Topic 8 - Volume of Liquid: Paper 1

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Topic 8 Volume of Liquid

This question paper consists of 50 questions. Answer all questions. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. 1. Diagram 1 shows the volume of liquid in a container.

1 000 $50 500 50

DIAGRAM 1 State the volume of the liquid. A 500 ml B 50 ml 2. Diagram C D 500 l 50 l

shows the volume of liquid in two containers.

x "l DIAGRAM !stimate the volume of liquid in container x. A l C ".5 ml B " ml D #l 3. $ l % ml & '''' ml A $% B $0 % 4. (onvert ).# l into ml. A ) 00# B ) 0#0 C D C D $ 0% $% 0 ) #00 # )00

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5. (onvert 0.1%5 l into ml. A 1.%5 B 1%.5 6. 1hich of the following is true2 A # l & #00 ml B # .5 l & # 5 ml . (onvert 1 .5 l into ml. A 1 500 B 1 50 8. State ."5 l in l and ml. A "5 l 0 ml B "5 l ml !. State ) 03# ml in l. A ).03# B ).30#


1%5 1 %50 0. 5 l & 50 ml 1.05 l & 1 500 ml 1 5 1 .5 " l 5 ml l "5 ml ).3#0 )0.3#

1". Diagram " shows the volume of liquid when a stone is 4laced in the container.

1 000 $50 500 50

1 000 $50 500 50

DIAGRAM " 5ind the volume of the stone in l. A 0.05 C B 0.5 D 11. $#. $ l 6 ".%3 l & '''' l A $3.%3 B %0.1# 12. 5 l 6 0.)5 l 6 $. l & '''' l A 55. B 5).50 C D C D 5 50 %1.0# %#.10 1#. 5 1 .#5

13. Add # 50 ml to .$ 1 l. Give +our answer in ml. A $ 1%3 C % 3$1 B $ %31 D 3 %$1

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14. Diagram ) shows the volume of liquid in containers P and Q.

1. l 0." l

(ontainer P

(ontainer Q

DIAGRAM ) 5ind the sum of the volume of liquid in container P and Q. Give +our answer in ml. A 150 C 1 500 B ) 0 D ) 00 15. 5.3 ml 6 #.$ ml & '''' ml A 1. # B 1 .# 16. 0.5 l 6 X 6 1.# l & .$5 l 1hat is the value of X2 A 0.#" l B #." l C D #". l #" l C D 1 #. 1 #

1 . Diagram 5 shows the volume of liquid in 7ottles P and Q.

.5 l

$50 ml

,ottle P DIAGRAM 5

,ottle Q

(alculate the volume of liquid in 7ottles P and Q8 in ml. A $ $50 C $$5 B " 50 D " 5

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18. Diagram # shows the volume of liquid in three containers.

%50 ml # 0 ml #0 ml

DIAGRAM # 5ind the volume of liquid in the containers. A 1.$"0 l C 1$".0 l B 1$."0 l D 1 $"0 l 1!. Diagram $ shows three containers filled with drin9s.

1 500 ml

50 ml

"0.5 ml

DIAGRAM $ 5ind the total volume of drin9s in all three containers8 in ml. A 1$.%05 C 1 $%0.5 B 1$%.05 D 1$ %05 2". Ani:a 7ought 500 ml of eva4orated mil9 to ma9e agar;agar. She 7ought another fresh mil9 for drin9ing. /ow much mil9 has she 7ought2 A 500 l C 50 ml B .5 l D 5 ml 21. 1 ."$ l < 0.3% l & '''' l A 1.1"3 B 11."3 22. 1#.5 l < 10.$ l < 0.3 l & '''' l A 0.)%% B ).%% 23. 5.$5 l < .%0 l & '''' ml A " $50 B " 5$0 C D C D C D 11".3 1 1"3 5.%% )%.% 350 530 000 m l of

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24. Diagram % shows two containers filled with liquid.

0. 5 l


5ind the difference in volume of liquid in the containers8 in l. A .5$ C ". 5 B .$5 D ".5 25. " )$0 ml < 350 ml < 0. $ l & '''' ml A . 5 C B .5 D 26. $.5 l < y < 1. l & .$5 l 1hat is the value of y2 A ".5$ l B 5."$ l C D "5.$ l 5".$ l 5 50

2 . Diagram 3 shows two containers8 x and y.

0.$5 l 1 5 ml


1hat is the difference in volume 7etween container x and container y8 in ml2 A $50 C #05 B # 5 D 5 5 28. Diagram 10 shows a container P and two mugs Q and R.

P 1 500 ml Q R

DIAGRAM 10 1ater in container P is 4oured into mug Q and mug R8 which have volumes of "00 ml and 50 ml res4ectivel+. 5ind the remaining volume of water left in container P8 in l. A 0.35 C 5.30 B 5.03 D 3.50
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2!. Am+ 7ought # l of mil9 while 5arah 7ought $50 m l of mil9. 1hat is the difference in volume of the mil9 7ought 7+ Am+ and 5arah2 A 1 50 ml C " 50 ml B 50 ml D ) 50 ml 3". Mother 7ought $.5 l of orange cordial. She used 0.#$5 l of the cordial. /ow much cordial was left8 in ml2 A #.% 5 C #% .5 B #%. 5 D #% 5 31. # ).# l = 10 & '''' l A #. )# B # .)# 32. 0.5 $ l = R & 5 $ l 1hat is the value of R2 A 1 000 B 100 33. % = " # ml & '''' l A 1.#0% B .#0% 34. 5 = "$5 ml & '''' ml A ).%$5 B )%.$5 35. 1hich of the following is true2 A ml & 000 l B $.500 l & $ l 50 ml C D C D C D C D 10 1 1#.0% #.0% 1%$.5 1 %$5 ) 000 ml & )00 l $50 ml & 0.$50 l C D # )# # )#0

36. A 7ottle contains 550 ml of mil9. 5ind the volume of mil9 in # similar 7ottles. A " "00 l C "" l B " "00 ml D "" ml 3 . Diagram 11 shows a container filled with oil.


DIAGRAM 11 If the oil in the container is 4oured equall+ into 10 small containers8 how much oil can 7e found in each small container2 A 5 ml C 500 ml B 50 ml D 5 000 ml

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38. A glass can fill # 5 ml of water. 5ind the volume of water contained in # similar glasses. A .$50 l C $50 l B ".$50 l D " $50 l 3!. .a7le 1 shows the num7er of 7o>es containing orange ?uice 7ought 7+ *uan /alimah. #um$e% of $o&e' Pu+) -+lim+, (uice co)*+i)ed i) e+c, $o&

do:en .A,-! 1

1 500 ml

1hat is the total volume of orange ?uice 7ought 7+ her8 in l2 A 0.3 C 30 B 3 D 300 4". *uan !milia 7ought one tin of condensed mil9 with a volume of "$5 m l. *uan -ee 7ought seven times the num7er of condensed mil9 7ought 7+ *uan !milia. (alculate the volume of condensed mil9 7ought 7+ *uan -ee8 in ml. A # 5 C )# 5 B "# 5 D 5# 5 41. 1 l @ " & '''' ml A 0.$ B $0 42. "#).5 l @ 3 & '''' l A ).05 B )0.5 43. %#).# l @ 100 & '''' ml A %.#)# B %#.)# 44. '''' l @ % & %#5 l A #.3 B #3 45. % 0 l @ " & '''' l A )3 B 3) C D C D C D C D C D $00 $ 000 )05 ) 050 %#).# % #)# 3# #3 0 )30 3)0

46. .en cans of drin9 contain " 50 ml of liquid. 5ind the volume of 1 can of drin9. A 0. 5 l C .5 l B 0." 5 l D " .5 l 4 . A 7ottle can contain l of fruit ?uice. /ow man+ 7ottles are required to fill % 000 m l of fruit ?uice if the 7ottles are of the same si:e2 A 1 C " B D )

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48. Mother mi>es # ml of l+chee cordial with 150 ml of water to ma9e a drin9. /ow much l+chee cordial8 in ml8 is needed to ma9e 10 similar drin9s2 A 1 500 C #0 B 300 D 0 4!. A car uses 1. l of 4etrol to travel a certain distance each da+. /ow man+ litres of 4etrol is needed for % da+s2 A 0.#3 C #.3 B 0.3# D 3.# 5". *uan Diana 7ought a 7o> of gra4e ?uice containing 1 %50 ml of ?uice. She divided the ?uice equall+ among her five children. /ow much gra4e ?uice would each of them get8 in l2 A "$0 C ".$0 B "$.0 D 0."$0

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This question paper consists of 30 questions. Answer all questions. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. 1. Diagram 1 shows two containers.

1.5 l DIAGRAM 1

!stimate the volume of liquid in container A. 2. (onvert 5#5 ml into l. 3. Diagram

1 000 $50 500 50

shows a measuring c+linder.

DIAGRAM 1hat is the volume of water in the measuring c+linder2 4. (onvert .% l into ml. 5. State l 5 5 ml in litres.

6. State $0 ml in l.

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. Diagram " shows two cartons of drin9s.

1. l %5 0 ml

DIAGRAM " 5ind the total volume8 in l8 of the two cartons of drin9s. 8. A tan9 contains ).$ l of water. An additional 0.5" l of water is added to the tan9. /ow much water does the tan9 have now2 !. Diagram ) shows three containers.

11.$5 l

1 .# l

3. 5 l

DIAGRAM ) (alculate the total volume of water in the three containers. 1". A childrenAs wading 4ool contains l of water. .hen8 5.# 5 l of water is added into the 4ool. /ow much water is in the 4ool now2 11. A 4um4 at 4etrol station A has 1 5#0 l of 4etrol. If 3.# l of 4etrol is added to the 4um48 calculate the amount of 4etrol in the 4um4 now8 in litres. 12. A 7uc9et is filled with 1$.5 l of water. 5ind the amount of water in the 7uc9et8 in l8 if #. l of water is added into the 7uc9et. 13. 1$. 5 l < 1.5 l & '''' l '''' ml 14. .he volume of water in a well is 3 # l. If 3.$ l of water has 7een used8 calculate the volume of water remaining in the well8 in ml. 15. A tan9 is filled with #5.$ l of water. If " .#$ l of water has lea9ed out8 what is the remaining volume of water in the tan92
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16. !li:a 7ought a ).5 l 7ottle of chilli sauce. She used $55 m l of the chilli sauce. 1hat is the volume of chilli sauce left in the 7ottle8 in ml2 1 . Ma9 .imah 7ought a " 500 ml 7ottle of mil9. /er eldest son dran9 5 0 m l of mil9 and accidentl+ s4ilt another 1 5 ml of mil9. (alculate the volume of mil9 left8 in l. 18. $ ".5 l of water is 4oured into a container. During the 4ouring 4rocess8 a7out 13." l of water is s4ilt. /ow much water went into the container8 in litres2 1!. 5 = $ l & '''' ml 2". A cu4 can hold 50 ml of water. 5ind the volume of water that 5 cu4s can hold8 in ml. 21. Diagram 5 shows a 7ottle of drin9.

DIAGRAM 5 If the volume of drin9 is divided equall+ among eight guests8 how much would a guest get8 in ml2 22. A container can hold ).5 l of water. (alculate the volume of water that can fill ) similar containers. 23. A 7ottle contains #.% l of water. (alculate the amount of water needed to fill 10 similar 7ottles. 24. A container in the sha4e of a cu7e is filled with " .# l of water. 1hat is the volume of water in " similar containers8 in ml2 25. #%).$ l @ 3 & '''' l 26. 3 7ottles can hold 1 .) l of fruit ?uice. /ow man+ litres of ?uice can 7e filled into 1 7ottle2

2 . # containers contain "1. l of liquid. (alculate the amount of liquid that can fill u4 1 container.

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28. 10 7uc9ets contain .# l of water. If each 7uc9et contains the same amount of water8 what is the volume of water contained in 1 7uc9et8 in ml2 2!. "# l @ ) & '''' ml 3". Mr. -im 7ought get8 in l2 5 0 ml of fruit ?uice for his eight children. /ow much ?uice did each child

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