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Canterbury Tales Project

Character Section

 Facebook Profile
• Create a Facebook profile for one of the characters in The Canterbury Tales (digital
or on paper). This profile will need to include: a profile photo, at least three status
updates, a personal info section (relationship status, etc.), biography (about me
section), personal quotes, and friends list. Create the profile on a piece of poster
board and design it to look like an actual Facebook profile page.
 Character Back Story
• Create a 2-3 page narrative explaining the background of one of the characters in
The Canterbury Tales. Explain the character’s position and background leading up
to joining the pilgrimage.

Research and Analysis Section

 Real life character comparison (Miller, Pardoner, Wife)

 Medieval Relics
 Medieval vs. Modern Pilgrimages
 The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Medieval Attitudes about Women
 The Medieval Church (or aspects thereof)
 Thomas à Becket and the Shrine at Canterbury
 Female (or Male) Fashion in the Fourteenth Century
 Fourteenth-Century Food and Cookery
 Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
 Choose your own topic and have it approved by your instructor.

Research and write a 2 ½ to 3 page paper on one of the topics above. The paper
will need to describe and analyze your chosen topic incorporating at least two
outside sources. We will be working in the computer lab to compile sources as well
as discussing how to write use MLA format. All papers will need to be typed, 12
point Times New Roman font, and have a works cited page.

Creative Section
 Recording

Spoken Word
• Transform one of the tales into a rap or spoken word piece. Model this version after
the examples we viewed in class.

Family Tale
• Record and edit a family member telling an original story.

 Video
• Talk Show
Videotape interviews with the major characters appearing on a talk show to relate
their journey to the TV audience. Be sure that the interview conveys the characters’
personalities. Write a one-page paper explaining the significance of the events you
choose to share with the TV public.

• Skit: The book in three min.

Transform and condense one of the tales into a three minute short to be shown or
performed in class. This short needs to be complete with costumes and props. Be
sure to include all the significant characters and events of the tale. Write a 2-3
page script for this video or performance.

• A Modern Retelling
Choose one of the tales we have read in class and create a modern version of that
tale. Be sure to include a prologue and create a modern version of the narrator (A
modern miller might be a mechanic, etc.). Write a 2-3 page script for this video or

* It is required that you include a one page explanation of your creative project.
Why did you choose this medium? What are the reasons for presenting it the
way you did? Also, you must include one annotated literary criticism with your
project. This criticism must pertain to the tale you have chosen.

All final projects and checklists will be due the

week of Nov. 30th
The majority of this project will be worked on outside of class. However, Wednesdays will be
“in-class” work days. This will be time for you to work with your group in class. However, if I see
that students are not taking advantage of this time, we will return to normal class work and
students will not be permitted to work on their projects during class. I am available after school
until about 4:30 pm or before school Tuesdays and Thursdays if students need to meet to work
on any part of the project. I can provide video cameras and other resources if requested in

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