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3AP1 FG High-Voltage Circuit-Breaker

72,5 kV

The efficient High-Voltage Circuit-Breaker with Spring-Stored Energy perating !echani"#

$t ha" all the characteri"tic" of a real profe""ional% $t work" relia&ly, "afely and with ut#o"t efficiency% 'here i" it deployed( $n e)ery cli#atic *one on earth% +eference"( $n #ore than ,- countrie" worldwide% $t." the /012 and it." the #o"t powerful high-)oltage circuit-&reaker with a "pring-"tored energy operating #echani"# fro# Sie#en"% 4ear" of e5perience in high-)oltage "witchgear ha" gone into the de"ign and production of the /012 67 circuit&reaker% 0ll the #ain co#ponent" of the circuit-&reaker are produced in our own factorie" with the well-known Sie#en" "tandard"% Spring-"tored operating #echani"# and interrupter unit" ha)e pro)en their worth in worldwide daily u"e% Major features Self-co#pre""ion interrupter cha#&er 9"e of the ther#al energy of the arc !ini#i*ed energy con"u#ption High relia&ility for a long ti#e Co#pletely pre#ounted Co#pletely prete"ted The tran"port unit contain" the co#plete circuit-&reaker :e"" ti#e i" needed to erect and connect the &reaker The design 'e ha)e applied the "elf-co#pre""ion arc-8uenching principle% Thi" principle #ake" the &e"t po""i&le u"e of the energy of the arc to 8uench it, thu" reducing the power re8uired &y the operating #echani"#% Becau"e of the low energy re8uire#ent, during de)elop#ent we were a&le to fall &ack in one of our operating #echani"# for#" which ha" pro)ed it"elf o)er a long ti#e; the spring-stored energy mechanism.
The new /012 67 circuit-&reaker will &e deli)ered co#pletely #ounted on a &reaker &a"e and prefilled with arc 8uenching ga" S6<%

Ter#inal plate Contact "upport

3o**le !ain contact 0rc contact Heat cylinder


Ter#inal plate

Technical Data
lectrical Data +ated )oltage 72%5 kV +ated current 25-- 0 +ated "hort-ti#e current /2%5 k0 =2 - / "> Break ti#e / cycle" 6re8uency 5- and <- H* +ated dut y cycle - -%/ " - C #in C or C --/ 25 " - -C +ated power-fre8uency with"tand )oltage 2<- kV =2 #in> +ated lightning i#pul"e with"tand )oltage /75 kV =2%2A5-B"> +ated peak with"tand current ,5 k0 +ated "hort-circuit &reaking current /2%5 k0 +ated "hort-circuit #aking current ,5 k0, peak

!ontrol "oltage ?, up to 25- V, @C Design Data Clearance in air 1ha"e to earth 7-- ## 0cro"" the open circuit-&reaker 7-- ## !ini#u# creepage 1ha"e to earth 22?, ## 0cro"" the open circuit-&reaker 22?, ## 1ole "pacing 2-5- ## Dimensions Height 22C- ## 'idth /2// ## @epth 7<- ## !ircuit-&rea'er #eight 7,5 kg Maintenance after 25 year"

Motor "oltage #hate$er the application% relia&le and economical V, @C ?,A<-A22-A225A22-A2522- up to 2?- V, 0C =5- H*> 22- up to 2,- V, 0C =<- H*> Sie#en" 07 1ower Tran"#i""ion and @i"tri&ution 7roup High Voltage @i)i"ion 3onnenda##allee 2-? @-2/<2/ Berlin

http;AAwww%ptd%"ie#en"%deAenAcircuit&reakerAinde5%ht# #ail; circuit%&reakerDptd%"ie#en"%de

r der 3o% ; C2 7 --? ,2 27< 0

Sie#en" 0ktienge"ell"chaft

S u& Eec t t o c ha n ge

1r i nt ed i n 7er # a nyBy - 7-2 -% 5

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