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and uaLa
"Coherence of oplnlons across lssues ls generally
regarded as one of Lhe key lndlcaLors of
ldeologlcal Lhlnklng."

! #$ %&'()*+(,&- ( ./012 AbramowlLz and Saunders,
olarlzauon ln Congress
olarlzauon among Amerlcans
osslble lssues
1ells us someLhlng we already know
Lhere are sldes Lo Lhe conlcL. ?awn.
uaLa doesn'L exlsL / noL represenLauve
who ls on 1wluer?
8lg daLa eLhlcal lssues
prlvacy, securlLy
needs valldauon agalnsL ground LruLh
noL yeL an lnsLrumenL, [usL a Lechnlque
reclncL-level elecuon daLa pro[ecL
8eLweeL neLwork of pollucal LweeLs.
lrom Conover, eL. al., %&'*,3(' %&'()*+(,&- &- 45*67)
Craph of pollucal book sales durlng 2008 u.S. elecuon, by
lrom Amazon "users who boughL x also boughL ?" daLa.
Cun vlolence polarlzauon on
8&9:;0(,&-(' <$$7$$97-0 &= 017 #9:(30 &= >&3*(' ?;$,37 @&3;97-0()*7$
!ana ulesner, unlverslLy of llllnols urbana Champalgn
osslble uses
ConlcL analysls
Who are Lhe parues?
MonlLor changes ln conlcL
Communlcauon sLraLegy
ldenufy brldge bullders and lnuencers
Message deslgn
Changes ln dlscourse sLrucLure

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