Authorizations: Standard Roles

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The applications in Manufacturing use the following objects for the authorization checks: Standard Roles Profiles Authorization Objects

Standard Roles
The following table shows the standard roles used by applications in Manufacturing. Roles: asic !ata Role SAP"PP" !"RT#"$A%&TA%& SAP"PP" !"')*"!%SP+A, SAP"PP" !"')*"$A%&TA%& !escription 'ork Scheduling ( $aintenance 'ork *enter !isplay 'ork *enter $aintenance

SAP"PP"$AT-R%A+"$A&A#-$-&T $aterials $anage.ent Production SAP"PP"PS"PRT SAP"+O"PP"RT#"!%SP+A, SAP"+O"PP"RT#"$A%&TA%& SAP"+O"PP"'R)*"!%SP+A, SAP"+O"PP"'R)*"$A%&TA%& Roles: *apacity Planning 1PP(*RP2 Role SAP"PP"*APA"P+A& !escription Plan *apacities Project Syste. / Production Resources0Tools Routing !isplay Routing $aintenance 'ork *enter !isplay 'ork *enter $aintenance

SAP"PP"*APA"P+A&"-3A+ Roles: )anban 1PP()A 2 Role SAP"PP")A "*O&TRO+ SAP"PP")A "R-PORT%&# Roles: Production Planning 1PP($P2 Role SAP"PP"$P"5OR-*AST

-4aluate *apacity Planning

!escription )A& A& *ontrol )A& A& -4aluation

!escription $aterial 5orecast

SAP"PP"$P"+O&#"T-R$"P+A&&%&# +ong(ter. planning SAP"PP"$P"$PS"P+A&&%&# Roles: Re6uire.ents Planning 1PP($RP2 Role SAP"PP"$RP"*OOR!%&AT%O& SAP"PP"$RP"-3A+7AT%O&S SAP"PP"$RP"$AST-R"!ATA SAP"PP"$RP"P+A&&-!"OR!-R SAP"PP"$RP"P+A&&%&# Roles: Production Orders 1PP(S5*2 Role SAP"PP"S5*"*O&5%R$AT%O&S !escription Production Order ( *onfir.ations !escription $RP PP ( *oordination $RP PP ( -4aluation $RP PP / $aster !ata $RP PP / Planned Order $RP PP / Planning -8ecution $aster Production Scheduling

SAP"PP"S5*"#$ SAP"PP"S5*"$AT"$A&A#-$-&T SAP"PP"S5*"O*$ SAP"PP"S5*"OR!-R"-9*-PT%O&S SAP"PP"S5*"OR!-RS SAP"PP"S5*"P-R5OR$A&*-

Production Order / #oods $o4e.ents Production Order / $aterials $anage.ent Production Order ( Order *hange $anage.ent Production Order / Reprocessing Production Order / Processing Production Order / Production %nfor.ation Syste.

SAP"PP"S5*"PRO!7*T%O&"OP-RATOR Production Operator in Production SAP"PP"S5*"PRT SAP"PP"S5*"'$ Roles: Repetiti4e $anufacturing 1PP(R-$2 Role SAP"PP"R-$"*O&5%R$AT%O& !escription Repetiti4e $anufacturing ( ackflushing Production Order / Production Resource0Tool Production Order ( 'arehouse $anage.ent

SAP"PP"R-$"$AST-R!ATA*:A&#- Repetiti4e $anufacturing / *hange $aster !ata SAP"PP"R-$"$AST-R!ATA!%SP+ SAP"PP"R-$"P+A&&%&# SAP"PP"R-$"PRO!7*T%O& SAP"PP"R-$"R-PORT%&# Roles: Process %ndustries 1Pl2 Repetiti4e $anufacturing / !isplay $aster !ata Repetiti4e $anufacturing ( Planning Repetiti4e $anufacturing ( Production Repetiti4e $anufacturing ( -4aluations

Role SAP"PP"P%" AT*:"R-*OR!"-9P SAP"PP"P%" AT*:"R-*OR!"S7P-R SAP"PP"P%"*APA"-3A+"ST! SAP"PP"P%"*APA*%T,"-9P SAP"PP"P%"*TR+"R-*%P-"-9P SAP"PP"P%"*7ST"PRO*$#$T SAP"PP"P%"!O'&T%$-"-9P SAP"PP"P%"!O'&T%$-"S7P-R SAP"PP"P%"#OO!S"$O3-"-9P SAP"PP"P%"#OO!S"$O3-":7"-9P SAP"PP"P%"#OO!S"$O3-":7"S7P-R SAP"PP"P%"$A" AT*:"R-*"'+"*7$ SAP"PP"P%"$A"P%"S:--T"'+"*7$ SAP"PP"P%"$A"PRO*"OR!-R"'+"*7$

!escription -dit atch Record Appro4e atch Record Perfor. *apacity -4aluations -dit *apacity $onitor *ontrol Recipe *usto.izing for Process $anage.ent Record !ownti.e Settings for ! -nter #oods $o4e.ent for Order -nter #oods $o4e.ents with :andling 7nits *ancel #oods $o4e.ents with :andling 7nits $iniApp: 'orklist for atch Records ( Accu.ulated $iniApp: 'orklist for P% Sheets ( Accu.ulated $iniApp: 'orklist for Process Orders ( Accu.ulated

SAP"PP"P%"$AST-R"R-*%P-"-9P SAP"PP"P%"$AST-R"R-*%P-"ST! SAP"PP"P%"$AT"STA#%&#"-9P SAP"PP"P%"$AT"STA#%&#"ST!

-dit $aster Recipe !isplay $aster Recipe -8ecute $aterial Staging for Order !isplay $aterial Staging for Order

SAP"PP"P%"$5#"*O*)P%T";"-9P SAP"PP"P%"$5#"*O*)P%T"<"-9P SAP"PP"P%"$PARTS"%&5O"ST! SAP"PP"P%"OR!-R"*O&5"-9P SAP"PP"P%"OR!-R"*O&5"ST! SAP"PP"P%"OR!-R"*O&5"S7P-R SAP"PP"P%"OR!-R"%&5O"ST! SAP"PP"P%"OR!-R"R-*OR!"-9P SAP"PP"P%"OR!-R"R-*OR!"ST! SAP"PP"P%"P%"S:--T"-9P SAP"PP"P%"P%"S:--T"S7P-R SAP"PP"P%"PRO*"$-SSA#-"-9P SAP"PP"P%"PRO*"OR!-R"-9P"*:&# SAP"PP"P%"PRO*"OR!-R"-9P"*R-A SAP"PP"P%"PRO*"OR!-R"ST! SAP"PP"P%"PRO!"*A$PA%#&"-9P SAP"PP"P%"PRO!"*A$PA%#&"ST! SAP"PP"P%"PRO!"3-RS%O&"-9P SAP"PP"P%"PRO!"3-RS%O&"ST! SAP"PP"P%"R-SO7R*-"-9P SAP"PP"P%"R-SO7R*-"ST!

-dit $anufacturing *ockpit for $anager0-ngineer -dit $anufacturing *ockpit for Plant $anager -4aluate $issing Parts %nfo Syste. -nter Order *onfir.ation !isplay Order *onfir.ation *orrect Order *onfir.ations -4aluate Order %nfo Syste. Store Order Record !isplay Order Record $aintain P% Sheet *heck P% Sheet and Set to =Technically *o.plete> -dit Process $essage *hange Process Order *reate Process Order !isplay Process Order -dit Production *a.paign !isplay Production *a.paign -dit Production 3ersion !isplay Production 3ersion -dit Resource !isplay Resource

SAP"PP"P%"R-SO7R*-"S7P-R SAP"PP"P%"S5"%&5O"ST! SAP"PP"P%"ST!"T-9T"-9P Roles: Plant .aintenance 1P$2 Role SAP"SR"T:T-*:O "TA)-O3-R"; SAP"SR"T:T-*:O ":A&!O3-R"; SAP"*O*)P%T"-A$S"#-&-R%*"57&*

Resource Settings -4aluate Shop 5loor %nfor.ation Syste. -dit Standard Te8t

!escription &' * Role for Takeo4er of Technical Objects &' * Role for :ando4er of Technical Objects #eneric -A$ 5unctions

SAP"*O*)P%T"-A$S"$A%&T"'OR)-R $aintenance 'orker

The following table shows the profiles used by applications in Manufacturing. Profile *")A& A&"A++ *")APA"A++ *")APA"A&? *")APA"*7ST *"+5P+"A++ *"$-SS"A++ *"$R-*"A++ *"$R-*"*:A !escription Profile with All Authorizations for )A& A& Production *ontrol PP: *apacity Planning PP *apacity Planning !isplay Authorizations PP: Set @ 3ariables $aintenance for *apacity Planning +ong(Ter. Planning: All Authorizations PP(P% Process $essages: All Authorizations PP(P% $aster Recipe: Authorizations for All Transactions PP(P% $aster Recipe: *hange Authorization

*"$R-*"*R*"$R-*"$AT *"$R-*"RP+ *"$R-*"S:O *"$R-*"7S*"$ST+"A++ *"$ST+"A&? *"P -!"A&? *"P "A++ *"P "R-O *"PO%"A++ *"PPP%"A++ *"PR*:AR"A++

PP(P% $aster Recipe: *reate Authorization PP(P% $aster Recipe: $aterial $aster 7pdate PP(P% $aster Recipe: Authorization for $ass Replace.ent PP(P% $aster Recipe: !isplay Authorization PP(P% $aster Recipe: Authorization for 'here(7sed +ists PP $aterial O$s: $aintenance and !isplay Authorizations PP $aterial O$s: !isplay Authorizations !isplay Profile for !e.and $anage.ent $aintenance and !isplay Authorizations for !e.and $g.t Authorization for Reorganization in !e.and $anage.ent All Authorizations for PO% %nterface PP(P%: All Authorizations for Processing $anufacturing PP(P%: All Authorizations for -8t. Access to Proc. *haract.

Authorization Objects
All the authorization objects of an application are grouped into one object class. ,ou can display the authorization objects by choosing Role $aintenance 1transaction P5*#2 -n4iron.ent Authorization Objects Display. The following table shows the object classes for the authorization objects used by applications in Manufacturing. Object *lasses for Authorization Objects Authorization Object !escription PP PPProduction Planning %ntegrated Product and Process -ngineering

+ogistics ( #eneral +O Authorization objects: *"*5"A7-7Authorization object for displaying0.aintaining contents of *%5 6ueue *"PP-"PS iPP-: PS (iPP- interface 1*o.ponent assign.ent2 *"PP-"PS iPP-: PS (iPP- interface 1%nterface2

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