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Tumanawa: Transformation through travel

Developing country experiences for young offenders


Ka Pai Kaiti Trust

%ection 1. Executive summary 2. Methodology 3. o!text #. The case $or a! overseas %tra!s$ormative& programme 5. Existi!g %tra!s$ormative& programmes ". ompo!e!ts o$ a! e$$ective experie!ce ). *isk assessme!t a!d mitigatio! +. Evaluatio! guideli!es (. o!clusio!s a!d recomme!datio!s ,ppe!dix Page num&er 3 5 " 1' 12 1( 21 23 25 2"

-./ 0,.ME*1 The report was made possi2le through $u!di!g $rom the Mi!istry o$ /ocial -evelopme!t. The views expressed i! this report do !ot !ecessarily re$lect the positio! or views o$ Ka Pai Kaiti Trust !or the Mi!istry o$ /ocial -evelopme!t. The mai! author o$ the report was Tom /harma! with support $rom Ma!u addie 3-irector4 ,5. .!ter!atio!al 0td.6 a!d 7oshua 8harehi!ga 3 hairperso!4 Ka Pai Kaiti Trust6.


Travel broadens the mind, and raises the spirits

Early twe!tieth ce!tury prover2

'( xecutive summary

Travel ca! 2e tra!s$ormative $or a!yo!e4 at a!y age a!d at a!y stage i! their li$e. :etti!g a taste o$ a!other cou!try4 a di$$ere!t culture4 with a di$$ere!t way o$ looki!g at the world ca! 2e a hugely rewardi!g experie!ce. ;or some people4 a trip will cha!ge everythi!g< whe! they retur! home li$e will !ever 2e the same agai!. =ut this report is !ot a2out the merits o$ travel i! ge!eral or a2out a trip to a!y particular cou!try. >! the co!trary4 it is co!cer!ed with a very speci$ic area1 explori!g overseas travel opportu!ities $or you!g o$$e!ders4 or those at risk o$ o$$e!di!g4 that are likely to have a positive impact o! their lives a!d perso!al developme!t. The aim is to provide use$ul 2ackgrou!d a!d practical i!$ormatio! to aid the Ka Pai Kaiti Trust as it looks to develop a pilot programme i! :is2or!e. ;or its co!clusio!s a!d recomme!datio!s this report draws o! a! a!alysis o$ docume!ts a!d other outputs a!d a limited !um2er o$ i!terviews with people worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders i! :is2or!e a!d orga!isatio!s curre!tly providi!g %tra!s$ormative& experie!ces i! developi!g cou!tries. ?ou!g o$$e!di!g is clearly a pro2lem i! :is2or!e4 co!sists largely o$ %disho!esty& o$$e!ces a!d occurs at a rate which exceeds the ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!d !atio!al average. The overwhelmi!g maBority o$ o$$e!ces are perpetrated 2y you!g me! who sel$Cide!ti$y as Maori. The reaso!s $or youth o$$e!di!g i! :is2or!e are complex4 multilayered a!d comprise a ra!ge o$ $actors i!cludi!g lo!gCterm structural patter!s o$ social a!d eco!omic cha!ge a!d their impact o! $amily9wha!au li$e a!d more immediate $actors4 such as a lack o$ educatio!al4 employme!t a!d positive social opportu!ities $or you!g people. There are a ra!ge o$ services aimed at reduci!g youth o$$e!di!g a!d aidi!g perso!al developme!t i! :is2or!e 2ut there is a lack o$ hard data to clearly demo!strate which approaches are most e$$ective. 5owever4 there is a co!se!sus amo!gst those i!terviewed $or this report4 2acked up 2y other rece!t research4 that holistic programmes that e!gage 2oth you!g people a!d their $amilies are more success$ul tha! o!es that do !ot. There are a large !um2er o$ existi!g programmes $or you!g people that i!volve a tra!s$ormative experie!ce i! a developi!g cou!try. *ather tha! attempt to research them all4 this report provides a s!apshot o$ provisio! with a special emphasis o! programmes likely to 2e releva!t to you!g o$$e!ders. >verseas experie!ces are grouped i!to three 2road types1 employme!t opportu!ities4 structured challe!ges a!d u!structured i!teractio!s with o!e or more 2rie$ case studies providi!g a! example programme $or each. >verseas employme!t opportu!ities are see! as i!appropriate $or you!g o$$e!ders4 due to their lack o$ use$ul skills $or developi!g cou!try commu!ities4 2ut 2oth structured challe!ges a!d


u!structured i!teractio!s are credi2le %tra!s$ormative& experie!ces that could work $or them. ;or reaso!s o$ cost e$$icie!cy a!d utilisi!g experie!ce a!d capacity 2uilt up over ma!y years4 existi!g providers should 2e used as $ar as possi2le. reati!g a !ew programme $rom scratch should 2e see! as a last resort. ,ll e$$ective overseas experie!ce share a !um2er o$ commo! compo!e!ts that ca! 2e 2roadly grouped i!to three categories1 2e$ore4 duri!g4 a!d a$ter the overseas experie!ce. ,! example $ramework 3see page 1(6 $or the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme outli!es these. ,!y experie!ce set i! a developi!g cou!try poses challe!ges di$$ere!t to those $or activities taki!g place at home. There are additio!al risks i! worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders a!d special co!sideratio! !eeds to 2e give! to their particular !eeds. , risk assessme!t ta2le 3see page 216 sets out these i!dividual risks a!d mitigatio! strategies i! detail. , good evaluatio! o$ a!y pilot is esse!tial to demo!strate its e$$ective!ess a!d pote!tial to 2e scaled up. ,! evaluatio! o$ the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel pilot programme should aim to gather data $rom di$$ere!t time periods a!d compare data $rom programme participa!ts with data draw! $rom a co!trol group. This report co!cludes with eight maBor recomme!datio!s $or taki!g $orward the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme.

#ote on terms used The term )young offenders* is used as shortha!d $or all you!g people 2elow the age o$ 1) who have committed a crimi!al o$$e!ce a!d who have 2ee! ide!ti$ied as %you!g o$$e!ders& 2y pro$essio!als worki!g i! the youth sector4 regardless o$ whether they have 2ee! $ormally prosecuted a!d co!victed.


+( Methodology
This scopi!g report draws o! three mai! sources1 a!alysis o$ docume!ts a!d other outputs4 i!cludi!g we2sites14 three semiCstructured i!terviews with people i!volved i! worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders i! the :is2or!e area4 o!e semiCstructured i!terview with someo!e with experie!ce o$ you!g o$$e!ders outside the :is2or!e area4 a!d three semiCstructured i!terviews with represe!tatives o$ orga!isatio!s curre!tly providi!g %tra!s$ormative& experie!ces i! developi!g cou!tries. 2 :ive! time a!d resource co!strai!ts a decisio! was take! !ot to co!duct !ew primary research with you!g o$$e!ders themselves4 although several o$ the seco!dary sources cited do co!tai! their views. ;or similar reaso!s existi!g a!d pote!tial host commu!ities i! developi!g cou!tries were !ot co!tacted as part o$ this research. 5owever4 their views a!d perspectives are critical to the e$$ective executio! o$ a!y success$ul overseas experie!ce. The :is2or!eC2ased i!terviewees were ide!ti$ied 2y the Ka Pai Kaiti Trust to provide the author with use$ul i!$ormatio! a!d perspectives o! worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders. The represe!tatives o$ orga!isatio!s curre!tly providi!g %tra!s$ormative& experie!ces were ide!ti$ied 2y the author4 through a mixture o$ recomme!datio!s4 we2C2ased searches a!d preCexisti!g k!owledge. 8hilst !ot exhaustive4 the orga!isatio!s i!terviewed comprise a ra!ge o$ those i!volved i! providi!g a variety o$ overseas experie!ces $or people4 !ot limited to you!g o$$e!ders4 2ased i! @ew Aeala!d a!d the DK. >rigi!ally this research was to i!clude ,ustralia a!d attempts were made to co!tact orga!isatio!s 2ased there. D!$ortu!ately the lack o$ i!$ormatio! gai!ed $rom these excha!ges made it impossi2le to i!clude that cou!try $ully i! this report. There is always a risk with a!y research exercise i!volvi!g o!ly a sample o$ those i!volved that their views are !ot represe!tative o$ the wider group. .deally4 every orga!isatio! worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders i! :is2or!e a!d every orga!isatio! providi!g %tra!s$ormative& overseas experie!ces would have 2ee! i!terviewed 2ut this was !ot practical to do so give! the time a!d resources devoted to this scopi!g report. ;urther research may 2e use$ul 2ut the author 2elieves the i!$ormatio! provided is likely to 2e ge!erally represe!tative o$ the views a!d expertise i! the stakeholder sectors o$ youth Bustice4 youth developme!t a!d commu!ity developme!t. , copy o$ the Euestio!s used i! the semiCstructured i!terviews ca! 2e $ou!d i! the ,ppe!dix to this report.

1 2

/ee the ,ppe!dix $or a $ull list o$ docume!ts a!d outputs co!sidered 2y this scopi!g report. /ee the ,ppe!dix $or a $ull list o$ those i!terviewed $or this scopi!g report. 592+

,( $ontext
The extent of youth offending in the Gis&orne area
=oth the o$$icial statistics a!d the results o$ i!terviews with those worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders i! :is2or!e pai!t a stro!g a!d cohere!t picture1 youth o$$e!di!g is a pro2lem4 largely co!sists o$ %disho!esty& o$$e!ces such as shopCli$ti!g a!d 2urglary4 is higher tha! the ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!d !atio!al average4 a!d is perpetrated overwhelmi!g 2y you!g me! who sel$Cide!ti$y as Maori.
Gis&orne offenders '-.'/ years old 0+111.+11234 &y ethnicity and gender

"egend Male Maori 35(F6 ;emale Maori 32"F6 Male aucasia! 31'F6 ;emale aucasia! 33F6 Male Paci$ic .sla!der 31F6 ;emale Paci$ic .sla!der 3'F6 Male D!k!ow! 31F6 ;emale D!k!ow! 31F6

/ource1 @A Police3

More rece!t data suggests that i$ a!ythi!g4 these tre!ds are eve! more pro!ou!ced with the o$$icial youth Bustice system a!d support services deali!g with arou!d (5F Maori a!d arou!d ('F male.# .! terms o$ volume4 Gper capita we&re up there at the top o$ the scale4H accordi!g to *ewi 7oyce o$ hild ?outh I ;amily /ervices 3 ?;6. 5 :is2or!e ?; have worked with 1#3 o$$e!ders i! the past $iscal year 3a2out 5F o$ the ?outh Populatio!6." ,rou!d 5'C+' :is2or!e you!g people go through the ?outh ourt process each year.) >!e i! te! @gati Porou 3the largest iwi or tri2al group i! :is2or!e6 ra!gatahi9youth livi!g i! Kaiti appear 2e$ore the youth court each year. + ,!ecdotally4 i! Kaiti police have said that4 Ga2out !i!e $amilies give them ('F o$ the workH.(

:raphs take! $rom 8hakapJmau Tao!ga1 Kaiti ?outh -evelopme!t a!d >$$e!di!g *eductio! /trategy 2'1'2'154 page 32. # .!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6. 5 .!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6. " .!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6. ) .!terview with Meredith ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou Te Tairawhiti6. + 8hakapJmau Tao!ga1 Kaiti ?outh -evelopme!t a!d >$$e!di!g *eductio! /trategy 2'1' 2'154 page 12. ( .!terview with 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou6. "92+

The geography of youth offending in Gis&orne

>$$icial data suggests that there is a higher level o$ o$$e!di!g 2y you!g people $rom the >uter Kaiti a!d Kaiti /outh areas. Kaiti accou!ts $or over 5'F o$ ?outh ourt clie!ts i! :is2or!e 2ut o!ly has 3'F o$ 1#C1" year olds livi!g i! :is2or!e. 1' 5owever4 ?; report that there is a4 Gge!eral spread across the tow!H i! terms o$ the origi!s o$ you!g o$$e!ders who are re$erred to them. 11
Gis&orne 5outh $ourt +11/.+1164 &y neigh&ourhood

/ource1 Mi!istry o$ 7ustice12


8hakapJmau Tao!ga1 Kaiti ?outh -evelopme!t a!d >$$e!di!g *eductio! /trategy 2'1' 2'154 page 12. 11 .!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6. 12 :raph take! $rom 8hakapJmau Tao!ga1 Kaiti ?outh -evelopme!t a!d >$$e!di!g *eductio! /trategy 2'1'2'154 page 31. )92+

Gis&orne 5outh $ourt $lients +11/.+116

/ource1 Mi!istry o$ 7ustice13

7hy young people in Gis&orne offend

The reaso!s why you!g people i! :is2or!e commit crimi!al o$$e!ces are complex4 multilayered a!d are !ot the primary $ocus o$ this report. 5owever4 it is $air to say that there are a ra!ge o$ $actors $rom lo!gCterm structural patter!s o$ social a!d eco!omic cha!ge a!d their impact o! $amily9wha!au li$e a!d support systems 1# a!d more immediate $actors o$ a lack o$ educatio!al4 employme!t a!d positive social opportu!ities $or you!g people. ,s Meredith ,kuhataC=row! puts it4 Gcrimi!al activity is Ko$te!L 2ased o! 2oredom M there&s !ot a lot to do o! a rai!y day. lu2s a!d sports cost mo!ey a!d a large proportio! o$ our youth ca!&t do thatH. 15 , similar se!time!t is expressed 2y a you!g o$$e!der i!terviewed $or a study looki!g at the e$$ective!ess o$ :is2or!e *a!gatahi ourt1 G*a!gatahi K?outhsL !eed somethi!g that keep them goi!g out every day. /omethi!g that wo!&t make them 2ored.H 1"

$urrent provision for young offenders and those at ris8 of offending

There is some de2ate 2etwee! those i!volved i! the youth sector as to exactly how much provisio! there is $or you!g o$$e!ders i! the :is2or!e area.

:raph take! $rom 8hakapJmau Tao!ga1 Kaiti ?outh -evelopme!t a!d >$$e!di!g *eductio! /trategy 2'1'2'154 page 31. 1# .!terview with 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou6. 15 .!terview with Meredith ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou Te Tairawhiti6. 1" ited i! Kaitiaki *esearch a!d Evaluatio! 0imited4 :is2or!e *a!gatahi ourt1 .mprovi!g >utcomes $or ?ou!g >$$e!ders C ,! Exploratory /tudy4 2'1'4 page (. +92+

There are a ra!ge o$ services ra!gi!g $rom me!tori!g to pare!ti!g programmes4 drug a!d alcohol cou!selli!g4 a!d alter!ative educatio!. 1) 5owever4 it has 2ee! argued that there are a lack o$ optio!s 2esides school or alter!ative educatio! $or those u!der 1" years o$ age.1+

%uccessful approaches
There appears to 2e a lack o$ hard data4 or lo!gCterm studies4 that show what works whe! deali!g with you!g o$$e!ders i! :is2or!e. @evertheless it seems that there is co!se!sus amo!gst the youth sector as to the types o$ programmes that are most likely to lead to positive outcomes i! terms o$ perso!al developme!t a!d reduci!g reC o$$e!di!g. There is co!se!sus amo!gst the i!terviewees worki!g i! :is2or!e that i!volvi!g the wider $amily or wha!au is crucial. ,s *ewi 7oyce puts it4 GProgrammes that work with $amilies a!d you!g people at the same time4 that address the home e!viro!me!t as wellH are more likely to 2e success$ul.1( This is also supported 2y rece!t research. 2' Programmes that take a holistic approach to a you!g perso!&s stre!gths4 weak!esses a!d ide!tity are see! as the 2est4 e!a2li!g them to $ix a!d4 Greco!!ect to %2roke! worlds& M home4 school4 commu!ity4 matesH as Meredith ,kuhataC=row! descri2es it.21 There is also agreeme!t i! releva!t rece!t literature a!d the local youth sector that due to the high proportio! o$ you!g o$$e!ders sel$Cide!ti$yi!g as Maori4 success$ul programmes also have a %cultural compo!e!t& to them. 22 This ca! i!clude traci!g a you!g perso!&s ge!ealogy9whakapapa a!d helpi!g him to u!dersta!d his Maori ide!tity. 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! argues that4 Ga co!!ectio! to $amily is a good start $or 2elo!gi!gH.23 , commo! $ou!datio! u!derpi!!i!g all success$ul work with you!g o$$e!ders is that programmes !eed to 2e lo!gCterm a!d assured o$ $u!di!g $or the lo!gCterm. ,s Meredith ,kuhataC=row! put it4 G?ou ca!&t work with a youth o! a shortCterm co!tractH.2# , similar poi!t was made 2y 7e$$rey *ahari1 GThe medicatio! $or 1" is 1) M withi! o!e year you ca! see a di$$ere!ce4 maturity. /o there&s !o Euick $ixH. 25 This reality is !ot always recog!ised 2y $u!ders a!d $u!di!g processes.
1) 1+

.!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6. .!terview with 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou6. 1( .!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6. 2' /ee4 $or example1 Kaitiaki *esearch a!d Evaluatio! 0imited4 :is2or!e *a!gatahi ourt1 .mprovi!g >utcomes $or ?ou!g >$$e!ders C ,! Exploratory /tudy4 2'1'4 page 1 a!d -owde! a!d - , ,!drews4 -oes ;amily .!terve!tio! 8ork $or -eli!Eue!tsN *esults o$ a MetaC,!alysis4 a!adia! 7our!al o$ rimi!ology a!d rimi!al 7ustice4 7uly 2''31 pages 32)C3#2. 21 .!terview with Meredith ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou Te Tairawhiti6. 22 .!terview with *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6< 0 @atha! et al4 Maaramata!ga1 D!dersta!di!g what works to reduce o$$e!di!g 2y you!g Maori4 prepared the Mi!istry o$ 7ustice4 ;e2ruary 2''+.9 Kaitiaki *esearch a!d Evaluatio! 0imited4 :is2or!e *a!gatahi ourt1 .mprovi!g >utcomes $or ?ou!g >$$e!ders C ,! Exploratory /tudy4 2'1'4 23 .!terview with 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou6. 2# .!terview with Meredith ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou Te Tairawhiti6. 25 .!terview with 7e$$rey *ahari 3ex halle!ge 2'''6. (92+

-( The case for an overseas )transformative* programme

7hy overseas:
, !um2er o$ those who comme!ted o! a! earlier dra$t o$ this report made the o2vious poi!t1 why does %tra!s$ormatio!& have to take place overseas i! a developi!g cou!tryN The a!swer is that it does !ot a!d that o$ course there are programmes that aid you!g o$$e!ders& perso!al developme!t without them leavi!g the cou!try 3this is !ot the $ocus o$ this report6. .! ma!y cases the perso!al circumsta!ces o$ the you!g o$$e!der a!d the risks i!volved to a! orga!isatio! will make a! overseas experie!ce prohi2itive. =ut it is eEually true that the opportu!ities $or tra!s$ormatio! ca! 2e greater a!d the impact $or the i!dividual participa!t lo!gerClasti!g i! a! overseas programme. There are three maBor opportu!ities that a! experie!ce overseas i! a developi!g cou!try o$$er that a! experie!ce at home ca!!ot1 , cha!ce to experie!ce a!d u!dersta!d a! %alie!& culture i! a! u!$amiliar e!viro!me!t. =ei!g exposed to li$e i! a!other cou!try ca! i!deed %2roade! the mi!d&. 7e$$rey *ahari argues that4 Ga!ythi!g to do with a! excha!ge o$ culture is getti!g you!g people to thi!k outside the !orm. This is more so $or you!g people at riskH.2" , cha!ce to temporarily discard a damaged perso!al ide!tity. 0eavi!g the home commu!ity4 the site o$ %trou2le& a!d spe!d time i! a $resh place ca! help 2reak 2ad ha2its. , cha!ce to re$lect a!d compare li$e i! di$$ere!t commu!ities. *egardless o$ whether this is ascri2ed 2y participa!ts to %luck&4 %history& or %socioCeco!omic $orces& it ca! spur participa!ts to seiOe the opportu!ities that they do have 2ack home. *ece!t research 2y the DK thi!k ta!k -emos i!to the 2e!e$its o$ overseas volu!teeri!g $or participa!ts $ou!d that1 , large proportio! o$ participa!ts 3more tha! +'F6 reported i!creased sel$C co!$ide!ce4 sel$Crelia!ce4 motivatio!4 i!creased commu!icatio!4 teamCworki!g a!d leadership skills. , maBority $elt that volu!teeri!g had i!creased their aspiratio!s i! terms o$ educatio! a!d a career. The 2e!e$its were Gparticularly largeH $or recipie!ts o$ a mea!sCtested 2ursary i.e. those $rom poorer 2ackgrou!ds.2) 8ith a programme executed appropriately there is !o good reaso! why you!g o$$e!ders should !ot also 2e!e$it $rom overseas experie!ces i! developi!g cou!tries. .!deed4 a programme that e!a2les this to happe! could provoke some surprisi!g results. ,s 7e$$rey *ahari puts it4 G.$ you always do what you&ve always do!e you&ll

2" 2)

.!terview with 7e$$rey *ahari 3ex halle!ge 2'''6. 7 =irdwell4 /ervice .!ter!atio!al4 -emos4 2'114 pages 1' a!d 111$iles9/erviceP.!ter!atio!alCwe2.pd$N1311+5'3#2 1'92+

always get what you&ve always got M so outside o$ the !orm you&ll get a di$$ere!t result altogetherH.2+


.!terview with 7e$$rey *ahari 3ex halle!ge 2'''6. 1192+

;( xisting )transformative* programmes

.! a !um2er o$ developed cou!tries there are a large !um2er o$ programmes $or you!g people that i!volve a %tra!s$ormative& experie!ce i! a developi!g cou!try. ;or example4 a 2''# DK :over!me!tCcommissio!ed review o$ the gap year sector ide!ti$ied more tha! +'' orga!isatio!s o$$eri!g overseas volu!teeri!g placeme!ts i! 2'' cou!tries.2( More rece!tly4 a review co!ducted 2y the thi!k ta!k -emos ide!ti$ied +5 Gspecialist :ap year providersH i! the DK which4 i! total4 Gplace over 5'4''' participa!ts i! over (' cou!triesH.3' This report makes !o attempt to research them all. .!stead it provides a s!apshot o$ provisio! i! two cou!tries1 ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!d a!d the D!ited Ki!gdom that is deemed to 2e most releva!t to the Ka Pai Kaiti Trust&s aspiratio!s $or a Tra!s$ormative Through Travel programme i! :is2or!e. .! this selectio! a key co!sideratio! was whether a programme was likely to 2e appropriate $or you!g o$$e!ders.

7hat is a )transformative* overseas experience:

There are a !um2er o$ ways to look at this 2ut this report is co!cer!ed with the impact o! the i!dividual participa!t i! a programme. %Tra!s$ormatio!& is !ever as simple as a cha!ge $rom %2ad& to %good& or $rom %closed& to %ope!&. =ut $or a! experie!ce to 2e co!sidered tra!s$ormative it does have to have a positive impact o! the i!dividual4 to $acilitate a !ew way o$ looki!g at thi!gs a!d mea! somethi!g $or the participa!t 2eyo!d the duratio! o$ the trip.

Participant characteristics
There is little academic research i!to the types o$ people who have take! part i! the types o$ overseas experie!ces outli!ed a2ove. 5owever4 the DK :over!me!tC commissio!ed review $ou!d that gap year participa!ts 3overseas experie!ces are !ot co!$i!ed to gap years6 were predomi!a!tly white4 $emale4 a!d $rom relatively a$$lue!t %middleCclass& 2ackgrou!ds.31 .! co!trast4 a! .PP* evaluatio! commissio!ed 2y *aleigh .!ter!atio!al looked speci$ically at *aleigh&s work with disadva!taged you!g people over twe!tyC$ive years. 32 ,lthough !ot explicitly co!cer!ed with you!g o$$e!ders it is clear that you!g o$$e!ders have take! part i! *aleigh programmes. ;or example4 G#3 per ce!t o$ survey respo!de!ts said that their willi!g!ess to e!gage i!

, 7o!es4 *eview o$ :ap ?ear Provisio!4 -$E/ *esearch *eport 5554 2''#4 page 15 1 http199www.rgs.org9@*9rdo!lyres931#)-)=-C535(C#3+)C=, (C E +'E )-+5;9'9,!drew7o!es$or-$E/2''3.pd$ 3' 7 =irdwell4 /ervice .!ter!atio!al4 -emos4 2'114 page (1$iles9/erviceP.!ter!atio!alCwe2.pd$N1311+5'3#2 31 , 7o!es4 *eview o$ :ap ?ear Provisio!4 -$E/ *esearch *eport 5554 2''#4 page 121 http199www.rgs.org9@*9rdo!lyres931#)-)=-C535(C#3+)C=, (C E +'E )-+5;9'9,!drew7o!es$or-$E/2''3.pd$ 32 .PP*4 *allyi!g together1 a research study o$ *aleigh&s work with disadva!taged you!g people4 2''(1 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9$iles9ipprF2';D00F2'*aleighF2'withF2'$ro!t F2'cover.pd$


risky 2ehaviour such as drug taki!g or crime decreased as a result o$ taki!g part i! *aleigh.H33 >! the 2asis o$ this limited research it seems reaso!a2le to assume that $ew you!g o$$e!ders have take! part i! DKC2ased programmes4 eve! i$ this is !ot the case i! @ew Aeala!d.

xisting programmes for young offenders

8e ca! 2e reaso!a2ly co!$ide!t that there are !o ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!dC2ased orga!isatio!s providi!g overseas experie!ces i! developi!g cou!tries $or you!g o$$e!ders i! with a!y degree o$ regularity or scale. ertai!ly !o!e o$ the maBor i!ter!atio!al developme!t charities or !o!Cgover!me!tal orga!isatio!s i! ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!d are i!volved i! such a! i!itiative. 5owever4 there are a !um2er o$ orga!isatio!s u!dertaki!g ad hoc i!itiatives i! this area. Te >ra 5ou ,otearoa is a !atio!al $aithC2ased !etwork o$ Maori youth a!d commu!ity orga!isatio!s that has a history o$ $acilitati!g overseas travel $or you!g people i!volved with its programmes arou!d the cou!try. Previous trips have i!cluded visits to commu!ities i! =urma4 Thaila!d4 the Philippi!es4 ;iBi4 the /olomo! .sla!ds4 @epal a!d other Paci$ic a!d ,sia! cou!tries. These are usually ad hoc visits orga!ised 2etwee! Te >ra 5ou sta$$9volu!teers a!d co!tacts i! the host cou!try. There is !o o!Cgoi!g programme 2ut a! o!goi!g commitme!t withi! the orga!isatio! has provided these travel opportu!ities $or a sig!i$ica!t !um2er o$ %at risk& you!g people4 2oth male a!d $emale a!d mostly Maori. >!e $ormal evaluatio! shows evide!ce o$ positive 2e!e$its $rom a! excha!ge trip i!volvi!g si!gle mothers $rom ;iBi a!d ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!d.3# 8e ca!!ot 2e certai! a2out DK provisio! give! the large siOe a!d complexity o$ the i!ter!atio!al developme!t sector. =ut there is at least o!e orga!isatio! 3discussed later6 that o$$ers opportu!ities to you!g o$$e!ders4 as part o$ providi!g opportu!ities to all you!g people.


.PP*4 *allyi!g together1 a research study o$ *aleigh&s work with disadva!taged you!g people4 2''(4 page 2+1 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9$iles9ipprF2';D00F2'*aleighF2'withF2'$ro!t F2'cover.pd$ a!d .!terview with =ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6. 3# ,mora!gi Ki Mua4 ;i!al evaluatio! report o$ the tee!age pare!ts educatio! developme!t proBect4 7u!e 2''". 1392+

$lassifying different overseas experiences in developing countries

There is !o de$i!itive way o$ categorisi!g di$$ere!t types o$ overseas experie!ces a!d there is always likely to 2e some overlap 2etwee! the di$$ere!t categories. This report groups programmes i!to three 2road types4 desig!ed to aid u!dersta!di!g a!d discussio!1 mployment opportunities M structured workCstyle placeme!ts. %tructured challenges M structured physical activities. =nstructured interactions M periods o$ time spe!t i! a host commu!ity to experie!ce daily li$e as it is $or the people livi!g there.

'( mployment opportunities

These are pro2a2ly the easiest experie!ces to u!dersta!d $or the outsider. They are usually desig!ed as regular Bo2s a!d are either volu!tary or with local rates o$ pay. There is a 2road ra!ge o$ orga!isatio!s providi!g overseas opportu!ities i! this area4 ra!gi!g $rom the gap yearCtype experie!ce $or 1+ year olds to a postCretireme!t work placeme!t $or a skilled pro$essio!al. Te Tuao Tawahi>!olunteer %ervice A&road 0!%A3 specialise i! co!!ecti!g skilled ,otearoa9@ew Aeala!d volu!teers with part!er orga!isatio!s i! developi!g cou!tries. The assig!me!ts are dema!dCdrive! 2y the !eeds o$ the developi!g cou!try orga!isatio! a!d the placeme!ts are lo!gCterm M usually arou!d two years. .! the te!sio! 2etwee! %i!ter!atio!al developme!t& 2e!e$itti!g the developi!g cou!try commu!ity a!d %perso!al developme!t& 2e!e$itti!g the i!dividual participa!t Q/, are clear that they exist to assist i!ter!atio!al developme!t more tha! they are there to promote perso!al developme!t. This is also the view o$ Mahitahi $atholic Overseas !olunteers who specialise i! shorterCterm placeme!ts o$ up to three mo!ths. hristi!a *eymer o$ Mahitahi explai!s the part!erCdrive! !ature o$ this4 $rom the drawi!g up o$ the Bo2 descriptio! to the selectio! o$ the i!dividual co!cer!ed. ;or example4 Gthe part!er has a look at the Q 2e$ore the volu!teer is se!tH. 35 8hile there are exceptio!s4 overseas work placeme!ts are most likely to 2e!e$it the host commu!ity i$ they are u!dertake! 2y experie!ced4 skilled pro$essio!als dedicated to spe!di!g a co!sidera2le amou!t o$ time overseas. They are also more likely to 2e!e$it the host commu!ity i$ the work4 a!d i!deed the programme4 has 2ee! i!itiated 2y the host commu!ity themselves. $osts Q/, e!courages each participa!t to $u!draise at least @AR24''' 2e$ore 2egi!!i!g a! assig!me!t.3" Mahitahi does !ot reEuire its volu!teers to $u!draise4 although it does e!courage the volu!teer&s commu!ity or parish to make a do!atio!. 3)
35 3"

.!terview with hristi!a *eymer 3Mahitahi6. Q/, we2site1!O9$aE9 3) Email excha!ge with hristi!a *eymer 3Mahitahi6. 1#92+

Relevance for young offenders

:ive! the dema!ds o$ employme!t opportu!ities4 i! most circumsta!ces they would 2e i!appropriate $or you!g o$$e!ders. More 2ecause they are %you!g& tha! 2ecause they are a! %o$$e!der& you!g o$$e!ders are u!likely to have the skills a!d experie!ce to really 2e!e$it the host commu!ity. , Q/, part!er put it like this4 G8e have e!ough you!g u!trai!ed people M do!&t se!d us yoursH.3+

+( %tructured challenges
There are a 2road ra!ge o$ these o! o$$er4 usually $eaturi!g a physical %test& o$ some ki!d4 such as a trek or 2ike ride. They ra!ge $rom what might 2e termed a short %e!ha!ced holiday& aimed at physically $it people o$ a!y age4 o$te! associated with raisi!g mo!ey $or a charity4 to a more tailored a!d lo!ger le!gth programme $or a speci$ic group o$ people. .! co!trast to the employme!t opportu!ityCtype placeme!t %perso!al developme!t& 2e!e$itti!g the i!dividual participa!t is the drivi!g $orce 2ehi!d this type o$ activity. ;or the %e!ha!ced holidays& the impact o! the developi!g cou!try is likely to 2e little di$$ere!t to that o$ a regular holiday M 2ri!gi!g i! extra resources that are likely to 2e u!eve!ly distri2uted4 with all the other opportu!ities a!d pro2lems that tourism 2ri!gs. Raleigh <nternational provide a lo!gerCle!gth structured challe!ge $or you!g people aged 1)C2# 3over 2# year olds ca! take part as volu!teer ma!agers6. D!usually they explicitly set out to work with a diverse group o$ you!g people4 i!cludi!g you!g o$$e!ders. The sta!dard programme lasts te! weeks a!d co!sists o$1 , 1 week orie!tatio! phase i! cou!try. 3 weeks spe!t worki!g o! a commu!ity proBect. 3 weeks spe!t worki!g o! a! e!viro!me!tal proBect. 3 weeks spe!t o! a! %adve!ture& trek.3( *aleigh have a threeCpro!ged policy o$ diversity4 service a!d challe!ge4 u!derpi!!ed 2y $acilitatio!4 me!tori!g a!d support. =ra!do! harlesto! descri2es this as1 G-iversity M people $rom all arou!d the world4 people $rom ,ustralia4 @ew Aeala!d a!d the host cou!try4 such as Malaysia4 as well as the DK. ,!d diversity o$ 2ackgrou!d M ra!gi!g $rom wellCtoCdo kids to those $rom more disadva!taged 2ackgrou!ds. G/ervice M you!g people wa!t to do somethi!g worthwhile4 o$ high value a!d high mea!i!g4 give somethi!g to others $or the greater good. G halle!ge M that they stretch themselves. ;or some this will 2e to lead a team o$ peers< others will wa!t to 2uild sel$Cco!$ide!ce< lear! !ew thi!gs or stay o$$ cigarettes $or the programme duratio!H.#'

3+ 3(

,s recou!ted i! a! i!terview with Peter /wai! 3Q/,6. .!terview with =ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6. #' .!terview with =ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6. 1592+

.! 2''+ *aleigh commissio!ed the thi!k ta!k .PP* to u!dertake a review o$ its work with you!g people $rom disadva!taged 2ackgrou!ds over a 25 year period. .PP* grouped its $i!di!gs accordi!g to %perso!al developme!t&4 %glo2al citiOe!ship a!d crossCcultural aware!ess&4 a!d %civic participatio!& a!d $ou!d that participa!ts were overwhelmi!g positive a2out their experie!ce with *aleigh4 particularly i! terms o$ perso!al developme!t.#1 $osts-+ *aleigh has a twoCtier system $or $u!draisi!g1 *egular participa!ts are reEuired to $u!draise approximately S34''' 3@AR"4'''6 $or a 1'Cweek expeditio!. This ca! 2e paid i! a!y way. ;i!a!ciallyCco!strai!ed participa!ts ca! apply $or a 2ursary. .$ accepted they reduce their $u!draisi!g target to approximately S24''' 3@AR#4'''6.

Relevance for young offenders

, structured challe!ge o$ the ki!d o$$ered 2y *aleigh .!ter!atio!al could work $or you!g o$$e!ders i! :is2or!e. :ive! that *aleigh have years o$ experie!ce worki!g with you!g people $rom disadva!taged 2ackgrou!ds4 i!cludi!g you!g o$$e!ders their programme is particularly releva!t a!d worthy o$ $urther detailed co!sideratio!. ,!ecdotally *aleigh report that their programme does result i! reduced reo$$e!di!g rates $or the you!g o$$e!ders taki!g part. #3 5owever4 the type o$ structured challe!ge o$$ered 2y *aleigh does pose some di$$icult Euestio!s $or the Ka Pai Kaiti Trust to a!swer. .! the discussio! a2ove 3see o!text6 co!cer!i!g success$ul approaches there was co!se!sus amo!g those worki!g i! the youth sector i! :is2or!e that the i!volveme!t o$ $amily9wha!au mem2ers was a! importa!t preco!ditio! o$ success. ?et *aleigh&s programme desig! does !ot i!clude you!g people havi!g a $amily mem2er alo!gside. *aleigh&s core approach ca! 2e see! as a rite o$ passage. There is separatio! $rom the k!ow! world4 challe!ge a!d me!tori!g< retur!i!g home. *aleigh&s $ormula o$ diversity4 service a!d challe!ge is a di$$ere!t programme tha! those i!corporati!g $amily mem2ers withi! the Bour!ey directly. 5owever4 preCdeparture a!d reCe!try support programmes could 2e desig!ed to meet the $amily i!volveme!t reEuireme!ts. ##

,( =nstructured interactions
D!structured i!teractio!s with people $rom developi!g cou!tries clearly $orm part o$ 2oth the experie!ces associated with employme!t opportu!ities a!d structured challe!ges. =ut i! !either o$ the two typologies a2ove are they the primary purpose o$ the experie!ce. D!structured i!teractio!s4 o$te! called %immersio!s&4 are timeC 2ou!d activities where the o2Bective is to spe!d time livi!g with a host commu!ity to

.PP*4 *allyi!g together1 a research study o$ *aleigh&s work with disadva!taged you!g people4 2''(1 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9$iles9ipprF2';D00F2'*aleighF2'withF2'$ro!t F2'cover.pd$ #2 *aleigh .!ter!atio!al we2site1 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9ourCexpeditio!s9agedC1)C2#9howC muchCwillCitCcost a!d http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9ourCexpeditio!s9agedC1)C2#9howCmuchCwillCitC cost9raleighC2ursaryCaward #3 Email excha!ge with =ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6. ## .!terview with =ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6. 1"92+

experie!ce li$e $rom their perspective as $ar as possi2le. They o$te! i!clude a! eleme!t o$ home stay M livi!g with a $amily $rom a developi!g cou!try M a!d spe!di!g time taki!g part i! the regular activities o$ people $rom the host commu!ity 2e they work or play. The idea is that 2y actually experie!ci!g li$e i! a developi!g cou!try commu!ity participa!ts will gai! !ew i!sight a!d perspective i!to their ow! lives a!d relatio!ships as well as greater u!dersta!di!g o$ others. ActionAid is o!e o$ a !um2er o$ i!ter!atio!al developme!t @:>s who ru! a! immersio!s programme. Primarily aimed at pro$essio!als worki!g $or gover!me!t aid age!cies4 ,ctio!,id&s immersio!s are desig!ed4 Gto test assumptio!s4 to develop !ew perspectives4 a!d to stre!gthe! commitme!t to the challe!ge o$ poverty eradicatio!. .mmersio!s help to put a $ace to povertyH. #5 ,ctio!,id&s immersio!s !ormally last $ive days4 i!cludi!g a day o$ i!Ccou!try preparatio!4 three days livi!g i! the host commu!ity4 a!d a day o$ review a!d re$lectio!. 8here E!glish is !ot the $irst la!guage o$ the commu!ity4 as is the case i! most margi!alised commu!ities i! the developi!g world4 each participa!t is assig!ed a! i!terpreter $lue!t i! the local la!guage. The approach is $lexi2le a!d i!$ormal a!d u!structured i! the se!se that there is !o prescriptio! set $or how the three days livi!g i! the host commu!ity should 2e spe!t. #" .! ,ctio!,id&s experie!ce there are three critical eleme!ts $or a success$ul experie!ce1 Trai!ed immersio! $acilitators M to help participa!ts to u!dersta!d whether their perso!al o2Bectives are achieva2le a!d how they might 2e achieved. =road participatio! M with participa!ts draw! $rom several di$$ere!t types o$ orga!isatio!1 Gdi$$ere!t perspectives ca! lead to deeper lear!i!gH. :ood i!terpretatio! M 2ecause the i!terpreter has e!ormous power i! determi!i!g the exte!t o$ i!teractio! 2etwee! the overseas participa!ts a!d the host commu!ity.#) $osts-6 ,ctio!,id charge S5'' 3approximately @AR14'''6 per participa!t. This does !ot i!clude air$ares4 i!sura!ce or accommodatio! outside o$ the threeCday immersio!.

>ther orga!isatio!s o$$er similar types o$ u!structured i!teractio!s. %ervants to Asia*s =r&an Poor*s %-iscovery Teams& programme o$$ers shortCterm homeCstays4 lasti!g o!e to $our weeks4 i! sEuatter commu!ities i! Ma!ila i! the Philippi!es. , 2''5 evaluatio! co!cluded that4 Gparticipati!gT has acted as a catalyst $or cha!ge i! most Kparticipa!ts&L livesH.#(

,ctio!,id4 .mmersio!s1 maki!g poverty perso!al1 http199www.actio!!te!t9docume!ts9immersio!sP2rochure.pd$ #" / *uparel4 .mmersio!s i! ,ctio!,id4 ..E-4 2'')1 http199pu2s.iied.org9:'2+)).html #) / *uparel4 .mmersio!s i! ,ctio!,id4 ..E-4 2'')1 http199pu2s.iied.org9:'2+)).html #+ Email excha!ge with /o!ya *uparel 3,ctio!,id6. 49 M /hearer4 atalyst $or ha!ge or Empty Excha!geN Evaluati!g the impact o$ short term homeC stays i! Ma!ila sEuatter commu!ities o! participati!g @ew Aeala!ders4 2''5. 1)92+


Relevance for young offenders

,! u!structured i!teractio! could work $or you!g o$$e!ders a!d their $amilies9wha!aus4 o$$eri!g a cha!ge to 2uild perso!al relatio!ships with people livi!g i! extreme poverty a!d to u!dersta!d how they cope with poverty a!d i!Bustice. ,! immersio! would provide them with a! overseas experie!ce with sig!i$ica!t tra!s$ormative pote!tial a!d o!e i! which 2oth the you!g perso! a!d the $amily9wha!au mem2er could take part without it cha!gi!g the !ature o$ the experie!ce. The 2iggest challe!ge would 2e i! adapti!g a programme desig!ed $or a di$$ere!t co!text a!d $or a di$$ere!t type o$ participa!t i!to a! activity appropriate $or you!g o$$e!ders.

;rom this 2rie$4 %s!apshot& i!vestigatio! o$ existi!g %tra!s$ormative& programmes4 it seems $airly clear that employme!t opportu!ities4 such as those o$$ered 2y Q/,4 are !ot appropriate $or you!g o$$e!ders. ?et 2oth structured challe!ges a!d u!structured i!teractio!s have sig!i$ica!t pote!tial to aid the perso!al developme!t o$ you!g o$$e!ders a!d o$$er them a credi2le %tra!s$ormative& experie!ce. :ive! the importa!ce o$ $amily9wha!au i!volveme!t4 as discussed i! sectio! three4 it is worth co!sideri!g how $amily9wha!au mem2ers might participate i! such a programme4 however it is $ormulated. There are two mai! optio!s1 ;ull participatio! M where the $amily9wha!au mem2er u!dertakes exactly the same experie!ce as the you!g o$$e!der4 i!cludi!g the overseas compo!e!t. Partial participatio! M where the $amily9wha!au mem2er does !ot go overseas 2ut does help their you!g perso! with preparatio! $or the trip4 i!cludi!g $u!draisi!g4 orie!tatio! a!d $ollowCup support. Much depe!ds o! the type o$ programme ultimately chose!.

=sing an existing provider or developing a new programme:

.$ a! e$$ective overseas programme that meets Ka Pai Kaiti&s o2Bectives already exists the! it should 2e used. reati!g a !ew programme $rom scratch is resourceC i!te!sive a!d di$$icult a!d should o!ly 2e attempted i$ there is !o suita2le optio! availa2le. This report suggests that 2oth the *aleigh .!ter!atio!alCtype o$ structured challe!ge a!d the ,ctio!,idCtype o$ u!structured i!teractio! could meet most o$ Ka Pai Kaiti&s !eeds4 although modi$icatio!s to the executio! o$ 2oth programmes may !eed to 2e made. , third optio! is that a hy2rid4 usi!g eleme!ts o$ a! existi!g programme with some Ka Pai Kaiti additio!s4 2e created. .! a!y eve!t4 the Tra!s$ormative Through Travel programme will !eed to 2e care$ully i!tegrated with other existi!g youth o$$e!di!g i!itiatives a!d o!goi!g programmes i! :is2or!e.


/( $omponents of an effective experience

, crucial preCreEuisite o$ success is the prior a!d i!$ormed co!se!t o$ the host commu!ity. 7e$$rey *ahari explai!s how this might 2e o2tai!ed i! the Paci$ic .sla!ds1 G,!y programme i! the Paci$ic !eeds to have the elders i! the commu!ity i!volved. The mome!t a! elder is i!volved respect is automatically there. 8he! they give i!structio!s there will 2e more respect existi!g 2etwee! that perso! a!d the commu!ity at large M they will k!ow the elders have give! the go aheadH. 5' ,ll e$$ective a!d wellCorga!ised overseas experie!ces share a !um2er o$ commo! compo!e!ts which a!y !ew i!itiative !eed to care$ully co!sider. =roadly these ca! 2e grouped i!to three categories1 =e$ore the overseas experie!ce -uri!g the overseas experie!ce ,$ter the overseas experie!ce Each eleme!t is importa!t a!d ca!!ot 2e overlooked. ,! example $ramework $or the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme is provided 2elow.

?efore the overseas experience

Activity ,pplicatio! process Purpose To u!dersta!d the you!g perso!&s 3a!d their $amily9wha!au mem2er&s6 motivatio!s $or this experie!ce To determi!e the you!g perso!&s suita2ility $or the experie!ce To e!sure that participa!ts are physically $it to u!dertake this programme a!d i!oculated agai!st commo! diseases To e!sure that there is !o legal reaso! why a perso! ca!!ot travel 3e.g. pe!di!g court case4 serious o$$e!di!g record that may 2lock e!try to other cou!tries6 To determi!e the you!g perso!&s 3a!d $amily9wha!au mem2er&s6 me!tal $it!ess to u!dertake this programme To e!sure that participa!ts $ully u!dersta!d what is i!volved4 i!cludi!g i!$ormatio! a2out the host cou!try a!d commu!ity4 a!d to meet other participa!ts To e!sure that expectatio!s o$ appropriate 2ehaviour are agreed ahead o$ the trip 7ho is involved ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er -octor Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives Police9Mi!istry o$ 7ustice hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices Psychologist9cou!cillor ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives

/electio! process Medical checks 3i!cludi!g vacci!atio!s6 Police checks

.!terview with psychologist9cou!cillor =rie$i!g programme

ode o$ co!duct draw! up 3i!volvi!g participa!ts to some exte!t6


.!terview with 7e$$rey *ahari 3ex halle!ge 2'''6. 2'92+

.!terview with pilot programme evaluator .mmigratio! docume!tatio! ;lights ,ccommodatio!

To track you!g perso!&s progress 3perso!al developme!t4 o$$e!di!g6 31 o$ 36 To e!sure legal e!try i!to the desti!atio! cou!try To get to a!d $rom the desti!atio! cou!try To e!sure that a suita2le place to stay is availa2le

?ou!g perso! Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives

During the overseas experience

Activity .! cou!try 2rie$i!g Purpose To e!sure everyo!e&s roles a!d expectatio!s are discussed 7ho is involved 5ost commu!ity represe!tative Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative .!terpreters 3i$ applica2le6 ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er 5ost commu!ity represe!tative Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative .!terpreters 3i$ applica2le6 ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er

*eleva!t activities

To e!sure 2oth hosts a!d visitors 2e!e$it $rom the experie!ce

-e2rie$i!g9re$lectio! exercise

To give space $or everyo!e to re$lect o! the experie!ce4 what it mea!t $or them a!d how they $eel a2out retur!i!g home

After the overseas experience

Activity .!terview with psychologist9cou!cillor .!terview with pilot programme evaluator withi! two weeks o$ retur!i!g Prese!tatio! 2ack to the Kaiti commu!ity o$ the you!g perso!&s experie!ce .!terview with pilot programme evaluator six mo!ths a$ter the overseas trip Purpose To assess you!g perso!&s 3a!d $amily9wha!au mem2er&s6 wellC 2ei!g To track you!g perso!&s progress 3perso!al developme!t4 o$$e!di!g6 32 o$ 36 To i!volve the wider commu!ity i! the experie!ce To track you!g perso!&s progress 3perso!al developme!t4 o$$e!di!g6 33 o$ 36 7ho is involved Psychologist9cou!cillor ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative ?ou!g perso! ;amily mem2er9wha!au ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative >ther pro$essio!al 3e.g. social worker4 teacher etc6 ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er ;rie!ds Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tatives ?ou!g perso! 5ost commu!ity represe!tative Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative

/upport !etwork upo! retur!

To provide the you!g perso! with a space to share their experie!ces with others who u!dersta!d To mai!tai! li!ks a!d 2uild u!dersta!di!g

;ollow up a!d o!goi!g relatio!ships with the host commu!ity



2( Ris8 assessment and mitigation

,!y experie!ce set i! a developi!g cou!try poses challe!ges. The !ature a!d degree o$ risks i! a! overseas experie!ce ca! 2e sig!i$ica!tly di$$ere!t $rom a! activity taki!g place at home. There are i!creased medical risks associated with !ew e!viro!me!ts M ill!ess4 disease4 i!Bury M a!d a !eed $or crisis ma!ageme!t pla!!i!g1 $or example i$ a participa!t 2reaks their leg o! a remote proBect it is u!likely that a! am2ula!ce would 2e a2le to arrive withi! te! mi!utes. 51 8orki!g with you!g o$$e!ders provides a $urther set o$ challe!ges a!d special co!sideratio! !eeds to 2e give! to their particular !eeds. This risk assessme!t ta2le sets out the most likely risks i! chro!ological order1 2e$ore the overseas experie!ce4 duri!g the overseas experie!ce4 a!d a$ter the overseas experie!ce. The severity o$ the risk a!d the mitigatio! strategies are listed $or each.

?efore the overseas experience

Ris8 ;amily9wha!au pulls out o$ the programme "i8elihood 0>8 <mpact level 5.:5 Mitigation strategies are$ul selectio! o$ participa!ts< alter!ative participa!ts ide!ti$ied as part o$ programme.

During the overseas experience

Ris8 Young person ?ou!g perso!&s expectatio!s are !ot met ?ou!g perso! re$uses to e!gage i! commu!ity activities ?ou!g perso! e!gages i! i!appropriate 2ehaviour ?ou!g perso! takes part i! crimi!al activity "i8elihood ME-.DM 0>8 ME-.DM ME-.DM <mpact level 0>8 ME-.DM ME-.DM 5.:5 Mitigation strategies lear u!dersta!di!g o! the programme&s co!te!t reached i! adva!ce o$ trip. lear u!dersta!di!g o! the programme&s co!te!t reached i! adva!ce o$ trip. ode o$ co!duct agreed i! adva!ce o$ trip. lose supervisio!4 clear agreeme!t a2out what is accepta2le a!d what is !ot4 what the co!seEue!ces o$ o$$e!di!g overseas are likely to 2e4 a!d co!$ide!ce the you!g perso! is committed to appropriate 2ehaviour are$ul scree!i!g o$ a!y depe!de!cy issues 2e$ore selectio!. are$ul 2rie$i!g a2out co!seEue!ces a!d co!$ide!ce the you!g perso! is committed to appropriate 2ehaviour

?ou!g perso! uses drugs or alcohol ?ou!g perso! e!gages i! a sexual relatio!ship with a local

ME-.DM 0>8



Email excha!ge with =ra!do!

harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6. 2392+

Ris8 "i8elihood Family/whanau member ;amily9wha!au 0>8 mem2er 2ehaves i!appropriately ;amily9wha!au mem2er $eels their authority over their you!g perso! is u!dermi!ed Host community 5ost commu!ity&s expectatio!s are !ot met 5ost commu!ity is %overru!& 2y you!g people 5ost commu!ity $eels that @A you!g o$$e!ders are a !egative i!$lue!ce o! local youth 0>8

<mpact level ME-.DM

Mitigation strategies lear agreeme!t a2out what is accepta2le a!d what is !ot4 what the co!seEue!ces o$ o$$e!di!g overseas are likely to 2e4 a!d co!$ide!ce the you!g perso! is committed to appropriate 2ehaviour lear agreeme!t i! adva!ce o$ the trip as to li!es o$ authority reached 2etwee! $amily9wha!au mem2er a!d Ka Pai Kaiti represe!tative. Expectatio!s agreed i! writi!g i! adva!ce o$ trip. @um2ers o$ you!g people are kept deli2erately low. ,greeme!t i! adva!ce o! the purpose a!d co!te!t o$ the programme.


0>8 0>8 ME-.DM


After the overseas experience

Ris8 ?ou!g perso! retur!s to old ha2its upo! retur! ?ou!g perso! is depressed or $eels low upo! retur! ?ou!g perso! is u!a2le to process their experie!ce i! a co!structive way "i8elihood ME-.DM ME-.DM 0>8 <mpact level ME-.DM ME-.DM 0>8 Mitigation strategies .!volveme!t a!d commitme!t o$ the $amily9wha!au mem2er agreed at every stage. lear pla! agreed i! adva!ce o$ trip $or !ext steps. /upport !etwork created. ;ocused reCe!try process to help u!pack the experie!ce at regular i!tervals with a! experie!ced support perso! or group. ou!selli!g availa2le i$ !ecessary.


6( valuation guidelines
, good evaluatio! o$ a!y pilot programme is esse!tial to demo!strate its e$$ective!ess a!d pote!tial to 2e scaled up. The Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme is desig!ed to help reduce o$$e!di!g a!d aid perso!al developme!t a!d should 2e assessed o! those terms. There are two maBor eleme!ts to co!ducti!g a mea!i!g$ul evaluatio!. Dsi!g 2oth will e!ha!ce its credi2ility a!d releva!ce1 ,! evaluatio! over time M usi!g data gathered $rom di$$ere!t poi!ts i! the programme4 most o2viously %2e$ore& a!d %a$ter& the overseas experie!ce 2ut also $rom poi!ts a$ter sig!i$ica!t time has elapsed. , compariso! agai!st a co!trol group M compari!g data gathered $rom you!g o$$e!ders who did a!d those who did !ot participate i! the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme. ;or greater co!siste!cy this report recomme!ds usi!g the same evaluatio! team throughout all stages o$ the evaluatio! process.

?efore the overseas experience

Activity .!dividual i!terviews with pilot programme evaluator .!dividual i!terviews with pilot programme evaluator *eview o$ o$$e!di!g record Purpose To track you!g perso!&s progress 31 o$ 36 To measure you!g perso!&s progress agai!st the co!trol group To esta2lish a! i!dividual 2aseli!e $rom which to measure progress 7ho is involved ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er o!trol group ?ou!g perso!

After the overseas experience

Activity .!dividual i!terviews with pilot programme evaluator withi! 2 weeks o$ retur!i!g .!dividual i!terviews with pilot programme evaluator .!dividual i!terviews with pilot programme evaluator " mo!ths a$ter the overseas trip .!dividual i!terviews with pilot programme evaluator *eview o$ o$$e!di!g record Purpose To track you!g perso!&s progress 32 o$ 36 To measure you!g perso!&s progress agai!st the co!trol group To track you!g perso!&s progress 33 o$ 36 To measure you!g perso!&s progress agai!st the co!trol group To mo!itor progress agai!st the 2aseli!e 7ho is involved ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er o!trol group ?ou!g perso! ;amily9wha!au mem2er o!trol group ?ou!g perso!


.!terviews could 2e semiCstructured or use the li$e history 52 methodology 2ut would 2e u!dertake! 2y a pro$essio!al evaluator.


G, li$e history i!terview di$$ers $rom the more $reEue!tly used semiCstructured i!terview i! that it puts greater emphasis o! eliciti!g perso!al !arratives4 that is aski!g the i!terviewee to !arrate the story o$ his or her li$e i! all its dime!sio!sH C .PP*4 *allyi!g together1 a research study o$ *aleigh&s work with disadva!taged you!g people4 2''(4 page "31 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9$iles9ipprF2';D00 F2'*aleighF2'withF2'$ro!tF2'cover.pd$ 2"92+

@( $onclusion and recommendations

This report has exami!ed a ra!ge o$ releva!t issues $or the desig! a!d executive o$ a Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme. The maBor recomme!datio!s are1 ;urther research 2e u!dertake! i!to %what works& $or you!g o$$e!ders i! :is2or!e. There is a particular respo!si2ility o! $u!ders4 i!cludi!g gover!me!t age!cies4 to provide resources $or e$$ective programme evaluatio!. The lack o$ hard data or lo!gCterm studies mea!s that there is a da!ger o$ relyi!g o! i!tuitio! or perso!al experie!ce alo!e whe! desig!i!g e$$ective i!terve!tio!s. .$ Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel was determi!ed to have alig!me!t with what is k!ow! a2out e$$ective i!terve!tio!s4 the way i! which it relates to a!y other services a!d programmes the you!g o$$e!ders a!d their $amilies are part o$ would !eed to 2e co!sidered care$ully. >verseas employme!t opportu!ities are !ot a! appropriate %tra!s$ormative& experie!ce $or you!g o$$e!ders a!d should !ot 2e pursued whe! developi!g the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel programme. =oth %structured challe!ges& a!d %u!structured i!teractio!s& have sig!i$ica!t pote!tial to aid the perso!al developme!t o$ you!g o$$e!ders a!d o$$er them a credi2le %tra!s$ormative& experie!ce. Existi!g providers o$ overseas experie!ces should 2e used as $ar as possi2le. -evelopi!g a !ew programme $rom scratch should o!ly 2e co!sidered as a last resort. are$ul co!sideratio! !eeds to 2e give! to the desig! o$ all stages M 2e$ore a!d a$ter4 as well as duri!g4 a! overseas experie!ce M $or it to 2e success$ul a!d have a tra!s$ormative impact. There are co!sidera2le risks relati!g to a!y overseas experie!ce a!d these are heighte!ed whe! worki!g with you!g o$$e!ders. 5owever4 they are !ot i!surmou!ta2le a!d give! care$ul preparatio! a!d co!sideratio! they ca! 2e e$$ectively mitigated. , good evaluatio! o$ the Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel pilot is critical to demo!strate success a!d lear! lesso!s. The 2est evaluatio! would use data gathered over time as well as a compariso! agai!st a co!trol group. /ig!i$ica!t resources will 2e !ecessary to take this proBect to the executio! stage4 i!cludi!g co!sultatio! with the you!g people co!cer!ed a!d the host commu!ity4 whichever approach is chose!.


This report was made possi2le due to $u!di!g $rom the Mi!istry o$ /ocial -evelopme!t 3they are !ot respo!si2le $or its co!te!t6. The author would like to tha!k the $ollowi!g people $or their help with this proBect 3respo!si2ility $or the co!te!t o$ this scopi!g report rests with the author alo!e61 =ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6 hristi!a *eymer 3Mahitahi6 :raham amero! 3Merivale ommu!ity .!c6 5eather ;oster 3Pro2atio! ,dvisory Team4 DK @atio!al >$$e!der Ma!ageme!t /ervice6 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou6 7e$$rey *ahari 3ex halle!ge 2'''6 0ee /e!tes 3-evelopme!t ,ctio!6 Meredith ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou Te Tairawhiti6 Ma!u addie 3Ka Pai Kaiti Trust6 @atasha /tei! 3i!ter!atio!al volu!teeri!g specialist6 Pedram Pir!ia 3 ou!cil $or .!ter!atio!al -evelopme!t6 Peter /wai! 3Q/,6 *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6 /o!ya *uparel 3,ctio!,id .!ter!atio!al6 /usa! 5arris *immer 3,ustralia! ou!cil $or .!ter!atio!al -evelopme!t6 Qirgi!ia /arah 3;red 5ollows ;ou!datio! ,ustralia6

"ist of interviewees
=ra!do! harlesto! 3*aleigh .!ter!atio!al6 hristi!a *eymer 3Mahitahi6 7aso! ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou6 7e$$rey *ahari 3ex halle!ge 2'''6 Meredith ,kuhataC=row! 3Te >ra 5ou Te Tairawhiti6 Peter /wai! 3Q/,6 *ewi 7oyce 3 hild4 ?outh I ;amily /ervices6

Auestions as8ed in semi.structured interviews

<nterviews with people involved in wor8ing with young offenders in the Gis&orne area .!troductio! Tha!k you $or agreei!g to 2e i!terviewed as part o$ this proBect M GTo complete $urther research a!d developme!t o$ the Tuma!awa Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel ProBect.U. This semiCstructured i!terview will last $or approximately 3' mi!utes. /ome Euestio!s may 2e less releva!t to you M do!&t worry1 this is $i!e.


. will 2e maki!g !otes o$ your a!swers as we talk. . will assume that . ca! Euote or cite your opi!io! u!less you i!dicate that a particular a!swer is co!$ide!tial4 i! which case . may use it without attri2utio! e.g. %o!e i!terviewee saidT& ;or each o$ your a!swers please give speci$ic examples where possi2le. ,!y Euestio!sN

1. ,2out you a!d your Bo2. 2. The exte!t a!d !ature o$ you!g o$$e!di!g i! Kaiti9:is2or!e. 3. urre!t provisio! $or you!g o$$e!ders a!d those at risk o$ o$$e!di!g i! Kaiti9:is2or!e. #. 8hat you co!sider to 2e the most success$ul programmes 3whether i! Kaiti9:is2or!e or elsewhere6 deali!g with you!g o$$e!ders. 5. 8hat you thi!k might 2e some o$ the challe!ges associated with orga!isi!g a programme to take you!g o$$e!ders to developi!g cou!tries. ". ,!ythi!g else you thi!k is releva!t <nterviews with representatives of organisations currently providing )transformative* experiences .!troductio! Tha!k you $or agreei!g to 2e i!terviewed as part o$ this proBect M GTo complete $urther research a!d developme!t o$ the Tuma!awa Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel ProBect.U. This semiCstructured i!terview will last $or approximately 3' mi!utes. /ome Euestio!s may 2e less releva!t to you M do!&t worry1 this is $i!e. . will 2e maki!g !otes o$ your a!swers as we talk. . will assume that . ca! Euote or cite your opi!io! u!less you i!dicate that a particular a!swer is co!$ide!tial4 i! which case . may use it without attri2utio! e.g. %o!e i!terviewee saidT& ;or each o$ your a!swers please give speci$ic examples where possi2le. ,!y Euestio!sN 1. ,2out you a!d your Bo29orga!isatio!. 2. 5ow a! overseas experie!ce with your orga!isatio! works $or everyo!e co!cer!ed1 the volu!teer4 the sta$$ a!d proBect part!ers. 3. 8hat you thi!k are the key compo!e!ts o$ a! e$$ective experie!ce 3$or everyo!e co!cer!ed6. #. 8hat you thi!k might 2e some o$ the risks o$ taki!g you!g o$$e!ders $or a! overseas experie!ce a!d how these might 2e overcome. 5. ?our views o! whether it would 2e 2etter to work with a! existi!g provider or develop a! experie!ce i!depe!de!tly. ". ,!ythi!g else you thi!k is releva!t.


,ctio!,id4 .mmersio!s1 maki!g poverty perso!al1 http199www.actio!!te!t9docume!ts9immersio!sP2rochure.pd$ ,mora!gi Ki Mua4 ;i!al evaluatio! report o$ the tee!age pare!ts educatio! developme!t proBect4 7u!e 2''". -owde! a!d - , ,!drews4 -oes ;amily .!terve!tio! 8ork $or -eli!Eue!tsN *esults o$ a MetaC,!alysis4 a!adia! 7our!al o$ rimi!ology a!d rimi!al 7ustice4 7uly 2''31 pages 32)C3#2. 7 =irdwell4 /ervice .!ter!atio!al4 -emos4 2'114 pages 1' a!d 111$iles9/erviceP.!ter!atio!alCwe2.pd$N1311+5'3#2 .PP*4 *allyi!g together1 a research study o$ *aleigh&s work with disadva!taged you!g people4 2''(1 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio!al.org9$iles9ipprF2';D00 F2'*aleighF2'withF2'$ro!tF2'cover.pd$ , 7o!es4 *eview o$ :ap ?ear Provisio!4 -$E/ *esearch *eport 5554 2''#4 page 15 1 http199www.rgs.org9@*9rdo!lyres931#)-)=-C535(C#3+)C=, (C E +'E )-+5;9'9,!drew7o!es$or-$E/2''3.pd$ Kaitiaki *esearch a!d Evaluatio! 0imited4 :is2or!e *a!gatahi >utcomes $or ?ou!g >$$e!ders C ,! Exploratory /tudy4 2'1'4 ourt1 .mprovi!g

0 @atha! et al4 Maaramata!ga1 D!dersta!di!g what works to reduce o$$e!di!g 2y you!g Maori4 prepared the Mi!istry o$ 7ustice4 ;e2ruary 2''+. *aleigh .!ter!atio!al we2site1 http199www.raleighi!ter!atio! / *uparel4 .mmersio!s i! ,ctio!,id4 ..E-4 2'')1 http199pu2s.iied.org9:'2+)).html M /hearer4 atalyst $or ha!ge or Empty Excha!geN Evaluati!g the impact o$ short term homeCstays i! Ma!ila sEuatter commu!ities o! participati!g @ew Aeala!ders4 2''5. Q/, we2site1!O 8hakapJmau Tao!ga1 Kaiti ?outh -evelopme!t a!d >$$e!di!g *eductio! /trategy 2'1'2'15.

Terms of reference for this report:

UTo complete $urther research a!d developme!t o$ the Tuma!awa Tra!s$ormatio! Through Travel ProBect.U


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