Ecclesiastes: 1. Knowledge & Education - (1:13)

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The word Ecclesiastes means the preacher. This book is a discourse of Solomon. The theme of this book is the vanity (or emptiness) of everything under the sun. This vanity is first announced and then proven from Solomon!s own personal e"perience and observation. So Ecclesiastes contains the account of Solomon!s search for happiness apart from #od. $e sought for it in things under the sun or in temporal things. %f course he failed to find happiness until he gave #od a place in his life. $e discovered he was more than &ust a body and a mind. $e had a spirit that could only find satisfaction in a proper relationship with #od. 'ugustine once said % #od thou hast made us for thyself and our souls are restless till they find rest in thee. Solomon after many wasted years of searching wrote this book and passed on the valuable advice to youth to (emember now thy creator in the days of thy youth (Ecc. )*+)). The book opens with a description of the vanity or the emptiness of Solomon!s life. ,ife seemed like an endless treadmill without purpose or direction. $e asked the -uestion .hat is the profit or the use (in life)/. (ead )+*0)) and you will see the dissatisfaction he had. ,ife seemed to be something that constantly moved but never arrived. This is the account of Solomon!s search the meaning and purpose of life. $e tried several things each time he was sure that it would provide the answer 0 but each time he had to say vanity of vanities all is vanity. (E"amine the things he tried and you will see that men are still seeking happiness in these same things). 1. KNOWLEDGE & EDUCATION - (1:13) Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. $e studied all things. $e was an e"pert in many fields. $e wrote 1222 proverbs (the wisdom of which has never been e"ceeded) and )222 songs. 3ut his knowledge did not bring happiness (Ecc. )+)4). %ur generation has sought happiness in education &ust as Solomon did. 5f this was the answer ours would be the happiest generation that has ever lived. 3ut of course we are not. ) 6or. )+*) reminds us that the world by (worldly) wisdom knew not #od. 2. PLEA U!E - (2:1) Solomon turned from his books to a life of pleasure. $is philosophy became eat drink and be merry. $e said and whatsoever my eyes desired 5 kept not from them 5 withheld not my heart from any &oy. $e did whatever he wanted but in the end his conclusion was the same+ 3ehold all this is vanity. The pleasures of sin are only for a season and can bring no lasting fulfillment. 3. EL"-INDULGENCE - (2:3)

.eary with his study and stuffed with pleasure Solomon turned to li-uor. .hen problems came he would drown them in drink. $is conclusion+ .ine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. 5n 7roverbs he indicated that wine multiplied his problems and sorrow (7rov. *8+*901*). #. G!EAT $UILDING AND %U $AND!& - (2:#-') 'fter trying the pleasures of the world Solomon turned to something constructive to find fulfillment and purpose. :nowing that wine and pleasure would lead him to an early grave he began to build create and design. $e developed better cattle and horses as well. 3ut this was not the answer either (Ecc. *+)) )4 );). <inally Solomon came to the place where he hated life. =esus said ' man!s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.

(. E) & I**O!ALIT& Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. 3eautiful and attractive women were brought from Egypt 7hoenicia Edom >oab and various other places. ?et Solomon was still so unhappy he wished that he could find a place where he could be alone. %ur generation needs to know that happiness cannot be found in immoral conduct. #od!s command to keep thyself pure is not out of date. The new morality is not new. 5t is an old trick of Satan to lead men and women to hell. +. WEALT% - (2:,) Solomon was rich beyond our wildest imagination. $is income was several million of dollars a year. ($is @avy alone brought him )* million a year.) .hen the Aueen of Sheba came she brought him a present of 1.8 million. $e ate from vessels of gold. $e sat upon an ivory throne. $e was the richest of all of 5srael!s kings. $e made silver as stones in =erusalem. 3ut he said he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with it. .hen the millionaire (ockefeller was asked how much money it took to make a man happy he said+ =ust a little more. '. *U IC - (2:,) Solomon also sought to soothe his soul with music. $e had money to buy the finest. 3ut he said 's he that taketh away a garment in winter so is he that singeth songs to a heavy heart. >illions today are looking for happiness in music. 3ut it!s not found there. So Solomon summed it all up by saying+ 'nd whatsoever mine eyes desired 5 kept not from them 5 withheld not my heart from any &oy. Then 5 looked and behold all was vanity and ve"ation of spirit (*+)20))). 'fter many wasted years Solomon returned to a right relationship with #od. $e said to every succeeding generation+ (emember now thy creator in the days of thy youth ()*+)). True happiness and purpose in life cannot come from those material things under the sun. True life and happiness can only be found in =esus.

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