when it comes out. _______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: Notice that the message header displays a title AND a topic. When a message is posted, the Topic always stays the same, but the message Title can change when people reply to this message (or replies to those replies). It also displays how many replies to this message there are, and will also tell you whether a message has been received by the person it was sent to. Here is a list of the different commands you can use at this prompt: Message 2 The Atari Zone Left at 10/29/87 - 12:33:09am Sent to 84-WALTER WILLIAMS Sent by SysOp:1-JERRY HORANOFF Topic Really? Title Really? Rply to 1 ______________________________________ What did they decide to discontinue Atari stuff? That's wierd (especially since they use to be known as 'Games&Gadgets'... Hmm. Do you have any idea why? _______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: ?

Existing Messages [1-87] Press RETURN for Next Message [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [E]dit [R]eply [-]Skip Back [S]end [T]race [#]Go Message # [K]ill [?]Menu [C]ontinuous [M]ark [U]nMrk [=]Clear Mrkers [N]ext Section [F]ind Replies Command [?]=Menu: Let me define a few of the less obvious functions here: [+] will skip forward within the message base (example: +, typing +10 at this prompt would skip the over 10 messages). likewise, typing -10 would skip back 10 10 messages. This is much more convenient than having to quit reading and enter the read command when you want to change directions (for example, if you were reading forward and you wanted to start reading reverse, you don't have to quit the read to do it). You can also just type a message number at this prompt and it will immediately go to that message! You have true random access to messages. These message bases also have full threading capability. You can [T]race back to the message that the current message is a reply to, or [F]ind replies to this message. You can [M]ark messages normally used when scanning to search for message titles that sound like they may be interesting and then go back and read marked messages. Let me demonstrate a few of these: Message 3 The Atari Zone Left at 11/1/87 - 11:10:38pm Sent to All Sent by 18-PARTY DOG Topic here we go again! Title here we go again! Replies 1 ______________________________________ The Twilight Zone BBS will be going down for a little while. I should have the board back up in a week, but I am not sure. I will post a message here,

when I have it done. I won't tell you why, but you will understand why when you call it. It's a surprise, and I'll never tell......Now you who know.... mum's the word. Such a corny cliche, why did I say that? I don't know.... well,...see ya' when it's back up in a week or so....maybe this weekend... pd ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: ? Existing Messages [1-87] Press RETURN for Next Message [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [E]dit [R]eply [-]Skip Back [S]end [T]race [#]Go Message # [K]ill [?]Menu [C]ontinuous [M]ark [U]nMrk [=]Clear Mrkers [N]ext Section [F]ind Replies Command [?]=Menu: 50 Message 50 The Atari Zone Left at 1/18/88 - 2:37:43am Sent to 7-ALBERT YARUSSO Sent by 50-KATT Topic Phantasmal Alchemy Title Hmm.. Replies 1 Received Rply to 49 ______________________________________ Another beta tester, eh? Hmm... sounds fun. I can't wait. ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: -5 Existing Messages [1-87] Press RETURN for Next Message [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [E]dit [R]eply [-]Skip Back [S]end [T]race [#]Go Message # [K]ill [?]Menu [C]ontinuous [M]ark [U]nMrk [=]Clear Mrkers [N]ext Section [F]ind Replies Command [?]=Menu: -5 Message Left at Sent to Sent by 45 The Atari Zone 1/7/88 - 11:30:39pm All 9-PARTY DOG

Topic ... Title ... Replies 1 ______________________________________ ..Call The Twilight Zone BBS 305-588-4930 300/1200 baud Carina twelve on-line games many downloads.... Yes, Al. Y. that was a plug too....heh heh, thank You The Party Dog SysOp ..haven't heard from you in a while Al....where are ya'? ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: t Command [?]=Menu: f Message 46 The Atari Zone Left at 1/8/88 - 2:12:21pm Sent to 9-PARTY DOG Sent by 7-ALBERT YARUSSO Topic ... Title Alive Replies 1 Received Rply to 45 ______________________________________ Where am I? Well at the moment about to be buried in a big nor'easter.. Hmm I like snow.. oh well it will not explain where I have been in the past few weeks.. I have been very busy with a few things: College Applications Work School (homework) RoboWar II modifications/docs an Inventory Control Program on the Macintosh for a company Alternate Reality: The Dungeon (A Fantastic game, a must have!) and throw in the occassional reading of a book (asimov, clarke, donaldson, pier, to name a few) and that basically fills my time. Oh yea. Sleep, eat and that other human

necessity that you never see being done on TV.. Well, maybe on HBO.. Later, ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: f Message 48 The Atari Zone Left at 1/9/88 - 5:36:51pm Sent to 7-ALBERT YARUSSO Sent by 9-PARTY DOG Topic ... Title glad to hear.. Replies 0 Received Rply to 46 ______________________________________ Pressing [N] for next section will immediately take you to the next section (obviously) allowing you to read messages there. This comes in handy when you are doing a -Read All(i.e. Read ALL messages in ALL sections). You can also define only those sections that you want to define the word -All-. For example, if you only had the Atari 8-bit section and the ST section tagged for -All- then when you do a -Read All- it will only go through those sections, omitting sections that are not of interest to you (like Commodore <- hehe). You can tag/untag these sections by use of the settings command demonstrated earlier: Command : Settings [A] Password > ______ [B] Screen Size > 24 [C] Clear Code > 012 [D] Section Tags [E] Continuous > [ ] [F] Clear Screen> [*] [G] Page Breaks > [ ] [H] 80 Columns > [ ] [I] Line Feeds > [ ] [J] VT-52 Mode > [ ] [K] VT w/Color > [*] [L] Header > [*] [M] '$' Macro > Read All New,Browse All New Enter Choice or Press [RETURN] : D

Section to Tag or RETURN: com | | Section Title | |Electronic Mail |*|The General Area |*|The Carina Universe |*|The ST Forum |*|The Atari Zone |*|The IBM Executives |*|The Amiga World | |The Commodore Pub |*|The Apple Orchard |*|The Tandy Tavern |*|The Carina II Files |*|The Gamer's Corner |*|The ACC/PB Members |*|The Debate Room |*| V.I.P. Members |*|The RoboWar II Area | |<- Tags Defining ALL Section to Tag or RETURN: Good. We got rid of commodores. Luckily this section does have a file area. Of course, it does not have to have one (the General section doesn't for example). It doesn't have to have a message base either for that matter. If you are us~nsure about what features are in an area, you can type -Sec-Stats- (or Ctrl-K or simply -Kfollowed by a RETURN) to see what's in the section. Command : k Message Area : File Area : Game Area : Database Area: Votepoll Area: Yes New: 87 Yes New: 82 No No Yes | Key-Word |PRIVATE | |GENERAL | |CARINA | |ST | |ATARI | |IBM | |AMIGA | |COMMODORE| |APPLE | |TANDY | |II_FILES | |GAMER'S | |ACC/PB | |DEBATE | |VIP | |ROBOWAR | | Key-Word|

Since we have a file area, let's take a look around. Command : Browse Existing Files > 1-82

Access Which Files [?]=Help: 1Field to Search or [RETURN] [?]=Help: File # 1 The Atari Zone

Filename JACKPOT.BAS Size 8960 Left at 10/29/87 - 4:26:41pm Sent by 25-GARY LOVELESS Accesses 4 Brief SLOT MACHINE GAME KeyWords BASIC/ GAME/ ______________________________________ GO TO LAS VEGAS AND PLAY WITH THE PROS... 8-Bitter ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: ? Existing Files [1-82] Press RETURN for Next File [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [#]Go# [?]Menu [-]Skip Back [M]ark [U]nMrk [=]Clear Mrkers [N]ext Section [C]ontinuous [V]iew Arc [D]ownload Command [?]=Menu: The file area works almost identically to the message area. Once you learn the message area, you'll already have a very good idea about how to use the file area. The file area is one of the best features of Carina II. It puts CompuServe to shame. The header displays quite a few things about the file: The file name, it's size, who uploaded it (and when), how many people have downloaded it, a brief description about the file (used when doing a directory in 80 columns -- this brief file description comes in handy), and key-words that can be used to help locate specific files (by searching for key-words). You also have 4 -k file descriptions (up to 4 k). From the -Command [?]=Menu: prompt you can do the following things that you (of course) cant do in the message area: [D]ownload this file [V]iew the contents of an ARCed file And if you are using a batch protocol (like Y-modem Batch or C-modem), you can even mark files and download them all at once! (can't do that on

CompuServe, Oasis! or Express! Pro for that matter - hehe). Command : Directory You can also search for files (or even messages) by date if you'd like. As precise as to the second: Command : Directory 1/1/88-12:00:30pm FN 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Filename AMODEM75 AMODEM75 AMODEM75 NOSEDEMO REZDEMO XEDEMO AMODM751 SXEXPRES SWANDEMO SPIRAL VIEWGR9 GIRL MEGABUG MEGABUG OILDEMO PHOBOS QMEGBBS SHRINKXE Ext Size BAS 22625 COM 4920 HLP 828 COM 22485 18252 COM 65317 ARC 13689 OBJ 33865 COM 32009 BAS 2476 COM 7949 GR9 7807 COM 4253 DOC 6071 COM 38447 TXT 7277 COM 1020 COM 4682 U/L'ed Acc 1/03/88 2 1/03/88 0 1/03/88 1 1/03/88 23 1/03/88 5 1/03/88 7 1/06/88 18 1/06/88 8 1/12/88 1 1/12/88 1 1/13/88 2 1/13/88 3 1/13/88 2 1/14/88 2 1/19/88 1 1/22/88 4 1/24/88 4 1/25/88 0

Command [?]=Menu: ? Press RETURN for Next Page [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [#]Go# [?]Menu [-]Skip Back [M]ark [U]nMrk [=]Clear Mrkers [N]ext Section [V]iew Arc File [D]ownload (This File/Marked) Command [?]=Menu: v 36 Filename.Ext Format Bytes Size AMODM751.COM Packed 5135 5170 Size of Files When Expanded > 5170 Command [?]=Menu: Let me tell you about access (since I reminded myself). There are no access levels per-se anymore... You either have access to do something or you don't. You either can use a command or you can't. And with sections there are 4 different levels of access. No access, read-only access, full access, or SysOp access. The read-only access is good if you are running a D&D type adventure sig. This way you can let

everyone see what's happening, but only your players can participate. Time limit is also independant of access level now. With this setup, there are 3.169 times 10 to the 29th different combinations of access levels! Here is a example of the formula: (2^32*~)*(4^26)*(255) the answer is:> 4.9517601 ~E27 On-line time is independant... You can assign a user anywhere from no tim (quite useless) to 255 minutes (i.e. 4+ hours). Command : Other BBS [1] Display 'BRIEF' descriptions [2] Display 'FULL' descriptions [3] 'ADD' to BBS Listing Enter Choice: 1 Field to Search or [RETURN] [?]=Help: ? [1] [2] [3] [4] Name Computer Software Description [5] [6] [7] [8] Phone State Size Baud

Field to Search or [RETURN] [?]=Help: BBS Name Phone Number BPS POOR MANS BBS 305-457-9290 2400 Alternate Universe 305-747-9196 2400 The Launch Pad 201-343-1426 1200 KA CE BBS 606-754-9639 1200 West Coast Syndicate 415-825-2952 2400 The Twilight Zone 305-588-4930 1200 Phantasmal Alchemy 203-443-5200 1200 L.B.C. S. 213-631-7328 1200 The Space BAr 203-739-3311 1200 Dark Sid e 312-438-9356 1200 Hawk BBS:CamelotWest 716-297-9596 1200 ACC/PB 305-641-5372 1200 The Crypt ][ 305-581-9426 1200 P.A.U.G.S 602-242-4259 1200 [1] Display 'BRIEF' descriptions [2] Display 'FULL' descriptions [3] 'ADD' to BBS Listing Enter Choice: 2 Field to Search or [RETURN] [?]=Help: state Search For: NJ Name:The Launch Pad Phone:201-343-1426

Baud:1200 Computer:576K 130XE State:NJ Software:Carina! Size:2 Hours:24 Hrs. Good Carina run out of 512K RAMDisk Jerry: by the way, if we were in 80 columns, that brief description (seen above) would also be displayed when doing the brief descriptions. Command : Other BBSs add Enter BBS Name: Syndicate BBS Enter BBS Phone # xxx-xxx-xxxx: 201-968-8148 Enter Maximum Baud Rate : 1200 Computer BBS is Running On : Atari State Located : NJ Which BBS Software is used? : FoReM XEP Maximum Storage Capacity (megs): 10 Operating Hours: 24 Enter a 1-Line BBS Description Zmag/ST-Report Hdqts Name:Syndicate BBS Phone:201-968-8148 Baud:1200 Computer:Atari State:NJ Software:FoReM XEP Size:10 Hours:24 Zmag/ST-Report Hdqts Is this Correct? Yes BBS Added to List Command : Other BBSs brief state xD BBS Name Phone Number The Launch Pad 201-343-1426 Syndicate BBS 201-968-8148 -njBPS 1200 1200

The databases works exactly like the help file (and so does the Game menues). The're the exact same routine... Command : Help

| Carina II Help Database | |------------------------------------| | [A] An introduction to Carina II | | [B] General usage of Carina II | | [C] Using the main menu commands | | [D] Using the text editor (for | | messages and file descriptions)| | [E] Inside information about | | Carina II (and ordering info) | |------------------------------------| [A-E] [-]Previous RETURN=Quit: C | | | | | | | | | | | | | Command that you need help with? [A] Read | [B] Scan [C] Post | [D] Feedback [E] Sections | [F] Go [G] Sec-Stats | [H] Topics [I] Games | [J] Logoff [K] Chat | [L] Databases [M] Users | [N] Status [O] Settings | [P] Vote-Poll [Q] Other BBSs | [Q] Bulletins [S] Menu | [T] Help [U] Directory | [V] Browse [W] Download | [X] Upload | | | | | | | | | | | | |

[A-X] [-]Previous RETURN=Quit: T Help Example usage: Help Help me! Help me please! Each of the above-mentioned usages will get you the same amount of help this help database (Since you are here, you obviously already know how to use this command). Any Key to Continue: Command : Menu Carina II - Main Menu |Read |R|Ctrl-R|Read Messages | |Scan |Q|Ctrl-Q|Scan Msg Headers | |Post |P|Ctrl-P|Post a Message | |Feedback |F|Ctrl-F|Message to SysOp | |Sections |+| +|Section Names | |Go |G|Ctrl-G|Go to New Section| |Sec-Stats|K|Ctrl-K|Section Status | |Topics |T|Ctrl-T|Message Topics | |Games |#| #|Play a Game(s) | |Logoff |L|Ctrl-L|Exit BBS | |Chat |C|Ctrl-C|Chat with SysOp | |Databases|*| *|View Database(s) | |Users |U|Ctrl-U|List of SIG Users|

|Status |%| %|Your Statistics | |Settings |S|Ctrl-S|Change Settings | |Vote-Poll|V|Ctrl-V|Voting Poll(s) | |Other BBS|O|Ctrl-O|List of BBSs | |Bulletins|=| =|Section Bulletins| |Menu |?| ?|This Menu | |Help |!| !|Extensive Help | |Directory|D|Ctrl-D|List of D/L Files| |Browse |B|Ctrl-B|File Descriptions| |Download |<| <|Download a File | |Upload |>| >|Upload a File | Command : Topics | Msg | Topic | |1 |Electronics... | |3 |here we go again! | |5 | | |8 |Atari 1050 | |11 |I'm Back! | |21 |IT'S BACK!... | |33 |This Weekend | |35 |Back up! | |36 |Zenobia! | |40 |sorry....... | |41 |8-BIT SYSTEM... | |42 |back up | |43 |Vt52 - vt100 | |44 |Uploads | |45 |... | |47 |TFS BBS | |49 |Phantasmal Alchemy | |53 |BBS | |54 |News | |61 |test | |62 |New Beta tester | |64 |N | |74 |Hi | |85 |I FORGOT | | | | ______________________________________ File Downloading Command : Download 47 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 'XM' 'XC' 'YM' 'YB' 'CM' 'AS' X-Modem X-Modem Y-Modem Y-Modem C-Modem ASCII CRC (1K-Xm) (Batch) (Batch)

Select Transfer Protocol: Now in Chat Mode If you were downloading MARKED files, you would only be shown the batch protocols (Y-Modem Batch and C-Modem).

Command : Upload Free upload space (bytes) 14549093 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 'XM' 'XC' 'YM' 'YB' 'CM' X-Modem X-Modem Y-Modem Y-Modem C-Modem CRC (1K-Xm) (Batch) (Batch)

Select Transfer Protocol: 5 FILENAME.EXT: 3232.232 Invalid Filename Filenames must be in the format of a 1-8 character filename and an optional 1-3 character extender. The first character of the filename must be a letter, and any of the following characters may be either a letter or a number. If you use the optional extender, a period must proceed it. Examples: FILENAME.EXT PROGRAM1 PROGRAM1.BAS GAME.OBJ FILE.5 Examples of invalid filenames: 5GAMES.ARC <=- First character must be a LETTER. FILE 6.PRG <=- No Spaces. UTILITIES.ARC <=- Maximum of an 8 character filename. .GAM <=- Must have a filename field. FILENAME.EXT: TEST.PRG Enter a brief 1-line description This is a test program. Select a keyword from this list of keywords that best describes or helps in identifying this file. Press RETURN if none are appropriate. BASIC/ BASIC-XL/ BASIC-XE/ OBJECT/ MAC-65/ ACTION Keyword 1: BASIC Select a keyword from this list of keywords that best describes or helps

in identifying this file. Press RETURN if none are appropriate. GAME/ UTILITY/ APPLICATION/ COMMUNICATION/ DOCUMENTATION/ DEMO/ PRODUCTIVITY/ PICTURE/ AMS Keyword 2: COM Enter any additional key-words of your own that you feel will help describe/identify this file. Press RETURN when you have finished. Keyword 3: TEST Keyword 4: STUPID Keyword 5: LITTLE Keyword 6: FILE Keyword 7: File Keywords: BASIC/ COMMUNICATION/ TEST/ STUPID/ LITTLE/ FILE Are These OK? Yes Please enter a detailed description of the file that is being uploaded. Enter Description (-/- to Exit) This is just a test... don't worry about it! Cmd: ? [S]ave [C]ontinue [I]nsert [A]bort [E]dit [R]estart [D]elete [F]ind [P]review [L]ist [?]Menu ____________________________________ Command that can be used within this text editor: ____________________________________ Ctrl-X = Delete Line Ctrl-W = Delete last word ____________________________________ Ctrl-C = Center a line of text Ctrl-R = Right Justify a line Ctrl-C/R must be first character in line being centered/justified. Cmd: E Line(s) to Edit? (1-2): 2 about it!

Enter New Text and Press -/- to Exit about it. Used for the capture in the Special Edition of ZMAG98! (hehehe) Cmd: f Word to Find: Zmag98 Line > 3 Cmd: p This is just a test... don't worry About it. Used for the capture in the Special Edition of ZMAG98! (hehehe)

you can also center or right justify text (in the message editor or this description editor) like so: Cmd: c Enter Description (-/- to Exit) Special Edition of ZMAG98! (hehehe) (Note: Usage of the Ctrl-R command were deleted since they will cause havic with terminal programs or in the ascii transfer of this issue after completion.) Don't Forget to read it!!!!!!!!!!! Cmd: p This is just a test... don't worry About it. Used for the capture in the Special Edition of ZMAG98! (hehehe) Don't Forget to read it!!!!!!!!!!! Cmd: Now in Chat Mode Abort, Are You Sure? Yes

Syndicate BBS (201) 968-8148 Command : Menu Ok.. One neat thing about Carina II is that I have a status window that I can toggle from non-existant, to 5 -line, to full-page. When in the full -page mode, I get a cursor and I can edit your status (even while you are still using the BBS. You won't even notice I'm doing it)... Let me give you some SysOp access so I can demonstrate some of the SysOp features to you. ok... there we go... Command : go at Message Area : File Area : Game Area : Database Area: Votepoll Area: Yes New: 87 Yes New: 82 No No Yes

Syndicate BBS (201) 968-8148 Section > The Atari Zone Minutes > 014 Command : Edit Cmd: p Well, this is the Atari section. It's mainly to be used for 8-bit discussions and files. Any Public Domain Atari 8-bit files can be placed in this section, but if they would fit better in another SIG then put them there first. This is more of a General Atari Sig. Let's get some discussions going here. I know there's not much to talk about, but I'm sure you guys can think of something to say! Also, check out the voting topics and give us an idea about yourself! - Thanks, Katt [Sig-Op] Cmd: This is the bulletins file for the Atari Section. Katt is the SysOp of this section and he is responsible for keeping the bulletins up to date... [S]ave [C]ontinue [I]nsert [A]bort [E]dit [R]estart [D]elete [F]ind [P]review [L]ist [?]Menu ____________________________________

Command that can be used within this text editor: ____________________________________ Ctrl-X = Delete Line Ctrl-W = Delete last word ____________________________________ Ctrl-C = Center a line of text Ctrl-R = Right Justify a line Ctrl-C/R must be first character in line being centered/justified. Cmd: r Restart, Are You Sure? Yes New File Cmd: c Carina II Edit (Press -/- for Menu) Welcome to the Atari Section! This is the bulletin's file for this section.... As a SysOp of this section, I can edit this file. Whenever someone enters this section, they will be shown this bulletin file (if they have not already seen it before). Cmd: p Welcome to the Atari Section! This is the bulletin's file for this section.... As a SysOp of this section, I can edit this file. Whenever someone enters this section, they will be shown this bulletins file (if they have not already seen it before). Cmd: f Word to Find: before Line > 10 before) -----[R]eplace [N]ext [Q]uit : r Replace With: already No More Matches Found Cmd: p }

Welcome to the Atari Section! This is the bulletin's file for this section.... As a SysOp of this section, I can edit this file. Whenever someone enters this section, they will be shown this bulletins file (if they have not already seen it already). Cmd: c Carina II Edit (Press -/- for Menu) already). Your Sysop, Katt Cmd: p Welcome to the Atari Section! This is the bulletin's file for this section.... As a SysOp of this section, I can edit this file. Whenever someone enters this section, they will be shown this bulletins file (if they have not already seen it already).

Your Sysop, Katt Cmd: l 1> 2> Welcome to the Atari Section! 3> 4> This is the bulletin's file for this 5> section.... As a SysOp of this 6> section, I can edit this file. 7> Whenever someone enters this section, 8> they will be shown this bulletins file 9> (if they have not already seen it 10> already).

11> 12> 13> 14> Your Sysop, 15> 16> 17> Katt Cmd: s Command : go general Switching to The General Area Message Area : File Area : Game Area : Database Area: Votepoll Area: Yes New: 172 No New: N/A No Yes No

Syndicate BBS (201) 968-8148 Command : Bulletins General Bulletins! RoboWar II is now Online in the new RoboWar II section. Check it out! Area code of the West Palm Beach area will be changing from 305 to 407 real soon! ______________________________________ As you can see, each section does indeed hav its own bulletins file. Let's check out the vote poll (now that I'm thinking of it) for the Atari Section. Command : Vote-Poll at Switching to The Atari Zone Carina BBS - Voting Poll Question # 1 Which DOS do you use? Times this poll has been taken > 17 [V]ote [S]kip [R]esults [Q]uit: V

Select one of the Following A....Sparta Dos B....MyDos C....TopDos D....Dos XL E....Smart Dos F....Atari Dos 2.0 G....Atari Dos 2.5 H....Other Enter Choice [A-H]: A Are you Sure? Yes Results of Vote Poll 67%....Sparta Dos 6%....MyDos 0%....TopDos 0%....Dos XL 11%....Smart Dos 0%....Atari Dos 2.0 17%....Atari Dos 2.5 0%....Other Press RETURN Carina BBS - Voting Poll Question # 2 Do you own Basic XL and/or Basic XE? Times this poll has been taken > 17 [V]ote [S]kip [R]esults [Q]uit: V Select one of the Following A....Yes B....Nope Enter Choice [A-B]: B Are you Sure? Yes Results of Vote Poll 56%....Yes 44%....Nope Press RETURN Last poll question in this section Also as a SysOp (of this Section) you are able to give other users access to your section via the U-Edit command: Command : U-Edit

Existing Users

> 183

Cannot edit a SysOp |Nm|SAM GRIDLEY |Pn| SIG Access [*] |High Msg|87 |High Fle|79 The Atari Zone |Ac|2

Command [?]=Menu: |Nm|BOB TROTMAN |Pn| SIG Access [S] |High Msg|87 |High Fle|82 The Atari Zone |Ac|3

Cannot edit a SysOp |Nm|CHARLES HOYLE |Pn| SIG Access [*] |High Msg|0 |High Fle|0 The Atari Zone |Ac|4

Command [?]=Menu: ? Press RETURN for Next User [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [E]dit [R]eset [-]Skip Back [S]ave [P]rint [#]Go Message # [K]ill [?]Menu [B]lacklist [V]alidate [!]Revive [W]rite Validation File [0-9] [USER NAME] to search for user Command [?]=Menu: ron kovacs |Nm|RON KOVACS |Pn|201-968-8148 SIG Access [*] |High Msg|50 |High Fle|3 The Atari Zone |Ac|59

Cannot edit a SysOp |Nm|ED BOWLES |Pn| SIG Access [*] |Ac|60

A few of these commands you cannot access (because you are only a Sig SysOp). For instance, you cannot blacklist someone. Only a SysOp of Electronic Mail can access these types of commands... When you are a SysOp of E-Mail, you get to see a lot more also.... |Nm|TERRY FOSTER |Pn| SIG Access [*] |High Msg|2 |High Fle|0 The Atari Zone |Ac|61

Command [?]=Menu: q Command : U-Edit pr Switching to Electronic Mail Existing Users > 183

Command [?]=Menu: ron kovacs |Nm|RON KOVACS |Ac|59 A|Pn|201-968-8148 B|Pw| C|Tl|30 D|Tr|12 E|Lc|3/19/88 F|Cl|4 G|Ul|1 H|Lt|16:30:45 I|Ms|0 J|Dl|0 ______________________________________ Sections >|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ K Commands ************** ABCDEFGIKLNOPQRSTUVWYZ/?-=+*!#$%&@()<> L+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ______________________________________ MPO Box 74 Middlesex, NJ 08846 ______________________________________ N|V52| O|Clr| P|Hdr| Q|Lnf| R|Brk| S|80c| T|Cls| U|Cnt| V|Scr|24 W|Ulr|10 X|Csc|12 Y|???| ZRead All New,Browse All New |High Msg|1244 Electronic Mail |High Fle|12 |E-mail|0 |F-mail|0 Command [?]=Menu: Here is all of the different items associated with your account. The A-Z items are the Sections that you have access to. The line underneath that is all of the commands that you have access to (some of them are not used so users can add their own commands if they want). SysOps of sections are also

responsible for validating files that are uploaded.... Let's check to see if there are any. Command : Validate at Switching to The Atari Zone File # 1 Filename SPCOBER Size 8234 Sent by 127-R.I Sent on 3-19-88 10:36am Brief GOOD GAME KeyWords OBJECT/ GAME/ ______________________________________ GOOD GAME ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu : ? Press RETURN for Next File [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [#]Go# [?]Menu [-]Skip Back [V]alid [K]ill Command [?]=Menu : File # 2 Filename NUDEDEMO.COM Size 20736 Sent by 28-GARY LOVELESS Sent on 3-17-88 8:38pm Brief INTERESTING NUDE DEMO KeyWords OBJECT/ DEMO/ ______________________________________ THIS DEMO GOES ON FOR AWHILE, BUT THE GRAPHICS ARE GOOD...WORTH HAVING A LOOK AT. 8-Bitter ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu : + File # 3 Filename TOPTEN37.BAS Size 6235 Sent by 180-CHARLES AMOROSE Sent on 3-18-88 1:55pm Brief Carina 1.0 Top Ten Lister Ver. 3.7 KeyWords BASIC/ UTILITY/ CARINA/ BBS/ ______________________________________

This is the latest version of my Top Ten Lister for Carina 1.0 Line 1100 is where it looks for the Password.Fle, so you will probably have to change the drive number. Line 2000 is where the list gets saved, so you might want to change that also. ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu : ? Press RETURN for Next File [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [#]Go# [?]Menu [-]Skip Back [V]alid [K]ill Command [?]=Menu : v now if we take a look, it should be there... Command : browse last File # 83 The Atari Zone Filename TOPTEN37.BAS Size 6235 Left at 3/19/88 - 4:49:07pm Sent by 180-CHARLES AMOROSE Accesses 0 Brief Carina 1.0 Top Ten Lister Ver. 3.7 KeyWords BASIC/ UTILITY/ CARINA/ BBS/ _______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: ? Existing Files [1-83] Press RETURN for Next File [Q]uit [A]gain [+]Skip Forward [#]Go# [?]Menu [-]Skip Back [M]ark [U]nMrk [=]Clear Mrkers [N]ext Section [C]ontinuous [V]iew Arc [D]ownload Command [?]=Menu: q and so it is... ~ SysOps can also make votepolls, compact their file area physically deleting all files that have been tagged for deletion), and they can also write form letters (this is pretty neat). Observe: Command : Post Send Message to: all Sending to 0-All

Message Title: The Atari Sig! Enter Message (Press -/- for Menu) Hello there %!01, Welcome to the Atari 8-bit sig! In case your have forgotten, your account number is %!02, your phone number is %!04-%!05-%!06, and you have %!10 minutes left! How come you are only cali~ling at % %!25 baud?! I thought you were rich! Sincerely, Your SysOp Cmd: l 1> Hello there %!01, 2> 3> 4> Welcome to the Atari 8-bit sig!

5> In case you have forgotten, your 6> account number is %!02, your phone 7> number is %!04-%!05-%!06, and you have 8> %!10 minutes left! 9> 10> How come you are only calling at 11> %!25 baud?! I thought you were rich! 12> 13> 14> Sincerely, 15> 16> 17> Your SysOp Cmd: p Message Sent to Sent by Topic Title 88 The Atari Zone 0-All 59-RON KOVACS The Atari Sig! The Atari Sig!

Hello there %!01, Welcome to the Atari 8-bit sig! In case you have forgotten, your

account number is %!02, your phone number is %!04-%!05-%!06, and you have %!10 minutes left! How come you are only calling at %!25 baud?! I thought you were rich! Sincerely, Your SysOp Cmd: s Message Sent Syndicate BBS (201) 968-8148 Section > The Atari Zone Minutes > 055 Command : Read last Message 88 The Atari Zone Left at 3/19/88 - 4:54:17pm Sent to All Sent by SysOp:59-RON KOVACS Topic The Atari Sig! Title The Atari Sig! _______________________________________ Hello there RON KOVACS, Welcome to the Atari 8-bit sig! In case you have forgotten, your account number is 59, your phone number is 201-968-8148, and you have 055 minutes left! How come you are only calling at 1200 baud?! I thought you were rich! Sincerely, Your SysOp ______________________________________ Command [?]=Menu: Pretty neat eh? One thing you will notice when first logging onto a Carina II BBS is that, unlike Carina 1, Carina II is very fast. Because it is SpartaDos-only, an enourmous speed increase was possible. Carina II consists of 19

modules! (not can see, VERY easier to use single letter

5 like Carina 1), as you powerful. It is also than Carina 1 (with the input and all).

However, the power of the system was in no way sacraficed for this. You still have the ability to program on-line, go to SpartaDos on-line, and even run different programs! Command : Ext-Sys |[C] |[S] |[G] |[U] |[R] |[B] |[D] |[X] Create/Edit Configuration Create/Edit a Section Global Mask (Commands/Sections) Upload a file Locally RUN another BASIC program BASIC SpartaDOS Exit | | | | | | | |


052 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002

BBS_LISTDAT 031 CONFIG DAT 002 CALLER DAT 002 TERMCONFDAT 002 USRVAL_0DAT 002 USRVAL_1DAT 002 USRVAL_2DAT 002 INDEX FLE 018 CD1 BAT 002 C BAT 002 I BAT 002 CD2 BAT 002 BACKUP BAT 002 ZHAND COM 005 MOE COM 050 PASSWORDFLE 186 BACKDIR 005 VTCODE 005 STRIPZ 002 VTCODE2 005 HDBACKUPCOM 006 HDRESTORASM 027 HDBACKUPASM 023 HDRESTORCOM 008 BBS BAT 002 HDBACKUPBAT 002 DRIVE5 BAK 012 CHK BAT 002 XINIT BAT 002 LOGOFF VT 008 TRAN16_8 002 MAKEINDX 012 ROBOPASSFLE 049 LASTCBATDAT 005 LASTHBATDAT 005 LASTCKILDAT 005 LASTHKILDAT 005 LASTATOMDAT 005 MAKEMAN 006 960 FREE SECTORS READY But of course, there's no need to write this program when you can always go to Dos! Command : Ext-Sys |[C] |[S] |[G] |[U] |[R] |[B] |[D] |[X] Create/Edit Configuration Create/Edit a Section Global Mask (Commands/Sections) Upload a file Locally RUN another BASIC program BASIC SpartaDOS Exit | | | | | | | |

Sys-Com : SpartaDOS

D1:dir Volume: Directory: MAIN X32D DOS ASSEMBLY CARINA1 CARINAII SPARTA UTILTIES MODULE SYSMOD SYSTXT SYSTEM BACKUP EXTRA BBS_LIST DAT CONFIG DAT CALLER DAT Break Abort D1:CHKDSK Volume: Bytes/sector: Total bytes: Bytes free: Write lock: D1:CHKDSK D2: Volume: Bytes/sector: Total bytes: Bytes free: Write lock: 12890 <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> 7424 22 9 2-17-86 1-31-88 1-30-88 1-30-88 1-30-88 1-30-88 1-31-88 1-31-88 1-31-88 1-31-88 1-31-88 1-31-88 8-23-87 3-16-88 3-19-88 2:10p 1:40p 5:55p 5:55p 8:24p 8:31p 1:40p 1:40p 1:40p 1:40p 1:41p 1:41p 1:30p 7:24a 4:30p

47 1C 256 10747648 9205760 OFF 50 BD 256 16776960 16307456 OFF


D1:CARINAII>D1S2>SYSMOD> D1:CARINAII>D2S1> D1:CARINAII>D2S1>SYSTXT> D1:CARINAII>D2S2> D1:CARINAII2 'EII> D1:SPARTA> D1:UTILTIES> D1:MODULE> D1:SYSMOD> D1:SYSTXT> D1:SYSTEM> D1:BACKUP> D1:EXTRA> Hard drive directories all backed up Here is a list oo~f all of the different modules that Carina II uses: D1:dir D7:MODULE> Volume: RamDsk 7 Directory: MODULE WINDOW BIN 387 TRANSFER BIN 806 BOOTBBS 3725 WAITCALL 6622 GATEWAY 14382 USERCOM 14808 MAILCOM 14213 FILECOM 12734 MAILTRAN 14846 FILETRAN 11575 FILERECV 12883 XY_TRAN 6562 CM_TRAN 7831 819 FREE SECTORS D1:DIR D7:SYSMOD<~> Volume: RamDsk 7 Directory: SYSMOD SYSCOM 13235 USEREDIT 12029 FILEVAL 6471 MAKEVOTE 2697 COMPACT 3326 EDIT 7648 COPY 1906 TERM 4710 MAKEMAN 1110 819 FREE SECTORS D1: I think that is 20 modules (not 3-13-88 2-28-88 2-15-88 1-17-88 3-16-88 3-18-88 1-27-88 2-27-88 3-17-88 2:02a 4:34p 1:58a 5:12p 1:20p 12:14a 11:35p 8:49p 6:15p 1-13-88 2-13-88 3-16-88 3-13-88 3-13-88 3-17-88 3-18-88 3-17-88 3-06-88 3-06-88 3-01-88 2-25-88 3-02-88 1:12a 10:50p 12:39a 3:14p 3:27a 4:06p 12:10a 4:07p 2:18a 2:18a 10:08p 11:44p 4:39p

including the .BIN files). It's a pretty massive system. D1:CAR READY RUN-D7:M~SYSMODU~>SYSCOM Sys-Com : Config 7717724NNNN3[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] SYSTEM folder drive SYStem TeXT files drive PASSWORD/INDEX/SYS-DAT drive MODULE folder's drive SYSop MODules folder's drive Modem Baud Rate ATASCII only configuration Printer Support Chat bell on boot-up? Keep a list of callers? Backup after this many hours AT command - ATS10=255

Select or RETURN: Sys-Com : Create/Edit Sections Key-Word GDMF Section Name APRIVATE 0534Electronic Mail BGENERAL 0530The General Area CCARINA 0534The Carina Universe DST 0534The ST Forum EATARI 0534The Atari Zone FIBM 0534The IBM Executives GAMIGA 0534The Amiga World HCOMMODORE 0534The Commodore Pub IAPPLE 0534The Apple Orchard JTANDY 0534The Tandy Tavern KII_FILES 0504The Carina II Files LGAMER'S 0530The Gamer's Corner MACC/PB 0530The ACC/PB Members NDEBATE 0530The Debate Room OVIP 0530 V.I.P. Members PROBOWAR 5530The RoboWar II Area Key-Word GDMF Section Name [K][G][D][M][F][N][S]ave [R]emove Last [Q]uit [C]reate New Section : If I ever decide that I want to change the location of a particular subdirectory, I can do it from here... I can also change the section name, keyword, etc... [K][G][D][M][F][N][S]ave [R]emove Last [Q]uit [C]reate New Section : q

Sys-Com : Global Mask [A] [B] [C] [D] Clear Messages Waiting Clear Files Waiting Clear High Message Read C~rE

[1] Tag (give access) [2] Untag (take away access) Select: 2 ABCDEFGIKLNOPQRSTUVWYZ/?-=+*!#$%&@()<> Command to untag: l ABCDEFGIKLNOPQRSTUVWYZ/?-=+*!#$%&@()<>

Command to untag: t ABCDEFGIKLNOPQRSTUVWYZ/?-=+*!#$%&@()<> Command to untag: v ABCDEFGIKLNOPQRSTUVWYZ/?-=+*!#$%&@()<> Command to untag: Are you Sure? No Sys-Com : Exit |Carina II|BBS-305-747-9196|Voice-9195| And that's about it... There are a few more commands (like make a vote poll) etc... but you pretty much get the idea of what it does. The program is basically completed... I'm working on the manual right now. It should be out by the end of April! It will be available for $65.00 to non-Carina 1 owners. Carina 1 owners can subtract $10.00 and if they sent in their registration card they can subtract another $10.00. ______________________________________ ZMAGAZINE 98 March 21, 1988 (c)1988 SPC/Ron Kovacs ______________________________________

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