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January 09 Newsletter RANDOM TIPS AROUND THE ISLES & BEYOND By J & Ste!

e M"#rea MA$NETI# ALBUMS BAD %OR PHOTOS Florida is not kind to photos, old documents and other irreplaceable paper based records of family history. Dryness and heat cause paper to split or break, changes in temperature and humidity swell and shrink delicate paper, and most glue and storage boxes emit destructive chemicals. Most paper is naturally acidic. If there is discoloration or torn edges, that document undoubtedly has somewhat acidified. You can purchase chemicals that neutrali e and alkaline buffer papers yourself, but prevention is far easier. !hotos are processed with a variety of chemicals that don"t handle #$ rays well. %lways use acid free materials when storing papers and photos. &his includes mat boards, glues, photo albums, file folders and storage boxes. 'on(framed photos or papers keep best when stored flat in acid(free boxes with a glassine interleaving. )e careful when using plastic* Do not use anything made of polyvinyl chloride +!$,-. Mylar +polyester- is fine. .hen hanging photos, use #$ protective glass. Metal frames are best for valuable photos because they don"t emit vapors as does wood. #se acid free ink to label photo ,Ds. Finally, avoid so(called /magnetic0 album pages unless they are guaranteed acid free. SOLID %OOD& SOLID SER'I#E 1estaurant 1eview2 3mith and 4ones has opened in the former 5ouis 5ouis" on 67th %venue and 5as 8las. It"s a food place for solid food. &he ribs are thick, meaty, with not too much sauce. &here was little fat and they were consistently good both times we tried them +more reliable than rib places on Federal 9ighway-. .e tried three sandwiches2 !hilly ,heese 3teak, !astrami on 1ye and the 1euben 4ones. ,hoose the mango coleslaw as a side. It"s delicious. For something light, we recommend the /organic flatbreads0 +personal pi aswith smoked chicken, basil potato or wild mushrooms. &he inside ambience has been stripped to a nightclub basement look so we preferred the ambience of the outside sidewalk. It"s a good place for comfort food and reasonable prices within walking distance of 3even Isles. 5ook for attentive servers Mike and Dyania +she"s from )ulgarian with a nice smile-. %ffordability2 : out of 7. &asty food2 : out of 7. THIS(LL EEP YOU %ROM SLEEPIN$ &he average person inhales :; pounds of dust per year and most of the dust comes from dust mites. +& adult human body contains 6;; trillion cells. )ut only 6; percent of them actually belong to us. &he rest are germs* +!sychology &oday 8ct. ;<=rocery carts are more dangerous locations for germs than are toilet seats. %ccording to the 'ov. 66 &oday 3how, >coli can be found on most carts? <@A of

carts tested in =eorgia had it, ::A of those tested in ,alifornia. &he ickiest places were the handles and seat(shelves +where we put babies and perishables-. STU%% TO DO )HEN YOU #AN(T SLEEP Play *n T+e )e,- 3tart with and see where the portal takes you. .e discovered an alternative to by looking under /.eather0 category. has a /mood index0 +search under /mood0- that proBects how the weather will affect mental attitude in a region. See )+at Ot+er Pe*.le Are D*/n0- =oogle"s website is a great place to find out what were the top web searches for people around the world. 3arah !alin and )eiBing D;;< had the largest number of web searches as of December, while the top two cocktails searched were the martini and the moBito. Ceitgeist is a =erman word meaning the spirit of the age and its society, such as the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate. %nother good website to have fun with is google.comEtrends. You supply the subBect? =oogle will supply a graph that compares trends and numbers between maBor countries. #+e"1 Out L*"al )/l2l/3e- 8nce again, the cooler winter weather brings in some new wildlife. .e counted 67 vultures that settled in at the corner of Desota and 3even Isles. +3ee photo-. It"s also a hot spot for a solitary falcon. 5ook for the little burrowing owl to appear soon. %s for the iguanas, we"re wondering what they"re eating that"s helping them grow so big* )esides our garden, that is. Hunt 3*r D/s"*unts2 =asbuddy is a good website for finding out where the cheapest gas in your area can be found. ,, and )radsdeals will give you a lot of discount coupons. , can actually download the coupon onto a cell phone that you can show at the register. 8f course we don"t expect anyone here to admit to using coupons, but you can give them to friends, rightF Be $rate3ul- %ccording to the %sian Development )ank, one in six people has no access to safe drinking water. %pproximately 6@ percent of ,ambodia"s children don"t make it to their fifth birthday. &he leading cause is contaminated water. )ORLD TRI'IA &he .alt Disney .orld 1esort in 8rlando encompasses DG,7;; acres +roughly :@ sHuare miles-, making it nearly twice the si e of 'ew York"s Manhattan Island +DD sHuare miles-. %mong the Maori, the indigenous people of 'ew Cealand, the word for tourists is /te hunga topoi.0 &his translates as /people who go around being ama ed at what they see.0 In )urB %l %rab, Dubai, #nited %rab >mirates, beds rotate in the two 1oyal 3uites. 'ow why didn"t we think of thatF

+&ravia, &he #ltimate )ook of &ravel &rivia( (( ( ( ( (( ( ( ((( ( ( )e w/s+ y*u a +ealt+y year a+ea24 %nd while we"re at it, here are some signs that you might live a long time2 Y*u +a2 a y*un0 5*t+er- If your mom was under age D7, youIre twice as likely to live to 6;; as someone born to an older mother. Tea /nstea2 *3 "*33ee2 =reen and black teas have things that protects your heart. Drink at least one cup a day. N* s*2a 6n*t e!en 2/et72 1esearch suggests that soda drinkers are used to enBoying natural or artificial sweeteners, which helps the body crave sweeter foods +which may lead to weight gain-. D*n(t 3all8 .hen you have good balance and endurance, you are less likely to break a hip. Dar1 3**22 1ed grapes, blueberries, red wine have polyphenols, the dark color that helps arteries stay open. D*n(t s5*1e4 $**2 3r/en2s2 'othing beats stress better than having friends to talk about it with. Y*u l/1e "+allen0es- If you try something new, you"ll sustain your acuity. Re0a/n Y*ur Ener0y 'eed more than Bust a pick(me(upF &he new bu word is Jspent syndromeJ2 % feeling of being drained all the time. 3tart by changing what you eat to develop a healthy intestine +so that more nutrients from food can be absorbed-. Dramatically reduce the amount of sugar. Yes, we"ve hear it before. 1efined carbohydrates give a Huick boost of energy but change proteins in the body. %dvanced glycosylation end products +%=>s- accumulate and reduce the elastic nature of skin +increasing wrinkles-. Important additions to the diet include avocados +a source of omega(@ fats that are important for brain health- and whey protein +for amino acids-. &he second biggest change is culturally difficult2 5unch should be the largest meal of the day because the digestive system is at its peak during midday. +&his might work in Italy or 3pain, places that encourage a post(meal siesta*-. 3oft(boiled eggs are digested more easily than scrambled eggs. Dr. Frank 5ipman recommends that high(fiber carbs should be featured in the evening meal. . !robiotics are suggested instead of yogurt +to boost the friendly bacteria in the gut-. .hich is better, artificial sweeteners or sugarF #nfortunately, neither +try 5(glutamine to reduce sugar cravings-. ,hoose tea over coffee +for antioxidants-. For better sleep, cover the sources of light in the bedroom, particularly the alarm clock and D$D or $,1 player. +Frank 5ipman,

%s always, send your stories, tips and invitations to

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