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Successful Remedies for Early Marriage

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SuccessfulRemediesforEarly Marriage

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If a girl's marriage is getting delayed, she should keep fast for sixteen consecutive Mondays and offer sacred water in a Shiva temple. She should dress up as Goddess Parvati, tie the knot between Shiva and Parvati and pray for early marriage. Marriage proposalswillstartpouringin.Thisissimple,effectiveandverysuccessfulremedy.

ThegirlshouldreadversesrelatedtothemarriageofShivaandParvatiintheBalkand ofRamcharitManaseveryday,wishesofearlymarriagearefulfilled.

For early marriage, the girl should keep photo of Shiva and Parvati in her room and shouldtouchtheirfeeteveryday.


"Heygaurishankraardhanginiyathatwamshankerpriya Tathamakurukalyanikankantamsudurlabham"

She should touch feet of ma parvati after reciting the above mantra.This remedy has alsobeenfoundveryeffective.

Thegirlsofmarriageableageshouldrecitefollowingtimetestedmantraforearlyhappy marriage. "Omkatyayanimahabhagemahayoginyadhishvarim Nandgopsutamdevipatiammekurutenamah



Successful Remedies for Early Marriage

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Thegirlshouldoffer(1)LalChura(2)LalChunaria(3)Red Flowers (4) Henna (5) Roli (6)LalJora(7)RedRibbon(8)SevenglassbanglesofredcolortoMaParvati.inaShiv templeandshouldPraytoMaParvatiforearlymarriageandsuitablehusband.Thisis veryeffectiveremedyforearlymarriage.

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ThegirlshouldofferKalangi(WhichisthereatthetopoftheSehra)in Vishnu Laxmi temple, along with 5 laddoos on Thursdays and pray for quick marriage.This is miraculousremedyandhasworkedverywellinsomecases. In the month Shravan offering 108 peopal leaves on shivaling everyday helps in early marriageofthegirl.

The girl wanting to get married early should wear Gauri Shanker Rudraksh in red colouredthreadonMonday.

If any other girl is getting married in the family or in the neighborhood, girls of marriageable age should put a bit of mehandi on her hands immediately after it has beenputonbride.

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The girl should offer five ladoos to Shri Ganesh Ji for eight weeks for getting good matrimonialproposalsandforgettingmarriedearly.

ThegirlshouldofferRedchunni,redbanglesandsinduretctoLordShivaandParvatiat anynearbytempleforearlymarriage. On Thursday the girl whose marriage is getting delayed should keep (1) seven supari (2)sevenpiecesofhaldi(3)sevenJaneue(4)sevenyellowflowers(5)sevenpiecesof gur (6) seventy grams chane ki daal (7) seventy centimeter yellow cloth (8) seven yellow coins or seven brass pieces (9) one pandreh yantra at the place of Puja in her home.WorshipandprayMaParvatiformarriageforfortydays.Thisisconsideredtobe verysuccessfulremedy. On Thursdays, the girl whose marriage is getting delayed should offer Kalangi to Lord VishnuinVishnuLaxmitemple,alongwith5laddoosandprayforearlymarriage.This isconsideredmiraculousandveryeffectiveremedy. The Sundar Kand of the Ramayana, should be recited by the girl wanting to get marriedearlyeverydayfor21days,facingNorthdirectionwithaphototoSriHanuman offering ring to Maa Sita. This will ensure that all the obstacles to the marriage are removed as the earliest and marriage proposals are accepted with ease and quickly. TherecitationofSunderKandshouldbestartedonaFridayofaWaxingMoon. The unmarried girls should not use black colour clothes, curtains, bedsheets etc as thiscolourcreatesobstaclesinearlymarriage. The unmarried girls should sleep in NorthWest room of the house. They should not



Successful Remedies for Early Marriage


If the marriageable age girl throws one orange in a river or canal on full moon day, it helpsinfindingsuitablematchwithoutanydelay. Keeping an image of Shiva Parvati under the pillow or mattress is also considered effectiveremedyforearlymarriage. The South West area of the house should be kept clean.The Dustbin should not be keptinSouthwestarea.Dirtysouthwestareaalsohasnegativeeffectonrelationships betweenmarriedcouple. Keeplovebirdsimages,wallhangings,paintingsormodelsinSouthwestbedroomof thehouse.Ithelpsinfindingsuitablematchforunmarriedgirlsatanearlydate.
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2013(1) February(1) RemediesfordelayinMarriage

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KeepPeonyflowersinyoursittingroom.Incaseyoucannotkeepflowers,theimages offlowersorpaintingdepictingPeonyflowersshouldbeputinthesittingroom.


The girl should worship banana tree with water mixed with pinch of turmeric powder everyThursdayforgettingmarriedearly. Thegirlshouldfeedgreengrassorspinach(Palak)toCowdaily. The girl should take bath with water after putting a pinch of Haldi (Turmeric) in the water. Thegirlshouldavoiddrinkingmilkatnight. ThegirlshouldwearwhiteclothesoneveryFridayandyellowclothesonThursday.Itis veryeffectivetantrabothforLoveandanearlymarriage. Thegirlswantingtogetmarriedearlyshouldalsotakecareoftheirappearancebesides the various remedies listed here. Also she should keep positive attitude towards marriage and married life.This helps in building positive vibration and thus helping in earlyfinalizationofmarriageproposal. The Girls whose marriages are getting delayed should do Gouri Puja and repeat the stotram as many times possible before the portrait of goddess Durga Devi for finalizationofmarriageatanearlydate. Parents of girl should not call her by her childhood name. Instead they should always useschoolname.Thisisveryeffectiveremedy. Parents of the girl should take off their shoes at prospective groom's house before



Successful Remedies for Early Marriage

Though the above remedies being suggested are based on experience of several people, it is highly recommended to consult experts with profound knowledge, before implementing any of these remedies. Eventually, we will not be accountable neither regarding the perfect implementationnorregardingtheperfectresults.
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