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But when the bronze is broken, O Pandit, O religious scholar, where does the sound go then? ||1|| q.

kutI sMiD ! "#i$%w &t h' &t (wgI ) *+,-.1/, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 I gaze u"on the world, the con2luence o2 the three qualities3 &od is awake and aware in each and e0er# heart. %!sI buiD s wcrI &t wih iq%wgI )/) *+,-.1/, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 4uch is the understanding re0ealed to e3 within # heart, I ha0e beco e a detached renunciate. ||/|| %w"u %w" q# (win%w q#( q#(u s wnw ) *+,-.15, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 I ha0e co e to know # own sel2, and # light has erged in the 6ight. khu kbIr %b (win%w goibd nu wnw )5)11) *+,-.15, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 4a#s $abeer, now I know the 6ord o2 the 'ni0erse, and # ind is satis2ied. ||5||11|| iblw0lu ) *+,-.171 BI6%%8%69 crn k l (w k! ird! bsih so (nu ika 2ol! d#0 ) *+,-.17, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 :hen !our 6otus ;eet dwell within one<s heart, wh# should that "erson wa0er, O Di0ine 6ord? wnO sB su$ na iniD qw k! shi( shi( (su bol! d#0 ) rhwa ) *+,-.17, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 I know that all co 2orts, and the nine treasures, co e to one who intuiti0el#, naturall#, chants the Praise o2 the Di0ine 6ord. ||Pause|| qb ieh iq (= sB ih "#$! kuitl g:i> (b $ol! d#0 ) *+,-.1,, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 4uch wisdo co es, onl# when one sees the 6ord in all, and unties the knot o2 h#"ocris#. bwrM bwr wie%w q# %tk! l! nr(w nu qol! d#0 )1) *+,-.1?, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 >i e and ti e again, he ust hold hi sel2 back 2ro Ma#a3 let hi take the scale o2 the 6ord, and weigh his ind. ||1|| (h ahu (wie qhI su$u "w0! wie%w qwsu n @ol! d#0 ) *+,-.1?, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 >hen where0er he goes, he will 2ind "eace, and Ma#a will not shake hi . kih kbIr #rw nu win%w rw "AIiq kIB l! d#0 )/)1/) *+,-.1-, iblw0lu, kbIr (Ia1 4a#s $abeer, # ind belie0es in the 6ord3 I a absorbed in the 6o0e o2 the Di0ine 6ord. ||/||1/|| iblw0lu bwCI Bgq nw d#0 (I kI *+,-.1D1

Bilaa0al, >he :ord O2 De0otee Eaa Da#0 @ee9 F siqgur "Aswid ) *+,-.1D1 One 'ni0ersal Greator &od. B# >he &race O2 >he >rue &uru9 sPl (n u o ka gur kInw ) *+,-.1D, iblw0lu, nw d#0 (I1 >he &uru has ade # li2e 2ruit2ul.

"Hnw +,+ du$ ibswir su$ %Mqir lInw )1) *+,+.1, iblw0lu, nw d#0 (I1
M# "ain is 2orgotten, and I ha0e 2ound "eace dee" within #sel2. ||1|| ig%wn %M(nu o ka guir dInw ) *+,+.1, iblw0lu, nw d#0 (I1 >he &uru has blessed e with the oint ent o2 s"iritual wisdo . rw nw ibnu (I0nu n hInw )1) rhwa ) *+,+.1, iblw0lu, nw d#0 (I1 :ithout the 6ord<s Ea e, li2e is indless. ||1||Pause|| nw d#ie is rnu kir (wn: ) *+,+./, iblw0lu, nw d#0 (I1 Meditating in re e brance, Eaa Da#0 has co e to know the 6ord. (g(I0n isa (Ia s wn: )/)1) *+,+./, iblw0lu, nw d#0 (I1 Iis soul is blended with the 6ord, the 6i2e o2 the :orld. ||/||1|| iblw0lu bwCI ri0dws Bgq kI *+,+.51 Bilaa0al, >he :ord O2 De0otee Aa0i Daas9 F siqgur "Aswid ) *+,+.51 One 'ni0ersal Greator &od. B# >he &race O2 >he >rue &uru9 dwirdu d#i$ sB ko hs! %!sI dsw h wrI ) *+,+.7, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 4eeing # "o0ert#, e0er#one laughed. 4uch was # condition. %st dsw isiD kr ql! sB J"w qu wrI )1) *+,+.7, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 Eow, I hold the eighteen iraculous s"iritual "owers in the "al o2 # hand3 e0er#thing is b# !our &race. ||1|| q' (wnq ! ikGu nhI B0 $M2n rw ) *+,+.7, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 !ou know, and I a nothing, O 6ord, Destro#er o2 2ear. sgl (I% srnwgqI "AB "'rn kw )1) rhwa ) *+,+.,, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 %ll beings seek !our 4anctuar#, O &od, ;ul2iller, Aesol0er o2 our a22airs. ||1|| Pause|| (o q#rI srnwgqw iqn nwhI BwK ) *+,+.,, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 :hoe0er enters !our 4anctuar#, is relie0ed o2 his burden o2 sin. =c nIc qu q# qr# %wl(u sMswK )/) *+,+.?, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 !ou ha0e sa0ed the high and the low 2ro the sha eless world. ||/|| kih ri0dws %kL kLw bhu kwie krI(! ) *+,+.?, iblw0lu, ri0dws1 4a#s Aa0i Daas, what ore can be said about the 'ns"oken 4"eech?

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