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Review of References Lindsey Koch Ferris State University

REVIEW OF REFERENCES Review of References The purpose of this assignment is to review two references that influence the way nurses practice. The references that will be examined are regarding pediatric medication administration and the probability of error during administration. While reviewing these references, the

credibility and significance to nursing will be examined. This will determine the quality of these references to help determine whether they should be used as evidence based practice. Credibility Researching a topic requires credible sources to provide information to the researcher. Credible research contains some type of scientific research therefore it contains identifying a problem area, establishing a plan, collecting data, and evaluating the data (Niewswiadomy, 2012, p. 3). The sources should not be biased by the researchers opinion, but it should contain their perspectives supported by facts. According to the American Psychological Association (2011), credible research should contain the findings and analyses, the successes and failures, and the perspectives of many investigators over many years (p. 9). A credible source in nursing researching is extremely important to contribute to evidence based practice. Nursing research is a significant way to guide nurses to practice using evidence based practice and also is used in all aspects of nursing. According to Niewswiadomy (2012), nursing research is defined as the systemic, objective process of analyzing phenomena of importance to nursing. Using this definition, nursing research includes all studies concerning nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing administration (p. 3). Nursing research provides information for the scientific community to continue to provide up to date care. The American Psychological Association (2011) states, Research is complete only when the results are shared with the

REVIEW OF REFERENCES scientific community (p. 9). This information is shared with other nurses to help the nursing community provide up to date care using evidence based practice. When nurses search for a source, they need to determine whether or not the levels of evidence are in the source. If the source has poor levels of evidence, the nurse should be careful when considering that source to help guide their profession. Level one evidence is preferred. The first article that was reviewed is Medication Administration Practice among Childrens Nurses: A Survey by Maryanne Murphy and Alison While. Maryanne Murphy is a lecturer for childrens nursing at Trinity College in Dublin. Alison While is a professor of community nursing and an associate dean for Kings College in London. It is a level three evidence source. It provides limited studies with a limited population. The study is also not completed. Murphy (2012) states, The influence of the power dynamic between junior and senior nurses on medication administration practices require further research (p. 4). I believe that it is nursing research because again as Nieswiadomy (2012) stated, nursing research includes all studies concerning nursing practice (p. 3). This source provides a study done in a hospital regarding nurses. The second article reviewed is Medication Dosing Errors in Pediatric Patients Treated by Emergency Medical Services by Hoyle, Davis, Putman,Trytko, & Fales. Hoyle et al., are doctors writing about emergency medicine and pediatrics. This is a level one evidence source. Hoyle et al., (2012) provided information from eight agencies, The eight agencies that contribute to this administration database serve a demographically diverse population encompassing both urban and rural settings in the northern, central, and southern regions of Lower Michigan (p. 60). It provides several studies that help support its conclusion. This is not nursing research. This article is regarding pre-hospital care done by paramedics.

REVIEW OF REFERENCES Significance to Nursing The significance of using sources that are distinctive to nursing is that it provides more relevant information. For example, the source articles provided are both regarding the same topic; however, only one of them is distinctive to nursing. The article distinctive to nursing is

much more relevant for nursing than the article regarding paramedics. They both contain similar information, but the circumstances are different. The information provided in the pre-hospital care by paramedic article is not as relevant for nurses to use as evidence based practice. It could be tweaked to work for nurses, but nursing research should be used to keep the information relevant. Nurses should use evidence based practice that applies to their practice to provide the best care. To choose a quality source, Nieswiadomy (2012) states, A journal may be selected based on its impact factor a number used to evaluate the influence of particular journal. The higher the impact factor number, the more influence the journal is thought to have on the scientific community (p. 265). Not only should a high impact factor journal be chosen, but it should also have credible sources to make it a quality source. Once the source is determined to be a quality source, it can be used for evidence-based practice. Using quality sources is the safest way to provide evidence based practice. According to Nieswiadomy (2012), Evidence-based nursing practice (EBNP) means that nurses make clinical decision based on the best research evidence, their clinical expertise, and the health care preferences of their patients/ clients (p. 5). To make clinical decisions based on the best research evidence means to use sources that are relevant to your profession. For example, a boxer isnt going to learn new techniques for their profession by reading baking

REVIEW OF REFERENCES articles. To help keep sources on topic, research can be searched with the keyword nursing in it to help keep it relevant. Some sources can be deceiving at first, but persistent research can sort out credible sources from irrelevant sources. Once the credible sources have been sorted out, nurses are able to study this information to provide safe and high quality evidence-based practice. One way to find sources is to use a database to find high quality sources. This can sort out irrelevant sources and narrow down sources for your topic. I would recommend using a database to find sources and to also carefully look at the sources you choose. It may take extra time, but you will be provided with higher quality and relative sources to improve your evidence-based practice.


American Psychological Association. (2011). Publication manual of the American psychological association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Hoyle, J. D., Davis, A. T., Putman, K. K., Trytko, J. A., & Fales, W. D. (2012, January). Medication Dosing Errors in Pediatric Patients Treated By Emergency Medical Services. PreHospital Emergency Care, 16(1), 60-66. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Murphy, M., & While, A. (2012, July). Medication administration practices among children's nurses: a survey. British Journal of Nursing. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from pdf Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundations of nursing research (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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