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Self-Assessment of Reasoning Lindsey Koch Ferris State University

SELF-ASSESSMENT OF REASONING Self-Assessment of Reasoning Self-assessment of reasoning is a critique of a students own critical thinking process.

This assignment goes through the process and key points of an assignment listed in Nursing 310. Through the self-assessment the student should be able to explain why the content is significant to them, thoughts and feelings on these issues, feelings before the assigned activity, and how they felt after the assignment. The self-assessment of reasoning paper is a reflective paper to help the student demonstrate their self-realized growth. Significant Content The discussion that most greatly influenced and was significant to me from the semesters discussion was the discussion on unit eight regarding social and environmental change. The part of the discussion eight that was most significant to me was the governments role on policies that affect a persons health and whether the government plays too big of a role or not. This discussion sparked much debate between students. Thoughts and Feelings Initial Pre-Assignment Starting out, I felt that this was going to be an easy and interesting assignment that would spark much debate. Not only is it a popular subject, but I also had many feelings regarding the subject. I felt that I could easily complete the assignment without any problems.

SELF-ASSESSMENT OF REASONING Mid-Assignment Working through the assignment was a breeze because of my current feelings on the

subject. I was able to sit down, process my feelings, and continue writing the assignment without any problems. Completed Assignment Once I completed the assignment, I felt a wave of relief of another assignment completed on time. I shared my feelings on the topic without issue, and I felt satisfied with my discussion board posting regarding the governments influence on health. I felt that the assignment was a useful and especially personal assignment to most. Points of View or Assumptions My views on the whether or not government plays too much of a role in health, is that they do not play too big of a role in health. Government needs to be involved in a persons health when it affects their health in a positive way. I believe that laws should be created and enforced by the government that have the capability to save many lives and promote a healthier environment for individuals. This assignment reaffirmed by opinion on government role in healthcare. Analysis of Thinking Discussion assignment eight didnt influence my point of view on the subject of the governments role in healthcare, however; it did strengthen my opinion of the subject. My point of view on the subject is mostly influenced by seat belt and helmet laws. These laws not only have the capability to save many lives, but they also promote a healthier environment for

SELF-ASSESSMENT OF REASONING individuals. With these laws enforced, not only is the environment healthier but it could also

influence individuals to incorporate safety in other aspects of their lives. Pender, Murdaugh, and Parsons (2010) state that polices help, achieve health equity and eliminate health disparities and to create social and physical environments that promote good health for all (p. 326). The policies regarding seatbelt laws and helmets laws require government roles to help govern them for the health of individuals. The readings reinforced my thoughts on this subject and helped influence intellectual discussions on the subject. Overall, I feel that this topic needs to be critically researched by others to find an opinion on it. This subject affects each individual so it is relevant not only to myself, but to my patients also. With health promotion influenced by the government, individuals will be influenced to start or continue making positive health decisions.

SELF-ASSESSMENT OF REASONING References Pender, N.J., Murdaugh, C.L. & Parsons, M.A., (2011) Health promotion in nursing practice (6th ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

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