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Unit 5 Lesson 2

Name ____________________________________
Date _____________________________________






1. Lesson Big Idea

2. Why do you select certain materials for certain tasks?
3. The performance of a product requires
4. Often a ______________________________________ among the needed properties must be
5. Metals are materials that normally combine _______________________________________
6. Elements, when combined, have electrons that are _________________________________
7. Metals are good conductors of ______________________ and ________________________.
8. Metals are strong but ____________________________. (easy to bend and change shape)
9. Metals look ________________________ when polished.
10. Example of metals are ___________________, _______________________, and
11. Ceramics are compounds between
12. Ceramics include compounds such as
13. Ceramics are insulated and
14. Example of ceramics are ____________________, ____________________________,
______________________, and _______________________
15. Plastics and polymers are
16. Plastics and polymers have very large _______________________________________________
17. Plastics and polymers have very low ______________________ and are stable
18. There are two types of Plastics and polymers _____________________ and
19. ____________________________ can be melted and shaped ONCE.
20. ____________________________ can be melted and reshaped multiple times.

Unit 5 Lesson 2
21. Semiconductors have _____________________________ between metallic
______________________________ and ___________________________________ insulators.
22. Examples of semiconductors are ________________________________ and
23. A ___________________________________ is made up of more than one distinct material
24. Examples of composites are
25. How many different materials are around you right now? Name 3 and explain.

26. How do you categorize material property.






27. Measureing of resistance to being pulled apart is _____________________________

28. What is Fracture toughness?
29. What is fatigue strength?
30. The ability of a metal to withstand a constant weight of force at elevated temperatures is called
31. What is hardness?

Unit 5 Lesson 2
32. The measure of how well a material accommodates the movement of an electrical charge is
33. The opposition of a material to flow in an electric current is
34. There are three magnetic properties and they are:

Magnetic susceptibility: which is the


Curie temperature: which is the temperature at which a materials


Saturation magnetization: state reached when an


35. _________________________________: how much a material will expand for each degree of
temperature increased.
36. __________________________________: amount of heat required to change a materials
temperature by a given amount.
37. __________________________________: indicates a materials ability to conduct heat.
38. ________________________________ is applying the properties of materials.
39. Engineers use the material properties to
40. The manufacturing process is split into two parts: the _________________________ and the
41. In the ___________________________ raw materials into standard stock
42. In the ____________________________ standard stock into finish products
43. What are the three manufacturing types?

Unit 5 Lesson 2
44. Custom manufacturing is
45. Examples of Custom Manufacturing are
46. Batch manufacturing is _______________________________________ and the products are
_________________________________ before they _________________________________.
47. Examples of batch manufacturing are
48. When products are made with no interruption to the product line from the input to the output
it is called _______________________________________.
49. Examples of continuous manufacturing are
50. The invention of _____________________________________ by Eli Whitney in the 1700s
innovated manufacturing.
51. What are interchangeable parts?
52. How do you think interchangeable parts increased the effectiveness of all manufacturing
53. Give an example of an interchangeable part and explain how it is interchangeable.

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