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Record Number Acronym Title Variations in Title ISSN EISSN Year Beg an Editors Editorial Address Editorial Zip

Editorial Country Extra Editorial Address Editorial Telephone Editorial Fax Editorial E-Mail Available in Print Available Electronically URL Available as Ful l Text Online Distributors of the Full Text Editions Frequency of Electronic Update Electronic Comment Worldcat Link Subscription Address Subscrip tion Zip Subscription Country Extra Subscription Address Subscrip tion Telephone Subscription Fax Cost of Subscription Year to Which Co st Refers Scope Subject Index Terms Publishes Book Reviews Publishe s Short Notes Publishes Abstracts Peer Review Languages Published Circulation Frequency Accepts Advertising Advertising Rates Available in Microforms Microform Distributor Pagination Publisher Sponsoring Organization Restrictions on contributors Charge for Submission Cost of Submission Fee Charge for Pages Cost of Page Charges Suggeste d Length of Articles Suggested Length of Books Suggested Length of Book Reviews Suggested Length of Notes Editorial Style Preferred Number of Copies of Manuscript Required Blind Submission Policy Special Submissi on Requirements Copyright Holder Disposition of Rejected Manuscripts Time between Submission and Publication Decision Time Between Decision an d Publication Number of Readers prior to Publication Decision Articles Submitt ed per Year Articles Published per Year Books Submitted per Year Books Published per Year Book Reviews Submitted per Year Book Reviews Pub lished per Year Notes Submitted per Year Notes Published per Year Date Info Confirmed 841 Eos. Eos.: Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum 0012-7825 1894 Jakub Pigon "University of Wroclaw; Institut e of Classics; ul. Szewska 49; 50-139 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3752588 (48) 71 3752509 Yes No No USD 50.00/volume Publishes articles on Greek and Roman antiquity and later reception. 300-1399 Classical period; Antiquity; Byzantine history ; Greek studies; Classical studies; Ancient history; Latin language; Neo-Latin l iterature Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Italian ; Latin; Spanish 550 2 times/year Yes Varies Consecutive Polskie Towarzystwo Filologiczne Komitet Bada Naukowych No No "9,000 words maximum" "3,000 words max imum" "1,200 words maximum" MLA 2 No Submit two hardcopies an d a version on disk in Microsoft Word or RTF. Polskie Towarzystwo Filologiczne Returned 2 months 10 months 1-3 45 30 25 20 5 5 9/1/2004 7249 MaComere MaComre: Journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Wr iters and Scholars 1521-9968 1998 Hyacinth M. Simp son "Department of English; Ryerson University; 305 Victoria Street; Toronto , Ontario, M5B 2K3," Canada 416 979-5000 ext. 6148 Yes Yes Yes Digital Library of the Caribbean Every 2 years "Tables of conte nts, subscription, and conference information." 19968 USD 30.00/year individua ls; USD 40.00/year institutions 2012 "Publishes work devoted to the scholarly studies and creative works by and about Caribbean women in the Americas, Europe , and the Caribbean diaspora." African American studies; Women's studies; Engli sh Caribbean literature; French Caribbean literature; Spanish Caribbean literatu re; Postcolonial literature Yes No No Yes English; French; Spanish 200 2 times/year No Separate Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars (ACWWS) Association of C aribbean Women Writers and Scholars (ACWWS) Contributors must be academics o r graduate students. No No " 5,000-7,000 words" " 1,000-1,500 words" MLA 3 Yes "Submit three copies of original text file, a copy on disk, and a 50-word author biography." Author Returned at author's request 3 months 6 months 2 20

10 14 8 9/13/2012 6407 PALARA PALARA: Publication of the Afro-Latin/Romance Association 1093-5398 1997 Antonio D. Tillis "Dartmouth College, AAAS HB 6134; 34 North Main Street; Hanover, NH" 3755 United States 603 646-3397 603 646-1680 Yes No No USD 25.00/year institutions US; USD 15.00/year individuals US; USD 30.00/year el sewhere 2013 "Publishes articles, notes, and book reviews which disseminate r esearch and creativity about African diaspora literature and culture in the New World." African diaspora; African culture; Afro-Hispanic culture; Literary theor y and criticism Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese; Fr ench 200 Annual Yes Varies Available in microforms Separate Afro-Latin/American Research Association No No 20-25 pages 3-7 pages 9-12 pages MLA 3 Yes Submission on DOS or Macintosh diskette using WordPerfect or Microsoft Word is p referred. Send SASE with returned postage affixed. Author Returned 6-8 months 6 months 2-3 18 6 4 3 6 2-3 6/26/2013 6407 PALARA PALARA: Publication of the Afro-Latin/Romance Association 1093-5398 1997 Antonio D. Tillis "Dartmouth College, AAAS HB 6134; 34 North Main Street; Hanover, NH" 3755 United States 603 646-3397 603 646-1680 Yes No No USD 25.00/year institutions US; USD 15.00/year individuals US; USD 30.00/year el sewhere 2013 "Publishes articles, notes, and book reviews which disseminate r esearch and creativity about African diaspora literature and culture in the New World." African diaspora; African culture; Afro-Hispanic culture; Literary theor y and criticism Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese; Fr ench 200 Annual Yes Varies Available in microforms Separate Afro-Latin/American Research Association No No 20-25 pages 3-7 pages 9-12 pages MLA 3 Yes Submission on DOS or Macintosh diskette using WordPerfect or Microsoft Word is p referred. Send SASE with returned postage affixed. Author Returned 6-8 months 6 months 2-3 18 6 4 3 6 2-3 6/26/2013 74 Africa Africa: Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell'Istit uto per l'Africa e l'Oriente 0001-9747 1946 Gianluig i Rossi "Istituto Italo-Africano; Via U. Aldrovandi, 16; 00197 Rome," Italy (39) 6 3221297 (39) 6 3225348 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR (1950-2008) 19747 "Publish es original studies, notes, and documents on various aspects of Africa, past and present, with particular attention given to the history, political and legal in stitutions, and socio-economic problems of independent Africa. Solicits contribu tions from all areas, and particularly from Africa, that apply, on a scientific level, to African studies." African history; African literature; African stu dies Yes No Yes Yes English; French; Italian; Spanish "1,300" 4 times/year No Consecutive Istituto Italo-Africano No No 30 pages 2 pages 2 No Abstracts are published in the languages not used in text. 3 months minimum 3 months minimum 2 20 12 50 25 5227 EPA Estudos Portugueses e Africanos 0103-1821 1983 Haquira Osakale; Adma Muhama "UNICAMP-Instituto de Estudos da Linguag em; Setor de Publicaes; C.P. 6045; 13081-970 Campinas," Brazil (55) 19 7881528 (55) 19 7881528 Yes No No Publishes articles on African and Portuguese culture and literature. African literature; Portuguese literature; African culture; Portuguese culture Yes Yes No Yes Portuguese; English; French; Spanish 400 2 times/

year No Separate "Ncleo de Estudos de Cultura de Expresso Portuguesa do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universi dade Estadual de Campinas" No No Journal 6 months 6 months 5 7/31/2000 7966 AfricaRC Africa: Revista do Centro de Estudios Africanos USP 0100-8153 1978 Kabengele Munanga; Fernando A. A. Mouro; Carlos S errano "Centro de Estudos Africanos; Universidade de So Paulo; Caixa Postal 7204 2; 05508-900 So Paulo SP," Brazil (55) 11 30329416 (55) 11 30329416 Yes Yes cea/ No Journal information only. "Publishes papers on the anthropology, sociology, history, geography, languages, literatures, and linguistics of Africa." African studies; African history ; African languages; African linguistics; African literature; Anthropology; Geog raphy Yes Yes No Yes English; French; Spanish; Portuguese; Cr eole No Separate "Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Cincias Humanas da Universidade de So Paulo - FF LCH/USP" Articles and book reviews are solicited. No No 30 pages ABNT (Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) 2 No Submit both text file on disk and origin al typescript. "Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Cincias Humanas da Universidade de So Paulo - FFLCH/USP" Not returned Varies Varies 1-2 20 18 2-3 2-3 20 20 5/7/2013 1908 PA Prsence Africaine: Revue Culturelle du Monde Noir/Cultural Review of the Negro World 0032-7638 1947 C. Mame Yande Di op "25 bis, rue des Ecoles; 75005 Paris," France (33) 1 4 3541374 (33) 1 43259667 Yes Yes http://www.prese No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." "Publishes general fiction, belles lettres, poetry, history, philosophy, religio n, and politics pertaining to Africa." African studies; Fiction; African histor y; African literature; Philosophy; African poetry; African religions Yes Yes No Yes English; French; Spanish; Portuguese "2,500" 2 times/ year No Separate No No "5,000 words" "1,000 words maximum" "1,000 words maximum" Journal 3 Yes Submit double-spaced typescript with wide margins. Assigned by author to journal Not returned 6 months 6 months 2-3 60 30 60 30 25 10 5/30/2006 8000 Negritud Negritud: Revista de Estudios Afro-Latinoamericanos 1938-7962 1938-7970 2007 Luis Miletti "2110 Five Oaks Way; Tuc ker, GA" 30084 United States 678 620-3649 negritud Yes Yes Yes EBSCO USD 70.00/year Publishes work on Afro-Latin American studies. Afro-His panics No No No Yes English; Spanish; French; Portuguese "2 times/year (Summer, Winter)" No Separate Ediciones Negritud No No 12-30 p ages MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic co py. Ediciones Negritud; Dr. Luis Miletti Returned 6 months 4 months 3-4 40 30 8/13/2008 8000 Negritud Negritud: Revista de Estudios Afro-Latinoamericanos 1938-7962 1938-7970 2007 Luis Miletti "2110 Five Oaks Way; Tuc ker, GA" 30084 United States 678 620-3649 negritud Yes Yes Yes EBSCO USD 70.00/year Publishes work on Afro-Latin American studies. Afro-His panics No No No Yes English; Spanish; French; Portuguese

"2 times/year (Summer, Winter)" No Separate Ediciones Negritud No No 12-30 p ages MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic co py. Ediciones Negritud; Dr. Luis Miletti Returned 6 months 4 months 3-4 40 30 8/13/2008 1677 MP "Modern Philology: Critical and Historical Studies in Literature , Medieval Through Contemporary" Formerly subtitled A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 0026-8232 1545-6951 1903 Richard Strier; Lisa Ruddick; Jessica K. Printz "Modern Philology; Unive rsity of Chicago; 1050 E. 59th Street; Chicago, IL" 60637 United States 773 702-8497 773 702-9861 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group 4 times/ year "Tables of contents, submissions, subscriptions, and editorial informati on." "University of Chicago Press; PO Box 37005; Chicago, IL" 60637 United States 773 753-3347 773 753-0811 USD 192.00/year institutions; USD 47.00/year individuals; Please visit website for additional rates "Publishes work on English and A merican literature, but also publishes work on Continental, Eastern European, an d Latin American subjects." American literature; East European literature; E nglish literature; European literature; Latin American literature; Middle Ages; Literature Yes Yes No Yes English; French; German; Spanish ; Italian "1,600" "4 times/year (Aug, Nov, Feb, May)" Yes USD 475. 00/half page; USD 525.00/full page Available in microforms Consecut ive University of Chicago Press "Division of Humanities, University of C hicago" Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. No No 40 pages maximum " 1,000-1,500 words" " 1,000-3,000 words" Chicago 1 Yes Submissions should be made via Editorial Manager at http :// University of Chicago Press Returned; enclose SASE 3 months 2 years 2 minimum 100-120 12-16 150 75-125 10 2-4 4/29/2008 5145 IdD Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of Language and Literature "Formerl y titled A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Stud ies/Revista de Lngua inglesa, Literaturas em Ingls e Estudos Culturais" 0101-48 46 2175-8026 1979 Anelise Reich Corseuil; Renata M. Wasserman "Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Lingua e Literatura Est rangeiras; Centro de Communicao e Expresso Prdio B- Sala 404; 88040-900 Florianpolis, SC," Brazil "Curso de Pos. Graduaao em Ingls e Lit. Correspondente, UF SC Florianopolis, SC, 88040-900, Brazil" (55) 48 37219544 (55) 48 37219819 Yes Yes https://periodicos.ufsc. br/index.php/desterro/index Yes Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2 times/year Available online in open access format. issn/01014846 BRL 35.00/2 year s Brazil; BRL 100.00/2 years elsewhere "Publishes critical articles on literatures in English, linguistics, discourse analysis, foreign language teachi ng, cultural studies, and literatures in English." American literature; Eng lish literature; English language literature; Linguistics; Teaching of language; Cultural studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Portuguese 500-800 2 times/year Yes Available on an exchange basis Separate Editore de Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (EDUFSC) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Yes USD 15.00 Yes USD .30 " 4,000-8,000 words" "1,000 words" " 1,000-2,000 words" MLA preferred 2 Yes Articles must be written in English or Portugues e. Author Returned 6 months 3 months 2 40 25 10 10 5 5 4/15/2011 241 Asemka Asemka: A Literary Journal of the University of Cape Coast 0855-000X 1974 Y. S. Boafo "French Department; University o f Cape Coast; Cape Coast," Ghana (233) 2440 2449; (233) 2 480 2489 ext. 220 Yes No No

"Publishes articles on African, Caribbean, modern European, and American literat ures, languages, and civilizations." American literature; European literature ; African literature; English Caribbean literature; French Caribbean literature; Spanish Caribbean literature; African languages; Caribbean; Language; European languages; African culture; American culture; Caribbean culture; European cultur e Yes No Yes Yes English; French "1,000" Annual Yes USD 25.00/half page; USD 50.00/full page Separate University of Cape Coast No No " 3,0006,000 words" "1,500 words maximum" MLA 2 No Author Not returned 8 months 6 months 2 20 10 8 4 7238 Nerter Nerter 1575-8621 1999 Manuel Brito "Apdo 167; 38200 La Laguna-Tenerife," Spain (34) 922317614 Yes Yes ERWEBPAGES/nerter.htm No Tables of contents and editorial information. USD 15.00/year 2013 "Publishes critical articles and debates on literature, art, music, and culture." American literature; Literature; Art; Cultural s tudies Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish; German; French; Italia n 500 "2 times/year (Spring, Winter)" Yes USD 100.00/full page; Al so available on an exchange basis Separate Zasterle AC Zasterle AC No No " 1,500-2,000 wo rds" " 700-1,000 words" " 1,000-1,500 words" MLA 3 Yes Submit file in Microsoft Word via e-mail as well as two print copies. Author and journal Returned; enclose return postage or international reply coupons 6-8 weeks 4-8 weeks 2 30 17 8 4-5 5/13/2013 2206 RI Revista Iberoamericana 0034-9631 1938 Mabel Moraa "1312 C. L.; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA" 15260 United States 412 624-5246 412 624-0829 Yes Yes No Journal information only. issn/00349631 "Erika Braga; 1312 C. L.; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA" 15260 United States 412 624-5246 412 624-0829 USD 100. 00/year institutions; USD 65.00/year individuals; USD 30.00/year students; USD 4 0.00/year Latin America Publishes studies of Iberoamerican literature an d promotes cultural relations among the peoples of the Americas. American literature; Spanish American literature; Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese "2,500" 4 times/year Yes USD 75.00/half page; USD 150.00/full page Available in microforms UMI Consecutive Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Institut o Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Contributors must be members of the Inst. Internacional de Literatura. No No 20-30 p ages 3-8 pages 10-19 pages MLA 3 Yes Submit o riginal typescript and diskette using Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Institut e of Iberoamerican Literature Returned; enclose SASE 3-24 months 6-12 mo nths 3 300 140-200 200 50-80 250 30-50 7/9/2004 2206 RI Revista Iberoamericana 0034-9631 1938 Mabel Moraa "1312 C. L.; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA" 15260 United States 412 624-5246 412 624-0829 Yes Yes No Journal information only. issn/00349631 "Erika Braga; 1312 C. L.; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA" 15260 United States 412 624-5246 412 624-0829 USD 100. 00/year institutions; USD 65.00/year individuals; USD 30.00/year students; USD 4 0.00/year Latin America Publishes studies of Iberoamerican literature an d promotes cultural relations among the peoples of the Americas. American literature; Spanish American literature; Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese "2,500" 4 times/year Yes

USD 75.00/half page; USD 150.00/full page Available in microforms UMI Consecutive Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Institut o Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Contributors must be members of the Inst. Internacional de Literatura. No No 20-30 p ages 3-8 pages 10-19 pages MLA 3 Yes Submit o riginal typescript and diskette using Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Institut e of Iberoamerican Literature Returned; enclose SASE 3-24 months 6-12 mo nths 3 300 140-200 200 50-80 250 30-50 7/9/2004 3331 RLet Revista Letras 0100-0888 1953 Anamaria Filizola "Setor de Cincias Humanas, Letras e Artes_Universidade Federal do Paran; Rua General Carneiro, 460_11o andar; 80060-150 Curitiba, Paran," Brazil (55) 41 3605097 (55) 41 3605097 Yes Yes Yes Universittsbibliothek Regensburg "Edition da UFPR; Postal 19029; Centro P olitcnico; 81531-990 Curitiba, PR," Brazil (55) 41 360-3382 (55) 41 3603380 USD 20.00/year individuals Publishes articles on li nguistics and literature of the Americas and Europe. American literature; Spa nish linguistics; Spanish American literature; European linguistics; European li terature; American linguistics Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Italian; Portuguese; Spanish 500 2 times/year Yes Separate "Centro de Lnguas, Universidade Federal do Parana" No No 16-20 pages 2 pages ABNT (As sociao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) 3 No "Submit unpublished work with a 250-word abstract in Portuguese, English, German, French, Spanish, or It alian." Journal Not returned 2 months 6 months 3 30-35 12-20 5-6 5-6 4-5 5/23/2000 157 AN Acta Neophilologica 0567-784X 1968 Mirko Jurak "Department of English; Faculty of Arts; University of Ljubljana ; Akereva 2; 1000 Ljubljana," Slovenia (386) 1 2411000 (386) 1 4259337 Yes No No "J. V. Valvasor D. O. O.; Vegova 8; p.p. 293; 1001 Ljubljana," Slovenia USD 10.0 0/year Publishes articles on Western European and American literatures as well as literatures written in English. American literature; Western Eur ope; English literature; English language literature No No Yes Yes English; French; German; Spanish; Italian 350 Annual Yes Contact editor Separate "Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana" "Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana" No No " 2,000-15,000 words" MLA 2 Yes Journal Not returned 1 year 6 months 2-3 8-18 8-12 8/9/2006 7360 CRN CR: The New Centennial Review Formerly titled Centennial Revie w (1957-2000) 1532-687X 1539-6630 1957 Scott Michaelsen; David W. Johnson "Department of English; 201 Morrill Hall; Michigan State Univers ity; East Lansing, MI" 48824-1036 United States 517 353-5230 517 353-3755; Yes Yes http://w Yes Michigan State University Press 3 times/year "Submission, editorial, and subscription information." http://w "Journals Division; Michigan State University Pr ess; 1405 S. Harrison Road, Ste. 25; East Lansing, MI" 48823-5245 United S tates 517 355-9543 ext. 130 517 432-2611 USD 50.00/year instituti ons US; USD 60.00/year institutions international; USD 30.00/year individuals US ; USD 40.00/year individuals international; USD 27.00/year student; USD 18.00/si ngle issue "Publishes interdisciplinary, theoretical perspectives o n the Americas." American studies; Critical theory; Cultural studies; Lat in American studies; Canadian studies Yes No No Yes English; French; Spanish 570 "3 times/year (Spring, Summer, Fall)" Yes See website Separate Michigan State University Press "Michigan State University Press and College of Arts and Letters, Michigan State

University" No No "8,000 words" "4,000 words" "Chicago, documentation two" 3 Yes "Michigan State University Press, Michigan State University" Returned; enclos e SASE 2-3 months 1 year 2 200 18 20 10 7/1/2004 8411 FIAR forum for inter-american research 1867-15 19 2008 Wilfried Raussert; Yolanda Campos Garcia "Attn. Prof. Wil fried Raussert; Postfach 100131, Fakultt fr Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft; University of Bielefeld; 33501 Bielefeld," Germany (49) 521 1063649 (49) 521 1062996 No Yes Yes University of Bielefeld "2 times/year (S pring, Fall)" Open access online journal. Free Publishes Interdisciplinary research on the Americas. American studies; Ethnic studies; Literary studies; Cultural studies; History; Humanitie s No No Yes Yes English; Spanish "2 times /year (Spring, Fall)" No Separate Universi ty of Bielefeld International Association of Inter-American Studies No No "7,500 words maximum" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Journal 3 months 1-6 months 2 25 10 9/9/2011 8069 CentoP CentoPagine: International Electronic Journal on the Fortune and Continuity of Antiquity 1974-0395 2007 Tommaso Mazzoli "Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichit; Facolt di Lettere via del lazzaret to Vecchio 6; 34100 Trieste," Italy (39) 040 5582843;; No Yes Yes Edizioni Universit di Trieste Annual Open access online journal. Free Publishes work that investigates the fortune and continuity of c lassical tradition in modern literatures and arts. Ancient Greek literature ; Latin language literature; Classical literature No No Yes Yes Italian; English; German; French; Spanish Annual No Separate Universit di Trieste Universit di Trieste No No 10 pages maximum 1 No Author Returned 3 months 3-6 months 3 10 10 4/9/2009 6874 REALJLA "REAL, The Journal of Liberal Arts" Formerly titled RE:Arts & Letters until 1996. 1094-1592 1968 David R. Dickerson "School of Liberal Arts; Stephen F. Austin State University; PO Box 13007, SFA S tation; Nacodoches, TX" 75962 United States 936 468-2059 936 468 -2190 Yes Yes Yes "Ralph W . Steen Library, Stephen F. Austin State University " "2 times/year (Spring, F all)" USD 40.00/year individuals "Publishes essays from the liberal arts disciplines, including anthropology, geography, history, languages, literature, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology. Original poe try and fiction are also invited. Articles are reviewed based on the intrinsic m erit of the scholarship and creative work and the appeal to a sophisticated inte rnational readership. No regional or other restrictions as to origins or content are imposed." Anthropology; History; Language; Literature; Philosophy; Religio n Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 400 "2 times /year (Spring, Fall)" Separate "College of Liberal Arts, Stephen F. Austin State University" Query editor pri or to submitting book reviews. No No "5,000 words" " 1,000-3,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 2 Yes "College of Liberal Arts, Stephen F. Austin State University; reverts to author after publication" Returned; enclose return postage or international reply coupons 2 months 6-12 months 3 110 4-8 2-6 15-20 4 6/9/2004 516 CdIL Cahiers de Linguistique: Revue de Sociolinguistique et de Sociol

ogie de la Langue Franaise Formerly titled Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguis tique de Louvain (to 2006) 0771-6524 1972 Guy Jucquois; Yv es Duhoux "Institut de Linguistique; Place Blaise Pascal; 1348 Louvain-laNeuve," Belgium "Intercommunications, 40 Rue de Hanret, D-5380 Fernelmon t, Belgium" (32) 10474955 (32) 10 474955; info@inte Yes Yes Yes Swets "Peeters; Bomgenotenlaah 153; B-3000 Leu ven," Belgium "Intercommunications, 40 Rue de Hanret, D-5380 Fernelmon t, Belgium" (32) 16 235170 (32) 16 228500 EUR 50.00/year "Publish es articles and collections on a specific theme. Linguistics is regarded in its broadest sense including traditional problems and contemporary research. A very special place has been given to the peripheral domains of linguistics: anthropol ogy, psychoanalysis, psychology, sociology, etc." Anthropology; Linguistic s; Psychoanalysis; Sociology Yes Yes No Yes English; French; German; Dutch; Spanish 2 times/year No Separate Peeters "Institut de Linguistique, Universit Catholique de Louvai n" No No 25 pages 1 page 1 page See inside cover 1 No Submit original typescript and c omputer file. Journal Not returned 2 months 15 months 2 40 20 60 50 10 2 9/5/2006 8605 AJAL Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2314-3576 2013 Daro Luis Banegas; Raquel Lothringer "Arturo M. Bas 2 2; 1 Piso of. 'D""; X5000KLB Crdoba," Argentina "Sarmiento 798, 2A, CP 9200, Esquel, Argentina" (54) 2945 453451 Yes No Yes Yes English; Abstracts in English and Spanish "2 times/year (May, Nov)" Yes In the Supporters tab: ARS 800.00/year Consecutive Federacin Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Ingls Federacin Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Ingls Argentinian cont ributors must be active members of Federacin Argentina de Asociaciones de Profeso res de Ingls. Does not apply to international contributors or Argentine authors w ishing to appears in a special issue. No No " 5,0007,000 words (research articles), 2,000-3,000 words (reflective articles), 1,0003,500 words (classroom activities and accounts) all including tables and graphs, without references and appendices" " 600-1,500 words" "American Psychological Association, 6th edition" 1 Yes Journal Archived 4-15 weeks 4-20 weeks 2 30 4 10 1-2 5/28/2013 7639 Ikala Ikala: Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 0123-3432 1996 Wilson Orozco "Universidad de Antioquia; Escuela de Idiomas; Calle 67 no. 53-108; Ciudad Universitaria; Bloque 11, Oficina 102; A. A. 1226 Medelln," Colombia (57) 4 2195787 Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; Spanish; Portuguese; German; It alian; Catalan 3 times/year Yes Consecut ive Editorial Universidad de Antioquia Universidad de Antioquia Only one article per author per issue allowed. No No "8,000 words" Varies Varies American Psychological Association 1 Yes Journal Returned 3 months 6 months 3 50 16 0-2 54 33 12/10/20 12 1447 Lenguaje Lenguaje 0120-3479 1972 Emma Rodriguez; Gloria Rincn; Martha Berdugo "Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaj e; Universidad del Valle; Apdo. Areo 25360; Cali," Colombia (57) 92 3398497 Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; French 2 times/ year No Separate "Artes Grficas, Facultad de Humanidades" Universidad del Valle Yes USD 20.00 No "12,000 words" "2,800 words" "2,800 words" Linguistic Society of Am erica 2 Yes Include a diskette copy using Microsoft Word or WordPerf ect. Author Returned 3 months 2 months 2 70-80 20 6 4 6/19/2008

2443 SILTA Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica ed Applicata 0390-6809 1972 Enrico Arcaini "Pacini Editore s.r.l.; Via A. G heradesca 1; 56121 Ospedaletto, Pisa," Italy "Enrico Arcaini, Via Mag esimo, 22-I, 00135 Rome, Italy" (39) 05 3015837 Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; Italian; German; Spanish "2,000" 3 times/year Yes Consecutive Liviana Editrice Ministero Beni Culturali No No " 4,000-10,000 characters" "2,000 characters" "2,500 character s" Use International Phonetic Association's system of transcription 2 No Include a summary of ten lines or less. Assigned by author to jo urnal Returned; enclose return postage 2 months 1 year 4 30 24 30 12-20 15 6-10 6/11/2002 7942 RaeL RL: Revista Electrnica de Lingstica Aplicada 1885-9089 2002 Javier Martn Arista "Departamento de Filologas Modern as; Universidad de La Rioja; 26.004 Logroo," Spain (34) 941 299430 Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English; French Annual ( Spring) No Separate Asociacin Espaola de Lingsti ca Aplicada; Departamento de Lingstica Aplicada Contributors must be mem bers of the Asociacin Espaola de Lingstica Aplicada. No No No restrictions No restrictions Chicago 1 Yes Submit o ne electronic copy. Asociacin Espaola de Lingstica Aplicada Not returned 4-6 weeks 3-12 months 30 10 11/5/2007 3049 ITL ITL: International Journal of Applied Linguistics Formerly titled ITL: Review of Applied Linguistics 0019-0810 1783-1490 1968 Lies Sercu; Kris Van den Branden; Raf Erzeel "Blijde-Inkomststr. 21; PO Box 33; 3000 Leuven," Belgium "Raf Erzeel, Editorial Manager, Lessius Hogeschool, Campus Sint-Andries, Sint-Andriesstraat 2, 2000 Antwerp, Bel gium" (32) 16 325030; (32) 16 324826 Yes No Yes Yes English; French; German; Spanish 400 2 times/year No Separate Peeters "Katholi eke Universiteit te Leuven, Department of Linguistics" No No " 7,000-8,000 words" " 500-1,500 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Journal Not returned 6-12 months 6 months 3 50 15 10 5 2/8/2007 7606 Fulgor FULGOR: Flinders University Languages Group Online Review 1446-9219 2002 Desmond O'Connor; Eric Bouvet "Department of Language Flinders University; GPO Box 2100; Adelaide 5001," Australia (61) 8 82012104 Yes No Yes Yes English; French; Italian; Modern Greek; Spanish Annual No Consecutive Flinders Univers ity Articles must not have been previously published. Book reviews are by in vitation only. No No "5,000 words" 800 word s MLA 2 Yes Submit one hard copy and one electronic version. Editors Returned 3 months 3 months 2 20 8-10 6-8 6-8 6/12/2006 8654 Terminalia Terminlia 2013-6692 2013-6706 2009 "Societat Catalana de Terminologia, Institut d'Estudis Catalans" "Carrer del Carme 47; 08001 Barcelona," Spain (34) 935529104 Yes Yes Yes Yes Catalan; Spanish; English; French 400-500 print 2 times/year (June and Dec) Yes EUR 600.00/back cover including issue sponsor note on electronic version Separate Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC) Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC) No No " 7,000-8,000 words" "1,200 words boo k reviews, 600 words dictionary or electronic resource review" " 600-1,200 word s" See website (similar to MLA) 1 Yes Submit one copy online. Author Returned 2-3 months 6-12 months 2-3 10 6 10 6 6 4 2/26/2014

8584 DominiosL Domnios de Lingu@gem 1980-5799 2007 Guilherme Fromm "Instituto de letras e Lingustica; Av. Joo Naves de vila, 2 ; 121 Bairro Santa Mnica; 38408-144 Uberlndia MG," Brazil (55) 34 32394162 Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; English; Spanish; French 2 times/year No Separate Editora da Unive rsidade Federal de Uberlndia Articles must not be previously publishe d elsewhere. No No 25 pages 5 pages ABNT (Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) Yes Creative Commons License BY NC ND Archived 5-8 weeks 4 weeks 2-3 100 45 5 2 3/13/2013 5228 TLA Trabalhos em Lingstica Aplicada 0103-1813 1983 Matilde V. R. Scramucci; Maria Jos F. Coracian "UNICAMP-Instituto de Es tudos da Linguagem; Setor de Publicaes; C.P. 6045; 13081-970 Campinas-SP," Brazil (55) 19 37881528 Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; English; French; Spanish 800 2 times/year No Consecutive Dipartimento de Lingstica Aplicada "Dipartimento de Lingstica Aplicada do Instituto de Estudo s da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas" No No 25 pages Yes Journal 3 months 3 40 16 6/1/2006 2158 REH-PR Revista de Estudios Hispnicos 0378-7974 1971 Mercedes Lpez-Baralt "Seminario de Estudios Hispnicos; ""Federico de O ns""; Fac. de Humanidades; Universidade de Puerto Rico; Ro Piedras, PR" 931 United States " 809 764-0000 ext. 2247, 3672, 3673, 3674" 809 763 -5899 Yes Yes Yes Gale http://w "Editorial de la Universidade de Puerto Rico; PO Box 23322; University Station; Ro Piedras, PR" 00931-3322 United States "Publishes documents and unpublished research works, bibliographies, and critici sm on Hispanic literature, linguistics, cultural history, and folklore." Bibliographies; Hispanic studies; Latin American culture; Hispanic folklore; Spa nish linguistics; Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; French "1,000" Annual Yes Consecutive Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico "Seminario de Es tudios Hispnicos ""Federico de Ons""" No No "9,000 words" "1,800 words" MLA with modifications 1 No Submit original typescript. Journal Returned 1 month 6 months 4 12-14 8-10 10 5 8 1804 NRFH Nueva Revista de Filologa Hispnica 0185-0121 1947 Antonio Alatorre "Apartado 20-671; Camino al Ajusco 20; 10740 Mex ico City D.F.," Mexico (52) 54493000 ext. 4001 or 4010 (52) 5 6 450464 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR "El Colegio de Mxico; Dept. de Publicacio nes; Camino al Ajusco 20; 10740 Mexico City, D.F.," Mexico "(52) 54493000, ext. 3077 or 3078" USD 90.00/2 years institutions U S and Canada; USD 65.00/2 years institutions South America; USD 96.00/2 years in stitutions elsewhere; USD 78.00/2 years individuals US and Canada; USD 55.00/2 y ears individuals South America; USD 90.00/2 years individuals elsewhere "Publishes articles, book reviews, a classified bibliography, and notes on Spani sh, Spanish language, and Latin American literature, Hispanic linguistics, gener al literary and linguistic theory and methodology, and philology." Bibliogr aphies; Spanish linguistics; American literature; Linguistic theory; Latin Ameri can literature; Literary theory and criticism; Spanish literature; Philology Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish "1,000" 2 times/year "Yes, on an exch ange basis" Consecutive El Colegio de Mxico El Colegio de Mxico No No "60,000 words" "12,000 words" "25,000 words" Journal 2 Yes El Colegio de Mxi co Not returned 6-12 months 3-6 months 2-3 70 15-20 70 30-40 10 5 7/7/2004

1804 NRFH Nueva Revista de Filologa Hispnica 0185-0121 1947 Antonio Alatorre "Apartado 20-671; Camino al Ajusco 20; 10740 Mex ico City D.F.," Mexico (52) 54493000 ext. 4001 or 4010 (52) 5 6 450464 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR "El Colegio de Mxico; Dept. de Publicacio nes; Camino al Ajusco 20; 10740 Mexico City, D.F.," Mexico "(52) 54493000, ext. 3077 or 3078" USD 90.00/2 years institutions U S and Canada; USD 65.00/2 years institutions South America; USD 96.00/2 years in stitutions elsewhere; USD 78.00/2 years individuals US and Canada; USD 55.00/2 y ears individuals South America; USD 90.00/2 years individuals elsewhere "Publishes articles, book reviews, a classified bibliography, and notes on Spani sh, Spanish language, and Latin American literature, Hispanic linguistics, gener al literary and linguistic theory and methodology, and philology." Bibliogr aphies; Spanish linguistics; American literature; Linguistic theory; Latin Ameri can literature; Literary theory and criticism; Spanish literature; Philology Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish "1,000" 2 times/year "Yes, on an exch ange basis" Consecutive El Colegio de Mxico El Colegio de Mxico No No "60,000 words" "12,000 words" "25,000 words" Journal 2 Yes El Colegio de Mxi co Not returned 6-12 months 3-6 months 2-3 70 15-20 70 30-40 10 5 7/7/2004 1466 Library The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society " 1892-1919; 2nd series, Vols. 1-10, 1889-99; 3rd series, Vols. 1-10, 1899-1909; 4th series, Vols. 1-26, 1920-46; 5th series, Vol. 1, 1946-78; 6th series, Vols. 1-21, 1979-1999.; 7th series, Vol. 1-, 2000-" 0024-2160 1744-8581 1889 Oliver Pickering "The Brotherton Library; University of Leeds; Le eds LS2 9JT," United Kingdom "Nicolas Bell, Reviews Editor, Music Col lections, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, United Kingdom" (44) 113 3436377 (44) 113 3435561 Yes Yes Yes Oxford University Press "4 times/year (Mar, June, Sept, Dec)" Submission and subscription information. "Nonmembers: Oxford University Press; Jo urnals Subscriptions Department; Walton Street; Oxford OX2 6DP," United Kingdom (44) 1865 882283 (nonmembers) (44) 1865 882890 (nonmem bers) GBP 33.00 (USD 65.00)/year members; GBP 50.00 (USD 95.00)/year nonmember s individuals; GBP 143.00 (USD 272.00)/year nonmembers institutions "Publishes work on historical, analytical, enumerative, descriptive, and textual bibliography, the history of printing, publishing, bookselling, collecting, bin ding, history of libraries, palaeography, book illustration, and provenance." Bibliography; History of the book; Binding; Book collecting; Library history; Pa leography; History of printing; History of publishing Yes Yes No Yes English "1,400" "4 times/year (Mar, June, Sept, Dec)" Yes Varies Available in microforms UMI Consecutive "Bibliographical Society, London " "Bibliographical Society, London" No No "20,000 words maximum" "1,000 words maximum" " 500-3,000 words" MLA 2 No "Glossy prints required for illustrations should be sent with dimensions of original and permission to reproduce. Long quotations may be made in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, and Welsh, but translat ions should be provided. Submit original typescript plus 1 copy." Author a nd Bibliographical Society Not returned 3 months 9-15 months 1-2 20-30 12-15 30-40 30-40 10-15 5-10 6/11/200 8 1080 HL Historiographia Linguistica: International Journal for the Histo ry of the Language Sciences/Revue Internationale pour l'Histoire des Sciences du Langage/Internationale Zeitschrift fr die Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften 0302-5160 1569-9781 1974 E. F. Konrad Koerner; Thorsten Fgen; Doug las Kibbee "John Benjamins Publishing Company; PO Box 36224; 1020 ME Amster dam," Netherlands (31) 20 6304747 (31) 20 6739773 efk.koer Yes Yes Yes Ingenta "Tables of contents, abstracts, submission, subscription, and jo

urnal information." "John Benjamins Publishing; PO Box 36224; 1020 ME Amsterdam," Netherlands "John Be njamins North America, Inc., PO Box 27519, Philadelphia, PA 19118, United States " (31) 20 6304747 (31) 20 6739773 EUR 325.00/year institutions; EUR 85.00/ year individuals "Publishes articles, review articles, and/or a b ibliography devoted to a particular topic in the field, a number of reviews of r ecent publications, and short book notices per issue. Serves the scholarly inter ests of linguists, psycholinguists, historians of ideas and of science, and phil osophers of language of divergent persuasions in the history of linguistic thoug ht." Bibliography; Language; Linguistics; History of linguistics; Philosophy of language; Psycholinguistics; Neurolinguistics Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish 700 "3 times/year (A pr, Aug, Dec)" No Consecutive John Benjamins No multiple submissions; book reviews are solicited. No No 25-35 typescript pages maximum "3,000 words" " 1,200-1,500 words" Linguistic Society of America with modifications 3 Yes "Submit separate sheet with author name, affiliation, and contact information." John Ben jamins Returned with comments 2-3 months 6-12 months 2 minimum 30-40 12-15 10-15 10-15 8-10 6/5/2008 548 Chasqui Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 0145-89 73 1972 David William Foster "Languages & Literatures; Arizon a State University; Tempe, AZ" 85287-0202 United States 480 965 -3752 480 965-0135 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group "Darrell B. Lockhart; University of Nevada; Reno, NV" 89557 United States USD 15.00/year 2014 "Publishes scholarly articles, bibliographies, and book reviews on current Latin American literature and film." Bibliography; Latin Amer ican literature; Latin American creative writing; Film Yes No No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 600 "2 times/year (Nov, May)" No Separate No No 25-40 pages " 1,000-3,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Author 2-3 months 6-12 months 3-4 60-75 15-25 60 50 2/7/2014 548 Chasqui Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 0145-89 73 1972 David William Foster "Languages & Literatures; Arizon a State University; Tempe, AZ" 85287-0202 United States 480 965 -3752 480 965-0135 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group "Darrell B. Lockhart; University of Nevada; Reno, NV" 89557 United States USD 15.00/year 2014 "Publishes scholarly articles, bibliographies, and book reviews on current Latin American literature and film." Bibliography; Latin Amer ican literature; Latin American creative writing; Film Yes No No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 600 "2 times/year (Nov, May)" No Separate No No 25-40 pages " 1,000-3,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Author 2-3 months 6-12 months 3-4 60-75 15-25 60 50 2/7/2014 437 BR/RB The Bilingual Review/La Revista Bilinge 0094-5366 1974 Gary D. Keller "Hispanic Research Center; Arizona State University; PO Box 872702; Tempe, AZ" 85287-2702 United States 480 965-3867 480 965-8309 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group USD 40.00/year institutions; USD 25.00/year individuals "Publishes resea rch and scholarship in bilingualism, bilingual education, and US Hispanic litera ture (e.g. Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban American, etc.). Also publishes material dealing with bilingualism other than Spanish-English if of theoretical signific ance." Bilingualism; Mexican American writers; Cuban American writers; Spanish language; Latin American literature; Puerto Rican literature; Bilingual educatio

n; Hispanic American writers Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish "1,000" 3 times/year Yes USD 125.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page; USD 250.00/inside back cover; USD 300.00/back cover Available in microforms Consecutive "Hispanic Research Center, Arizona State University" Review articles are assigned. No Yes If articles contain more than 2 tables or charts. USD 20.00-25.00 for each chart or table in excess of 2 20-40 pages 8-15 pages MLA 2 No Submit o riginal typescript; submit diskette if possible. Assigned by author to jo urnal Returned; enclose return postage 2 months 1 year 2-3 200 15-16 9-10 review articles 6/4/2002 437 BR/RB The Bilingual Review/La Revista Bilinge 0094-5366 1974 Gary D. Keller "Hispanic Research Center; Arizona State University; PO Box 872702; Tempe, AZ" 85287-2702 United States 480 965-3867 480 965-8309 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group USD 40.00/year institutions; USD 25.00/year individuals "Publishes resea rch and scholarship in bilingualism, bilingual education, and US Hispanic litera ture (e.g. Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban American, etc.). Also publishes material dealing with bilingualism other than Spanish-English if of theoretical signific ance." Bilingualism; Mexican American writers; Cuban American writers; Spanish language; Latin American literature; Puerto Rican literature; Bilingual educatio n; Hispanic American writers Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish "1,000" 3 times/year Yes USD 125.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page; USD 250.00/inside back cover; USD 300.00/back cover Available in microforms Consecutive "Hispanic Research Center, Arizona State University" Review articles are assigned. No Yes If articles contain more than 2 tables or charts. USD 20.00-25.00 for each chart or table in excess of 2 20-40 pages 8-15 pages MLA 2 No Submit o riginal typescript; submit diskette if possible. Assigned by author to jo urnal Returned; enclose return postage 2 months 1 year 2-3 200 15-16 9-10 review articles 6/4/2002 4522 AHR Afro-Hispanic Review 0278-8969 1982 William Luis "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; VU Station B 1617; Vander bilt University; Nashville, TN" 37235 United States 615 322-6862 Yes Yes spanport/journals/ Yes EBSCO Humanities International Complete Submission and subscription information. 88969 "William Luis; Afro-Hispanic Review; The Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cul tural Center; Vanderbilt University; VU Station B 351666; Nashville, TN" 37235-1666 United States USD 65.00/year instituti ons; USD 30.00/year individuals "Publishes scholarly articles on the lit erature of Blacks in Spanish-speaking nations; includes interdisciplinary studie s focusing on sociology, anthropology, and history. Creative writing and transla tions of works by Afro-Hispanic authors are also published." Black writers; S panish language; Culture; Afro-Hispanic writers; Afro-Hispanic culture; Literary theory and criticism; Creative writing Yes No No Yes Spanish; English 500 "2 times/year (Fall, Spring)" Yes USD 150.00/full page; USD 75.00/half page Available in microforms UMI Separate Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Authors may publish only one art icle per year in the journal. No No 25-30 typescrip t pages 4-8 typescript pages MLA 2 Yes Journal Returned 2 months 6-12 months 2 35 12 6 6 6/4/2008 4522 AHR Afro-Hispanic Review 0278-8969 1982 William Luis "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; VU Station B 1617; Vander bilt University; Nashville, TN" 37235 United States 615 322-6862 Yes Yes spanport/journals/ Yes EBSCO Humanities International Complete

Submission and subscription information. 88969 "William Luis; Afro-Hispanic Review; The Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cul tural Center; Vanderbilt University; VU Station B 351666; Nashville, TN" 37235-1666 United States USD 65.00/year instituti ons; USD 30.00/year individuals "Publishes scholarly articles on the lit erature of Blacks in Spanish-speaking nations; includes interdisciplinary studie s focusing on sociology, anthropology, and history. Creative writing and transla tions of works by Afro-Hispanic authors are also published." Black writers; S panish language; Culture; Afro-Hispanic writers; Afro-Hispanic culture; Literary theory and criticism; Creative writing Yes No No Yes Spanish; English 500 "2 times/year (Fall, Spring)" Yes USD 150.00/full page; USD 75.00/half page Available in microforms UMI Separate Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Authors may publish only one art icle per year in the journal. No No 25-30 typescrip t pages 4-8 typescript pages MLA 2 Yes Journal Returned 2 months 6-12 months 2 35 12 6 6 6/4/2008 7660 Heliotropia Heliotropia: Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpreta tion 1542-3352 2003 Michael Papio "Herter 312, c/o Italian Studies Program; 161 Presidents Drive; University of Massachusetts, Amh erst; Amherst, MA" 1001 United States 413 545-2314 No Yes _Studies/heliotropia/ Yes Brown University 2 times/year Open acc ess online journal. Free Publishes work that creates a forum for research and interpretat ion for the international community of Boccaccio scholars. "Boccaccio, Giov anni (1313-1375); Italian literature; Latin language literature; 400-1399 Mediev al period" Yes Yes No Yes English; Italian; Spanish; Frenc h; German; Portuguese 2 times/year No Brown University No No " 4,0008,000 words" " 750-1,500 words" " 1,500-4,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit via e-mail or disk. Author Not returned 6-8 wee ks 2-6 months 3 7-12 5-7 10-18 8-15 4/23/2008 6221 VB Variaciones Borges "Formerly subtitled Journal of the Jorge Luis Borges Center for Studies and Documentation; Dropped subtitle Journal of P hilosophy, Semiotics, and Literature in 2005" 1396-0482 1996 Daniel Balderston "Borges Center; Department of Hispanic Languages and Lit eratures; 1309 Cathedral of Learning; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA" 15260 United States 412 648-0279 412 624-8505 (attention Daniel Balderston) Yes Yes Yes JSTOR "Submission, subscription, and journal information." USD 80.00/year institutions; USD 55.00/year individuals; USD 40.00/single issue 2013-2014 "Publishes articles on the literature of Jorge Luis Borges, incl uding semiotic and philosophical studies." "Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986); Argentinian literature; 1900-1999; Latin American literature; Semiotics; Philos ophy; Comparative literature" Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English ; French; Portuguese 150 2 times/year Yes Only by exchange with ot her journals Separate University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh No No "5,000 w ords" "1,000 words" "2,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit e lectronically in Microsoft Word. Borges Center Not returned 3 months 3-12 months 2-3 80 30 10 10 6-8 6-8 8/28/2013 6221 VB Variaciones Borges "Formerly subtitled Journal of the Jorge Luis Borges Center for Studies and Documentation; Dropped subtitle Journal of P hilosophy, Semiotics, and Literature in 2005" 1396-0482 1996 Daniel Balderston "Borges Center; Department of Hispanic Languages and Lit eratures; 1309 Cathedral of Learning; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA"

15260 United States 412 648-0279 412 624-8505 (attention Daniel Balderston) Yes Yes Yes JSTOR "Submission, subscription, and journal information." USD 80.00/year institutions; USD 55.00/year individuals; USD 40.00/single issue 2013-2014 "Publishes articles on the literature of Jorge Luis Borges, incl uding semiotic and philosophical studies." "Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986); Argentinian literature; 1900-1999; Latin American literature; Semiotics; Philos ophy; Comparative literature" Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English ; French; Portuguese 150 2 times/year Yes Only by exchange with ot her journals Separate University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh No No "5,000 w ords" "1,000 words" "2,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit e lectronically in Microsoft Word. Borges Center Not returned 3 months 3-12 months 2-3 80 30 10 10 6-8 6-8 8/28/2013 7692 ELBC Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contempornea 1518-01 58 2316-4018 1999 Regina Dalcastagn "Departamento de Teoria Literria e Literaturas; Universidade de Braslia; ICC Ala B, Sul, Sobreloja, sala B 1/8; Campus Universitrio ""Darcy Ribeiro""; CEP 70910-900 Braslia DF," Brazil (55) 61 31077213 No Yes Yes Grupo de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contempornea 2 times/year Availabl e in print to volume 41. All issues available in open access online format. Free "Publishes critical debates on the contemporary literature produ ced in Brazil, in its varied manifestations, departing from many theoretical and methodological approaches, with an open dialogue with other literatures and oth er kinds of artistic expression." Brazilian literature Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; Spanish 2 times/year No Separate Grupo de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contempornea Departam ento de Teoria Literria e Literaturas Only accepts articles from author with a n in progress or complete doctorate. No No "6,000 w ords" "1,000 words" See website 1 Yes Journal Not returned 3-4 months 3-4 months 140 28 7 4 3/28/2013 7692 ELBC Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contempornea 1518-01 58 2316-4018 1999 Regina Dalcastagn "Departamento de Teoria Literria e Literaturas; Universidade de Braslia; ICC Ala B, Sul, Sobreloja, sala B 1/8; Campus Universitrio ""Darcy Ribeiro""; CEP 70910-900 Braslia DF," Brazil (55) 61 31077213 No Yes Yes Grupo de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contempornea 2 times/year Availabl e in print to volume 41. All issues available in open access online format. Free "Publishes critical debates on the contemporary literature produ ced in Brazil, in its varied manifestations, departing from many theoretical and methodological approaches, with an open dialogue with other literatures and oth er kinds of artistic expression." Brazilian literature Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; Spanish 2 times/year No Separate Grupo de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contempornea Departam ento de Teoria Literria e Literaturas Only accepts articles from author with a n in progress or complete doctorate. No No "6,000 w ords" "1,000 words" See website 1 Yes Journal Not returned 3-4 months 3-4 months 140 28 7 4 3/28/2013 5407 BslBzl Brasil/Brazil: Revista de Literatura Brasileira/A Journal of Bra zilian Literature 0103-751X 1988 Nelson H. Vieira ; Regina Zilberman; Luiz Fernando Valente; Maria da Glria Bordoni "Departm ent of Portuguese & Brazilian Studies; Brown University Box 0; Providence, RI"

2912 United States 401 863-3042; (55) 512 214022 (Brazil) 401 863 -7261; (55) 512 218601 (Brazil) Yes No No "Editora Universitaria-EDIPUCRS; Av. Ipuanga, 6681, Predio 33; 90619-900 Porto Alegre RS ," Brazil (51) 33203523 USD 50.00/year instituti ons; USD 20.00/year individuals; USD 10.00/issue "Publishes artic les on Brazilian literature and comparative literature, as well as book reviews, English language translations of Brazilian literature, and original prose and p oetry by Brazilian authors." Brazilian literature; Comparative literature; Tr anslation Yes No Yes Yes English; Portuguese 120 2 times/year No Separate Editora Mercado Aberto Brown University Article must relate to Brazilian literature. No No " 6,000-7,500 words" 500-750 words MLA preferred 2 Yes "Submit original typescript and one copy. Includ e a 50- to 100-word abstract, and a diskette using Microsoft Word or WordPerfect for Windows or DOS." Journal Returned 6-12 months 3-6 months 2 20 8-10 8 6 6/24/200 2 3067 LFem Letras Femeninas 0277-4356 1975 Carmen de Urioste Azcorra "Department of Languages and Literature; Arizona State University; PO Box 870202; Tempe, AZ," 85287-0202 United States 480 727-0339 480 965-0135 Yes Yes http://w No Tables of contents and submissio n information. USD 50.00/year institutions (paid directly); USD 60.00/year institutions (paid t hrough agency); USD 45.00/year individuals Publishes scholarship in Hispanic women's literature. Brazilian women writers; Mexican American women writers; Spanish women writers; Spanish American literature; Women writers Yes No No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 700 2 times/ year Yes Request from editor Separate Asociacin de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispnica Contributors must be mem bers of the Asociacin de Literatura Femenina Hispnica. Book reviews are solicited. No No " 3,000-4,000 words" " 750-1,000 word s" MLA 2 Submit typescript or letter-quality word -processed copy via e-mail attachment using WordPerfect. Journal Returned 3-6 months 6-12 months 2 40-45 14-16 12-14 11/30/2006 3067 LFem Letras Femeninas 0277-4356 1975 Carmen de Urioste Azcorra "Department of Languages and Literature; Arizona State University; PO Box 870202; Tempe, AZ," 85287-0202 United States 480 727-0339 480 965-0135 Yes Yes http://w No Tables of contents and submissio n information. USD 50.00/year institutions (paid directly); USD 60.00/year institutions (paid t hrough agency); USD 45.00/year individuals Publishes scholarship in Hispanic women's literature. Brazilian women writers; Mexican American women writers; Spanish women writers; Spanish American literature; Women writers Yes No No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 700 2 times/ year Yes Request from editor Separate Asociacin de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispnica Contributors must be mem bers of the Asociacin de Literatura Femenina Hispnica. Book reviews are solicited. No No " 3,000-4,000 words" " 750-1,000 word s" MLA 2 Submit typescript or letter-quality word -processed copy via e-mail attachment using WordPerfect. Journal Returned 3-6 months 6-12 months 2 40-45 14-16 12-14 11/30/2006 3067 LFem Letras Femeninas 0277-4356 1975 Carmen de Urioste Azcorra "Department of Languages and Literature; Arizona State University; PO Box 870202; Tempe, AZ," 85287-0202 United States 480 727-0339 480 965-0135 Yes Yes http://w No Tables of contents and submissio n information. USD 50.00/year institutions (paid directly); USD 60.00/year institutions (paid t hrough agency); USD 45.00/year individuals Publishes scholarship in Hispanic women's literature. Brazilian women writers; Mexican American women writers; Spanish women writers; Spanish American literature; Women writers Yes No No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 700 2 times/ year Yes Request from editor Separate Asociacin de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispnica Contributors must be mem bers of the Asociacin de Literatura Femenina Hispnica. Book reviews are solicited. No No " 3,000-4,000 words" " 750-1,000 word s" MLA 2 Submit typescript or letter-quality word -processed copy via e-mail attachment using WordPerfect. Journal Returned 3-6 months 6-12 months 2 40-45 14-16 12-14 11/30/2006 5604 LyL Literatura y Lingstica 0716-5811 Leopoldo Sez Godoy "Carrera de Castellano; IPES ""Blas Caas""; Av. Italia 68 1 (Providencia); Santiago," Chile (56) 2 6354192 (56) 2 3 91838 Yes Yes Yes SciELO "Publishes articles on the literature and linguistics of Spain, South America, a nd Central America, with an emphasis on Chile." Chilean literature; South Americ an literature; Central American literature; Spanish literature; Hispanic linguis tics Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English Annual Yes Separate Universidad Catolica Blas Caas Universidad Blas Caas No No "4,500 words" 400 words 500 words 3 Submit on diskette using WordPerfect; include a 200-word abstract. Author Not returned 5 months 3 months 2-3 10 7 5 5604 LyL Literatura y Lingstica 0716-5811 Leopoldo Sez Godoy "Carrera de Castellano; IPES ""Blas Caas""; Av. Italia 68 1 (Providencia); Santiago," Chile (56) 2 6354192 (56) 2 3 91838 Yes Yes Yes SciELO "Publishes articles on the literature and linguistics of Spain, South America, a nd Central America, with an emphasis on Chile." Chilean literature; South Americ an literature; Central American literature; Spanish literature; Hispanic linguis tics Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English Annual Yes Separate Universidad Catolica Blas Caas Universidad Blas Caas No No "4,500 words" 400 words 500 words 3 Submit on diskette using WordPerfect; include a 200-word abstract. Author Not returned 5 months 3 months 2-3 10 7 5 5604 LyL Literatura y Lingstica 0716-5811 Leopoldo Sez Godoy "Carrera de Castellano; IPES ""Blas Caas""; Av. Italia 68 1 (Providencia); Santiago," Chile (56) 2 6354192 (56) 2 3 91838 Yes Yes Yes SciELO "Publishes articles on the literature and linguistics of Spain, South America, a nd Central America, with an emphasis on Chile." Chilean literature; South Americ an literature; Central American literature; Spanish literature; Hispanic linguis tics Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English Annual Yes Separate Universidad Catolica Blas Caas Universidad Blas Caas No No "4,500 words" 400 words 500 words 3 Submit on diskette using WordPerfect; include a 200-word abstract. Author Not returned 5 months 3 months 2-3 10 7 5 6522 ApuntesT Apuntes de Teatro 0716-4440 1960 Maria Veronica Duarte Loveluck "Revista Apuntes de Teatro; Jaime Guzman Errazuriz 3.300; Providencia Santiago," Chile (56) 2 6

865083 (56) 2 6865249 Yes Yes http://w No "Tables of contents, sub mission, and subscription information." "USD 22.00/issue US; USD 42.00/two issues US; USD 59/three issues US; USD 24.00/ issue Europe, Asia, and Africa; USD 46.00/two issues Europe, Asia, and Africa; U SD 65.00/three issues Europe, Asia, and Africa" Publishes articles on Ch ilean theater and on theoretical issues concerning theatre. Also publishes Chile an plays and other documents in order to preserve Chilean theatre patrimony. Chilean theater; Theater Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish 200 "2 times/year (July, Dec)" No Separate "Escuela de Teatro, Facultad de Artes, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile" "Direccin de Artes y Cultura, Vicerrectora de Investigacin, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile" No No " 5,000-10,000 w ords" "1,000 words" " 1,500-3,500 words" MLA 2009 1 Yes Submission via e-mail. 6 months 1-18 months 2 20-26 12 2-6 2-4 4-7 4-5 8/9/2011 2309 RyF Razn y Fe: Revista Hispanoamericana de Cultura 0034-02 35 1901 Jess Sanjos del Campo "CESI-JESPRE; Pablo Aranda, 3; 2 8006 Madrid," Spain (34) 1 5624930 (34) 1 5634073 ryf@jesu Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, abstracts, submission, and subscription information." http://w EUR 50.00/year Spain; EUR 85.00/year Europe; EUR 90.00/year elsewhere Publishes articles on any aspect of culture related to actual problems treated f rom a Christian perspective. Christian Church; Culture; Christian values; Eth ics Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish "5,000" 12 times/year Yes Consecutive Casa de Escritores S.I. No No 10-15 pages 600 words " 3,000-3,500 words" 1 No Submit original typescript. Journal Returned 4 weeks 3 months 2-3 60-75 40 250-300 60-70 5/1/2008 162 AnBol Analecta Bollandiana: Revue Critique d'Hagiographie/A Journal of Critical Hagiography 0003-2468 1882 "Socit des Bollandistes; 24, boulevard Saint-Michel; 1040 Brussels," Belgium (32) 2 7402421 (32) 2 7402424 Yes Yes http://w No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." EUR 95.00/year "Publishes articles on critical ecclesiastical history a nd lives of the saints, mainly up to the 16th century." Church history; Hagiogra phy; Latin language literature; Byzantine literature Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish "2 times/year (J une, Dec)" No Consecutive Socit des Bollandi stes Socit des Bollandistes No No 32 print ed pages maximum 1-2 pages 1-5 pages MLA 1 No Socit des Bollandistes Returned at author's request 3 months 1 year 3 15 150 5 4/28/2008 2314 SacE Sacris Erudiri: A Journal on the Inheritance of Early and Mediev al Christianity Formerly titled Sacris Erudiri: Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetensch appen (changed in 1998) 0771-7776 1948 L. Jocqu "Sint Pietersabd ij Steenbrugge; Baron Ruzettelaan 435; 8310 Brugge," Belgium (32) 50 368820 (32) 50 371457 Yes Yes Yes Brepols "Brepols Publishers; Begijnhof 67; 2300 Turnhout," Belgium (32) 14 448020 (32) 44 428919 EUR 70.00/year "Publishes articles on patristic s, history of liturgy, and early and medieval church history." Church history; Liturgy; Patristic literature; Religious studies; Medieval studies No Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish 350 Annual No Consecutive Brepols Encyclopdie Bndicti ne No No No restrictions

No restrictions 1 No Quotations in Latin are permitted. Brepols Returned at author's request 3 months 6-12 months 2 15 10-12 1-2 1-2 6/12/2006 2488 SMed Studi Medievali 0391-8467 1904 Enrico M enesto "Studi Medievali; Direzione-Redazione; Palazzo Ancaiani; Piazza della Li bert, 12; 06049 Spoleto," Italy (39) 743 225630 (39) 743 49902 Yes No No "Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medi oevo; Palazzo Ancaiani, Piazza Liberta 12; 06049 Spoleto (PG)," Italy EUR 125.00/year individuals "Publishes articles on medieval civiliza tion, as well as editions of texts." Civilization; Middle Ages; Text Yes Yes No Yes English; French; Italian; German; Spanish "1,400" "2 times/year (June, Dec)" No Consecutive Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo Fondazione Centro Italia no di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo No No No restr ictions No restrictions No restrictions Journal 1 No Journal 6-12 months 12-18 months 2 20 15 100 60 20 15 7/8/2004 8626 YofP Yearbook of Phraseology 1868-632X 1868-6338 2010 Jean-Pierre Colson; Koenraad Kuiper; Harald Burger; Annette Sabban; Jarm o Korhonen "Jean-Pierre Colson; University of Louvain; Faculty of Arts (FIA L); Place Balise Pascal 1 bte. L3.03.33; B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve," Belgium Yes Yes No "Content s, submission, and subscription information." 8632X EUR 70.00/year (includes Europhras membership) 2013-2014 "Publishes work on word combinations of varying extent and type, and different degrees of fixedness. These include collo cations, phrasal lexemes, idioms, or formulaic expressions. Word combinations ar e ubiquitous in language and constitute a significant resource for communication . Their study is of interest to many other subdisciplines of linguistics and eve n to other disciplines, throwing light on the make-up and modes of creation of c omplex 'building blocks"" of language, as well as on the way in which language f unctions." Collocation; Phrase; Figurative language; Linguistic corpus; Com putational linguistics; Translation studies Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish; French; German Annual (Nov) No Separate Walter de Gruyter GmbH Europhras (European Association for Phra seology) No No "8,000 words" "3,000 words" Mouton style sheet 2 Yes Author Returned 2 months 10 months 3 25 6 5 4 10/29/2013 4242 BAC Boletn de la Academia Colombiana 0001-3773 1936 Manuel-Jos Forero; Guillermo Ruiz Lara "Academia Colombiana; Carrera 3A, Nmero 17-34; Bogot," Colombia (57) 3414675 (57) 283 9677 Yes No No (57) 281 52645 (57) 2839677 USD 20.00/year Colombia; USD 100.00/year elsewhere "Publishes a register of new words and connotations for the Dictionary of the Re al Academia Espaola, articles of a grammatical nature, and selected prose." Colombian literature; Chilean literature; Spanish literature; Spanish language Yes Yes Yes Spanish 500 2 times/year No Separate Editoria Guadalupe No 5/3/2006 8013 RevEC Revista de Estudios Colombianos 0121-2117 1986 Betty Osorio; Michael LaRosa "Betty Osorio; Universidad de los Andes; Bogot," Colombia "Michael LaRosa, Rhodes College, 2000 North Park way, Memphis, TN 38112, United States" (57) 1 3419724 (Osorio); 901 843-3656 (L aRosa) (editorial); (s ubscriptions) Yes Yes

spx Yes Asociacin de Colombianistas Annual Open access online versi ons available for 1986 to 2013 issues. "Mara Mercedes Jaramillo; President of the Association of Colombianistas; Humanit ies Department; Fitchburg State University; Fitchburg, MA" 1420 United S tates 978 665-3019 423 545-6137 Includes two-year membership in the Asociacin de Colombianistas USD 70.00/year individuals US; USD 50.00/year ind ividuals Colombia; USD 30.00/year students; USD 130.00/year institutions; USD 13 0.00/year friends 2013 "Publishes articles on the literature, history, and culture of Colombia and Colombians, with a special emphasis on interdiscipli nary studies in the humanities and social sciences." Colombian literature; Co lombian culture; Colombian history; Interdisciplinary studies; Humanities; Socia l sciences Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English 200 2 times/year No Separate Fitchburg State UniversityAsociaci de Colombianistas Asociacin de Colombianistas Contribu tors must be or become members of the Asociacin de Colombianistas to be published . No No " 5,000-6,000 words" " 1,0001,200 words" " 800-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submission of email attachment preferred. Author Returned at author's request 3 months 4-5 months 3 25 10 10 8 2 2 4/29/2013 6525 ELC Estudios de Literatura Colombiana 0123-4412 1997 Ana Mara Agudelo Ochoa "Facultad de Comunicaciones; Universidad de Anti oquia; Apartado 1226; Medelln," Colombia (57) 4 2105915 (57) 4 2334724 Yes Yes http://aprendeen Yes "Universidad de Antioqui a, e-revistas" 2 times/year "Tables of contents, abstracts, and keywords ava ilable in Spanish and English." COP 20.00/year Colombia; USD 60.00/year US; USD 80.00/year elsewhere Publishes articles and academic reviews relating to Columbian literature. Colombian literature; Literary history; Literary theory and criticism Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; Italian; German; French 300 2 times/year No Separate Universi dad de Antioquia "Maestria en Literatura Colombiana, Comitpara el Desaroll o de la Investigacin (CODI) Universidad de Antioquia" No No "10,000 words" "1,500 words" "3,000 words" Specific ELC 1 No Submit via e-mail to editor. Author Not returned 1 month 2-6 months 3 40 25 10 5 10 6 12/14/2011 6525 ELC Estudios de Literatura Colombiana 0123-4412 1997 Ana Mara Agudelo Ochoa "Facultad de Comunicaciones; Universidad de Anti oquia; Apartado 1226; Medelln," Colombia (57) 4 2105915 (57) 4 2334724 Yes Yes http://aprendeen Yes "Universidad de Antioqui a, e-revistas" 2 times/year "Tables of contents, abstracts, and keywords ava ilable in Spanish and English." COP 20.00/year Colombia; USD 60.00/year US; USD 80.00/year elsewhere Publishes articles and academic reviews relating to Columbian literature. Colombian literature; Literary history; Literary theory and criticism Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; Italian; German; French 300 2 times/year No Separate Universi dad de Antioquia "Maestria en Literatura Colombiana, Comitpara el Desaroll o de la Investigacin (CODI) Universidad de Antioquia" No No "10,000 words" "1,500 words" "3,000 words" Specific ELC 1 No Submit via e-mail to editor. Author Not returned 1 month 2-6 months 3 40 25 10 5 10 6 12/14/2011 8437 QuorumA Qurum Academico 1690-7582 2004 Orlando Villalobos Finol "University of Zulia; Graduate Studies Building in the S chool of Humanities and Education, First Floor; Maracaibo, Zulia 4011," Venezuela (58) 0261 4127927

Yes Yes Yes "Centro de Investigacin de la Comunicacin y la Informacin, CIC" 2 times/year Open acc ess online journal available in print. Free online; USD 30.00/year print "Publishes work on communication and information phenomena, demonstrating their close relationship with the soci o-cultural and political context that defines them. Formed from a response to th e shared ideals of the community of researchers, practitioners, teachers and stu dents to create a forum for theoretical and epistemological discussions." Communication Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English; Fr ench 2 times/year No Consecutive "Centro de Investigacin de la Comunicacin y la Informacin, CIC" Consejo de Desar rollo Cientfico y Humanstico de la Universidad del Zulia (CONDES) Articles should be unpublished or under consideration elsewhere. No No "8,750 words maximum (studies); 7,000 words (articles)" " 700-1,400 word s" American Psychological Association 4 Yes "Submit one copy with identifying information and three anonymous copies. Author must su bmit a signed letter which states the uniqueness of the item, that it is not pre viously published, or submitted to another journal." Publisher and author Returned 1-12 months 1-6 months 22-26 10-15 8-10 4 12/8/2011 6929 Zer Zer: Revista de Estudios de Comunicacion/Journal of Communicatio n Studies 1137-1102 1996 Mara Begoa Zalbidea Bengoa "Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicacion; Apartado 644; 48080 Bilbao, " Spain (34) 94 6015200 (34) 94 6013399 dezerrev@lg.ehu. es; Yes Yes No 2 times/year Summaries and journal information. issn/11371102 "Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pas Vasco; Mailbox 1397 -48080; Bilbao," Spain (34) 9 46015126 (34) 9 44801314 USD 18.00/year institutions "Publishes work that focuses on the deve lopment of communication research in a wider sense (journalism, radio, televisio n, theatre, publicity, new technologies, telecommunications, and communication s ociology)." Communication; Journalism; Television; Mass media Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English; Basque 500 "2 times/year (M ay, Nov)" No Universidad del Pais Vas co Universidad del Pais Vasco No No "8,000 words" "2,000 words" UNE 50140 1 Yes Submit one copy via e-mail. Author Returned 2-3 months 2-3 mon ths 2 80 30 25 15 6/18/2008 7955 GraphosR Graphos: Revista da Ps-Graduao em Letras 1996 Genilda Azerdo; Luis Antonio Mousinho; Mnica Nbrega "Ps-Graduao em Letr as; Centro de Cincias Humanas, Letras e Artes; Universidade Federal da Paraba; Cam pus Universitrio; CEP: 58059-970 Joo Pessoa PB," Brazil (55) 83 32167289 (55) 83 32167335 No Yes Yes Journal 2 times/year Full text articl es are available from 2004 on. BRL 30.00/year "Publishes work that promotes the exchange of research i n the areas related to language and culture, literature and culture, comparative studies, film studies, translation, and gender studies." Comparative appr oach; Gender studies; Film studies; Language; Psychoanalysis; Discourse analysis Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; Spanish; English; French " 2 times/year (Jan-June, July-Dec)" No Separate Editora Idia; Editora da UFPB Programa de Ps-Graduao em Letras (PPGL) Contribu tors should preferably hold a masters or doctorate title. No No "3,000 words" " 800-1,000 words" ABNT (As sociao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) 3 Yes Submit two printed copie s and one copy on CD-ROM. Not returned 2 months 15 days 2 60 40 4 2 2/14/200 8 8016 ExtravioR Extravo: Revista Electrnica de Literatura Comparada

1886-4902 2006 Antnia Cabanilles Sanchis; Ana Lozano de la Pola "Faculta t de Filologia, Traducci i Communicaci; Av. Blasco Ibez, 32 planta 5a; 46010 Valncia, " Spain "C/ torreta de Miramar, 14A 17 46020 Valncia, Spain; C/ G urdia Civil 22-1-29, 46020 Valncia, Spain" (34) 9638 64286; (34) 9638 64264 (34) 963864778 No Yes Yes Electronic journal Annual Open access online journal. Free Publishes work that contributes to the discussion of comparative literature in Spanish. Comparative literature; Spanish literature; Literary the ory and criticism; Interdisciplinary studies No No Yes Yes Spanish; Catalan; English; French; German; Italian; Portuguese Annual No Separate Departament de Teoria dels Lleng uatges i Cincias de la Comunicaci de la Universitat de Valncia No No " 6,000-7,000 words" MLA Yes Creative Commons License 2 months 4 months 2 20-30 10-15 10/8/2008 8016 ExtravioR Extravo: Revista Electrnica de Literatura Comparada 1886-4902 2006 Antnia Cabanilles Sanchis; Ana Lozano de la Pola "Faculta t de Filologia, Traducci i Communicaci; Av. Blasco Ibez, 32 planta 5a; 46010 Valncia, " Spain "C/ torreta de Miramar, 14A 17 46020 Valncia, Spain; C/ G urdia Civil 22-1-29, 46020 Valncia, Spain" (34) 9638 64286; (34) 9638 64264 (34) 963864778 No Yes Yes Electronic journal Annual Open access online journal. Free Publishes work that contributes to the discussion of comparative literature in Spanish. Comparative literature; Spanish literature; Literary the ory and criticism; Interdisciplinary studies No No Yes Yes Spanish; Catalan; English; French; German; Italian; Portuguese Annual No Separate Departament de Teoria dels Lleng uatges i Cincias de la Comunicaci de la Universitat de Valncia No No " 6,000-7,000 words" MLA Yes Creative Commons License 2 months 4 months 2 20-30 10-15 10/8/2008 8392 MoreTT More Than Thought: A Scholarly Literary Journal Devoted to Consc iousness 2153-8565 2009 Cris Lira; Ary Malaver; Ken Martin; Erica Morton-Starner; Eduardo Viana da Silva; Jen Wilde 404 803-0922 No Yes http://m Yes MUSE 2 times/ year Open access online journal. Free Publishes work that explores manifestations of the development o f human consciousness in the literatures. Consciousness; Literature; Human development Yes No No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 2 times/year No No pagination Ken Martin No No 13-20 pages " 1,000-1,200 words" MLA 1 Yes "Submit one e-mail copy with separate cover sheet with n ame, e-mail address, and institution name." Ken Martin Returned 6 weeks 12 weeks 2 40 12 4 1 8/9/2011 4560 Multilingua Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication Formerly subtitled Journal of Interlanguage Communication 0167-8507 1613-3684 1981 Richard J. Watts "Department of E nglish; Universitt Bern; Lnggass-Str. 49; 3000 Bern 9," Switzerland Yes Yes n/detail.cfm Yes Reference Global "Tables of contents, sub scription, and journal information." "Rhenus Medien Logistik GmbH & Co. KG; Justus-von-Liebig-Strae 1; 86899 Lansdberg ," Germany "US: Walter de Gruyter, Inc., PO Box 960, Herndon, VA 20 172-0960, United States" (49) 8191 97000881 (49) 8191 97000103 EUR 215.00/year print or online; EUR 247.00/year print and online "Publishes articles and short notes in fields as diverse as cross-cultural diffe

rences in linguistics politeness phenomena, variety in what is traditionally reg arded as one culture, conversational styles, nonstandard, oral varieties of lang uage, strategies for the organization of verbal interaction, intercultural lingu istic variety, communication breakdown, translation, information technology, and modern methods for managing and using multilingual tools. Multilingua is an int ernational, interdisciplinary journal aimed at the enhancement of cross-cultural understanding through the study of interlingual communication." Cross-cu ltural communication; Multilingualism; Anthropology; Language planning; Communic ation; Interlanguage communication; Discourse analysis; Lexicography; Sociolingu istics; Applied linguistics Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Spanish; Italian 550 4 times/year Yes See website Consecutive Mouton de Gruyter No No " 6,000-9,000 words" 500-800 words 500 words Linguistic Socie ty of America 4 No Submit a 150-word abstract. Walter de Gruyte r Returned 6 months 6-12 months 3 40 15-19 50 20 10 5 10/6/2008 8503 RevisionesR Revisiones: Revista de Crtica Cultural 1699-00 48 2005 lvaro de la Rica "Universidad de Navarra; Ctedra Flix Huart e; Edificio Antiguo de Bibliotecas; 31080 Pamplona, Navarra," Spain (34) 948 425600 ext. 802492 (34) 948 425636 Yes Yes Yes DADUN (Universit y of Navarre Repository) Annual Print journal available in open access o nline format. Also available at EUR 30.00/year 2011-2012 "Publishes work that promotes the discussion bet ween the contemporary arts, presenting old and new topics, for revision." Cultural criticism; Aesthetics; Literature; Art Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; Italian; French; German; Catalan; Galician Yes By negotiation Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra No No "3,000 w ords" "1,500 words" Chicago 1 Yes Submit one copy in .DOC or .DOCX format. Author 7 weeks 6 months 3 50 30 12 10 5/7/2012 7603 EenC Encuentros en Catay 1023-6961 1987 Jose Ramon Alvarez "Casa de Espaa en Taiwn; 3F, 110 An Ho Road, Sec. 2; 106 T aipei City," Taiwan (886) 2 29052591 (886) 2 29052160 Yes Yes No Journal information in Chinese. USD 15.00/year 2013 "Publishes work on comparative studies of East and West including China and Taiwan, Spain and Latin America. Includes work on culture, h istory, philosophy, language, literature, education, and humanities." Cultural studies; China; Taiwan; Spain; Latin America; History; Philosophy; Language; Li terature; Education; Humanities Yes No No Yes Spanish; Italian ; French; Chinese Annual Yes Not fixed Separate Casa de Espaa en Taiwn Casa de Espaa en Taiwn No No "8,000 words" 800 words MLA 2 No Submit typescript and copy on disk in Microsoft Word format. Author Returned at author's request 1-2 months 3-4 months 2 15 10-15 10 3-6 5/6/2013 8368 TeatroR Teatro: Revista de Estudios Culturales Formerly subtitled Revis ta de Estudios Escenicos 1132-2233 2174-579X 1992 Luis M. Gonzalez; Angel Berenguer "270 Mohegan Avenue; PO Box 5364; Connecticut Co llege; New London, CT" 6320 United States 860 439-2230 860 439 -5332 No Yes Yes Electronic journal 2 times/year Formerly print journal now avail able in open access online format. Free "Publishes work on Hispanic cultural studies, but will accept ar ticles from other fields if they are related to cultural studies." Cultural studies; Hispanic studies Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English ; Portuguese; French 2 times/year No

Separate No No " 5,0007,000 words" " 1,000-2,000 words" No 3 months 3 months 2-3 6/15/2011 8368 TeatroR Teatro: Revista de Estudios Culturales Formerly subtitled Revis ta de Estudios Escenicos 1132-2233 2174-579X 1992 Luis M. Gonzalez; Angel Berenguer "270 Mohegan Avenue; PO Box 5364; Connecticut Co llege; New London, CT" 6320 United States 860 439-2230 860 439 -5332 No Yes Yes Electronic journal 2 times/year Formerly print journal now avail able in open access online format. Free "Publishes work on Hispanic cultural studies, but will accept ar ticles from other fields if they are related to cultural studies." Cultural studies; Hispanic studies Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English ; Portuguese; French 2 times/year No Separate No No " 5,0007,000 words" " 1,000-2,000 words" No 3 months 3 months 2-3 6/15/2011 209 Archiv Archiv fr das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 0003-8970 1848 Jens Haustein (Germanic studies); Christa Jansoh n (English and American studies); Barbara Kuhn (Romance studies); Michael Lentze n (Romance studies); Dieter Mehl (English and American studies) "Archiv fr das St udium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen; Dr. Christa Jansohn; Lehrstuhl fr Bri tische Kultur; Kapuzinerstr. 16; D-96045 Bamberg," Germany "Send En glish and American studies to Dieter Mehl and Christa Jansohn at the above addre ss; send Romance studies to Barbara Kuhn, Lehrstuhl fr Romanische Literaturwissen schaft, Universitaetsallee 1, 85072 Eichsttt, Germany, send Germanic studies to J ens Haustein, Institut fr Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft, Universitaet Jen, Fuerstengraben 18, 07743 Jena, Germany" (49) 2241798 (Dieter Mehl); (49) 951 01722359146 (Christa Jansohn); christa.janso;; jens-dieter.haustein@uni-jena. de Yes Yes No Tables of contents and subscription information. issn/00038970 "Dr. Carina Lehnen; Erich Schmidt Verlag; Genthinerstr. 30 G; 10 785 Berlin," Germany (49) 25 0085223 EUR 108.48/year 2014 "Publishes general and comparative studies (English, American, French, G erman, Italian), literature and culture (all periods), editorial theory and prac tice, linguistics, and translation studies." Cultural studies; Linguistics; L iterature; English literature; American literature; English culture; American cu lture; German studies; French studies; Italian studies; Spanish studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish 800 2 times/year Yes Contact publisher Consecutive Erich Schmidt Verlag No No "7,000 w ords maximum" " 1,000-1,500 words" " 2,000-3,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit electronic copy in Microsoft Word (no PDFs). Erich Sc hmidt Verlag Returned; enclose return postage 6-8 weeks 8-14 mo nths 2 40 8 100 80 15 3-4 1/30/2014 8343 AltreM Altre Modernit 2035-7680 2009 Emilia P erassi; Nicoletta Vallorani "Universit degli Studi di Milano; Sezione di Stud i Culturali-Aula 1051; P.zza Montanelli, 1; 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI)," Italy (39) 025021769 (39) 0250313542 No Yes Yes OJS-Univ ersit degli Studi di Milano 2 times/year with special issues Open acc ess online journal. Free "Publishes work in areas of the world traditional perceived as g eographically disparate, but not exclusively. Aims to capture the 'newness"" of the cultural paradigms that are taking shape in several place today in order to isolate, subvert, weaken or transcend the monologic discourse of mainstream cult

ure. Dedicated to the study of the peripheries of the world and the peripheries of societies that act as vibrant centers of cultural production, with special at tention paid to those aspects of this cultural production that offer alternative models, suggestions, and tools for overcoming it. Literary discourse constitute s the point of departure for the exploration of these problems and issues. Atten tion will be primarily paid to the individuation and analysis of heteroglossic f orms of textuality, both linguistic and symbolic." Cultural studies; Litera ry studies Yes Yes Yes Yes Italian; English; Spanish; Frenc h "2 times/year (Autumn, late Spring)" No Separate OJS-Universit degli Studi di Milano No No " 4,300-5,000 words" " 900-1,000 words" " 900-1, 000 words" See website No Creative Commons 3.0 Lic ense 2-4 weeks 4 months 5 45 35 22 22 8 2 4/18/2011 7508 ReconstructionS Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture Formerly subtitled A Culture Studies eJournal 2001 Fall; 1(1) to 2002 Spring; 2(2) 1547-4348 2001 Marc A. Ouellette " 43-5536 Montevideo Road; Missi ssauga, ON l5N 2P4," Canada 905 814-5509 905 814-5509 (C all ahead); No Yes Yes 4 times/ year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes innovative cultural studies journal dedicated to fost ering an intellectual community composed of scholars and their audience, grantin g them all the ability to share thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in contemporary interdisciplinary studies." Cultural studies ; Literary studies; Popular culture; American studies; Gender studies; Critical theory; Mass media studies; Pedagogy Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; Spanish; German "4 times/year (Oct, Jan, Apr, July)" Yes Negotiable No pagination Reconstruction Iowa Sta te University No No " 5,000-10,000 words" " 500-1,500 words" " 250-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit m aterial electronically in any format via e-mail. Larger files can be sent on dis k. Author Returned 2 months maximum 3-5 months 5-6 60 30-50 40 20-30 50 10-50 6/4/2013 3317 LJHum Lamar Journal of the Humanities 0275-410X 1973 Chris Bridges-Esser; Lloyd M. Daigrepont "College of Arts & Scien ces; Lamar University; PO Box 10023; Beaumont, TX" 77710 United States 409 880-8600; 409 880-8581 409 880-8591; daigrep Yes No No 409 880 -8600 USD 10.00/year US; USD 12.00/year elsewhere "Publish es articles of interdisciplinary or general interest in the fields of literature , history, contemporary culture, foreign language literature, and the fine arts. Detailed studies of highly specialized topics, literary explications which do n ot elucidate broader historical or ideological issues, and statistical essays in the social sciences are not encouraged but will be considered." Culture; History; Literature; Arts; Humanities; Spanish literature; French literature; G erman literature Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; French ; German 500 2 times/year No Separate "College of Arts and Sciences, Lamar University" Contributors must be sub scribers. No No "6,000 words maximum" "1,000 words" MLA 2 No Submit two hard copies or one co py via e-mail. Author Returned; enclose return postage 2 months 1 year 4 50 10 12 4-6 4/22/2008 6241 Lateral Lateral: Revista de Cultura 1134-8755 1994 Mihly Ds "P. Sant Joan, 25, 2o, 1a; 08010 Barcelona," Spain (93) 265 2976 (93) 265 8309 Yes Yes http://w No 12 times/year "Tables of contents, abstracts, and subscription information." (93) 2 652976 EUR 94.00/year Europe and Africa; USD 112.00/year America and Asia "Publishes articles on social, historical, and literary issues." Culture; Literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "15,000" 12 times /year Yes "EUR 1,200.00/full page; EUR 700.00/half page" Consecutive Lateral Ediciones No No " 1,400-2,800 words" 400 words "1,400 words" 1 No Submit on diskette using Microsoft Word 4.0 or WordPerfect 5.0. Author Not returned 2 months 3-4 weeks 3 450 125 "2,000" 300 " 2,500-3,000" 45 5/25/2004 6553 PuV Punto de Vista: Revista de Cultura 0326-3061 1978 Beatriz Sarlo "Casilla de Correo 39; Sucursal 49; Buenos Aires," Argentina (54) 11 43817229 (54) 11 49310039 info@baz; Yes Yes http://www.bazaramerican No Journal information only. USD 60.0 0/year "Publishes work on culture, literature, art, politics, and ideas ." Culture; Literature; Art; Politics; Idea Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "1,500" 3 times/year Yes USD 600.00/full page; USD 350.00 /half page Separate No No 12 pages 6 pages MLA 1 No Submit one copy of manuscript along with a diskette. Author Not returned 4 months 4 months 8 30 4 6/12/2006 8322 LMLo Label Me Latina/o 2011 Kathryn Quinn-Snchez; Michele Shaul Queens University of Charlotte; Box 1344; 1900 S elwyn Avenue; Charlotte NC 28274 United States "Kathryn Quinn-Snchez, Ge orgian Court University, 900 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701, United States" 704 756-6837 (Shaul); 732 987-2629 (Quinn-Snchez) shaulm@queens.ed u; No Yes Yes Electronic journal "2 times/year (Mar, Sept)" Open access onli ne journal. Free "Publishes work on Latino literature, scholarly essays, and creative pieces by w riters who self-design Latino." Hispanic American studies; Hispanic American ide ntity No No No Yes Spanish; English; Spanglish (for creativ e pieces only) "2 times/year (Mar, Sept)" No Separate No No 12-30 p ages (essays); 30 pages maximum (creative pieces) MLA 1 Yes Varies Varies 2-4 Varies Varies 3/7/2011 8322 LMLo Label Me Latina/o 2011 Kathryn Quinn-Snchez; Michele Shaul Queens University of Charlotte; Box 1344; 1900 S elwyn Avenue; Charlotte NC 28274 United States "Kathryn Quinn-Snchez, Ge orgian Court University, 900 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701, United States" 704 756-6837 (Shaul); 732 987-2629 (Quinn-Snchez) shaulm@queens.ed u; No Yes Yes Electronic journal "2 times/year (Mar, Sept)" Open access onli ne journal. Free "Publishes work on Latino literature, scholarly essays, and creative pieces by w riters who self-design Latino." Hispanic American studies; Hispanic American ide ntity No No No Yes Spanish; English; Spanglish (for creativ e pieces only) "2 times/year (Mar, Sept)" No Separate No No 12-30 p ages (essays); 30 pages maximum (creative pieces) MLA 1 Yes Varies Varies 2-4 Varies Varies 3/7/2011 8141 CaminoR Camino Real: Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas 1889-5611 2009 Jos Antonio Gurpegui "Instituto Franklin; Uni versidad de Alcal; Colegio de Trinitarios; Calle Trinidad 1; 28801 Alcal de Henare s; Madrid," Spain (34) 91 8855253 (34) 91 8855248 cristina; Yes Yes http://w Yes Institut o Franklin Annual "Tables of contents, selected full text articles, submis sion, and subscription information." EUR 20.00/2 issues 2013 "Publishes work that brings the Hispanic world c loser to the United States and its links with Spain. Includes artistic, politica l, economic, sociological, literary, and historical articles." Hispanic America n studies; Hispanic American identity; American-Spanish relations; Spanish Ameri cans Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish Annual Yes By exchange Separate "Instituto Franklin, Uni versidad de Alcal" Instituto Franklin No No "6,000 words" 300 words MLA 1 Yes Instituto Franklin for articles; author for creative writing Returned 2 months 8-12 months 2-3 60 10 70 10 4/24/2013 8141 CaminoR Camino Real: Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas 1889-5611 2009 Jos Antonio Gurpegui "Instituto Franklin; Uni versidad de Alcal; Colegio de Trinitarios; Calle Trinidad 1; 28801 Alcal de Henare s; Madrid," Spain (34) 91 8855253 (34) 91 8855248 cristina; Yes Yes http://w Yes Institut o Franklin Annual "Tables of contents, selected full text articles, submis sion, and subscription information." EUR 20.00/2 issues 2013 "Publishes work that brings the Hispanic world c loser to the United States and its links with Spain. Includes artistic, politica l, economic, sociological, literary, and historical articles." Hispanic America n studies; Hispanic American identity; American-Spanish relations; Spanish Ameri cans Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish Annual Yes By exchange Separate "Instituto Franklin, Uni versidad de Alcal" Instituto Franklin No No "6,000 words" 300 words MLA 1 Yes Instituto Franklin for articles; author for creative writing Returned 2 months 8-12 months 2-3 60 10 70 10 4/24/2013 8442 DialogoD Dilogo: A Bilingual Journal Published by the Center for L atino Research at DePaul University 1090-4972 1996 Elizabeth Coonrod Martnez "Center for Latino Research; DePaul University; 2320 North Kenmore Avenue; Suite SAC 5A; Chicago, IL" 60614 United States 773 325-4808 773 325-7166 Yes Yes http://l No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 40.0 0/year individuals US; USD 45.00/year individuals elsewhere; USD 85.00/year inst itutions US; USD 90.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 30.00/year Nonprofit Com munity Agency 2013 "Publishes scholarly research articles, book and media r eviews, and interviews pertinent to Latino communities in the US, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Seeks regional as well as national contexts that help bridge barriers between academic and local communities, with attention to diverse US L atino experiences, and recent Latino immigration and places of origin including indigenous experience." Hispanic American studies; Latin American studies; Indig enous culture; Interdisciplinary studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish; Latin American Indigenous languages (for creative work) 700 2 times/year No Separate Center f or Latino Research at DePaul University Office of the Provost at DePaul Universi ty No No "7,000 words" "1,200 w ords" "3,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Center for Latino Research at DePaul University Returned 4-6 months 3-5 months 9-10 20 (research articles); 5-15 (creative work) 12-18 ( research articles); 2-4 (interviews) 2-12 (creative work) 6-14 4-10 4-8 6/10/2013

8442 DialogoD Dilogo: A Bilingual Journal Published by the Center for L atino Research at DePaul University 1090-4972 1996 Elizabeth Coonrod Martnez "Center for Latino Research; DePaul University; 2320 North Kenmore Avenue; Suite SAC 5A; Chicago, IL" 60614 United States 773 325-4808 773 325-7166 Yes Yes http://l No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 40.0 0/year individuals US; USD 45.00/year individuals elsewhere; USD 85.00/year inst itutions US; USD 90.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 30.00/year Nonprofit Com munity Agency 2013 "Publishes scholarly research articles, book and media r eviews, and interviews pertinent to Latino communities in the US, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Seeks regional as well as national contexts that help bridge barriers between academic and local communities, with attention to diverse US L atino experiences, and recent Latino immigration and places of origin including indigenous experience." Hispanic American studies; Latin American studies; Indig enous culture; Interdisciplinary studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish; Latin American Indigenous languages (for creative work) 700 2 times/year No Separate Center f or Latino Research at DePaul University Office of the Provost at DePaul Universi ty No No "7,000 words" "1,200 w ords" "3,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Center for Latino Research at DePaul University Returned 4-6 months 3-5 months 9-10 20 (research articles); 5-15 (creative work) 12-18 ( research articles); 2-4 (interviews) 2-12 (creative work) 6-14 4-10 4-8 6/10/2013 6544 VA "Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura" 1099-2987 1996 Sara Poot-Herrera; Victor Fuentes "Chicano Studies Institute; University of California; Santa Barbara, CA" 93106 United States 805 893-5315; 805 893-3875 805 893-8341 jazmin.g Yes Yes tion07.htm No Journal and subscription information. 805 893-4446 USD 30.00 institutions; USD 14.00 individuals; Plus shipping and handling 2013 "Publishes work on the literature, art, and culture of L atino writers and artists of the United States." Hispanic American writer s; Latin American literature; Latin American art; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 2 times/year No Separate "Chicano Studies Institute, University of California, Sa nta Barbara" No No 5-8 pages 500 words "1,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit manuscript on 2HD diskette in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Author Returned 1-2 months 3-6 months 3 15-30 15 10 8 6 3 6/21/2013 6544 VA "Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura" 1099-2987 1996 Sara Poot-Herrera; Victor Fuentes "Chicano Studies Institute; University of California; Santa Barbara, CA" 93106 United States 805 893-5315; 805 893-3875 805 893-8341 jazmin.g Yes Yes tion07.htm No Journal and subscription information. 805 893-4446 USD 30.00 institutions; USD 14.00 individuals; Plus shipping and handling 2013 "Publishes work on the literature, art, and culture of L atino writers and artists of the United States." Hispanic American writer s; Latin American literature; Latin American art; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 2 times/year No Separate "Chicano Studies Institute, University of California, Sa nta Barbara" No No 5-8 pages 500 words "1,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit manuscript on 2HD diskette in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Author Returned

1-2 months 3-6 months 3 15-30 15 10 8 6 3 6/21/2013 6544 VA "Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura" 1099-2987 1996 Sara Poot-Herrera; Victor Fuentes "Chicano Studies Institute; University of California; Santa Barbara, CA" 93106 United States 805 893-5315; 805 893-3875 805 893-8341 jazmin.g Yes Yes tion07.htm No Journal and subscription information. 805 893-4446 USD 30.00 institutions; USD 14.00 individuals; Plus shipping and handling 2013 "Publishes work on the literature, art, and culture of L atino writers and artists of the United States." Hispanic American writer s; Latin American literature; Latin American art; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 2 times/year No Separate "Chicano Studies Institute, University of California, Sa nta Barbara" No No 5-8 pages 500 words "1,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit manuscript on 2HD diskette in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Author Returned 1-2 months 3-6 months 3 15-30 15 10 8 6 3 6/21/2013 7854 RLAZ Revista de Literatura Ajos & Zafiros 1684-7806 1998 Alberto Valdivia Baselli "Forain 155, Dpt. 201; San Borja; Lima 4 1," Peru (51) 1 4361893; (51) 1 98512801 ajosyzaf Yes Yes Yes Centro Cultural Per Virtual Annual "Selected full text articles, su bmission, and subscription information." 47806 USD 35.00/year Publishes work on Peruvian and Hispanoamerican literature. Special interest in n ineteenth and twentieth century Peruvian material. Hispanic American writer s; Peruvian literature; 1800-1899; 1900-1999 Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; French; German; Russian; Italian Annual Yes USD 700.00/year back cover; USD 150.00-400.00/page Separate Ajos & Zafiros Editores Asociacin Cultural y Eductiva para el Desarrollo de las L iteraturas Peruanas All manuscripts are solicited. No No " 3,000-5,000 words" " 1,000-2,000 words" MLA 1 No Journal for one year Returned 6 months 4-5 wee ks 6-7 13-15 7-8 30-35 18-20 5-6 2-3 11/14/2006 7854 RLAZ Revista de Literatura Ajos & Zafiros 1684-7806 1998 Alberto Valdivia Baselli "Forain 155, Dpt. 201; San Borja; Lima 4 1," Peru (51) 1 4361893; (51) 1 98512801 ajosyzaf Yes Yes Yes Centro Cultural Per Virtual Annual "Selected full text articles, su bmission, and subscription information." 47806 USD 35.00/year Publishes work on Peruvian and Hispanoamerican literature. Special interest in n ineteenth and twentieth century Peruvian material. Hispanic American writer s; Peruvian literature; 1800-1899; 1900-1999 Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; French; German; Russian; Italian Annual Yes USD 700.00/year back cover; USD 150.00-400.00/page Separate Ajos & Zafiros Editores Asociacin Cultural y Eductiva para el Desarrollo de las L iteraturas Peruanas All manuscripts are solicited. No No " 3,000-5,000 words" " 1,000-2,000 words" MLA 1 No Journal for one year Returned 6 months 4-5 wee ks 6-7 13-15 7-8 30-35 18-20 5-6 2-3 11/14/2006 7854 RLAZ Revista de Literatura Ajos & Zafiros 1684-7806 1998 Alberto Valdivia Baselli "Forain 155, Dpt. 201; San Borja; Lima 4 1," Peru (51) 1 4361893; (51) 1 98512801 ajosyzaf Yes Yes

Yes Centro Cultural Per Virtual Annual "Selected full text articles, su bmission, and subscription information." 47806 USD 35.00/year Publishes work on Peruvian and Hispanoamerican literature. Special interest in n ineteenth and twentieth century Peruvian material. Hispanic American writer s; Peruvian literature; 1800-1899; 1900-1999 Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; French; German; Russian; Italian Annual Yes USD 700.00/year back cover; USD 150.00-400.00/page Separate Ajos & Zafiros Editores Asociacin Cultural y Eductiva para el Desarrollo de las L iteraturas Peruanas All manuscripts are solicited. No No " 3,000-5,000 words" " 1,000-2,000 words" MLA 1 No Journal for one year Returned 6 months 4-5 wee ks 6-7 13-15 7-8 30-35 18-20 5-6 2-3 11/14/2006 7702 ElCid El Cid 1082-5894 1993 Mark P. Del Mast ro "Modern Languages; The Citadel; Charleston, SC" 29409 United States 843 953-5253 843 953-7257 No Yes http://w Yes Citadel Annual (Spring) Open access onli ne journal. Free "Publishes graduate and undergraduate work including original poems, short stori es, notes, and critical essays related to the Hispanic world." Hispanic literat ure; Hispanic culture No Yes No Yes Spanish Annual ( Spring) No Separate The Citadel "Tau Iot a Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, The National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society" Contributors whose work has been accepted for publication must subscribe to prin t version after work is accepted. Students must be enrolled as active graduate o r undergraduate student at time of submission. No No No restrictions No restrictions MLA 1 Yes Submit e lectronically only via e-mail in Microsoft Word attachment. Reverts to autho r upon publication Not returned 2-6 months 2-4 months 2-4 70-80 10-15 10 1-2 4/21/2008 7702 ElCid El Cid 1082-5894 1993 Mark P. Del Mast ro "Modern Languages; The Citadel; Charleston, SC" 29409 United States 843 953-5253 843 953-7257 No Yes http://w Yes Citadel Annual (Spring) Open access onli ne journal. Free "Publishes graduate and undergraduate work including original poems, short stori es, notes, and critical essays related to the Hispanic world." Hispanic literat ure; Hispanic culture No Yes No Yes Spanish Annual ( Spring) No Separate The Citadel "Tau Iot a Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, The National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society" Contributors whose work has been accepted for publication must subscribe to prin t version after work is accepted. Students must be enrolled as active graduate o r undergraduate student at time of submission. No No No restrictions No restrictions MLA 1 Yes Submit e lectronically only via e-mail in Microsoft Word attachment. Reverts to autho r upon publication Not returned 2-6 months 2-4 months 2-4 70-80 10-15 10 1-2 4/21/2008 8378 Ometeca Ometeca 1041-3650 1989 Jerry Hoeg "Penn State, Fayette; PO Box 519; Uniontown, PA" 15401 United States 724 430-4265 724 430-4184 Yes Yes http://www.omete No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscriptio n information." "Ometeca Institute; PO B ox 12109; St. Petersburg, FL" 33733-2109 United States USD 30.00/year individuals; USD 40.00/year institutions Publishes work o n the relationship between the sciences and the humanities in the Hispanic world . Hispanic studies; Humanities; Science; Literary theory and criticism Yes No No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese 150 Annual ( Spring) Yes Negotiable Separate Ometeca Institut e No No " 4,000-7,000 words"

"1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy or th ree hard copies. Author Not returned 2 months 1-12 months 3 40-60 15-20 10-15 5-10 7/19/201 1 8378 Ometeca Ometeca 1041-3650 1989 Jerry Hoeg "Penn State, Fayette; PO Box 519; Uniontown, PA" 15401 United States 724 430-4265 724 430-4184 Yes Yes http://www.omete No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscriptio n information." "Ometeca Institute; PO B ox 12109; St. Petersburg, FL" 33733-2109 United States USD 30.00/year individuals; USD 40.00/year institutions Publishes work o n the relationship between the sciences and the humanities in the Hispanic world . Hispanic studies; Humanities; Science; Literary theory and criticism Yes No No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese 150 Annual ( Spring) Yes Negotiable Separate Ometeca Institut e No No " 4,000-7,000 words" "1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy or th ree hard copies. Author Not returned 2 months 1-12 months 3 40-60 15-20 10-15 5-10 7/19/201 1 373 BH Bulletin Hispanique 0007-4640 1899 Nadine Ly Maison de Pays Ibriques; Universit de Bordeaux III; Domaine Univer sitaire; F. 33607 Pessac Cedex France (33) 055 7124655 (33) 055 7124655; Yes Yes Yes http://w "Editions Bire; 4 Chemion de Meyrefort; 33370 Pom pignac," France (33) 05 56725290 (33) 05 56729188 EUR 80.00/year "Publishes scholarly articles and notes on the language, literature, and history of countries on the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin Amer ica, abstracts or indexes of works in all languages related to these areas, and provides a regular chronicle of world-wide Hispanic activities." Hispanic studies; Iberian language; Iberian Peninsula; Latin American history; Latin Ame rican linguistics; Latin American literature; Spanish history; Spanish language; Spanish literature Yes Yes Yes Yes French; Spanish "1,500" 2 times/year No Consecutive Editions BirePres ses Universitaries de Bordeaux Universit de Bordeaux III No No 25 pages 3 pages 10 pages BHIAbode Garamon d Professionnel 2 No Submit one paper copy as well as one copy on dis k. Editor Returned 3 months 18-24 months 2 25 20-25 6-12 5-10 4/30/2008 373 BH Bulletin Hispanique 0007-4640 1899 Nadine Ly Maison de Pays Ibriques; Universit de Bordeaux III; Domaine Univer sitaire; F. 33607 Pessac Cedex France (33) 055 7124655 (33) 055 7124655; Yes Yes Yes http://w "Editions Bire; 4 Chemion de Meyrefort; 33370 Pom pignac," France (33) 05 56725290 (33) 05 56729188 EUR 80.00/year "Publishes scholarly articles and notes on the language, literature, and history of countries on the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin Amer ica, abstracts or indexes of works in all languages related to these areas, and provides a regular chronicle of world-wide Hispanic activities." Hispanic studies; Iberian language; Iberian Peninsula; Latin American history; Latin Ame rican linguistics; Latin American literature; Spanish history; Spanish language; Spanish literature Yes Yes Yes Yes French; Spanish "1,500" 2 times/year No Consecutive Editions BirePres ses Universitaries de Bordeaux Universit de Bordeaux III No No 25 pages 3 pages 10 pages BHIAbode Garamon d Professionnel 2 No Submit one paper copy as well as one copy on dis k. Editor Returned 3 months 18-24 months 2 25 20-25 6-12 5-10 4/30/2008

7670 LetrasH Letras Hispanas: Revista de Literatura y Cultura 1548-5633 2004 Agustn Cuadrado; Sergio M. Martnez "Texas State Uni versity, San Marcos; Centennial Hall 214; 601 University Drive; San Marcos, TX" 78666 United States 512 245-7349 letrashispanas@txstate.e du No Yes Yes "Texas State University, San Marcos" "2 times/year (Jan, July)" Open acc ess online journal. Free Publishes interdisciplinary studies in Hispanic literature and c ulture. Aims to expand the exchange of ideas within the framework of both Spain and Latin America. Hispanic studies; Latin American literature; Spanish lit erature; Hispanic American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish culture; Hispanic American Culture Yes No No Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (Jan, July)" No Separate "Texas State University, San Marcos" No No " 7,500-10,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit all manuscripts electronically. Journal Not returned 3-4 mon ths 1 month 2-4 50-55 20-25 8/9/2013 7670 LetrasH Letras Hispanas: Revista de Literatura y Cultura 1548-5633 2004 Agustn Cuadrado; Sergio M. Martnez "Texas State Uni versity, San Marcos; Centennial Hall 214; 601 University Drive; San Marcos, TX" 78666 United States 512 245-7349 letrashispanas@txstate.e du No Yes Yes "Texas State University, San Marcos" "2 times/year (Jan, July)" Open acc ess online journal. Free Publishes interdisciplinary studies in Hispanic literature and c ulture. Aims to expand the exchange of ideas within the framework of both Spain and Latin America. Hispanic studies; Latin American literature; Spanish lit erature; Hispanic American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish culture; Hispanic American Culture Yes No No Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (Jan, July)" No Separate "Texas State University, San Marcos" No No " 7,500-10,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit all manuscripts electronically. Journal Not returned 3-4 mon ths 1 month 2-4 50-55 20-25 8/9/2013 7670 LetrasH Letras Hispanas: Revista de Literatura y Cultura 1548-5633 2004 Agustn Cuadrado; Sergio M. Martnez "Texas State Uni versity, San Marcos; Centennial Hall 214; 601 University Drive; San Marcos, TX" 78666 United States 512 245-7349 letrashispanas@txstate.e du No Yes Yes "Texas State University, San Marcos" "2 times/year (Jan, July)" Open acc ess online journal. Free Publishes interdisciplinary studies in Hispanic literature and c ulture. Aims to expand the exchange of ideas within the framework of both Spain and Latin America. Hispanic studies; Latin American literature; Spanish lit erature; Hispanic American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish culture; Hispanic American Culture Yes No No Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (Jan, July)" No Separate "Texas State University, San Marcos" No No " 7,500-10,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit all manuscripts electronically. Journal Not returned 3-4 mon ths 1 month 2-4 50-55 20-25 8/9/2013 5560 Lucero Lucero: A Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 1098-2892 1990 Anna E. Hiller; Gustavo Buenrostro "Departm ent of Spanish & Portuguese; 5319 Dwinelle Hall; University of California, Berke ley; Berkeley, CA" 94720 United States 510 642-8037 510 642 -6957 Yes Yes http://spanish-portuguese.berkel No Submission information o

nly. USD 18.00/year institutions; USD 15.00/year individuals; USD 7.00/year students "Publishes articles, book reviews, interviews, and other scholarly writing on an y aspect of Hispanic letters including Luso-Brazilian literature, Hispanic lingu istics, history, Romance philology, Afro-Hispanic literature, Lusophone literatu re, Catalan literature, Portuguese linguistics, Catalan linguistics, and Peninsu lar and Latin American history." Hispanic studies; Portuguese language li terature; Spanish linguistics; Catalan literature; Catalan linguistics; Afro-His panic writers; Portuguese linguistics; Latin American history; Spanish history; Latin American literature; Philology; Literary theory and criticism; Politics Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese; Catalan; Basque; G alician; French; Italian 500 Annual Yes USD 50.00/half page; USD 100.00/full page Separate University of California Press "Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkele y" No No " 2,500-3,500 words" 500-750 words 300-500 words MLA 1 Yes Submit Microsoft Word email attachment. Regents of the University of California Not returned 6-8 weeks 8-12 weeks 3 60 5-6 8 2 5/13/2008 5560 Lucero Lucero: A Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 1098-2892 1990 Anna E. Hiller; Gustavo Buenrostro "Departm ent of Spanish & Portuguese; 5319 Dwinelle Hall; University of California, Berke ley; Berkeley, CA" 94720 United States 510 642-8037 510 642 -6957 Yes Yes http://spanish-portuguese.berkel No Submission information o nly. USD 18.00/year institutions; USD 15.00/year individuals; USD 7.00/year students "Publishes articles, book reviews, interviews, and other scholarly writing on an y aspect of Hispanic letters including Luso-Brazilian literature, Hispanic lingu istics, history, Romance philology, Afro-Hispanic literature, Lusophone literatu re, Catalan literature, Portuguese linguistics, Catalan linguistics, and Peninsu lar and Latin American history." Hispanic studies; Portuguese language li terature; Spanish linguistics; Catalan literature; Catalan linguistics; Afro-His panic writers; Portuguese linguistics; Latin American history; Spanish history; Latin American literature; Philology; Literary theory and criticism; Politics Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese; Catalan; Basque; G alician; French; Italian 500 Annual Yes USD 50.00/half page; USD 100.00/full page Separate University of California Press "Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkele y" No No " 2,500-3,500 words" 500-750 words 300-500 words MLA 1 Yes Submit Microsoft Word email attachment. Regents of the University of California Not returned 6-8 weeks 8-12 weeks 3 60 5-6 8 2 5/13/2008 728 Diogenes Diogenes 0392-1921 1952 Jean d'Ormesson; Paola Costa "UNESCO House; 1, rue Miollis; 75732 Paris Cedex 15," France (33) 1 45682734 (33) 1 40659480 Yes Yes Yes EBSCO 21921 "Publish es articles on the philosophy of science, history of religion, linguistics, aest hetics, anthropology and ethnology, literary history, and psychology, etc. Serve s as a link between the different disciplines of the humanistic sciences. Availa ble in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic editions." Humanism; Philosophy; Li nguistics; Aesthetics; Anthropology; Ethnology; Literary history; Psychology; Ar t history; History of religion No No No Yes English; French; Spanish "1,500 (English edition)" 4 times/year Yes Available in microforms Separate "International Council f or Philosophy and Humanistic Studies, UNESCO" No No " 50,000 characters (20-25 pages)" 2 No Include a 200-word abstract. Journal Returned; enclose return postage

2-3 months 6 months 4 130 28 7593 SILVA SILVA: Estudios de Humanismo y Tradicin Clsica 1579-73 92 2002 Juan Francisco Domnguez Domnguez "Universidad de Len; Depa rtamento de Filologa Hispnica y Clsica; Facultad de Filosofa y Letres; Campus de Veg azana, s/n; E-24071 Len," Spain (34) 987 291016 (34) 987 291008; Yes Yes http://s No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." "Universidad de Len; Area de Publicaciones; Campus de Vegazana; E-24071 Len," Spain (34) 987 291168 (34) 987 291166 EUR 12.00/year plus postage 2013 Publishe s work on Renaissance humanism and classical tradition in Europe and America fro m 1400-1800. Humanism; Renaissance; Classical tradition; Tradition Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; French; German; Italian Annual No Separate Universidad de Len Universidad de Len No No 30 pages maximum 5 pages maximum L'Anne Philologique 1 Yes Universi dad de Len 15 6/10/2013 7593 SILVA SILVA: Estudios de Humanismo y Tradicin Clsica 1579-73 92 2002 Juan Francisco Domnguez Domnguez "Universidad de Len; Depa rtamento de Filologa Hispnica y Clsica; Facultad de Filosofa y Letres; Campus de Veg azana, s/n; E-24071 Len," Spain (34) 987 291016 (34) 987 291008; Yes Yes http://s No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." "Universidad de Len; Area de Publicaciones; Campus de Vegazana; E-24071 Len," Spain (34) 987 291168 (34) 987 291166 EUR 12.00/year plus postage 2013 Publishe s work on Renaissance humanism and classical tradition in Europe and America fro m 1400-1800. Humanism; Renaissance; Classical tradition; Tradition Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; French; German; Italian Annual No Separate Universidad de Len Universidad de Len No No 30 pages maximum 5 pages maximum L'Anne Philologique 1 Yes Universi dad de Len 15 6/10/2013 376 BHR Bibliothque d'Humanisme et Renaissance Formerly titled Humanism e et Renaisasance (1933-1940) 0006-1999 1933 A. Dufour; M. En gammare "Librairie Droz S.A.; 11, rue Massot; 1211 Geneva 12," Switzerl and (41) 22 3466666 (41) 22 3472391;; sub (subscriptions) Yes Yes Yes JSTOR 3 times/year Information on books in series only. http://w CHF 235.00 (EUR 180.00)/year 2014 "Publishes work on the 15th and 16th cen turies. Contains articles that bring together the contributions of the best spec ialists in history, literature, politics, religion, art, and economics." Humanistic approach; Art; Renaissance art; History; Literature; Humanism; Religi on; Renaissance studies Yes Yes No Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish 800 3 times/year No Consecutive Librairie Droz Association d'Humanisme et Renaissance Book rev iews are solicited. No No 20 typescript pages maxi mum 2-4 pages 2-10 pages MLA or journal style 2 Yes Librairie Droz Not returned 5 months 4 months 2-3 60 12 120 100 40 12 1/30/201 4 4299 AASFB "Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora" "Formerl y titled Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae/Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimi tuksia, Series/Sarja B" 1239-6982 1909 Heikki Palva; Kaj hrnberg "Institute for Asian & African Studies; University of Helsinki; PO Box 13; 00014 Helsinki," Finland "Kaj hrnberg, Editorial Secretary, Merikasarminka tu 10 B 43, 00160 Helsinki, Finland" (358) 9 666786 (358) 9 19122094 Yes Yes No Series information only. "Tiedeki rja Bookstore; Kirkkokatu 14; 00170 Helsinki," Finland (358) 9 635177 (358) 9 635017 Varies Publishes monographs on the humanities. Humanities No No No Yes English; German; French; Spanish ; Portuguese; Italian; Russian 500 5-8 volumes/year No Separate University of Helsinki Academia Scientiarum Fennica No No 200-300 pages 2 No University of Helsinki Returned 2 months 6-10 months 2-3 7-12 5-10 7/3/2006 6550 Istmica stmica: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofa y Letras 1023-0890 1994 Mster Iris Chvez Alfaro "Facultad de Filosofa y L etras; Universidad Nacional, UNA; Apartado 86-3000; Heredia," Costa Ri ca (506) 5624077 (506) 5624077 Yes Yes Yes Winisis Recent tables of contents only. USD 7.00/year Latin America; USD 10.00/year North America and Europe "Publishes articles in the humanities, culture, and various academic topics." Humanities; Central America; Culture; Postsecondary education Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish Annual No Separate Facultad de Filosofa y Letras Universidad Nacional No No " 3,000-8,000 words" " 1,500-3,000 words" No restr ictions American Psychological Association 1 No Author Returned 1-3 months 6-12 months 2 Varies Varies Varies 1 6/12/2008 8557 FormaRec Forma: Revista d'Estudis Comparatius 2013-7761 2009 Sergi Sancho Fibla; Clia Nadal Pasqual "Ramon Trias Far gas, 25-27; 08005 Barcelona," Spain (34) 93 5421390 No Yes Yes Universitat Pompeu Fabra 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes a range of critical work developed in the field of co mparative and interdisciplinary studies and humanities in general, including lit erature, images, thought, art, history, and cultural studies." Humanities; Comp arative literature; Literature; Art; Philosophy; Cultural history; Visual cultur e Yes No Yes Yes English; French; Spanish; Catalan; Itali an 2 times/year No Continuous Universitat Pompeu Fabra Institut Universitari de Cultura No No " 3,500-8,000 words" "1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes See website for calls for papers. Author Returned 2-6 months 2-3 months 80 20 14 6 11/28/2012 7489 CTandC "Culture, Theory, and Critique" "Formerly titled Renaissance and Modern Studies (to 2002, ISSN 0486-3720)" 1473-5784 1473-5776 2002 M. I. Millington "Department of Hispanic & Latin American Studies ; University of Nottingham; Nottingham NG7 2RD," United Kingdom (44) 115 9515800 (44) 115 9515814 Yes Yes Yes Catchwor d 2 times/year "Sample copy, tables of contents, submission, and subscr iption information." "Taylor & Franci s Ltd.; Customer Service Department; Rankine; Basingstoke, Hants RG24 8PR," United Kingdom (44) 1256 813002 (44) 1256 330245 GBP 101. 00 (USD 166.00)/year institutions; GBP 32.00 (USD 51.00)/year individuals Publishes articles of original research on topics drawn from all the humanities and ranging chronologically from the Middle Ages to the present. One issue per y ear is devoted to a single pre-advertised theme or area. Humanities; Cult ural studies; Critical theory No No Yes Yes English 500 2 times/year No Separate Taylor & Francis University of Nottingham No No "7,000 w ords; longer articles occasionally accepted" Modern H

umanities Research Association 3 No Submit electronic version only. Taylor & Francis Not returned 3 months 12-18 months 1 30-40 10-12 6/12/2006 7815 CultureLR "Culture, Language, and Representation/Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacin: Cultural Studies Journal of Universitat Jaume I/Revista de Estu dios Culturales de la Universitat Jaume I" 1697-7750 2004 Jos Ramn Prado-Prez; Jos Luis Blas-Arroyo "Universitat Jaume I; Campus Riu Sec; Department of English Studies; 12071 Castellon," Spain (34) 964 729616 (34) 964 729261 Yes Yes http://w No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." "Carme Pinyana; Servei de Comunicacio i Publicacions; Campus Riu Sec; Edifici Rectorat; 12071 Ca stellon," Spain EUR 12.00/year "Publishes work devoted to the disciplines of Cultural Studies and the Humanitie s, aimed at the international academic community. Each volume deals monographica lly with a relevant aspect of the representation of culture in its various manif estations (social, political, educational, artistic, historical, linguistic), an d encourages interdisciplinary and innovative approaches in the field of cultura l research." Humanities; Cultural studies; Literature; Linguistics; History; Sociology; Pedagogy; Education Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish Annual (May) Yes Contact editors Separate Publicac ions de la Universitat Jaume I Universitat Jaume I No No "6,500 words" " 900-1,500 words" 600 words "MLA (with modifications, see website)" 2 No Author Returned at author's request 3 months 6 months 20-30 10-12 4-5 4 8/7/2006 8467 GLK "Gry, Literatura, Kultura" 2084-4107 1996 Ewa Grzda "Instytut Filologii Polskiej; Uniwersytet Wrocawski; pl. Nankiera 15; 50-140 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3434296; (48) 71 3752559 (subscriptions) Yes Yes Yes Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci/Wydawnictwo Uniwersyt etu Wrocawskiego Continuous Tables of contents and abstracts. http://w "Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego Sp. z o.o. ; pl. Uniwersytecki 15; 50-137 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3752885 (48) 71 3752507 Varies 2012 "Publishes the results of research activity conc erning the cultural function of mountains and ways of realizing the mountain-rel ated subjects both in Polish as well as world literature and art. Its purpose is to support the integrated research on different aspects of mountains' cultural existence, which has been developing in recent years. In a way it is also the an swer to the emerging need of humanization of broadly construed ecological though t and issues, which obliges the authors to cross the established framework bound aries of specific academic disciplines in their research activity and to strive after leading a discourse from an interdisciplinary perspective." Humaniti es; Literary studies; Culture; Folklore; Architecture; Art; Film; Geography; Mou ntains Yes No Yes Yes Polish; German; English; French; Russian 150-300 Annual No Separate Wydawnic two Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego No No "40,000 characters" "40,000 characters" Wrocaw University Press 3 Yes Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego Returned 3 months 6 months 2 20 15 15 12 2/8/2012 7635 CIEHL CIEHL: Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanisticos y Literat ura 1521-8007 2000 Zo Jimenez-Corretjer "Departa mento de Humanidades; Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao; Estacin Postal CUH 1 00 Carr. 908; Humacao, Puerto Rico," 791 United States 787 850 -9354 787 850-9408 Yes Yes http://www1.uprh .edu/ciehl/ No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." USD 40.00/year libraries; USD 25.00/year individuals "Publishes work on the humanities from any period, including literature, philosophy, history, th

eory, art, and linguistics." Humanities; Literature; Art; Philosophy; History ; Linguistics Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 2 times/year Yes USD 300.00/full page; USD 175.00/half page; USD 25.00/cl assified line Separate University of Puerto Rico at Hum acao University of Puerto Rico at Humacao Contributors must become members . No No Varies Varies Varies MLA 2 No Submit one hard copy and one copy on disk. Also accepts online s ubmissions. Author Returned; enclose SASE 1 month Varies Varies 100 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 8/16/2010 7635 CIEHL CIEHL: Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanisticos y Literat ura 1521-8007 2000 Zo Jimenez-Corretjer "Departa mento de Humanidades; Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao; Estacin Postal CUH 1 00 Carr. 908; Humacao, Puerto Rico," 791 United States 787 850 -9354 787 850-9408 Yes Yes http://www1.uprh .edu/ciehl/ No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." USD 40.00/year libraries; USD 25.00/year individuals "Publishes work on the humanities from any period, including literature, philosophy, history, th eory, art, and linguistics." Humanities; Literature; Art; Philosophy; History ; Linguistics Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 2 times/year Yes USD 300.00/full page; USD 175.00/half page; USD 25.00/cl assified line Separate University of Puerto Rico at Hum acao University of Puerto Rico at Humacao Contributors must become members . No No Varies Varies Varies MLA 2 No Submit one hard copy and one copy on disk. Also accepts online s ubmissions. Author Returned; enclose SASE 1 month Varies Varies 100 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 8/16/2010 7834 GraffyliaR Graffylia: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofa y Letras 1870-1396 2003 Alejandro Palma Castro "Av. Juan de Palafox y M endoza 229; Facultad de Filosofa y Letras; Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla; Centro Histrico; Puebla, Puebla 72000," Mexico (52) 222 2323821 ; (52) 222 2320225 (52) 222 2323821; (52) 222 2320225 graffyliaphm@hot; Yes Yes http://www.filos Yes Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de P uebla Annual Full text available in .PDF format. issn/18701396 MXN 35.00/year "Publishes work in the humanities including literature, linguistics, history, ph ilosophy, art, and education." Humanities; Literature; Linguistics; History; Ph ilosophy; Art; Education Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 3 times/year Yes Separate Benemrita Univers idad Autnoma de Puebla "Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Benemrita Universidad Autno ma de Puebla" No No 12-15 pages 2 pages 10 pages American Psychological Association or MLA 2 Yes 6 months 6 months 2 50 35 6 6 7 4 9/20/2006 7792 Hybrido Hybrido 1930-2711 1997 Carlos Aguasaco; Jess Bottaro; Angel Estevez; Jos Jess Osorio; Mario A. Pozada-Burga; Walter Rada "Hybrido Magazine; 33-26 72 Street; Jackson Heights, NY" 11372 United S tates 718 672-4118 Yes Yes ista11050 No Annual "Tables of contents, submission, subscri ption, and editorial information." "Hybrido Magazine; 156-20 Riverside Drive West; Apt. 1M; New York, NY" 10032 United States USD 5.00/year US and Puerto Rico; USD 10 .00/year elsewhere Publishes articles on the humanities and social sciences. Also includes some poetry and fiction. Humanities; Literature; Social sciences; Cultural studies Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese 800 Annual Yes Separate No No " 2,000-3,500 words (10 pages)" 600 word s MLA 3 Yes "Include separate page with author name,

e-mail, address, and article title." Journal Not returned 4 months 3 months 3 20 10 10 5 4/5/2006 7361 AteneaPR Atenea 0885-6079 1969 Nandita Batra "Revista Atenea; Department of English; Box 9265; University of Puerto R ico, Mayaguez; Mayaguez, PR" 681 United States " 787 832-4040 e xts. 3064, 3595" 787 265-3847; 787 265-1225 Yes Yes Yes EBSCO Hu manities International Complete 2 times/year "Tables of contents, submission, subscription, and editorial information." 56079 "Administrative Assistant; Office of Publications; PO Box 9010; Universi ty of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Mayaguez, PR" 681 United States " 787 832-4040, exts. 3345, 3595" 208 248-6162 USD 12.00/year US and Pu erto Rico; USD 18.00/year elsewhere Publishes articles on the humani ties and social sciences. Also includes some poetry and fiction. Humaniti es; Literature; Social sciences; Cultural studies Yes No No Yes English; Spanish 100 "2 times/year (June, Dec)" No Separate "University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez" "University of Puerto Ri co, Mayaguez" No No " 2,000-3,500 words" 500 words MLA 3 Yes "Include author name, e-mail, ma iling address, title of work on separate cover page." Journal Not returned 1-6 months 1-6 months 3 50 20-25 6 2 5/20/2005 2251 RO Revista de Occidente 0034-8635 1923 "Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset; Fortuny, 53; 28010 Madrid," Spain (34) 1 7003533 (34) 1 7003530 Yes Yes No Tables of contents and submission information. 48635 (34) 1 4472700 (34) 1 4486202 USD 186. 00/year Publishes articles related to the humanities and social sciences . Humanities; Literature; Spanish literature; Social sciences Yes No Yes Spanish "12,000" 11 times/year Yes Separate Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset No No " 3,500-4,500 words" " 1,000-2,000 wo rds" 1 No Author 6-12 months 2-6 months 2-3 500 100-120 20-30 6/5/2008 8279 ArsHumanitas Ars & Humanitas: Revija za Umetnost in Humanistiko 1854-9632 2007 Milica Anti-Gaber; Tine Germ "Filozofska Faku lteta Univerze v Ljubljani; Akereva 2; SI-1000 Ljubljana," Slovenia (386) 1 2411210 (386) 1 2411211 Yes Yes ij/ArsEtHumanitas/ArsEtHumanitas.html Yes Filozofska Fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani 2 times/year Available online as an open access online journa l as well as in print. EUR 18.00/year "Publishes interdisciplinary work devoted to humanities, literature, visual arts, and social studies. Brings together all fields of huma nities with various theoretical orientations and research methods." Humaniti es; Literature; Visual arts; Social studies Yes No Yes Yes Slovene; English; German; Italian; French; Spanish 2 times/year No Separate Filozofska Fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani No No "30,000 characte rs" " 5,000-10,000 characters" In-house style sheet 1 Yes Author and Filozofska Fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani Returned 3 months 3-6 months 2 30-40 20-30 10-20 10 7/19/2010 7830 Digithum Digithum: Les Humanitats en l'Era Digital 1575-2275 1999 Narcs Figueras Capdevila; Salvador Climent Roca; Francesc Nez Mosteo "Av. Tibidabo, 39; Planta 2 BCN 08035," Spain (34) 93 2532300 (34) 93 4176495 No Yes http://w Yes Electronic journal Annual (May) Open acc ess online journal. Free "Publishes work on the knowledge society: analysis of the transf ormations taking place in the digital age in terms of the humanities and social sciences. On the information or knowledge society, meaning the current state of evolution of society, where generalized use of information and communication tec hnologies (ICT) in the production and exchange of information determines the evo lution and transformation of social life, politics, and the economy, especially, but not only, in developed countries. The way the transformation of knowledge s ociety is effecting the foundations of the organization and structuring of socie ties in a way that involves a range of processes that are configuring a new soci al context or environment. These processes are linguistic, cultural, political, and economic globalization; the conversion of information into raw material, and the re-establishing of social identity. Identifies the repercussions of informa tion and communication technologies (ICT) on studies, teaching, and the dissemin ation of the humanities and social sciences." Humanities; Social sciences; Kno wledge; Language; Linguistics; Technology No No Yes Yes Catalan; Spanish; English Annual (May) No Universitat Oberta de Catalunya No No "3,000 words maximum" MLA 1 No "Include title, 2,000 word abstract, 4-6 keywords, bibliography, author details, brief C V, and author photograph. Send graphics or images in a separate file. See websit e for details." Creative Commons License Not returned 1 month 6 months 2 20 10 9/5/2006 8610 TintasQ Tintas: Quaderni di Letterature Iberiche e Iberoamericane 2240-5437 2011 Mariarosa Scaramuzza Vidoni "Universit degli Studi di Milano; Sezione di Iberistica del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature stranier e; Piazza S. Alessandro 1; 20123 Milan," Italy (39) 02 50313546 (39) 02 50313542 No Yes http://r Yes Universit degli Studi di Milano Annual Open access online journal. Free "Publishes an overview of ongoing research by faculty and resear ch groups working at the University of Milan, as well as offering a large space for critical debate by scholars from foreign countries and other Italian univers ities. Contributions focus on literature, linguistics, and translation studies w ithin Spanish-speaking and Lusophone studies. Also includes work related to Cata lan, Galician, and Basque literature." Humanities; Spanish literature; Latin Am erican literature; Portuguese literature; Linguistics; Translation studies Yes Yes Yes Yes Italian; Spanish; Portuguese Annual No Universit degli Studi di Milano No No "45,000 characters" See website 2 Yes "Submit two electronic copies, on in Microsoft W ord and one in .PDF format." Author Not returned 1 month 4 months 2 15-16 12-13 12-13 12-13 4-5 4-5 6/20/201 3 6123 JAISA JAISA: The Journal of the Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts 1083-6586 1995 Muriel Cormican; Gary Schmidt "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures; University of West Georgia; Carrollton, GA" 30118 United States 678 839-6515 678 839-5931; Yes Yes No Calls for papers and submission guidelines. USD 20.00/year institutions; USD 15.00/year individuals; USD 10.00/year students Publishes essays which explore topics from diverse theoretical and cultural cont exts. One issue per year contains selected papers presented at the annual confer ence of AISA. The other issue is open for submissions. Interdisciplinary approa ch; Humanities; Arts; Film No No No Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish Every 1-2 years Yes USD 125.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Separate University of We st Georgia Publications and Printing "Department of Foreign Languages and Lit

eratures, University of West Georgia" Contributions are solicited from partici pants in the annual Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities held each yea r at the University of West Georgia. No No " 2,0006,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one elect ronic copy. Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts Returned at author's request 6 months 1 year 1-3 12-15 7 3/21/2011 3046 IJSL International Journal of the Sociology of Language 0165-2516 1613-3668 1974 Joshua A. Fishman " 3616 Henry Hud son Parkway; Apt. 7B-N; Bronx, NY" 10463 United States "Unsolicited sin gle articles: Florian Coulmas,; Small language articles: Na ncy Donan," 718 796-8155 Yes Yes Yes Reference Global 6 times/year "Contents, submission, and subscription information." "Rhenus Medien Logistik GmbH & Co. KG; Justus-von-Liebig-Strae 1; 86899 Lansdberg," Germany "US: Walter de Gruyter, Inc., PO Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172-0960, United States" (49) 8191 97000881 (49) 8191 97000103 GBP 329.00/year print or online; GBP 378.00/year print and online "Publishes articles on the devel opment of the sociology of language in its broadest sense, as a truly internatio nal and interdisciplinary field in which various approaches, theoretical and emp irical, supplement and complement each other, contributing thereby to the growth of language related knowledge, applications, values, and sensitivities. Most is sues are devoted to specific topics and articles appearing in these issues are c ommissioned or result from a call-for-papers." Interdisciplinary approach; Lang uage; Sociology; Society Yes No Yes Yes English; French; Spanish; German; Italian 6 times/year Yes See website Separate Mouton de Gruyter Most articles are commissioned o r come as a result of a relatively long lead time call-for-papers on a particula r subject. One issue comprised of unrelated articles is published annually. No No 20 double-spaced typescript pages 6 double-spaced typescript pages Linguistic Society of America 2 No Submit English abstract of articles not written in English. Mouton de Gruyter Returned; enclose return postage 6 months 1 year 2 100-120 60 8-12 6-8 10/2/2008 8188 TheoryiA Theory in Action 1937-0229 1937-02 37 2008 John Asimakopoulos; Ali Shehzad Zaidi " 39-09 Berdan Avenue; F air Lawn, NJ" 7410 United States 201 254-3595 201 254-3595 Yes Yes http://www.transformativ Yes EBSCO 4 times/year "Tables of contents, abstracts, submission, and subscription inf ormation." USD 105.00/year individuals with free online access; USD 200.00/year institution s with free online access; Orders within the continental U.S. add USD 8.00 for s hipping and handling; Orders outside the continental U.S. add USD 100.00 "Publishes an interdisciplinary forum on the interconnections between theory and action aimed at promoting social justice. The editorial collective does not pri vilege any particular theoretical tradition or approach. Publishes literature cr iticism, book reviews, and poetry that promotes racial, economic, and gender equ ality." Interdisciplinary approach; Social justice; Social change Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish 170 "4 times/year (Jan, Apr, July, Oct)" Yes USD 750.00/full page; USD 375.00/half page; USD 375.00/h alf page vertical Separate Transformative Studies I nstitute Yes USD 25.00 No 5-40 do uble-spaced pages " 1,000 minimum-3,000 maximum" " 1,000 minimum3,000 maximum" All styles accepted 1 Yes Online submissions only. Transformative Studies Institute Not returned 4-6 weeks 9-12 mo nths 2 50 20 35 20 10 5 1/4/2010

8471 LKP Literatura i Kultura Popularna 0867-7441 1991 Anna Gemra "Instytut Filologii Polskiej; Uniwersytet Wrocawski; pl. Nankiera 15; 50-140 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3434296; (48) 71 3752559 (subscriptions) Yes Yes Yes Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci/Wydawnictwo Uniwersyt etu Wrocawskiego Continuous Tables of contents and abstracts. http://w "Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego Sp. z o.o. ; pl. Uniwersytecki 15; 50-137 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3752885 (48) 71 3752507 Varies "Publishes articles devoted to different aspects and phenomena of popular literature and culture: media, role-playing games, gen re movies, individual genres, authors and themes of popular culture, literary an d film adaptations, translations into the language of other arts, genres on the borderline between arts, such as comic strips or the Internet. Also interested i n works discussing definitional and genological issues, literature circulations, market characteristics, recipients specifics, sociology and psychology of recep tion, etc. Publishes interdisciplinary works representing and combining the achi evements of different academic disciplines, not necessarily humanistic. The subj ect matter of individual volumes is partly problematised." Interdisciplinar y studies; Literature; Popular literature; Cultural studies; Mass culture; Cultu ral anthropology; Mass media; film theory and criticism No No Yes Yes Polish; English; French; Spanish; German; Italian; Slavic languages 150-300 Annual No Separate Wydawnic two Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego No No "60,000 characters" Wrocaw University Press 2 Yes Submit one print and one electronic version. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego Not returned 12-16 weeks 8-18 months 3-4 60 12 2/22/2012 8471 LKP Literatura i Kultura Popularna 0867-7441 1991 Anna Gemra "Instytut Filologii Polskiej; Uniwersytet Wrocawski; pl. Nankiera 15; 50-140 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3434296; (48) 71 3752559 (subscriptions) Yes Yes Yes Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci/Wydawnictwo Uniwersyt etu Wrocawskiego Continuous Tables of contents and abstracts. http://w "Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego Sp. z o.o. ; pl. Uniwersytecki 15; 50-137 Wrocaw," Poland (48) 71 3752885 (48) 71 3752507 Varies "Publishes articles devoted to different aspects and phenomena of popular literature and culture: media, role-playing games, gen re movies, individual genres, authors and themes of popular culture, literary an d film adaptations, translations into the language of other arts, genres on the borderline between arts, such as comic strips or the Internet. Also interested i n works discussing definitional and genological issues, literature circulations, market characteristics, recipients specifics, sociology and psychology of recep tion, etc. Publishes interdisciplinary works representing and combining the achi evements of different academic disciplines, not necessarily humanistic. The subj ect matter of individual volumes is partly problematised." Interdisciplinar y studies; Literature; Popular literature; Cultural studies; Mass culture; Cultu ral anthropology; Mass media; film theory and criticism No No Yes Yes Polish; English; French; Spanish; German; Italian; Slavic languages 150-300 Annual No Separate Wydawnic two Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego No No "60,000 characters" Wrocaw University Press 2 Yes Submit one print and one electronic version. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego Not returned 12-16 weeks 8-18 months 3-4 60 12 2/22/2012 8397 InterferencesL Interfrences Littraires-Literaire Interferenties 2031-2970 2008 Universit Catholique de Louvain; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven "Place Blaise Pascal 1; 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve," Belgium "BlijdeInkomststraat 21, Bus 3331, Leuven, Belgium" (32) 10 474930 matthieu; No Yes Yes Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

2 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work that takes into account the interferences throug h which, in the course of its history, literature has constituted itself in the interaction with other discourses, cultural forms and social practices. More spe cifically, it intends to study, on the one hand, the models that literary texts have borrowed from other discursive, pragmatic and imaginary domains and, on the other hand, the representations and usages of literature as they appear in othe r forms of discourse and sectors of socio-cultural activity. The historical era covered by the journal is modernity in the broad sense of the term, from the 16t h century to the present. The 18th century saw the emergence of the concept of l iterature as we know it today, yet a full understanding of this development requ ires a broader historical framework, which will of course be further specified o r limited according to the topics addressed." Interference; Literature; Litera ry theory and criticism No No Yes Yes English; German; French; Dutch; Spanish; Italian 2 times/year No Separate Universit Catholique de LouvainKatholieke Universiteit Leuven Fonds National de la Recherches Scientifique-FNRS No No " 7,500-20,000 words" See website 1 Yes Submit one copy via e-mail. Author Returned 3 months maximum 3 months 4 40 25 9/7/2011 4596 Peritia Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland 0332-1592 1982 Donnchadh Corrin "Department of History; Universi ty College; Cork," Ireland "18 Bishopscourt Lawn, Cork, Ireland" (353) 21 902558; (353) 21 545291; (353) 66 55168 (353) 21 270191 ocorrain Yes Yes No "Journal details, tables of contents, and abstracts." issn/03321592 "Brepols B.V.; Steenveg op Tielen; 2300 Turnhout," Belgium (32) 14 402500 (32) 14 428919 "Publishes artic les on medieval studies, including history, language, literature, law, and archa eology." Irish Gaelic language; Irish studies; Irish history; Irish liter ature; Law; European literature; European studies; Medieval studies; European hi story; Anglo-Saxon studies; English literature; Middle English period Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; German; Spanish; Italian 600 Annual Yes Separate Brepols Medieval Academy of Ireland No No "10,000 words maximum" "1,000 words" 400-500 words Journal 2 No Submit 100-150 word abst ract and up to 10 keywords with manuscript. Author and journal Returned 6 months 2 years 3 20 10 4/2/2004 7794 EstudiosI Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies 1699-311X 2005 Rosa Gonzlez "Facultadt de Filologia; Universitat de Barcelona; Gran Via Corts Catalanes 585; 08007 Barcelona," Spain "Facultad de Filologa, Gran Via Corts Catalanes 858, 08007 Barcelona, Spain" (34) 934035685 (34) 933171249; contact@es No Yes Yes Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI) Annual (Mar) Open acc ess online journal in .HTML or .PDF with printable covers for each issue. Free "Publishes work that engages in a critical and original way all aspects of Irish literature, history, arts, and media. Aimed at an academic audi ence and the interested general reader." Irish literature; Irish history; Arts; Mass media Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish Annual (Mar) No Separate Spanish Associat ion for Irish Studies (AEDEI) Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI) Submitted work must be original. No No " 5,0007,000 words" "1,200 words" Journal 1 Yes Submit o ne electronic copy via e-mail. Author Not returned 2 months Varies 3 15-21 10-15 12-20 12-20 5/24/201 3 164 Qanara Al- Qanara: Revista de Estudios Arabes "Formerly titled Al-Anda

lus: Revista de las Esculas de Estudios rabes de Madrid y Granada, 1933-1978." 0211-3589 1988-2955 1980 Fernando Rodrguez Mediano; Mayte Penelas "Centro Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC; C) Albasanz, 26-28; 28037 Madrid," Spain "Edicion Tecnica, Unidad de Apoyo a la Edicin de Revistas, CCMS, CSIC, C) Albasanz, 26-28, 28037 Madrid, Spain" (34) 91 6022676 (34) 91 6022971 alqantar (editorial); (subscriptions) Yes Yes Yes Periodicals Archive Onli ne 2 times/year Available in open access online format. "Editorial CSIC; Sectin de Revistas; Vitruvio, 8; 28006 M adrid," Spain (34) 91 5612833 (34) 91 5629634 EUR 70.00/year S pain; EUR 100.00/year elsewhere 2013-2014 "Publishes articles on Islamic a nd Arab culture until the 17th century, with major focus on the Islamic West." Islamic culture; Arabic language (Modern) Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; French 500 2 times/year No Consecutive Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) No No 30 pages maximum 4 pages 8 pages UNE 50-104-94 (a daptation of ISO 690:1987) 1 Yes "Submit original typescript in M icrosoft Word or WordPerfect file. Include Title abstract and keywords in Spanis h and English. Illustrations should be submitted in TIFF or JPEG, graphics and p ictures in vectoral files." Assigned by author to journal Returned 6 months 9 months 2 30-40 20 24 20 8 4 10/16/2013 6861 JLACS Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies Formerly titled Travesia until 1995 (ISSN 0965-8343) 1356-9325 1469-9575 1992 "Department of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies; King's College; Strand; Lon don WC2R 2LS," United Kingdom (44) 020 78482205 (44) 020 78482207 Yes Yes carfax/13569325.html Yes MetaPress 3 times/year Tables of conten ts and subscription information. "(US & Canada); Taylor and Francis; 35 Chestnut Street, 8th floor; Philadelphia, PA" 19106 United States "(UK, Europe, and elsewhere) T&F Customer Servic es, T&F Informa UK Ltd., Sheepen Place, Colchester Essex, CO3 3LP, United Kingdo m" 800 354-1420 (US and Canada) 215 625-2940 (US and Canada) GBP 342. 00 (USD 566.00)/year institutions (includes free online access); GBP 82.00 (USD 159.00)/year individuals (print only) "Publishes articles on the histo ry and analysis of Latin American culture and the development of theories and me thods for studying the cultural practices of Latin Americans. Multidisciplinary articles which contribute to defining the emerging area of research and debate a re especially welcome, particularly in anthropology, communication studies, hist ory, and literature." Latin America; Anthropology; History; Literature; Cultur e No No No Yes English "3 times/year (Mar, Aug, Dec)" Yes GBP 200.00/half page mono; GBP 300.00/full page mono Separate Routledge No No " 3,000-7,000 words (articles)4,000 words maximum (chronicles)2,000 words maximu m (commentaries)" MLA 1 No "Submit double-spaced manuscript with 100-150 word abstract and a brief statement for th e Notes on Contributors section. Whenever possible, include disk with print copy and full postal address of the author." 6 months 6 months 60 24 8/9/2006 495 CasaA Casa de las Amricas 0008-7157 1960 Roberto Fernndez Retamar "Tercera y G. El Vedado; Havana," Cuba (537) 552706 (537) 8344554 Yes Yes http://w No "Tables of contents, subscriptio n, and journal information." "BICSA; PO Box 6175; Havana 10600," Cuba USD 40.0 0/year US and Canada "Publishes articles on Latin American literature , arts, ideas, and problems." Latin American art; Latin American literature; L atin American studies Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "3,000" 4 times/

year No Available in microforms Separate Casa de las Amricas No No 20 pages 6 pages 10 pages 1 No Author Not returned 3 months 3 months 2 450 150 40 20 45 10 7/1/2004 7491 LRR Latino(a) Research Review Formerly titled Latino Review of Books: A Publication for Critical Thought and Dialogue 1088-3851 1995 Edna Acosta-Beln; Carlos E. Santiago "CELAC, SS-247; University of Al bany, SUNY; Albany, NY" 12222 United States 518 442-4590; 518 442-4 890 518 442-4790 Yes Yes lac/ No "Subscription, submission, and subscription info rmation." USD 35.00/year institutions; USD 20.00/year individuals (US); USD 25.00/year ind ividuals (elsewhere) "Publishes interdisciplinary scholarly research articles, critical reviews, and research notes focusing on the Latino and (im)mi grant experience in the US and the transnational connections of these groups wit h their Latin American and Caribbean countries or origin." Latin American c ulture; Hispanic American studies; Spanish immigrants Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 650 3 times/year Yes USD 100.00/full page; USD 50.00/half page; USD 25.00/quarter page Separate CELAC No No 30-35 pages maximum 3-5 pages 15 pages Depends on discipline 3 Yes Submit m anuscript on IBM compatible diskette in Microsoft Word. CELAC Not returned 4 months 12 months 3 100 20 25 30 3 8/31/2004 7491 LRR Latino(a) Research Review Formerly titled Latino Review of Books: A Publication for Critical Thought and Dialogue 1088-3851 1995 Edna Acosta-Beln; Carlos E. Santiago "CELAC, SS-247; University of Al bany, SUNY; Albany, NY" 12222 United States 518 442-4590; 518 442-4 890 518 442-4790 Yes Yes lac/ No "Subscription, submission, and subscription info rmation." USD 35.00/year institutions; USD 20.00/year individuals (US); USD 25.00/year ind ividuals (elsewhere) "Publishes interdisciplinary scholarly research articles, critical reviews, and research notes focusing on the Latino and (im)mi grant experience in the US and the transnational connections of these groups wit h their Latin American and Caribbean countries or origin." Latin American c ulture; Hispanic American studies; Spanish immigrants Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 650 3 times/year Yes USD 100.00/full page; USD 50.00/half page; USD 25.00/quarter page Separate CELAC No No 30-35 pages maximum 3-5 pages 15 pages Depends on discipline 3 Yes Submit m anuscript on IBM compatible diskette in Microsoft Word. CELAC Not returned 4 months 12 months 3 100 20 25 30 3 8/31/2004 6375 AJHCS Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 1096-24 92 1934-9009 1997 Malcolm Alan Compitello; Amy R. Williamsen; Susa n Larson "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; 545 Modern Languages; PO Box 210067; The University of Arizona; Tucson, AZ" 85721-0067 United S tates 520 621-3730 520 621-6104 Yes Yes Yes MUSE "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 35.0 0/year institutions; USD 20.00/year individuals; USD 15.00/year students "Publishes rigorously-argued essays, interviews and works of pedagogical interes t which contribute to expanding the critical literature in the field of Hispanic cultural studies through interrogation of theoretical horizons." Latin Am erican culture; Latin American literature; Film; Theory Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 200 Annual Yes USD 50.00/half p age; USD 100.00/full page Separate

No No " 3,750-7,500 words" 500-750 words MLA 3 Yes Author Returned at author's request 3-6 mon ths 3 months 4-5 30 8 20 20 6/23/2004 6375 AJHCS Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 1096-24 92 1934-9009 1997 Malcolm Alan Compitello; Amy R. Williamsen; Susa n Larson "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; 545 Modern Languages; PO Box 210067; The University of Arizona; Tucson, AZ" 85721-0067 United S tates 520 621-3730 520 621-6104 Yes Yes Yes MUSE "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 35.0 0/year institutions; USD 20.00/year individuals; USD 15.00/year students "Publishes rigorously-argued essays, interviews and works of pedagogical interes t which contribute to expanding the critical literature in the field of Hispanic cultural studies through interrogation of theoretical horizons." Latin Am erican culture; Latin American literature; Film; Theory Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 200 Annual Yes USD 50.00/half p age; USD 100.00/full page Separate No No " 3,750-7,500 words" 500-750 words MLA 3 Yes Author Returned at author's request 3-6 mon ths 3 months 4-5 30 8 20 20 6/23/2004 929 Filologa Filologa 0071-495X 1949 Ana Maria Bar echea "Instituto de Filologa y Literaturas Hispnicas ""Dr. Amado Alonso""; Facul tad de Filosofia y Letras; Universidad de Buenos Aires; 25 de Mayo 217; 1002 Bue nos Aires," Argentina "Coronel Daz 1815, 8 A, 1425 Buenos Aires , Argentina" (54) 1 3432733; abarrene@filo.uba .ar Yes No No "Oficina de Venta de Publicaciones; Facultad de Filosofi a y Letras; Pun 470; 1406 Buenos Aires," Argentina "Instituto Amado Alonso, 25 de Mayo 217 1A., Buenos Aires 1002, Argentina" (541) 43 20121 USD 30.00/year "Publishes papers dealing with Hispanic language and literature, both peninsular and American. Also publishes works of general R omanic interest and literary and linguistic theory." Latin American culture; Latin American literature; Spanish language; Romance languages; Spanish American culture; Literary theory and criticism; Linguistic theory Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 300 Annual No Separate "Instituto de Filologa y Literaturas Hispnicas ""Dr. Amado Alonso"", Facultad de F ilosofa & Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires" No No 10-20 pages " 1,000-1,500 words" " 1,500-2,500 words" Journal 2 Yes Submit original typescript. Journal Not returned 2 months 2 years 2 929 Filologa Filologa 0071-495X 1949 Ana Maria Bar echea "Instituto de Filologa y Literaturas Hispnicas ""Dr. Amado Alonso""; Facul tad de Filosofia y Letras; Universidad de Buenos Aires; 25 de Mayo 217; 1002 Bue nos Aires," Argentina "Coronel Daz 1815, 8 A, 1425 Buenos Aires , Argentina" (54) 1 3432733; abarrene@filo.uba .ar Yes No No "Oficina de Venta de Publicaciones; Facultad de Filosofi a y Letras; Pun 470; 1406 Buenos Aires," Argentina "Instituto Amado Alonso, 25 de Mayo 217 1A., Buenos Aires 1002, Argentina" (541) 43 20121 USD 30.00/year "Publishes papers dealing with Hispanic language and literature, both peninsular and American. Also publishes works of general R omanic interest and literary and linguistic theory." Latin American culture; Latin American literature; Spanish language; Romance languages; Spanish American culture; Literary theory and criticism; Linguistic theory Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 300 Annual No Separate "Instituto de Filologa y Literaturas Hispnicas ""Dr. Amado Alonso"", Facultad de F ilosofa & Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires" No No

10-20 pages " 1,000-1,500 words" " 1,500-2,500 words" Journal 2 Yes Submit original typescript. Journal Not returned 2 months 2 years 2 929 Filologa Filologa 0071-495X 1949 Ana Maria Bar echea "Instituto de Filologa y Literaturas Hispnicas ""Dr. Amado Alonso""; Facul tad de Filosofia y Letras; Universidad de Buenos Aires; 25 de Mayo 217; 1002 Bue nos Aires," Argentina "Coronel Daz 1815, 8 A, 1425 Buenos Aires , Argentina" (54) 1 3432733; abarrene@filo.uba .ar Yes No No "Oficina de Venta de Publicaciones; Facultad de Filosofi a y Letras; Pun 470; 1406 Buenos Aires," Argentina "Instituto Amado Alonso, 25 de Mayo 217 1A., Buenos Aires 1002, Argentina" (541) 43 20121 USD 30.00/year "Publishes papers dealing with Hispanic language and literature, both peninsular and American. Also publishes works of general R omanic interest and literary and linguistic theory." Latin American culture; Latin American literature; Spanish language; Romance languages; Spanish American culture; Literary theory and criticism; Linguistic theory Yes Yes No Yes Spanish 300 Annual No Separate "Instituto de Filologa y Literaturas Hispnicas ""Dr. Amado Alonso"", Facultad de F ilosofa & Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires" No No 10-20 pages " 1,000-1,500 words" " 1,500-2,500 words" Journal 2 Yes Submit original typescript. Journal Not returned 2 months 2 years 2 5396 Antpodas Antpodas: Journal of Hispanic and Galician Studies Formerly titled Antpodas: Journal of Hispanic Studies of the University of Auckland 0113-2415 1988 Roy C. Boland "Antipodas; PO Box 93; Jannali N SW 2226," Australia "Department of Spanish, University of Qu eensland, St. Lucia Campus, Queensland 4072, Australia" (61) 2 95284124 (61) 7 3 2166521 Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription inform ation." USD 35.00/year institutions; USD 30.00/year individuals "Publishes monog raphs on Hispanic studies, including language, literature, and culture." Latin American culture; Latin American literature; Spanish language; Spanish lit erature; Galician culture Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish ; Catalan; Galician 500 Annual with occasional double issues Yes Negotiable Separate Antpodas La Trobe University Contributors must subscribe to journal. Book reviews are by invitation only. No No " 3,000-5,000 words" 500-750 words 50-60 words MLA 2 Yes Submit electronically via e-mail attachm ent. Journal Returned; enclose international mail coupons 6-12 months 6-12 months 2 100 20-25 5-6 6/18/2008 5396 Antpodas Antpodas: Journal of Hispanic and Galician Studies Formerly titled Antpodas: Journal of Hispanic Studies of the University of Auckland 0113-2415 1988 Roy C. Boland "Antipodas; PO Box 93; Jannali N SW 2226," Australia "Department of Spanish, University of Qu eensland, St. Lucia Campus, Queensland 4072, Australia" (61) 2 95284124 (61) 7 3 2166521 Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription inform ation." USD 35.00/year institutions; USD 30.00/year individuals "Publishes monog raphs on Hispanic studies, including language, literature, and culture." Latin American culture; Latin American literature; Spanish language; Spanish lit erature; Galician culture Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish ; Catalan; Galician 500 Annual with occasional double issues Yes Negotiable Separate Antpodas La Trobe University Contributors must subscribe to journal. Book reviews are by invitation only. No No " 3,000-5,000 words" 500-750 words 50-60 words MLA 2 Yes Submit electronically via e-mail attachm

ent. Journal Returned; enclose international mail coupons 6-12 months 6-12 months 2 100 20-25 5-6 6/18/2008 3101 RCEH Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispnicos 0384-8167 1976 Jess Prez-Magalln "Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispnicos; Department of Hispanic Studies; 688 Sherbrooke Street W. Room 425; McGill University; Montreal , QUE H3A 3RI," Canada 514 398-6682 514 398-1748 Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription inform ation." Canada CAD 45.00/year institutions Canada; USD 45.00 institutions elsewhere; CAD 30.00/ year individuals Canada; USD 30.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publish es articles on literature, cinema, philosophy, and cultural studies of the Hispa nic world and its worldwide relations." Latin American history; Latin American l iterature; History; Philosophy; Film; Latin American culture Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; Spanish; Catalan; Portuguese; Galician 800 "3 times/year (Fall, Winter, Spring)" No Consecut ive Asociacin Canadiense de Hispanistas Contributors must be sub scribers. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted. No No "10,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" "3,500 words" MLA 2 Yes Submit one paper copy and version as an e-mail attachment. Include a 200 word summary in Spanish. Journal Returned 4-6 months 1-2 yea rs 2-3 100 15 (plus 15 by invitation) 35 3-5 1 5/2/2006 3101 RCEH Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispnicos 0384-8167 1976 Jess Prez-Magalln "Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispnicos; Department of Hispanic Studies; 688 Sherbrooke Street W. Room 425; McGill University; Montreal , QUE H3A 3RI," Canada 514 398-6682 514 398-1748 Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription inform ation." Canada CAD 45.00/year institutions Canada; USD 45.00 institutions elsewhere; CAD 30.00/ year individuals Canada; USD 30.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publish es articles on literature, cinema, philosophy, and cultural studies of the Hispa nic world and its worldwide relations." Latin American history; Latin American l iterature; History; Philosophy; Film; Latin American culture Yes Yes Yes Yes English; French; Spanish; Catalan; Portuguese; Galician 800 "3 times/year (Fall, Winter, Spring)" No Consecut ive Asociacin Canadiense de Hispanistas Contributors must be sub scribers. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted. No No "10,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" "3,500 words" MLA 2 Yes Submit one paper copy and version as an e-mail attachment. Include a 200 word summary in Spanish. Journal Returned 4-6 months 1-2 yea rs 2-3 100 15 (plus 15 by invitation) 35 3-5 1 5/2/2006 7313 Cefiro Cfiro 1534-228X 2000 Luis I. Prdanos; Vanessa Rodriguez-Garcia "Texas Tech University; Classical & Modern Langu ages and Literatures, MS 2071; Lubbock, TX" 79409 United States 806 239-7046 806 742-3306; vanessa.rodriguez-gacia Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription inform ation." USD 20.00/year "Publishes work on any topic dealing with Latin American and Iberian languages, literatures, and cultures." Latin American linguisti cs; Iberian language; Latin American literature; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 30 Annual (2 bound issues) No Separate Cefiro Graduate Student Organization "Articles must discuss topics dealing with Latin America n and Iberian languages, literatures, and cultures." No No " 6,000-8,000 words" " 3,500-4,500 words" MLA 2

Yes Submit copy via e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format. Journal Not returned 3 months 6 months 3 20 9 2 1 2/27/2008 6249 Textos Textos: Works and Criticism 1086-8704 1990 Graciela E. Tissera "713 Strode Tower; Box 340535, Department of Lan guages; Clemson University; Clemson, SC" 29634-0535 United States 864 656-3493 864 882-1471 Yes Yes http://v No 12 times /year Tables of contents and submission information. issn/10868704 USD 25.00/year i nstitutions; USD 20.00/year individuals "Publishes research on Hispanic literatures, comparative literatures, languages in contact, and international bu siness related to Latin America, as well as poetry, fiction, and photography." Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English 250 2 times/year Yes USD 95.00/banner; USD 185.00/half page; USD 250. 00/full page Separate "Department of Languages , College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Clemson University" Contribu tors must pay for subscription to journal. No No "5,000 words" 600 words "1,500 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit on IBM diskette or as e-mail attachment using Word for Windows. Supply en dnotes as well as a separate file with documentation. Author Not returned 6 months 3 months 10 25-30 10 6 2 12 2 1/4/2008 6618 RUSHLH Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage 1993 Ramn Gutirrez; Genaro Padilla "Arte Pblico Press; University of Houston ; Houston, TX" 77204-2174 United States 713 743-3128 713 743 -3080 Yes Yes No Information on books in series only. 800 633-ARTE 713 743-2847 Varies by volume Publishes work c oncerned with recovering U.S. Hispanic literature from the colonial period to 19 60. Latin American literature No No No Yes English; Spanish Once every 2 years No Separate Arte Pblico Press No No MLA 2 No Author Returned; enclose SASE 6-12 months 1-2 years 4 20 1 6/8/2004 3216 LALR Latin American Literary Review 0047-4134 1972 Yvette Miller "PO Box 17660; Pittsburgh, PA" 15235 United States 412 824-7903 412 824-7909 Yes Yes http://w Yes JSTOR Annual "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." USD 49.00/year institutions US; USD 51.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 27.00 /year individuals US; USD 36.00/year individuals elsewhere Publishe s articles and book reviews on the literatures of Latin America. Latin Am erican literature Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portug uese "1,000" "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Yes USD 100.00/quarter page; USD 145.00/half page; USD 250.00/full page Available in microforms ProQuest Separate Latin American Literary Review Contributors must subscr ibe to journal. No No " 2,500-5,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 3 No Submit manuscript and a 3.5 in. Macintosh diskette using Microsoft Word 5.0. or higher See journal for m anuscript preparation instructions. Journal Returned; enclose SASE 9 months 4-6 months 4 50 12 Varies Varies 4/18/2008 4487 RCLL Revista de Crtica Literaria Latinoamericana 0252-88 43 1975 Antonio Cornejo Polar; Raul Bueno "RCLL/Dartmouth College; Department of Spanish and Portuguese; 6072 Dartmouth Hall; Hanover, NH" 03755-3511 United States "Latinoamericana Editores, Ave. Benavides 3074, La Castellana, Lima 18, Peru" 603 646-2822 603 646-3695 r.bueno@dartmout Yes Yes Yes JSTOR

Journal information and reviews. USD 75.00/year "Publishes critical articles on Latin American literatur e, with a focus on the study of the relationship between literature, culture, an d society." Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese "1,000" "2 times/year (July, Dec)" Yes USD 60.0 0/half page; USD 100.00/full page Separate Dartmouth College No No 25 pages (25 lin es/pages) 6 pages (25 lines/pages) 12 pages (25 lines/pages ) MLA 1 Yes Author Not returned 6-12 months 6-24 months 3 160-180 25-30 50-60 20-25 50-60 8-10 4/22/2008 6249 Textos Textos: Works and Criticism 1086-8704 1990 Graciela E. Tissera "713 Strode Tower; Box 340535, Department of Lan guages; Clemson University; Clemson, SC" 29634-0535 United States 864 656-3493 864 882-1471 Yes Yes http://v No 12 times /year Tables of contents and submission information. issn/10868704 USD 25.00/year i nstitutions; USD 20.00/year individuals "Publishes research on Hispanic literatures, comparative literatures, languages in contact, and international bu siness related to Latin America, as well as poetry, fiction, and photography." Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English 250 2 times/year Yes USD 95.00/banner; USD 185.00/half page; USD 250. 00/full page Separate "Department of Languages , College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Clemson University" Contribu tors must pay for subscription to journal. No No "5,000 words" 600 words "1,500 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit on IBM diskette or as e-mail attachment using Word for Windows. Supply en dnotes as well as a separate file with documentation. Author Not returned 6 months 3 months 10 25-30 10 6 2 12 2 1/4/2008 6618 RUSHLH Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage 1993 Ramn Gutirrez; Genaro Padilla "Arte Pblico Press; University of Houston ; Houston, TX" 77204-2174 United States 713 743-3128 713 743 -3080 Yes Yes No Information on books in series only. 800 633-ARTE 713 743-2847 Varies by volume Publishes work c oncerned with recovering U.S. Hispanic literature from the colonial period to 19 60. Latin American literature No No No Yes English; Spanish Once every 2 years No Separate Arte Pblico Press No No MLA 2 No Author Returned; enclose SASE 6-12 months 1-2 years 4 20 1 6/8/2004 792 EFil Estudios Filolgicos 0071-1713 1965 Ivn Carrasco "Oficina de Publicaciones; Facultad de Filosofa Humanidades; Univ ersidad Austral de Chile; Casilla 142; Valdivia," Chile (56) 63 221275 (56) 63 221275 Yes Yes http://www.sciel No Annual "Tables of contents, abstracts, submission, and subscription information." http://w (56) 63 221275 "USD 28.00/year US; USD 30.00/year Europe and Asia; USD 22.00 (CLP 6,000 .00)/year Latin America" "Publishes studies on linguistics and li terature, especially themes related to the Spanish language, and Spanish and His pano-American literatures." Latin American literature; American literature; Spanish linguistics; Spanish language; Spanish literature; Spanish American lite rature Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish Annual Yes On an ex change basis Separate Victor Cubillos G. "Univers idad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile" No No 15-25 double-spaced pages " 500-1,500 words" " 3,000-8,000 wo

rds" MLA with modifications 2 No "Submit original typescript with an abstract, as well as a copy of article using Microsoft Word." Universi dad Austral de Chile Not returned 2-3 months 6-7 months 2-3 plu s Editorial Board 25-30 12-15 5-10 5-10 4 2-3 5/16/2008 6155 CLAR Colonial Latin American Review 1060-9164 1466-18 02 1992 Frederick Luciani; Camilla Townsend "Department of Romance L anguages and Literatures; Colgate University; 13 Oak Drive; Hamilton, NY" 13346 United States "Book Review: Kris Lane, Department of History, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187, United States" 315 228-7293 315 228-7176 (subscriptions) Yes Yes Yes Taylor & Francis 09164 "Taylor & Francis, Inc.; Customer Services Department; 325 Chestnut Stre et, 8th floor; Philadelphia, PA" 19106 United States "Taylor & Franci s, Ltd., Rankine Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8PR, United Kingdom" 800 354-1420 (US and Canada) 215 625-2940 USD 376.00/year institutions; US D 99.00/year individuals Publishes articles on the colonial perio d of Latin America from an interdisciplinary perspective. Latin American l iterature; Colonial literature; Latin American culture; Colonial period; Latin A merican art; Latin American history Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese 2 times/year (3 times/year beginning in 2009) Yes Consecutive Taylor & Francis Simon H. Rifkind Center for the Humanities No No 35 pages including endnotes "8,000 words maximum" Chicago 3 No Taylor & Francis Returned 2 months 12 months 2 35 10 12 4/21/2008 3051 JHP Journal of Hispanic Philology 0147-5460 1976 Jorge Roman-Lagunas "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures ; Perdue University, Calumet; Hammond, IN" 46323 United States 219 989-2362 212 989-2165 Yes No No USD 60.00/volume institutions US; USD 70.00/volume institutions elsewhere; USD 3 0.00/volume individuals Publishes articles on Spanish and Spanish Americ an literature. Latin American literature; Diachronic linguistics; Iberian langu age; Philology Yes Yes No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish; Fr ench; Catalan 300 3 times/year Yes USD 60.00/full page Availabl e in microforms Consecutive Most reviews are commiss ioned. No No 10-30 pages "1,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 2 Yes "Submit an English abstract for Spanish articles, a Spanish abstract for English articles." Journal Returned ; enclose return postage 6 months 3 years 1-2 30 12 1 25 1-2 11/30/2004 3051 JHP Journal of Hispanic Philology 0147-5460 1976 Jorge Roman-Lagunas "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures ; Perdue University, Calumet; Hammond, IN" 46323 United States 219 989-2362 212 989-2165 Yes No No USD 60.00/volume institutions US; USD 70.00/volume institutions elsewhere; USD 3 0.00/volume individuals Publishes articles on Spanish and Spanish Americ an literature. Latin American literature; Diachronic linguistics; Iberian langu age; Philology Yes Yes No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish; Fr ench; Catalan 300 3 times/year Yes USD 60.00/full page Availabl e in microforms Consecutive Most reviews are commiss ioned. No No 10-30 pages "1,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 2 Yes "Submit an English abstract for Spanish articles, a Spanish abstract for English articles." Journal Returned ; enclose return postage 6 months 3 years 1-2 30 12 1 25 1-2 11/30/2004 7888 Katatay Katatay: Revista Crtica de Literatura Latinoamericana

1669-3868 2005 Teresa Basile "5 No. 84; La Plata 1900," Argentina (54) 221 4259119 Yes Yes No Journal information and selected full text articles. 93868 USD 40.00/year Publishes work that offers a panorama of Latin American literature published dur ing the last three decades. Promotes the work of new writers whose texts rarely circulate in Latin America. Latin American literature; Latin American cultur al studies Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; Fr ench "1,000" 2 times/year or 1 double issue Yes USD 100.00-USD 300.00 Separate Teresa Basile; Monica Bernab; Enrique Foffani Asociacin de Estu dios Latinoamericanos Katatay No No "4,000 w ords" "1,500 words" "3,000 words" MLA 3 No Author Not returned 4 months 12 months 2 50 30 40 30 4 4 3/5/2007 7888 Katatay Katatay: Revista Crtica de Literatura Latinoamericana 1669-3868 2005 Teresa Basile "5 No. 84; La Plata 1900," Argentina (54) 221 4259119 Yes Yes No Journal information and selected full text articles. 93868 USD 40.00/year Publishes work that offers a panorama of Latin American literature published dur ing the last three decades. Promotes the work of new writers whose texts rarely circulate in Latin America. Latin American literature; Latin American cultur al studies Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; Fr ench "1,000" 2 times/year or 1 double issue Yes USD 100.00-USD 300.00 Separate Teresa Basile; Monica Bernab; Enrique Foffani Asociacin de Estu dios Latinoamericanos Katatay No No "4,000 w ords" "1,500 words" "3,000 words" MLA 3 No Author Not returned 4 months 12 months 2 50 30 40 30 4 4 3/5/2007 8051 HispanetJ Hispanet Journal 1937-8920 2008 Zoila Clark "Department of Humanities; Florida Memorial University; 15800 NW 42nd Avenue; Miami Gardens, FL" 33054 United States 305 623-1412 No Yes http://www.hispa Yes Florida Memorial University Annual (Dec) Open acc ess online journal. Free "Publishes articles on Latin American and Peninsular literature, film, and culture studies." Latin American literature; Latin American cultur al studies; Spanish literature; Spanish cultural studies; Cultural studies No "Yes, only interviews" No Yes English; Spanish Annual (Dec) No Separate Florida Memorial University No No " 5,500-11,000 w ords" " 1,500-4,000 words" MLA 2 Yes Author Not returned 3 months 4 months 2 25 15 2 1 7/27/2010 5884 RdeM Remate de Males: Revista do Departamento de Teoria Literria 0103-183X 1980 Maria Eugenia Boaventura; Orna Messer Levin; Fab io de Sousa Andrade "UNICAMP-Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem; Setor de Pub licaes; CP 6045; 13.081-970 Campinas, SP," Brazil (55) 19 7882863 (55) 19 7881536 Yes No No "Publishes articles on Brazilian and Latin American literature, culture, and lit erary theory and criticism." Latin American literature; Latin American cultur e; Brazilian literature; Brazilian culture Yes Yes Yes Yes Portuguese; Spanish; French; English Annual "Yes, on an exchange bas is" Separate Universidad Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) No No " 7,000-10,000 w ords" " 1,600-2,000 words" 500-800 words 2 Yes Journal 3 months 9 months 1 25-40 12-26

3-5 1-3 3-5 1-3 8109 LHE La Habana Elegante 1528-3712 1998 Francisco Moran "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures; Southern Metho dist University; 3200 Dyer Street; 309 Clements Hall; Dallas, TX" 75205 United States "5820 Palm Lane, Dallas, TX 75206, United States" 214 370 -0351 No Yes Yes Electronic journal 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes scholarly articles, literary essays, poetry, and narr ative on or of Cuban and Latin American literature and culture. Welcomes particu larly critical and creative readings of any particular author, work, period, or issue." Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Caribbean culture; Cu ban literature; Cuban culture; Modernismo; Aesthetics Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English 2 times/year No Separate La Habana Elegante "Department of World Languages and Liter atures, Southern Methodist University" No No "9,000 words including notes" 900 words maximum "5,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Author Not returned 4-6 weeks Varies 3 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 4/22/201 3 8381 TextosH Textos Hbridos 2157-0159 2011 Anadeli Bencomo; Luis E. Crcamo-Huechante; Maite Conde; Ignacio Corona; Matthew Edwards; Linda Egan; Oswaldo Estrada; Sebastiaan Faber; Fernando Feliu-Moggi; David Willi am Foster; Anbal Gonzlez; Beth E. Jrgensen; Tanius Karam; Francisco Lomel; Fernanda Macchi; Viviane Mahieux; Manuel Murrieta Saldvar; Robert Newcomb; Sara Poot Herre ra; Sara Potter; Andrew Reynolds; Sylvia Satta; Jezreel Salazar; Marcy Schwartz; Sara Sefchovich; Mercedes Serna; Blanca Estela Trevio Garca; Amber Workman "4551 Auhay Drive; Santa Barbara, CA" 93110 United States 805 637 -0701 No Yes uc/ucsbspanport_textoshibridos Yes eScholarship 2 times/year Open acc ess online journal. Free Publishes work on Latin American and Chicano chronicle (crnica) a nd Latin American and Chicano creative journalism. Latin American literatur e; Latin American culture; crnica; Journalism; Genre mixing Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English "2 times/year (July, Dec )" Yes Separate escholarship Universi ty of California Digital Library No No 20-40 pages 6-12 pages MLA 1 Yes Include 400-word abstract. Author Not returned 2 16-20 7/21/2011 6404 MACLAS MACLAS: Latin American Essays 1525-125X 1987 Brian Turner "Department of Political Science; Randolph-Macon College ; PO Box 5005; Ashland, VA" 23005-5505 United States 804 752 -3743 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group Annual Tables of contents and selected articles. http://w "Brian Turner; Randolph-Macon College; PO Box 50 05; Ashland, VA" 23005-5505 United States "Information Access Comp any, c/o Lisa Catania, 362 Lakeside Drive, Foster City, CA 94404, United States" 804 752-3743 USD 35.00/year 2013 "Publishes articles and book rev iews on literature, culture, history, economics, sociology, and religion of Lati n America. Interdisciplinary approaches are especially welcome." Latin Am erican literature; Latin American culture; Latin American history Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 300 Annual No Separate Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies Contributors must be members of the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American St udies. No No " 3,000-10,000 words" 800 word s MLA 3 No Submission on DOS diskette using WordPer fect is preferred. Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies Returned at author's request 4 months 4-6 months 3 20-50 10-15 1 1 7/17/2013 7703 Decimononica Decimonnica: Journal of Nineteenth Century Hispanic Cultu

ral Production 1554-6535 2004 J. P. Spicer-Escalante; Miguel A. Fernndez; Michael A. Gmez "0720 Old Main Hill; Utah State Universi ty; Logan, UT" 84322 United States 435 797-0709 435 797-1329;; No Yes http://w Yes "College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State University" "2 times/year (Winter, Summer)" Open access online journ al. Free Publishes work that highlights the cultural production of the Nineteenth-century Hispanic world. Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Latin American history; Spanish literature; Spanish culture; Spanish history No No No Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (Winter, S ummer)" No Separate "College of Huma nities and Social Sciences, Utah State University" Accepts only original un published submissions. No No 12-30 pages MLA 1 Yes "Submit article via e-mail to Miguel A. Fernndez for Lati n American material, and Michael A. Gmez for Spanish material. Submit as attachme nt in Microsoft Word format." Author and journal Not returned 6 weeks Varies 2-3 Varies Varies 11/4/2011 7703 Decimononica Decimonnica: Journal of Nineteenth Century Hispanic Cultu ral Production 1554-6535 2004 J. P. Spicer-Escalante; Miguel A. Fernndez; Michael A. Gmez "0720 Old Main Hill; Utah State Universi ty; Logan, UT" 84322 United States 435 797-0709 435 797-1329;; No Yes http://w Yes "College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State University" "2 times/year (Winter, Summer)" Open access online journ al. Free Publishes work that highlights the cultural production of the Nineteenth-century Hispanic world. Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Latin American history; Spanish literature; Spanish culture; Spanish history No No No Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (Winter, S ummer)" No Separate "College of Huma nities and Social Sciences, Utah State University" Accepts only original un published submissions. No No 12-30 pages MLA 1 Yes "Submit article via e-mail to Miguel A. Fernndez for Lati n American material, and Michael A. Gmez for Spanish material. Submit as attachme nt in Microsoft Word format." Author and journal Not returned 6 weeks Varies 2-3 Varies Varies 11/4/2011 6177 FoH Foro Hispnico 0925-8620 1991 Patrick Collard; Nicole Delbecque; Hub. Hermans; Maarten Steenmeijer; Rita de Maeseneer; Sonja Kerpoel; Luz Rodrguez Carranza "Mara Eugenia Ocampo y Vilas, Foro Hispnic o; Universiteit Antwerpen; CST- Departement Letterkunde (Gebouw D-113); Grote Ka uwenberg 13; B-2000 Antwerp," Belgium (31) 50 3637336 (31) 50 3637253 Yes Yes Yes EBSCO "Rodopi; Tijnmuiden 7; 1046 AK Amsterdam ," Netherlands (31) 20 6227507 (31) 20 6380948 "Publishes articles about present day literary, cultural, and linguistic topics in Hispanic studies. The articles address Dutch, Flemish, and foreign Hispanists ." Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish linguistics Yes No No Yes Spanish "2 times/year (Summer, Winter)" Yes Separate Rodopi No No "12 pages (3,000 words)" "4 pages (1,600 words)" Journal 2 No Article must correspond to the particular theme of the i ssue; include one copy on diskette. Editions Rodopi BV 4 weeks 2-3 months 25 20 12 10 4/29/2008 6177 FoH Foro Hispnico 0925-8620 1991 Patrick Collard; Nicole Delbecque; Hub. Hermans; Maarten Steenmeijer; Rita de Maeseneer; Sonja Kerpoel; Luz Rodrguez Carranza "Mara Eugenia Ocampo y Vilas, Foro Hispnic

o; Universiteit Antwerpen; CST- Departement Letterkunde (Gebouw D-113); Grote Ka uwenberg 13; B-2000 Antwerp," Belgium (31) 50 3637336 (31) 50 3637253 Yes Yes Yes EBSCO "Rodopi; Tijnmuiden 7; 1046 AK Amsterdam ," Netherlands (31) 20 6227507 (31) 20 6380948 "Publishes articles about present day literary, cultural, and linguistic topics in Hispanic studies. The articles address Dutch, Flemish, and foreign Hispanists ." Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish linguistics Yes No No Yes Spanish "2 times/year (Summer, Winter)" Yes Separate Rodopi No No "12 pages (3,000 words)" "4 pages (1,600 words)" Journal 2 No Article must correspond to the particular theme of the i ssue; include one copy on diskette. Editions Rodopi BV 4 weeks 2-3 months 25 20 12 10 4/29/2008 4090 HisJ Hispanic Journal 0271-0986 1979 Liliana Elizabet Jurewiez "Department of Spanish & Classical Languages; 10 11 South Drive; 478 Sutton Hall; Indian University of Pennsylvania; Indiana, PA" 15705-1087 United States "1011 South Drive, 470 Sutton Hall, Indiana Univ ersity of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705, United States" 724 357-7533; 7 24 357-2325 724 357-1268; owner-hispanic-journal@pubdist.iup. edu Yes Yes Yes Indiana University of Pennsylvania "Tables of contents, abstracts, submissi on and subscription information." USD 73.00/year institutions US; USD 79.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 38.00 /year individuals US; USD 44.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publish es articles on literary criticism, linguistics, and cinema from Spain, Catalunia , Pais, Vasco, Latin America, and Brazil." Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish literature; Spanish linguistics; Spanish culture; Por tuguese literature; Portuguese linguistics Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 450 2 times/year Yes By exchange Separate Indiana University of Pennsylvania "Department of Spanish, Indiana University of Pennsylvania" Subscription required for submission. Yes USD 38.00 or USD 44.00 (subscription) No " 3,500-5,300 wo rds" " 500-2,000 words" MLA 2 Yes Submit c ontributions from letter-quality or laser printers. Journal Returned; enclos e SASE 4-12 months 6-12 months 2-3 70-100 20 10-15 6-10 1/9/2009 4090 HisJ Hispanic Journal 0271-0986 1979 Liliana Elizabet Jurewiez "Department of Spanish & Classical Languages; 10 11 South Drive; 478 Sutton Hall; Indian University of Pennsylvania; Indiana, PA" 15705-1087 United States "1011 South Drive, 470 Sutton Hall, Indiana Univ ersity of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705, United States" 724 357-7533; 7 24 357-2325 724 357-1268; owner-hispanic-journal@pubdist.iup. edu Yes Yes Yes Indiana University of Pennsylvania "Tables of contents, abstracts, submissi on and subscription information." USD 73.00/year institutions US; USD 79.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 38.00 /year individuals US; USD 44.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publish es articles on literary criticism, linguistics, and cinema from Spain, Catalunia , Pais, Vasco, Latin America, and Brazil." Latin American literature; Latin American culture; Spanish literature; Spanish linguistics; Spanish culture; Por tuguese literature; Portuguese linguistics Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 450 2 times/year Yes By exchange Separate Indiana University of Pennsylvania "Department of Spanish, Indiana University of Pennsylvania" Subscription required for submission. Yes USD 38.00 or USD 44.00 (subscription) No " 3,500-5,300 wo rds" " 500-2,000 words" MLA 2 Yes Submit c ontributions from letter-quality or laser printers. Journal Returned; enclos e SASE 4-12 months 6-12 months 2-3 70-100 20

10-15 6-10 1/9/2009 6722 TECI Textos y Estudios Coloniales y de la Independencia 1996 Karl Kohut; Sonia V. Rose "Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft; Elisabeth enstr. 3-9; D-60594 Frankfurt," Germany "Iberoamericana de Libros y Edic iones S. L., C/ Amor de Dios, 1, 28014 Madrid, Spain" (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 Yes Yes No Indexes only. Varies "Publishes work on Latin American literature, culture, and history during the co lonial period." Latin American literature; Latin American history; Latin America n culture No No No Yes Spanish Irregular No Vervuert VerlagsgesellschaftIberoamerica na No Yes Varies Varies Series 2 Editor Varies Varies 2 Varies Varies 5/16/2008 8622 Pilquen Pilquen: Ciencias Sociales 1666-0579 1851-31 23 1999 Mara del Pilar Vila "Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlnt ica; Universidad Nacional de Comahue; Ayacucho y Esandi; (8500) Viedma R.N.," Argentina (54) 02920422921 (54) 02920423198 revista. No Yes s.htm Yes Scielo Annual Open access online journal. Free "Publishes articles and review concerning Latin American literature, language, a nd culture." Latin American literature; Latin American linguistics; Latin Ame rican culture Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish Annual Yes Request from editor Separate Centro Universitario Reg ional Zona Atlntica Universidad Nacional del Comahue No No " 5,000-7,000 words" " 500-7,000 words" "2,500 w ords" MLA 1 Yes Author and journal Returned 3 months 3-6 months 1-2 30 15 5 3 5 2 9/30/2013 6718 BibIA Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana 1991 "Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft; Elisabethenstr. 3-9; D-60594 Frankfurt," Germany "Iberoamericana de Libros y Ediciones S. L., C/ Amor de Dios, 1, 28014 M adrid, Spain" (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 (49) 69 5978743; (34) 91 4295397 Yes Yes http://www.ibero No Indexes and book orders. Varies "Publishes work on Spanish and Latin American linguistics, liter ature, social sciences, and philology." Latin American literature; Latin America n linguistics; Philology; Spanish literature; Spanish linguistics; Social scienc es No No No Yes German; Spanish; Catalan; English Irregular No Separate Vervuert Verlags gesellschaft Iberoamericana No Yes Varies Series 2 Editor Varies Varies 2 Varies Varies 5/16/2008 7620 Contracorriente A Contracorriente: A Journal of Social History and Liter ature in Latin America 1548-7083 2003 Greg Dawes "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures; North Carolina State Universit y; Raleigh, NC" 27695-8106 United States 919 515-9317; 919 515-9 289 919 515-6981 No Yes http://www.ncsu. edu/project/acontracorriente/ Yes Electronic journal "3 times/year (D ec, Apr, Aug)" Open access online journal. Free "Publishes essays, reviews, debate pieces ad interviews that exp lore the relationship between social history and literature in Latin America fro m a left-wing point of view. Welcomes gender, Marxist, historical, sociological, and cultural studies which depart from the isms since the 1950s and which delve into particular historical, political, and cultural moments and explore the rol e of ideology in the formation of the Latin American culture and literature." Latin American literature; Latin American society; Sociohistorical approach; Mar xist approach; Marxist literary theory and criticism; Literature; Cultural studi

es; Latin America; Latin American history Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese "3 times/year (Dec, Apr, Aug)" No Separate "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, North Carolina State University" No No "15,000 words maximum" "4,000 words maximum" "6,000 words maximum" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy in Microsoft Word format. Author Not returned 4 weeks 8 weeks 3 55-60 24 60 50 5 2 4/15/2008 3124 TCrit Texto Crtico 0185-0830 1975 Sixto Ro drguez Hernndez "Centro de Investigaciones Lingstico-Literarias; Inst. de Investig aciones Humanisticas; Universidad Veracruzana; Apartado Postal 369; 91000 Xalapa , Veracruz," Mexico Yes No No "Publishes articles on Mexican, Latin American, and Spanish literature, critical literary analysis, and linguistic research." Latin American literature; Lingu istics; Mexican literature; Spanish literature; Literary theory and criticism Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "1,000" 2 times/year Yes Separate "Universidad Veracruzana, Centro de Investigaciones Lingst ico-Literarias" No No 30 pages 10 pages 20 pages MLA 2 No Submit original typescri pt. Assigned by author to journal Returned 1-6 months 6-8 mon ths 2 150 30 40 10 50 36 7566 Brujula Brjula: Revista Interdisciplinaria Sobre Estudios Latinoamericano s 1542-5045 2002 Jonathan Alcantar; Theresa Souza e Silva Bachmann; Consuelo Cervantes; Kayce Davis; Sergio Daz-Luna; Ted Geier; G iovanna Montenegro; Daniela Suarez; David Mayanin Tenorio Gonzalez "Hemisph eric Institute on the Americas; 1 Shields Avenue; University of California, Davi s; Davis, CA" 95616-8576 United States brujula@ Yes Yes Yes "Univers ity of California, Davis" Annual (late Spring/early Summer) Issues 1 -8 available in print. All issues available in open access online format. Free online Publishes interdisciplinary work by graduate students an d established scholars with a focus on Latin American literary studies. Journal seeks to foster a dialogue between established academics and a new generation of scholars Latin American literature; Literary studies; Cultural studies; H ispanic American studies Yes No Varies Yes English; Spanish ; Portuguese Annual (late Spring/early Summer) By excha nge only Separate "Hemispheric Institute o n the Americas, University of California, Davis, Department of Spanish and Portu guese (UCD), Department of Comparative Literature (UCD)" Contributions ar e restricted to the theme of an issue and must fit the theme presented in the ca ll for papers. No No " 5,000-7,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes "University of C alifornia, Davis" Not returned 3-4 months 6-8 months 5-7 20-30 10-16 7-10 4-6 6/19/2013 7566 Brujula Brjula: Revista Interdisciplinaria Sobre Estudios Latinoamericano s 1542-5045 2002 Jonathan Alcantar; Theresa Souza e Silva Bachmann; Consuelo Cervantes; Kayce Davis; Sergio Daz-Luna; Ted Geier; G iovanna Montenegro; Daniela Suarez; David Mayanin Tenorio Gonzalez "Hemisph eric Institute on the Americas; 1 Shields Avenue; University of California, Davi s; Davis, CA" 95616-8576 United States brujula@ Yes Yes Yes "Univers ity of California, Davis" Annual (late Spring/early Summer) Issues 1 -8 available in print. All issues available in open access online format. Free online Publishes interdisciplinary work by graduate students an d established scholars with a focus on Latin American literary studies. Journal seeks to foster a dialogue between established academics and a new generation of scholars Latin American literature; Literary studies; Cultural studies; H

ispanic American studies Yes No Varies Yes English; Spanish ; Portuguese Annual (late Spring/early Summer) By excha nge only Separate "Hemispheric Institute o n the Americas, University of California, Davis, Department of Spanish and Portu guese (UCD), Department of Comparative Literature (UCD)" Contributions ar e restricted to the theme of an issue and must fit the theme presented in the ca ll for papers. No No " 5,000-7,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes "University of C alifornia, Davis" Not returned 3-4 months 6-8 months 5-7 20-30 10-16 7-10 4-6 6/19/2013 1075 Hispano Hispanfila 0018-2206 1957 Fred M. Clark "Department of Romance Languages; Dey Hall CB no. 3170; University of No rth Carolina; Chapel Hill, NC" 27599-3170 United States 919 962 -1025 919 962-5457 Yes Yes Yes MUSE USD 40.00/year institutions; USD 30.00/year individuals; USD 15.00/year students "Publishes articles dedicated to Spanish, Catalan, Spanish American, and Brazili an-Portuguese literature, with attention given to newer critical methodology, as well as the traditional approach to Hispanic literature." Latin American l iterature; Portuguese language literature; Spanish literature; Spanish American literature; Catalan literature Yes No No Yes English; Spanish ; Portuguese; Catalan 600 3 times/year No Available in mic roforms Separate "Department of Romance Languages, Univer sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill" Contributors must become subscribers upo n acceptance of article. No No 20-22 pages 3 pages MLA 2 No Journal Returned; enclose SAE an d loose postage 3 months 1-2 years 2 90 30 10-15 10-15 1/18/2007 1075 Hispano Hispanfila 0018-2206 1957 Fred M. Clark "Department of Romance Languages; Dey Hall CB no. 3170; University of No rth Carolina; Chapel Hill, NC" 27599-3170 United States 919 962 -1025 919 962-5457 Yes Yes Yes MUSE USD 40.00/year institutions; USD 30.00/year individuals; USD 15.00/year students "Publishes articles dedicated to Spanish, Catalan, Spanish American, and Brazili an-Portuguese literature, with attention given to newer critical methodology, as well as the traditional approach to Hispanic literature." Latin American l iterature; Portuguese language literature; Spanish literature; Spanish American literature; Catalan literature Yes No No Yes English; Spanish ; Portuguese; Catalan 600 3 times/year No Available in mic roforms Separate "Department of Romance Languages, Univer sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill" Contributors must become subscribers upo n acceptance of article. No No 20-22 pages 3 pages MLA 2 No Journal Returned; enclose SAE an d loose postage 3 months 1-2 years 2 90 30 10-15 10-15 1/18/2007 2201 RHM Revista Hispnica Moderna 0034-9593 1934 Carlos J. Alonso "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Columbia Universi ty; 612 W. 116th Street; New York, NY" 10027 United States 212 854 -8787 212 854-7509 Yes Yes http://rhm.pennp Yes Periodicals Archive Online Journal and subs cription information. "University of P ennsylvania Press; 3905 Spruce Street; Philadelphia, PA" 19104-4112 United States 215 898-7588 215 746-3636 USD 45.00/year instituti ons; USD 35.00/year individuals; Add USD 15.00/year postage outside US "Publishes articles on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America, and the United States in all historical pe riods from the Middle Ages to the present." Latin American literature; Portu guese literature; Spanish literature; Cultural studies; Literary theory and crit icism; 400-1399 Medieval period; 1400-1499; 1500-1599; 1600-1699; 1700-1799; 180

0-1899; 1900-1999; 1800-1899; 2000-2099 Yes No No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 600 "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Yes USD 150. 00/half page; USD 250.00/full page; USD 300.00/cover 3 Consecut ive University of Pennsylvania Press "Hispanic Institute, Columbia Un iversity" Book reviews are solicited. No No "9,000 words maximum" "1,500 words maximum" MLA 1 Yes Submit via e-mail. Assigned by author to journal Not returned 3-4 months 6-10 months 1-2 55-60 12 12 6/11/2009 2201 RHM Revista Hispnica Moderna 0034-9593 1934 Carlos J. Alonso "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Columbia Universi ty; 612 W. 116th Street; New York, NY" 10027 United States 212 854 -8787 212 854-7509 Yes Yes http://rhm.pennp Yes Periodicals Archive Online Journal and subs cription information. "University of P ennsylvania Press; 3905 Spruce Street; Philadelphia, PA" 19104-4112 United States 215 898-7588 215 746-3636 USD 45.00/year instituti ons; USD 35.00/year individuals; Add USD 15.00/year postage outside US "Publishes articles on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America, and the United States in all historical pe riods from the Middle Ages to the present." Latin American literature; Portu guese literature; Spanish literature; Cultural studies; Literary theory and crit icism; 400-1399 Medieval period; 1400-1499; 1500-1599; 1600-1699; 1700-1799; 180 0-1899; 1900-1999; 1800-1899; 2000-2099 Yes No No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 600 "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Yes USD 150. 00/half page; USD 250.00/full page; USD 300.00/cover 3 Consecut ive University of Pennsylvania Press "Hispanic Institute, Columbia Un iversity" Book reviews are solicited. No No "9,000 words maximum" "1,500 words maximum" MLA 1 Yes Submit via e-mail. Assigned by author to journal Not returned 3-4 months 6-10 months 1-2 55-60 12 12 6/11/2009 3313 Inti Inti: Revista de Literatura Hispnica 0732-6750 1974 Roger B. Carmosino; Julio Ortega; Steven Boldy; Carmen Ruiz Barrionuevo; Adelaide de Chatellus; Mara Rosa Lojo "PO Box 20657; Cranston, RI" 2920 United States "Inti, Roger B. Carmosino, Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College, Providence, RI 02918, United States" 401 865-2111; 401 865-2690; 401 865-1795 401 865-1264 Yes Yes http://d Yes Providence College Digital Commo ns Available in open access format from 1974; 1 through 1994; 39. N ew issues added regularly. USD 120.00/year institutions US; USD 30.00/year students US; USD 50.00.00/year p rofessors; USD 70.00/year elsewhere 2012 "Publishes scholarly articles on Spanish American and Spanish Peninsular literatures. Also includes poetry, shor t stories, book and film reviews, interviews, bibliographies, and notes." Latin American literature; Spanish American literature; Spanish literature; Lati n American culture; Spanish American culture; Spanish culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English "1,000" "2 times/year (Nov, Apr)" Yes USD 90.00/half page; USD 125.00/full page Separate Roger B. Carmosino "Ediciones Inti, Providence College" Contributors mus t be members/subscribers. No No " 20-30 typescri pt pages maximum, including bibliography and notes" 600 words maximu m "1,000 words maximum" MLA 3 Yes Submit via e-mail to the editor. Journal 3 months 4 months 3 100-150 20 100 20 100 10 9/19/2012 3313 Inti Inti: Revista de Literatura Hispnica 0732-6750 1974 Roger B. Carmosino; Julio Ortega; Steven Boldy; Carmen Ruiz Barrionuevo; Adelaide de Chatellus; Mara Rosa Lojo "PO Box 20657; Cranston, RI" 2920 United States "Inti, Roger B. Carmosino, Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College, Providence, RI 02918, United States" 401 865-2111; 401 865-2690; 401

865-1795 401 865-1264 Yes Yes http://d Yes Providence College Digital Commo ns Available in open access format from 1974; 1 through 1994; 39. N ew issues added regularly. USD 120.00/year institutions US; USD 30.00/year students US; USD 50.00.00/year p rofessors; USD 70.00/year elsewhere 2012 "Publishes scholarly articles on Spanish American and Spanish Peninsular literatures. Also includes poetry, shor t stories, book and film reviews, interviews, bibliographies, and notes." Latin American literature; Spanish American literature; Spanish literature; Lati n American culture; Spanish American culture; Spanish culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English "1,000" "2 times/year (Nov, Apr)" Yes USD 90.00/half page; USD 125.00/full page Separate Roger B. Carmosino "Ediciones Inti, Providence College" Contributors mus t be members/subscribers. No No " 20-30 typescri pt pages maximum, including bibliography and notes" 600 words maximu m "1,000 words maximum" MLA 3 Yes Submit via e-mail to the editor. Journal 3 months 4 months 3 100-150 20 100 20 100 10 9/19/2012 3313 Inti Inti: Revista de Literatura Hispnica 0732-6750 1974 Roger B. Carmosino; Julio Ortega; Steven Boldy; Carmen Ruiz Barrionuevo; Adelaide de Chatellus; Mara Rosa Lojo "PO Box 20657; Cranston, RI" 2920 United States "Inti, Roger B. Carmosino, Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College, Providence, RI 02918, United States" 401 865-2111; 401 865-2690; 401 865-1795 401 865-1264 Yes Yes http://d Yes Providence College Digital Commo ns Available in open access format from 1974; 1 through 1994; 39. N ew issues added regularly. USD 120.00/year institutions US; USD 30.00/year students US; USD 50.00.00/year p rofessors; USD 70.00/year elsewhere 2012 "Publishes scholarly articles on Spanish American and Spanish Peninsular literatures. Also includes poetry, shor t stories, book and film reviews, interviews, bibliographies, and notes." Latin American literature; Spanish American literature; Spanish literature; Lati n American culture; Spanish American culture; Spanish culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English "1,000" "2 times/year (Nov, Apr)" Yes USD 90.00/half page; USD 125.00/full page Separate Roger B. Carmosino "Ediciones Inti, Providence College" Contributors mus t be members/subscribers. No No " 20-30 typescri pt pages maximum, including bibliography and notes" 600 words maximu m "1,000 words maximum" MLA 3 Yes Submit via e-mail to the editor. Journal 3 months 4 months 3 100-150 20 100 20 100 10 9/19/2012 6227 BAAL Boletn de la Academia Argentina de Letras 0001-37 57 1933 Academia Argentina de Letras "Academia Argentina de L etras; T. Snchez de Bustamente 2663; C1425DVA Buenos Aires," Argentin a (54) 48023814 ext. 7509 (54) 48023814 ext. 7509 int. 9 publicac; Yes Yes No Contents only. USD 90.00/year 2013 Publishes articles on Latin American and Spanish literat ure and studies with essays on the use of the Spanish language. Latin American l iterature; Spanish language No Yes Yes Yes Spanish " 3 times/year (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sept-Dec)" No Separate Editorial Dunken No No No restrictions (20 pages maximum suggested) No restrictions 1 No Academia Argentina de Letras Returned 15-20 d ays 3-6 months 2 4 30 5 45 8/12/2013 7824 LLJournal LL Journal 1930-1693 2005 Carolina Barrera Tobn; Regina Castro Chaudhry; Constanza Lpez Baquero; Miguel Martn ez; David Rodrguez-Sols; Marcos Wasem "Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Braz ilian Literatures and Languages; The Graduate Center, The City University of New

York; 365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4116; New York, NY" 10016-4309 United S tates 212 817-8410 212 817-1522 No Yes Yes City Uiversity of New York Gradu ate Center 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free Publishes work dedicated to the promotion of research related to the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian worlds. Seeks to be a multidisciplinary forum h ighlighting quality contributions in all relevant fields of study. Latin Am erican literature; Spanish language; Brazilian literature; Brazilian language; P ortuguese language literature Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; Portugu ese; English "2 times/year (Spring, Fall)" No Separate "Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and La nguages, The CUNY Graduate Center" "Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Braz ilian Literatures and Languages, The CUNY Graduate Center" No No "7,000 words" "3,500 words" "3,500 words" MLA with modifications 1 Yes Submit electronically via journal publication sy stem or e-mail. Author and journal Not returned 1-4 months 1-2 mon ths 3 44 25 10 4 10 5 8/22/2006 7824 LLJournal LL Journal 1930-1693 2005 Carolina Barrera Tobn; Regina Castro Chaudhry; Constanza Lpez Baquero; Miguel Martn ez; David Rodrguez-Sols; Marcos Wasem "Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Braz ilian Literatures and Languages; The Graduate Center, The City University of New York; 365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4116; New York, NY" 10016-4309 United S tates 212 817-8410 212 817-1522 No Yes Yes City Uiversity of New York Gradu ate Center 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free Publishes work dedicated to the promotion of research related to the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian worlds. Seeks to be a multidisciplinary forum h ighlighting quality contributions in all relevant fields of study. Latin Am erican literature; Spanish language; Brazilian literature; Brazilian language; P ortuguese language literature Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; Portugu ese; English "2 times/year (Spring, Fall)" No Separate "Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and La nguages, The CUNY Graduate Center" "Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Braz ilian Literatures and Languages, The CUNY Graduate Center" No No "7,000 words" "3,500 words" "3,500 words" MLA with modifications 1 Yes Submit electronically via journal publication sy stem or e-mail. Author and journal Not returned 1-4 months 1-2 mon ths 3 44 25 10 4 10 5 8/22/2006 4047 CH Crtica Hispnica 0278-7261 1979 Gregorio C. Martn "Duquesne University; Department of Modern Languages; Pittsburgh , PA" 15282 United States "302 Penn Lear Court, Monroeville, PA 15146, Uni ted States" 412 396-6415 412 396-6415 Yes No No USD 37.00/year institutions US and Canada; USD 49.00/year institutions elsewhere ; USD 22.00/year individuals US and Canada; USD 34.00/year individuals elsewhere Publishes articles and notes on Spanish and Spanish American literature and ling uistics. Latin American literature; Spanish linguistics Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 300 "2 times/year (Spring, Fall)" Yes USD 150.00/full page Consecutive Grelin Press "Department of Modern Languages, Duquesne University" No No 20 double-spaced typescript pages 4 double-spaced typescript pages 2 double-spaced typescript pages MLA 3 Yes Submit original typescript and two copies. Journal Returned; enclos e return postage 3-5 months 2 years 3 60 10 30 10 5 2 4/16/2008 4047 CH Crtica Hispnica 0278-7261 1979 Gregorio C. Martn "Duquesne University; Department of Modern Languages; Pittsburgh , PA" 15282 United States "302 Penn Lear Court, Monroeville, PA 15146, Uni

ted States" 412 396-6415 412 396-6415 Yes No No USD 37.00/year institutions US and Canada; USD 49.00/year institutions elsewhere ; USD 22.00/year individuals US and Canada; USD 34.00/year individuals elsewhere Publishes articles and notes on Spanish and Spanish American literature and ling uistics. Latin American literature; Spanish linguistics Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish 300 "2 times/year (Spring, Fall)" Yes USD 150.00/full page Consecutive Grelin Press "Department of Modern Languages, Duquesne University" No No 20 double-spaced typescript pages 4 double-spaced typescript pages 2 double-spaced typescript pages MLA 3 Yes Submit original typescript and two copies. Journal Returned; enclos e return postage 3-5 months 2 years 3 60 10 30 10 5 2 4/16/2008 4941 MRRM Monographic Review/Revista Monogrfica 0885-7512 1985 Janet Prez; Genaro J. Prez "Classical & Modern Languages; Texas Tec h University; Lubbock, TX" 79409 United States 806 742-3145 806 742-3306 Yes Yes http://www.monographicre No Tables of contents and subscription info rmation. USD 50.00/year individuals US; USD 60.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publishes critical monographs and articles on a single topic or writer in areas of critical neglect, including Spanish children's literature, Spanish science f iction, the literature of fantasy, literature of exile and expatriation, women w riters, Hispanic writers in the US, and others." Latin American literatur e; Spanish literature "Yes, occasionally" Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; French Annual with occasional special issues Yes Consecutive No No 12-14 pages No restrictions MLA 3 No Editors Returned; enclose SASE 2 months 8-10 months 2 25 20 10 2-4 4/16/200 8 5529 AldeAm Alba de Amrica: Revista Literaria 0888-3181 1982 Juana Alcira Arancibia "Instituto Literario & Cultural Hispnico; 8452 Fu rman Avenue; Westminster, CA" 92683 United States 714 892-8285 714 892-8285 Yes No No USD 45.00/year Publishes articles on Spanish and Latin American literat ure. Includes creative writing. Latin American literature; Spanish literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "1,000" Annual (Aug) "Yes, on an exch ange basis" Separate Juana Alcira Arancibia Instituto Literario & Cultural Hispnico No No "6,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" 100 words maximum MLA 3 Yes Submit original typescript. Instituto Literario y Cultural H ispnico Returned at author's request 3-5 months 12-15 months 2-3 200 35 40 22 25 5 7/18/2008 4941 MRRM Monographic Review/Revista Monogrfica 0885-7512 1985 Janet Prez; Genaro J. Prez "Classical & Modern Languages; Texas Tec h University; Lubbock, TX" 79409 United States 806 742-3145 806 742-3306 Yes Yes http://www.monographicre No Tables of contents and subscription info rmation. USD 50.00/year individuals US; USD 60.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publishes critical monographs and articles on a single topic or writer in areas of critical neglect, including Spanish children's literature, Spanish science f iction, the literature of fantasy, literature of exile and expatriation, women w riters, Hispanic writers in the US, and others." Latin American literatur e; Spanish literature "Yes, occasionally" Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese; French Annual with occasional special issues Yes Consecutive No

No 12-14 pages No restrictions MLA 3 No Editors Returned; enclose SASE 2 months 8-10 months 2 25 20 10 2-4 4/16/200 8 5529 AldeAm Alba de Amrica: Revista Literaria 0888-3181 1982 Juana Alcira Arancibia "Instituto Literario & Cultural Hispnico; 8452 Fu rman Avenue; Westminster, CA" 92683 United States 714 892-8285 714 892-8285 Yes No No USD 45.00/year Publishes articles on Spanish and Latin American literat ure. Includes creative writing. Latin American literature; Spanish literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "1,000" Annual (Aug) "Yes, on an exch ange basis" Separate Juana Alcira Arancibia Instituto Literario & Cultural Hispnico No No "6,000 words" " 750-1,000 words" 100 words maximum MLA 3 Yes Submit original typescript. Instituto Literario y Cultural H ispnico Returned at author's request 3-5 months 12-15 months 2-3 200 35 40 22 25 5 7/18/2008 8417 Letral Letral 1989-3302 2008 Alvaro Salvador; Ana Gallego Cuias; Angel Esteban; Norberto Arredondo "Departamento de Literat ura Espaola; Facultad de Filosofa y Letras; Campus de Cartuja; Universidad de Gran ada; 18071 Granada," Spain (34) 95 8246246 (34) 95 8240906 No Yes ista/index.php Yes University of Granada "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Open access online journal. Free "Publishes scientific work on the research, development, and div ulgation of Latin American and Spanish literary studies." Latin American l iterature; Spanish literature; Latin American culture; Latin American society; T ransatlantic studies; Literary theory and criticism Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (June, Dec)" No Separate Departamento de Literatura Espaola de la Universidad de Granada "Universidad de Granada, Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia de Espaa" No No "8,000 words (15 pages maximum)" "1,600 words (3 pages maximum)" MLA 2 Yes "Submit via CD-R OM and e-mail. Include author name, intuitional affiliation, summary in Spanish and English of no more than 10 lines, and a list of four to six keywords in Span ish and English." Journal Not returned 2 months maximum 12 month s 3 50 35 15 6 9/26/2011 8417 Letral Letral 1989-3302 2008 Alvaro Salvador; Ana Gallego Cuias; Angel Esteban; Norberto Arredondo "Departamento de Literat ura Espaola; Facultad de Filosofa y Letras; Campus de Cartuja; Universidad de Gran ada; 18071 Granada," Spain (34) 95 8246246 (34) 95 8240906 No Yes ista/index.php Yes University of Granada "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Open access online journal. Free "Publishes scientific work on the research, development, and div ulgation of Latin American and Spanish literary studies." Latin American l iterature; Spanish literature; Latin American culture; Latin American society; T ransatlantic studies; Literary theory and criticism Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English "2 times/year (June, Dec)" No Separate Departamento de Literatura Espaola de la Universidad de Granada "Universidad de Granada, Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia de Espaa" No No "8,000 words (15 pages maximum)" "1,600 words (3 pages maximum)" MLA 2 Yes "Submit via CD-R OM and e-mail. Include author name, intuitional affiliation, summary in Spanish and English of no more than 10 lines, and a list of four to six keywords in Span ish and English." Journal Not returned 2 months maximum 12 month s 3 50 35 15 6 9/26/2011

6721 AmerEA "Americana Eystettensia: Publikationen des Zentralinstituts fr La teinamerika-Studien der Katholischen Universitt Eichsttt, Serie A: Kongreakten/Publ icaciones del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Catlica de Ei chsttt, Serie A: Actas/Publicaes do Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universi dade Catlica de Eichsttt, Srie A: Actas" 1611-1079 1981 Karl Kohut; Hans-Joachim Knig "Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft; Elisabethenstr. 3 -9; D-60594 Frankfurt," Germany "Iberoamericana de Libros y Ediciones S. L., C/ Amor de Dios, 1, 28014 Madrid, Spain" (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 Yes Yes No Indexes and book orders. Varies Publishes work on Latin American studies. Latin American s tudies No No No Yes German; Spanish; Portuguese Irregular Yes Contact publisher Separate Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft No Yes Varies Varies Series 2 Editor Varies Varies 2 Varies Varies 7/9/2004 7990 LatinAmer The Latin Americanist Formed by the merger of SECOLAS Annual and The Latin Americanist 1557-2021 1557-203X 1956 Gregory Weeks "Department of Political Science; University of North Carolina C harloette; 9201 University City Boulevard; Charlotte, NC" 28223 United S tates Yes Yes Yes Wiley Blackwell "Wiley-Blackwell; 350 Main Street; Malden, MA" 2148 United States 781 388-8599 781 388-8232 USD 282.00/year print and online Publishes selected papers read at the Southeastern Council on Latin American Stu dies annual meeting. Latin American studies Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish 3 times/year No Available in mic roforms Separate Wiley-Blackwell Southeastern Council on Latin Am erican Studies No No 30 double-spaced typesc ript pages maximum MLA 2 No Author Not returned 3 months 3 months 3 30-45 10-13 6/18/2008 8182 LARR Latin American Research Review 0023-8791 1542-42 78 1965 Philip Oxhorn; David Boruchoff; Jos Jouve-Martin; Catherine LeGra nd; Kristen Norget "416 Bellefield Hall; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsbur gh, PA" 15260 United States 412 648-7929 412 624-7145 larr@pit Yes Yes Yes MUSE "3 times/year (Sept, Jan, May)" Available online to Latin Americ an Studies Association (LASA) members. Publishes original research and surveys of current research on Latin America and the Caribbean. Latin American studies; Caribbean studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese "3 times/year (Sept, Jan , May)" Yes USD 250.00/half page; USD 400.00/full page Separate University of Pittsburgh Press Latin American Studies Associati on No No "10,000 words maximum" " 750-1,000 words" "10,000 words maximum" Chicago 1 Yes Submit o ne electronic copy. 12/7/2009 7914 DRLAS Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 1536-1837 1999 Persephone Braham "(Book Reviews only); Foreign La nguages & Literatures Department; University of Delaware; Newark, DE" 19716 United States No Yes http://w Yes Electronic journal "2 times /year (June, Dec)" Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work on all aspects of Latin American politics, socie ty, culture, and history." Latin American studies; Latin American literatur e; Latin American history; Latin American culture; Latin American politics; Lati n American art; Caribbean studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English;

Spanish; Portuguese "2 times/year (June, Dec)" No No pagination University of Delaware Latin American Studies Program Universi ty of Delaware Book reviews are solicited. No No " 4,500-7,500 words" " 750 words (single book); 1,500-2,000 words (re view articles)" " 750-1,500 words" Discipline specific 1 No Submit electronically only. Not returned 3-6 months 1-6 mon ths 2 20-25 8 4-6 4-6 1-2 1-2 6/14/2007 7858 IberoamericanaALEP Iberoamericana: Amrica Latina-Espaa-Portugal "Formerly three separate journals united in 2001 Mar, Iberoamericana, Ibero-Amer ikanisches Archiv, and Notas: Reseas Iberoamericanas" 1577-3388 2255-52 0X 2001 Peter Birle; Walther L. Bernecker; Christian Bschges; Srgio Costa; Ottmar Ette; Thomas Fischer; Detlef Nolte; Andrea Pagni; Stefan Rinke; Matthias Rhrig Assuno; Yvette Snchez; Christian von Tschilschke; Nikolaus Werz "C/ Amor de Dios, 1; E-28014 Madrid," Spain (34) 91 4293522 (34) 91 4295397 Yes Yes http://www.iberoamerican Yes JSTOR (2001-2010) "Tables of contents, submission, and editorial information." "Vervuer t Verlag; Elisabethenstr. 3-9; D-60594 Frankfurt/M," Germany (49) 69 5974617 (49) 69 5978743 EUR 90.00/year libraries plus shipping; EUR 50.0 0/year individuals plus shipping 2013 "Publishes interdisciplinary stu dies about Latin American. Aims to distribute information on scientific research in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal as well as pursue the discussion, exchang e, and cooperation between researchers in Latin America and Europe." Latin Am erican studies; Literary theory and criticism; Cultural studies; Spanish studies ; Portuguese studies Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English; German ; Portuguese "1,500" "4 times/year (Mar, June, Oct, Dec)" Yes Availabl e upon request Separate Iberoamericana; Vervuert No No "70,000 characters" Varies Style sheet available upon request 2 Yes Author Not retu rned Varies Varies 2 Varies Varies 4/30/2013 6717 TeLat Teatro en Latinoamrica 1998 "Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft; Elisabethenstr. 3-9; D-60594 Frankfurt," Germany "Iberoamericana de Libros y Ediciones S. L., C/ Amor de Dios, 1, 28014 M adrid, Spain" (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 (49) 69 5978743; (34) 91 4295397 Yes Yes http://www.ibero No Indexes and book orders. Varies Publishes work on Latin American theater. Latin American t heater No No No Yes German; Spanish Irregular No Separate Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft Ibe roamericana No Yes Varies Varies Series 2 Editor Varies Varies 2 Varies Varies 5/16/2008 7678 DRD Dramateatro Revista Digital 1999 Carlos Fernando Dimeo "Urbanizacin Base Aragua; Residencias Flamingo Villas; To rre B apto BJ-1/Maracay; Estado Aragua; COD. Post 2101A; Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela," Venezuela (58) 243 2379441; (58) 416 44395 78 No Yes http://www.drama Yes Electronic journal 3 times/year Open access onli ne journal. Free Publishes work on Latin American and Caribbean theatre. Latin American theater; Caribbean theater; Theater studies Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; French; Portuguese 3 times/year No Consecutive Carlos Fernando Dimeo Fundacite Aragua No No " 1,200-15,000 words" " 600-1,200 words" 30-50 w ords Journal 3 No Author Not returned 1 month 1 month 7 40-60 24-30 10-12 6-8 10-12 6-8 10/19/20 04 6572 EGCHT Ediciones de Gestos 1997 Juan Vil

legas "Gestos; Department of Spanish and Portuguese; University of California; Irvine, CA" 92697 United States 949 824-7171 714 552-4820 Yes No No Publishes work on the history of Latin American theater. Latin American t heater; Latin American drama; Theater theory Yes Spanish; English No No 200 pages MLA 1 No Submit one electronic copy. Author 3-5 months 2 6/5/2008 7923 HechoT Hecho Teatral 1695-355X 2001 Ricardo de la Fuente; Jesus Perez-Magallon "Plaza del Viejo Coso, 5; 47003 Valladol id," Spain (34) 983 377508 (34) 983 306057 cuc@universitasc Yes No No http://w EUR 205.00/year "Publishes work on Hispanic theater, theory, and practic e." Latin American theater; Theater; Latin American drama; Spanish theater Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English Annual No Universitas Castellae Book reviews are by invitation. No No "5,000 words" "1,000 words" "2,000 words" 2 Yes Author and journal Returned 5 months 1 year 2 35 5 5 1 8/6/2007 7923 HechoT Hecho Teatral 1695-355X 2001 Ricardo de la Fuente; Jesus Perez-Magallon "Plaza del Viejo Coso, 5; 47003 Valladol id," Spain (34) 983 377508 (34) 983 306057 cuc@universitasc Yes No No http://w EUR 205.00/year "Publishes work on Hispanic theater, theory, and practic e." Latin American theater; Theater; Latin American drama; Spanish theater Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English Annual No Universitas Castellae Book reviews are by invitation. No No "5,000 words" "1,000 words" "2,000 words" 2 Yes Author and journal Returned 5 months 1 year 2 35 5 5 1 8/6/2007 1428 Latomus Latomus: Revue d'Etudes Latines 0023-8856 1937 C. Deroux "BP 54; 1170 Brussels," Belgium "Send manuscript s to: C. Deroux, BP 54, 1170 Brussels, Belgium" latomus@belgacom .net Yes Yes Yes JSTOR (1 937-2005) Subscription and submission information. http://w "Socit d'Etudes Latines de Bruxelles; 6, rue du Pa lais St. Jacques; 7500 Tournai," Belgium (32) 69 214713 EUR 80.00/year Belgium; EUR 97.00/year elsewhere "Publishes artic les on Latin literature, Roman history, and archaeology." Latin language l iterature; Ancient Roman history; Classical literature; Classical studies; Latin language Yes Yes No Yes English; French; Italian; German ; Latin; Spanish "1,000" "4 times/year (Feb, May, Aug, Nov)" No Consecutive "Ministre de l'Education Nationale, Fondation Universit" No No "4,000 words" 250-800 words 800 word s 1 No Socit d'Etudes Latines de Bruxelles Returned 75 65 320 310 10 9/22/2004 8613 LiteracyCS Literacy in Composition Studies 2326-56 20 2013 Brenda Glascott; Tara Lockhart; Holly Middleton; Richard Parent; Chris Warnick "California State University, San Bernardino; Department of Engl ish; 5500 University Parkway; San Bernardino CA" 92407-2318 United S tates 951 367-6217 909 537-7086 No Yes Yes "California State University, Sa n Bernardino" 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free Publishes scholarship that bridges the interdisciplinary fields

of literacy and composition studies. Welcomes a variety of methodological approa ches as long as they explicitly theorize the always evolving concept of literacy and draw on scholarship in both fields. Literacy; Literacy studies; Comp osition; Rhetoric; Reading; Pedagogy; Rhetoric and composition; Teaching; Commun ity education; Literacy programs; Academic literacy; Education; English language teaching; English language learning Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish 2 times/year No Separate "California State University, San Bernardino" No No "10,000 words" "1,250 words" "5,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Author 3 months 6-9 months 2 7/15/201 3 6139 AUSSHL Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in the His tory of Literature 0491-0869 1956 Anders Cullhed; Anders Olsson; B. Westin "Department of Literature and History of Ideas; University of Stockholm; 10691 Stockholm," Sweden "Stockholms univ ersitetsbibliotek, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden" (46) 8 161974; (46) 8 163523; (4 6) 8 163521 (46) 8 155874 Yes No No "Almqvis t & Wiksell International; PO Box 4627; 11691 Stockholm," Sweden (46) 8 6408800 (46) 8 6411180 Publishes literary studies of in ternational interest. Literary history; Literature; Literary theory and critic ism No No Yes Yes English; French; German; Swedish; Danish ; Norwegian; Spanish Irregular No Separate Almqvist & Wiksell No No 200-300 pages 2 No Author Returned 6 months 3 months 3 1-2 1-2 5/9/2006 6074 Euresis Euresis: Cahiers Roumains d'Etudes Littraires et Culturelles "Formerly Cahiers Roumains d'Etudes Littraires: Revue Trimestrielle de Critique, d'Esthtique et d'Histoire Littraires Formerly Cahiers Roumains d'Etudes Littraires: Revue Trimestrielle de Critique, d'Esthtique et d'Histoire Littraires; CREL/653." 1223-1193 1973 Mircea Martin "UNIVERS Publishing House; Piata Presei Libere 1; 79739 Bucharest," Romania (40) 1 2226629 (40) 1 2225652 Yes No No "Publishes scholarly and critical articles on literary criticism, comparative li terature (Romanian and world literature), literary aesthetics, history of ideas, and the philosophy of culture. Publishes news items about Romanian and non-Roma nian literature." Literary studies; Aesthetics; Comparative literature; Wo rld literature; Romanian literature Yes Yes No Yes English; French; German; Italian; Spanish "1,000" 2 times/year No Separate UNIVERS Soros Foundation No No " 6,500-10,000 words" " 1,000-2,500 words" " 500-1,000 words" None 2 No Include a copy of author's curriculum vitae. Author Not returned 1-6 months 6-12 months 1 100 48-50 80-100 60-65 45-60 25-30 8588 Aletria Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura 1679-37 49 2317-2096 1993 Julio Jeha "FALE/UFMG; Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627; Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901," Brazil (55) 31 34095112 (55) 31 34095490 No Yes http://w Yes Programa de Pos-Graduaca o em Estudos Literarios/FALE 3 times/year Available in open access online format. Free Publishes work on literary studies and comparative literature. Literary studies; Comparative literature Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; English; Spanish; French 3 times/year No Separate Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Estudos Literarios/FALE Universi dade Federal de Minas Gerais Preference is given to PhD holders. No No 10-15 single-spaced pages 3-5 single-spaced pages

ABNT (Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) Yes 3 months 2 months 3 90-100 30-40 6 6 4/8/2013 8588 Aletria Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura 1679-37 49 2317-2096 1993 Julio Jeha "FALE/UFMG; Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627; Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901," Brazil (55) 31 34095112 (55) 31 34095490 No Yes http://w Yes Programa de Pos-Graduaca o em Estudos Literarios/FALE 3 times/year Available in open access online format. Free Publishes work on literary studies and comparative literature. Literary studies; Comparative literature Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; English; Spanish; French 3 times/year No Separate Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Estudos Literarios/FALE Universi dade Federal de Minas Gerais Preference is given to PhD holders. No No 10-15 single-spaced pages 3-5 single-spaced pages ABNT (Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) Yes 3 months 2 months 3 90-100 30-40 6 6 4/8/2013 8390 JnlEAL Journal of Ethnic American Literature 2159-6786 2011 John Zheng "Mississippi State Valley State University; MVSU 7242; 1 4000 Hwy 82 West; Itta Bena, MS" 38941 United States 662 254 -3453 662 254-3452 Yes Yes http://www.mvsu. edu/academics/colleges/arts_sciences/departments/english_and_foreign_languages/p ublications.php Yes EBSCO Discovery Service Annual USD 30.0 0/year institutions; USD 20.00/year individuals "Publishes work on ethni c American literature including African American, Asian American, Native America n, and Hispanic American." Literary theory and criticism; African American literature; Asian American literature; Native American literature; Hispanic Amer ican literature Yes No Yes Yes English Annual Yes USD 100.00/page Separate John Zheng Mississippi Vall ey State University No No "5,000+" 600-900 words MLA 3 Yes Submit two copies plus one elect ronic copy. Author Not returned 6 months 9-12 months 2-3 40 10 8/9/2011 8266 452F 452F: Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature 2013-3294 2009 Asociacin Cultural 452F "Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona ; Edifici d'Estudiants-Edifici R.; Campus Bellaterra; Barcelona 08193," Spain No Yes http://w Yes Asociacin Cultural 452F "2 times/year (July, Jan)" "Open access online journal available in English, Spanish, Catalan, and Basque." Free "Publishes work that expands the horizons for the activities dev eloped within comparative literature and literary theory. Aims to transfer knowl edge related to literature, culture, and art." Literary theory and criticism; C omparative literature Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish; Catala n; Galician; Basque; French; Italian; Portuguese "2 times/year (J uly, Jan)" No Separate Asociacin Cultura l 452F "Consell Social, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona" No No " 4,000-8,500 words" "2,500 words" See webs ite 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Creative Commons Licence : Atribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Spain Not returned 3-6 months 2 months 4 65 19 6/16/2010 8396 Enthymema "Enthymema: Revista Internazionale di Critica, Teoria e Filosofia della Letteratura/International Journal of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philosophy" 2037-2426 2009 Stefania Irene Sini; Ste fano Ballerio; Sara Sullam "Dott. Paola Galimberti; Biblioteca di Scienze d ell'Antichit e Filologia Moderna (SA.FM); Via Festa del Perdono, 7; 201123 Milan, " Italy "Stefania Irene Sini, Via Modestino, 1, 20144 Milan, Ita

ly" (39) 02 50312763 (39) 02 50312598; f.pianzol No Yes x Yes Universit degli Studi di Milano "2 times/year (Dec, June)" Open access online journal. Free "Publishes discussion and inquiry on the foundations of literary communication. Fields of interest include literary theory, literary criticism, and philosophy of literature. Includes unpublished works as well as translations of major international essays in these disciplines. Welcomes theoretical, criti cal and methodological papers, reviews, announcements of conferences and other e vents related to literary research." Literary theory and criticism; Comparati ve literature; Literary history; Rhetoric; Narratology; Poetics; Stylistics; Lin guistics; Philosophy of language; Translation theory; Aesthetics Yes Yes Yes Yes Italian; English; Russian; French; Spanish; German "2 times/year (Dec, June)" No Separate Universit degli Studi di Milano Only accepts unpublished works; translations fro m published works are accepted only if previously authorized by author and edito r. No No " 3,000-12,000 words" " 1,0003,000 words" " 700-5,000 words" See website 1 Yes Submit o ne copy online. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Uported Not returned 1 months 4 months 2 28 24 16 14 6 5 8/10/2011 5828 RomRev Romance Review 1524-7112 1989 Luisa Br iones; Helena Alfonzo "Department of Romance Languages & Literatures; Boston C ollege; Lyons Hall 304; Chestnut Hill, MA" 2167 United States 617 552-3820 617 552-2064;; Yes Yes No Tables of contents and journal information. 47112 USD 20.00/year instituti ons; USD 8.00/year individuals Publishes articles on literary and cultu ral criticism in Romance studies. Literary theory and criticism; Cultural criticism; French literature; Latin American literature; Italian literature; Fre nch language literature No Yes No Yes English; French; Spanish ; Italian Annual No Separate "Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Boston College" Papers m ust be first presented at the Annual Graduate Conference on Romance Studies. Yes USD 30.00 No " 2,500-3,000 words" MLA 2 Yes Not returned 2 months 6 months 5 35 10 8/8/2007 7768 RevistaCe Revista Cerrados 0104-3927 1982-97 01 1991 Andr Lus Gomes "Programa de Ps-graduao em Literatura; Campus Univ rsitrio Darcy Ribeiro; Instituto Central de Cincias; 70910-900 Braslia," Brazil "Quadra 103, Bloco B, lt 5, Apto 104, 71909-000 Braslia, Brazil" (55) 61 33072357 (55) 61 32737016 Yes Yes http://w Yes O Grupo de Estudos em Dramaturgi a e Crtica Teatral Submission and subscription information as well as full text articles. (61) 34272476 BRL 15.00/year Publishes work on the most recen t critical thought and academic theories about literary work. Literary theory and criticism; Cultural studies Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; Engl ish; Spanish; French; Italian 500 3 times/year No Separate Programa de Ps-Graduao em Literatura da Universidade de Braslia Universidade de Braslia No No "4,000 words" 500 words MLA 2 Yes Journal Not returned 6 months 2 months 2 30 15 30 10 5/16/2008 7768 RevistaCe Revista Cerrados 0104-3927 1982-97 01 1991 Andr Lus Gomes "Programa de Ps-graduao em Literatura; Campus Univ rsitrio Darcy Ribeiro; Instituto Central de Cincias; 70910-900 Braslia," Brazil "Quadra 103, Bloco B, lt 5, Apto 104, 71909-000 Braslia, Brazil" (55) 61 33072357 (55) 61 32737016 Yes Yes http://w Yes O Grupo de Estudos em Dramaturgi a e Crtica Teatral Submission and subscription information as well as full text articles. (61) 34272476 BRL 15.00/year Publishes work on the most recen t critical thought and academic theories about literary work. Literary theory and criticism; Cultural studies Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese; Engl ish; Spanish; French; Italian 500 3 times/year No Separate Programa de Ps-Graduao em Literatura da Universidade de Braslia Universidade de Braslia No No "4,000 words" 500 words MLA 2 Yes Journal Not returned 6 months 2 months 2 30 15 30 10 5/16/2008 8019 ActaP Acta Potica 0185-3082 1979 Tatiana Bubnova "Centro de Potica; Instituto de Investigaciones Filolgicas; Ciudad de la I nvestigacin en Humanidades; Ciudad Universitaria; C.P. 04510, Mxico D.F.," Mexico (52) 55 56227347 (52) 55 56227349 actapoet@servido Yes Yes m No 2 times/year Selected issues available as full text o nline and submission information. USD 100.00/year "Publishes articles on literary studies and theory, targ eted to a reader interested especially in theoretic issues related to the humani ties." Literary theory and criticism; Humanities Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; French; English; Italian; Portuguese 2 times/year No Consecutive UNAM Centro de Potica del Inst ituto de Investigaciones Filolgicas No No "5,000 words" " 1,000-1,500 words" MLA 2 Yes Author grants to journal Not returned 1-2 months 6-8 months 2-3 29 27 5 5 2 2 10/17/20 08 7611 Everba Everba 1668-1002 2001 Fabin Banga; Sant iago De Luca; Gustavo Lespada; Samuel Monder; Jorge Monteleone; Marcelo Pellegri ni "Vista College; 2020 Milvia Street; Berkeley, CA" 94704 United S tates "Santiago De Luca, Fundacin la Metfora del Arte, Castelli 835, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina; Gustavo Lespada, Franklin 954, 6C-2do. cuerpo, 1405 Capital Feder al, Argintina" 510 981-2874 (US); (54) 42 4000429 (Argentina) c/o Fabian Banga 510 841-7333 No Yes Yes Electronic journal "4 times/year (Summer, Fall, Spring, Winter)" Open acc ess online journal. Free Publishes work on cultural activities and literature related to Latin America. Literary theory and criticism; Latin American literature; Latin American culture Yes No No Yes Spanish; English; Portug uese "4 times/year (Summer, Fall, Spring, Winter)" No Creative writing by invitation only. No No 20 pages academic work; 10 pages creative work 20 pages maximum MLA 1 No Submit as e-mail attachment to the e-mail above. Author Not returned 1 month 2 weeks 3 50 30 10 5 12/11/2003 8223 StudiiCF Studii i Cercetri Filologice: Seria Limbi Romanice "St. GH. Doja NR 41; Pit 1843-3979 2007 Alexandrina Must ea es i 110253, Arges," Romania (40) 348 453301 (40) 348 453301 Yes Yes Yes Universit ii Piteti 6 times/year Back issues available as open access .PDF files. EUR 15.00/year "Publishes original papers on literary and linguistic st udies in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, and Romanian. Meant to b e a framework for the convergence of ideas, unifying theoretical, analytical, in ternational, and intercultural approaches." Literary theory and criticism; L inguistics; Romance languages No Yes Yes Yes French; Spanish; Portuguese; Italian; Catalan; Romanian "2 times/year (May, Nov)" No Separate Editura Universit ii Din Pitesti

Contributions must be original not under consideration elsewhere. No No " 4,000-5,000 words" 50-100 words See webs ite 2 Yes Submit two print copies. Author Returned 2 months 6 weeks 2 40-50 30-35 3/1/2010 8618 LetrasE Letras: Revista de la Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lengu aje 1409-424X 1979 Sherry Gapper "Revista Letras; Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje; Universidad Nacional; Apdo. 86-4 0101; Heredia," Costa Rica (506) 25624074 (506) 25624074 Yes Yes letras Yes Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica 2 times/year Availabl e in open access online format. Free "Publishes literary criticism, applied linguistics studies, seco nd language teaching and learning, Costa Rican indigenous languages, semiotics, and translation studies." Literary theory and criticism; Literary studies; Linguistics; Applied linguistics; Second language teaching; Second language lea rning; Costa Rican Spanish dialect; Indigenous language; Semiotics; Translation studies No No Yes Yes Spanish; English; French 2 times/year No Separate Escuela de Liter atura y Ciencias el Lenguaje Editorial Universidad Nacional No No " 4,500-7,500 words single author; 10,000 words maximum two or m ore authors" "MLA, adapted" 3 Yes Include academic affiliation. See website. Author Returned at author's request 3 months 12 months 3 30 20 8/26/2013 8618 LetrasE Letras: Revista de la Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lengu aje 1409-424X 1979 Sherry Gapper "Revista Letras; Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje; Universidad Nacional; Apdo. 86-4 0101; Heredia," Costa Rica (506) 25624074 (506) 25624074 Yes Yes letras Yes Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica 2 times/year Availabl e in open access online format. Free "Publishes literary criticism, applied linguistics studies, seco nd language teaching and learning, Costa Rican indigenous languages, semiotics, and translation studies." Literary theory and criticism; Literary studies; Linguistics; Applied linguistics; Second language teaching; Second language lea rning; Costa Rican Spanish dialect; Indigenous language; Semiotics; Translation studies No No Yes Yes Spanish; English; French 2 times/year No Separate Escuela de Liter atura y Ciencias el Lenguaje Editorial Universidad Nacional No No " 4,500-7,500 words single author; 10,000 words maximum two or m ore authors" "MLA, adapted" 3 Yes Include academic affiliation. See website. Author Returned at author's request 3 months 12 months 3 30 20 8/26/2013 6178 Calope Calope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance & Baroque Hispanic Poetry 1084-1490 1995 Ignacio Lpez Alemany "Departm ent of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; University of North Carolina, Green sboro; 1111 Spring Garden Street; 2312 MHRA Building, UNCG PO Box 26170; Greensb oro, NC" 27402-6170 United States 336 334-5655 336 334 -5358 (editorial); (subscriptions) Yes Yes No Subscription and submission information. 41490 "Mark Mascia; Foreign Languages and Literatures; HC 221 E; 5151 Park Ave nue; Fairfield, CT" 6825 United States USD 50.0 0/2 years institutions; USD 50.00/year individuals; USD 40.00/2 years students "Publishes literary criticism of Hispanic poetry from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Colonial periods." Literary theory and criticism; Spanish poetry; Poetry; R enaissance; Iberian Peninsula; Baroque poetry; Spanish American poetry; Poetry; Colonial period Yes Yes No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish

200 "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Yes USD 100.00/full page Separate Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry Contributors must be members of the Society for Renaissance & Baroque Hispanic Poetry; book reviews are solicite d. No No "8,000 words; 30 pages" " 500-2, 500 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submission on di skette or electronically required upon acceptance. Journal Returned; enclos e SASE 6 months 1 year 2 30 10-15 20 10 11/8/2012 6178 Calope Calope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance & Baroque Hispanic Poetry 1084-1490 1995 Ignacio Lpez Alemany "Departm ent of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; University of North Carolina, Green sboro; 1111 Spring Garden Street; 2312 MHRA Building, UNCG PO Box 26170; Greensb oro, NC" 27402-6170 United States 336 334-5655 336 334 -5358 (editorial); (subscriptions) Yes Yes No Subscription and submission information. 41490 "Mark Mascia; Foreign Languages and Literatures; HC 221 E; 5151 Park Ave nue; Fairfield, CT" 6825 United States USD 50.0 0/2 years institutions; USD 50.00/year individuals; USD 40.00/2 years students "Publishes literary criticism of Hispanic poetry from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Colonial periods." Literary theory and criticism; Spanish poetry; Poetry; R enaissance; Iberian Peninsula; Baroque poetry; Spanish American poetry; Poetry; Colonial period Yes Yes No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 200 "2 times/year (June, Dec)" Yes USD 100.00/full page Separate Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry Contributors must be members of the Society for Renaissance & Baroque Hispanic Poetry; book reviews are solicite d. No No "8,000 words; 30 pages" " 500-2, 500 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submission on di skette or electronically required upon acceptance. Journal Returned; enclos e SASE 6 months 1 year 2 30 10-15 20 10 11/8/2012 8560 AnuariodL Anurio de Literatura 2175-7917 1993 Stlio Furlan "Centro de Comunicao e Expresso; Sala 22, 2 Andar, Prdio B; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Campus Universitrio Reitor Joo David Ferre ira Lima; Trindade, Florianpolis, Santa Catarina," Brazil (55) 04 837219582 (55) 04 837216612; anuar No Yes http://periodicos.ufsc.b r/index.php/literatura Yes Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2 times/ year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work that aims to spread new discussions in the field of literature, theory, and criticism. Directed toward literature professionals and researchers." Literature; Literary theory and criticism; Brazilian lit erature Yes No Yes Yes Portuguese 2 times/year No Separate Universidade Federal de Santa Ca tarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina No No 15-20 pages 2-4 pages ABNT (Associao Brasileira de Norma s Tcnicas) 1 Yes Creative Commons Not returned 6 months 2 months 2 80-100 25-30 8 4 12/10/2012 8408 Luthor Luthor 1853-3272 2010 Martn Azar; Guada lupe Campos; Gustavo Fernndez Riva; Florencia Piluso; Ludmila Rogel; Ezequiel Vil a; Mariano Vilar "Mariano Vilar; San Jos 347; 2 B, C.A.B.A.," Argentina (54) 11 43821546 r No Yes Yes Electronic journ al 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes articles on methodological problems of cultural analy sis, usually focusing on literary theory." Literature; Literary theory and criticism; Cultural studies Yes No No Yes Spanish

2 times/year No Separate Electronic journ al No No "3,500 words" "2,500 words" Chicago 1 No Author Returned 4 weeks 3 weeks 5 30 25 5 4 9/1/2011 6539 Itinerarios Itinerrios: Revista de Literatura Formerly titled just Itinerrios (volumes 1-13) 0103-815X 1990 Ana Luiza Silva Camarani "Curso de Ps-Graduao em Estudos Literrios; Universidade Estadual lista; Faculdade de Cincias e Letras; Rodovia Araraquara-Ja, km 1; 14800-901 Arara quara SP," Brazil (55) 16 33016212; (55) 16 33016242 (55) 16 33016264 Yes No No BRL 30.00/3 years Publishes academic articles on literature studie s. Literature; Literary theory and criticism; Semiotics Yes Yes Yes Yes Portuguese; English; French; Spanish; Italian; German 300 Annual No Separate Programa de Ps-Graduao em studos Literrios Programa de Ps-Graduao em Estudos Literrios No No 10-25 pages 5 pages maximum 1 page ABNT (Associao Bra sileira de Normas Tcnicas) 3 Yes Use Times New Roman font. Journal Rejected manuscripts are not returned 4 months 3 months 3 40-70 15-20 7 5 20 15 9/4/2008 6539 Itinerarios Itinerrios: Revista de Literatura Formerly titled just Itinerrios (volumes 1-13) 0103-815X 1990 Ana Luiza Silva Camarani "Curso de Ps-Graduao em Estudos Literrios; Universidade Estadual lista; Faculdade de Cincias e Letras; Rodovia Araraquara-Ja, km 1; 14800-901 Arara quara SP," Brazil (55) 16 33016212; (55) 16 33016242 (55) 16 33016264 Yes No No BRL 30.00/3 years Publishes academic articles on literature studie s. Literature; Literary theory and criticism; Semiotics Yes Yes Yes Yes Portuguese; English; French; Spanish; Italian; German 300 Annual No Separate Programa de Ps-Graduao em studos Literrios Programa de Ps-Graduao em Estudos Literrios No No 10-25 pages 5 pages maximum 1 page ABNT (Associao Bra sileira de Normas Tcnicas) 3 Yes Use Times New Roman font. Journal Rejected manuscripts are not returned 4 months 3 months 3 40-70 15-20 7 5 20 15 9/4/2008 105 AiolikaG Aiolika Grammata 1010-4569 1971 Kostas Valetas "Prighipissis Ekaterinis 4; Callithea; 17676 Athens," Greece "Gambetta, 6, 10678 Athens, Greece" (30) 210 3800142 (30) 210 3637489 Yes No No (30) 210 3621920 (30) 210 3800142 USD 70.00/year US "Publish es articles on literature, history, and literary criticism, as well as theater, art, and sociology." Literature; Philology; History; Art; Sociology; Theater Yes Yes Yes Yes Greek; Italian; French; Spanish " 2,000-5,000" 6 times/year Yes Consecutive No No No restrictions No restrictions No restr ictions 1 Editor 4 months 2 months "1,500" 300-400 150 120 500-800 805 5/9/2006 35 Acme Acme: Annali della Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Universit de gli Studi di Milano 0001-494X 1948 Isabella Gualand ri "Dip. Scienze dell'Antichit-Filologia Classica; Universit degli Studi di M ilano; Via Festa del Perdono, 7; 20122 Milan," Italy "Viale Piceno 46 , 20129 Milan, Italy" (39) 2 50312792 Yes Yes Yes EBSCO issn/0001494X "L.E.D.; Ediz. Universitarie di Lettere, Economia, Diritto; Via Cervignano, 4; 20137 Milan," Italy (39) 2 59902055 (39) 2 5 5193636 EUR 81.00/year plus expedition fees Publishes studies relati



ve to the material taught in the Department of Literature and Philosophy of the Universit degli Studi di Milano. Literature; Philosophy No Yes No Yes Italian; French; English; German; Russian; Spanish 750 3 times/ year No Consecutive Edizioni Universitarie d i Lettere Economia Diritto Universit degli Studi di Milano "Contributors mu st be members of the Universit degli Studi faculty, or be commissioned by a facul ty member." No No No restrictions 1 No Universit degli Studi di Milano Returned 6 months 6 months 7 50-70 20 50 30 10/11/2006 6776 TH Tascabili Hesperides 1996 Roberto Fonda "Edizioni Parnaso; Editoriale San Giusto srl; via Cecilia de' Rittmeyer, 13; I-34134 Trieste," Italy (39) 040 370200 (39) 040 3728970 Yes Yes No Information on books in series only. "Publishes scholarly studies dedicated to Western literature and civilization. I n addition to literary studies, neighboring fields such as philosophy, aesthetic s, fine arts, film, and drama fall within the series scope." Literature; Phil osophy; Aesthetics; Fine arts; Scandinavian studies; Philology; Slavic studies Yes No No Yes English; German; Italian; French; Spanish; Swedi sh; Norwegian; Danish; Hebrew; Greek No Edizioni Parnaso MLA 2 Editoriale San Giusto and Edizioni Parnaso Returned at author's request 2 months 1 month 4 5/9/2006 6538 Nexos Nexos 0185-1535 1978 Luis Miguel Agui lar "Mazatln 119; Colonia Condensa; Delegacin Cuauhtmoc; CP 06140," Mexico Yes Yes Yes Gale Publishes articles on the social sciences and literature. Literature; Soci al sciences Yes Spanish 5548 TdL Taller de Letras 0716-0798 1971 Mara-Ester Martnez "Vicua Mackena 4860; Casilla 306 Correo 22; Santiago," Chile (56) 2 3547905 (56) 2 3547907 Yes Yes Yes Gale Group (56) 2 3 547811 (56) 2 3547907 "CLP 6,000/year Chile; USD 40.00/year elsewhere" Publishes articles on general and Spanish American literature. Literature; Span ish American literature Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; French ; German; Portuguese 100 "2 times/year (May, Nov)" Yes "CLP 50, 000/half page; CLP 100,000 (USD 300.00)/full page" Separate Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile No No "4,500 words" 450 words "1,000 words" MLA 2 Yes "Request guidelines from editor. Submit two copies of manuscript and DOS diskett e, along with a 200-word abstract." Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile Not returned 4 months 6 months 2 30-50 30 8 8-10 10 6 5/17/2004 2225 RL Revista de Literatura 0034-849X 1952 Miguel A. Garrido-Gallardo "Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales; c/o Cons ejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas; Albasanz 26; 28037 Madrid," Spain "Servicio de Publicaciones CSIC, Vitruvio, 8, 28006 Madrid, Spain" (34) 1 6022548 (34) 1 6022971 Yes Yes http://w Yes Periodicals Archive Online 2 times/year "Tables of contents, subscription, and journal information." issn/0034849X "Oficina de Publicaciones; Vitruvio, 8; 28006 Madrid," Spain "Duque de Publicaciones, Vitruvio, 8, 28006 Madrid, Spain" (34) 1 5 612833 (34) 1 5629634 EUR 62.06/year "Publishes articles on contempor ary theory and criticism of literature, as well as on Spanish literature." Literature; Spanish literature; Literary theory and criticism Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish 2 times/year Yes

Consecutive Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) No No "15,000 words (50 pages)" "3,000 words (10 pages)" "4,500 words (15 pages)" Journal 2 Yes "Submit original typescr ipt, a diskette, and an English abstract." Consejo Superior de Investigacio nes Cientficas Returned 8 months 8 months 2 20-25 12-16 60-64 56-60 15 6-10 5/22/2008 2225 RL Revista de Literatura 0034-849X 1952 Miguel A. Garrido-Gallardo "Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales; c/o Cons ejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas; Albasanz 26; 28037 Madrid," Spain "Servicio de Publicaciones CSIC, Vitruvio, 8, 28006 Madrid, Spain" (34) 1 6022548 (34) 1 6022971 Yes Yes http://w Yes Periodicals Archive Online 2 times/year "Tables of contents, subscription, and journal information." issn/0034849X "Oficina de Publicaciones; Vitruvio, 8; 28006 Madrid," Spain "Duque de Publicaciones, Vitruvio, 8, 28006 Madrid, Spain" (34) 1 5 612833 (34) 1 5629634 EUR 62.06/year "Publishes articles on contempor ary theory and criticism of literature, as well as on Spanish literature." Literature; Spanish literature; Literary theory and criticism Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish 2 times/year Yes Consecutive Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) No No "15,000 words (50 pages)" "3,000 words (10 pages)" "4,500 words (15 pages)" Journal 2 Yes "Submit original typescr ipt, a diskette, and an English abstract." Consejo Superior de Investigacio nes Cientficas Returned 8 months 8 months 2 20-25 12-16 60-64 56-60 15 6-10 5/22/2008 5484 Aztln Aztln: A Journal of Chicano Studies Formerly titled Aztlan: Chicano Journal of the Social Sciences and the arts (volumes 1-5); Aztlan: Inter national Journal of Chicano Studies Research (volumes 6-16) 0005-2604 1970 Chon A. Noriega "Chicano Studies Research Center; University of Californ ia, Los Angeles; 193 Haines Hall; Los Angeles, CA" 90095-1544 United S tates 310 825-2642 310 206-1784 Yes Yes No Journal informat ion only. USD 75.00/year institutions US; USD 85.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 30.00 /year individuals; USD 40.00/year individuals elsewhere "Publishes schol arly research relevant to or informed by the Chicano experience. Includes works on the humanities, social sciences, education, and the arts." Mexican American writers; Linguistics; Folklore; Dialectology; Cultural studies; Gender; Arts; T heory; Ethnic studies Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish 600 2 times/year Yes USD 400.00/full page Available in microforms Bell & Howell Separate UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center UCLA Chi cano Studies Research Center No No "7,000 w ords" " 1,500-2,000 words" " 2,000-3,000 words" Chicago 3 Yes Author and journal Not returned 5 months 9 months 2-3 40 16 12 4 18 6 5/25/200 4 5807 SGLIM Serie de Gramticas de Lenguas Indgenas de Mxico 1979 Albert Bickford "Summer Institute of Linguistics; 16131 N. Vernon Drive; Tucson, AZ" 85739 United States 520 825-6000 520 825-6116 Yes Yes ca.htm Yes Summer Institute of Linguistics Varies Full text of most recent volumes available. Varies by volume Publishes practical grammars of Mexican Indian l anguages. Mexican Indians; Native American languages; Grammar No No No Yes Spanish 500 Irregular No Separate "Instituto Lingstico de Verano, A. C." Summer Institute of Ling uistics Contributors must be affiliated with of the Summer Institute of Linguist ics. No No 150-250 pages

Series 2 No Manuscripts about individual indigenous languages are ac cepted. Submit one hard copy and one electronic version. Summer Institute of Linguistics or author Returned 2-3 months 1-2 years 3 0-3 0-1 4/22/200 8 7565 AlterTexto AlterTexto: Revista del Departamento de Letras de la Uni versidad Iberoamericana 1665-4862 2003 Luis Hctor Incln C ienfuegos "Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.; Prolongacin Paseo de la Reforma 880; Lomas de Santa Fe C.P. 01210," Mexico "(52) 55 5950400 0, ext. 4870" "(52) 55 59504000, ext. 4870" Yes Yes Yes Universidad Iberoamericana 2 times/year "Tables of contents, abs tracts, and full text available as well as subscription and submission informati on." MXN 85.00/year Mexico; USD 17.00/year international "Publishes work on contemporary Mexican literature, theory, and orality." Mexican literatu re; Latin American literature; Literary theory and criticism Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; English; French "2 times/year (Jan, Aug) " No Separate "Universidad Ibe roamericana, Ciudad de Mexico" No No " 7,5009,000 words" " 3,000-4,000 words" No restrictions MLA 1 Yes Submit as e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word or Word for Macintosh. Journal Not returned 6 months 3 months 3 30 10 10 10 2 2 5/2/2003 8173 RdLMC Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contempornea 1405-26 87 1995 Fernando Garca Nez; Luis Arturo Ramos "Languages and L inguistics Department; University of Texas, El Paso; 500 W. University Drive; El Paso, TX" 79968 United States "Ediciones En, Ave. Mxico-Coyoacn No. 421, Col. Xoco, C. P. 03330, Mxico Distrito Federal, Mexico" 915 747-7043 915 747 -5292; Yes Yes http://www.utep. edu/rlmc/ Yes Ediciones En Submission and subscription info rmation available. Volumes 1-25 available online. issn/14052687 USD 80.00/year i nstitutions; USD 60.00/year individuals; USD 50.00/year students; Prices do not include shipping and handling Publishes analysis of contemporary Mexic an literature. Mexican literature; Literary theory and criticism; 2000-2099 Yes No No Yes English; Spanish 200 "3 times/year (J an, May, Nov)" Yes USD 500.00/ 4/5 page black and white; USD 750.00/ 4/5 pa ge 4 color Separate "University of Texas, El Paso; E diciones En" "Texas Commission of the Arts, El Paso" No No "9,000 words" "4,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit one electronic copy. Author with permission for printed and e lectronic reproduction Not returned 3 months 12 months 7 150 45 50 15 11/2/2009 8173 RdLMC Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contempornea 1405-26 87 1995 Fernando Garca Nez; Luis Arturo Ramos "Languages and L inguistics Department; University of Texas, El Paso; 500 W. University Drive; El Paso, TX" 79968 United States "Ediciones En, Ave. Mxico-Coyoacn No. 421, Col. Xoco, C. P. 03330, Mxico Distrito Federal, Mexico" 915 747-7043 915 747 -5292; Yes Yes http://www.utep. edu/rlmc/ Yes Ediciones En Submission and subscription info rmation available. Volumes 1-25 available online. issn/14052687 USD 80.00/year i nstitutions; USD 60.00/year individuals; USD 50.00/year students; Prices do not include shipping and handling Publishes analysis of contemporary Mexic an literature. Mexican literature; Literary theory and criticism; 2000-2099 Yes No No Yes English; Spanish 200 "3 times/year (J an, May, Nov)" Yes USD 500.00/ 4/5 page black and white; USD 750.00/ 4/5 pa ge 4 color Separate "University of Texas, El Paso; E diciones En" "Texas Commission of the Arts, El Paso" No

No "9,000 words" "4,000 words" MLA 1 No Submit one electronic copy. Author with permission for printed and e lectronic reproduction Not returned 3 months 12 months 7 150 45 50 15 11/2/2009 5520 LMex Literatura Mexicana 0188-2546 1990 Federico Alvarez; Eduardo Serrato "Instituto de Investigaciones Filolgicas; UNAM; Circuito Mario de la Cueva; Ciudad Universidad; 04510 Mexico City, D.F.," Mexico (52) 5 6227493; (52) 5 6227498 (52) 5 6657874 litermex@servido Yes Yes Yes EBSCO http://w MXN 160.00/year Mexico; USD 60.00/yearelsewhere Publishes articles on Me xican literature. Includes studies on indigenous Chicano literature and on liter ature written by non-Mexicans in Mexico and by Mexican writers abroad. Mexican literature; Mexican American writers Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish 2 times/year "Yes, on an exchange basis" Consecut ive Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico No No 30 pages 10 pages MLA 3 Yes Submit original typescript and two copies. Author Not returned 1 year maximum 1 year maximum 2-3 4-5 8 8 7/6/2004 5520 LMex Literatura Mexicana 0188-2546 1990 Federico Alvarez; Eduardo Serrato "Instituto de Investigaciones Filolgicas; UNAM; Circuito Mario de la Cueva; Ciudad Universidad; 04510 Mexico City, D.F.," Mexico (52) 5 6227493; (52) 5 6227498 (52) 5 6657874 litermex@servido Yes Yes Yes EBSCO http://w MXN 160.00/year Mexico; USD 60.00/yearelsewhere Publishes articles on Me xican literature. Includes studies on indigenous Chicano literature and on liter ature written by non-Mexicans in Mexico and by Mexican writers abroad. Mexican literature; Mexican American writers Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish 2 times/year "Yes, on an exchange basis" Consecut ive Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico No No 30 pages 10 pages MLA 3 Yes Submit original typescript and two copies. Author Not returned 1 year maximum 1 year maximum 2-3 4-5 8 8 7/6/2004 8250 ScrittureM Scritture Migranti 2037-5042 2007 Fulvio Pezzarossa "Dipartimento di Italianistica dell'Universit di Bologna; Via Zamboni, 32; 40126 Bologna," Italy (39) 051 2098574 (39) 051 2098574 Yes Yes Yes Casalini Digital Divisio n Annual "Tables of contents, abstracts, submission, and subscription inf ormation." "Casa Editrice Clueb; Vi a Marsala, 31; 40126 Bologna," Italy (39) 051 220736 (39) 051 237758 EUR 21.00 "Publishes work that analyzes literatures of mig ration from all over the world, with special attention to how texts (including f ilm and theater) bridge multiple cultures and sensibilities, through such themes as displacement, exile, diaspora, travel, and other transcultural forms of mobi lity." Migration; Literature; Narrative; Poetry; Film; Theater; Comparative lit erature; Exile; Diaspora; Travel; Memoir; Multiculturalism; Colonialism; Postcol onialism; Multilingualism; Hybridity; Cross-Cultural contact No No Yes Yes Italian; English; French; Spanish; Portuguese; German 50 Annual No Separate Clueb Universit di Bolo gna No No " 7,000-12,000 words" See website 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Dipartimento di Italianistica dell'Universit di Bologna Not returned 3-6 months 6 months 3 18 12 4/27/201 0 8507 Transmodernity Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Productio n of the Luso-Hispanic World 2154-1361 2011 Ignacio

Lpez-Calvo; Cristin H. Ricci "School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts; University of California, Merced; 5200 North Lake Road; Merced, CA" 95343 United States 209 228-2946 209 228-4007 transmodernity@ucmerced. edu Yes Yes Yes "eScholarship, University of California" "2 times/year (Fall, Spring)" Open access online journal. Print version available upon request. http://w Free "Publishes interdisciplinary work on Luso-Hispanic and U.S. Lati no literary and cultural studies. Promotes the study of marginalized areas of Lu so-Hispanic cultural production of any period and invites submissions of unpubli shed studies dealing with peripheral cultural production in the Luso-Hispanic wo rld. Also welcomes relevant interdisciplinary work, interviews, and book reviews , as they relate to 'South-to-South"" dynamics between formerly colonized people s. Although mostly devoted to non-canonical work, will consider articles that re think canonical texts from Postcolonial and transmodern approaches." Modernit y; Postcolonial studies; Latin American studies; Hispanic American studies Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese "2 times /year (Fall, Spring)" No Separate "eschola rship, University of California" University of California No No " 5,000-10,000 words" " 1,000-3,500 wo rds" MLA 1 Yes Submit in double-spaced Microsoft Word o r PDF format only. Author Returned 3 months 6 months 2-3 40 10 10 10 5/15/201 2 8507 Transmodernity Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Productio n of the Luso-Hispanic World 2154-1361 2011 Ignacio Lpez-Calvo; Cristin H. Ricci "School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts; University of California, Merced; 5200 North Lake Road; Merced, CA" 95343 United States 209 228-2946 209 228-4007 transmodernity@ucmerced. edu Yes Yes Yes "eScholarship, University of California" "2 times/year (Fall, Spring)" Open access online journal. Print version available upon request. http://w Free "Publishes interdisciplinary work on Luso-Hispanic and U.S. Lati no literary and cultural studies. Promotes the study of marginalized areas of Lu so-Hispanic cultural production of any period and invites submissions of unpubli shed studies dealing with peripheral cultural production in the Luso-Hispanic wo rld. Also welcomes relevant interdisciplinary work, interviews, and book reviews , as they relate to 'South-to-South"" dynamics between formerly colonized people s. Although mostly devoted to non-canonical work, will consider articles that re think canonical texts from Postcolonial and transmodern approaches." Modernit y; Postcolonial studies; Latin American studies; Hispanic American studies Yes No No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese "2 times /year (Fall, Spring)" No Separate "eschola rship, University of California" University of California No No " 5,000-10,000 words" " 1,000-3,500 wo rds" MLA 1 Yes Submit in double-spaced Microsoft Word o r PDF format only. Author Returned 3 months 6 months 2-3 40 10 10 10 5/15/201 2 8641 e-misferica67 E-misfrica Title formerly E-misfrica. Performance an d Politics in the Americas (Volumes 1-5.2) 1554-3706 2004 Jill Lane; Marcial Godoy-Anativia "The Hemispheric Institute of Performanc e and Politics; 20 Cooper Square, 5th floor; New York, NY" 10003 United S tates 212 998-1631 212 995-4423 No Yes Yes The Hemi spheric Institute of Performance and Politics 2 times/year Open access onli ne journal. Includes thematic dossiers and multimedia contributions. Free Publishes work on performance and politics in the Americas. Performance; Visual culture; Art; Theater; Politics; Latin America; Caribbean; P

raxis; Subjectivity; Gesture; Activism; Gender; Race; Dissent; Mass media; Repre sentation; Aesthetics; Rites; Discourse; Archives; Feminism; Contagion; Institut ion; Violence; Trauma; Memory Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish ; Portuguese 2 times/year No The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics "The Hemispheric Institu te of Performance and Politics, New York University" Text and multimedia cont ributions should adhere to the theme of the current call for papers. No No " 5,000-7,000 words" 800 words Chicago No Author 2 months 2 months 2 60 40 30 13 1/23/2014 7872 IntermezzoT Intermezzo Tropical: Tribu/laciones del Sujeto des/Centr ado Latinoamericano 1817-1559 2003 Cesar Angeles; L uis Fernando Chueca; Paolo de Lima; Victoria Guerrero "Yungay 391 San Miguel; Lima 32," Peru "718 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, Unit ed States" (51) 1 2633854; 617 319 7404 intermezzo_tropical@hotm Yes No No USD 10.0 0/year US; USD 5.00/year Peru; USD 15.00/year elsewhere "Publishes work on Latin American culture and literature, especially Peruvian culture." Peruvian culture; Latin American literature; Latin American culture Yes No No Yes Spanish Annual Yes "For colleges, foundations, and universities only" Consecutive Intermezzo Tropical Universidad Ricardo Palma No No " 5,0006,000 words" "2,000 words" Include notes at end of text 1 No Author Not returned 2 months 2 months 4 20 8-10 10+ 5-8 1/26/200 7 7255 RevF Revista Filipina: A Quarterly Journal of Hispano-Philippine Lite rature and Linguistics 1496-4538 1997 Edmundo Farolan "Unit 218; 11816 88th Avenue; Delta, BC, V4C 3C5," Canada 604 593-6940 604 599-4527 No Yes http://r Yes Electronic journal 4 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work that brings to light the Hispano-Philippine heri tage in the fields of linguistics and literature which, to the generation of tod ay, is hardly known. Its aim is to put in cyberspace writings that are now deter iorating in print, particularly from authors who are lesser known." Philippi ne literature; Philippine languages; Spanish language Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish 4 times/year Yes Negotiable Farolan Publishing Academia Filipina Correspondiente de la R. A. E. No No "1,000 words minimum" 500 words minimu m 300 words minimum MLA 1 No Submit DOS diskette in A SCII format or e-mail in same format. Author Not returned 2 weeks 3 months 1 40 20-25 4 2 10 5 5/11/201 3 4571 SLAPC Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 0730-91 39 1982 "Harold E. Hinds, Jr.; Charles M. Tatum" "Divisio n of Social Sciences; University of Minnesota, Morris; Morris, MN" 56267 United States Yes Yes Yes MUSE "Charles M. Tatu m, Dean; Humanities; University of Arizona; Tucson, AZ" 85721 United States "Publishes scholarly articles, interviews, and review essays on all aspects of t he theory and practice of popular culture in Latin America. Popular culture incl udes any aspect of culture which is accepted by significant numbers of people." Popular culture; Latin America Yes No No Yes English; Spanish ; Portuguese 400-450 Annual Yes Separate University of Arizona No No "35 pages includ ing notes, illustrations, graphs, etc." "800 words including notes, illu strations, graphs, etc." MLA 3 No Submit original manuscript plus two photocopies. Include all footnotes at end of article. Submis

sion via e-mail in a word compatible attachment are preferred. Journal Returned ; enclose SAE and loose postage 1-2 months 1-2 years 2 minimum 15-20 8-12 6/21/2004 7773 Belphgor Belphgor: Littrature Populaire et Culture Mdiatique 1499-7185 2001 Vittorio Frigerio "French Department; Dalhousie Un iversity; Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4P9," Canada 902 494 -6805 902 494-1626 No Yes gor/ Yes "Electronic Text Centre, Dalhousie University" "2 times/year (N ov, Apr)" Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work dedicated to the study of popular literature and media culture. Welcomes all types of theoretical analysis and encourages interd isciplinary and comparative studies. Goal is to stimulate discussion, research, and exchange between researchers of all stripes in the Anglo-Saxon, French, Ital ian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese speaking worlds." Popular literature; Mass media studies; Mass media studies; Mass culture; Literature; Paraliterature Yes No Yes Yes French; English; Italian; Portuguese; German; Sp anish "2 times/year (Nov, Apr)" No No pagination "Electronic Text Centre, Dalhousie University" Dalhousie Univer sity No No Varies Varies MLA preferred 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy only. Author Not returned 2-3 months 6-12 months 2-3 35 25-30 12 10 4/25/2008 7428 SBPS Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies 1077-5943 1994 Joo Camilo dos Santos; Harvey L. Sharrer "Center for Portuguese Studies; University of California, Santa Barbara; Santa Barbara, CA" 93106-4150 United States 805 893-4405 805 893-9341 jcamilo@spanport.ucsb.ed u; Yes No No USD 35.00/year institutions; USD 25.00.year individuals; Add USD 8.00 for foreig n air mail "Publishes articles and reviews concerning the literatur e, language, and culture of the Portuguese speaking world including Portugal, Po rtuguese North Africa and Asia, Brazil, and the Portuguese communities of North America." Portuguese culture; Portuguese literature; Portuguese language; Brazilian literature; Brazilian culture Yes No No Yes Portugue se; English; Spanish; French; Italian 250 Annual Yes Separate "Center for Portuguese Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara" "Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon" No No "1,000 words" 2 No "Center for Portuguese Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara" Returned at author's request 8-10 weeks 12-15 months 2-3 15 2-3 5/20/2004 7533 PLCS Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 1521-804X 1998 Victor J. Mendes "Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies; Center for Portuguese Studies and Cultures; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; 285 Old Westport Road; Dartmouth, MA" 2745 United States 508 999 -9270 508 999-9272 Yes Yes http://www.plcs. No "Submission, subscription, and editorial information." USD 80.00/year institutions; USD 40.00/year individuals; Add USD 12.00 shipping for orders outside the US Publishes multilingual interdisciplinary work by the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture. Addresses the literature s and cultures of the diverse communities of Portuguese-speaking world in terms of critical and theoretical approaches. Portuguese language; Brazilian literatur e; Portuguese literature; African literature; African culture; Portuguese cultur e; Brazilian culture; Portuguese language literature Yes No Yes Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish "2 times/year (Fall, Spring)" Yes Contact editorial office Separate Universi ty of Massachusetts Dartmouth "Center for Portuguese Studies ad Culture, Unive rsity of Massachusetts Dartmouth" See manuscript policy. No No See manuscript policy "800 words maximum; 2,000 words

maximum for review essays" MLA 1 Yes Submission by email is preferred. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Not returned 3 months 6 months 2 45 30 25 20 5/20/2004 1435 LBR Luso-Brazilian Review 0024-7413 1548-9957 1964 Peter M. Beattie; Severino J. Albuquerque; Ellen W. Sapega "1107 Va n Hise Hall; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI" 53706 United States 608 265-8296; 608 262-2093 608 262-9671 Yes Yes Yes MUSE issn/00247413 "Journal Division; University of Wisconsin Press; 2537 Daniels S treet; Madison, WI" 53718 United States 608 224-3880 608 224 -3883 USD 160.00/year institutions; USD 53.00/year individuals "Publishes broad coverage of scholarship in literature, language, and social sci ence on topics related to the Portuguese-speaking world." Portuguese langu age; Brazilian literature; Portuguese literature; African literature; Portuguese language literature Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Portuguese 600 "2 times/year (Summer, Winter); publishes occasional special issues" Yes USD 110.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Available in microforms Separate University of Wisconsin Press "Department of Spanish and Portu guese, Department of History, Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies Pro gram, University of Wisconsin" No No 12-30 d ouble-spaced typescript pages 750 words maximum 500 words maximu m Chicago 2 Yes "Board of Regents, University of Wiscons in System" Not returned 1-12 months 1-18 months 1-4 80 20-25 20-40 20-40 4-5 3-4 5/10/2006 8245 CLTL Cadernos de Lingstica e Teoria da Literatura 0101-35 48 1978 "Departamento de Lingstica e Teoria da Literatura; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Faculdade de Letras; C. Postal 905; 30,00 0 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais," Brazil Yes No No issn/01013548 "Publishes articles on Portuguese linguistics, literary theory, and general ling uistics." Portuguese linguistics; Literary theory and criticism; Brazilian literature; Semiotics; Linguistics No No Yes Yes All Roma nce languages Annual No Separate Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais No No 30 pages maximum Chicago 2 No "Journal, reverts to author after one year" Returned 3 months 6 months 2 15 10 6202 BHSt Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Formerly titled Bulletin of Span ish Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 1923 Claire Taylor "Bulleti n of Hispanic Studies; University of Liverpool; 18, Oxford Street; Liverpool L69 7ZN," United Kingdom (44) 151 7942774 (44) 151 7941459 (editorial); (editorial); liverpool@turpin-di (subscriptions) Yes Yes ontent/121622 Yes MetaPress 8 times/year "Tables of contents, abs tracts, submission, subscription, and journal information." "Turpin Distribution; Pegasus Drive; Stratton Business P ark; Biggleswade SG 18 8TQ," United Kingdom (44) 1767 604977 (44) 1767 601640 "USD 802.00/year institutions US and Canada online only; GBP 467.00/year institutions EU and elsewhere online only; GBP 120.00 (USD 213. 00)/year individuals online only; GBP 62.00 (USD 97.00)/year students online onl y; USD 1,002.00/year institutions US and Canada print and online; GBP 585.00/yea r institutions EU and elsewhere print and online; GBP 151.00 (USD 267.00)/year i ndividuals print and online; GBP 76.00 (USD 122.00)/year students print and onli ne" 2014 "Publishes work devoted to the languages, literatures, and civil izations of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America." Portuguese literature; S panish language; Spanish literature; Hispanic studies; Latin American culture; L atin American linguistics; Latin American civilization; Portuguese culture; Port uguese language; Basque literature; Catalan literature; Catalan language; Galici

an language; Galician literature Yes No Yes Yes Basque; Catalan; English; French; Galician; Portuguese; Spanish "8 times/year (J an, Feb, Apr, May, June, Oct, Nov, Dec)" Yes GBP 125.00/half page plu s VAT; GBP 250.00/full page plus VAT; 15% discount for adverts in two issues Consecutive Liverpool University Press University of Liverpool Unsolici ted reviews are not accepted. No No "8,000 words max imum" 800 words maximum Chicago 1 Yes Submit o nline via Assigned by author to pu blisher 3 months 12 months 2 90 48 100 100 9/5/2013 6202 BHSt Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Formerly titled Bulletin of Span ish Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 1923 Claire Taylor "Bulleti n of Hispanic Studies; University of Liverpool; 18, Oxford Street; Liverpool L69 7ZN," United Kingdom (44) 151 7942774 (44) 151 7941459 (editorial); (editorial); liverpool@turpin-di (subscriptions) Yes Yes ontent/121622 Yes MetaPress 8 times/year "Tables of contents, abs tracts, submission, subscription, and journal information." "Turpin Distribution; Pegasus Drive; Stratton Business P ark; Biggleswade SG 18 8TQ," United Kingdom (44) 1767 604977 (44) 1767 601640 "USD 802.00/year institutions US and Canada online only; GBP 467.00/year institutions EU and elsewhere online only; GBP 120.00 (USD 213. 00)/year individuals online only; GBP 62.00 (USD 97.00)/year students online onl y; USD 1,002.00/year institutions US and Canada print and online; GBP 585.00/yea r institutions EU and elsewhere print and online; GBP 151.00 (USD 267.00)/year i ndividuals print and online; GBP 76.00 (USD 122.00)/year students print and onli ne" 2014 "Publishes work devoted to the languages, literatures, and civil izations of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America." Portuguese literature; S panish language; Spanish literature; Hispanic studies; Latin American culture; L atin American linguistics; Latin American civilization; Portuguese culture; Port uguese language; Basque literature; Catalan literature; Catalan language; Galici an language; Galician literature Yes No Yes Yes Basque; Catalan; English; French; Galician; Portuguese; Spanish "8 times/year (J an, Feb, Apr, May, June, Oct, Nov, Dec)" Yes GBP 125.00/half page plu s VAT; GBP 250.00/full page plus VAT; 15% discount for adverts in two issues Consecutive Liverpool University Press University of Liverpool Unsolici ted reviews are not accepted. No No "8,000 words max imum" 800 words maximum Chicago 1 Yes Submit o nline via Assigned by author to pu blisher 3 months 12 months 2 90 48 100 100 9/5/2013 7748 ellipsisJ ellipsis: Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Ass ociation 1935-0791 1999 Phillip Rothwell "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Rutgers University; 105 George Street; Ne w Brunswick, NJ" 08901-1414 United States 732 932-9412 ex t. 46 732 932-9837 Yes Yes http://w No "Abstracts, submission, and subscription information." USD 30.00/year Publishes a diffusion of scholarly work on any aspect of the Lusophone world. Portuguese studies; Brazilian studies; African studies; Asian studies; Portuguese language Yes No No Yes English preferred; Portuguese accepted 250 Annual (Oct) No Separate American Portuguese Studies Association American Portuguese Stud ies Association Contributors must be members of the American Portuguese Studies Association. Book reviews are commissioned. No No " 4,000-8,000 words" "1,000 words maximum" MLA 1 Yes Electronic submission required. American Portuguese Studies Association Not returned 2-6 months 1-6 months 2-3 20 6 6-10 4/25/2008 1429 LATR Latin American Theatre Review 0023-8813

1967 George W. Woodyard "Center of Latin American Studies; University of Kansas; Lawrence, KS" 66045 United States 785 864-3851 785 864 -4298 Yes Yes Yes MUSE 785 864 -4213 USD 55.00/year institutions; USD 22.00/year individuals "Publishes articles on theater and drama in Latin America, book reviews, and sum maries of plays. Devoted to the theater and drama of Spanish and Portuguese Amer ica." Portuguese theater; Latin American drama; Latin American theater; Portug uese drama; Drama; Spanish American theater Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish "1,000" "2 times/year (Fall, Spring)" No Separate "Center of Latin American Studies, University of Kansas" No No "3,500 words" 500 words " 1,0001,500 words" MLA 2 Yes Center of Latin American Studies Returned; enclose return postage 2-3 months 6-12 months 3 60-80 20 10-20 10-12 10-25 10-15 6/17/2004 7950 LPP Ld Papers in Pragmatics 1895-6106 1898-4436 2005 Piotr Cap "Department of Pragmatics; Institute of English; Univers ity of Ld; Al. Kosciuszki 65; 90-514 Ld," Poland (48) 42 6655220 (48) 42 6655220 Yes Yes cience/socialsciences/lpp/ Yes Versita Annual Subscription and submiss ion information. USD 400.00/year Publishes international research in the area of pragmati cs and related disciplines pertaining to all aspects of human communication. Aim s to promote constructive interaction between theoretical and critical findings related to language use and other modes of communication. Seeks to publish origi nal papers which offer analyses of new empirical material and/or theoretical ins ights. Innovative papers focusing on current methodological debates are also pub lished. Pragmatics; Discourse analysis; Semantics; Sociolinguistics; Communicati on studies Yes No Yes Yes English; German; Spanish; French 300 Annual (Sept) No Separate Ld Univers ity Press (print); Versita (electronic) No No "10,000 words maximum" "5,000 words maximum" Chicago 1 Yes Submit via e-mail only. Ld University Press (print); Versita (electronic) Returned 8 weeks 12 weeks (electronic); 6 months (print) 3 30 12 5 3 1/28/2008 5489 ProverbiumY Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarshi p "Supersedes Proverbium: Bulletin d'Information sur les Recherches Parmiol ogiques (Helsinki), 1965-1975." 0743-782X 1984 Wolfgang Mieder "Department of Russian & German; Waterman Building; University of Vermont; Burli ngton, VT" 05405-0160 United States 802 656-3430 802 656 -8028 Yes No No "Janet Sobieski, Managing Editor; Depart ment of Russian & German; Waterman Building; University of Vermont; Burlington, VT" 05405-0114 United States USD 30.00/year i nstitutions; USD 25.00/year individuals "Publishes essays dealing with a ll facets of the proverb. It is international in scope, and features in addition to scholarly articles, book reviews, an annual bibliography, and brief notes." Proverb; Parmia; Folklore; Folk belief systems Yes Yes Yes Yes English; German; French; Russian; Spanish 270 Annual Yes Separate University of Vermont University of Vermont No No 30 pages maximum 7 pages maximum No restrictions MLA preferred 1 No Submit double-spaced typescript and diskette usi ng ASCII format. University of Vermont Returned with comments 3 months 1 year 1-2 40 15-17 5-10 5-10 4-5 4-5 6/12/2008 8063 RLCS Revista Latina de Comunicacin Social 1138-58 20 1998 Jos Manuel de Pablos Coello "Facultad de Ciencias de la Info rmacin; Primide del Campus de Guajara; Universidad de la Laguna; La Laguna 38071; Tenerife, Canarias," Spain (34) 922317231; (34) 922317241 (34) 922 317254; No Yes http://w Yes Directory of Open Access Journals Annual Open access online journal. Free Publishes work that allows inquiry into social communication for social communication researches and media professionals to share research findi ngs. Social communication; Communication; Journalism Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English Annual No Separate Universidad de la Laguna Universidad de la Laguna No No "10,000 words" 500 words 500 word s MLA 1 Yes Submit one electronic copy. Author Not retu rned 4 weeks 6 weeks 2-3 80-100 22-44 40 40 10 10 5/6/2013 8264 CYH Comunicacin y Hombre: Revista Interdisciplinar de Ciencias de la Comunicacin Humanidades 1885-365X 1885-9542 2005 "Universidad Francisco de Vitoria; Ctra. Pozuelo-Majadahonda, Km 1,800; 28223 Po zuelo de Alarcn, Madrid," Spain (34) 917 091400 ext. 159 0 (34) 913 511716 Yes Yes http://w Yes Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Annual Available in open access online format. 5365X EUR 12.00/year Publishes work that reflects and disseminates studies and investigations made in the field of communication science. Especially as communication related to huma nism. Social sciences; Communication; Humanism Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; Abstracts in Spanish and English Annual No Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Universidad Francisco de Vitoria No No " 5,000-10,000 words (studies)3,000-6,000 words (investigations)" " 1,000-2,000 words" ISO 690-2: 1997 1 Yes Journal Returned Varies Varies Varies Varies 15 Varies 12 6/8/2010 7746 Pterodctilo "Pterodctilo: Revista de Arte, Literatura y Lingstica y Cul tura" Formerly titled Dactylus (1982; 1-2000; 19) 1947-9379 2001 Joseph M. Pierce; Jorge Garca "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; U niversity of Texas, Austin; BEN 2.116; 1 University Station B3700; Austin, TX" 78712-0192 United States 512 471-4936 pterodactilo@pte No Yes Yes Departme nt of Spanish and Portuguese 2 times/year Open access online journal. Form erly a print publication. Free "Publishes articles, essays, interviews, poetry, prose fiction, audiovisual materials, translations, and reviews that consider any aspect of Ibe roamerican literature, linguistics, and culture, broadly understood. This includ es Peninsular, Hispanic American, Portuguese, and Luso-Brazilian texts, as well as those relating to Chicano, US-Latino, Afro-Latino, and Hispanophone and Lusop hone African populations. Every issue includes a dossier on a specific subject." Spanish American literature; Spanish American fiction; Spanish American poetry; Spanish linguistics; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 2 times/year Yes USD 250.00/month online sponsorship No pagination "Printing Services at th e University of Texas, Austin" "Spanish and Portuguese Department, College of L iberal Arts, Graduate Student Assembly" No No 20 pages maximum " 1,000-1,500 words" "2,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one copy in Microsoft Word attachment via e-mail. Author Not returned 2-3 months 3-6 months 3-4 36 10-12 15-20 6-8 15-20 5-7 6/9/2009 7746 Pterodctilo "Pterodctilo: Revista de Arte, Literatura y Lingstica y Cul tura" Formerly titled Dactylus (1982; 1-2000; 19) 1947-9379 2001 Joseph M. Pierce; Jorge Garca "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; U niversity of Texas, Austin; BEN 2.116; 1 University Station B3700; Austin, TX" 78712-0192 United States 512 471-4936 pterodactilo@pte No Yes Yes Departme nt of Spanish and Portuguese 2 times/year Open access online journal. Form erly a print publication.

Free "Publishes articles, essays, interviews, poetry, prose fiction, audiovisual materials, translations, and reviews that consider any aspect of Ibe roamerican literature, linguistics, and culture, broadly understood. This includ es Peninsular, Hispanic American, Portuguese, and Luso-Brazilian texts, as well as those relating to Chicano, US-Latino, Afro-Latino, and Hispanophone and Lusop hone African populations. Every issue includes a dossier on a specific subject." Spanish American literature; Spanish American fiction; Spanish American poetry; Spanish linguistics; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 2 times/year Yes USD 250.00/month online sponsorship No pagination "Printing Services at th e University of Texas, Austin" "Spanish and Portuguese Department, College of L iberal Arts, Graduate Student Assembly" No No 20 pages maximum " 1,000-1,500 words" "2,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one copy in Microsoft Word attachment via e-mail. Author Not returned 2-3 months 3-6 months 3-4 36 10-12 15-20 6-8 15-20 5-7 6/9/2009 7746 Pterodctilo "Pterodctilo: Revista de Arte, Literatura y Lingstica y Cul tura" Formerly titled Dactylus (1982; 1-2000; 19) 1947-9379 2001 Joseph M. Pierce; Jorge Garca "Department of Spanish and Portuguese; U niversity of Texas, Austin; BEN 2.116; 1 University Station B3700; Austin, TX" 78712-0192 United States 512 471-4936 pterodactilo@pte No Yes Yes Departme nt of Spanish and Portuguese 2 times/year Open access online journal. Form erly a print publication. Free "Publishes articles, essays, interviews, poetry, prose fiction, audiovisual materials, translations, and reviews that consider any aspect of Ibe roamerican literature, linguistics, and culture, broadly understood. This includ es Peninsular, Hispanic American, Portuguese, and Luso-Brazilian texts, as well as those relating to Chicano, US-Latino, Afro-Latino, and Hispanophone and Lusop hone African populations. Every issue includes a dossier on a specific subject." Spanish American literature; Spanish American fiction; Spanish American poetry; Spanish linguistics; Latin American culture Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 2 times/year Yes USD 250.00/month online sponsorship No pagination "Printing Services at th e University of Texas, Austin" "Spanish and Portuguese Department, College of L iberal Arts, Graduate Student Assembly" No No 20 pages maximum " 1,000-1,500 words" "2,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit one copy in Microsoft Word attachment via e-mail. Author Not returned 2-3 months 3-6 months 3-4 36 10-12 15-20 6-8 15-20 5-7 6/9/2009 1606 Mester Mester 0160-2764 1970 Ilianna Alcantar "Department of Spanish & Portuguese; University of California; 405 Hilgard Avenu e; Los Angeles, CA" 90095 United States 310 825-6014; 310 825-1 036 310 206-4757 Yes Yes http://www.humnet.ucla.e du/humnet/spanport/mester/mester.html No "Excerpts of rec ent issues, submission, and subscription information." issn/01602764 USD 20.00/year i nstitutions and individuals; USD 10.00/year students; Add USD 5.00 for postage o utside of US "Publishes articles on Spanish, Spanish American, Luso-B razilian, and Chicano literatures, as well as on comparative literature and Span ish and Portuguese linguistics." Spanish American literature; Spanish lit erature; Portuguese language literature; Portuguese linguistics; Spanish linguis tics; Brazilian literature; Portuguese literature; Mexican American writers Yes Yes No Yes English; Portuguese; Spanish 300 Annual ( Spring) Yes USD 150.00/full page Separate McNaught on & Gunn "Graduate Students Association and Department of Spanish and Por tuguese, University of California, Los Angeles" No No " 4,000-4,500 words" 850 words 500 words MLA 4 Yes Submit original typescript plus three copies. Do not put author's name o n manuscript; indicate complete name and address in a separate letter. Universi

ty of California Returned; enclose SASE 2-6 months 2-3 months 3 40 10-15 5 5 5/25/200 4 3042 Hispam Hispamrica: Revista de Literatura 0363-0471 1972 Sal Sosnowski "c/o Latin American Studies Center; University of Maryla nd; 0128-B Holzapfel Hall; College Park, MD" 20742 United States 301 405-6459 301 405-4773 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR USD 45.00/year institutions; USD 33.00/year individuals "Publishes essay s, interviews, poetry, prose fiction, and reviews dealing exclusively with Spani sh American literature." Spanish American poetry; Spanish American fictio n; Spanish American literature; South American writers; Latin American culture; Intellectual history Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "1,000" "3 times /year (Apr, Aug, Dec)" Yes USD 150.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Separate Sal Sosnowski No No 15-20 pages 500 words "2,500 words maximum" Journal 1 No Submit electronically as Microsoft Word attachment. Author and journ al Returned; enclose return postage 1-3 months 6-9 months 2-3 50-60 8-10 50-60 20-25 30-35 5-10 4/18/200 8 3042 Hispam Hispamrica: Revista de Literatura 0363-0471 1972 Sal Sosnowski "c/o Latin American Studies Center; University of Maryla nd; 0128-B Holzapfel Hall; College Park, MD" 20742 United States 301 405-6459 301 405-4773 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR USD 45.00/year institutions; USD 33.00/year individuals "Publishes essay s, interviews, poetry, prose fiction, and reviews dealing exclusively with Spani sh American literature." Spanish American poetry; Spanish American fictio n; Spanish American literature; South American writers; Latin American culture; Intellectual history Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "1,000" "3 times /year (Apr, Aug, Dec)" Yes USD 150.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Separate Sal Sosnowski No No 15-20 pages 500 words "2,500 words maximum" Journal 1 No Submit electronically as Microsoft Word attachment. Author and journ al Returned; enclose return postage 1-3 months 6-9 months 2-3 50-60 8-10 50-60 20-25 30-35 5-10 4/18/200 8 6720 AIber Ars Iberica et Americana: Kunthistorische Studien der Carl Justi -Vereinigung Formerly titled Ars Iberica (to 2002) 1995 Barbara Borngsser; Bruno Klein; Gisela Noehles-Doerk "Vervuert Verlagsgesells chaft; Elisabethenstr. 3-9; D-60594 Frankfurt," Germany "Iberoamericana de Libros y Ediciones S. L., C/ Amor de Dios, 1, 28014 Madrid, Spain" (49) 69 5974617; (34) 91 4293522 (49) 69 5978743; (34) 91 4295397 info@ibe Yes Yes No Indexes and book orders. Varies Publishes work on Spanish art history. Spanish art; Art history No No No Yes Spanish; German Irregular No Separate Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft Iberoamericana No Yes Varies Varies Series 2 Editor Varies Varies 2 Varies Varies 5/16/2008 547 CHA Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 0011-250X 1948 Blas Matamoro "Avenida de los Reyes Catlicos, 4; Inst. de Cooperacin Ibe roamericana; Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 Madrid," Spain (34) 1 5838399 (34) 1 5838311 Yes Yes Yes Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC) Publishes articles on Spanish and Spanish American literature and art. Spanish art; Spanish literature; Spanish American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish "10,000" 12 times/year No

Consecutive Instituto de Cooperacin Iberoamericana No No No restrictions 3-5 pages No restrictions 1 No Author Returned 2 months 5 300-400 200 "1,500" 350 "5,000" 100 5/1/2006 8021 Ogigia Ogigia: Revista Electrnica de Estudios Hispnicos 1887-3731 2007 Jess F. Pascual; Eva lvarez No Yes Yes Dialnet 2 times/ year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work on Spanish culture, art, cinema, history, litera ture, and language." Spanish culture; Spanish art; Spanish history; Spanish l iterature; Spanish language; Film Yes No Yes Yes Spanish 2 times/year No Separate Ogigia Only one articles per author permitted in each issue. No No "4,000 words" 800 words MLA 1 No Submit o ne e-mail copy. Journal with Creative Commons license Not returned 2 months 3 months 4 25 10 15 5 4/27/2013 8021 Ogigia Ogigia: Revista Electrnica de Estudios Hispnicos 1887-3731 2007 Jess F. Pascual; Eva lvarez No Yes Yes Dialnet 2 times/ year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work on Spanish culture, art, cinema, history, litera ture, and language." Spanish culture; Spanish art; Spanish history; Spanish l iterature; Spanish language; Film Yes No Yes Yes Spanish 2 times/year No Separate Ogigia Only one articles per author permitted in each issue. No No "4,000 words" 800 words MLA 1 No Submit o ne e-mail copy. Journal with Creative Commons license Not returned 2 months 3 months 4 25 10 15 5 4/27/2013 4984 Confluencia Confluencia: Revista Hispnica de Cultura y Literatura 0888-6091 1985 Ester G. Gonzalez "Department of Hispanic Studies; University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, CO" 80639 United States 970 351-2964; 970 351-2742 970 351-3823 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR (1985-2009) "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 45.0 0/year individuals US; USD 65.00/year individuals elsewhere; USD 65.00/year inst itutions US; USD 85.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 35.00 back issues US; US D 45.00 back issues elsewhere 2012 Publishes material dealing with Spanish and Spanish American culture and literature. Spanish culture; Spanish literat ure; Spanish American literature; Spanish American culture; Latin American cultu re; Latin American literature; Mexican culture; Mexican studies Yes No No Yes Spanish; English 250 "2 times/year (Dec, May)" Yes USD 50.00/quarter page; USD 100.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Separate Cushing-Malloy "Department of Hispanic Studies, University of N orthern Colorado" Yes USD 90.00 includes a one-year subscripti on No " 4,500-7,500 words" 800 words MLA 2 Yes Submit double-spaced typescript. Notes should be placed at the end of text. Submit original typescript plus one electronic copy as an email attachment to the editor. University of Northern Colorado Returned at auth or's request 3-9 months 6 months 2-3 60 25 35 20-30 6/25/2012 4984 Confluencia Confluencia: Revista Hispnica de Cultura y Literatura 0888-6091 1985 Ester G. Gonzalez "Department of Hispanic Studies; University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, CO" 80639 United States 970 351-2964; 970 351-2742 970 351-3823 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR (1985-2009) "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 45.0

0/year individuals US; USD 65.00/year individuals elsewhere; USD 65.00/year inst itutions US; USD 85.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 35.00 back issues US; US D 45.00 back issues elsewhere 2012 Publishes material dealing with Spanish and Spanish American culture and literature. Spanish culture; Spanish literat ure; Spanish American literature; Spanish American culture; Latin American cultu re; Latin American literature; Mexican culture; Mexican studies Yes No No Yes Spanish; English 250 "2 times/year (Dec, May)" Yes USD 50.00/quarter page; USD 100.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Separate Cushing-Malloy "Department of Hispanic Studies, University of N orthern Colorado" Yes USD 90.00 includes a one-year subscripti on No " 4,500-7,500 words" 800 words MLA 2 Yes Submit double-spaced typescript. Notes should be placed at the end of text. Submit original typescript plus one electronic copy as an email attachment to the editor. University of Northern Colorado Returned at auth or's request 3-9 months 6 months 2-3 60 25 35 20-30 6/25/2012 4984 Confluencia Confluencia: Revista Hispnica de Cultura y Literatura 0888-6091 1985 Ester G. Gonzalez "Department of Hispanic Studies; University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, CO" 80639 United States 970 351-2964; 970 351-2742 970 351-3823 Yes Yes Yes JSTOR (1985-2009) "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 45.0 0/year individuals US; USD 65.00/year individuals elsewhere; USD 65.00/year inst itutions US; USD 85.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 35.00 back issues US; US D 45.00 back issues elsewhere 2012 Publishes material dealing with Spanish and Spanish American culture and literature. Spanish culture; Spanish literat ure; Spanish American literature; Spanish American culture; Latin American cultu re; Latin American literature; Mexican culture; Mexican studies Yes No No Yes Spanish; English 250 "2 times/year (Dec, May)" Yes USD 50.00/quarter page; USD 100.00/half page; USD 200.00/full page Separate Cushing-Malloy "Department of Hispanic Studies, University of N orthern Colorado" Yes USD 90.00 includes a one-year subscripti on No " 4,500-7,500 words" 800 words MLA 2 Yes Submit double-spaced typescript. Notes should be placed at the end of text. Submit original typescript plus one electronic copy as an email attachment to the editor. University of Northern Colorado Returned at auth or's request 3-9 months 6 months 2-3 60 25 35 20-30 6/25/2012 333 BCom Bulletin of the Comediantes 0007-5108 1948 Edward H. Friedman; Vincent Martin "Department of Spanish & Portugu ese; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN" 37235-1617 United States 615 322-6929 615 343-7260 Yes Yes http://w Yes MUSE Tables of contents and subscript ion information. "Vincent Martin, Managing Editor; Department of Spanish and Portuguese; San Diego State Universi ty; 5500 Campanile Drive; San Diego, CA" 92182-6010 United States 619 594-5293 USD 40.00/year individuals US and Canada; USD 45.00/year individ uals elsewhere; USD 25.00/year student and emeritus US and Canada; USD 30.00/yea r student and emeritus elsewhere; USD 80.00/year institutions US and Canada; USD 90.00/year institutions elsewhere; USD 60.00/back issues Publishe s notes and articles on early modern Spanish and colonial Latin American drama. Spanish drama; Renaissance; Bibliographies; Golden Age; Spanish theater Yes Yes Yes Yes English; Spanish 550 "2 times/year (Summer, W inter)" Yes Request from managing editor Separate Comediantes Contributors must subscribe to journal. Unsolicited book reviews and notes are not accepted. No No 20-30 pages " 750-1,000 words" " 500-3,000 words" MLA 3 Yes "Submit three hard copies, abstract, and diskette formatted for PC." Author Returned ; enclose return postage 3-6 months 12-18 months 2 35-45

12-15 12-15 12-15 Varies Varies 5/9/2011 6392 EsP Estreno: Collection of Contemporary Spanish Plays 1992 Iride Lamartina-Lens; Susan Berardini "Modern Language Department, Pac e University; 41 Park Row, 11th floor, Room 1118; New York, NY" 10038 United S tates 212 346-1433 212 346-1435; sberard Yes Yes tml No Abstracts of plays and ordering information. USD 10.00/volume plus postage Publishes stageworthy English language t ranslations of contemporary Spanish plays. Spanish drama; Spanish theater; Spanish language translation; 1900-1999; 2000-2099 Yes No No Yes English 300 Annual No Separate Estreno Plays No No Full len gth play or cluster of short plays Series 1 Yes Submission via e-mail required after play is scheduled for publication. Author ( original play); translator (translation) Returned; enclose SASE 6-12 mo nths 2 years 2 Varies 1 6/5/2008 3327 Dieciocho Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment "Formerly titled Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment, Aesthetics, and Literary Theory" 0163-04 15 1978 David T. Gies "Department of Spanish; 115 Wilson Hall; PO Box 400777; University of Virginia; Charlottesville, VA" 22904-4777 United States 434 924-7159; 434 924-4652 434 924-7160 dtg@virg Yes Yes Yes Gale Group 2 times/year "Information on past, present, and future issues , subscription information, and a question page." issn/01630415 USD 20.00/year U S; USD 30.00/year elsewhere (plus USD 10.00 airmail) "Publishes studi es on Hispanic Enlightenment (Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American)." Spanish Enlightenment; Portuguese Enlightenment; Latin American literature; Enlightenmen t; Eighteenth-century studies Yes No No Yes English; Portugu ese; Spanish 260 2 times/year or 1 double issue/year Yes USD 25.0 0/full page Consecutive University of Virginia Universi ty of Virginia Book reviews are commissioned. No No 20-30 double-spaced typescript pages maximum for articles; 6-8 pages for review articles " 500-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Electronic submission in Microsoft Word format are suggested. Editor Returned ; enclose return postage 60 days 6-18 months 2-3 30 10-20 10-15 4/15/2008 3327 Dieciocho Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment "Formerly titled Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment, Aesthetics, and Literary Theory" 0163-04 15 1978 David T. Gies "Department of Spanish; 115 Wilson Hall; PO Box 400777; University of Virginia; Charlottesville, VA" 22904-4777 United States 434 924-7159; 434 924-4652 434 924-7160 dtg@virg Yes Yes Yes Gale Group 2 times/year "Information on past, present, and future issues , subscription information, and a question page." issn/01630415 USD 20.00/year U S; USD 30.00/year elsewhere (plus USD 10.00 airmail) "Publishes studi es on Hispanic Enlightenment (Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American)." Spanish Enlightenment; Portuguese Enlightenment; Latin American literature; Enlightenmen t; Eighteenth-century studies Yes No No Yes English; Portugu ese; Spanish 260 2 times/year or 1 double issue/year Yes USD 25.0 0/full page Consecutive University of Virginia Universi ty of Virginia Book reviews are commissioned. No No 20-30 double-spaced typescript pages maximum for articles; 6-8 pages for review articles " 500-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Electronic submission in Microsoft Word format are suggested. Editor Returned ; enclose return postage 60 days 6-18 months 2-3 30 10-20 10-15 4/15/2008 7227 AAEA Anejos de Archivo Espaol de Arqueologa 0066-6742

1951 Javier Arce "Instituto de Historia; C.S.I.C./C. Duque de Medinaceli, 6; 28014 Madrid," Spain (34) 1 914290626 (34) 1 9 13690940 Yes No No "Servicio de Publicaciones de C.S.I.C.; Vitruvio, 8; 28006 Madrid," Spain (34) 1 91 5619500 (34) 1 915629634 EUR 47.00/year Spain; EUR 77.25/year elsewhere Publishes monographs on Spanish ancient history and archaeology. Spanish history; Ancient history; Archaeology; Spain Yes Yes Yes Yes Spanish Annual No Separate Servicio de Publicaciones de Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (C.S.I.C.) No No 324 pages maximim 2 No Submit text file on disk and original typescript. Author and edito r Returned at author's request 6 months 6 months 10 25-27 20 1 1 1 1 10 6/22/2004 7751 REDELE Revista Electrnica de Didctica del Espaol como Lengua Extranjera 1571-4667 2004 "Ministerio de Educacin, y Politica Social y Depa rtes; Subdireccin General de Cooperacin Internacional; Paseo del Prado 28; Madrid 28014," Spain (34) 91 5065679 (34) 91 5065705 No Yes Yes Electronic journal 3 times/year Open access online journal. Free Publishes articles to help Spanish language teachers worldwide w ith their professional development. Offers both methodological resources and act ivities for the Spanish class. Spanish language teaching; Spanish as a Foreign Language; Pedagogy; Teaching of language Yes No Yes Yes Spanish 3 times/year No Subdirec cin General de Cooperaci Internacional Spanish Ministry of Education No No No Author 2 weeks prior to publication 4 100 30 15 10 5/16/2008 1074 Hispania Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish a nd Portuguese 0018-2133 2153-6414 1917 Sheri Spaine Lon g; Domnita Dumitrescu; David P. Wiseman "University of Alabama, Birmingham; HB 4 07; 1530 Third Avenue, S.; Birmingham, AL" 35294 United States "Domnita Dumitrescu, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, California State Un iversity, Los Angles, 515 State University Drive, Los Angles, CA 90032, United S tates; David P. Wiseman, Humanities Division, Lewis-Clark State College, 500 8th Avenue, Lewiston, ID 83501, United States" 205 934-4652 205 934-1944 Yes Yes Yes MUSE 4 times/year "Editorial, submission, and advertising information avai lable." "(Individual subscriptions); Emi ly Spinelli, Executive Director; The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP); 900 Ladd Road; Walled Lake, MI" 48390 United S tates "(Institutional subscriptions) The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, United States" 248 960-2180 248 960-9570 USD 65.00/year individuals; USD 45.00/year first-year members; U SD 25.00/year students; Subscription included in annual membership dues to AATSP "Publishes original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literatur e, literary criticism, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics, and pedagogy having to with Spanish and Portuguese. Also publishes reviews of Pan-H ispanic/Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies, linguistics, language, med ia, fiction, and film." Spanish language; Portuguese language; Latin American cu lture; Spanish language teaching; Latin American literature; Pedagogy; Hispanic studies; Portuguese language teaching; Spanish literature; Spanish American lite rature; Portuguese literature; Spanish linguistics; Brazilian language teaching; Brazilian literature; Brazilian studies; Brazilian linguistics; Film Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese "10,000" "4 times /year (Mar, June, Sept, Dec)" Yes Contact Consecutive Johns Hopkins University Press "American Association of Teacher s of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc. (AATSP)" Only members of the American Ass

ociation of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese may submit manuscripts. Unsolicit ed book reviews are not accepted. No No " 4,0007,500 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes All manuscripts must be submitted electronically at http://mc.manuscriptcentral. com/hispan. "American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc . (AATSP)" Returned with comments 4-6 months 6-12 months 3 250-300 45-50 60-70 (invited) 60-70 8/9/2011 1074 Hispania Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish a nd Portuguese 0018-2133 2153-6414 1917 Sheri Spaine Lon g; Domnita Dumitrescu; David P. Wiseman "University of Alabama, Birmingham; HB 4 07; 1530 Third Avenue, S.; Birmingham, AL" 35294 United States "Domnita Dumitrescu, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, California State Un iversity, Los Angles, 515 State University Drive, Los Angles, CA 90032, United S tates; David P. Wiseman, Humanities Division, Lewis-Clark State College, 500 8th Avenue, Lewiston, ID 83501, United States" 205 934-4652 205 934-1944 Yes Yes Yes MUSE 4 times/year "Editorial, submission, and advertising information avai lable." "(Individual subscriptions); Emi ly Spinelli, Executive Director; The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP); 900 Ladd Road; Walled Lake, MI" 48390 United S tates "(Institutional subscriptions) The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, United States" 248 960-2180 248 960-9570 USD 65.00/year individuals; USD 45.00/year first-year members; U SD 25.00/year students; Subscription included in annual membership dues to AATSP "Publishes original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literatur e, literary criticism, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics, and pedagogy having to with Spanish and Portuguese. Also publishes reviews of Pan-H ispanic/Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies, linguistics, language, med ia, fiction, and film." Spanish language; Portuguese language; Latin American cu lture; Spanish language teaching; Latin American literature; Pedagogy; Hispanic studies; Portuguese language teaching; Spanish literature; Spanish American lite rature; Portuguese literature; Spanish linguistics; Brazilian language teaching; Brazilian literature; Brazilian studies; Brazilian linguistics; Film Yes No Yes Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese "10,000" "4 times /year (Mar, June, Sept, Dec)" Yes Contact Consecutive Johns Hopkins University Press "American Association of Teacher s of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc. (AATSP)" Only members of the American Ass ociation of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese may submit manuscripts. Unsolicit ed book reviews are not accepted. No No " 4,0007,500 words" " 500-1,000 words" MLA 1 Yes All manuscripts must be submitted electronically at http://mc.manuscriptcentral. com/hispan. "American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc . (AATSP)" Returned with comments 4-6 months 6-12 months 3 250-300 45-50 60-70 (invited) 60-70 8/9/2011 4743 ATinta Tinta 0739-7003 1981 Cheyla Samuelson "Spanish and Portuguese Department; University of California, Santa Barbara; San ta Barbara, CA" 93106 United States tinta@lsit.ucsb. edu Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 7.00 /issue Publishes work to provide a forum for outstanding scholarly and creative expression written in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literature. Spanish literature; Hispanic studies; Portuguese literature; Spanish language Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 125 Annual (Mar) No Separate "University of California, Santa Barbara" "University of California at Santa Barbara, Spanish & Portuguese Department" No No " 6,000-7,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" 1.5 pages MLA 3 Yes Include a short

autobiography and enclose SASE. Journal Not returned 5 months 2 months Varies Varies 8-15 Varies 3-8 5/27/200 3 4743 ATinta Tinta 0739-7003 1981 Cheyla Samuelson "Spanish and Portuguese Department; University of California, Santa Barbara; San ta Barbara, CA" 93106 United States tinta@lsit.ucsb. edu Yes Yes No "Tables of contents, submission, and subscription information." USD 7.00 /issue Publishes work to provide a forum for outstanding scholarly and creative expression written in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literature. Spanish literature; Hispanic studies; Portuguese literature; Spanish language Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; Portuguese; English 125 Annual (Mar) No Separate "University of California, Santa Barbara" "University of California at Santa Barbara, Spanish & Portuguese Department" No No " 6,000-7,000 words" " 500-1,000 words" 1.5 pages MLA 3 Yes Include a short autobiography and enclose SASE. Journal Not returned 5 months 2 months Varies Varies 8-15 Varies 3-8 5/27/200 3 6371 NuLH La Nueva Literatura Hispnica 1139-4153 1998 Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros; Gabriele Morelli "Universitas Cas tellae; Apartado 37; 47080 Valladolid," Spain (34) 983 377508 (34) 983 305057 Yes Yes Yes Digitalia Annual USD 25.00/year Publishes research articles on contemporary Spanish and Latin American literature. Spanish literature; Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English 80 Annual Yes Varies Separate Universitas Castellae No No "8,000 words" "1,000 words" "2,000 w ords" MLA 2 Yes E-mail submissions to cuc@universitascastellae.e s or Journal Not returned 3 months 1 year m aximum 2 30 12-15 1-5 1-5 5 1-2 9/9/2008 6371 NuLH La Nueva Literatura Hispnica 1139-4153 1998 Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros; Gabriele Morelli "Universitas Cas tellae; Apartado 37; 47080 Valladolid," Spain (34) 983 377508 (34) 983 305057 Yes Yes Yes Digitalia Annual USD 25.00/year Publishes research articles on contemporary Spanish and Latin American literature. Spanish literature; Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English 80 Annual Yes Varies Separate Universitas Castellae No No "8,000 words" "1,000 words" "2,000 w ords" MLA 2 Yes E-mail submissions to cuc@universitascastellae.e s or Journal Not returned 3 months 1 year m aximum 2 30 12-15 1-5 1-5 5 1-2 9/9/2008 6371 NuLH La Nueva Literatura Hispnica 1139-4153 1998 Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros; Gabriele Morelli "Universitas Cas tellae; Apartado 37; 47080 Valladolid," Spain (34) 983 377508 (34) 983 305057 Yes Yes Yes Digitalia Annual USD 25.00/year Publishes research articles on contemporary Spanish and Latin American literature. Spanish literature; Latin American literature Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English 80 Annual Yes Varies Separate Universitas Castellae No No "8,000 words" "1,000 words" "2,000 w ords" MLA 2 Yes E-mail submissions to cuc@universitascastellae.e s or Journal Not returned 3 months 1 year m

aximum 2 30 12-15 1-5 1-5 5 1-2 9/9/2008 6348 SiDi Siglo Diecinueve 1136-2308 1995 Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros "Universitas Castellae; Apartado 37; 470 80 Valladolid," Spain (34) 983 377508 cuc@universitasc; Yes Yes Yes Digitali a Annual USD 25.00/year Publishes research articles on nineteenth-century Spanis h and Latin American literature and cultural studies. Spanish literature; Lati n American literature; 1800-1899 Yes No No Yes Spanish; English 100 Annual Yes Consult with editor Separate Universitas Castellae No No "8,000 words" "1,000 words" MLA 2 Yes Submit t wo hard copies or one electronic copy. Journal Not returned 3 months 1 year 2 20-25 7-10 10 2-6 9/9/2008 8287 Tinkuy Tinkuy: Boletn de Investigacin y Debate 1913-0473 1913-0481 2005 Juan Carlos Godenzzi "Dpartment de Littratures et de La ngues Modernes; Local C-8086, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx; 3150, rue Jean-Brillant; M ontral, Qubec H3T 1N8," Canada 514 343-2478 514 343-2255 Yes Yes http://www.littlm.umontr Yes "Dpartment de Littratures et de La ngues Modernes, Universit de Montral" Varies Available in open access online format. CAD 15.00/year Canada (print) Publishes work on Hispanic literature an d linguistics and intercultural studies. Spanish literature; Latin Americ an literature; Cultural studies; Spanish linguistics Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English; French 2 times/year No Separate "Section d'Etudes Hispaniques, Universit de Montral" No No "8,000 words" "8,000 words" Journal 1 No "Section d'Etudes Hispaniques, Universit de Montra l" Not returned 3 months 2 months 2 Varies 20 Varies Varies 9/22/2010 8287 Tinkuy Tinkuy: Boletn de Investigacin y Debate 1913-0473 1913-0481 2005 Juan Carlos Godenzzi "Dpartment de Littratures et de La ngues Modernes; Local C-8086, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx; 3150, rue Jean-Brillant; M ontral, Qubec H3T 1N8," Canada 514 343-2478 514 343-2255 Yes Yes http://www.littlm.umontr Yes "Dpartment de Littratures et de La ngues Modernes, Universit de Montral" Varies Available in open access online format. CAD 15.00/year Canada (print) Publishes work on Hispanic literature an d linguistics and intercultural studies. Spanish literature; Latin Americ an literature; Cultural studies; Spanish linguistics Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English; French 2 times/year No Separate "Section d'Etudes Hispaniques, Universit de Montral" No No "8,000 words" "8,000 words" Journal 1 No "Section d'Etudes Hispaniques, Universit de Montra l" Not returned 3 months 2 months 2 Varies 20 Varies Varies 9/22/2010 7833 CdALEPH Cuadernos de ALEPH: Revista de Literatura Hispnica 1886-5089 2006 Beatriz Ferrs Antn; Alejandro Garca Reidy; Anna Cho ver Lafarga; Jos Mara Martnez Simn; Ana Roig Hernndez; Eva Soler Sasera "Asociac in ALEPH; Departamento de Filologa Espaola; Facultad de Filologa; Avda. Blasco Ibez, 3 2; 46006 Valencia," Spain (34) 96 3864862 (34) 96 3864492 Yes Yes _de_Aleph.htm No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." EUR 10.00/year plus shipping and handling "Publishes work that foc uses on any aspect of Spanish and Latin American literature, including comparati

ve literature and literary theory related to Spanish cultural history.Accepts pa pers from researchers from all over the world, but is specifically aimed at thos e young researchers who are working on their doctoral thesis. Its purpose is to become a new reference point for studies related to all areas of Spanish and Lat in American literature by offering quality studies, and to present to the scient ific community some of the results of the investigations of young researchers." Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Literary theory and criticism; Co mparative literature No No No Yes Spanish Annual No Separate Asociacin ALEPH Universidad de V alencia No No "7,000 words" "MLA, see website" 1 No Author and publisher Not retu rned 1-3 months 3-6 months 3 20 10-15 9/20/2006 4602 Castilla Castilla: Estudios de Literatura Published in pri nt from 1980-2004. Began publishing exclusively in digital format from 2009 on. 1989-7383 1980 Mara Jess Garc-Garrosa; Alfonso Martn-Jimnez; David Pujante; Hctor Urziz "Departamento de Literatura Espaola y Teora de la Literatura y Lit eratura Comparada; Facultad de Filosofia y Letras; Universidad de Valladolid,; 4 7071 Valladolid," Spain (34) 983 42300 ext. 6796 (34) 983 423949 No Yes la/ Yes Universidad de Valladolid Annual Formerly print journal ( 1980-2004) now available in an open access format. Free "Publishes original scholarly articles on Spanish or Latin Ameri can literature, literary theory and criticism, and comparative literature. as we ll as book reviews in the same fields in Spanish or English." Spanish literatu re; Latin American literature; Literary theory and criticism; Comparative litera ture Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English Annual No Separate Universidad de Valladolid "Departamento de Literatura Espaola y Teora de la Literatura y Literatura Comparad a, Universidad de Valladolid" No No "15,000 characters maximum including spacing" See website 1 No Submit one electronic copy via e-mail. See website for details. Author Not returned 2 months 2 30 20-25 Varies Varies 3/8/2011 7833 CdALEPH Cuadernos de ALEPH: Revista de Literatura Hispnica 1886-5089 2006 Beatriz Ferrs Antn; Alejandro Garca Reidy; Anna Cho ver Lafarga; Jos Mara Martnez Simn; Ana Roig Hernndez; Eva Soler Sasera "Asociac in ALEPH; Departamento de Filologa Espaola; Facultad de Filologa; Avda. Blasco Ibez, 3 2; 46006 Valencia," Spain (34) 96 3864862 (34) 96 3864492 Yes Yes _de_Aleph.htm No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." EUR 10.00/year plus shipping and handling "Publishes work that foc uses on any aspect of Spanish and Latin American literature, including comparati ve literature and literary theory related to Spanish cultural history.Accepts pa pers from researchers from all over the world, but is specifically aimed at thos e young researchers who are working on their doctoral thesis. Its purpose is to become a new reference point for studies related to all areas of Spanish and Lat in American literature by offering quality studies, and to present to the scient ific community some of the results of the investigations of young researchers." Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Literary theory and criticism; Co mparative literature No No No Yes Spanish Annual No Separate Asociacin ALEPH Universidad de V alencia No No "7,000 words" "MLA, see website" 1 No Author and publisher Not retu rned 1-3 months 3-6 months 3 20 10-15 9/20/2006 4602 Castilla Castilla: Estudios de Literatura Published in pri nt from 1980-2004. Began publishing exclusively in digital format from 2009 on. 1989-7383 1980 Mara Jess Garc-Garrosa; Alfonso Martn-Jimnez; David Pujante;

Hctor Urziz "Departamento de Literatura Espaola y Teora de la Literatura y Lit eratura Comparada; Facultad de Filosofia y Letras; Universidad de Valladolid,; 4 7071 Valladolid," Spain (34) 983 42300 ext. 6796 (34) 983 423949 No Yes la/ Yes Universidad de Valladolid Annual Formerly print journal ( 1980-2004) now available in an open access format. Free "Publishes original scholarly articles on Spanish or Latin Ameri can literature, literary theory and criticism, and comparative literature. as we ll as book reviews in the same fields in Spanish or English." Spanish literatu re; Latin American literature; Literary theory and criticism; Comparative litera ture Yes No Yes Yes Spanish; English Annual No Separate Universidad de Valladolid "Departamento de Literatura Espaola y Teora de la Literatura y Literatura Comparad a, Universidad de Valladolid" No No "15,000 characters maximum including spacing" See website 1 No Submit one electronic copy via e-mail. See website for details. Author Not returned 2 months 2 30 20-25 Varies Varies 3/8/2011 7833 CdALEPH Cuadernos de ALEPH: Revista de Literatura Hispnica 1886-5089 2006 Beatriz Ferrs Antn; Alejandro Garca Reidy; Anna Cho ver Lafarga; Jos Mara Martnez Simn; Ana Roig Hernndez; Eva Soler Sasera "Asociac in ALEPH; Departamento de Filologa Espaola; Facultad de Filologa; Avda. Blasco Ibez, 3 2; 46006 Valencia," Spain (34) 96 3864862 (34) 96 3864492 Yes Yes _de_Aleph.htm No "Tables of contents, submission, and sub scription information." EUR 10.00/year plus shipping and handling "Publishes work that foc uses on any aspect of Spanish and Latin American literature, including comparati ve literature and literary theory related to Spanish cultural history.Accepts pa pers from researchers from all over the world, but is specifically aimed at thos e young researchers who are working on their doctoral thesis. Its purpose is to become a new reference point for studies related to all areas of Spanish and Lat in American literature by offering quality studies, and to present to the scient ific community some of the results of the investigations of young researchers." Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Literary theory and criticism; Co mparative literature No No No Yes Spanish Annual No Separate Asociacin ALEPH Universidad de V alencia No No "7,000 words" "MLA, see website" 1 No Author and publisher Not retu rned 1-3 months 3-6 months 3 20 10-15 9/20/2006 7250 Ciberletras Ciberletras 1523-1720 1999 Cristina Guiaz; Susana Haydu "Department of Languages and Literatures; Lehman College; Bedford Park Boulevard West; Bronx, NY" 10468-1589 United S tates "Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University, PO Box 208204, N ew Haven, CT 06250, United States (Haydu)" 203 876-0151; 203 795-0624 203 795-8605; No Yes Yes City University of New York 2 times/year Open access online journal. Free Publishes scholarly work about the literatures and cultures of S pain and Latin America. Essays may cover any time period or artistic movement an d discuss the work of any particular author from any critical viewpoint. Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Spanish culture; Latin American c ulture Yes Yes No Yes English; Spanish "2 times /year (Dec, July)" No "Lehman College, CUNY" "Lehman College, CUNY" No No 15-20 p ages 2-4 pages 7-10 pages MLA 1 No "Submit article preferably as e-mail attachment to e-mail above. If unable to send e-mai l, submit copy on disk in Microsoft Word format." Author Not returned 4-8 weeks Varies 2 Varies 50-70 Varies Varies

Varies Varies 4/16/2008 7760 Dissidences Dissidences: Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism 1553-6793 2005 Gustavo Favern Patriau "Bowdoin College; Department of Romance Languages; Sills Hall 119; Brunswick, ME" 4011 United States 207 725-8740; No Yes Yes Electronic journal "3 times/year (Sept, Jan, May)" Open access online journal. Free Publishes work on Spanish and Latin American literatures and cul tures of all periods. Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Spanish c ulture; Latin American culture; Literary theory and criticism; Cultural theory Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Catalan "3 times /year (Sept, Jan, May)" Yes Free or on an exchange basis Gustavo Favern PatriauLetra de Cambio Book reviews are by special requ est only. No No " 3,000-30,000 words" " 700-3,000 words" " 700-3,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit a s e-mail attachment. See website for stylesheet. Journal Returned 1-3 months 1-2 months 2-3 80 30 18 8 3 9/26/2005 7760 Dissidences Dissidences: Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism 1553-6793 2005 Gustavo Favern Patriau "Bowdoin College; Department of Romance Languages; Sills Hall 119; Brunswick, ME" 4011 United States 207 725-8740; No Yes Yes Electronic journal "3 times/year (Sept, Jan, May)" Open access online journal. Free Publishes work on Spanish and Latin American literatures and cul tures of all periods. Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Spanish c ulture; Latin American culture; Literary theory and criticism; Cultural theory Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Catalan "3 times /year (Sept, Jan, May)" Yes Free or on an exchange basis Gustavo Favern PatriauLetra de Cambio Book reviews are by special requ est only. No No " 3,000-30,000 words" " 700-3,000 words" " 700-3,000 words" MLA 1 Yes Submit a s e-mail attachment. See website for stylesheet. Journal Returned 1-3 months 1-2 months 2-3 80 30 18 8 3 9/26/2005 4690 CAld Cuadernos de ALDEEU 0740-0632 1983 Reyes Fidalgo "California State University, Fullerton; Department of Modern La nguages; PO Box 6846; Fullerton, CA" 92834 United States 657 278 -4563 657 278-5944 Yes Yes http://www.aldee No "Some full text back issues, submission, and sub scription information." USD 50.00/year "Publishes articles, notes, and reviews in all fields re presented by the members of the Asociacin de Licenciados y Doctores en los Estado s Unidos. The major focus is on Spanish literature, history, and art, Spanish Am erican literature, and cultural relations between Spain and the United States." Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Spanish culture; Spanish history Yes Yes No Yes Spanish; English; Portuguese Annual Yes USD 150.00/full page Consecutive Asociacin de Lice nciados y Doctores en los Estados Unidos (Spanish Professionals in America) Asociacin de Licenciados y Doctores en los Estados Unidos (Spanish Professionals in America) Preference is given to members of the association. Reviews are s olicited. No No 12-20 pages " 700-1, 000 words" 4-8 pages MLA 2 Yes Submit on electronic cop y with personal information and two blind printed copies by mail. Journal Returned; enclose return postage 2 months 8-10 months 3 minimu m 35-50 6-10 6-10 13-14 2-3 6/15/201 0 7836 HIOL Hispanic Issues On Line 1931-8006 2006 Luis Martn-Estudillo; Nicholas Spadaccini "Department of Spanish and Portu guese Studies; University of Minnesota; 19 Folwell Hall; 9 Pleasant Street SE; M

inneapolis, MN," 55455 United States "Luis Martn-Estudillo, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 416 Phillips Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States" 612 625-9028 612 626-0532 No Yes Yes LOCKSS 1-3 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work devoted to the study of Hispanic and Lusophone c ultures. Journal aims to be an international forum for the analysis of current i ssues in this disciplines as well as a venue for new research dealing with areas of inquiry such as literary criticism, theory and historiography; popular and m ass culture; Hispanic cultural studies; literature and institutions; and Hispani c sociolinguistics." Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Spanish l inguistics; Literary theory and criticism; Cultural theory; Cultural studies No Yes No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 1-3 tim es/year No Separate Hispanic Issues Universi ty of Minnesota No No 20-25 pages MLA 1 No Submit one electronic copy. Journal Returned 2-3 months 4-6 months 2-3 2/18/2009 7836 HIOL Hispanic Issues On Line 1931-8006 2006 Luis Martn-Estudillo; Nicholas Spadaccini "Department of Spanish and Portu guese Studies; University of Minnesota; 19 Folwell Hall; 9 Pleasant Street SE; M inneapolis, MN," 55455 United States "Luis Martn-Estudillo, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 416 Phillips Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States" 612 625-9028 612 626-0532 No Yes Yes LOCKSS 1-3 times/year Open access online journal. Free "Publishes work devoted to the study of Hispanic and Lusophone c ultures. Journal aims to be an international forum for the analysis of current i ssues in this disciplines as well as a venue for new research dealing with areas of inquiry such as literary criticism, theory and historiography; popular and m ass culture; Hispanic cultural studies; literature and institutions; and Hispani c sociolinguistics." Spanish literature; Latin American literature; Spanish l inguistics; Literary theory and criticism; Cultural theory; Cultural studies No Yes No Yes English; Spanish; Portuguese 1-3 tim es/year No Separate Hispanic Issues Universi ty of Minnesota No No 20-25 pages MLA 1 No Submit one electronic copy. Journal Returned 2-3 months 4-6 months 2-3 2/18/2009 Revista Revista Revista Revista Journal Revista Hispanica Moderna de Estudios Hispanicos Iberoamericana Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos of Latin American Cultural Studies de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana

" ""Very Good"" Journals" Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies A Contracorriente (online journal) Studies in Latin American Popular Culture "Hispamerica (some would not agree, but I really like it)" " ""Good"" journals" Chasqui Confluencia Hispania (?) Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporanea

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