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The Book of Isaiah has two very distinct divisions. In the first (chapters 1-39), the prophet pictures Israel, and ives dire warni s of !ud e"ent for their sins. The second section (chapters #$-%%) has to do with the two co"in s of the &essiah, first to die, and then to rei n. In this section of the 'ook, we see two "ountain peaks - (alvary and )livet. )n (alvary, we see a cross. )n )livet, we see a crown. The 'ook of Isaiah is a "iniature Bi'le in structure. This 'ook has %% chapters, !ust as the Bi'le has %% books. Isaiah*s two divisions+ 39 chapters (in the first), and ,- chapters (in the second) are identical with the nu"'er of the )ld and .ew Testa"ent 'ooks (39 'ooks in the )ld Testa"ent, ,- in the .ew). The )ld Testa"ent opens with /od*s case a ainst "an, 'ecause of sin. 0nd, Isaiah opens in the sa"e way (1+11). The first section of Isaiah closes with the prophecy of the co"in 2in of 3i hteousness, and the rede"ption of Israel, !ust as the prophets close the Old Testament with predictions of the co"in kin do". The second section of Isaiah opens with 4the voice of hi" that crieth in the wilderness5, and is concerned with the purpose and work of the &essiah. the New Testament opens in e6act accord with this. 7ohn the Baptist, the forerunner of 7esus is announced. Isaiah ends with the vision of the new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth ri hteousness. 0nd, the .ew Testa"ent closes with the sa"e view, in the 'ook of 3evelation. THE MAN: Isaiah was a "an of royal 'lood. 8is father, 0"o9, was the youn er son of 7oash, kin of 7udah. 8e was 'rou ht up in the court, and had hi ht standin with the people of 7erusale". 8e was not only a prophet, 'ut he "arried a prophetess (1+3,11). 0fter si6ty years of la'our, tradition tells us he was "artyred durin the wicked rei n of &anasseh. HIS ASSIGNMENT: Isaiah was a prophet to 7udah. &icah was conte"porary with hi", as a prophet to 7udah. 8osea was prophesyin to Israel at the sa"e ti"e. Isaiah prophesied durin the rei n of :99iah, 7otha", 0ha9 and 8e9ekiah (Isa. 1+1). 8is call and co"ission is vividly descri'ed in chapter si6. There, he had a three-di"ensional vision. 8e looked 4upward5 and saw the ;ord. 8e saw /od on the throne - as a'solute ruler. 8e saw the power and the holiness of /od. Then, he looked 4inward5, and saw hi"self in contrast with /od, and uttered his cry of unworthiness. /od responded 'y cleansin hi", and touchin hi". <inally, he looked 4outward5, and saw the need of the "ultitudes and volunteered hi"self for service. It "ay 'e descri'ed as+ 1. ,. 3. #. =. (onviction+ woe is "e - %+= (onfession+ a "an of unclean lips - %+= (leansin + thy sins is cleansed - %+(onsecration+ here a" I, send "e - %+1 (o""ission+ /o> (/od*s co""and) - %+9

The order here is "ost i"portant. There will 'e no 4doin 5 the co""ission, unless there is consecration. There will 'e no 4consecration5, unless there is cleansin . There will 'e no 4cleansin 5, unless there is confession. There will 'e no 4confession5, unless there is conviction. 0nd, 4conviction5 co"es, when we 4see the ;ord5. HIS MESSAGE: Isaiah warned 7udah of her folly and re'ellion. (hapter one is a vivid description of her condition (1+,-9). They had atte"pted to ca"oufla e their diso'edience 'y increased reli ious activities, 'ut /od despised it (1+11-1=). /od called the" to repentance and a practical odliness (1+1%1-). 8e offered the" for iveness and cleansin (1+11). 8e prophesied that the day would co"e when ri hteousness would prevail (,+1-#), 'ut 'efore then, an awful !ed e"ent would co"e upon the world for sin (,+19-,1). This reads like the 'ook of 3evelation. (hapter 3 is another indict"ent of 7udah for her sins (3+=,1,9,1,,1%). In chapter =, Isaiah uses the illustration of the vineyard. /od "ade every provision for 7udah.

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