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MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
uear Members
lL ls my greaL pleasure Lo lnvlLe you Lo Lhe annual conferece of WesL 8engal CrLhopaeolc AssoclaLlon Lo be helo
ourlng 10-12 leb'12 aL 8erhampur . l have vlslLeo Lhe venue of our conference wlLh our Pony' SecreLary ur
AmlL Cuha . 1he organlzlng commlLLee was founo Lo work haro wlLh a Leam of oeolcaLeo oocLors Lo make Lhe
conference successful .
1he organlsers are well concerneo Lo presenL a hlgh level acaoemlc evenLs . 1hey are ln Louch wlLh Lhe Lop
acaoemlclans of Lhe sLaLe ano Lhe counLry . Some of Lhem have alreaoy conflrmeo Lhelr presence . 1here are
loL of scope Lo presenL your work ln many sclenLlflc sesslons ano Lo lnLeracL wlLh your colleagues ano Leachers .
1here ls excellenL arrangemenL for hoLel accommooaLlon whlch we have vlslLeo .lL ls neeoless Lo menLlon
abouL Lhe places of LourlsL lnLeresL ln ano arouno 8erhampur .lease go Lhrough Lhe conference brochure ano
W8CA webslLes for all necessary lnformaLlons .
1o our expecLaLlon Lhls conference wlll probably break many prevlous recoros .
So, frlenos , please keep Lhese oaLes free ln your calenoer ano parLlclpaLe ln a blg way.
AbouL enLerLalnmenL , you [usL leave lL Lo Lhe organlsers .
Looklng forwaro Lo see you ano your famlly aL 8erhampur
ur M M 8ay
WesL 8engal CrLhopaeolc AssoclaLlon
V8CACCN 20I2. MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
uear colleague & frleno,
Warm ano hearLlesL welcome Lo Murshloabao,Lhe Lano of NAWA8S & Lhelr splenoours ,Lhe
clLy of greaL herlLage .Close Lo lassey, Lhe hlsLorlcal baLLlegrouno, Murshloabao was olo caplLal of 8engal.
SlLuaLeo on Lhe bank of rlver 8haglraLhl, 8L8PAMC8L,Lhe olsLrlcL heaoquarLer of Murshloabao wlLh all
mooern amenlLles ls very pleasanL Lo sLay. Pazarouary, MoLl[hll Waslf Man[ll , kaLhgola, Naslpur alace,
khosbagh cemeLery, Lhe !ahankosha canon eLc. are of hlsLorlcal lmporLance ano of LourlsL lnLeresL.
Ceographlcally, lL ls Lhe gaLeway of NorLh LasL lnola ano ao[acenL Lo 8anglaoesh. larakka 8arrage ano larakka
brloge havlng1he naLlonal & lnLernaLlonal lmporLance are nearby .CulLurally , 8erhampore ls very much
Lnrlcheo. lL ls Lhe place of very well repuLeo 'kl81AN' & 'kA8lCAN'. Lconomlcally, Lhe lace has goL Lhe creolL
of maklng Lhe naLlonal economy healLhler by exporLlng mango ano sllk. eople here are very much slmple,
secular, soclable ano hosplLable. Come wlLh all famlly members& explore Lhe Lano LhaL changeo Lhe course of
lnolan PlsLory.
re-conference workshop, Speclal package for .C.1s, emlnenL NaLlonal Acaoemlclan wlll make our
Conference a greaL success wlLh your acLlve parLlclpaLlon only. We wlll Lry Lo ensure all your personal
We hope LhaL your shorL sLay aL 8erhampore wlll be purposeful, meanlngful, [oyful, ano remembereo
WlLh hearLfelL Lhanks ?our Slncerely
Chalrman:- Dr.S.koy Lreasurer :- Dr. H.k.Monda| !L. secy :- Dr. 8.M|tra , N.k.koy org.secy:- Dr. A.k.8era
V8CACCN 20I2. MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
Name of Lodge ]
art|cu|ars Category
note/ sun shine
AC uouble beo 8oom 8s. S000 --- A
AC uouble beo 8oom 8s. 4000-- 8
Hote| Samrat AC uouble beo 8oom 8s. 3000 C
AC uouble beo 8oom 8s. 2S00 u
AC uouble beo 8oom 8s.2000 L
Hote| koya| N/AC Slngle beo 8oom 1S00 l
3 persons can be accomooaLeo C
ln few 8 caLegory
Hote| Sangam
1our|st LCDGL V1.L1D.
* ueleqotes ote tepoesteJ to seoJ tbelt JemooJ Jtoft lo fovoot
of "w8O4cON 2012" loyoble ot 8erhompore. lleose seoJ yoot omooot lo totol
wltb teqlsttotloo fees & occommoJotloo cbotqe. oot occommoJotloo
wlll be bookeJ oo 'fltst come fltst setve' bosls.
* 5loqle Jeleqote moy qlve bolf of tbe totlff cbotqes ooJ sbote
lo twlo sbotloq osls.
* ltlot bookloq wlll be opptecloteJ by qlvloq
two Joys oJvooce totlff cbotqes os beJs ote llmlteJ.
V8CACCN 20I2. MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
wF3T FtuAl 0RTH0PAF0lC A330ClATl0t
k6l51k41lON lOkM
Name :-..............................................................
llrsL Name Mloole Name Surname
Age:- ............lnsLlLuLlon:- ......... ueslgnaLlon:- .........................
Corresponoence Aooress:- .................................................
ClLy:- ................... ln Cooe:- .................................
hone (8es):- ................. (off):- ..................................
(Cell):- ................. (lax):- ...................................
L-mall:- ...........................................................
Accompanylng ersons name (Spouse ano chlloren over 12 years)
1)........................... 2).............................
3)........................... 4)..........................
PoLel reference
1)......................... 8aLe/caLegory: .......................
2).......................... 8aLe/ caLegory: ......................
3) ............................ 8aLe/ caLegory: ....................
Check ln oaLe :................... ...Check ouL uaLe: ...................
Cccupancy 1ype :Slngle .................. .uouble: ......................
lCA Membershlp No: ................ W8CA Membershlp No: .....................
(A) 8eglsLraLlon 8s................ (8) CML / Workshop 8s...................
(c) AccommooaLlon 8s...............
1oLal 8s...........(8upees............................)only.
lease seno Lhe u.u ln favour of "W8CACCN 2012" aybale aL 8L8PAMC8L as early as posslble
Lo :- ur. Amlya kumar 8era, Crganlslng SecreLary ( W8CACCN 2012 8erhampore) aL elLher aL
1) WesL 8engal CrLhopaeolc AssoclaLlon 102/3A, ur. Suresh Ch. 8aner[ee 8oao . (8ellaghaLa Maln 8oao 1
lloor , kolkaLa 700 010 Cr2) W8CACCN2012 ClllCL , 9,Chura mon chouohury lane , 8erhampore ,
Murshloabao WesL 8engal 742101
V8CACCN 20I2. MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
N000 1011. tRBNP0Rt
AbsLracL for apers vloeos ....... osLer..........
aper CaLegory
Slllgurl 8esL aper Awaro............ lree paper.................
Sllver !ubllee aper .............
lull Name...........................................................
LasL oaLe Lo seno absLracL 20.01.2012
?ou may mall Lhe absLracL: wboa[vsnl.neL
Cne reglsLraLlon can submlL one paper only.
rlnL absLracL on separaLe sheeL woro llmlL noL more Lhan 2S0.
Seno Lo:
W8CACCN 2012 ,ur. 8haskar uas, C/C W8CA Cfflce, 102/3A, ur. Suresh Ch. 8aner[ee 8oao,(8ellaghaLa Maln
8oao ), 1
lloor, kolkaLa- 700 010
V8CACCN 20I2. MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
rovlslonal rogramme
venue -8ablnorasaoan / 8L8PAMC8L
8 -00 A.M. - Lo 2-00 .M - re Conference Workshop/speclal programme for C1s
12-00 Noon Lo 1-00 .M -
12-30 .M Lo 1-30 .M 8eglsLraLlon lor CML / Lunch
2-00 .M 6-00 .M - CML
6-oo .M Lo 7-00 .M lnauguraLlon of conference
7-00 .M Lo 9-00 .M CulLural programme
9-00 .M Lo 11-00 .M ulnner
8.00 A.M onwaros 8eglsLraLlon
8.00 A.M Lo 10-00 A.M
8-30 A.M Lo 4-00 .M SclenLlflc Sesslon
1-00 .M Lo 2-00 .M Lunch
4-oo .M Lo 6-00 .M C.8. meeLlng
7-00 .M Lo 11-00 .M 8anqueL
8.00 A.M onwaros 8eglsLraLlon
8.00 A.M Lo 10-00 A.M 8reakfasL
8-30 A.M Lo 3-00 .M SclenLlflc Sesslon
1-00 .M Lo 2-00 .M Lunch
2-00 .M Lo 2-30 .M valeolcLory luncLlon
Spouse program for all 3oays:vlslLlng hlsLorlcal places,Lemple-mosque-churches,
larakka barrage, markeLLlng-sllk,brass meLal,shola eLc., boaLlng rlver 8haglraLhl
lease conflrm earller for speclal Lours Lo larakka/1araplLh
V8CACCN 20I2. MURSHIDA8AD Al 8erhampore I0
k6l51k41lON 4klll
1S.11.11 Upto 31.12.11 Spot
Member 1600 1900 2700
Non -member 2000 2200 3200
G1 1000 1300 1600
Spouse 1200 1400 1800
Ch||dren be|ow 12
rs 700 1200 1400
CML ] Workshop 400 400 400
* C1: please enclose cerLlflcaLe from P.C.u.
* aymenL mooe: pay by cash/ u.u ln favour of "W8CACCN 2012"
payable aL 8erhampore.
* 8eglsLraLlon by cash may be oone aL W8CA offlce aL kolkaLa.
* SpoL 8eglsLraLlon by cash only.
* CancellaLlon : lf conflrmeo before 1S.01.2012, wlll be refunoeo 70
of Lhe fees afLer Conference ls over.
* lease wrlLe your name, aooress & Lelephone no. aL Lhe back of u.u.
* ClfLs for spoL reglsLereo canoloaLes ls noL ensureo: sub[ecLeo Lo avallablllLy .
N.8. - o comprehensive pockoqe for .6.1 .s ks. 7000 /- {seven thousonds on/y )
lncluoes LransporLaLlon from respecLlve Meolcal colleges Lo venue ano back,
pre conference workshop, CML reglsLraLlon,banqueL provloeo aL leasL 30 canoloaLes conflrm by 1S.10.11.

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