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MARCH 2014 update

Thank you to all my wonderful friends, sponsors and supporters who give compassionately to The Didi Foundation Inc. from a packet of Band aides, to medical equipment and much needed funding. We are none person making a difference Here is an update on our current projects so that you can follow our journey over the next few weeks. Womens Health ProgramAN AMAZING SUCCESS Womens education program on reproductive health and breast screening program is growing with an unexpected momentum At the first meeting, 35 women showed up, then next day 60 women and Sunday on the day 9 of the education program 350 WOMEN have attended to learn about their reproductive systems and how to do a breast check and WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR BODIES

Day 1 35 women. Learning about reproductive health

Learning breast examination techniques

Self examination sessions

We have raised the $1330. Thank you to Wendy and Louise . Jan Pryor Founder-Secretary
Email Mobile 61 42 331 5921

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Didi 4 Didi (Secret Womens Business)

The success of our fundraising project on Facebook raised $920 and has the women creating 200 packs of sanitary pads. Which will be handed out to school girls and girls in orphanages to enable them to go to school. Another 107 packs are on hold to possibly set up another business.

Re-usable sanitary pad

Trekkers visitng girls who are busy making 200 kits

Girls meeting visitors

Laxmis Health Post

Trekkers devilvered 60kl of medical aides to support Laxmi so that she is able to give a free medical service. Huge thanks to those who donated the supplies

Sewing School We currently have eight women learning to sew and have employed a very skilled sewing teacher and the women are extremely happy with his expertise

Smirtis Orphanage The homework club is successful and all students have received improved grades We have supplied a second had laptop, to help the older students to help with their

Jan Pryor Founder-Secretary

Email Mobile 61 42 331 5921

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computer studies. Thanks trekkers

And the best is last BRIGHT FUTURE CHILDRENS HOME-NEPAL BRIGHT FUTURE CHILDRENS HOME I can not wait to see our babies, they are growing up so fast Krishala turned 11 last week and was so excited to get a cake and the traditional $2 gift which she put in her piggy bank. It is hard to believe that three years ago she came to us ravaged with Hep A and Anobic Dysentry and a product of the child slave market. How lucky are we that she is ours and she can now be a is child and loved by our house mother.

Stay tuned and enjoy my blog from Nepal, the land of mountains, jungles and the most beautiful colours and I look forward to hearing from you when I am in Nepal

Jan Founder of Bright Future Childrens Home = Nepal The Didi Foundation Inc Didi Foudnation Nepal (NGO)

Jan Pryor Founder-Secretary

Email Mobile 61 42 331 5921

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Jan Pryor Founder-Secretary

Email Mobile 61 42 331 5921

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