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CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN CIW Compound 9 de Pebrero St. Mandaluyong City VISION Corrections service compliant to international standards helping enhance public safety in the Philippines. MISSION Protect the public and prevent crimes in partnership with stakeholders by providing persons under custody opportunities for reformation, decent environment, and secure settings. OBJECTIVES (1) In the pursuit of restorative justice, to protect society by confining female offenders in the controlled environment of prisons and community based facilities that are safe, secure, humane and cost efficient. (2) Successful re-entry of inmates to the communities as renewed individuals, God- fearing, law abiding and productive citizens. INMATES DAILY ACTIVITIES 5:00 am 6:00 am 6:30 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:30 am 12:00- 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00-9:00 pm Waking up Counting Exercise/ work-out Breakfast Flag Ceremony (every Mondays) Leave for work Respite from Work Lunch time Counting Silence Hour Waking up Return to Work Respite from Work Counting Dinner Videoke Stage Area Angelus for Catholics Bible, Koran Reading in Groups TV and Movie Viewing in Dormitories

STATISTICS (Population as of December 3, 2012) CRIMES Against Property Against Person Drug Related Crimes Against Personal Liberty Committed by Public Officer Against Chastity Against Natl Security TOTAL 712 179 1054 44 15 2 2 2008 SENTENCE Reclusion Perpetua Indeterminate Life Imprisonment Definite 40 years (ART 70 RPC) On Appeal TOTAL 202 814 380 237 375 2008

AS TO SECURITY Minimum Medium Maximum TOTAL 92 708 1208 2008

CIVIL STATUS Single Married Widow Common Law Wife Separated TOTAL Age 1619 109 127 153 2008 Unknown 18-21 22-39 40-59 60 and above TOTAL 11 6 511 1252 228 2008 467 703 221 328 289 2008

Religion Roman Catholic Islam Born Again Others Total

HISTORY Corrections in the Philippines started during pre colonial times. It was however organized on individual community basis. It was only during the Spanish regime when an organized corrective service was made operational. When the Americans took over in the 1900s, the Bureau of prisons was created. Aside from that, different correctional institutions were also established like the Old Bilibid Prison (1847) and San Ramon prison and penal far. To provide separate facilities for women offenders and to cater to their gender difference, Correctional Institution for Women was created under Act no. 3579 on November 1929. And just recently, on 2008, Correctional Institution for Women was extended in Mindanao.


A. REFORMATION PROGRAMS MORAL AND SPIRITUAL- Part of the privilege package for inmates is their being allowed to attend their religious activities of choice. Counseling sessions are conducted regularly. EDUCATION & TRAINING PROGRAM- Inmates are given the opportunity to complete education. Courses from Basic Literacy, Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Training such as Computer Literacy, Dressmaking, Beauty Care, Jewellery Making, Candle Making, Soap Making and other short courses. WORK AND LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM- Various agro industrial projects namely poultry and livestock farming, fruit and vegetable farming, solid waste management activities prove to be worthwhile income generating ventures for the inmates and institution as well. SPORTS AND RECREATION PROGRAM- Occasionally, sports activities like volleyball, badminton, table tennis, patintero, tug of war are competitively staged and aptly rewarded. Indoor games like scrabble, chess, dama are participated by the less active inmates. The quiz show is a recent addition to inmates activities. Socio- cultural competitions like the search for Ms. Correctional, Ms. Valentine and Super Mommy make way for innovative pursuits by inmates. HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM- The health, physical and social well being of inmates is of paramount importance. Medical/dental check-ups and missions are conducted regularly with support extended by and sponsorship of various socio- civic groups and non government organizations. Social welfare cases extend to indigent families where assistance is sought in areas like hospitalization, education, job placement and the like. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION PROGRAM- Inmates with drug cases are separately housed in the therapeutic community dorm. Therapy comprises of daily meetings where various talents are displayed depicting TC core values and an understanding of the TC pledge- a constant reminder to effect behavioral change.

B. INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING Counselors of CIW conduct individual counseling to inmates through conducting an interview. Ms. Cherry Huet, one of the counselors of CIW gathers data of the inmates regarding their criminal history, inmates family and personal relationship, employment history, and even their childhood. These informational data helps her in assessing the needs of the inmates as well as assessing the inmate s capacity for learning and working, physical or other limitations, behavioral issues and other factors that may contribute to the inmates successful rehabilitation. When she cannot handle anymore the issues shared by the inmates, she refers another counselor to the inmates (She usually refers Ms. Dorothy, one of the psychologists and expert counselors of CIW). If they detect that a particular inmate already needs psychotherapy, wherein the inmate is mentally ill or their behavior is not controllable anymore, they usually transfer them to National Center for Mental Health. According to Ms. Cherry, as a counselor, she must appear empathetic and welcoming to the inmates and she must also look credible enough so that inmates could open up easily to her.

C. GROUP COUNSELING One of the most effective group counseling of CIW is their spiritual program through the use of a Total Family Approach. The family of the inmates is usually assisted since CIW believes that inmates can be a symptom of a deeper problem or dysfunctioning within the family. CIW focuses on maintining harmonious relationship between the crime offender and their family. Mostly, the inmates of CIW commit crime for a family related reasons (the family lacks basic needs: food, house, money, clothes, etc). It is evident enough that the influence of family members has a high impact in the rehabilitation process of a crime offender, and so, this approach is extremely used in CIW.

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