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APRIL 4, 2014

NR # 3426

Mandatory picture-based warnings on all cigarette packages sought

A lawmaker is pushing for the mandatory inclusion of picture based warnings on all packages of tobacco products to dissuade people from smoking. Rep. Jerry P. Treas (Lone istrict! "loilo #ity$ filed %ouse &ill '()*! to promote public awareness on the dangers associated with cigarette smoking and second hand smoke. +This is not an attack on the tobacco industry! rather! a public ser,ice information dri,e which factually and accurately describes the health conse-uences of smoking!. Treas said. +/e in the go,ernment must do our best to inform the public of the health ha0ards associated with tobacco products!. Treas stressed. Treas said the bill is in line with the #onstitutional mandate for the 1tate to protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them. 2oreo,er! Treas said the Philippines is a signatory to the /orld %ealth 3rgani0ation 4ramework #on,ention on Tobacco #ontrol (/%354#T#$ whose guiding principle is to inform the people of the health conse-uences! addicti,e nature and mortal threat posed by tobacco consumption and e6posure to tobacco smoke. +The 4#T# recogni0es the spread of the tobacco epidemic as a global problem with serious conse-uences for public health and raises the international community7s concern about the increase in the worldwide consumption and production of tobacco products! particularly in de,eloping countries!. Trenas said. +8on5price measures! such as the inclusion of picture5based warnings in the packaging of tobacco products! are recogni0ed by the 4#T# and the international community as an effecti,e means to reduce tobacco consumption!. Trenas added. 9nder the measure! each tobacco product package must ha,e picture5based warnings describing the harmful effects of tobacco use in conformity with the guidelines to be issued by the epartment of %ealth ( 3%$! including minimum resolution! si0e and location within the principal display area of the warning. The picture5based warning should occupy at least fifty (*:;$ percent of the principal display area in both the front and back panel of the two largest surface.

The picture5based warning must be large! clear and ,isible and the accompanying te6t warning must be easily readable and legible. There shall be a minimum of eight ,ariations which shall be printed simultaneously shouldered e6clusi,ely by the tobacco manufacturers and<or importers! and rotated periodically for each brand family and each brand ,ariation within a brand family for each package si0e and type! in accordance with the guidelines to be issued by the 3%. 4or non5compliant manufacturers and importers of tobacco packages! the measure pro,ides for a fine of P) 2illion! P* 2illion and P=: 2illion and the re,ocation of the business permit and license to operate! for their first ! second and third offenses! respecti,ely. A person or legal entity who sells! distributes or displays any tobacco product without ensuring that the tobacco product package conforms with the pro,ision of this measure or obscure<co,er in part or in whole the picture5based warning of the tobacco packages within the selling area shall be penali0ed of P)::!:::! *::!:::! and P= 2illion Pesos and the re,ocation of the business permit and license to operate! for the first! second! and third offenses! respecti,ely. The 3% shall issue the rules and regulations for the proper implementation of this Act. (':$ jsc

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