BC Codes June 12, 2012

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BCBC Changes for 2012

Building and Safety Standards Branch

Bob Thompson & Jarrett Hutchinson
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BC Codes 2012
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch
Insta||at|on of W|ndows, Doors and Sky||ghts
(1) 8eserved
(2) 1he lnsLallaLlon of ...

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
What's New |n the 2012 8C8C
Combust|b|e enetrat|ons
Smoke A|arms & Lx|t S|gns
kes|dent|a| Care (83)
Spat|a| Separat|on
Sta|rs, kamps, nandra||s & Guards
New 8C Var|at|ons from Nat|ona| mode|

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
What Isn't New

Secondary Su|tes
8C ls reLalnlng lLs long sLandlng Secondary SulLe provlslons
1here are lssues wlLh Lhe n8C verslon whlch we couldn'L resolve ln
Llme for 2012
Lnergy Lff|c|ency
no revlslons Lo arL 10 unLll 2013

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
Combust|b|e enetrat|ons (3.1.9.)
!"#$ &'()*+
!"#$ +,(-+
lenum cables
l1-4 & l1-6
roLecLlon of conducLors
Servlng llfe safeLy and flre proLecLlon sysLems

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
New Term - Fire Stop

Fire stop: System consisting of a material,
component and means of support used to fill gaps
between fire separations or between fire
separations and other assemblies, or used around
items that wholly or partially penetrate a fire
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
New Definition - Fire Block

Fire block: Material,
component or system that
restricts the spread of fire
within a concealed space or
from a concealed space to an
adjacent space

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012

Combustible Piping Penetrations

Any size combustible pipe permitted to penetrate a fire
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Combust|b|e Dra|n |p|ng
LllmlnaLlon of resLrlcLlon on draln plplng peneLraLlng a
horlzonLal flre separaLlon

CombusLlble draln plplng permlLLed Lo peneLraLe a horlzonLal
flre separaLlon provlded lL leads dlrecLly from a
noncombusLlble waLer closeL Lhrough a concreLe floor slab."
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
|enum Cab|es
CombusLlble consLrucLlon
l1-4 raLlng
noncombusLlble consLrucLlon
l1-6 raLlng, or
l1-4 raLlng when enclosed ln noncombusLlble

Exceptions for
cables and wires
used for:
Signals for fire alarm
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
Raceways in Plenums
Raceways within plenum space shall be
- FT-6 rating in buildings required to be of
noncombustible construction
- FT-4 rating in buildings permitted to be of
combustible construction

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Exceptions to FT-6
Drop-down cables from plenum permitted
to be FT-4 rated when length is not greater
than 9 m

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Smoke A|arms
Lx|t S|gns
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Smoke A|arms
ln addlLlon Lo Lhose already requlred smoke
alarm shall be lnsLalled ln bedrooms
llres ln sleeplng rooms are Lhe second hlghesL
cause of flre deaLhs

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
Smoke Alarm Signal
Smoke alarm shall meet the temporal
pattern, or
be a combined temporal pattern and
voice relay
- improves audibility and early
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Power Supply
In addition to permanent connection with
power supply, battery backup is required
for 7 days normal operation followed by 4
minutes of alarm

Hush Button also required

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Exit Signs
Green pictograms conforming
to ISO standards
Language independent
Internationally recognized
Harmonize internationally
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

kes|dent|a| Care
Group 8 D|v|s|on 3
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

GkCU 8-2
GkCU 8-3
C8Cu 8-2
C8Cu C (8LSluLn1lAL)
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Residential Care
Group B Division 3, Care occupancy

Rationale for Change
Provincial and territorial regulators looking for more
flexible alternative to Group B Division 2 and more
safety than provided by Group C
Owners and operators of care facilities burdened with
current Group B Division 2 classification or limited to
Group C which doesnt allow for provision of care
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Cb[ect|ves of the Change
MalnLaln level of safeLy proporLlonaLe Lo
ldenLlfled rlsk
rovlde cosL-effecLlve alLernaLlves
Clarlfy areas of mlslnLerpreLaLlon
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Care and Detent|on Cccupancy
Croup 8 ulvlslon 1 & 2
Detent|on (81) 1reatment (82) Care (83)

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

1reatment . . . provlslon of medlcal or oLher
healLh-relaLed lnLervenLlon Lo persons ... may
render Lhem lncapable of evacuaLlng Lo a safe
locaLlon wlLhouL Lhe asslsLance of anoLher

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Care . . . provlslon of servlces oLher Lhan
,#$.,/$0, by, or Lhrough, faclllLy care
managemenL Lo resldenLs who requlre Lhese
servlces because of cognlLlve, physlcal or
behavloral llmlLaLlons

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch


Maximum building area for combustible construction, sprinklered

Building Height Group B Div 2 Group B Div 3 Group C
1 Storey 2400 m
5400 m
7200 m

2 Storeys 1600 m
2700 m
3600 m

3 Storeys Not allowed 1800 m
2400 m

4 Storeys Not allowed Not allowed 1800 m

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Des|gn Cr|ter|a
Corr|dor W|dth
1#$.,/$0, where paLlenLs moved ln beds: 2400
1#$.,/$0, where corrldors noL used Lo move
paLlenLs: 16S0 mm
2.#$ > 10 resldenLs and corrldors serve Lhose
resldenLs: 16S0 mm
2.#$ < 10 resldenLs: 1100 mm

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Sta|r W|dth

More Lhan 10 resldenLs
noL more Lhan 2 sLoreys above lowesL exlL level - 1100 mm
Serves more Lhan 2 sLoreys above lowesL exlL level - 1630 mm

noL more Lhan 10 resldenLs
noL more Lhan 2 sLoreys above lowesL exlL level - 900 mm
Serves more Lhan 2 sLoreys above lowesL exlL level - 1100 mm

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Door W|dth

Any 83 Cccupancy
Clear wldLh of 830 mm
WldLh based on Lhe concepL of one person
provldlng asslsLance Lo anoLher durlng evacuaLlon

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

83 Spr|nk|ers
NIA 13k or
ConLalns noL more Lhan 2 sulLes
noL more Lhan 3 resldenLs LhroughouL, Anu
30 mlnuLe waLer supply demand can be meL
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Why Shou|d We ay Attent|on?
PealLh Canada esLlmaLes 1,900 lung cancer deaLhs per year
are relaLed Lo radon
We spend more Llme lndoors, lncludlng basemenLs
1lghLer bulldlngs
Some geographlcal areas are known for hlgh rlsk of radon ln
Lhe ground
PealLh Canada reduced Lhe Canadlan AcLlon Level from 800
8q/m Lo 200 8q/m (lnLernaLlonal sLandard)
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

8C d|v|ded |nto two zones:
8adon known not Lo be a hazard (coasLal area)
Lverywhere else
Zones are ldenLlfled ln Appendlx C CllmaLlc
uaLa" Lable

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Code Changes - arL 9
Applles Lo all houslng and small bulldlngs excepL where radon ls not
known Lo be a problem:
Alr barrler requlremenLs moved from 9.13. Lo 9.23. for below-ground walls
olyeLhylene soll gas barrler requlred under slab
Slab perlmeLer sealed Lo alr barrler of Lhe wall
All peneLraLlons (mosLly plpes) sealed
Sump plL cover requlred Lo be alrLlghL (9.14.)
ConslsLenL requlremenLs for ground cover (9.18.)
LxempLlon from flll under slab deleLed (9.16.)

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

kadon M|t|gat|on kough-In
1yplcally 100 mm of gravel wlLh a
capped 100 mm plpe near Lhe cenLre of
Lhe slab for Lhe fuLure connecLlon of an
exLracLlon fan.

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Spat|a| Separat|on
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Spat|a| Separat|on - art 9
A number of serlous exposure flres ln recenL years, especlally ln AlberLa,
prompLed a revlew of long sLandlng n8C spaLlal separaLlon requlremenLs ln
arL 9.
Nature of 1echn|ca| Changes
llre deparLmenL response Llmes
LlmlLlng dlsLance
Clazed openlngs and unproLecLed openlngs
roLecLlon of exposlng bulldlng face

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

I|re department response t|mes
L|m|t|ng D|stance (LD)
ClarlflcaLlon of relaLlonshlp beLween flre deparLmenL response Llme
and Lu (beLween &3"'4"05+ and properLy llnes):
10-m|n response t|me (Llme call recelved by lu Lo arrlval of flrsL flre
ParmonlzaLlon beLween arL 3 and arL 9 language on Lu when the
10-m|n |s exceeded

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

L|m|t|ng D|stance - cont'd
value equal Lo half Lhe acLual '"/","05 4"+,.0)$ musL be
used where:
10-mln flre deparLmenL response cannoL be meL
ln 90 of calls Lo Lhe &3"'4"05
AuLhorlLy havlng [urlsdlcLlon should be consulLed aL
onseL of pro[ecL

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

More Changes

Area of Unprotected Openings
Area of Glazed Openings
Construction of Exposing Building Face
Soffit Protection
Combustible Projections
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

& Guards

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Sta|rs, kamps, nandra||s & Guards
ParmonlzaLlon beLween arL 3 and arL 9 for Lermlnology and
dlmenslons plus some new provlslons.
k|se and kun
180 mm (7") max rlse and 280 mm (11") mlnlmum run for
publlc sLalrs ln arL 9
nandra|| ne|ght
863 mm mlnlmum (was 800 mm) arL 9

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

rotect|on of Cpenab|e W|ndows - art 3
SulLes of resldenLlal occupancy
proLecLlon aL wlndow requlred by:
Cuard aL a helghL of 1070 mm or
Mechanlsm conLrolllng wlndow openlng Lo 100 mm
Cpenlng locaLed hlgher Lhan 1070 mm, or
8oLLom edge of openable porLlon of wlndow ls
<1800 mm above surface on oLher slde

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

C||mbab|e Guards
LdlLorlal changes
Clarlfy lnLenL of provlslon
new Appendlx noLe wlLh lllusLraLlons

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Horizontal and vertical clearances > 450 mm
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Doors &
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

W|ndows, Doors & Sky||ghts
key Messages

1echnlcal changes for wlndows, doors and skyllghLs address:
8eferenclng a harmonlzed sLandard (nAlS)
new SubsecLlon 3.10.2., resLrucLurlng SecLlons 9.6. and 9.7.
8eferenclng up-Lo-daLe sLandards for sealanL producLs
8elevanL and new sealanL producL caLegorles
A sLandard for backer rods

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

norLh Amerlcan lenesLraLlon SLandard"
SpeclflcaLlon for Wlndows, uoors, and SkyllghLs 2008
uS-only requlremenLs
Canada-only requlremenLs
CSA A440S1 Canadlan SupplemenL
Snow loads, Alr leakage, Marklng, lnsecL screens

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

8eplace 6 sLandards:
CSA A440-2000
CSA A440.2 user SelecLlon Culde
CCS8 63.14 lasLlc SkyllghLs
CSA-C132.2 Serles Wood llush uoors
CSA 82.1 Slldlng uoors
CSA 82.3 lnsulaLed SLeel uoors
wlLh nAlS-2008 & Canadlan SupplemenL

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch


C|ass k G1200: S|ze tested 760 12S0 mm Casement

Class 8 - lndlcaLes performance class (8 ls mlnlmum n8C requlremenL)
C 1200 - lndlcaLes performance grade (1esLed and passed aL 1200 a deslgn
Slze LesLed 760 x 1230 mm - lndlcaLes maxlmum producL slze LesLed
CasemenL - lndlcaLes producL Lype

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

art 9 - M|sce||aneous

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

art 9 - M|sce||aneous
Inter|or Dampproof|ng (
1lLle now: MolsLure roLecLlon of lnLerlor llnlshes"
AddlLlonal accepLable soluLlon for molsLure proLecLlon of
lnLerlor flnlshes (foam plasLlc lnsulaLlon)
Low permeance maLerlal now permlLLed above exLerlor
grade level
Moved gravel requlremenLs dlrecLly lnLo Lhls secLlon
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Ioundat|on Wa||s
Address markeL demand for hlgher basemenLs
lncreased helghL of foundaLlon walls
Maxlmum wall helghL of 3 m for solld concreLe walls
updaLed slzes and spaclng of requlred re-bar for relnforced
concreLe block walls

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Low ermeance Mater|a|s
8evlew appllcaLlon llmlLs (33 & 60 lnLerlor 8P)
Lnergy reLroflLs ofLen use exLerlor low-permeance lnsulaLlon
Clarlfy mosL mlsundersLood SecLlon ln arL 9
Clarlfled code sLrucLure
lnLroduce concepL of norma| cond|t|ons" lnsLead of 33-60 lnLerlor 8P
Addresses foamed plasLlcs as vapour barrler

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Scope and app||cat|on (unchanged)
PeaL, alr and waLer vapour Lransfer and
condensaLlon conLrol
All walls, celllngs and floors separaLlng
condlLloned space from uncondlLloned space,
exLerlor alr or ground
buL . . .
BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

New structure
Scope and appllcaLlon 9.23.1.
1hermal lnsulaLlon 9.23.2.
Alr barrler 9.23.3.
vapour barrler 9.23.4.
Low permeance maLerlals 9.23.3.

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Mlld cllmaLe locaLlons up Lo 60 8P arL 9
Cold cllmaLe locaLlons up Lo 33 8P arL 9
and replace wlLh:
"Norma| Cond|t|ons"
arL 9 consLrucLlon for vapour barrler and low permeance maLerlals applles
under normal condlLlons
Lxamples: Lyplcal resldenLlal occupancles, and buslness and personal servlces occupancles
(lncludlng Lyplcal baLhrooms and showers, eLc.)
arL 3 deslgn of bulldlng envelope assemblles applles Lo hlgh-molsLure
Lxamples: swlmmlng pools, greenhouses, laundromaLs and any conLlnuous operaLlon of hoL
Lubs and saunas

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Insta||at|on of vapour barr|ers
roducLs lnsLalled Lo funcLlon as Lhe vapour barrler shall proLecL Lhe warm
slde of wall, celllng and floor assemblles
Where Lhe vapour barrler and lnsulaLlon are d|fferent products, Lhe
vapour barrler shall be lnsLalled sufflclenLly close Lo Lhe warm slde of Lhe
Where Lhe vapour barrler and lnsulaLlon are the same product, Lhe
producL shall be lnsLalled sufflclenLly close Lo Lhe warm slde of Lhe
. . . Lo prevenL condensaLlon aL deslgn condlLlons

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Cdds & Sods

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Cdds & Sods
Sma|| Group A D|v 2 Group A, D|v|s|on 2, Low Cccupant Load
1) A +3",$ of Croup A, ulvlslon 2 6++$/&'7 ())3-.0)7 ls permlLLed Lo be classlfled as a
Croup u, 83+"0$++ .04 -$#+(0.' +$#9")$+ ())3-.0)7 provlded
a) Lhe number of persons ln Lhe +3",$ does noL exceed 30, and
b) excepL as permlLLed by SenLence (2), Lhe +3",$ ls separaLed from Lhe remalnder of
Lhe &3"'4"05 by a :"#$ +$-.#.,"(0 havlng a :"#$-#$+"+,.0)$ #.,"05 of noL less Lhan 1 hr.
2) 1he :"#$ +$-.#.,"(0 requlred by SenLence (1) need noL have a :"#$;#$+"+,.0)$ #.,"05 where
Lhe +3",$ ls locaLed ln a &3"'4"05 LhaL ls +-#"0*'$#$4 LhroughouL.
3) A permanenL slgn, wlLh leLLerlng noL less Lhan 30 mm hlgh wlLh a 12 mm sLroke,
lndlcaLlng Lhe lesser of Lhe ())3-.0, '(.4 for Lhe +3",$ or 30 persons, shall be posLed ln
a consplcuous locaLlon near Lhe prlnclpal enLrance.

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Mezzan|nes (
. . . Lhe space above Lhe /$<<.0"0$ ls used as a vlsually open area
wlLhouL -.#,","(0+ or subdlvldlng walls hlgher Lhan 1070 mm
NIA 13k (
sprlnkler sysLem lnsLalled ln a bulldlng of resldenLlal occupancy
LhroughouL, noL more Lhan 4 sLoreys ln bulldlng helghL
replaced wlLh
sprlnkler sysLem lnsLalled ln a bulldlng of resldenLlal ma[or occupancy
conLalnlng no oLher ma[or occupancles, of noL more Lhan 4 sLoreys ln
bulldlng helghL
BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

Group D Su|te Separat|on no :"#$ +$-.#.,"(0 ls requlred beLween +3",$+ of &3+"0$++
.04 -$#+(0.' +$#9")$+ ())3-.0)7= I|re A|arm System kequ|red
(1) LxcepL as permlLLed ln SenLences (3) and (4), a flre alarm
sysLem shall be lnsLalled ln &3"'4"05+ ln whlch a sprlnkler
sysLem ls requlred by Lhls arL. (see Appendlx)

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch
Water System

BCBC Changes for 2012
Building and Safety Standards Branch

1hank ou

BOABC Seminar May 7, 2012
Next: Part 9 Lateral Loads

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