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Quick statistics

Survey 28373 ''

Survey 28373
Number of records in this query: Total records in survey: Percentage of total: 664 664 100.00%

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Quick statistics
Survey 28373 ''

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Quick statistics
Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 01

Are you satisfied with your decision to leave for the United Kingdom?
Answer Very satisfied (1) Satisfied (2) Neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied (3) Dissatisfied (4) Very dissatisfied (5) No answer Count 42 63 34 4 11 19 Percentage 24.28% 36.42% 19.65% 2.31% 6.36% 10.98%

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 01

Are you satisfied with your decision to leave for the United Kingdom?

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 02(1)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [high standard of living]
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) Uncertain (U) No answer Count 111 8 11 43 Percentage 64.16% 4.62% 6.36% 24.86%

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Field summary for 02(1)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [high standard of living]

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Field summary for 02(2)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [the opportunity to find a job]
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) Uncertain (U) No answer Count 109 8 13 43 Percentage 63.01% 4.62% 7.51% 24.86%

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Field summary for 02(2)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [the opportunity to find a job]

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Field summary for 02(3)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [the desire to live in a civilized state]
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) Uncertain (U) No answer Count 97 13 17 46 Percentage 56.07% 7.51% 9.83% 26.59%

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Field summary for 02(3)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [the desire to live in a civilized state]

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Field summary for 02(4)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [working conditions]
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) Uncertain (U) No answer Count 82 13 23 55 Percentage 47.40% 7.51% 13.29% 31.79%

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Field summary for 02(4)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [working conditions]

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Field summary for 02(5)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [knowledge of English language]
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) Uncertain (U) No answer Count 90 24 8 51 Percentage 52.02% 13.87% 4.62% 29.48%

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Field summary for 02(5)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [knowledge of English language]

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Field summary for 02(6)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [to continue the studies]
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) Uncertain (U) No answer Count 52 43 16 62 Percentage 30.06% 24.86% 9.25% 35.84%

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Field summary for 02(6)

What are the main reasons that made you choose the UK and not another country? [to continue the studies]

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Field summary for 03

How did you find out about the opportunity of working/studying in the UK?
Answer relatives /friends/ acquaintances (1) mass-media (2) a recruiting firm (3) EURES (4) Other No answer 'Other' Responses vaporul Nevoia de a supravietui am terimnat facultatea aici mi-a soptit o pasarica Contract Student Am plecat la studii si am gasit un job part time la facultate. Am fost recrutata de firma engleza nivelul sarac de trai din 2007 mi-am urmat sotul Count 91 21 15 2 26 18 Percentage 52.60% 12.14% 8.67% 1.16% 15.03% 10.40%

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Field summary for 03

How did you find out about the opportunity of working/studying in the UK?

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 04(1)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I have registered at the Local Employment Agency]
Answer No (1) Yes, once/twice (2) Yes, several times (3) No answer Count 125 9 6 33 Percentage 72.25% 5.20% 3.47% 19.08%

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Field summary for 04(1)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I have registered at the Local Employment Agency]

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 04(2)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I asked for help from friends or colleagues]
Answer No (1) Yes, once/twice (2) Yes, several times (3) No answer Count 70 54 19 30 Percentage 40.46% 31.21% 10.98% 17.34%

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Field summary for 04(2)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I asked for help from friends or colleagues]

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Field summary for 04(3)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I followed the online job offers (on websites) and I applied]
Answer No (1) Yes, once/twice (2) Yes, several times (3) No answer Count 82 26 37 28 Percentage 47.40% 15.03% 21.39% 16.18%

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Field summary for 04(3)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I followed the online job offers (on websites) and I applied]

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Field summary for 04(4)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I followed the job offers in the press]
Answer No (1) Yes, once/twice (2) Yes, several times (3) No answer Count 94 27 21 31 Percentage 54.34% 15.61% 12.14% 17.92%

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Field summary for 04(4)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I followed the job offers in the press]

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 04(5)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I went to competitions /interviews for employment]
Answer No (1) Yes, once/twice (2) Yes, several times (3) No answer Count 87 30 26 30 Percentage 50.29% 17.34% 15.03% 17.34%

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Field summary for 04(5)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [I went to competitions /interviews for employment]

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Field summary for 04(6)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [Other]
Answer No (1) Yes, once/twice (2) Yes, several times (3) No answer Count 101 22 19 31 Percentage 58.38% 12.72% 10.98% 17.92%

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Field summary for 04(6)

What efforts have you made in your country to find a job/to study in the UK ? [Other]

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Field summary for 05

How long has it been since you came in the UK?
Answer Answer No answer Responses 3 ani 1 an 3 ani si 7 luni 2 ani 6 ani Londra 2 luni am fost 4 ani si o luna, acum muncesc doar pe perioade scurte 5 ani 6 ani 11 ani 2ani si 6luni Sase luni 4 luni 1 an 3 luni 7 luni 1 an 4 ani 2012 2013 7 luni o aaptamana 6 ani jumatate DIN 2007 4 Luni 10 ani 2 ani 1 luna 1 an si 7 luni 3 si 7luni Count 146 27 Percentage 84.39% 15.61%

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Survey 28373 ''

2009 2009 sept 2 ani 19 .01.2012 2 luni 2 saptamani 3 luni 3 ani 2 ani 1 an 1 an 1 an si jumatate 1an si 5 luni 4 ani 6 luni 3 ani 3 ani 2000 5 LUNI abia am reusit sa traversez canalul 2 ani 50 o luna 6 ani 6 ani 2 ani jumatate cu un an intrerupere 5 ani 6 luni ma pregatesc sa plec in cateva zile 1 an 5 ani 4 ani 1 an 1 an 6 luni 1 an 10 ani 17.09.2009 8 luni 2 ani 2013

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Aproape 2 ani 3 ani 1974 2.5 ani Din octombrie 2013 7ani 7 ani Doi ani 2 ani 6 ani 3 ani 8 ani in iunie plec 4 ani 4ani trei luni 6ani un an si trei luni 7 2 ani 12 ani sint in romania 10 ani 2 ani si jumatate 6 ani 3 luni din 2007 1 an August 2008 6 luni 4 any 1 an 2ani 2 luni 8 luni 2005 1 an 10 ani 22 ani 4 ani 1 an

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2luni 5 luni 6 luni 1 an si 8 luni 2 ani 1 an eu mi-am gasit singurel 2 ani Un an 5 ani 3 ani 3 ani 2o12 2 ani 2 ani si 6 luni De aproape 1 an 2 luni 2012 iulie 2010 2 ani 3 ani 5 ani 7ani 6ani 2 ani 6 luni 4 ani 3 ani 3ani 3 ani 10 ani 2 ani 4 luni

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 05

How long has it been since you came in the UK?

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 06

How long do you intend to stay in the UK ?
Answer Less than 3 months (1) 4 6 months (2) 7 11 months (3) 1 2 years (4) 3 4 years (5) 5 years or more (6) Permanently (7) I do not know how long I will stay (8) I do not know / I do not answer (9) No answer Count 6 3 1 12 6 21 45 55 2 22 Percentage 3.47% 1.73% 0.58% 6.94% 3.47% 12.14% 26.01% 31.79% 1.16% 12.72%

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Field summary for 06

How long do you intend to stay in the UK ?

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Field summary for 07

What city do you currently live in?
Answer Answer No answer Responses Londra ash Londra Londra Plymouth London St Neots Portsmouth Dorking Londra Londra Bournemouth Londra Crawley bournemouth Canterbury londra Faversham Cirencester Cirencester New Milton Hampshire londra Londra peterborugh HOUNSLOW Coventry south west Plymouth staines harrow London Count 148 25 Percentage 85.55% 14.45%

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londra edmonton londra londra londra basildon essex Nottingham Uxbridge Aberdeen bournemouth ashtead ashtead Bridlington Bridlington BIRMINGHAM Peterborough Londra londra sdfsgg LONDRA Sidmouth Galati berlin londra Malmesbury/Wiltshire londra Sheffield Edinburgh Birstol Botosani londra Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford hitchin Oxford Londra Londra Londra

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london Birmingham londra Londra Barnsley Londra Londra Londra Londra Manchester Northampton londra london Londra galati romania coventry high wycombe Londra Londra Bournemouth Londra Bournemouth Londra romania Londra Portsmouth Stratford oxford Leeds Abergavenny bristol Bristol Bristol reading londra londra londra hounslow Luton Croydon,Surrey ilford

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Basingstoke Londra Londra Bucuresti londra huddersfield Luton Londra chatham Bournemouth londra Manchester Plymouth London strood-rochester Canterbury belmont Londra Londra Weston-super-mare LONDRA londra Southend on Sea Londra emsworth Londra Londra Londra Rushden leighton buzzard Londra Londra londra Wales Londra

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 07

What city do you currently live in?

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 08

Did you leave to work in the UK under a contract with legal forms?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 38 109 26 Percentage 21.97% 63.01% 15.03%

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Field summary for 08

Did you leave to work in the UK under a contract with legal forms?

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Field summary for 09

Have the c ontract terms been complied once you arrived in the UK?
Answer Yes (1) No (2) Partially (3) No answer Count 24 5 8 1 Percentage 63.16% 13.16% 21.05% 2.63%

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Field summary for 09

Have the c ontract terms been complied once you arrived in the UK?

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Field summary for 10

How long did it pass until you found your first job?
Answer Answer No answer Responses 2 zile 2 saptamani 1 sapt 3 luni 1 zi 2 saptamani O saptamana 3 luni 5 luni imediat 10 zile 2 zile inca nu am gasit astept actele prima saptamana 2 luni 3 Luni 4 luni 1 saptamana 1 zi imediat am studiat aici si mi-a fost usor 1 luna o saptamina Count 106 3 Percentage 97.25% 2.75%

2 sapt o zi nu l-am gasit inca. 2 ani NU L AM CAUTAT INCA 3 luni imediat imediat dupa terminarea masteratului

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dfsw 2 SAPTAMANI 5 ore si 17 minute o luna 3 saptamani 2 3 luni 2 luni 4 luni sper sa gasesc imediat, sunt specialist 1 luna Cateva luni 2 saptamani nu lucrez cateva saptamani 1luna cateva saptamani 2 luni cateva zile Dupa ceva timp 6 luni Imediat cum am ajuns 1 saptamana Doua luni 3luni 3 luni Cateva luni 1, 5 ani 1 saptamana 2 zile 1 an Imediat 1 saptamana 2 luni de zile 3 luni un an 2 lluni 1 an 1 sptmana 2 saptamani 2 luni

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1 saptamana nu am gasit inca nu am gasit 2 sapt. nu am gasit nu am gasit inca Prima zi 3-4 luni 1 an si citeva luni nu am agsit inca sint in cautarea unui loc de munca 1 luna 3 saptamani 2zile 1 luna 6 luni 2-4saptamani din 2007 2 ani 3 luni 4 luni 2 saptamani IMEDIAT 1 zi 3 luni 1 saptamana Cateva zile 4 luni Dupa 6 luni 1 luna 1 /2 an 6 luni 2 saptamani 1 luna.

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Field summary for 10

How long did it pass until you found your first job?

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Survey 28373 ''

Field summary for 11(1)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Insufficient knowledge of the language]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 63 73 3 34 Percentage 36.42% 42.20% 1.73% 19.65%

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Field summary for 11(1)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Insufficient knowledge of the language]

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Field summary for 11(2)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Difficulty in finding a job]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 53 77 6 37 Percentage 30.64% 44.51% 3.47% 21.39%

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Field summary for 11(2)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Difficulty in finding a job]

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Field summary for 11(3)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Finding a dwelling place]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 39 91 5 38 Percentage 22.54% 52.60% 2.89% 21.97%

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Field summary for 11(3)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Finding a dwelling place]

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Field summary for 11(4)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Residence permit, legal forms for work]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 78 54 7 34 Percentage 45.09% 31.21% 4.05% 19.65%

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Field summary for 11(4)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Residence permit, legal forms for work]

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Field summary for 11(5)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Equivalence of documents - certificates/study diplomas/attestations]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 46 74 13 40 Percentage 26.59% 42.77% 7.51% 23.12%

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Field summary for 11(5)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Equivalence of documents - certificates/study diplomas/attestations]

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Field summary for 11(6)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Country separation the adaptation effort, separation from family, friends, acquaintances]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 79 54 5 35 Percentage 45.66% 31.21% 2.89% 20.23%

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Field summary for 11(6)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Country separation the adaptation effort, separation from family, friends, acquaintances]

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Field summary for 11(7)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Other]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 50 61 18 44 Percentage 28.90% 35.26% 10.40% 25.43%

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Field summary for 11(7)

What challenges have you faced in the first months/first year of residence in the UK ? [Other]

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Field summary for 12

What are the main problems you currently encounter on your stay as an immigrant in the UK?
Answer Discrimination (1) Obtaining a work permit (2) The lack of a job (3) Problems at the workplace (4) Other No answer 'Other' Responses nici una Lipsa unui loc sigur de munca, iar altul, chiria. bani putini prea multi romani niciuna niciuna toate de mai sus plus lipsa beneficiilor sper, niciuna nu am nicio problema nu am probleme Nu pot sa-mi iau abonament pt telefon mobil! :) nici una pana in prezent....respecta si vei fi respectat... Niciuna buletinul ca forma de identificare Nicio o problema. Nici una nu sunt nu sunt nu santem atii cum trebui Pna in 2014 obtinerea unui permis de munca era un proces anevoios. in cazul meu a durat mai mult de 10 luni sa il primesc. O alta problema,desi in cazul meu izolata, ar fi discriminarea si asocierea romanilor cu rromii. Au fost cateva ocazii in care angajatorii au refuzat sa angajeze romani. chiria si transportul foarte scump NU-MI PLACE JOBUL nici unul nici o problema Count 60 12 17 8 47 29 Percentage 34.68% 6.94% 9.83% 4.62% 27.17% 16.76%

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Field summary for 12

What are the main problems you currently encounter on your stay as an immigrant in the UK?

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Field summary for 13

What is your occupation / current occupational status?
Answer Contract of employment (1) Contractor/freelance (2) On your own (3) Entrepreneur (4) Retired (5) Unemployed (6) Student (7) Housewife (8) Other No answer 'Other' Responses cautator in gunoaie angajat fara contract selfemployer nimic asistent medical Concediu de maternitate. Count 54 26 12 10 1 3 18 11 11 27 Percentage 31.21% 15.03% 6.94% 5.78% 0.58% 1.73% 10.40% 6.36% 6.36% 15.61%

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Field summary for 13

What is your occupation / current occupational status?

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Field summary for 14

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ? ( Type)
Answer employee (1) freelance (2) No answer Count 60 40 2 Percentage 58.82% 39.22% 1.96%

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Field summary for 14

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ? ( Type)

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Field summary for 14b

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ?( Time)
Answer full-time (1) part-time (2) hired for the day (3) No answer Count 79 10 10 3 Percentage 77.45% 9.80% 9.80% 2.94%

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Field summary for 14b

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ?( Time)

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Field summary for 14c

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ? ( Form)
Answer contract of employment (1) without a contract of employment (2) civil contract (3) No answer Count 48 21 29 4 Percentage 47.06% 20.59% 28.43% 3.92%

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Field summary for 14c

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ? ( Form)

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Field summary for 14d

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ?(duration)
Answer fixed-term employment (1) permanent employment (2) No answer Count 14 84 4 Percentage 13.73% 82.35% 3.92%

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Field summary for 14d

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ?(duration)

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Field summary for 14e

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ? (program)
Answer fixed schedule (1) flexible schedule (2) No answer Count 57 41 4 Percentage 55.88% 40.20% 3.92%

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Field summary for 14e

What are the forms under which you work in the UK ? (program)

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Field summary for 16

In which area do you work in the UK ?
Answer Agriculture (1) Manufacturing (2) Construction (3) Commerce (4) Hotels and restaurants (5) Transport and communications (6) Professional, scientific and technical activities (7) Education (8) Health and social care (9) Private households of citizens (10) Other No answer 'Other' Responses Tehnician Administrativ , Addvancr Scafolder Nanny Media aeroport anunturi pe gumtree,curatenie car wash servicii secretara Servicii Servicii Foto-Video nimic evenimente speciale/show tv Count 4 3 12 7 16 7 8 0 29 2 13 1 Percentage 3.92% 2.94% 11.76% 6.86% 15.69% 6.86% 7.84% 0.00% 28.43% 1.96% 12.75% 0.98%

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Field summary for 16

In which area do you work in the UK ?

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Field summary for 17

Why do you think you can t find a job?
Answer The lack of qualifications (1) The lack of experience (2) Unknowing the language (3) Romanian immigrant status (4) The negative image of Romanians in the UK (5) Age (6) Other 'Other' Responses Count 0 1 1 2 3 0 0 Percentage 0.00% 0.15% 0.15% 0.30% 0.45% 0.00% 0.00%

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Field summary for 17

Why do you think you can t find a job?

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Field summary for 18

Do you know your rights as a worker in the UK?
Answer Not at all (1) Partially (2) Entirely (3) No answer Count 16 79 50 28 Percentage 9.25% 45.66% 28.90% 16.18%

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Field summary for 18

Do you know your rights as a worker in the UK?

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Field summary for 19

What were the sources of information for the knowledge of your rights as a worker in the UK?
Answer Trade unions (1) Forums (2) Friends, acquaintances (3) Personal documentation (4) Other No answer 'Other' Responses facebook Count 3 18 24 48 3 1 Percentage 3.09% 18.56% 24.74% 49.48% 3.09% 1.03%

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Field summary for 19

What were the sources of information for the knowledge of your rights as a worker in the UK?

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Field summary for 20

Are you a trade union member?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 8 82 7 Percentage 8.25% 84.54% 7.22%

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Field summary for 20

Are you a trade union member?

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Field summary for 21

Does your trade union offer you?:
Answer Useful contact points (1) Assistance, information, legal support (2) Negotiates in your best interest with the authorities (3) Advantages of a collective agreement (4) Protection at the workplace (5) Support for the integration at the workplace (6) Interventions for amending the legislative framework in the interest of migrant workers (7) Support for family integration (8) Other No answer 'Other' Responses free sex twice a day Count 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 Percentag e 0.00% 37.50% 12.50% 0.00% 37.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00%

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Field summary for 21

Does your trade union offer you?:

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Field summary for 22

Do you know someone who received support from the trade union?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 1 73 8 Percentage 1.22% 89.02% 9.76%

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Field summary for 22

Do you know someone who received support from the trade union?

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Field summary for 22b

What kind of support?
Answer Answer No answer Responses Count 0 1 Percentage 0.00% 100.00%

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Field summary for 22b

What kind of support?

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Field summary for 23

What support do you consider that trade unions should provide?
Answer Answer No answer Responses nici asmbasada nu isi sprijina cetateni legal Ajutorul in caz de discriminare sau hartuire eventual sa ne mai beleasca de bani sunt self employed , nu beneficiez de sindicat Reprezentate juridica in conflicte de munca nu stiu sprijin legislativ despre obligatiile si drepturile angajatului Nu stiu Nu stiu niciunul legat de salarii mai multe informatii,obtinere actelor intr-o perioada mai scurta,ajutor in gasirea unui loc de munca si multe altele oferte locuri de munca nu stiu. Protectie la locul muncii SPRIJINIREA ROMANILOR IN DREPTURI linikyjj booze niciunul, fiecare trebuie sa-si rezolve singur problemele Sa functioneze conform statutului probleme cu un angajator. nu stiu Reprezentare legala nu raspund sprijin banesc Informatii, Greeu de raspuns.. Nici unul Asistenta juridica nu raspund nush si sa ofere sprijin in caz de Count 45 52 Percentage 46.39% 53.61%

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sa verifice daca se plateste salariul minim pe economie la romani si sa se ia masuri daca nu se plateste Nu stiu Sindicatele britanice m-au discriminat nu cred ca poate face nimic nu nu cunosc protectie la locul de munca,informare juridica oferirea unor posturi de munca in domeniul studiilor avute Orice si un sfat e binevenit IN GASIREA DE LOCURI DE MUNCA ADECVATE Sa fie adus la cunotin lucrtorilor din UK, despre rolul sindicatelor , cum si unde pot sprijini. multe Nu sunt sigur O informare CORECTA despre drepturile noastre in Uk, ajutor in rezolvarea problemelor, precum ( acte, facilitati, drepturi, etc).

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Field summary for 23

What support do you consider that trade unions should provide?

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Field summary for 24

Do you consider to be useful the cooperation between the trade unions from Romania and the ones from UK, in order to support the Romanian migrants in UK?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 67 29 1 Percentage 69.07% 29.90% 1.03%

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Field summary for 24

Do you consider to be useful the cooperation between the trade unions from Romania and the ones from UK, in order to support the Romanian migrants in UK?

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Field summary for 25

Are you living in the UK with your family?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 51 45 1 Percentage 52.58% 46.39% 1.03%

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Field summary for 25

Are you living in the UK with your family?

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Field summary for 26

Do you intend to bring your family also?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 12 33 0 Percentage 26.67% 73.33% 0.00%

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Field summary for 26

Do you intend to bring your family also?

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Field summary for 27

Can you please specify the level of monthly income ( )
Calculation Count Sum Standard deviation Average Minimum 1st quartile (Q1) Median value 3rd quartile (Q3) Maximum Null values are ignored in calculations Q1 and Q3 calculated using minitab method Result 69 205596 7266.15 2979.65 0 910 1200 2000 50000

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Field summary for 28

Do you send money to your relatives and acquaintances in Romania?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 44 52 1 Percentage 45.36% 53.61% 1.03%

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Field summary for 28

Do you send money to your relatives and acquaintances in Romania?

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Field summary for 29

If so, can you please indicate the monthly average amounts sent:
Answer Answer No answer Responses 900 50-100 200 700-1000 100 100 100 30 100 300 100-300 50 100-200 100 150-200 300 200 300 6666 500 100-150 lire imi pare rau dar este confidential 50 200 500 200 Cel putin 200 300 200 400 100 Count 44 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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150 50,200,100 200 200 200 100 1700 500 100 150-200 50 20-50, bani trimisi pt necesitatile noastre.

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Field summary for 29

If so, can you please indicate the monthly average amounts sent:

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Field summary for 30

The money sent home were used for:
Answer Current expenditure (1) Payment of debts (2) Construction bussiness (3) House improvements (4) Purchase of personal property (5) Education of children (6) Purchase of family assets (7) Housing construction (8) Other objectives (9) Other businesses (10) Purchase of urban land (11) Purchase houses (12) Other No answer 'Other' Responses Sntatea parintilor pentru Gigi Becali strangere sanatate(operatii) cheltuieli personale Count 22 8 1 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 Percentage 50.00% 18.18% 2.27% 0.00% 0.00% 13.64% 0.00% 0.00% 4.55% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.36% 0.00%

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Field summary for 30

The money sent home were used for:

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Field summary for 31

Do you intend to go back to Romania?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 40 56 1 Percentage 41.24% 57.73% 1.03%

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Field summary for 31

Do you intend to go back to Romania?

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Field summary for 31

Answer Answer No answer Responses 10-15 ani 3-4 ani cat mai curand Cateva luni 2 ani 1-2 ani 6 ani nu stiu 5 ani 1-2-3 ani 5 3-4 ani dupa 6 ani 1 an am scris dincolo, peste 3 luni 15-20 ani nu stiu nu stiu 2 luni 5 ani 3 ani 10 ani Pensie Nu tiu exact 25 de ani nu stiu cind am bani de bilet 1 an Un an nu stiu inca 3 ani Count 40 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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6 luni 7-10 ani nu stiu nedeterminabil 2-3 luni nu stiu 10 ani 3-4 ani 5-10 ani

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Did you have a job in Romania before you emigrate?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 65 31 1 Percentage 67.01% 31.96% 1.03%

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Field summary for 32

Did you have a job in Romania before you emigrate?

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Field summary for 33

In which area have you worked?
Answer Agriculture (1) Manufacturing (2) Construction (3) Commerce (4) Hotels and restaurants (5) Transport and communications (6) Professional, scientific and technical activities (7) Education (8) Health and social care (9) Private households of citizens (10) Other No answer 'Other' Responses Industrie Mass media asigurari electrician sudor mig mag Turism politica administratie economist armata vanzari Televiziune Fonduri Europene - ONG Imobiliare Ziarist politie contabil Productie publicitara vanzari bancar paza si protectie Count 0 1 7 12 5 2 4 2 11 0 21 0 Percentage 0.00% 1.54% 10.77% 18.46% 7.69% 3.08% 6.15% 3.08% 16.92% 0.00% 32.31% 0.00%

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Field summary for 33

In which area have you worked?

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Field summary for 34

You have worked for a period of :
Answer Answer No answer Responses 9 ani 10 ani 1an 2 ani 12/8 Cateva luni 2 ani 5ani 1 an 8 ani 13 ani 12 ani 3 ani 15 ani 5ani 2 ani 10 ani 4 ani 2 ani 3 ani 12 ani 6 6 3 ani 20 de ani 16 ANI 9 ani 22 ani 6 luni peste 30 ani 4 ani ani Count 65 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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5 ani 3 ani 3 ani 10 ani cateva luni 8 ani cca. 9 ani 9 ani 5 ani 5 ani 24 ani 5 ani 1 an 11 ani si 5 luni , 6 ani 17 ani 2 ani 4 5 ani 15 ani 16 13 ani 5 ani 5 ani 10 ani 26 DE ANI 10 4-5 ani 15 ani 6 ani 7 ani 14 ani 3 ani 13 ani aprox

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Field summary for 34

You have worked for a period of :

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Field summary for 34B

What are the forms under which you have worked?
Answer Contract of employment (1) Freelance / civil contract (2) Illegal labour (3) No answer Count 55 6 4 0 Percentage 84.62% 9.23% 6.15% 0.00%

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Field summary for 34B

What are the forms under which you have worked?

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Field summary for 35

Your monthly income in Romania was
Answer Answer No answer Responses 2800-2900 ron noi 800 lei 750 1100 lei 1500 RON 800 de Ron 7.000.000 200lire 1000 1400 ron 1300 ron 1500 ron 1100 RON 1000 lei 2000de lei 120 euro 9500 lunar in 2007 400 eur 800 ron varia 1000 ron 200 200 800 2.100 de ron 600 2000 lei 200 Euro 1000 lei 2000 1000 lei Count 65 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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2000 lei 900 1000 lei N/a 800 roni 1200 Ron nu raspund nu imi amintesc 800 lei 6 milioane 910 lei 600 ron 350 lei I nu imi amintesc exact.. 15 000 000 lei 2000 lei nu mai stiu 900RON 1200 4000 2700ron 800 lei 700ron 600 2500-3000 lei 2000 1300 600 1000ron 1000 ron 5000 1000 lei 0 300 euro

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Field summary for 35

Your monthly income in Romania was

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Field summary for 36

What were your occupations?
Answer Answer No answer Responses Tehnician Administrativ, cladiri birouri si Malluri gestiune primara agent de vanzari Operator call-center medic Croitoreasa Electrician contabil Reporter tamplar pvc operator calculator, contabil...etc. Student multe Ospatar manager electrician profesor asistent social mai multe barman-ospatar,casier ministerul de externe amenajari interioare politist local ind lemnului Count 94 3 Percentage 96.91% 3.09%

barman,sofer distributie,constructii ghid turistic, consultant proiecte niciuna Elev contabil nu stiu LUCRATOR COMERCIAL agent vanzari

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N/A jhygyrdujjn STUDENT paznic in gara ziua si sofer de tir noaptea birou Asistenta medicala Agent vanzari, ospatar Elev director tehnic Kintetoterapeut Student Agent comercial elev inspector protectia mediului functionar administrativ promoter Jurnalist consulantant Cameraman studenta Manager de Programe vanzator casiera Student studenta statie gpl vanzatoare , gestionar asistent medical Nu am fost angajata Agent imobiliar Laborant chimist, Eleva Studenta Medic stomatolog conducator auto agricultura nu am fost asistent medical ziarist fiziokinetoterapeut Rigipsar muncitor calificat / prelucrere mobila

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manager student elev politie asistent medical agent vinzari elev secretara + contabil student marketing manager PROFESOR INGINER as. medical Muncitor Operator ghiseu Coafor, frizer Eleva merchandiser manager bancar buctar literatura as med emigrant in Grecia.

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Field summary for 36

What were your occupations?

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Field summary for 37

The year when you left Romania was
Calculation Count Sum Standard deviation Average Minimum 1st quartile (Q1) 2nd quartile (Median) 3rd quartile (Q3) Maximum Null values are ignored in calculations Q1 and Q3 calculated using minitab method Result 96 192881 5.53 2009.18 1972 2008 2010 2012 2014

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Field summary for 38(1)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Discontent with current material state]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 65 17 5 0 Percentage 74.71% 19.54% 5.75% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(1)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Discontent with current material state]

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Field summary for 38(2)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [The lack of a job in Romania]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 33 49 5 0 Percentage 37.93% 56.32% 5.75% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(2)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [The lack of a job in Romania]

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Field summary for 38(3)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [The desire to work/live abroad]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 46 38 3 0 Percentage 52.87% 43.68% 3.45% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(3)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [The desire to work/live abroad]

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Field summary for 38(4)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Better working conditions]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 66 18 3 0 Percentage 75.86% 20.69% 3.45% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(4)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Better working conditions]

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Field summary for 38(5)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [The economic crisis in Romania]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 62 22 3 0 Percentage 71.26% 25.29% 3.45% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(5)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [The economic crisis in Romania]

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Field summary for 38(6)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [To earn more than in Romania]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 71 13 3 0 Percentage 81.61% 14.94% 3.45% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(6)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [To earn more than in Romania]

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Field summary for 38(7)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Needs of family maintenance]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 40 38 9 0 Percentage 45.98% 43.68% 10.34% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(7)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Needs of family maintenance]

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Field summary for 38(8)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Need paying debts]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 37 41 9 0 Percentage 42.53% 47.13% 10.34% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(8)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Need paying debts]

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Field summary for 38(9)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Personal reasons (relationships, family reunification, conflicts or disputes at the workplace of in the family)]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 23 58 6 0 Percentage 26.44% 66.67% 6.90% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(9)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Personal reasons (relationships, family reunification, conflicts or disputes at the workplace of in the family)]

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Field summary for 38(10)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Lack of insight into professional development]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 63 22 2 0 Percentage 72.41% 25.29% 2.30% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(10)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Lack of insight into professional development]

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Field summary for 38(11)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Higher salaries abroad]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 69 15 3 0 Percentage 79.31% 17.24% 3.45% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(11)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Higher salaries abroad]

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Field summary for 38(12)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Romanian employers failure to comply with the legal provisions of the labour law]
Answer Yes (1) No (2) I dont know /I dont answer (3) No answer Count 56 28 3 0 Percentage 64.37% 32.18% 3.45% 0.00%

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Field summary for 38(12)

What are the reasons that led you to go in another country? [Romanian employers failure to comply with the legal provisions of the labour law]

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Field summary for 39

Have you ever worked abroad before?
Answer Yes (Y) No (N) No answer Count 29 58 0 Percentage 33.33% 66.67% 0.00%

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Field summary for 39

Have you ever worked abroad before?

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Field summary for 39b

How many countries have you worked in after you left Romania? Can you please tell the name of those countries?
Answer Answer No answer Responses Turcia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Polonia, Spania italia It Grecia grecia portugalia germania aceeasi tara italia franta germania Italia 2 jhbutfyr CIpru Grecia, Germania, Austria Portugalia 1 Elvetia italia Israel Grecia cypru Italia, Irlanda, Elvetia, Germania Italia Austria SPANIA SI NORVEGIA uk Italia Italia Italia Grecia Count 29 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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Field summary for 39b

How many countries have you worked in after you left Romania? Can you please tell the name of those countries?

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Field summary for 40

County of origin
Answer Answer No answer Responses OLT galati Neamt Timis Arad Cluj Tulcea Galati Iasi cluj Neamt Galati Galati insule timis Iasi dambovita bucuresti valcea constanta dolj bacau Neamt Cluj Vaslui Dambovita galati arges DOLJ Cluj Galati Count 87 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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ygyrtrdx GALATI Vaslui Braila Maramures Arad Botosani Galati Galati Galati Galati Galati Galati Galati Constanta Bucuresti Brasov Alba hunedoara Brasov dolj Maramures Bucuresti Galati Galati Suceava Bucuresti Constanta limassol Braila galati Bucuresti Vaslui Bucuresti bucuresti Buzau Bucuresti c-s Maramures timis suceava

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hunedoara Vaslui Bucuresti BRAILA PEMBROKSHIRE Mm Bacau Iai Iasi constanta vrancea CONSTANTA hunedoara cluj Iasi

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Field summary for 40

County of origin

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Field summary for 41

The area of origin:
Answer Urban area (1) Rural area (2) No answer Count 72 15 0 Percentage 82.76% 17.24% 0.00%

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Field summary for 41

The area of origin:

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Field summary for 42

Answer Answer No answer Responses Ortodox ortodox Ortodoxa Crestin liber cugetator (Crestin botezat) Ortodoxa Ortodox crestin ortodox Ortodox ortodox Ortodox ortodox Agnostic ortodox ortodoxa Ortodox ortodoxa ateu ortodoxa musulmana crestin ortodox ortodoxa ortodox crestin Ortodox ortodoxa Ateu ortodox ortodox ORTODOX crestin ortodoxa Count 87 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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uyycy CRESTIN mai catolic decat papa Crestin ortodox Ortodox Ortodoxa ateu Ortodoxa Ateu Ortodox Ortodoxa Ateu Ortodoxa Ortodox Protestant ortodoxa Baptista ortodox crestin-ortodox Ortodox ortodoxa crestin ortodox ortodox Ortodox Crestin ortodox Ortodox Crestin ortodox ortodox Ortodox crestin ortodox Ortodoxa ortodox Ortodox ateu Ortodoxa ortodox ortodox ortodoxa ortodoxa crestin ortodox

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ortodox Crestin catolica CRESTIN ORTODOX ORTODOXA Ortodox Ortodoxa Catolica Ortodoxa ortodox ortodoxa ortodox non ortodox Crestin ortodox.

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Field summary for 43

Answer Female (F) Male (M) No answer Count 49 38 0 Percentage 56.32% 43.68% 0.00%

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Field summary for 43


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Field summary for 44

Age ( years):
Calculation Count Sum Standard deviation Average Minimum 1st quartile (Q1) Median value 3rd quartile (Q3) Maximum Null values are ignored in calculations Q1 and Q3 calculated using minitab method Result 87 2969 11.1 34.13 20 25 31 41 85

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Field summary for 45

Marital status
Answer married (1) not married (2) No answer Count 38 49 0 Percentage 43.68% 56.32% 0.00%

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Field summary for 45

Marital status

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Field summary for 46

Marital status ( Tipe)
Answer single (1) divorced (2) separated (3) life partnership (cohabiting) (4) widower (5) No answer Count 26 9 0 13 1 0 Percentage 53.06% 18.37% 0.00% 26.53% 2.04% 0.00%

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Field summary for 46

Marital status ( Tipe)

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Field summary for 47

Children (minor dependents/number)
Answer Answer No answer Responses nu 0. 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 nu 1 major 1 0 2 copii majori 0 1 0 1 doi 0 0 nu 0 0 0 2 nu nu Count 87 0 Percentage 100.00% 0.00%

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7 0 da, 3 0 0 Nu 1 Nu Nu nu nu am nu am nu am 2 3 0 2 1 1 Nu 3 1 0 nu am 0 Nu Nu Sunt insarcinata cu primul copil 1 0 2 Nu 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 fara copii 0

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1 0 1 NU UNU 0 Nu 0 1 0 in asteptare Nu avem 0 1 2

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Field summary for 47

Children (minor dependents/number)

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Field summary for 48

What is the last school you have graduated?
Answer No school (1) Primary school (2) Gymnasium (3) Apprenticeship school (complementary) (4) Lower high-school cycle (10 grades) (5) Vocational school (6) Upper high-school cycle (12 grades) (7) Post high-school (8) Short-term university studies (college) (9) Long-term university studies (Bachelor) (10) Postgraduate (11) PhD studies (12) No answer Count 2 1 0 2 1 6 21 6 8 31 8 1 0 Percentage 2.30% 1.15% 0.00% 2.30% 1.15% 6.90% 24.14% 6.90% 9.20% 35.63% 9.20% 1.15% 0.00%

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Field summary for 48

What is the last school you have graduated?

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Field summary for 49

Do you own the following assets? (in Romania or in the UK)
Answer Apartment / house (1) Arable land (2) Vehicle (3) Other No answer 'Other' Responses detoate toate de mai sus Nimic Nu Momentan nimic nu nimic nimic Computer Nu NU nu nu am un porc si 2 capre Nu am nu am nu am nu am nu nimic Nu nu acum confidential nu tel mobil:) nu nimic nu Count 27 3 16 41 0 Percentage 31.03% 3.45% 18.39% 47.13% 0.00%

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nu NIMIC Nu Nu nu nu

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Field summary for 49

Do you own the following assets? (in Romania or in the UK)

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