249 List of Major Sins That Have To Do With Ones Inward Attitude

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(249) List of Major Sins That Have To do With Ones Inward Attitude
Posted by alimedeen October 24th, 2013 List of Major Sins T hat Have To Do With Ones Inward Attitude: 1- Associating others with Allah (Shirk). 2- Minor Shirk (showing of f ). 3- Hidden Anger, grudges and envy. 4- Arrogance, self -admiration and showing of f . 5- Deceit. 6- Hypocrisy. 7- Wronging others. 8- Turning away f rom people out of arrogance and scorning them. 9- Indulging in that which is of no benef it. 10- Greed. 11- Fear of poverty. 12- Being angry with the divine decree. 13- Looking at the rich and venerating them because of their richness. 14- Mocking the poor because of their poverty. 15- Stinginess. 16- Competing in worldly gains and showing of f . 17- Adorning oneself f or others with things with which it is f orbidden to adorn oneself . 18- Compromising religious principles. 19- Loving to be praised f or what one has not done. 20- Being reoccupied with the f aults of others whilst ignoring ones own f aults. 21- Forgetting blessings. 22- Strong f eelings f or religious other than the religion of Allah. 23- Not accepting the decree of Allah. 24- Not taking the rights and commands of Allah seriously. 25- Mocking the slaves of Allah, looking down on them and despising them. 26- Following whims and desires, and turning away f rom the truth. 27- Cheating and deceiving. 28- Desiring the lif e of this world. 29- Being stubborn in rejecting the truth. 30- T hinking badly of Muslims. 31- Not accepting the truth because it goes against ones own whims and desires, or hating those who speak the truth. 32- Rejoicing in sin. 33- Persisting in sin. 34- Loving to be praised f or doing acts of worship. 35- Being content with the lif e of this world. 36- Forgetting Allah and the Hereaf ter. 37- Being angry when one is of f ended and avenging oneself even when one is in the wrong. 38- Feeling saf e f rom the plot of Allah by getting carried away in sin and relying on Allahs mercy. 39- Despairing of the mercy of Allah. 40- T hinking badly of Allah. 41- Despairing of the mercy of Allah.


Acquiring knowledge f or worldly gain (showing of f ). Concealing knowledge. No acting upon ones knowledge. Showing of f ones knowledge out of pride. Undermining the position of the scholars and belittling them. Deliberately telling lies about Allah. Deliberately telling lies about the Messenger of Allah SAWS. Introducing bad ways. Abandoning the Sunnah. Not believing in the divine decree. Not f ulf illing promises. Loving wrongdoing or evildoing. Hating the righteous. Of f ending the close f riends of Allah and taking them as enemies. Cursing time. Saying a word that could cause a great deal of mischief and harm. Being ungratef ul f or blessings. Showing evil behavior and f oul language so as to make people f ear you and avoid your evil.

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