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Christ the Healer

More: Difficult Scriptures

-All right. Theres one more area of difficulty I ant to deal ith. And! then! again! and start to loo" at some of the healings in the ministry of #esus. -The final area I ant to loo" at! is the area of S$%%&'I(). -*efore I ma"e any comments! lets loo" at some of the Scriptures in +uestion. Romans 8:14-18; 11 Cor. 1:3-5, Philippians 1:29, Philippians 3:9-10, 11 Timothy 2:11-12 -There are more Scriptures e could read. *ut! those fe e loo"ed at! -uild a pretty good case for suffering. .Theres no getting around it! the *i-le does say! ere going to suffer./ -(o ! here the pro-lem comes in! is: 0&102& 3A4&(T '&A2I5&D T3AT T3& *I*2& TA26S A*1$T 7 DI%%&'&(T 6I(DS 1% S$%%&'I(). 8See! hat e9e done! is e9e seen the !ript"res on suffering! and then #H$T%&%R '()* +, -,,%R(). C$/% +-R #$0 .Sic"ness! po9erty! pain/... :& SAT *A;6! and said! 1h! Im <ust s"11erin2 1or 3es"s. -*ut! the *i-le tal"s a-out 2 *(,,%R%)T '()* of suffering. Theres one "ind that you and I WILL ha9e to suffer. And! theres another "ind that e WONT ha9e to suffer= .And! e need to differentiate -et een the t o=/ 3o can you tell the difference> The '%0 is found! in loo"ing at the sufferings of #esus= -?ou see! #esus suffered T:1 DI%%&'&(T :A?S= our -6 T(T-T%. 3e suffered as our %4$/P5%! and 3e suffered as ere going to s itch gears

-The things 3e suffered as our su-stitute! e ont ha9e to suffer= .'emem-er hat the ord su-stitute means= .If ere playing -ase-all! and I send in a substitute to -at for you! 7o yo" still 8at> (o. (1 he9s yo"r s"8stit"te! he bats INSTEAD of you./ -:ell! there are things that #esus suffered as our su-stitute= .Does anyone ant to guess hat those things are> 0o9erty! sic"ness and spiritual death./ -3e -ore the !"rse o1 the 5a: as our s"8stit"te. And! .as :e9ll ne;er ha;e to 8ear= -2ets <ust do a +uic" re9ie e sa a couple of ee"s ago/! those things

<1= P+&%RT0 - The Scripture e loo"ed at


11 Cor. 8:9 - %or ye "no the grace of our 2ord #esus ;hrist! that! though he sa"es he -ecame poor! that ye through his po9erty might -e rich. -(o ! as that su-stitute or e@ample.

as rich! yet for your

:ell! hat did it say> Did it say 3e -ecame poor! so all of you could see ho to do it> (o. It said! 3e -ecame poor! that ?1$ might -e rich. ha9e to=/ .Thats su-stitution. 3e -ore it so e ouldnt



- Again!

e loo"ed at...

( $($H 53:5 - 3e as ounded for our transgressions! he as -ruised for our ini+uities! the chastisement of our peace as upon 3im! and ith his stripes! e ere healed. -&erse 10 said! It pleased the 2ord to -ruise him! 3e hath put him to grief! and made him sic". -:hy as #esus made sic"> So! ed see ho to do it ell> -(o. *y 3is -ruise! there is healing for us. .Thats su-stitution./


P(R(T-$5 *%$TH - 3ere e loo"ed at... e could

11 Cor. 5:21 - %or 3e .)od the %ather/ hath made him .#esus/ to -e sin for us... .:hy> So continue in our lost condition>/ (o= that e might -e made the righteousness of )od in 3im. All those things 3e suffered as su-stitute! so e ould ne9er ha9e to suffer them. .So! 3e suffered some things as our su-stitute./ Then! there are other things! that 3e suffered as our %4$/P5%= ha9e to suffer. 8And! those are the things

e will

.:hat things are they> :ell see in <ust a moment. *ut! first! turn to.../ 1 P%T%R 2:18-21 See! there are some things that #esus suffered as our %4$/P5%. -(o ! hen 3e suffered as our su-stitute! e dont have to suffer those things. -*ut! hen 3e suffered as our e@ample! 3e suffered those things to H+# - H+# T+ R% P+)* ! hen e suffer them. .Do you understand the 7 types of suffering>/ All right! then. :hat things ill e ha9e to suffer>

<1= T%/PT$T(+) He8re:s 2:1>-18 - %or in that he himself hath suffered -eing tempted! he is a-le to succour .help/ them that are tempted. -There are 7 things I ant you to see here. <a= )oti!e He !alls temptation ?s"11erin2@ -See! e9en though your S0I'IT has -een -orn-again! ?1$' %2&S3 still rong= -.:hen you got sa9ed! only your spirit-man untouched -y the ne -irth. ants to do things that are ere relati9ely

as affected= ?our mind and your -ody

-1f course! no that youre sa9ed! )od ants ?1$ to do something a-out your mind and your -ody= Thats Romans 12:1-2= -'ene your mind! and control your -ody./ -So! your -ody as relati9ely untouched -y the ne -irth! and it still ants to do rong. -So! hen you say! (1 to your -ody! thatll cause some suffering= 1 P%T%R 4:1 - :e could turn that around! and say it this suffered in the flesh. :hen you say! (1 to your -ody! thatll cause some suffering= R+/$) 8:1A-1> - .:hats the suffering hes spea"ing of>/ a-out is SA?I() (1 T1 SI(= Thatll cause suffering= -)o -ac" to... H%6R%# 2:18 - (o ! ha9e to> (o. hat did that say> Did it say that 3e suffered temptation so e ould ne9er &erse 13 - The suffering hes tal"ing ay: 3e that hath ceased from sin hath

3e suffered -eing tempted! .so he could/ help them that are tempted. 8So! is that su-stitution or e@ample. <2= P%R %C-T(+) &AAM02&= .So! e will ha9e to suffer temptation=/

1 P%T%R 2:18- 23 -This is tal"ing a-out suffering on the <o-! -ecause youre a ;hristian. .3a9e you e9er -een pic"ed on! -ecause you ere a -elie9er> I ha9e= :ell! thats par for the course= Its <ust part of -eing a -elie9er=/

1 P%T%R 3:14-1A - *e not afraid of their terror .threats/ -Sanctify the 2ord )od .gi9e )od 3is rightful place/ in your hearts. -6eeping a clear conscience. 1 P%T%R 4:12-1A - ;an you see that persecution is part of hat )od still lets us suffer> -Ill gi9e you some other Scriptures to rite do n: 3ohn 15:18-21, 11 Timothy 3:10-12, 1 Peter 4:1-4.

-So! do you understand suffering. #esus suffered t o ays. The things 3e suffered as my su-stitute! Ill ne9er ha9e to suffer. *ut! the things 3e suffered as My e@ample! I ill ha9e to suffer. .And! I can loo" at 3im! and see ho I should respond./ Does that help>

1"ay! lets go on...

And! loo" at some of theB

H%$5(). () TH% /()( TR0 +, 3% -(o ! as healing. e do this! Ill try to point out some of the things the 0&102& DID! in order to '&;&I4& their

.(o ! from time to time! ell -e going outside of the ministry of #esus! to illustrate a principle! -ut for the most part! ell try to stay as close as e can to #&S$S MI'A;2&S! in the C )ospels./ 1$T2I(& of principles ell -e discussing.

+-T5()% +, 6$ (C PR()C(P5% <1= .o7 is $8le to Heal 8The 2unatic" - Mar" D:EC-7D 8A-raham - 'omans C:EF-7E <2= .o7 is #illin2 to Heal 8The 2eper - Mar" E:CG-C7

<3= 0o" m"st 'no: 6oth Prin!iplesB .o7 is $8le C #illin2 8The ;enturions Ser9ant - Mt. H:I-EJ <4= ,aith is Release7 thro"2h #or7 an7 $!tion 8Instruction: Mar" EE:7J, Acts EC:K-EG 8The :oman ith the Issue of *lood - Mar" I:7I-JC 8*lind *artimaeus - Mar" EG:CF-I7 8The Ten 2epers - 2u"e EK:EE-ED <5= ?The (mportan!e o1 Con1ession@ C ?The T:o Types o1 Con1ession@ 8Instruction: 'omans EG <A= 'no:in2 the &o!a8"lary o1 ilen!e 83a9ing Done all to Stand! Stand therefore 8#arius Daughter - Mar" I:7E-7J!JI-CJ <>= *ealin2 :ith the *e;il 8The 2unatic" - Mar" D:EC-7D 8The Madman of )adara - Mar" I:E-7G

All right. 2ets get into this. -*ut! <ust -efore e do! let me say this! -y ay of introduction into the first 7 points. -There are 7 4&'? IM01'TA(T things you need to "no ! -efore you can e9er recei9e healing from )od. .E/ %irst! you must "no that )od is $65% to heal. .7/ Secondly! you must "no that )od is #(55(). to heal. -It all starts ith "no ing that )od is $65%= .If you dont "no that! then you might as Theres no point=/ -(o ! most people -elie9e that )od is A*2& to heal= .&9en the sinner on the street! )od! -elie9es that )od is A*2&=/ ell not pray. ho -elie9es in

8The only people I9e e9er found ho *+)9T 6%5(%&% that )od is $65%! are people ho ha9e .someho / ha7 their 1aith SHAKEND to the point they )+ 5+).%R 6%5(%&% .that )ods A-le/= -:e ha9e a perfect e@ample of this! in Mar" D /$R' 9:2-9 -(o ! I ant you to get the picture: #esus ent up to the Mount of Transfiguration! and #ohn. .The other D disciples ere left -elo ./ -:hile #esus as gone! something had transpired -elo . ith 0eter! #ames!

9:14-18 -(o ! lets stop here! long enough to find out :3? T3&? ;1$2D(T= . /att. 1>:19-20/

-Luestion: :as the pro-lem ith )od> :as it that )od C+-5*)9T heal the -oy> (o. .The pro-lem as ith the disciples=/ -*ut! . ere going to see/ that this man 3IMS&2% :asn9t a8le to heal= $# TH% *(C(P5% 9 ,$(5-R%! and concluded that )od

-.?ou "no people do that all the time= They see a *&2I&4&' fail to recei9e! and they -lame )od./ -And! theyll usually say one of 7 things: )od isnt illing! or )od isnt a-le./

-This fello chose the latter: 3e thought! )od asnt a-le=

9:1>-21 Side thought: In ;. 1>! e find out that this -oy as full gro n. .3uios - mature son/. -In ;erse 21 - e find out hen this demon came into the -oy. .0aidion - &ng: pediatrics - age 7-C/ 8:hy did #esus as"> These things gain strength ith time.

9:21-22 -(otice hat the man said! (, TH+- C$) T do anything. -3is faith had -een sha"en to the point that 3e e9en dou-ted JESUS ability to heal= -.Again! ho did it happen> 3e had seen the failure of others=/ -%ol"s! dont -ase your %AIT3! .or ?1$' 3&A2I()/ on the fact that Aunt Martha died= -Aunt Martha is a human -eing= She could miss it= *ut! #esus ne9er misses it= -2oo" again hat #esus said in ;erse 19= *ring 3im to me= .(otice hat happened hen this man

8%ol"s! e need to get our eyes off M&(! and -ac" onto #esus= got his eyes -ac" on #esus./

9:21-23 -(otice! #esus put the responsi-ility -ac" on him. If 0+- can 8elie;e=

-See! the +uestion isnt ith )od! . hether or not 3e is a-le to heal/! the +uestion is or not yo" !an 8elie;e=/

ith ?1$! . hether

9:24-2> 8 I ant you to notice! .and this is hat I anted you to get out of this story/ - I% 0&102& A'& S3A6&(! to the point that they (1 21()&' *&2I&4& that )1D IS $65% T1 3&A2! then you ha9e to deal ith that first. 8(o one ill e;er 2et heale7 ! ithout -elie9ing that .o7 is a8le. -.The one e@ception! is the gifts of the Spirit. :ell deal ith that later on in the course. -%or no ! ell <ust say this much: 8)ifts of healings is )od initiating a healing on 3is o n. And! in that case! the recipient doesnt ha9e to -elie9e A(?T3I()=/ *ut! in e9ery other case! .if a person is I(ITIATI() T3&I' 1:( 3&A2I()/! youll ha9e to get them to -elie9e that .+* ( $65%= .*efore they can recei9e their healing./

All right. 2ets close -y loo"ing at A*'A3AM. R+/$) 4 - ?ou remem-er the story. A-raham M Sarah anted a child. *ut! she had -een -arren all of their married li9es! and -esides that! theyre -eyond the child--earing years. So! it seemed impossi-le. -*ut! )od promised them a S1(! and they had to use their faith to -ring it to pass.

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